\ocpdhbpss FÃm {]ob hmb\ mà pw kam[m\ n³sdbpw kar²nbpssbpw ]pxphõcmiwkiä. acp`qanbnâ ssnx\yw ]Icphm³ sszhk n[nbnâ \ns mgpip häm PohPe Ddh

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1 Vol: 5 Issue: 58 December 2018 acp`qanbnâ ssnx\yw ]Icphm³ sszhk n[nbnâ \ns mgpip häm PohPe Ddh \ocpdhbpss FÃm {]ob hmb\ mà pw kam[m\ n³sdbpw kar²nbpssbpw ]pxphõcmiwkiä

2 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 2 December 2018 aõctam AtXm B`nNmctam? _npn^nen v bn{kmtbâa fpss k`sbãmw tamsi pw Altcm pw hntcm[ambn k`iqsnbt mä AhÀ kamka\iqsmc nsâ t\sc t\m n. talw AXns\ aqsn btlmhbpss txpêpw {]Xy ambncn p Xp I p. sszh mâ XncsªSp s «Bßob t\xrxzamb tamibpw Altcm\pw aõcniä X Äs Xncmbn Fgpt ät mä I pbà n t\m nbxv kamka\ IqSmc nse sszh km\n[y nse m\v. A]hmZ Ä, FXnÀ piä Dbcpt¼mÄ Hcp sszhss]xâ AXns\ mä iàamb `mjbnâ {]XnIcn pibã snt Xv, ]Icw kies bpw \nb{ n p h\nse v I pbà pibmwv th Xv. F n\pw GXn\pw iàambn {]XnIcn msx sau\ambncp p sszhic fnâ kaà n s SpIbmWv th Xv. aõcw B`nNmcs mä iànbpåxmibmâ sszhw AXv \nýbambpw shdp p p. C s Bßob temis {i²n mâ FhnsSbpw {]kwk ]os n\p th nbpå aõcw ImWphm³ Ignbpw. kxy kphntijw {]k\vkn phm\pw P\s am\km c nte v \S m\pw {ian msx ]Whpw kzm[o\hpw D]tbmKn v F s\sb nepw {IqtkSpIfnepw Is\z³knH\pIenepw aäpåhcpss ap¼nâ X sf s henbhcm n ImWn phm\på {iaamwv FhnsSbpw. XncsªSp pw, aõchpw, ]m\epifpw t]meokpw, timsxnifpw X½neSnIfpw \ap v tnà XmtWm? sszhk`ifnâ sszh n³sd XncsªSp n\tã {]m[m\yw. P\m[n]Xyaà sszhm[n]xyamwv sszh k`bnâ D mti Xv. A`njà msc, { ]hmni msc, A t mkvtx me msc, in{kqji msc, t\xrxzs XncsªSp p Xpw A`ntjIw sn p Xpw kàæià\mb sszhw Xs bmwv. apjtam, t]m mtam, ]Wtam A s\ am\pjoiamb Fs nepw t\m nbpå XncsªSp pifnâ sszh{]kmzanã F v Xncn dnbww. sbtlmhtbm lrzbs t\m p p, Xmgvabpw kaà Whpw t\m n A`ntjIw sn p p, \nkfnisf Zqc p \n v Adnªp AhtcmSp FXnÀ p \nev p p. btlmh tamsitbmsp k`bpss at²y\n p amdnt miphn³ Rm³ Ahsc W nâ kwlcn pw F cpfns bvxp. At mä tamsi Altcmt\mSp: \o [q]ieiw FSp p AXn bmk]ot nse Xo C«p [q]hà hpw C«p thk nâ k`bpss at²y sn p AhÀ pth- n {]mbýn w Ign btlmhbpss k n[nbnâ\n p t{im[w ]pds «p _m[ XpS nbncn p p F p ]dªp. tami pw Altcm\pw FXnsc ]ndv ]ncp hàs Xnsc _m[ Ab sszhw C pw AhnSp v XncsªSp hàs Xnsc aõcn p hsc shdp p p. sszhw Iev]n m nb s{kjs[nic Ä v \mw IojS n Ccn pi am{xaã Xmgva [cn p aäpåhsc \s½ mä henbhcmbn I p IojS Ww. tamsi Iev]n Xpt]mse Altcm³ Ieiw FSp p k`bpss \Sphnte p HmSn, _m[ P\ nsâ CSbn XpS nbncn p Xp I p [q]w Im«n DbÀ pw. P\ n pth n {]mbýn w Ign p. acn hà pw Poh\pÅhÀ pw \Sphn \n t mä _m[ AS n _m[bmâ acn hà ]Xn membncs gp\qdpt]à Bbncp p. Altcm³ kamka\iqsmc nsâ hmxnâ  tamsibpss ASp  as nh p A s\ _m[ \n pt]mbn. sszh tim] n\v ]m{xamip Hcp P\ n³sd \miw ImWphm³ tamibpw Altcm\pw B{Kln p nã, Ahcv på {]mbnn n\mbv [q] Ieihpambn HmSpIbmWv. \s½ ]I p hsc, shdp p hsc \mw Cu Ime v shdpsx hnsptam? AhcpsS \miw ImWphm³ \½psS I piä simxn bntã? \aps Xnsc kwkmcn hà sszhtim] n\p CcbmIp Xv ImWphm\pw AhcpsS PohnX nâ ]cmpb Ä, A\cvX Ä kw`hn p Xv- tiä phm\pw \ap v CãamWv. btlmh tamsitbmsp Acpfns bvxp, bn{kmtbâa tfmsp kwkmcn p AhcpsS ] Â\n p tkm{xwtkm{xambn kietkm{x{]`p mtcmspw Hmtcm hsnhoxw ]{ p hsn hm n Hmtcmcp sâ hsntaâ Ahsâ t]à FgpXpI. tehnbpss hsntatem Altcmsâ t]à FgptXWw. kamka\iqsmc nâ km y nsâ ap¼msi Ahsb sht Ww. Rm³ XncsªSp p hsâ hsn XfnÀ pw C s\ bn{kmtbâa Ä \n Ä p hntcm[ambn ]ndp]ndp p Xp Rm³ \nà em pw. tamsi bn{kmtbâa tfmsp kwkmcn bpw AhcpsS kie{]`p mcpw tkm{xwtkm{xambn Hmtcm {]`p Hmtcm hsnhoxw ]{ p hsn Ahsâ ]  simsp bpw snbvxp. tamsi hsnisf km yiqsmc nâ btlmhbpss k n[nbnâsh p. ] n s ä m Ä t a m s i k m y I q S m c n  I S t m Ä tehnkrl n på Altcmsâ hsn XfnÀ ncn p Xp I p; AXp XfnÀ p ]q p _Zmw ^ew Imbn ncp p. Altcmsâ hsn XfnÀ pi am{xaã, Hä cm{xn sim v ]q pibpw ^ew Imbv pibpw snbvxp. Hcp hsn XfnÀ p ]q p ^ew Imbn Wsa nâ GItZiw 9 amkt mfw FSp pw. F mâ aõcniä v FXnscbpÅ sszhoi CSs]S thk nâ Bbncn pw, Poh\pÅ sszhs tkhn p h\pw tkhn m h\pw X½nepÅ shyxymks AhnSp v thk nâ shfns Sp pw. btlmh tamsitbmsp: Altcmsâ hsn aõcniä p Hcp ASbmfambn kq nt Xn p km y nsâ ap¼nâ XncnsI sim- phcni F p Iev]n p. aõcw B`nNmcs mä iànbpåxmibmâ \ap v AsXmgnhm mw. Hcpa\s «p sfiyxtbmss sszhcmpy nsâ si«p]\n v Hcp mw. GXp {]XnIqe fpss, A]hmZ fpss \Sphnepw sszh mâ XncsªSp s «hsc sszhw IcpXpw, Ahsc t\xrxz n\mbn A`ntjIw sn s «hàs XnscbpÅ kmxm\y ]²XnIfpw A]hmZ fpw hnet mhpibnã, \ne\nâ pibpanã..

