arxiv: v4 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 18 May 2017

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1 Quntum Vertex Model for Reversile Clssil Computing rxiv: v4 [ond-mt.stt-meh] 18 My 2017 C. Chmon, 1,. R. Muiolo, 2 A.. Rukenstein, 1 nd Z.-C. Yng 1 1 Physis Deprtment, Boston University, 590 Commonwelth Ave., Boston, Msshusetts 02215, UA 2 Deprtment of Physis, University of Centrl Florid, 4111 Lir Drive, Orlndo, Florid 32816, UA (Dted: My 19, 2017) Mppings of lssil omputtion onto sttistil mehnis models hve led to remrkle suesses in ddressing some omplex omputtionl prolems. However, suh mppings disply thermodynmi phse trnsitions tht my prevent rehing solution even for esy prolems known to e solvle in polynomil time. Here we mp universl reversile lssil omputtions onto plnr vertex model tht exhiits no ulk lssil thermodynmi phse trnsition, independent of the omputtionl iruit. ithin our pproh the solution of the omputtion is enoded in the ground stte of the vertex model nd its omplexity is refleted in the dynmis of the relxtion of the system to its ground stte. e use therml nneling with nd without lerning to explore typil omputtionl prolems. e lso onstrut mpping of the vertex model into the Chimer rhiteture of the D-ve mhine, inititing n pproh to reversile lssil omputtion sed on stte-of-the-rt implementtions of quntum nneling. I. ITRODUCTIO Throughout the pst few dedes, prolems of omputer siene hve eome sujets of intense interest to theoretil physiists s prdigms of omplex systems tht ould enefit from theoretil pprohes nd insights inspired y sttistil physis. These inlude neurl networks, Boltzmnn mhines nd deep lerning, ompressed sensing, stisfiility prolems, nd host of other pprohes to dt mining nd mhine lerning [1 4]. The interest in the onstrints on omputtion nd informtion proessing pled y physil lws is even older nd dtes to work y Lnduer nd Bennett [5 7]. One of the holy grils t the interfe etween physis nd omputer siene is the physil reliztion of lrge-sle quntum omputer in whih the proessing of informtion mkes use of quntum-mehnil onepts suh s superposition nd entnglement [8, 9]. However, uilding quntum omputer remins hllenging tsk euse of the prtil diffiulty ssoited with mintining oherene over the durtion of the omputtion. This pper ims t ringing new lss of prolems to the physis-omputer siene interfe y introduing two-dimensionl (2D) representtion of generi reversile lssil omputtion, the result of whih is enoded in the ground stte of sttistil mehnis vertex model with pproprite oundry onditions. The vertex model is defined in terms of Boolen vriles (or spins degrees of freedom) pled on the onds or links of n nisotropi 2D lttie with verties representing logi gtes. The orresponding gte onstrints re implemented through short-rnged one- nd two-ody intertions involving the spins of the vertex (s we show, this onstrution n e relized in physil progrmmle Corresponding uthor: mhines, suh s the D-ve mhine.) One diretion of the lttie represents omputtionl (rther thn rel) time, s introdued y Feynmn in the history representtion of quntum omputtion [10], ut here used for lssil reversile iruits. The two oundries of the lttie trnsverse to the time diretion ontin the input nd output its of the omputtion. It is importnt to stress tht we re not limiting ourselves to forwrd omputtions with fixed inputs. More interesting re prolems in whih only prtil informtion out oth inputs nd outputs is known. In tht se, rehing the ground stte requires flow of informtion oth forwrds nd kwrds ross the lttie, proesses tht re nturlly uilt into our pproh. The ide of enoding lssil omputtion in the ground stte of mny-ody spin model ws introdued erlier for irreversile omputtion in Ref. [11 13]. Here we fous on reversile rther thn irreversile omputtion in order to ddress prolems