; ; ; The rela tion sh ip between landscape pa ttern and the habita t of g ian t panda s on the southern slope of the m iddle Qin ling M oun ta in s

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1 A CTA ECOLO G ICA S IN ICA V o l. 24,N o. 9 Sep., , 13, 1, 1, 2 3, (11, ; 21, ; 31, ) :, ;, 3 ( ), 1 km 2, ; 1km 2 : (1),,, ; (2),,, ; (3), ; (4) 1km 2, 3, : ; ; ; ; ; The rela tion sh ip between landscape pa ttern and the habita t of g ian t panda s on the southern slope of the m iddle Qin ling M oun ta in s ZHAN G Shuang 1, L IU Xue2H ua 13, J IN Q iang 1, L I J i2hong 1, J IN Xue2L in 2,W E I Fu2W en 3 (1. D ep artm ent of E nv ironm ental S cience and E ng ineering, T sing hua U niversity, B eij ing , Ch ina; 2. T he S haanx i F orest B u reau, X i an , Ch ina; 3. Institu te of Z oology, Ch inese A cad emy of S ciences, B eij ing , Ch ina). A cta Ecolog ica S in ica, 2004, 24 (9) : Abstract: L andscape pattern s resu lt from variou s eco logical p rocesses occu rring on differen t spatial scaleṡ In tu rn landscape pattern s strongly affect b io logical p rocesses of w ildlife popu lation ṡ L andscape pattern s influence the structu re and distribu tion of w ildlife populationṡ T h rough remo te sensing (R S) and Geograph ic Info rm ation System s (G IS), w e analyzed co rrelations betw een landscape patterns and giant pandas activities in th ree reserves (Fop ing, Changqing and Guanyinshan) on the southern slope of the m iddle Q inling M ountainṡ W e began by m app ing and analyzing landscape patterns and assessed th ree landscape indices, includingm PFD (m ean patch fractal dim en sion index), FN (fragm en tation index) and SD I (Shannon diversity index). W e used statistical analyses to exam ine co rrelations betw een giant pandas activity den sity and landscape pattern s at a spatial reso lution of 1km 2. T he m ain results show : (1) T here are differences on landscape patterns among th ree nature reserveṡ Fop ing N R show s the h ighest level landscape diversity, fo llow ed by Changqing N R and Guanyinshan N R w ith the low est L andscape diversity (2) D ue to hum an disturbance and habitat resto ration, the degree of landscape fragm entation in Fop ing N R is the low est, fo llow ed by Changqing N R, and Guanyinshan w ith the h ighest level of fragm entation. (3) T he activity signs of giant pandas w ere densely distributed in tw o areas, i. e. the m iddle of Fop ing N R and the no rthern part of Changqing N R. : ( ) ; M emph is ; : ; : : (1981 ),,,,, G IS E2m ail: zhangshuang03@m ails. tsinghua. edu. cn 3 A utho r fo r co rrespondence. E2m ail: xuehua2hjx@m ail. tsinghua. edu. cn Foundation item: Key P ro ject of N ational N atural Science Foundation of Ch ina (N o ) ; CW CA and M emph is Zoo, U SA p ro ject; WW F2 CPO suppo rted p ro ject Received date: ; Accepted date: Biography: ZHAN G Shuang, M aster candidate, m ainly engaged in landscape eco logy and G IS app lication on eco logy. E2m ail: ails. tsinghua. edu. cn

2 9 : 1951 (4) A nalysis reveals co rrelations betw een the giant panda activity density and landscape indices at the scale of 1km 2, p roviding evidence that differen t landscape pattern s have sign ifican t effects on gian t pandas activity and hab itat u tilization. Key words: landscape pattern; R S; G IS; giant pandas; habitat; the Q inling M ountains : (2004) : Q 149, Q 958 : A,, [1 3 ], [4 6 ],,,, [7, ],,, [8 ] [9 ; ] [10 ] [7 ; ],,, 3 ( ), ,,,,, 1km 2,,, ,, ( 1) , ;,, 720km 2, 1300m,, ;, (B ashania f arg esii) (F arg esia qinling ensis),,,, [11 ], 20 90, , 3 ; F ig. 1 T he location of the study area1 T he study area contains [12 14 ], three nature reserves (Changqing, Fop ing and Guanyinshan),, ERDA S IM A G IN E, ETM +, U TM, 8 : (Conifer Fo rest, CF ) (M ixed B roadleaf and Conifer Fo rest, M BC) (B roadleaved Fo rest, BF) (Bam boo, BAM ) (Sh rub2grass2h erb land, SGH ) (Farm land and Settlem ent, FS) (Rock and Bare land, RB ) (W ater A rea,wa )

