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1 Energy revision Solutions Question 1 The react io n b et w een so lut io n s of h yd roch lo ric acid an d so d ium h yd roxid e can b e rep resen t ed b y t h e f o llow in g eq uat io n. HCl(aq ) + NaOH(aq ) NaCl(aq ) + H 2 O(l) H =.56.0 kj m o l m L o f 2.00 M HCl, at 21.0 C, is m ixed w it h 20.0 m L o f 2.50 M NaOH, also at 21.0 C, in a w ell-in sulat ed calo rim et er. Th e calib rat ion f act o r f o r t h e calo rim et er an d co n t en t s is 420 J C -1 Wh at is t he final t em p erat ure, in C, o f t he result an t so lut io n in t h e calo rim et er? Step 1 Find the limiting reactant a) Find the mole of HCl => n = C x V => 2.00 x = b) Find the mole of NaOH => n = C x V => 2.50 x = The limiting reactant is NaOH Step 2 Find the heat energy released when mole of NaOH reacts X 56.0 kj = 2.80 kj Step 3 Calculate the temperature change. a) 2,800J / 400 J/C = 7.00 C Step 4 Calculate the final temperature 21.0 = 7.00 = 28.0 C Question 2 a) Wh ich o ne o f t h e f o llo w in g w o uld b e p red ict ed t o sp o n t an eo usly o xid ise aq ueo us io d id e io n s b ut n o t aq ueo us ch lo rid e io n s? Exp lain A. Au + (aq ) B. Sn 2+ (aq ) C. Fe 2+ (aq ) D. Br 2 (l) Spontaneous reactions occur only between the reactants shown in red. b ) Tw o carb o n elect ro d es are in sert ed in t o a so lut ion of MgCl 2 an d Fe(NO 3 ) 2. The elect rodes are co nnect ed t o t h e p o sit ive an d negat ive t erm in als of an ext ernal p o w er so urce. i) Writ e t h e h alf cell react io n occurrin g at t he an o d e.

2 The anode in electrolysis is the place where oxidation takes place and has positive polarity. It is the place where the strongest reductant present reacts Fe 2+ (aq) => e - + Fe 3+ ii) Writ e t h e h alf cell react io n occurrin g at t he cat h o d e. The cathode in electrolysis is the place where reduction takes place and has negative polarity. It is the place where the strongest oxidant present reacts Fe 2+ (aq) + 2e - => Fe(s) iii) Exp lain how t h e p H of t h e so lut ion ch an ges as t h e p o w er so urce is sw it ch ed o n? The ph remains unchanged Question 3 The rech argeab le n ickel-cad m ium cell is used t o p o w er sm all ap p lian ces such as p o rt ab le co m p ut ers. Wh en t h e cell is b ein g used, t h e elect rode react ions are rep resen t ed b y t h e f o llo w ing eq uat ions. NiO 2 (s) + 2H 2 O(l) + 2e. Ni(OH) 2 (s) + 2OH - (aq ) Cd (s) + 2OH - (aq ) Cd (OH) 2(s) + 2e. a) When t h e cell is b ein g recharged give t h e react ion t h at o ccurs at t h e: When the battery is being recharged it acts as an electrolytic cell where oxidation occurs at the positive anode and reduction occurs at the negative cathode. - An o d e Ni(OH) 2 (s) + 2OH - (aq). NiO 2 (s) + 2H 2 O(l) + 2e - Cat h o d e Cd(OH) 2(s) + 2e. Cd(s) + 2OH - (aq) b) Wh at h ap p en s t o t h e p H o f t he elect rolyt e? It remains unchanged as OH - is created at the cathode and used at the anode in the same molar raito. c) Wh en t he cell is b eing used w h at is t he react ion o ccurrin g at t h e: - anode. Cd(s) + 2OH - (aq) Cd(OH) 2(s) + 2e. - cat hode NiO 2 (s) + 2H 2 O(l) + 2e. Ni(OH) 2 (s) + 2OH - (aq)

3 Question 4 A galvan ic cell consist s o f one h alf cell t h at is m ad e up o f an in ert grap h it e elect rode in a so lut io n co n t ain ing 1.0 M Fe 2+ (aq ) an d 1.0 M Fe 3+ (aq ) at 25 C. a) Select, f rom t he elect roch em ical series p rovid ed, a second half cell so t h at : - w h en connect ed w ill p rovid e ap p roxim at ely 1.2 V ; b) Draw t h e galvan ic cell. Lab el t h e f o llow in g. i) anode an d cat h o d e ii) p o larit y o f each elect rode iii) o xid at ion an d red uct io n react ions iv) an ap p ropriat e elect rolyt e f o r t h e salt b rid ge v) d irect io n of elect ron f low vi) d irect io n of io n f lo w f rom salt b rid ge e cathode + C KNO 3 K + NO 3 - Fe anode - Fe 3+ /Fe 2+ Fe 3+ /Fe Question 5 A co p p er d isc is t o b e silver -p lat ed in an elect rolyt ic cell. Th e d isc f o rm s o n e elect rode an d a silver rod t h e o t h er elect rode. Th e elect rolyt e p rovid es a so urce o f Ag + (aq ). Th e m ass of silver t o b e d ep o sit ed is g. a) If t h e curren t is held st ead y at 1.50 am p s, calculat e t he t im e, in seconds, t h at it t akes t o co m p let e t he p lat in g Step 1 Calculate the mol of Ag deposited. => n Ag = 0.150g/ = 1.39 X 10-3 Step 2 Calculate the mol of electrons needed Ag + (aq) + e => Ag(s) n e = 1.39 X 10-3 Step 3 Calculate the charge needed in Coulombs => Q = 1.39 X 10-3 X = Step 4 Calculate the time it takes for 1.50 amps to deliver this charge Q =It => = 1.50 t => t = / 1.50 = 89.5 seconds