with oth fixed-input nd mixed-oundry onditions on inputs nd outputs, s explined ove. Mpping onto regulr 2D lttie s opposed to n ritrry grph llows us to use intuitive ides from equilirium nd non-equilirium sttistil mehnis, espeilly of lssil nd quntum phse trnsitions. Also, while in Ref. [12] n error orretion sheme ws required to implement fult tolernt omputtion, in our pproh urte omputtion without error orretion is possile elow moderte tempertures tht sle only s the inverse of the logrithm of the system size, onsequene of the exponentil sling of the stti orreltion length with inverse temperture (see elow). Most importntly, the mpping proposed here defines sttistil mehnis vertex models tht, irrespetive of the omputtion they represent, disply no ulk thermodynmi trnsition down to zero temperture. Thus our work emphsizes tht the dynmis of relxtion to the ground stte rther thn the thermodynmis of the model is essentil for understnding the omplexity of

2 2 ground stte omputtion. The sene of thermodynmil phse trnsition removes n ovious impediment to rehing the ground stte of the vertex model. For instne, suoptiml mpping from omputtionl prolem into physil system my ple the solution within glssy phse, even in the se of esy omputtionl prolems. The mpping of XORAT ( prolem in P) into diluted p- spin model is suh n exmple [14]. The ft tht our vertex model is free of thermodynmi trnsitions does not men tht the ground stte n e rehed esily. This remins true even for prolems with unique solutions whih re enoded y vertex models with unique ground sttes. uh prolems re in the omplexity lss UIQU-AT, whih under rndomized redution is s hrd s AT [15]. Hene, even in the sene of thermodynmi trnsition finding the unique ground stte of vertex models enoding prolems with single solution is prolem in P-omplete [16 18]. Of ourse, this does not men tht one nnot enefit from speed-ups llowed y either physis inspired heuristis or y speil-purpose physil hrdwre, suh s quntum nnelers. This pper fouses on the study of vertex-model representtions of rndom iruits for whih the omplexity of the omputtion is refleted in the onentrtion of TOFFOLI gtes, the length of the input nd output oundries L, nd the depth of the iruit. e onentrte on omputtionl prolems with single solution or prolems for whih one n disern mong n O(1) numer of solutions with smll overhed lss of prolems tht enompss ftoring of semi-primes, n importnt nd nontrivil exmple tht we shll explore in future pulition. In our disussion of dynmis we deploy therml nneling s well s introdue more effiient nneling with lerning protool. The ltter trnsltes into n lgorithm for solving lssil prolems for whih, s expeted, forwrd omputtion from fixed input oundry rehes solution in time liner in the depth of the omputtionl iruit. Finlly, we note tht rehing the ground stte of the vertex model ould e elerted y repling lssil nneling with quntum nneling [20 23]. hile pprohing omputtionl prolems through quntum nneling is left for future investigtions, the urrent pper inludes the forml derivtion of the quntum version of the sttistil mehnis model of reversile lssil omputtion. This provides the kground for n expliit mpping of our lttie model onto the Chimer rhiteture of the D-ve mhine, development tht points to the potentil usefulness of the vertex model s progrmming pltform for speil purpose quntum nnelers. ID AP TOFFOLI () () () Figure 1. Tile representtion of reversile omputtionl gtes. ()&() lementry tiles representing the three omputtionl gtes for reversile iruits: ID (identity), AP nd TOFFOLI. () onstrution of the Hmiltonins tht enode the gte-stisfying sttes in the ground stte mnifolds. pins re pled on the oundry of the tiles. For the TOFFOLI gte, n nill spin is pled in the enter of the retngulr tile. Couplings needed in the Hmiltonins for the three different