3 ,, 296, 3 969, A RCV IEW Patch A nalyst FRA GSTA T S, : (1) :,, (2) [15 : ], ( 1) ;, 3 ( 2),, 3, Index type [16 ] M ean patch fractal dim ension index M P FD = [17 ] F ragm entationindex 1 Table 1 Landscape pattern indices used in this research M athem atical fo rm ula n n i= 1 j= 1 N 2ln (0. 25P ij) ln (A ij) FN = (N F - 1) gm PS General descrip tion P ij i j, A ij i j, N ;M P FD 1 2 P ij is the perim eter of patch j in landscape class i, A ij is the area of patch j in landscape class I, N is patches num ber1 The scope of M PFD is betw een 1 21 N F,M PS N F is the num ber of patches fo r a certain landscape class, M PS is the average area of patches. [16 ] Shannons SD I = - diversity index m [ (P i) ln (P i) ] i= 1 P i i P i is the percentage of landscape class i to the to tal area of all the landscape ( in area) [18, 19 ],,, 1 km 2 (1) 4 7 km 2 [7 ], 1 10km 2, 1km 2, 1800m 3, (2), 1km 2, 591 ;, 3 3 2, 105km 2,,, (3) 1km 2 F ig. 2 Regions selected w h ile calculating the landscape pattern, SPSS indices on the reserves scale; T he area of each region is 105km 2 ; 3 The regions contain mo st area of different altitude and hum an, activities in the reserves ,,,,,,,,

4 9 : 1953,,,,,,, 2. 2 ( 2),, ; ;, ; 3 3 ( ),, 8 (CF) (M BC) (BF), (BAM ) (SGH ) (FS) (RB) (WA ) 3, F ig. 3 D istribution m ap of landscape types in the southern slope of the m iddle Q inling M ountains ( including Fop ing, Changqing and, Guanyinshan N ature Reserves). The eight landscape classes are 1g3 conifer fo rest (CF ), m ixed broadleaf and conifer fo rest (M BC ), ;, broadleaf fo rest (BF ), bam boo fo rest (BAM ), shrub2grass2herb ; land (SGH ), farm land and settlem ent (FS), rock and barren land, (RB), w ater area (WA ),,, ;,,, ;,, ;,,, 2 3 ( ) Table 2 Landscape patches analysis about the three reserves (Fop ing, Changqing and Guanyinshan) in the southern slope of the m iddle Qin ling M oun ta in s (km 2 ) g A rea of landscape types (km 2 ) gn um ber of landscape patches L andscape type Fop ing Changqing Guanyinshan Fop ing (km 2 ) A verage area of landscape patches (km 2 ) Changqing Guanyinshan BF g g g M BC g g g CF 18126g g g BAM 4114g g g SGH 8187g g g FS 0130g g g WA 0127g g g RB 2186g g g To tal g g g ,, 3, [16, ],

5 [20, ], ;,, ;,, ( ) [7 ] [17,, ] 3,,,,,,,, ( 3) [21, ],,, ;,,,, 3 3 ( ) [16, ],, 3 Table 3 Landscape indices of the three nature reserves ( Fop ing, Changqing and Guanyinshan ) in the southern slope of the m iddle, Qin ling M oun ta in s, Landscape indices are M PFD, FN and SD I, ;,, ; Reserve M P FD FN SD I Fop ing , Changqing Guanyinshan ,,,, ;,,, 2. 4 (1 km 2 ) ( 4),, 4 6 gkm gkm 2,,, ;,, 5, : (1) ( 5a),, ; (2) ( 5b), ; (3) ( 5c),,,,,, 4 3 ( ) (1km 2 ),,, F ig. 4 D istribution pattern of panda activity density in the th ree, reserves (Changqing, Fop ing and Guanyinshan ) in the southern,, slope of the m iddle Q inling M ountains (cells size: 1 km 2 ) 5a,,

6 9 : 1955,,,, 2000,,,,, ( ), ( , ); ( ), ( 0125), ( ), ( 4),, 99%,, 95%, ;,,, 99% ;,,,, ;,,,, ;, 5 3 ( ),, (1km 2 ),, F ig. 5 D istribute pattern of landscape indices in th ree nature ; reserves ( Fop ing, Changqing and Guanyinshan ) in the southern slope of the m iddle Q inling M ountains (cells size: 1 km 2 ) 3 a1 M P FD ; b. FN ; c. SD I [6, 22, 23 ] 3,, ;, ; 1km 2,,,,, ;, ( ),,,,,,,,

