A new ThermicSol product

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1 A new ThermicSol product Double-Faced Thermo-Electric Solar-Panel TD/PV & Solar Tracker & Rotation Device An EU-patent protected product TP4-referens.pdf D o y o u w a n t to c o n v e rt it i n to G re e n - T e c h? A re y o u c h o o si n g th e m e th o d o f s o la r c o lle c to rs? I s th e a v a ila b le r o o f s p a ce a r e a is v e r y lim ite d? W h a t k in d o f so la r co lle cto r s w ill y o u g iv e p r io r ity? T h e r m o d y n a m ic s P h o to v o lta ic s F if ty - F if ty R o ta b le d o u b l e f a c e d s o l a r c o l le c to r s T P 4 * th e r m o d y n a m ic s f o r f l o o r h e a t in g s y s te m s N ow a ls o a v a ila b l e w ith P V -m o d u le s * * * d o m e s ti c h o t w a te r ** ** sw im p o o l h e at in g a u to m at ic r ot a b il it y d e p e n d in g on seasons and energy needs. re n ew 1 0 0% ouse a bl e e ne rg y o A h R o ta ta b le d e p e n d in g o n s e a s o n a n d a c c o rd in g t o y o u r o w n e n e rg y re q u ire m e n ts. W INTE R season: F u n c tio n in g % th e rm o d y n a m ic a lly w ith a n a d d it io n a l % p h o to v o lta ic e n e r g y (b a c k s id e ) T h e rm o d y n a m i c s in w in t e r tim e fo r s p a c e h e a t in g. SU M M E R s eason: F u n c tio n in g % p h o to v o lta ic a lly, % in c r e a s e d u e to h y b r id p ip e s fo r d o m e s tic h o t w a te r % 1 -a x e tra c k e r P h o to v o lta i c s in s u m m e rt im e fo r e le c tr ic a l s u p p ly o f a ir c o n d itio n. E urop ean pat ent pro tec te d A t la st a fa n ta s tic r e v o lu tio n in G re e n T e c h a p p lic a tio n s In fo : E : tk m h e lla y a h o o.g r w w w.tp 4 - e n e rs o l.c o m 00 on 1 use ne % re w ab ne le e rg y 4 s Tp A ) F lo o r h e a tin g S o la r p e rg o la S o la ll r co e c to p4 rs T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TKM- ENERSOL - Tp4 C h a n g e s i n w e a th e r a l t e r a t io n o f t h e c o lle c t o r s G r e e n -Te c h N e w g e n e r a t io n P h o t o v o l ta i c s S O L A R -E N E R G Y R E V O L U T IO N!!! D o u b le fa c e d h y b rid s o l a r c o ll e c to r s T P 4 T h e rm o d y n a m i c s o n th e o n e an d p h o to v o lta i c s o n th e o t h e r A double installation in one and the same area A h o u s e o n % re n e w a b le e n e rg y S o la S o la r p e rg o la ll r co e c to p4 rs T * t h e r m o d y n a m ic s f o r f l o o r h e a t in g s y s t e m s * * p h o to v o l t a ic s w it h h y b r id c o o l i n g e f fe c t * * * d o m e s t ic h o t w a t e r * * * * s w i m - p o o l h e a t in g A u to m a t ic r o t a t io n b y r e q u ir e m e n t s & s e a s o n S o la r p e rg o la A ) F lo o r h e at in g B ) E le c trica l c u rre n t s ou n e u l ta of Si m ti o n duc d) p ro and ) c) a) b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To ta l y e a r ly e n e rg y o u tp u t > % c o m p a r e d to o th e r m a k e s! P an el S o la r h e a t in g s y s te m ous ane f u lt n o S im ti o d) du c nd p ro c) a ) b a) B ) E le c t r ic a l c u r r e n t S o la r s w im p o o l h e a tin g H e a