gtes (tiles) re indited y purple lines onneting two spins. The dshed line denotes the oundry of the tile. II. RULT A. The vertex model for reversile lssil omputtion Our strting point is the ft tht ny Boolen funtion n e implemented in terms of TOFFOLI gtes, whih re reversile logi gtes with three inputs nd three outputs. trting from iruit of TOFFOLI gtes, our onstrution proeeds y first using AP gtes to repetedly swp distnt its in the input tht re ted upon y prtiulr gtes of the iruit, until the opertion of every gte is redued to djent its. The seond step is to ssoite tiles with eh of the gtes, s shown in Fig. 1, where one should imgine pling input nd output its t the intersetions of the tile surfes with the horizontl lines, s desried in detil in the Methods etion. The tiles representing the gtes n then e lid down side-y-side on plne to implement the omputtionl iruit, s shown in Fig. 2 for the exmple of the ripplerry dder, whih omputes the rry it tht is rippled to the next it when dding two numers [24]. (The ripple-rry dder is the uilding lok for more omplited iruits suh s ddition nd multiplition.) As d d d 0 0

3 3 n e seen from this exmple, one my lso need to inlude the Identity (ID) gte in ddition to the TOF- FOLI nd AP gtes in order to represent prtiulr logi iruits vi tiling. Implied in the figure is tht ommon oundries of djent tiles ontin pir of twin its (one on eh tile) whose vlues must oinide. The derivtions of spin Hmiltonins implementing the truth tles of individul tiles, the short rnge inter-tile Hmiltonin enforing the onsisteny etween its of neighoring tiles, nd the oundry onditions speifying inputs nd outputs re presented in the Methods etion. () () () n s n n n n+1 CARRY n s = n n n n n+1 0 n+1 0 n 0 n n n n 0 s n 0 0 n n+1 0 n n n s n 0 n n n+1 n s n n 0 00 n+1 s n s 0 0 n s n n n s n sn 0 n n s n n n 00 n+1 n n n n n n n n n 0 n+1 0 n n s 0 n n+1 n 00 n n+1 0 n n n 0 n+1 n 0 n s n+1 n n P 1 T P 2 T P 3 T P 4 T P 5 T P 6 T P 7 T P 8 T P 9 Figure 2. Tile nd vertex model representtion of the ripple-rry dder. () The ripple-rry dder whih omputes the rry it tht is rippled to the next it. e dd one dditionl ontrol line s n nd set it to 1 to implement the originl COT gte with TOFFOLI gte. () The ripplerry dder implemented on the tile lttie, with different gtes depited in different olors: lue tile: ID; green tile: AP; gold tile: TOFFOLI. pins etween djent tiles re fored to e equl y the ferromgneti grout oupling K. () The ripple-rry dder mpped to vertex model with periodi oundry ondition in the trnsverse diretion. After eh olumn of gte (vertex) opertion, it sttes re leled t eh ond. Light yellow nd grey stripes represent the P nd T mtries used in the trnsfer mtrix lultion of the prtition funtion. The finl step of our mpping, lso detiled in the Methods etion, is to onstrut vertex model on tilted squre lttie, with eh vertex representing either TOFFOLI gte or four possile retngulr tiles otined y omining squre ID nd AP tiles (ID-ID, ID-AP, AP-ID, AP-AP), s shown in Fig. 2. This onstrution n lwys e done y n pproprite retiling of the iruit so tht eh retngulr tile hs four neighors (hene the squre lttie). There re six Boolen (or spin) vriles ssoited to eh vertex: two on eh of the two doule onds nd one on eh of the two single onds tied to vertex. In deriving the vertex model we work in the limit in whih the spin oupling defining the gte Hmiltonins, J (see the Methods etion), in whih se ll gte truth tles re stisfied extly. Consequently, eh vertex n e in one of r = 2 3 = 8 sttes. Three of the spins re inputs, nd we use the stte q of the vertex, where q = 0, 1,..., 7, to red-off the inputs in inry (whih re uniquely relted to the spin): x I = it[, q], = 1, 2, 3 for the three its of the numer q. The output its re the its of the 3-it numer G(q), where G is the gte funtion: = it[, G(q)], = 1, 2, 3. The energy ost for two djent gtes tht re inomptile with eh other is determined y the ferromgneti oupling K. The resulting vertex model Hmiltonin n e written s x OUT Ĥ = ss + + s q s,q s s oundry q s,q s K gsg s q s,q s q sq s q s q s q s h qs q s q s qs,q s q s q s, (1) where K gsg s q s,q s enodes the energy ost for mismthed nerest-neighor verties (the energies, with sle set y K, depend on the stte of the verties q s nd q s, s well s on the types of gtes g s nd g s present t neighoring verties s, s n expliit exmple is given in the upplementry note 2); h qs enodes the oundry onditions, whih we ssoite diretly with the vertex rther thn with the input or output its of gte (sine the reltionship is one-to-one); nd finlly, the trnsition mtrix elements qs,q s etween the sttes within vertex s. All these ouplings n e determined given omputtionl iruit nd the oundry onditions. The quntum term qs,q s n e designed from the internl ouplings within the tiles; For simpliity, one should onsider the se, qs,q s = for ll q s, q s, whih then represents the 8-stte ounterprt of trnsverse field. The vertex model defined y q. (1) is the strting point for ll the susequent disussions of this pper. For exmple, quntum nneling protool for solving ftoring prolem would strt with K, where the ground stte is superposition of ll lolly stisfied gtes independent of one nother, nd end with K, with the ground stte in whih eh tile stisfies the gte onstrint nd lso psses nd reeives the right informtion to nd from its neighors.

4 4 B. The quntum vertex model phse digrm Figure 3 shows our onjetured equilirium phse digrm of the vertex model desried y the Hmiltonin in q. (1). For T, J, the lol gte onstrints re stisfied, whih we indite y lol AT. The solution of the omputtionl prolem resides t the origin (T/K = /K = 0), where ll the gtes re lolly stisfied nd glolly onsistent, whih we indite y glol AT. In the Methods etion we show expliitly tht long the lssil xis, δ = /K = 0, the vertex model displys no finite temperture ulk thermodynmi trnsition irrespetive of the omputtionl iruit it represents. In prtiulr, the resulting ulk thermodynmi ehvior is lwys tht of prmgnet: T K βf = [3L( 1)] ln(2 osh βk). (2) T J lol AT glol AT UAT UAT J = K Figure 3. Phse digrm of the vertex model. Our ext lultion of the prtition funtion shows tht there is no phse trnsition long the lssil pth (δ = 0). e rgue tht there should e quntum phse trnsition for some ritil δ. Moreover, long the quntum xis T = 0 the vertex model must enounter zero-temperture quntum phse trnsition t finite vlue of δ. This follows from onsidering trivil lssil iruits with no TOFFOLI gtes in whih se n L vertex model is equivlent to 3L deoupled Ising hins of size in trnsverse mgneti field. Just s in the one-dimensionl Ising model in trnsverse field, in the limit of no TOFFOLI gtes one expets zero-temperture seond-order quntum phse trnsition t δ = 1. The ddition of TOFFOLI gtes omplites the nlysis, ut on physil grounds we expet tht the phse trnsition nnot simply dispper ut rther hnge hrter insted, possily from seond order to first order. This ould e the se if the no-toffoli ritil point hppens to e n endpoint of phse oundry in the δ-x T plne, where x T is the onentrtion of TOFFOLI gtes. Determining the order of the trnsition for the vertex model desriing generi omputtion is diffiult prolem, whih we expet to ddress vi quntum Monte Crlo simultions in future pulition. C. Therml nneling of the lssil vertex model Here we study the dynmis of relxtion to the ground stte s funtion of the size nd depth of the omputtion vi therml nneling [19]. This proeeds y ooling the system from high temperture of order K down to zero temperture over totl time durtion, τ, ording to the rmp protool, T (t) = K(1 t/τ). The dynmis is extrted y following n order prmeter m tht