7 , ;,,, 4 3 ( ) Table 4 Analysis of correlation s between panda activ ity den sity pattern and landscape indices pattern in three nature reserves ( Fop ing, Changqing and Guanyinshan) in the southern slope of the m iddle Qin ling M oun ta in s N ature reserves M P FD FN SD I Fop ing Changqing Guanyinshan Fop ing Changqing Guanyinshan Fop ing Changqing Guanyinshan Co rrelation ratio Significant ,,, ;, References: [ 1 ] Fo rm an RTT, Go rdon M 1 L and scap e E cology 1 N ew Yo rk: John W iley and Sons, [ 2 ] L i H B, W u Y G1 Q uantitative m ethod s of land scap e ecology 1 In: L iu J G ed. Introd uction of M od ern E cology. Beijing: Ch ina Science and T echno logy P ress, [ 3 ] X iao D N, L i X Z. Fo refronts and future strategies of landscape eco logy. A cta E colog ica S inica, 2003, 23 (8) : [ 4 ] IAL E2Ch ina Chap ter, translated. Issues in L and scap e E cology. Changsha: H unan Science and T echno logy P ress, [ 5 ] Zhou H F, Fu B J. Eco logical structure of landscape and biodiversity p ro tection. S ci. Geog ra. S in., 1998, 18 (5) : [ 6 ] L i X W, H u Y M, X iao D N. L andscape eco logy and biodiversity conservation. A cta E colog ica S inica, 1999, 19 (3) : [ 7 ] L iu X H. M app ing and M od eling the H abitat of G iant P and as in F op ing N atu re R eserve, Ch ina. T he N etherlands: FEBODRU K BV, Enschede, [ 8 ] W ang H, L i S G, Pan W S. Population viability analysis of Giant Panda (A ilu rop od a m elanoleuca ) in Q inling M ountains. A cta S cientiarum N atu ralium U niversitatis P ek inensis, 2002, 38 (6) : [ 9 ] W ang D X, L iu J J, Chen H B. A study on the population structure and dynam ics of P inus arm and ii in Q inling fo rest region. J ou rnal of N orthw est F orestry U niversity, 1999, 14 (1) : [ 10 ] Gao J R, X iao B, Chen H B, et al. Study on the structure characteristics and regeneration dynam ics of Ch inese Sp ruce fo rests in Q inling M ountains. S cientia S ilvae S inicae, 2000, 36 (1) : [ 11 ] Pan W S, L Z, W ang D J, et al. A Chance f or L asting S u rv ival. Beijing: Pek ing U niversity P ress, [ 12 ] L i S J, Zeng H. T he utilities of remo te sensing technique in landscape study. J. R em. S enṡ, 2002, 6 (3) : [ 13 ] L iu H Y. A pp lication of geograph ical info rm ation system to studies of landscape eco logy. A cta Geog r. S in., 1995, 50 (Supp lem ent) : [ 14 ] Roy H Y, D avid R G and Stephen H C. L and scap e E cology and G IS. Great B ritain: T. J. P ress L td, [ 15 ] Chen W B, X iao D N, L i X Z. C lassification, app lication and creation of landscape indices. Ch in. J. A pp l. E col., 2002, 13 (1) : [ 16 ] W u J G. L and scap e E cology, P attern, P rocess, S cale and H ierarchy. Beijing: H igher Education P ress, [ 17 ] Fu B J, Chen L D, M a K M, et al. P rincip les and A pp lications on L and scap e E cology. Beijing: P ress of Science, [ 18 ] L Y H, Fu B J. Eco logical scale and scaling. A cta E colog ica S inica, 2001, 21 (12) : [ 19 ] X iao D N, Bu R C, L i X Z. Special eco logy and landscape heterogeneity. A cta E colog ica S inica, 1997, 17 (5) : [ 20 ] Satu L, Jari K. Scale and dynam ics of a transfo rm ing fo rest landscape. F orest E cology and M anag em ent, 2003, 175 (1) : [ 21 ] H arini N. Oppo site trends in response fo r the Shannon and Simp son indices of landscape diversity. A pp lied Geog rap hy, 2002, 22 (2) : [ 22 ] Fu B J, Chen L D. L andscape diversity types and their eco logical significance. A cta Geog r. S in., 1996, 51 (5) : [ 23 ] Zhao Y T, Yu X X, Guan W B. Review on landscape heterogeneity. Ch in. J. A pp l. E col., 2002, 13 (4) :

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