19 2 A CTA AN THRO POLO G ICA S IN ICA. M ay, ) 11, (H y loba tes concolor) (Keystone species) : ( )

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1 A CTA AN THRO POLO G ICA S IN ICA V o l119,n o12 M ay, 2000 (, ) (H y lobates concolor) 11 4,,,, 6 5, (H. c. hainanus) 20, ;. (H. c. nasu tus) 50, ; (H. c. concolor) 100, 40-60, ; (H. c. j ing d ong ensis), , ; (H. c. f u rvog aster),, 26-42, , 1 000Km 2, 1 000, :, 9,,, (gibbon s),,,,,, (Keystone species) 11, (H y loba tes concolor), : 1) ; 2) ; 3),, ; 4) 2n= 52, ; 5), ; 6),, : ( )

2 2 : 139 ; ; 7) ; 8), 4-7, 10 ; 2-4 ; 9), ha, ha; 10) ( 70% ), ; 11), m ; 12) 12, (11 12),,,,,,, ,, : 1,,,,,,, (Groves, 1972),,, ;,,, 2-6,, :,,,,, ;,, (10 ),,, 2 211, (, 1979)

3 (, 1981;, 1993): (, 4 ) ( ),, 4,, : : 1) 4-16 : 12, ; 2) : 16, ;, ; 3) 19 : 19, ; ; 4) : ( ), 5) :, ; 80,,,, 50 60% 6) 80 :, 9,, 4, 35,,, ( 20 ) ;, 2 ( 25 ) 10-15, km, (E lep has m ax im us) (R h inoceros sp. )(T ap irus ind icus) 212 6,, 5 90%,, ( 1) 1 :,, ( ), 80, ( )( ) (1990-

4 2 : ) ( ) ,,,,,, (2-4 ) 60,, :, (8 ) 10,,,,, (3-6) (, 1994a, b), 4-6, 7-8 (, 1983; L iu et a l., 1989;, 1995) Num bers of H. concolor in Ch ina recorded between 1985 and 1995 H. c. concolor H. c. j ingdongensis H. c. f u rvog aster H. c. H ainanus T an (1985) H aimoff et al. (1987) ( ) Foodon et a l. (1987) Yang (1985, 1987) (1988) (1988) B leish et a l. (1990) (1500 ) (1993) 130 ( ) 1) 55 ( ) (1994) (1995) (1995) ) Zhang Yongzu (1995) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) 1) ; 2) L iu et a l. (1989) ; 3) (1995) : 1) (H. c. ha inanus), (1984) : 50, 2 212, ; 60-70, 7-8, ; 80, ; 1993, 4, 15, 4-6 (, 1995),,,, m tdn A :

5 (, 1996),,, 2 Quan tity and D istr ibution of H. concolor in Ch ina ( ) H. c. concolor A. : 1. ( ) 2. ( ) B. ( ) 3. ( ) ( ) H. c. j ing d ong ensis E., N E., N E., N E., N E., N E., N E., N E., N E., N., ( ) H. c. f u rvog aster E., N E., N E., N ( ) H. c. ha inanus 1) E., N ) L iu et a l. (1989) (1995) 2) (H. c. nasu tus),, 60, (Groves et a l., 1990),, 3) (H. c. concolor),, 50-70,, ( ) 80,, ( ) ;,,, 15-25, (, 1983),, (1993) 130, , ,,, ( 2),,, 4-5, 5-6, 8-10, 3-5, 6-8, 5-6 ; 2-3 ;

6 2 : ; , , 100 1) 4) (H. c. j ing d ong ensis), 3,,,,, ( E., N. ), 80 90, 1987, H aimoff et a l. (1987) 200, ; B leish et a l. (1990) , 1 500, ( 1-2 ),, , 80-90, ) ( 2), (, 1988, 1995;, 1988, 1994), (1985) Yang et a l. (1987) (1995) 20-26, , , 5) H y loba tes concolor f u rvog aster, (, 1983), 1983, H y loba tes concolor f u rvog aster (, 1986) ( ), 20-30, ; -,,, 1994,, 5-10, ;, 1-2, , (1985), ( ) ,,,, 1) Cao V an Sung and Pham N hat (1994) : 200 concolor, (H. leucog eny s) (H. g abriellae) 3 (Groves et a l., 1990) ; 90, 200,, 100

7 (H. hoolock),,, km 2, 1 000, 213, : 1) 17,, 200, -, 50, 1 300, 2 000,, , , 3 ;, 2) :,,,,,,,,, 3) (6-8 ) ( ) ( ) 4),, ) :, 20, ( ), C IT ES - g, g, 2) ( ) :,, 9 ( 3) , 90%, 7

8 2 : 145, 10, ;, ;, 3 Natural Reserve for H. concolor in Ch ina ( ) (ha) 5639, , : , 2 (2) : 3., , 7 (4) : , , 8 (4) : ,, :.. :, , :. :, , :.. :, :.. :, :.. :, ,, , 6: :, , , 4 (2) : ,, M amm alia. :.. :, ,, , 3: , Kressirer P, M onda K DNA. (C ), 26 (5) :