mesures the overlp of the finl stte {q finl } rehed t t = τ with the referene (solution) stte {q sol }: [ ] m = 8 1 δ 7 L q finl s,q 1. (3) s sol 8 s (Below we explin in detil how unique solution stte {q sol } is otined.) otie tht the order prmeter rehes m = 1 when the finl stte grees with the solution, nd m = 0 if the stte is rndom, in whih se it grees with the solution y hne in 1/8th of the sites. e remrk tht the solution overlp is muh etter inditor of the evolution towrds solution thn the totl energy. This is euse single vertex flip into n inorret stte in the middle of the iruit my ost little energy ut it throws other verties into ompletely different stte from the orret one. The detils of the numeril Metropolis simultions re presented in the Methods etion. Our results re represented in the form inspired y the dynmi sling theory of Ref. [26] tht uilds on the Kile-Zurek mehnism [27, 28], nmely: l(τ) = m (τ) L/L, (4) whih defines dynmil orreltion length, l(τ). L is the numer of pinned verties on oth oundries (see the Methods etion). To motivte q. (4) we note tht the domin of stisfied gtes tht ontriute to m (τ), the frtion of gtes tht reh their orret sttes t time τ, grows from the pinned sttes t the oundries, nd overs n re L l(τ). Thus l(τ) desries the growth of orrelted regions of stisfied gtes tht eventully onnet the two oundries of the iruit. (e note tht reently, the Kile-Zurek mehnism hs een extended to inlude systems with zero-temperture order [29], the se relevnt to the urrent disussion). e note tht t ny temperture T long the nneling pth, the orreltion length is l T (τ) l T (τ ) = ξ T,

5 5 l(τ ) 10 1 fixed input nd output () 20% TOFFOLI τ l(τ ) 10 1 fixed input nd output () 40% TOFFOLI τ l(τ ) 10 1 fixed input nd output () 100% TOFFOLI τ mixed oundry onditions (d) 20% TOFFOLI 10 1 mixed oundry onditions (e) 40% TOFFOLI 10 1 mixed oundry onditions (f) 100% TOFFOLI l(τ ) l(τ ) l(τ ) τ τ τ Figure 4. ling of the dynmil orreltion length l(τ). For ll sizes nd ses, 2000 reliztions of the oundry sttes were used. The dt-point ode used in pnel () pplies to ll other pnels. hen not visile, the error rs re smller thn the size of the dt points. ()-() fixed input nd output; (d)-(f) mixed oundry onditions; ()&(d) 20% TOFFOLI; ()&(e) 40% TOFFOLI; ()&(f) 100% TOFFOLI. For systems with the smllest depth studied, 16 42, nd for iruits with few TOFFOLI gtes (20%) nd fixed input nd output oundry onditions, l(τ) tends to sturte, inditing tht omplete solutions hve een rehed. otie tht the funtionl form of the sling does not depend on the oundry onditions, nd depends solely on the onentrtion of TOFFOLI gtes. where ξ T e K/2T is the therml orreltion length in the prmgneti stte, nd K is hrteristi ferromgneti intertion strength in our model. In therml equilirium ll gte onstrints defining the omputtionl iruit would e stisfied one ξ T rehes the depth of the omputtion,. otie tht the exponentil dependene of ξ T on temperture implies tht hieving the orret ssignment of gtes does not require very low tempertures on the sle of K sine ξ T lredy for tempertures elow T K/ ln. However, rehing the solution to the omputtionl prolem is dynmil proess tht nnot proeed to ompletion until the dynmi orreltion length t the end of the nneling protool, l(τ) = l T =0 (τ), rehes, llowing the input nd output oundries of the system tht speify the omputtion to ommunite. In Fig. 4 we present the numeril results for fixed input nd output, nd mixed oundry onditions, with different onentrtions of TOFFOLI gtes (see the Methods etion for detils). Remrkly, we find tht the urves for different system sizes L nd ollpse very well when sled s in q. (4). In ddition, notie tht for shorter iruit with fixed input nd output nd low onentrtion of TOFFOLI gtes (20%), l(τ) egins to sturte for lrge enough τ (Fig. 4). As shown more