3 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 3 December 2018

4 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 4 December 2018 From Mrs. Leena Binny 2 Timothy 2:22 say: Flee the evil desires of the youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. We are surrounded by various alluring things which incline us towards the pleasures of this world. As long as we live in this Earth we rely on things of the world to gratify the needs of our life in all spheres physical, mental, spiritual and financial. In order to fulfill these desires we pursue ways that may vary, James1:14, 15 says, But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. A desire can be any and to procure those desires they do things that may displease the Lord. The word temptation itself means to desire or crave something or someone with wrong motives. When we look into the scriptures, since the beginning, God created man with a purpose in life. Do you know what the purpose behind our creation is? It is to worship our Lord Almighty as it is written in Deuteronomy 6:5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. Man has been given the sole responsibility of worshipping God Almighty, which was not given to the angels or any other creation of God. And the devil who was the archangel who fell due to his greed from heaven, because of his desire to become like God and to make his own kingdom. Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground so that he may not boast or be proud and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (i.e. the Holy Spirit of God), and the man became a living being. He named him Adam and gave him the authority over all creation. So God decided to create man out of clay in their own image so that he may worship God Almighty in truth and in Spirit. And He created a soul mate for Adam while he was sleeping when God saw that he was alone, so that she will be a helper to Him and God has created them and covered them in His glory. He created man so that he can have intimate relationship with God Almighty. Then, God had told them that you can eat any fruit except the fruit of the tree in the center of the garden. It was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. God Almighty wants you to have eternal life but the devil wants you to be away from God and fall from grace and lose your eternal life. So as we read in the scriptures we can see that devil made Adam sleep and called out Eve in isolation so that he can lure her and admire her and lead them to sin by which they can lose the glory of God and ultimately leading to eternal death. The main weapon of the devil was his lies that he used to lure Eve and made the fruit appealing to her and she ate it and gave it to her man. Both sinned and lost the glory of God. And fear gripped their life. They couldn t face God after that. As it is written that the wages of sin is death. Here they are talking about the spiritual death of man. The devil uses the isolation of a person to tempt him to fall. His strategy was by three types of sin lust of eye, lust of flesh and pride of life which started in the Garden of Eden which is the same in today s age. As we read in John 10 that thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. In the same manner, Satan first of all isolates you from your loved ones and lures you and finds your weaknesses and entices you to have lust of eye which shows that sin occurs first through sight, further it lures you into it and make you have lust of flesh, where you feel that you cannot live without it. And you will do anything to get it or let it happen into existence. We should understand it is the strategy of the devil to attack your weaknesses. He makes you feel if you live it you might get something greater that you have never had that is the pride of life. It is his lie to lure you and make you away from the glory of God and the vision God has kept for you in life. THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL EVIL (will continue by next issue.)

