Type Dimensions LIPI Type Sign FU0024D0

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1 U PI TYPE PACKINGS FOR BOTH PISTON AND ROD SEALS IRON RUBBER (AU) Please designate NOK Part number and type & size on your order. (Example) O rder for the packing as a single piece Type Dimensions LIPI Part N um ber Type Sign FU0024D0 N om inal Size of described in order of inner diam eter(d), outer diam eter(d ), and height(h) Ж When placing orders for backup rings used in combination with packing, designate the NOK part number and the model size Type Dim ensions B R T Part Num ber -T y p e Sign GN0720V0 Nom inal Size of B ackup ring described in order of inner diam eter(d), outer diam eter(d ), and thickness(t)* * t = Нв Ha (Housing dim ensions) Please check the a p p lica tio n range on pages 14 and 15 before se le ctin g the type. Material NOK U801 F

2 UPI TYPE / Rz12.5 V (Pt 12.5) - B ackup ring PACKINGS FOR BOTH PISTON AND ROD SEALS (Pt 12.5) E xtrusion g a p : g "O f 6-. M h R z Remove burrs and overturns ' ) Remark) For the fitting drawing of the piston seals, refer to the illustration on page F-74. R =0.3 or below Ri=0.5 or below R2=1 The surface of the rod should be finished by buffing (SPBF) to 0.8 to 1,&цтНг (0.2 to 0.4,umRa). T h e roughness is JIS В 0601 : When regulation length cannot be kept, apply Pt. N om inal Size of, and H ousing dim ensions Part N um ber BR T3(Endless) BRN 3(Endless) d D h H a Hb ^D i С 19VF 80NP F U D 0 GN072OVO G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0043D 0 G N 0725V O G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N FU0069DO G N 0733V 0 G N FU 0081 DO G N 0736V O G N F U D 0 GN60O5VO G N F U 0102D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0122D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0135D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0157D 0 G N 0751 V0 G N F U DO G N V 0 G N F U 0182D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0186D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0215D 0 G N V 0 G N FU 0221 DO G N V 0 G N F U 0224D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0239D 0 G N 0767V O G N F U 0246D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0249D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0260D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N 0771 V0 G N I F U 0282D 0 G N 0781 V0 G N F U 0287D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0292D 0 G N 6591 V0 G N FU 0301 DO G N 7291 V0 G N FU 0309D 1 G N V 0 G N FU0320D 1 G N 6456V 0 G N F U 0330D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0340D 0 G N 0791 V0 G N F U 0368D 0 G N 7061 V0 G N F U 0369D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0387D 0 GN08O5VO G N F U 0403D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0437D 0 GNO8 I 6VO G N FU 0451 DO G N V 0 G N F U 0456D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0470D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0505D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0508D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0514D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0523D 0 G N V 0 G N F -7 2

3 UPI TYPE HOW TO DETERMINE В DIMENSION When using backup ring Please d e term in e В dim ension a cco rd in g to the ta b le below. If you require sm aller В dim ension (in case of piston seals) or larger В dim ension (in case of rod seals) because of the cylinder configuration, please consult NOK. Maximum Service Pressure 14MPa 21 MPa 35M Pa 35M Pa Material of Backup ring 19YF 80NP ct> For rod B ^ d B ^ d B ^ ^ d B ^ d o- For piston B S ФD 1.0 B ^ D B S t4d 0.2 B S i 1D 0.8 When not using backup ring To d e te rm in e В d im e n s io n, p le a s e re fe r to th e g ra p h in the rig h t fo r the m axim um extrusion gap (one side) consid e rin g the e ccentricity of operating condition of the piston or rod. N om inal Size of, and Housing dim ensions Part Num ber BFiT3 (Endless) BRN 3(Endless) d D h H a H b ФDi С 19YF 80NP FU0572D1 G N 6468V 0 G N F U 0577D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0579D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0588D 0 G N V 0 G N FU0601D O G N V 0 G N FU0631DO G N V 0 G N F U 0635D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0639D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0669D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0683D 0 G N V 0 G N FU0704DO G N 6473V 0 G N FU0708D O G N V 0 G N F U 0712D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0727D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0728D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0736D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0750D 0 G N V 0 G N FU 0761 DO G N 0886V 1 G N F U 0777D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0793D 0 G N V 1 G N FU 0819D 0 G N 0899V 0 GN981 ООО FU0831DO G N \/0 G N F U 0862D 0 G N V 0 G N FU0879D1 G N 6481V 0 G N F U 0884D 0 G N V 0 G N FU 0910D 0 G N 0920V 0 G N F U 0948D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 0949D 0 G N V 0 G N FU 0984D 1 G N V 0 G N F U 0989D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1030D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1042D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1056D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1061 DO G N V 0 G N FU 1068D 0 G N 6487V 0 G N F U 1089D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1096D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1129D 0 G N V 0 G N FU1135D1 G N 6489V 0 G N F U 1138D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F