lerly in Fig. 5, this sturtion ours when the dynmil orreltion length l(τ) rehes /2, where the growing domins of stisfied gtes meet. ine in this se L = 2L, l(τ s ) /2 orresponds to m (τ s ) = 1 estlishing τ s s the time-to-solution. For mixed oundry onditions, however, l(τ) /2 initites the ommunition etween the two oundries nd estlishes the system s pity to lern (see elow) ut is not suffiient for negotiting solution. Indeed, Fig. 5 shows tht m (τ) does not yet sturte when l(τ) /2. As n e seen from Fig. 6 for omputtions with mixed oundry onditions, orreltions must develop long the trnsverse diretion (i.e., prllel to the oundries) efore solution n e rehed. In those ses it is this slower proess tht determines the time-to-solution nd domintes the omplexity of omputtions. Finlly, ll non-trivil opertions etween input nd output its involve TOFFOLI gtes, nd it is thus expeted tht the inresing the onentrtion of these gtes slows down the growth of orreltions. This expettion is onfirmed in Fig. 5, where we show urves for the sme system size with different onentrtions of TOFFOLI gtes. The se of no TOFFOLI gtes is equivlent to 3L deoupled ferromgneti Ising hins. In this se the dynmi orreltion length ehves s l(τ) = l 0 [(τ/τ 0 )/ln(τ/τ 0 )] 1/2 (with l 0 = 1.42 nd τ 0 = 8.33) s illustrted y the dshed line in Fig. 5. This ehvior is in greement with the ext result for the Kile-Zurek dynmil sling of the density of domin wlls in ferromgneti Ising hin [30]. D. Anneling with lerning imple therml nneling is not neessrily n optiml wy to reh the ground stte. For exmple, in the se of forwrd omputtion, the time sle for the

6 6 l(τ ) l(τ ) 10 1 () % TOFFOLI fixed input nd output mixed oundry onditions () fixed input nd output 0% TOFFOLI 20% TOFFOLI 40% TOFFOLI 100% TOFFOLI τ solution rehed Figure 5. ffets of oundry onditions nd TOF- FOLI onentrtion. () The sturtion of the sling urve for fixed input nd output oundry onditions with 20% TOFFOLI gtes when l(τ) /2. This indites tht the solutions hve een rehed, nd is onsistent with the domin growth piture. otie tht for mixed input nd output oundry onditions, the urve does not sturte when l(τ) /2. () The funtionl form of the sling urves s funtion of different TOFFOLI onentrtions. The orreltion grows more slowly s the onentrtion of TOFFOLI gtes inreses. The dshed line orresponds to the fitting l(τ) = l 0[(τ/τ 0)/ln(τ/τ 0)] 1/2, with l 0 = 1.42 nd τ 0 = dynmi orreltion length to grow to l(τ) /2 (so s to reh solution) is slower thn llisti (or liner in τ), s expeted for deterministi forwrd omputtion. This n e lredy seen from the extly solvle se with no TOFFOLI gtes. Moreover, for singlesolution prolems with mixed oundry onditions the growth of orreltions estlishing ommunition etween oundries sles with the sme form s in diret omputtion (see Fig. 4). However, in tht se negotiting solution requires the estlishment of muh slower orreltions long the oundries, proess for whih vnill therml nneling pproh is extremely ineffiient nd would require unresonly lrge omputtionl resoures. These shortomings re ddressed y using heuristi lerning protool in whih nneling proeeds through the following steps: (1) one strts y nneling R identil replis of iruit over some time τ, during whih τ the orreltion lengths grow eyond few olumns of gtes suh tht the proility for ssigning orret gtes within tht region, p exp x /ξ > 1/2, within eh repli; (2) one then ssigns speifi identity to eh gte (with p > 1/2) provided tht frtion of the R replis, greter thn or equl to α, gree on this ssignment; (3) with the greed upon gtes frozen, the nneling proess is independently pplied gin to eh of the replis llowing only gtes not yet fixed to prtiipte in the Metropolis lgorithm; finlly, (4) the proedure is iterted until ll gtes re fixed, thus estlishing the solution to the prolem. This protool rises