Sen tence Boundary D etection in B iom ed ica l Texts Using Con textm orpholog ica l Fea tures

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1 M IN I- M ICRO SYST EM S V o l127 N o 1 Jan , 2, 1, 1 1, 1 (,, ) 2 (,, ) E2m ail: yuzhonghua@cs scu edu cn :,,,, M edline, 99%,,,,,, : : T P391 : A : (2006) Sen tence Boundary D etection in B iom ed ica l Texts Using Con textm orpholog ica l Fea tures YU Zhong2hua 1, ZHAN G Rong 2, TAN G Chang2jie 1, ZUO J ie 1, ZHAN G T ian2qing 1 1 (Comp u ter S cience S chool, S ichuan U niversity, Cheng d u , Ch ina) 2 (N etw ork E d ucation S chool, S ichuan U niversity, Cheng d u , Ch ina) Abstract: A sentence boundary detection algo rithm is p ropo sed fo r info rm ation extraction from biom edical texts acco rding to characteristics of the texts and special requirem ents of info rm ation extraction featu res and supervised learn ing techno logy T he algo rithm is based on context mo rpho logical In con trast to algo rithm s developed fo r sen tence boundary detection in comm on English texts, the algo rithm does no t use special vocabulary and gramm atical level info rm ation, and m akes decision about sen2 tence boundary just based on mo rpho logical info rm ation of the context w o rdṡ A m axim um entropy detecto r and a SVM detec2 to r are developed by using these featureṡ Experim ents done on M edline abstracts show that the algo rithm has ach ieved accura2 cy of recognition above 99%, and m axim um entropy and SVM m ethods have the app roxim ate perfo rm ance fo r the p roblem of sentence boundary disam biguation T he experim ents also show that just using mo rpho logical level info rm ation w ithout supp le2 m entary vocabulary and gramm atical level info rm ation rem ains the app roxim ately sam e perfo rm ance as the o ther algo rithm s us2 ing supp lem entary vocabulary and gramm atical level info rm ation fo r common English texts do Key words: natu ral language p rocessing b iom edical info rm ation ex traction sen tence boundary detection m ach ine learn ing 1,,,,,,,,, (GenBank),, :,, [1, 2 (1) ], [3 (2) ],, [428 (3) ] [9 (4) ], [10, 11 (5) ] : : ( ) ( ) :,, 1967,,,,,, 1963,,,, 1946,,,,, 1977,,,, 1972,, China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

2 1 : 181, ) (,, ),, : 3 [16 ],,,,,, :,,,,,,,,, 4,, 5,?,!,,,, 6,,, ( 3 14 ) ( U 3 S ),, ( T he p resident lives in W ash ington D, [ 16 ] C ),,, M EDL IN E [17 ], ( ) 2 (1)?,,, (2)?, [12 ] [13215 ], (3),,,,, [12 ] 100 1, 570 M EDL IN E F lex, W SJ (W all Street Journal) [16 ], 12, % ( W SJ ), 1 (P recision ),, (R ecall), F2 (F2M easure) (E rro r2r ate),,,,,? 1 [13 ], M EDL IN E (W SJ) [16 ] [13 ] [14, ] [15, ], P recision 99 93% 99 56% Recall 71 03% 76 95% : ( M ṙ ), F2M easure 83 04% 86 81%,, Erro r2rate 29 02% 16 25%, W SJ 0 39% 22% (,?,! ",, ), P - Po sitive,,, P - N egative,n - Po sitive,,, N -, N egative,,,,,, F2 :, ( Info rm ation Extrac2 P - P ositive tion ), ( Info rm ation R etrieval), P recision= P - P ositive+ N - P ositive,, P - P ositive R ecall= P - P ositive+ P - N eg ative, 2 P recision R ecall F - M easu re= (,, P recision+ R ecall China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

3 P - N eg ative+ N - P ositive E rror2r ate= P - P ositive+ P - N eg ative,, 1, (A cronym ),,, F5 F5,,, (F2M easure 86 81% ),, (F2M easure 83 04% ) : W 2 A 2 M edline,,,! ( : A [ 1 ], A [ 2 ], )?, K2W A ( ),, : W,, TRU E,, FAL SE,, : boo l bretv alue = false,,, bretv alue = true, break } 4 1,,,, 2, Eh rlich ia E 2,,, 1,, (Shallow Parsing),,,,,,,,, Eh rlich ia chaffeensis, an obligato ry intracellular bacterium of, monocytes o r m acrophages, is the etio logic agent of hum an monocytic eh rlich io sis< S> < gs> O ur p revious study show ed that gamm a in2,, terferon ( IFN 2 gamm a) added p rio r to o r at early stage of infection in2 hibited infection of hum an monocytes w ith E chaffeensis how ever,, after 24 h of infection, IFN 2gamm a had no antiehrlichial effect< S> < gs> To test w hether 4 1 (,, 2 M edline ( ) F1: F2: F3: F4: F5: F6: F7: F8: F9: F10: F11:, M edline, fo r (i = K21 i> 0 i22) { (A cronym ), A CE ( antio tensin2converting enzym e ) if (ϖw ( (A [ i]= = strcat (W,W ) ) &&(strlen (W ) > 0) ) ) { ggstrcat (W,W ) W W, } return (bretv alue) strlen (W ) W ), 2 M edline 11 :, < S> < gs>, 2, L abel (+ 1, 21 ) 2 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 L abel [18 F5 ], China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

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