t-p u m p a ir to w a te r H e r e c o m e s t h e s o lu tio n to t h e s p a c e p r o b le m! N o w y o u c a n f u n c t io n a ll y d o u b le th e a v a i la b le s p a c e a r e a! R o ta ta b l e s o la r c o ll e c to r s - d o u b le fa c e d - d o u b l e f u n c t io n in g! T h e r m o d y n a m i c o n t h e o n e a n d P h o t o v o lta i c o n t h e o th e r s id e! r S o la T K G o o d a ll y e a r a ro u n d, b u t o n ly w i th h a lf th e o u tp u t h y b r id c o o li n g s y s t e m G o o d in s u m m e r, b u t u s e le s s in w in te r tim e * * p h o to v o l ta i c s w it h * t h er m ody n am ics for f l o o r h e a t i n g sy st e m s ** ph ot ovolt aics w it h h y br i d cooli n g effect * * * d o m e st i c h o t w a t e r * * * * sw i m -p o o l h e a t i n g A u t om at i c r ot at i on by r e q u i r e m e n t s & se a so n T h e rm o d y n am ics o n th e o n e a nd p h o to v o ltaic s o n th e o th e r W h a t w ill b e th e o u tc o m e o f e a c h a lt e r n a t iv e? R E V O L U T I O N!!! D ou ble fa c ed h y br i d so l a r c o l l e c t o r s T P 4 R E V O L U T IO N!!!!! G o o d in w in te r tim e, b u t u s e le s s in s u m m e r t im e S O L A R -E N E R G Y E C O L O G IC A L T h er m o d yn am ic o n t h e o n e fa c in g s i d e an d p h o t o v o l ta i c o n t h e o t h e r fa c in g s i d e A h C h an g es in w eath er alteratio n o f th e co llecto rs TKM- ENERSOL - Tp4 W e a t h e r a lte r a ti o n s T u r n p a n e ls to th e o th e r s id e TP4-pricelist.xls D o y o u h a v e y o u r o w n p r o p e r ty? Introduction Show and Video in *.PPS M H e lla s P r o je c t d e v e l o p in g c o m p a n y * * * * * * * * * s u it a b l e f o r f l o o r h e a t i n g s y s t e m s to t a l p r o f il e h e i g h t - o n l y m m lo w r is k o f t r a n s p o rt a t io n d a m a g e s e a s y c o n n e c t i o n b y c li c k - c o u p li n g s s u it a b l e f o r r o o f t i le d in s ta l l a t io n h o r iz o n t a l c o n s t r u c ti o n a s p e rg o la v e r t ic a l p o s it io n in g o n w a l l s e t c. ro t a b l e p a n e ls o n p i p e a n d f it t in g s re c o m m e n d e d f o r h e a t- p u m p (A -W ) D ) S w im m in g p o o l h e at in g C ) D o m e stic h o t w a te r d ) S w im m in g p o o l h e a tin g T K M /T P 4 T K M /T P 4 C ) D o m e s t ic h o t w a t e r T e c h n ic a l le a fle t T P 4 E x a m p le o f o rd e rin g M o u n tin g in s tru c tio n s E ur o p ea n p at e nt p r ot e ct e d : La r s- A k e F ae l ld in, A re o s 2 2, P.F a li ro n, G re e c e t: m : e : tk m h e lla ya h o o.g r w w w.tp 4 -e n e rs o l. co m T K M H e lla s P r o je c t d e v e l o p in g c o m p a n y P ro ject d e velo p in g c o m p an y te l/fa x: m o b : e: tkm h e lla s@ ya h o o.g r i: w w w.tp 4 -en ers o l.co m T e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r is t ic s o f p h o to v o lta ic m o d u les a n d a d d it iv e m a t e r ia l f o r e n e r g y c o l le c t io n & u s a g e E u ro p e an pa te n t pr o te c te d : L ar s -A k e F a elld in, A r e os 2 2, P.F alir on G re e ce t: m : e : t k m h ella ya h o o.g r w w w.tk m h e llas.g r