5 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 5 December 2018 dm^m tduntbm ]pxnb B v suu temuv sn q; kwkoxt mssm w hmà bpw hmbn q Zp_mbv: aebmfn s{sikvxhcpss Cã kwkox tduntbm dm^m tduntbm IqSpX ]pxpaitfmss AXnsâ B³t{UmbnUv B¹nt j³ \hoicn p ]pd nd n. C\n apxâ Km\ Ä tiä p Xnt\msSm w hmà hmbn phm\pw B nâ kuicyw Hcp nbn«p v. AXpt]mse Xs dm^m aounb ]pd nd nb lnäv BÂ_amb 'Ah³ Ir]bpw' kup\yambn Uu temuv sn phm\pw tiä phm\papå kuicyhpw ]pxnb B nâ Hcp nbn«p v. hfsc Npcp nb kab n\pånâ P\{]nb tduntbm Bbn amdnb kwkox tduntbm BWv dm^m tduntbm. t¹ kvtämdnâ e`yamip H«p an tduntbm B pifnepw Ct mä dm^m tduntbm e`yamwv. AXpt]mse Xs CâÀs\äv tduntbm e`yamip ]pxnb ayqkniv t¹tbdpifnâ H«pan Xnepw dm^m tduntbm e`yamwv. GItZiw ]Xn\mbnct mfw A¹nt j³ t¹ kvtämdnâ am{xw CXnt\mSIw suu temuv snbvxpignªn«p v. aebmf nâ Ct mgpå FÃm {InkvXob kwkox tduntbmisf mfpw IqSpX BWv dm^bpss suu temuv \nc v. B nä ¹mät^manepw dm^bv v ani \nebnâ t{imxm fp v F v AWnbd inâ]niä Adnbn p.

6 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 6 December 2018 NEERURAVA Managing Editor Pr. Binu Koshy Chief Editor Pr. Biji Philip Associate Editors Sunil Varghese Rajeev Kallelil Raju Aji Philip Binil K Chacko Circulation Manager Bro. Renjith. K. Mathew Contributing Editors Douglas Joseph Pr. JP Vennikkulam Shaiju Daniel Finny Kanjangad Joshy Kurian Jaison Manakkala Binu Vadakkancherry Sheela Das George Varghese

7 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 7 December 2018 {]XnkÔnIÄ \ bmbn amdpt¼mä - _n\p hs pwtncn {]XnkÔnIfn {]amww ssihnsm `às\ t\m n temiw ]dbpw "CtXmsS Ahsâ IY Xocpw" F v, F mâ {]Xo bpss Hmtcm hmxnepifpw ASbpt¼mgpw sszhni {]hà n mbn Im ncn p `à\v H dnbmw Hcp AÛpXw kw`hn pw. {]mà \ PohnXw Zn\Ncyam nb `à\v C cw kµà` fnâ {]mà \ v hfsc Øm\ap v. {]XnkÔnIÄ hnizmks BWv ]cntim[\ snbp Xv. AXn\m {]mày\ Gähpw Xo{hhpamIp kabhpw IãXbn qsn IS pt¼mgmwv. PohnXbm{X b n  { ] X n I q e I m ä S n m e p w DWÀ ncn p \my³ ]SIbn Ds nâ Imäp im amipw. A tc på bm{x kpkaamipw. {]bmkanãm kab fnse {]mà \, {]bmkapå kab fnse {]mà \ bn \s½ ]cnioen n p p. "F mâ tcj FgpXnbncn p p F p Zm\otb Adnªt mä Ah³ ho«nâ sn p, Ahsâ amfniapdnbpss InfnhmXn sbcqitean p t\sc Xpd ncp p, Xm³ aps¼ snbvxph Xpt]mse Znhkw aq p {]mhiyw ap«pip n Xsâ sszh nsâ k n[nbnâ {]mà n p kvtxm{xw snbvxp." (Zm\otbÂ-6:10) knwlipgnbnâ Zm\otbens\ hen piodp cwkw Ä HmÀ v Npäpw \n v ]cnlkn temi nsâ \Sphn c n p sszhs ImWn psimsp phm³ \sãmcp {]mà \ PohnXw \bn p `à\v am{xta km[n pibpåp. {]iv\ Ä Aedn hnfn p \½ps Xnsc ]mªsp pt¼mgpw {]iv\ sf \nàpoham n AhbpsS hmbs p Kpcphnsâ km n[yw \mw Xncn dnbpw. {]iv\ Ä pw {]XnIqe Ä pw {]amww I nâepåhs\ sxmsphm³ IgnbpIbnà ImcWw \½psS sszhw C pw Pohn p p. ]SbmfnIÄ \kdmb\mb tbiphns\ At\zjn p h t mä. "Rm³ Xt F p \n tfmsp ]dªphtãm; Fs BIp p Xncbp sx nâ ChÀ t]mbvs mås«f p tbip D cw ]dªp" (tbml-18:8). Ipes mgnepw, ]SIpw, ]mc¼cyhpw hn«p Kpcphns\ A\pKan \½p v {]XnkÔnIÄ hcmxncn p Xà ]n tbm AXns\Ãmw \Sphn "ChÀ t]mbvs mås«" F Kpcphnsâ hm mwv \s½ \ne\nà p Xv. Ignª kwhõcw tnmzn Xnepw \n\ Xnepw AXy ]cambn \s½ \S nb \my\v Hcmbncw \µn Itcämw. C{Xt mfw \ne\n Xv Kpcphnsâ Ir] am{xambxn\mâ PohnX nâ F v kw`hn mepw F ns\ p tnmzn msx sszhni {]hà n ImWphm³ \½p v Hcp mw.

