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1 (138 ) [ ] (2004) (, ) [ ] A ECT :, [ ] A ECT; ; ; ; [] G40-057[] A , 2004, (A ssociation fo r Educational Comm un ication s and T echno logy, A ECT ) (Barbara Seels),, A ECT (Comm ission on D efin ition and T erm ino logy) (, ) : Educational T echno logy is the study and eth ical p ract ice of facilita t ing lea rn ing and im p roving perfo rm ance by creating, u sing, and m anaging app rop riate techno logical p rocesses and resou rces.?? A ECT 1994???, 20, A ECT ( ),, :, : 1. (Educational T echno logy ), ( In structional T echno logy) 2. : (study) (eth ical p ractice), eth ical p ractice, : A ECT, A ECT D efinition and T erm ino logy Comm ittee docum ent (June 1, 2004), h ttp: ggwww. indiana. edug mo lpagegm eanings% 20of% 20ET _ pdf, 8

2 ?, A ECT (h ttp: ggwww. aecṫ o rg), 2001 A ECT (A bou t A ECT: Code of E th ics) 25,,,,, A ECT (Code of E th ics),, 3. : ( facilitating learn ing ) ( imp roving perfo rm ance),, (fo r learn ing) (Facilita t ing rather than con tro lling o r cau sing learn ing),,, () 4. : (C reating) (u sing) (m anaging)a ECT 1994, 1994 : (1) 1994 (design) (developm en t),,, 21 ( 2 ) 1994 (u tilization ) (u sing),,, ( 3 ) 1994 (m anagem en t) (evaluation) (m anaging), m anaging,, 1994 m anagem en t,,,, 5. : (p rocesses) (resou rces), : app rop riate techno logical,, ; ( ) A ECT 2004, (key term s) : 1. (Study) : (dom ain s) (inqu iry), (new app roaches) 2. (E th ical P ractices) : (question ing p ractices) 3. (Facilitating) : (gu iding) (con tro lling ) (p redeterm in ing ) 4. (L earn ing) : (cogn itive) (con structivist) 5. ( Imp roving) : 6. ( Perfo rm ance ) : (ab ility to app ly new capab ilities) 7. (C reating ) : (learn ing environm en ts) 8. (U sing) : 9. (M anaging) : 10. (A pp rop riate) : 11. (T echno logical) : (app lication of know ledge) 12. (P rocesses) : ( specified resu lt) 13. (R esou rces) : (peop le w ith expertise) 9

3 A ECT ( ) 1., 20 60,,, : (1) 1963 (A ECT ) (D epartm en t of A udio2v isual In struction of the N ational Education A ssociation ) (J. D. F inn ), (E ly D. P. ) (A udiovisual Comm un ication) :, : (1) ; (2), :, (, 1963) : A udiovisual comm un ication s is that b ranch of educational theo ry and p ract ice concerned w ith the design and u se of m essages w h ich con tro l the learn ing p rocess. It undertakes: (a) the study of the un ique and relative strength s and w eaknesses of bo th p icto rial and non rep resen tational m essages w h ich m ay be em p loyed in the lea rn ing p rocess fo r any rea son; and ( b ) the st ructu ring and system a t izing of m essages by m en and in strum en ts in an educational environm en ṫ T hese undertak ing include p lann ing, p roduction, selection, m anagem en t, and u tilization of bo th componen ts and en tire in structional system ṡ Its p ractical goal is the efficien t u tilization of every m ethod and m ed ium of comm un ica t ion w h ich can con t ribu te to the developm en t of the learners fu ll po ten tial. (1963) (2) 1970 ( ) :,,,,, (, 1970) : techno logy can be defined in tw o w ayṡ In structional In its mo re fam ilia r sen se, it m ean s the m ed ia bo rn of the comm un ication s revo lu tion w h ich can be u sed fo r in structional purpo ses alongside the teacher, tex tbook, and b lackboa rd. T he second and less fam ilia r defin it ion of in st ruct iona l techno logy goes beyond any particu lar m edium o r device. In th is sen se, in structional techno logy is a system atic w ay of design ing, carrying ou t, and evaluating the to tal p rocess of learn ing and teach ing in term s of specific ob jectives based on research in hum an learn ing and comm un ication, hum an and non2hum an and emp loying a com b ination of mo re effective in struction. (1970) (3)A ECT 1972 resou rces to b ring abou t , (A ECT ) ,A ECT [ ],,:,, 1999,,, 2002,,, A ECT D efinitions of the IT F ield, h ttp: ggwww. ittheo ry. com gdefine. h tm A ECT D efinition and T erm ino logy Comm ittee docum ent (June 1, 2004), h ttp: ggwww. indiana. edug mo lpagegm eanings% 20of% 20ET _ pdf A Repo rt to the P resident and the Congress of the U nited States by the Comm ission on Instructional T echno logy. (W ash ington, DC: U S Governm ent P rinting O ffice, 1970) h ttp: ggw ebtech. p ioneeṙ resa. k12. ga. usgebaldw ingit define. h tm 10