9 146 19,,. 1994a.., 15 (2) : ,,. 1994b. (H y loba tes concolor)., 13 (4) : ,, , 2 (1) : 1-7. B leisch W, Chen N Conservation of the black2crested gibbon in China. O ryx, 24: Cao V an Sung, Pham N haṫ Eco logy of endangered p rim ates in V ietnam. Chinese P rim ate Research and Conservation N ew s, 3 (2) : 8. Fooden J, Q uan GQ, L uo YN Gibbon distribution in Ch ina., 7 (3) : ( In English w ith Ch inese summ ary). Groves CP System atics and phylogeny of the gibbonṡ In: Rum baugh D ed. Gibbon and Siam ang Basel: Karger, Groves CP, W ang YX T he gibbon of the subgenus N om ascus (P rim ates, M amm alia)., 11 (2) : ( In English w ith Ch inese summ ary). H aimoff EH, Yang XJ, H e SJ et al P relim inary observations of w ild black2crested gibbons (H y lobates concolor concolor) in Yunnan p rovince, Peop ie s Republic of China. P rim ates, 28: L iu ZH, Zhang YZ, J iang H S et al Population structure of H y lobates concolor in Baw anglin N ature Reserve, H ainan, China. Am J P rim ato l, 19: Tan Banjie The status of p rim ates in China. P rim ates Conservation, 5: Yang DH, Zhang I, L i C P relim inary survey on the population and distribution of gibbon in Yunnan p rovince. P rim ates, 28 (4) : Zhang Yongzu T he current status of P rim ates in Ch ina. :.. :, ( In English w ith Ch inese summ ary). D ISTR IBUTION, STATUS AND CONSERVATION OF BLACK-CRESTED G IBBO N (H YLOBA TES CON COLOR ) IN CH INA W a ng Yingx ia ng J ia ng Xue long Fe ng Q ing (D ep artm ent of S y stem atic Z oology, K unm ing Institu te of Z oology, the Ch inese A cad em y of S ciences, K unm ing ) Abstract B lack2crested gibbon (H y loba tes concolor), an earliest distinct taxon in phylogeny and a mo re endangered species among 11 ex tan t species of gibbon, is now m ain ly distribu ted in Sou th of Ch ina and N o rth of V ietnam. A lthou th its h isto ric distribu tion w as w idely ex tended to T aiw an, Fu jian in the East, to Yunnan in the w est, to Q in ling in the N o rth and to the Island H ainan in Sou theastern and Sou thern Ch ina, they are now on ly found in H a inan Island, sou th and m idd le of Yunnan, Ch ina and no rthern V ietnam, the to ta l distribu tion area is less than km 2. T h is species to taled abou t individuals. T axonom ica lly, ex tan t b lack g ibbon s can be d ivided in to six sub sp ecies, five of them distribu te in Ch ina. (1) H. c. ha inanus distribu ted in 12 coun ties to the sou th of " N ada2 T unchang2q ionghai", H ainan Island w ith no less than 2000 individuals befo re 1950s, bu t

10 2 : 147 in 1980s on ly abou t 15 individuals of 4 group s live in Baw an lin N atu re R eserve, it is the mo st endangered sub species in conco lo r gibbon; ( 2) H. c. nasu tus w as discovered in sou thw est of Guangx i in 1950s, bu t disappeared in 1960s- 1970s, the living an im als cou ld be found in no rtheastern V ietnam, and are estim ated less than 50 individuals; (3) H. c. concolor, th is sub species is m ain ly distribu ted in N o rthern V ietnam and sou th Yunnan, it w as once w idely distribu ted in sou th and sou theast Yunnan, now its distribu tion is rest ricted to L uchun, J inp ing, H ekou and P ingb ian in Sou th Yunnan w ith abou t 100 individuals and to N o rth V ietnam (p robab ly no mo re than 50 an im als), and M ṫ A ilao, m iddle part of Yunnan (abou t individuals belonging to group s) ; (4) H. c. j ing d ong ensis, it is on ly distribu ted in M ṫ W u liang, m iddle of Yunnan, and it is estim ated to include abou t an im als ; (5) H. c. f u rvog aster, it is on ly found in Changyuan, Zhengkang, Yunx ian and Gengm a, sou thw est of Yunnan, and abou t an im als belonging to group s are lefṫ So far, b lack gibbon s in Ch ina are p ro tected in 9 natu re reserves, among w h ich Baw anglin N atu re R eserve and W u liang N atu re R eserve are national and p rovincial reserves respectively and aim at m ain ly to p ro tect b lack g ibbon s. A fter m o re than ten yea rs p ro tect ion and m anagem en t, the sh rinkage of distribu tion area and decrease in num ber of th is an im al have been stopped, and the statu s is m ain tained in the level of m iddle 1980ṡ Key words H y loba tes concolor, D istribu tion, Cu rren t statu s, Con servation

V o l. 21, N o. 2 M ar., 2002 PRO GR ESS IN GEO GRA PH Y ,, 2030, (KZ9522J 12220) E2m ail: w igsnrr1ac1cn

V o l. 21, N o. 2 M ar., 2002 PRO GR ESS IN GEO GRA PH Y ,, 2030, (KZ9522J 12220) E2m ail: w igsnrr1ac1cn 21 2 2002 3 PRO GR ESS IN GEO GRA PH Y V o l. 21, N o. 2 M ar., 2002 : 100726301 (2002) 022121209 30, (, 100101) : 30,, 2030 16, 3,, 2030,,, 2030, 13110 6 hm 2 2010 2030 420 kg 460 kg, 5 79610 8 kg7 36010

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