2 A New Solar System developed by ThermicSol Greece To stop video press HOME button

3 A New Art of Solar Technology is born! Thermodynamic Photovoltaic 4sensor Thermo-Electric Double-Faced Solar-Collector Rotatable complete with Autocalibrating Universe Solar Tracking Unit Woaow!!!

4 Video - Construction & function Photos Structural parts Photos Functional advantages Photos Installation references Drawings East / West Philosophy Photos Functional positions East-West Diagrams TD & PV output efficiency

5 Pool-Heating and Hot Water in Winter season Cooling A/C and Electricity in Summer season Change of functional side = Change of energy mode

6 Highest possible energy flexibility By the worm Gear rotation device

7 Highest possible energy efficiency By the quadruple solar sensor unit

8 Highest possible daily output By Autocalibrating Solar Tracking Unit

9 Normal working position for hot water Selective surface on frontside Basic function is the thermodynamic TD-mode

10 No Overheating Problems when not used Blind surface on backside Because panels can turn into shadowed mode

11 When heating is satisfied, use alternative energy PV module on backside By turning the panels into their PV electric mode

12 No Snow, Hail or Sand storm problems Because panels turns into vertical safe position

13 Easy cleaning of collecting surfaces on both sides By moving the panels manually up & down

14 Full overview control within your home With functional interior remote control panel

15 No architectural disturbance Due to low height of profile only 200 mm

16 Solar panels are not visible from street level Due to very low height profile only 200 mm

17 Easy building incorporation With panel lengths from 1 to 3 meter

18 Easy access for maintenance work By walking in between the solar panels

19 Nice shadowing pergola applications For your swim-pool, garden, veranda, terrace, etc

20 4-store family house in Voula Athens 85 panels for heating, hot water and pool

21 4-store family house in Marousi Athens 40 panels for heating, hot water and pool

22 Resort eco-house A in Santorini island 12 panels for heating, hot water and Jacuzzi

23 Resort eco-house B in Santorini island 16 panels for heating, hot water and Jacuzzi

24 Resort eco-house C in Santorini island 16 panels for heating, hot water and Jacuzzi

25 Resort eco-house D in Santorini island 36 panels for radiator heating & hot water

26 Eco-house X in Antiparos island 40 panels for floor heating & hot water

27 Eco-house Y in Antiparos island 40 panels for floor heating & hot water

28 W e s t E a s t S o uth The TP4-panels can move from East to West

29 20:oo 0 6:o o 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo The sun rises in the North-East

30 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 0 7:o o 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo The solar sensors measures the radiation

31 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 0 8:o o 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo Solar tracker calculates the angle

32 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 0 9:o o 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo And the motor turns the panels

33 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 1 0:o o Ordinary panels start functioning NOW!

34 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 1 1:o o 10:oo Panels are always directed towards the sun

35 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 1 2:o o 11:oo 10:oo Getting the maximum energy output

36 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 1 3:o o 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo At mid-day panels are horizontal

37 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 1 4:o o 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo Reverse function in the afternoon

38 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 1 5:o o 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo Moves panels towards the West

39 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 1 6:o o 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo Ordinary panels stops working NOW!

40 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 1 7:o o 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo TP4-panels continue to work!

41 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 1 8:o o 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo Total hours depends on season!

42 20:oo 06:oo 1 9:o o 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo Total hours also depend on Latitude

43 2 0:o o 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo 08:oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo Gain up to 200 % daily solar energy

44 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo :oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo TP4-panels work 240 and up to 16 hours

45 20:oo 06:oo 19:oo 07:oo 18:oo :oo 17:oo 09:oo 16:oo 15:oo 14:oo 13:oo 12:oo 11:oo 10:oo Ordinary panels work 120 and only 6 hours

46 Benefits from East to West positioning A) Solar collection starts at 6 am in the morning B) Solar collection stops at 8 pm in the evening C) Which means a total of 14 hours sun per day Instead of 7 hours from a South orientation D) Panels 90 towards the sun by Solar Tracker.

47 Benefits from East to West solar tracker >30% higher energy output Due to increased solar input hours >20% higher energy output Due to 90 angle solar tracking >50% higher energy output if combined with PV-modules on the back-side

48 Vertical Safe Position - during night time

49 Morning thermodynamic position

50 Pre-noon thermodynamic position

51 Noon thermodynamic position

52 After-noon thermodynamic position

53 Evening thermodynamic position

54 Rain, Hail & Snow safe position

55 Morning photovoltaic position

56 Noon photovoltaic position

57 Evening photovoltaic position

58 4 thermo-tests against 1 PV-test output Proofs that TD-mode gives 4 x energy than PV-mode

59 Comparing test of TD and PV energy output Proofs that TD-mode gives 4 x energy than PV-mode

60 Comparing PV-output with and without tracking + 10% output when at 25 Southwest orientation

61 tests TD-mode output at various inlet temperatures At 47 C 4 thermo-tests water input against the TD-mode 1 PV-test output output is 46 %

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