8 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 8 December 2018 B[p\nIXbnse BßobX Tijo Mon Mathew a\pjy³ FÃm AÀ nepw ]ptcmkxnbpss sim- SpapSn IngS nbncn p p. a\pjy hfà bpss FÃm L«fnepw ]pxnb Hcp Xew cq]s «psim ncp p. Cu {]hwx Hcp AÀ nâ A`nµ\mÀlhpw t\«hpamwv. F mâ Nne Imcy fnâ a\pjysâ ']pxnb coxn' ]co n  XnI pw A]Ikyhpw ]cmnbhpamwv F v ]dbmxncn m³ Xcanà CXn Gähpw {][m\s «ImcyamWv BXv-aobX. BXvaobXbn a\pjy³ Iq«n tnà ]pxnb coxn XnI pw A]ISIcamIpw \nebnte v hfà psim- ncn p p. \½p v ]n³ Ime nte v A sam p \S mw. \½psS ]nxm mà \nxyxbpss ZÀi\w shàambn {]hn hcmwv. AXpsIm v, \nxyx F v t I Ä p t ¼ m Ä X s B X v - a m h n  B c m[n p ambnc p p. AXpt] m se X s hmxtym]icw nssâ AI¼SnIÄ CÃmsX ]gb PohnXKÔnIfmb Km\ Ä Be]n p AhÀ BXvamhn Bcm[n pambncp p. B Bcm[\ iàamb, sszhmâamhnssâ \nb{ W nepambncp p. ioxnicn apdntbm Ccn ms tfm CÃmXncp AhÀ FhntS IqSnhcpt m AhnsS Bcm[n p t]m p. Hcp sndnb Xo s]mcnbnâ \n pw Hcp henb AKv\n k v t ^ m S \ a p m I p t ] m s e H c m f n e v \ n p w asämcmfnte v AWapdnbm A`ntjI AKv-\n ]Icpambncp p. PohnX nâ F{X {]XnkÔn L«n \new XmWp \nâ p hcmswinepw Bcm[\bpsS HSphn A`ntjI nssâ Hcp Icw Aht\ sxm«ncn pw. F mâ C s AhØtbm {]nbtc, Bcm[\bn s s Z h k m \ n [ y w I p d ª n c n p p. Bcm[n Wsa pt]mepw Xmev]cyw CÃm Hcp Xeapd \½psS CSbn cq]s «psim ncn p p. Bcm[\at[y, shdpw ImgvN mcmbn \nâ p, t\m pip nifmb, Hcp Xeapd hfà psim- ncn p p. GI sszhs BXv-amhnepw, kxy nepw, Bcm[n m Hcp XeapdbpsS hfà Cu ImeL«n Bßob temis ]nt m w hen p XmWv. C p B[p\nIXbpsS D]IcW Ä thsdmcp temi nte v sim pt]mip p. hxtym]icw nssâ AI¼SnIÄ Ds Inse Bcm[\ cq]s SpIbpÅp. sszh nssâ ap³]nâ H v A\pX]n p Icbm Xeapdbmbn amdnbncn p p. ioxnicn apdnbnâ, ]pjv_m v k o ä n Â, s h d p w I m g v N m c m b p w, H c p b{ a\pjys\t]mse Nen p Xeapd \½psS CSbn hncfaã. Ccp«nsâ iàniä hnpbw Is - m³ t]mip Hcp tajebpw GXpXs bmipsa Imcy nâ kwibanã. ImcWw Bcm[\ sszhhpambpå _ÔamWv. B _Ôw \ãs «mâ AhnsS Ccp«nsâ iàniä {]_ecmipw. C cw {]hwxsb \½p v XpS p \o Ww. sszhhpambpå Hcp \à _Ôw \½p v hmàs Sp mw. AXn\mbn aäpåhsc Hcp mw. HmÀ pi, AIw Xnfbv p Bcm[\ sszha Ä p A]am\aà adnnv A`nam\amWv. \nxyxsb am{xw e yam n HmSp hcpw, AXn\mbn aäpåhsc H w Ip«p hcpambn \½p v amdmw. hm«hpw, amen\yhpw, G msx kzà nb awhmfsâ hchns\ ip` {]Xn tbmss Im ncn p\hcmimw...