the question of how mny replis Rɛ re needed to ensure tht the lerning lgorithm rehes the orret result with proility greter thn 1 ɛ. In prtiulr, how does Rɛ depend on the system size L nd the threshold α? As we show in the upplementry note 3, the numer of replis needed to ensure n error rte smller thn ɛ is given 2p 1 ɛ ln[ L ] p y Rɛ = ln[2p 1 α (1 p) α ], where p > 1 2 is the proility of orret gte ssignment for one repli. ote tht, for fixed α nd error rte ɛ, the numer of replis grows only logrithmilly with the system size, nd thus in prtie the lerning lgorithm works with resonle resoures. Before desriing the results of pplying nneling with lerning to omputtions with oth fixed nd mixed oundry onditions, in Fig. 6 we plot the verge lol overlps of 2000 replis with the solution for fixed iruit nd oundry ondition efore pplying the lerning lgorithm. The greement with the dt presented in Fig. 4 sustntites the ft tht the lol mjority rule implemented through the independent nneling of the replis repitulte the ehvior of the orret solution to the omputtionl prolem. e strt from fixed input oundry ondition. Using the lgorithm desried ove, we hoose τ = 2 13 for eh itertion, nd set the mjority rule threshold t α = 0.7. In Fig. 7 we show the lol order prmeter of the finl sttes verged over 2000 replis fter eh itertion. e emphsize tht even though we re plotting the verge overlp with the tul solution s enhmrk, in the lerning lgorithm no referene to {q sol } is mde. The weight of eh possile stte of eh gte in the iruit is omputed solely from the replis. After eh itertion, with τ = 2 13 the orreltion length grows to l(τ ) 10, nd y pinning gtes with high perentge of greement on ertin sttes we re pushing the oundry forwrd until ll gtes re fixed. ine the totl numer of itertions n sles linerly with the iruit depth, n, the totl time to solution τ = n τ lso sles linerly with, τ τ, onsistent with the expettions for the time-to-solution for forwrd omputtion. For the omputtion shown in Fig. 7, it is ler tht the nneling with lerning proess proeeds llistilly nd rehes solution with n = 9 steps. ow we look t mixed oundry onditions. The results presented in Fig. 8 re otined y pplying the

7 7 h qssol,qsfinl i = 210 = 213 = 215 = 220 h qssol,qsfinl i = 212 = 216 = 220 = 225 () () Figure 6. Growing orreltion length without lerning. The verge lol overlps hδqssol,qsfinl i of 2000 replis with {q sol } for given iruit nd oundry stte without lerning. The system size is 16 42, with 20% TOFFOLI gtes. () Fixed input nd output; () mixed oundry onditions. h qssol,qsfinl i itertion 5 itertion 1 itertion 2 itertion 3 itertion 4 itertion 6 itertion 7 itertion 8 itertion 9 Figure 7. Growing orreltion length with lerning for fixed input oundry ondition. Anneling with lerning for the fixed input oundry se for system of size with 20% TOFFOLI gtes. The nneling time within eh itertion is τ = 213 nd the gte stte proility threshold α = 0.7. lerning lgorithm with α = 0.7. However, in the se of mixed oundry onditions the proess of lerning proeeds through two series of nneling steps with different time sles: n initil set of itertions with τ = 213 whih uild longitudinl orreltions required for lerning, followed y set of longer nneling steps with τ = 218 tht llow the slower orreltions long the trnsverse diretion to develop. Figure 8 shows the progression to solution, whih ould not e rehed for the sme omputtion using the vnill therml nneling for our longest essile times (τ 225 ). e note tht this protool n lso e used to solve prolems with few, O(1), solutions. This is est illustrted for the se of two solutions, whih n e ddressed y rrying out 2n omputtions with mixed oundry onditions, where n is the numer of unknown its in the input. The ide is to define 2n prolems y fixing eh it t time to e 0 or 1, while leving the other n 1 