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1 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 56, N o. 1 Jan., 2001 : (2001) , 2 (11, ; 21, ) :,,,,, 17,,,, : ; ; ; : F292 : A 1, ( ), [1 5 ],,,,,, [6 ] ; [7 14 ] ;, [15 18 ],,,, 2,,, 3 : ; : : ( ) [Foundation Item: N ational N atural Science Foundation of China, N o ] : (19392 ),,, E2m ail: eesxxq@zsu1edu1cn

2 1 : 55,,,, 9,, 3 ( 1) 3,, 3 20,, ; 48,, Tab11 Guangzhou s set of indicators for urban susta inable developmen t,,,,,,,, GD P, GD P,,, GD P, GD P,, GD P, GD P, GD P, GD P, GD P,,,,,,,,, 3 :, ; ;,,,

3 56 56 ( ) ;,,,,, : Im, Im = n A jx j (221) j= 1, n A, X,, 3, : L I = n B jx j (222) j= 1 L I ; n, 3; X j ; B,,, ;, : D I = X 1 X 2 - X 1 X 1 X 2 - X 1 D I (223) D I ; X 1 X 2, ;, ;, : C I = x + y + z x 2 + y 2 + z 2 (224) C I ; x y z,,, 3, ,

4 1 : , ( 1) , , 7%, 5 : ( ),,,,,,,, , ;,, , 01049, , ,,,, , 5176%,, ( ),,,, , ,,, ,,,,, 1987, F ig11 Changes of Guangzhou s environm antal, econom ic ans social sustainable indexes and level index ( )

5 (12 3 ),,,, , ( ),,,,, 1991,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 1991,,,, ( ) 1992,,,,, 32,,, , ,,,, ( ), ;,,,,,, ,, 1996,,,, 1980

6 1 : 59 5, [28 ], 312 1, 2, Tab12 The correlation exten t of env ironmen tal,, 2 econom ic and soc ial susta inable indexes 2, ( ),,,, ;,,,, ( ), (01625),,,,, 2,,,,, 2 F ig12 L inear sim ulation of the trends of Guangzhou s social and econom ic sustainable indexes 313 ( 3) ; ; ;,,,,

7 60 56, F ig13 Changes of the indexes of Guangzhou s environm ental, econom ic and social subsystem s and the overall urban developm ent index ( ) 314 ( 4),, F ig14 Changes of Guangzhou s coo rdination index ( ) of urban sustainable developm ent 4,,,,,, ;,,

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10 1 : 63 rates and developm en t coo rdination condition of u rban su stainab le developm en t resp ect ively. O n the ba sis of environm en ta l and socio 2econom ic developm en t da ta from 1980 to 1996, the paper m akes a comp rehen sive evaluation of u rban su stainab le developm en t. T he resu lts are: as far as L I s concerned, there are several characteristics on u rban su stainab le developm en t in Guangzhou city: T he stage of u rban su stainab le developm en t is tu rn ing in to h igh2grade stage, including slow 2developm en t stage ( ), recessionary2 developm en t stage ( ), adju stab le2developm en t stage ( ), fast2 developm en t stage ( ) and slow 2developm en t stage ( ), w h ich is acco rded w ith the law of p eriod2in evo lu t ion and p eriod2betw een p rom o t ion of u rban su stainab le developm en t. T he change of u rban environm en tal, econom ic and social developm en t is dissynch ronou s. T he relation of environm en t and econom y puts up: w hen econom y develop s at h igh speed, there w ou ld be a seriou s environm en tal phenom ena; w hen governm en t strengthen s the adju stm en t, a p rom ising environm en tal phenom enon w ou ld occu ṙ O n the w ho le the relation of environm en t and econom y is negatively related. T he relation of environm en t and society is no t taken on relativity as a w ho le. T he relation of econom y and society is taken on po sitive relativity, and indicates econom ic grow th can drive social p rogress. A t the sam e tim e, the paper raises the rate of social p rogress is m uch low er than the rate of econom ic grow th, and in a sen se the lag of social developm en t w ill lim it econom ic grow th in the fu tu re. A s far as D I s concerned, u rban su stainab le developm en t in Guangzhou city is taken on several characteristics: Environm en tal sub system is taken on no2su stainab le featu re; econom ic sub system is taken on su stainab le featu re; social sub system is taken on su stainab le featu re; and u rban developm en t is taken on su stainab le as a w ho le becau se of pull2effects of socio2econom ic sub system. A s far as C I s concerned, u rban developm en t is taken on w eak2su stainab ility, that is to say that u rban environm en t and socio2econom ic developm en t are in harmon iou s. In a w o rd, by the above2m en tioned comp rehen sive evaluation, the paper raises econom ic developm en t there is at the expan se of seriou s environm en tal phenom ena in the in itial and m iddle stages of the refo rm and open ing up in Ch ina, w h ich coun teract econom ic grow th. It also raises there is non2su stainab le style of u rban developm en t, w h ich canno t b ring in to u rban developm en t as a w ho le. How ever, w ith the adju stm en t, condition s becom e better, there is no alternatives of non2su stainab ility and su stainab ility; w ith the in itial stages in the 1990s, there is rap id grow th, and the mode of developm en t is taken as su stainab ility. A fter 1994, u rban developm en t en tered in to a slow 2developm en t stage. How ever, it is still su stainab le, bu t taken as w eak su stainab ility. Key words: Guangzhou; u rban su sta inab le developm en t; index system ; com p rehen sive evaluation

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