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5 CH INA M ECHAN ICAL EN G IN EER IN G V o l. 12,N o. 5, 2001 the results p ropo sed above, the adap tive and robust con2 tro l schem es of coo rdinated mo tion fo r bo th the base atti2 tude and itsarm s jo in ts to trace the desired trajecto ry w ere developed. A tw o - link p lanar space m anipulato r system s w as sim ulated to verify the p ropo sed tw o contro l schem e. Key words: space m anipulato r system s augm enta2 tion app roach adap tive contro l robust contro l GE A nlin (J ilin U niversity, Changchun, Ch ina) J IN H ui ZHAN G Hongkun FAN Juxin Y IN H uabing p Abstract: Intelligent sh ift is a develop ing trend of the au tom ob ile au tom atic tran sm ission. A fter analyzing the driver2veh icle2environm en t clo sed- loop system, the rela2 tion sh ip betw een driving style, driving in ten tion, driving environm ent and driver operating characteristics, au tom o2 b ile state param eters is studied. Fu rtherm o re, an au to2 mobile intelligent sh ift arch itecture based on driver oper2 ating reason ing is p ropo sed. T he experim en ts show the po int of view is reasonable. Key w o rds: intelligent sh ift strategy driving style driving intention driving environm en t Theoretical M odeling of Steady State Tire Cam ber Properties GU O Konghu i (J ilin U n iversity, Changchun, Ch ina) LU D ang p Abstract: In th is paper, based on the m echan ism of tire cam ber modeling, the steady state exp ressions of tire cam ber p roperty fo r the side fo rce, self - align ing m o2 m ent, longitudinal resistance fo rce and overturning mo2 m ent are derived. T he m atch ing betw een cam ber and toe angle of front w heel is also analyzed and the rational ex2 p lanation of side fo rce of radial tire being less than that of bias tire is p resented by introducing a concep t of the effec2 tive cam beṙ Key words: tire cam ber steady effective cam ber Inf luence of Curren td en sity on the Con tactd rop of Carbon F iber- Copper- Graph ite Com posite FEN G Y i (H efei U niversity of T echno logy, H efei, Ch ina) TAO N ing WAN G W enfang WAN G Chengfu p Abstract: U nder different current density (from 4A g cm 2 to 16A gcm 2 ) conditions, the influence of current den2 sity on the con tact drop of CF - Cu - G com po site are studied. T he resu lts are as fo llow s: the lub rication film betw een brush and comm utato r m akes the contact drop steady and imp roves comm utation ability of brush, the to2 tal con tact drop per b ru sh pair doesn t increase linearly w ith the increase of current density o r the to tal contact drop per brush pair doesn t vary w ith the current density th roughout the current density range from 8A gcm 2 to 16A gcm 2. Key words: carbon fiber - copper - graph ite 2 com po site electrical w ear cu rren t den sity b ru sh con tact drop On Utilization of V ibration in M etal D eformation Processes HAN Q ingkai ( N o rtheast U niversity, Shenyang, Ch ina) HAO J ianshan W EN Bangchun p Abstract: In th is paper, a syn thetical review is draw n based on the theo retical and experim ental results of the u2 tilization of vibration in the m etal defo rm ation p rocesseṡ Experim en tal conclu sion s and their indu strial app lication are emphasized fo r vibration w iredraw ing, vibration cut2 Study on Autom obile In telligen t Sh if t Arch itecture ting, vib ration clipp ing and vib ration ro lling etc.. T he m echanism of m etal vibrating p rocess is also discussed. Som e imperative research task s are p ropo sed in o rder to ach ieve mo re industrial utilization of vibration in m etal defo rm ation p rocesseṡ Key words: m etal defo rm ation p rocess vib ration utilization experim ental research m echan ism dis2 cu ssion Effect of M n on Austen ite Cool ing Tran sforma tion of H igh Cr Cast Iron DUAN H anqiao (H uazhong U ni2 versity of Science & T echno logy, W uhan, Ch ina) p Abstract: Effect of M anganese on au sten ite coo ling tran sfo rm ation of h igh Ch rom ium cast iron is investigat2 ed. T he results show that: M anganese increases the equi2 lib rium con ten t of Carbon and o ther alloy elem en ts at au sten itizing tem peratu re, so greatly enhances au sten itic stab ility; du ring quench ing tran sfo rm ation, M anganese increases the hardenab ility of the alloy, im p rove quench2 ing hardness of large size castings, bu t raise retained austenitic content also; D uring annealing transfo rm ation, M anganese m akes annealing p rocess difficu lt, and in2 creases the annealing hardness; M anganese is very effec2 tive fo r enhancing the hardenab ility of h igh Ch rom ium cast iron, but its content should be m atched w ith the size of castingṡ Key words: h igh Ch rom ium cast iron heat treat2 m ent; M anganese m icro structure and p roperty Analysis of Quality L evel on Comm erc ial Product J IN G B ingbin (T ianjin U niversity, T ianjin, Ch ina ) Q I E rsh i p Abstract: Q uality is clo sely connected w ith co st, so the p roper quality level either is satisfied w ith custom ers o r creates better econom ic benefits fo r enterp rise. T h is paper describes the essen tials of quality of the comm ercial p roduct, defines the quality level to be as the adap tation degree of quality specification and requ irem en t of en ter2 p rises and custom ers acco rding to analysis of the cognition and requirem ent of enterp rises and custom ers on quality. In o rder to overcom e the unreasoning quality requirem ent in the p roduction design, a m ethod to analysis of op tim al quality level on comm ercial p roduct is also estab lished based on such p rocedu re as quality distinction. F inally, the m ethod is confirm ed th rough the examp le of A utomo2 b ile cleaneṙ Key words: comm ercial p roduct quality grade quality level automobile cleaner XL

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