Som e key po in ts of restora tion ecology A CTA ECOLO G ICA S IN ICA

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1 V o l. 23,N o. 7 A CTA ECOLO G ICA S IN ICA Jul., 2003, (, ) :, 3 1 ; 2 ; 3, 3,,,, :, 6 :,, , 26% 51% CO 2 30 : ; ; ; ; ; Som e key po in ts of restora tion ecology PEN G Shao2L in, LU Hong2Fang ( S ou th Ch ina Institu te of B otany, Ch inese A cad emy of S ciences, Guang z hou , Ch ina). A cta Ecolog ica S in ica, 2003, 23 (8) : : ( ) ; (003031) ; (KZCX22407) ; : ; : : (1956 ),,,,, Foundation item: The P ro ject of the N ational N atural Science Foundation of China (N o ), Guangdong Group P ro ject (N o ), A cknow ledge Innovation P rogram of Chinese A cadem y of Sciences (N o. KZCX22407 ), D irecto r Foundation of South Ch ina Institute of Bo tany, CA S Received date: ; Accepted date: Biography: PEN G Shao2L in, Ph. D., P rofesso r, m ain research field: eco logy. and

2 Abstract: F ive key po ints of resto ration eco logy w as discussed in th is paper, w h ich are the concep t of resto ration eco logy, the cu rren t trends of resto ration eco logy, the app lication of traditional eco logy theo ry in the p ractice of eco logical resto ration and the social characteristic of resto ration eco logy. R esto ration eco logy still has no general definition, as a young subjecṫ T here are m ainly th ree schoo ls about iṫ T he fist schoo l emphasizes that the degraded eco system should be resto red into ideal state. T he second schoo l h igh ligh ts the p rocess of app lied eco logy. T he th ird schoo l in sists the in tegrative resto ration. T he au tho r th ink s that resto ration eco logy is a in tegrative sub ject to study the reason and p rocess of the degradation, and the m echan ism and techno logy of resto ration. T here are th ree m ain trends of resto ration eco logy study, based on the recen tly in ternational resto ration eco logy conferenceṡ F irstly, cu rren t resto ration eco logy study h igh ligh ts the in tegration betw een natu ral resto ration and social cu ltu re. Eco logical resto ration is a global study and p ractice. It needs the suppo rt of no t only natural science study but also social, econom ic and cultural developm enṫ Secondly, resto ration eco logy study em phasizes the in tegration bo th in physical area and in theo ry. efficien t resto ration needs the cooperation of several region s, even nation s in a region, and the in tegration of differen t discip lines in science. T h irdly, the p rocess and resu lt of eco logical resto ration m u st be exp ressed in landscape w ith eco system as a standpo inṫ M o re and mo re emphasis of eco logical resto ration study w as pu t on eco system and landscape scales, w ith the globalization of environm en tal and econom ic p roblem ṡ T he m ain dom ain of 15 th international resto ration eco logy conference has been confined as R esto ration, L andscape & D esign. Based on the analysis of current trends, 6 ho t top ics of resto ration eco logy w ere given out: the study of the theo ry fram ew o rk of resto ration eco logy; the assessm ent study of the eco system service of resto red eco system; the ro le of b iodiversity in resto ration; the reaction betw een resto ration and global change; the ro le of law in resto ration and the integration study of resto ration, econom y and society. T he resto ration and recon struction of an eco system is a com p lex system engineering, especially needing the direction of eco logical theo ry. M o st of eco logical theo ries have been w idely used in the study and p ractice of resto ration. W ith a case study, the app lication of succession theo ry in eco logical resto ration w as h igh ligh ted. M o re and mo re emphasis has been put into the integration study betw een global change and resto ration, bu t m o st of the studies w ere qualitative studieṡ p rovince show s that the fo rest coverage has raised from 26% in 1986 to 51% in fo rest abso rbs half of discharged CO 2 in Guangdong P rovince per yeaṙ T he T he resto ration study in Guangdong T he new developed T he harm on iou s su stainab le developm en t of hum an society and natu ral environm en t requ ires the realization of bo th su stainab le eco logical environm en t and the developm en t of social econom y. T hu s, resto ration study m u st focu s on the realization of eco logical, econom ic and social effects sim u ltaneou sly. Sign ifican t econom ic and social effects b rough t abou t th rough resto ration and recon struction of degraded eco system s have been demonstrated in all of the experim ental stations funded by South Ch ina Institute of Bo tany in low er subtrop ical Ch ina. Key words: resto ration eco logy; concep tion; developm en t trend; succession theo ry; social benefits; sustainable developm ent : (2003) : S718 : A, A ber Jo rdan 1985, 10

3 7 : [1 ] [2 Jo rdan ( ) ] ; Cairns [1 ] ; Egan [3 ] 112 [4, 5 ] B radshaw (acid test ), [6 ] ; D iamond [7 ] ; H arper [8 ] 113 (Society fo r Eco logical R esto ration) 3 : ; ; [9 3 ] 3,, (R esto ration) : (R ehabilitation) (R eclam ation), (Enhancem ent), (R em edy) (R enew al) (R evegetation), [10, 11 ] ,, 2000 ;,,, 21,, [12, ]

4 (Great L ake),, [13, ] 21113,,, ,, [14 ] : , (Self2D esign versus D esign T heo ry) [15 ], : [ ] (Eco system services) [17 ( ) ], : ;,,,,, ; ( ) (,, ),,, [18 ] ( ),, 3 4a [10,, ], [19 ]

5 7 : 1253,,, 21214,, CO 2, M eta [20 ] 21215,,, [13 ;, ] 21216, 3,,,,,,,, [21 ] 1, Table 1 Replacemen t of tree spec ies composition in the,,,, process of commun ity succession in low subtropics, 25 a 25 years later, A t p resent X1 X2 X3 X , X ,, X , X1: P inus m assoniana and o ther,, p ioneering species [21 ] ( 1) X2: Castanop sis 30 chinensis, S chim a sup erba, and o ther sunny evergreen broad2leaved tree species X3: C ryp tocary a chinensis, C ryp tocary a concinna, and o ther m esophytic evergreen broad2leaved tree species, 3 25a 25a,,

6 , ( 2) (a) Fo rest age [22 ] 2 Table 2 Time div ision of differen t successional per iods of forest commun ity in low subtropics 0 < ( 50) ( 75) ( 150) Successional M esophytic periods P ioneering evergreen broad2 comm unity w ith P. m assoniana etc. Evergreen needle and broad2leaf Evergreen needle and leaved fo rest m ixed fo rest dom inated by needle2leaf trees broad2leaf m ixed fo rest dom inated by sunny broad2 leaved tree species such as Castanop sis ch inensis and S ch im a sup erba etc. Evergreen broad2leaved fo rest dom inated by sunny tree species such as Castanop sis ch inensis and S ch im a sup erba etc. Evergreen broad2leaved fo rest dom inated by shade2 to lerating p lants such as C ryp tocary a chinensis and C ryp tocary a concinna 4, [23 29 ] [30, 31 ], , hm hm 2, 12a t, t CO t, 1g10, 1g10, t CO 2 [32 ], C ( 1), (< 50a) C C, 5, ; 1 C, [33 ] [34 38 ] F ig. 1 So il o rganic carbon increases w ith the p rocess of the broad2leaf m ixed fo rest developm ent in low, subtrop ical Ch ina 150,, ; ;

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