4 UPI TYPE PACKINGS FOR BOTH PISTON AND ROD SEALS W e a r ring E xtrusion g a p : g -3 0 / R z6.3 'P 16.3) Remove burrs and overturns _ L Remark 1) For В dimension, refer to page F-53. Remark 2) For the fitting drawing of the rod seals, refer to the illustration on page F-72. R =9.3 or below The inner su rfa ce of the cylin d e r tube should be finished by burnishing(r LB ) or honing(g H) to 0.4 to 3.2 /j it ir z (0.1 to 0.8 j^m R a). E sp e cia lly under severe lubricating condition, b u rn ishin g is requ ire d The roughness is JIS В 0601 : When regulation length cannot be kept, apply Pt N om inal Size of, and H ousing dim ensions BRT3(Endless) BRN3 (Endless) Part Num ber d D h H a Hb 5* Dl С 19YF 80NP F U 1198D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1305D 0 G N V 0 G N FU 1933D 0 G N 6493V 0 G N F U 1327D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1363D 0 G N V0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N 1O 20V 0 G N FU1431 DO G N 1023V O G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N 1031 V0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N 1047V O G N FU 1547D 0 GN105OVO G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1579D 0 G N 1O 57V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1612D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1625D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1639D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1648D 0 G N 6191 V0 G N F U 1662D 0 G N 1073V O G N F U D 0 G N V 0 G N FU1706D O G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N 1085V O G N F U 1722D 0 G N V 0 G N F U 1735D 0 G N V 0 G N F U D 0 G N 1098V O G N F U D 0 G N 11Q 3V 0 G N F -7 4

5 UPI TYPE U P Itype p a c k in g s fo r b o th p is to n a n d r o d seal s [Large size dimension table] iw h e n using packings on this large size, please consult NOK. N om inal Size of, and Housing dim ensions BRT3 (Endless) Part N um ber BRN3 (Endless) d D h H a H b t*di С 19YF 80NP F U D F U 1775D F U 1778D F U 1779D F U 1780D F U 1781 DO F U 1784D F U 1788D FU 1789D FU 1791D FU 1795D FU 1799D FU 2016D FU 1801D FU 1809D FU 1812D FU 1816D F U 1993D F U 1818D F U 1822D F U 1823D F U 1827D F U 1829D FU 1830D F U 1831D FU 1833D FU 2223D FU 1977D FU 2013D FU 1839D F U 1841D F U 1842D F U 1976D FU 2428D FU 1845D 0 Remark 1) Regarding the products of large size (the inner diam eter (d) exceeding classification 300m m ), contact NO K to check if we have them in stock. Remark 2) When placing orders for backup ring on this large size (the inner diameter(d) exceeding classification 300mm),please consult NOK. F

6 Ц P I ТУРЕ PACKINGS FOR BOTH PISTON AND ROD SEALS [Large size dimension table] W hen using packings on this large size, please consult NOK. N om inal Size of, and H ousing dim ensions Part N um ber BR T3(Endless) BRN3 (Endless) d D h Ha He ^D i С 19YF 80NP FU 1847D FU 1849D F U D FU1851 DO FU 1854D FU 2025D F U 1855D F U 1856D F U 1857D F U 1858D F U 2743D F U 2718D F U 2376D F U 1865D F U 1986D F U 2017D F U 2003D F U 1870D F U 1871D F U 2398D F U 1874D F U 2078D F U 1876D FU 1978D F U 1881D F U 2219D F U 1979D FU 1888D FU2391 DO FU 2558D FU 2229D FU 2392D 0 Remark) When placing orders for the backup ring on this large size (the inner diam eter(d) exceeding classification 300m m ),please consult NOK. 134 F -7 6

USI TYPE PACKINGS FOR BOTH PISTON AND ROD SEALS IRON RUBBER (AU) Material. Please designate NOK Part number and type & size on your order.

USI TYPE PACKINGS FOR BOTH PISTON AND ROD SEALS IRON RUBBER (AU) Material. Please designate NOK Part number and type & size on your order. USI TYPE PACKINGS FOR BOTH PISTON AND ROD SEALS IRON RUBBER (AU) Please designate NOK Part number and type & size on your order. (Example) Order for the packing as a single piece Type Dim ensions USI 10

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