4 b) Writ e t h e eq uat ion t o t h e react ion occurrin g at t he: - An o d e Ag(s) = > Ag + (aq ) + e - - Cat hode Ag + (aq ) + e - = > Ag(s) c) An id en t ical d isc is t o b e zin c-p lat ed w it h a so lut ion cont ain in g Zn 2+ (aq ) as t h e elect ro lyt e usin g a curren t o f 1.50 am p s. Calculat e t h e rat io o f t he t im e t h at is n eed ed t o p lat e t h e d isc w it h g o f zin c t o t h e t im e need ed t o p lat e t h e d isc w it h g o f silver. Step 1 Calculate the mol of Zn n zn = / 65.4 = Step 2 Calculate the mol of electrons needed Zn +2 (aq) +2 e => Zn(s) n e = 2 X = Step 3 Calculate the charge needed in Coulombs => Q = X = 443 Step 4 Calculate the time it take for 1.50 amps to deliver this charge Q =It => 443 = 1.50 t => t = 443 / 1.50 = 295 seconds Step 4 Find the ratio of Zn : Ag 295 : : 1 or 10 : 3

5 Question 6 Tw o react an t s A an d B react acco rd ing t h e eq uat io n show n b elo w A(g) + 2B(g) = > 2C(g) + 3D(g). A calo rim et er w as used t o reco rd t he en ergy given o ut w h en 6.00 gram s o f B react s co m p let ely w it h excess A. A b o m b calo rim et er w as calib rat ed b y p assin g a curren t o f 1.20 am p s at 2.31 vo lt s f o r 2.50 m in ut es t h rough 100 m L o f w at er at 25.2 o C. The t em p erat ure o f t he w at er in creased t o a m axim um of 31.2 o C. a) Calculat e t h e calib rat io n f act o r o f t he calo rim et er. Step 1 Calculate the amount of energy delivered. => E =vit(seconds) => E = 2.31 X 1.20 X 2.50 X 60 = 415.8J Step 2 Find the change in temperature => = 6.00 Step 3 Calculate the calibration factor => / 6.00 = 69.3 J/ o C b) If t h e t em p erat ure of t h e w at er increased f rom 25.2 o C t o 29.3 o C w h en 6.00g o f react an t B react ed co m p let ely, f in d t h e of the reaction below if the molar mass of B is 46.3 g/mol.. A(g) + 2B(g) = > 2C(g) + 3D(g). Step 1 Find the mol of B => n B = 6.00 / 46.3 = Step 2 Find the amount of energy given out by mol of B => Energy = 69.3 X ( ) = J Step 3 Find the energy per mol of B => / = kj Step 4 Find the of the reaction => Since the reaction indicates two mol of B then the is X 2 = kj = kj (negative sign indicates energy given out)

6 Question 7 a) Fuel cell is co n st ruct ed usin g et h an o l an d o xygen as t he m ain react an t s. Et h anol and o xygen react t o f o rm acet ic acid acco rd in g t o t h e ch em ical eq uat io n b elo w. CH 3 CH 2 OH(l) + O 2 (g) = > CH 3 COOH(aq ) + H 2 O(l) i) Give t he half eq uat ion t h at occur s at t he an o d e CH 3 CH 2 OH(l) + H 2 O(l) => CH 3 COOH(aq) + 4H + (aq) + 4e - ii) Give t he half eq uat ion t h at occurs at t he cat h o d e 4e - + 4H + (aq) + O 2 (g) => 2H 2 O(l) iii) A set o f f uel cells p roduce gram s of acet ic acid every m in ut e. What charge is p roduced b y t h e f uel cells o ver a 24 h o ur p erio d? Step 1 Calculate the mol of acetic acid produced every minute. => / 60.0 = 3.83 Step 2 Calculate the mol of acetic acid produced in 24 hours. => 3.83 X 24 X 60 = 5515 mol Step 3 Calculate the mol of electrons every 24 hours => 5515 X 4 = Step 4 Calculate the charge generated over a 24 hour period. => X = 2.13 X 10 9 Q 8) The reaction between hydrogen and oxygen is the basis of energy production in a number of fuel cells An alkaline electrolyte is used in a particular hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell. b) Write a balanced half-equation for the reaction occurring at the i. anode 2OH - (aq) + H 2 => 2H 2 O(l) + 2e - ii. cathode. O 2 (g) + 2H 2 O(l)) + 4e - => + 4OH - (aq) iii grams of oxygen reacted with excess hydrogen and the energy generated was used to heat grams of water at 1.20 o C. Assuming no energy is lost what is the final temperature of the water.

7 Step 1 Calculate the oxygen gas reacting. => /32.00 = mol Step 2 Calculate the amount of energy released. => For every mol of oxygen reacting kj of heat energy is released. => So for mol of oxygen we get (0.500 X 571.6) = kj Step 3 Calculate the rise in temperature => kj / 2.18 kj/ o C = o C Step 4 Calculate the final temperature => = o C iv. Given the equations below a) 2A(g) + B(g) => C(s) + D(l) = kj/mol b) E(l) + G(s) => 2C(s) + 2D(l) = kj/mol Calculate the of the equation below 4A(g) + 2B(g) => E(l) + G(s) Step 1 multiply a) by 2 c) 4A(g) + 2B(g) => 2C(s) +2D(l) = kj/mol Step 2 reverse equation b) d) 2C(s) + 2D(l) => E(l) + G(s) = kj/mol Step 3 Add equations c) and d) 4A(g) + 2B(g) => E(l) + G(s) = kj/mol


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