9 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 9 December 2018 Holiday Vs. Studies Duglas Joseph Winter holidays are around the corner. Students get almost 25 days of winter break. However, the billion dollar question is that, whether students should be engaged during the winter vacation by assignments and holiday home works or allowed to take a break from their studies to enjoy the winter. Gone are the days when kids could enjoy holiday breaks homework-free. Arguments and counter arguments over holiday homework has been a bone of contention for years and it s a topic which divides teachers, parents and pupils alike. Most of the students consider holiday home works and assignments as spoilsport. Over the years, I receive a lukewarm response from students while announcing the holiday assignments. However, by observing the outcome of holiday home works and its impact on their studies, I could categorically say that extreme positions would not help our students and a balanced approach would pay dividends. Students should not be overtaxed by too much written works or leave them absolutely free, that might affect the pace of learning. First of all, winter holidays coincide with Christmas and New Year celebrations. During the winter holidays, many families plan for pleasure trips to local as well as foreign destinations. The Holiday time is the one time of year that some families travel to native places and visit their family members. Students should be allowed to enjoy the time with their families, reconnect with their grandparents and cousins and enjoy the festivities that is crucial for their social development. All might agree that, carrying hoards of books is really burdensome. Secondly, holidays provide a relief for them from the hectic academic and co-curricular activities. School classes, extra classes, tuition classes, music, dance or badminton coaching, the students life is too strainful and exhausting. With many family outings and vacations during the holiday time, they will have less time to complete homework. Assigning less homework makes it easier for students to refresh themselves by fully enjoying the holidays. With many family outings and trips during the holiday time, they will have less time to complete homework. If students are allowed homework free holidays, they will come back to school refreshed and smart. In addition to this, family time is more important during the holidays. Assigning homework over the holidays is usually unpopular with parents and students alike because working days in a semester or term span over 6 months and students spent most of their days at school while parents are at work. Winter holidays provide them with an opportunity to spend more time together and relax forgetting their work or studies. Like a coin has two sides, holiday homework has pros and cons. Many schools scheduled their term exam after the winter holidays. It means students return after the winter off to sit for the exam. Being out of touch with studies for almost a month would be detrimental to their grades. Therefore, completely neglecting studies is not advisable. Students can spend some time for revising their lessons. The teachers should understand that learning takes place not only by reading or writing but also by observation, travelling, social interaction and exploration. Instead of giving more written works and complicated projects, teachers can assign open projects where students can enjoy learning by exploring the things around them. For example, English teachers, instead of giving numerous grammar and comprehension worksheets, can ask students to write a travelogue about their visit to various places. During the last winter vacation, I assigned my students make a photo album or travel video about their trips and no surprise, students respond overwhelmingly...

10 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 10 December 2018 DbÀ hgnbpw hnnmchpw!!! tsman ^nen v Nn Ifpw hnnmc fpw _p²nbpw hnthihpw Úm\hpw Hs bmwv a\pjys\ aäp PohPme fnâ \n pw hyxykvxam p Xv. hnzym`ymk tajebnâ Akm[mcWamb hfà bpw, kmt XnI anihpw, Adnhnsâ hn¹hhpw Hs I p ]cnnbn Hcp Xeapdbn BWv \mw Pohn p t]mcp Xv. kuicy Ä hà²n pt¼mgpw, k¼ p hà²n pt¼mgpw Hs kaqlw ]cnjv-irxamipw F [mcw s]mxphnâ k½xambn txm mw F nepw a\ênsâ DÅn \odp hnjb fpambn kam[m\tam kt mjtam A\p`hw B phm³ IgnbmsX ]pdsa kpjamwv F v ]dbp s]mbvapj Ä BWv Npäp]mSpIfn ]ecpw. ChnsS aäp PohPme fnâ \n pw a\pjys\ hyxykvxam phm³ sszhw \ÂInb Ignhv kzbw AkzØam p Xn\p D]tbmKn s Sp p F v thww \mw IcptX Xv. hnnmc Ä a\êns\ am{xaã icocs t]mepw Xfcphm³ CSbm p kmlncy Ä PohnX nâ D mhmdp v. \odp hnjb fnâ XfÀ p t]mimhp kmlncy nâ Hcp sszh`às\ ss[cys Sp phm³ sszhið n\v Ignbpw F Xv Ahsc AhÀ IS p t]mip A\p`h fnâ hyxyøam p p. Xsâ sxäpisf sszhk n[nbnâ D] n p sszhic fnâ kaà n p Hcphs\ sszhw Xsâ hgnifnâ IqSn \S phm³ hnizkvxx ImWn pi Xs sn pw. "sbi mhv- 55:8 Fsâ hnnmc Ä \n fpss hnnmc Ä AÃ; \n fpss hgniä Fsâ hgnifpaã F p btlmh A c p f n s p p. B I m i w ` q a n p a o s X DbÀ ncn p Xpt]mse Fsâ hgniä \n fpss hgnifnepw Fsâ hnnmc Ä \n fpss hnnmc fnepw DbÀ ncn p p. ]e kmlncy nepw \½psS hnnmc Ä pw Nn IÄ pw H h w \½psS thz\isf I p klx]n p A\p`hw BWv Hcp ]s \½psS ]cn[n. \½psS hnnmc Ä Nn IÄ sim v cq]s Sp phm³ Ignbp hgnifpss ]cnanxn ChnsSbmWv \mw ImtW Xv. kie krãnifpssbpw krãmhpw, DSbh\pw, ]cn]mei\pamb sszh nâ ]cn[nbnãm hnnmc fpw ]cnanxnbnãm hgnifpw Hs Xpd p Xcp A\ km²yxiä PohnX bm{xbnâ Is pt¼mgmwv Hcp sszh`àsâ hnizmkw aäpåhcnâ \n pw Xs hyxymks Sp p Xv. temi nâ klmblkvx Ä {]tbmp\w CÃmsXbmIp bns p, km²yxiä H pw ImWm CS p \mw {]Xo n m kab p { ] h À n p s s Z h C S s ] S  H «\ h [ n PohnXm\p`h nsâ GSpIfn \n pw \ap v ]dbphm³ Ignbpw. XncphN\w {i²n mâ H«\h[n `à mcpss hnizmkm\p`hw \½p v \nc n sh phm³ Ignbpw. {]bmk tfm _n²nap«pitfm H pw CÃm PohnX hgnbmwv sszh nsâ `à mà påxv F v Hcn epw CXpsIm p AÀ w Bhp nã. adn p PohnX nâ km[mcwhpw Akm[mcWhpamb H«\h[n {]bmk Ä Hcp `àsâ PohnX nâ hcmw. Hcp ]s km[mcw a\pjysc t\m pt¼mä sszh`iv- X mà p XmcXtay\ IqSpX Xo{hamb {]bmk fnâ IqSn IS p t]mti Xmbn hcmw. ChnsS hnizmkw sxfnbn s Sphm³ kz hnnmc fpw kz hgnifpw Hs Dt] n p sszh Cãhpw sszh hgnbpw Xncbpt¼mÄ BWv sszh alxzw `à mcpss PohnX nâ shfns «p hcp Xv. Ipd, Xq pibà, Xo qf, knwl pgn, Cuim\aqe³, simsp mäp, ISÂt m`w Hs sszhalxzw shfns Sp phm³ sszhw Hcp nb hgnbmbn amdnbxv `à mà AhcpsS hnnmc fpw hgnifpw Hs Dt] n p sszh nsâ hgn mbn Im v \n Xp sim- mwv. IãXbpsS, thz\bpss ]mcayw A\p`hn Ct m_v klnjvwpxbnâ XnIthmsS hnpbw sxfnbn p sszhalxzw shfn Sp p Xv GsXmcp ITn\ kmlncy nâ IqSn t]mip `à mà pw t{]mõml\hpw, {]tnmz\hpw, ss[cyhpw Bbn amdp p v. KÕa\bn Fsâ Cãaà ]nxmhnsâ Cãw \S s«f v {]mà n p \½psS {]mw{]nb\mb IÀ mhp \½p v ap³]nâ amxribmhp p v. AXpsIm p Xs C v \mw IS p t]mip thz\bpss IãXbpsS kmlncy fnâ \½psS hnnmc fpw hgnifpw Dt] n p sszh nsâ D Xamb hnnmc nte pw hgnifnte pw amdphm³ {ian p sim v \ap pw sszhalxz n mbn Im ncn mw!!