4 , A ECT 100 1, : :,, (A ECT, 1972) : Educational techno logy is a field invo lved in the facilita t ion of hum an learn ing th rough system atic iden tification, developm en t, o rgan ization and u tilization of a fu ll2 range of lea rn ing resou rces and th rough the m anagem en t of these p rocesses. (1972), :, 50 :, (4)A ECT 1977,, (A ECT, 1977) : Educational T echno logy is a comp lex, in tegrated p rocess invo lving p eop le, p rocedu res, idea s, devices, and o rgan ization, fo r analyzing p rob lem s and devising, imp lem en ting, evaluating, and m anaging so lu tion s to tho se p rob lem s invo lved in all aspects of hum an lea rn ing. (1977) (5)A ECT 1994 A ECT, (R ita R ichey) : :, (A ECT, 1994) : In structional T echno logy is the theo ry and p ract ice of design, developm en t, u tilization, m anagem en t and evaluation of p rocesses and resou rces fo r learn ing. (1994) (6)A ECT 2004,, 1970 (Silber) 1971 (M ac Kenzie) (E rau t) : () () ( ) (Silber, 1970) (M ac Kenzie and E rau t, 1971) 40, ; ; 2. (1) A ECT,,,, [ ] M,,,, 1992, 21 11

5 ( In tegrated T echno logy),,, :,,,,,, (2), : ;, ; ( ) (), ( ), - ( 3),,, ( ),, 12,,,,A ECT 2004, 3.,, : (1), (2), (3), 4+ 1, ( ),, () ;,, ( ) A ECT 2004 (N ationally o rien ted ) ( In ternational o rien tation),,, 5 : 1., : (Boundaries) ; ( Iden tity) ; : : Perfo rm ance techno logy is the p rocess of selection, analysis, design, developm ent, imp lem entation and evaluation of p rogram s to mo st co st- effectively influence hum an behavio r and accomp lishm enṫ (Geis, 1986) :,

6 (Con sen su s) ; (A gendas) 2., : ( Comm un icate ex ternally ) ; (D efend p rogram s) ; (M ain tain comm un ity) ; (Syn thesize theo ry) (a basis) 3., : ( C lassify dom ain s ) ; ( Exp lain characteristics) ; (T est ideas) ; (Show relation sh ip s) 4., : (Concep t) (M ovem en t ) ( F ield ) (P rofession) 5., : ( Evo lves from a con sen su s p rocess) ; (Build on p reviou s defin ition); (E stab lishes new direction s ) ; ( Generate argum en ts) A ECT A ECT () 6,,,,, 10, A ECT (A udiovisual Comm unication), ( Instructional T echno logy), :,,,,,,,, ( ),, ; ;, 1 ( ) (Educational T echno logy) (Educational T echno logy),,, 13

7 ,, ( ),,,,,,,,,, A ECT,,, ( ),,, 1 () ( Instructional T echno logy), (Educational T echno logy), ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ), A ECT 1994 A ECT 2004,, A ECT ( In ternational o rien tation),,,, A ECT,,, 21 14

8 :, 1.,,, 2. : ; ; ; 3.,,, (EPSS) : ( ); ; ( EPSS) ; ;, 4. ( ), : ;, ; () ; ; ; ( ), : : : : : : (3 9 ),, :,,, ;, A ECT 2004,, : 1., ( ),, 2., 3., 4., () 5.,, 6.,,,, ( ) 7., 8. 15

9 9.,,, ( ) A ECT,, : 1., ( ), ( ), (: ),,, 2.,, 3.,,,,, (),, A ECT, 30, A ECT (Comm ittee on P rofessional E th ics of A ECT ), A ECT 4.,, 5.,,,,,,, 6. g,, : A ECT ( ),,,, : 1.,, 2. 3., 4.,, 5., 6., () 7., 8., 9. 16, A bout A ECT: Code of E th ics, h ttp: ggwww. aecṫ o rgga boutge th ics. h tm

10 (),,, : 1., 2.,, 3. 4.,, 5. 6.,, : 1.,, , 5., , 9. ( ) A ECT, 10., DV DV,, DV T 2 DV EditM ax1000,, B IR TV 2004 B IR TV, T 2 DV, T 2 Sony DV CAM, DV 25,, SON Y DV CAM DV 1394,BetaCam DV CP ro V H S YgC SD I T 2 DV CAM M PEG4 WM V 9, CPU + GPU () PC, L igh tbox, T 2 T 2, M PEG2 I M PEG2 IBP DV CAM M PG WM V 9, T 2, DV EditM ax1000,, AD SL CDM A GPR S,, SOHO Sony DV CAM E1000, DV, Sony, ,, SOBEY SON Y, SOBEY, SOBEY SON Y,, SOBEY SON Y, Sony AV, Sobey + Sony, DV 17

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