11 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 11 December 2018 hà n \pw aq v tnmzy fpw cmpohv ItÃen cmpp ]Xnhp ]{X mcsâ ssk nä s_ãv ti«n«mwv kqk½ cmhnse Dd nâ \n pwà Xv... sszhta, C v RmbdmgvN BWtÃm... CXnbm\nsX v `mhn m Cu aqsn px pd p Xv? kqk½bpss Acniw `À mhv hàkoknt\msmwv... FtSm a\pjym Ct m«v Fgpt v... ]pxnb ]mìà h Xn ]ns k`mtbmkw 9 awn v XpS psa v Adnb ntã? Fsâ sszhsa C\n CXns\Ãmw sh phnf¼n ]nåmsc Ipfn ns mcp n F w F m\mwv tbmk n\v... C pw {]kwk n\nsbnâ ]mìdpss hi Hcp tumkv In«m³ km²yxbp v Xmakn p hcp hsc Ft epw ]mìdp ]dbp AtX kab v B kme½ knìà v FhnSp m v Adnb nã.. Hcp Xp½epw Npabpw Hs bmwv... kwkxn F\n n«v H v sim«p XmW v Adnbmw.. Mm... ]ntåscãmw A v t]àtjyâ skänembn {]txyin v ]Wn H panãm AhÀ v t\cs hcpt \v F Xm C{X {]bmkw.. Fsâ AhØ A \mtwm... Bcpv Fs H p klmbn m³... ]ndp]ndp nsâ CSbnepw {]mxen\pw D bqwn\papåxv ASp fbnâ kpk½ Xbmdm n sim ncp p... Acn IgpIn ASp n«t mtg pw hà n sâ hnfn ti«p.. kqkt½ Nmb BtbmSn... ]{Xw F ntb...chnss ImWp nãtãm...? Rm³ Nmb CSp¼gt pw \n fm ]ntåsc H v Fgpt\ev]n v ]Ãv Hs H p tx n v... ]äpsa nâ H p Ipfn n ptiw sn v...kqk½bpss adp]sn Mm.. Rm³ snbvtxmfmw \o BZyw Nmb sim p hm.. A s\ cmhnsebpå Hm«{]Z nww FÃmw Hcp Xc nâ HXp n DSps mcp n hà n \pw IpSpw_hpw k`mlmfnâ F nbt mä awn IrXyw 9:20... {]mà \ Ignªv BZys ]m«nsâ Iemis m«mwv.. I Sn p sim v ]m«v ]msns m- ncn p Xn\nSbnepw ]mìà hà n s\ H p t\m n... \½fnXv F{X I ncn p p F a«nâ hà n ³ Xsâ Øncw Itkcbn Ccp p.. k`m tbmk n\v Aev]w Xmakn p hcpsa sxmgn mâ k`bpss _m nsbãm Imcy nepw hà n ³ ap³] nbnemwv... ]m«p ]msm\pw AXymhiyw {]t_m[n n phm\pw Hs teiw IgnhpÅ BfpamWv \½psS hàkokv A mb³... ]m«p Ignªv ]n osp h a²yø {]mà \ Øncw BÄ mà hoxns Sp p.. C{]mhiyhpw \½psS Ipt se Ipªptam³ mb\v Ahkcw In«nbnÃ... BZyw {]mà n p XpS nb nepw Hcp sk ânsâ hyxymk nâ shsnh p H bnâ {]mà n p XpS nb iapthâ A ³ C hwbpw I Sn p... tijw k oà \w hmb\bv mbn FÃmhcpw Fgpt äp.. ]Xnhp coxn hn«v C ev]w henb k oà \w FSp Xn ap¼nepå ]ntåà skäv Aev]w Ien nemwv.. C\n k oà nsâ sszàlya\pkcn v ]mìdnsâ {]kwkw \o p t]mbmtem... t m n\p sxäp]änbmepw kab nsâ Imcy nâ bmsxmcp ]nghpw hcm ]mkvsà IrXykab p Xs {]kwkw \nà n t{imxm Ä p km y n\på kabw \ÂIn.. kabw em`n m³ ]m«v AXnIw ]mscpxv F v ]dªmâ A v am{xw ]m«v ]msn km yw ]dbp dn_â ]oäà BZyw Fgpt\äp... k`bpss GXp Imcys bpw kwibt mss kao]n pibpw DS pm pibpw sn p ]oädn\v bq mà NmÀ nb Cc«t]cmWv 'dn_â '...k`bpss bymønxni \ne]mspitfmspw Bib tfmspsams FXnÀ på ]oädnsâ B{IaWw km y nsâ kab mwv Gähpw IqSpX iàamip Xv... Nne kmlncy fnâ ]mkvsdnsâ CSs]SenemWv AXv Ahkm\n p Xv... XpSÀ v \mfpifmbn Xpcp nbnâ kq n p h I p\ocpambn an\n ktlmzcnbpw ]n mse kme½ knìdpw X Ä p In«nb Ahkcw hn\ntbmkn p... A s\ ssiamdn ssiamdn ssa v ktlmzc³amcpss `mkt v h p... Ignª Hcp hàjt mfambn km yw ]dbm tpmtam³ Cs nepw ]dbptam F dnbm³ k` BImw tbmss Im ncp p... Imäp ]nsn ssaâipän IWs Xpd thz]pkvx nte v I pifmgv n tpmtam³ Xsâ thz]t\w XpSÀ p... ZmhoZnsâ IhnW IÃnsâ A mas aà½w C hw Zm\ntb mb³ {]t_m[\ neqss shfns Sp n...id n Xncnªv ssa v \½psS IYm\mbI³ hà n sâ ASps n...bfv km yw ]dbm³ th n Fgpt\äv \n m³ XpS nbn«v Ipd mbn.. sxm«p apt¼ Fgpt\ä Zm\ntb mb³ aà½w shfns Sp nbxv Ipd v \o pt]mbn... AXp ImcWw Xte Znhkw ]hà hnj³ Nm\en ti«hcp ]pxnb ]m«v ImWmsX ]Tn v h hà n ³ ]m«v ]msmsx t\sc km y nte p IS p...]xnhp apjhpc ]n n«v IgnªbmgvN mew sszhw F\n v \Ãh\mbncp p hã`\mbncp p F v ]dªv Xocpt¼mtg pw AXniàamb Hcp shfn w B k`m tlmfnâ ]Xn p... k` H S w \niðw... ]ntåscãmw t]sn p ]cn{`m cmbn... IÀ mhv X¼pcm³ h XmtWm F kwib nâ ]mìà FÃmhscbpw t\m n... Cà Bcpw t]mbn«nã.. FÃmhcpw ChnsS s bp v... ]mìà p Bizmkambn...k` H S w BÝcys «ncns Hcp henb iðw {]Imi nâ \n pw h p.. FÃmhcpw t\m n \ns AhnsSsbmcp sszhzqx³ {]Xy \mbn... ZqX³ km yw ]dªp sim ncn p hà n t\msv Hcp tnmzyw... lmbv hà n m.. \o C pw Cu km yw ]dbpsa v sszh n\dnbmhp Xp sim v \nt msv H v c v tnmzy Ä tnmzn m³ sszhw Fs hn«xm... F m tnmzn s«... Xm³ GtXm ambmtemi nemtwm F kwib nâ hà n ³ tnmznt mfq F `mh nâ Xebm«n... H mas tnmzyw... IgnªbmgvN mew sszhw \Ãh\pw hã`\pw BW v \o ]dªntã... FtSm hà n...sszh n\v F g nepw \Ãh³ AÃmXmIphm³ Ignbptam? AXp sim v sszhs ]pigv nbxv axn... C\n \nt msv Hcp tnmzyw.. IgnªbmgvN \Ãh\mbncp IÀ mhnt\msv \o F s\bmbncp p...? AÃ.. AXpw IqSn tiä WatÃm... IgnªbmgvN \nsâ sszh nt\mspå _Ô nâ \o F{Xt mfw hnizø\mbncp p hà n? hà n \p adp]sn ]dbm³ H panãmbncp p... ImcWw IgnªbmgvN kqk½bpambn«på hg pw No hnfnbpw ]ns ]mìdnsâ Ipä Ä sk{i«dnbpambn ] p h Xpw.. A s\ AÃd NnÃd Ipd [niw \ÃXÃm Imcy Ä am{xamwv Xm³ snbvxxv F v hà n \v Adnbmambncp p... F m hà n \n\s m pw ]dbm\ntã? F mâ ASp tnmzyw tit«mfq... km y nse \nsâ Øncw ]ÃhnbmWtÃm " _elo\xiä IS p h n«pw sszhw Fs ssihn«nã F v ".. Aà Adnbm³ taemt m p tnmzn phm... hà n...f mwv \o \nsâ Cu _elo\xbnâ \n pw ]qàwambn Hcp hnspxâ t\sp Xv... ]m]s _elo\xsb Hma\t cv \ÂIn km n mâ sszhw A v an psa mtwm \o IcpXnbXv... AXp sim v IÀ mhp X¼pcm³ hcp nsw hsc Cu _elo\x sim v Ccn m\m `mhsa nâ s]m p hà n \o B tamla v Iftª v.. ZqXsâ c mas tnmzy n\p ap nâ hà n ³ icn pw `bs «p.. apjkvxpxntbm `àn{]is\ tfm DÄs måp km yw Aà sszhw B{Kln p sx pw sszh n\p simåmhp hcmtwm F PohnX km y n\mwv sszht mssm apå PohnX n\p BhiyambXv F v hà n \p t_m²yambt mtg pw ZqX³ ASp tnmzy n\p Xbmdmbn C\nsb mwmthm tnmzn m\påxv F `b nâ hà n ³ \nev th Xsâ c p Imepw iàambv Ipep p Xmbv hà n \v A\p`hs «p... sr«n cn v F mw v t\m nbt mä Ien]q apjhpambv kpk½ I«nen cninâ.. Fsâ s]m mbm awn H¼Xv Bbn.. C\nsbt m t]mhm\m Bcm[\bv v..? sszhsa C pw Xmakn p snãm\mwtãm Fsâ tbmkw.. kqk½bpss tzjyw k S n\p hgnamdn... IYsbm pw a\knemhmsx I«nen Xs Xcn ncp hà n ³ Xm³ I Xv Hcp kz]v\ambncp psh v Xncn dnªp... B Xncn dnhnsâ \dp shfn w I p\oà pånifmbn AbmfpsS I nâ \n pw \ne p howp... AS m\mhm lrzb s\m¼c fpss thentbä nâ Xsâ c It\mSp Hcmbncw am]ww \S n AbmÄ XnSp nâ Bcm[\bv p t]miphm³ Xbmdmbn...t]mIp hgn lrzb nâ hà n ³ Hcp Xocpam\w FSp p.. "C\nbpÅ Fsâ km y Ä Fsâ sszh n\p Rm³ \Ãh\mbncpt m F Xp am{xambncn pw "

12 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 12 December 2018 ^psspd Kntlm XntbmfPn  skan\mcn _ncpzzm\ kt½f\w ^psspd : Kntlm XntbmfPn  skan\mcn anunâ CuÌv H maxv _ncpzzm\ kt½f\w AÂslbv aounb ]mà v I sh³j³ skâdnâ \S p. skan\mcn UbdÎÀ sdh. Fw. hn sskawnsâ A[y Xbn \S kt½f\ nâ sdh. tpmjv am³te (bq.fkv. F) apjymxnyn Bbncp p. '{InkvXphnsâ ]SbmfnIÄ' F Xmbncp p kt½f\ nsâ Xow. skan\mcn ^m Âän s{]m^. tpmàpn txmakv AhXmcI\mbncp p. {]n³kn  jnpp si. kmapthâ kzmkx {]kwkw \S n. skan\mcn UbdÎÀ sdh. Fw.hn sska BapJ {]kwkw \S n. cpnkv{smà sdh. tpm k³ t n dnt mà«v AhXcn n p. snbàam³ jmpn sf c A\p{Kl {]`mjww \S n. apjymxnynbmb sdh. tpmjv I½oj\nMv satêpv \ÂIn. sdh. Ìohv sp nmv-kv ( (bq.fkv. F) DZvt_m[\ {]`mjww \S n. A muaniv Uo³ sdh. tum. tpmk^v amxyp _ncpz[mcnisf ]cnnbs Sp n. aounb tim HmÀUnt\äÀ UKvfkv tpmk^v Kntlm skan\mcnbpss {]hà \ Ä hniznicn p. ]mìà spbnwkv si Cu ³ ( bq.]n.^v Cukv-tä dopnb³ {]knuâv ) I½oj\nMv {]mà \ \bn p. _ncp[mcnisf {]Xn\n[oIcn p entpm tacn, su nkv AeIvkv, BanÀ tpm, ]m. sdpn tpm F nhà kwkmcn p. ]mìàamcmb txmakv Ip«n, sp.fw ^nen v, si.kv F{_lmw, amwn C½m\pth F nhà {]mà \ {ip{ipj \nàhln p. ]m. ssjt\mpv- ss\\m³ (sf.]n.kn bq.f.c dopnb³ tpm.sk{i«dn ), s{]m^. A`nemjv IpamÀ, s{]m^. _n\p cmpv, ]m. tpm k³ a mbn, ]m. amxyp Sn kmapthâ, ]m. t n Ip«n F nhà BiwkIÄ t\à p. skan\mcn AUvan\nkvt{SäÀ Fw.sP txmakv \µn ]dªp. Fw.Unhv, _n. änf v, Unt¹ma timgv-kpiä ]qà nbm nb ]Xns\«v hnzymàyniä v _ncpzw k½m\n p. C³äÀ\mjW sk\äv t^mà XnbtfmPn  As{IUntäj³ AwKoImcapÅ hbmwv Kntlm skan\mcnbpss timgvkpiä  ^psspd ti{µam n Bcw`n skan\mcnbpss {_m piä jmàp, dmkâ ssia F nhns fnâ {]hà n p p.

13 Vol:5, Issue: 58 Page 13 December 2018

Emulate the testimony of the people of faith -Part :2

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