its floting. ine the two solutions must differ in t lest one of the n its, fter t most 2n steps, this sheme trnsforms the prolem into two seprte prolems, eh of whih n e solved y the tehniques disussed in this pper. An importnt prolem tht flls preisely within this se is ftoriztion of semi-prime numers s = p q, where there re extly two solutions, orresponding to the two ordered pirs (p, q) nd (q, p) of primes p, q (ssumed to e different). Finlly, we turn to the nlysis of ses with multiple solutions nd no solution. In oth of these ses it is not sensile to ompute the lol overlp with solution, s we did for iruit prolems with only one solution. Insted, we plot the lrgest weight of eh gte stte in the iruit otined from 2000 replis. This is shown in Fig. 9 for n instne with 8 solutions otined y fixing fewer gtes (thn in the single solution se) on eh oundry; nd n instne with no solutions, otined y fixing few gtes on one oundry to the wrong sttes. Fig. 9 shows tht the lerning lgorithm eventully gets stuk when the replis ese to gree on gte ssignments ove the threshold α. e note tht the lerning lgorithm nnot differentite etween these two ses. e interpret the freezing of the system s n effet of frustrtion in stisfying the lol gte onstrints in the ulk indued y inomptile oundries in the se of

8 8 h qssol,qsfinl i itertion 2 itertion 1 itertion 4 = 213 itertion 5 = 213 itertion 3 = 218 itertion 7 itertion 8 = 213 = 218 Figure 8. Growing orreltion length with lerning for mixed oundry onditions. Anneling with lerning for mixed oundry onditions nd systems of size with 20% TOFFOLI gtes. The nneling time within eh itertion is τ = 213, nd the proility threshold α = 0.7. After itertion 6 (not shown), the orreltions fully uild up long the longitudinl diretion, τ is then inresed to τ = 218. no solution or omptile ut ompeting oundries in the se of multiple solutions. () () Figure 9. Cses with multiple solutions or no solution. Color plot of the lrgest weight of eh gte stte in the iruit for system of size nd 20% TOFFFOLI gtes fter relxtion time τ 220. () Cse with 8 solutions; () se with no solution. The lerning lgorithm eventully gets stuk t the point where no more gtes hve mjority weight ove the threshold α.. Mpping onto the D-ve Chimer grph for quntum nneling e lose this pper y desriing sheme for progrmming our vertex model into quntum nneler. In prtiulr, we present n expliit emedding of the tile model of universl lssil omputing iruits into the Chimer grph rhiteture of the D-ve mhine. The ide is to use one unit ell to represent one squre tile of our onstrution presented previously. Retngulr tiles (i.e., TOFFOLI gtes) n e viewed s onsisting of two squre tiles, thus requiring two unit ells to e emedded in the Chimer grph. e then implement the Hmiltonins of qs. (5)-(18) using the progrmmle ouplers ville in the D-ve mhine, s illustrted in Fig. 10 nd desried in more detil in the Methods etion. III. DICUIO The results of this pper were motivted y n ttempt to use our sttistil mehnis intuition out lttie models of spin systems to unover some of the slient fetures of universl lssil reversile omputtion. There re questions posed nd open prolems rised y these studies. Here we list four tht we find most importnt. First, one should understnd the sling of time-tosolution of the vrious shemes disussed here, inluding those tht utilize lerning, s funtion of input size nd depth for speifi omputtionl prolems. Under trivil redution sheme, one n solve prolems with two solutions using similr nneling with lerning tehniques tht we deployed for prolems with unique solution. As n importnt pplition we re lredy investigting the prolem of the ftoriztion of semi-primes. The sling properties of the time-to-solution in the ontext of this onrete nd relevnt prolem should e ontrsted to tht otined in the rndom iruit with the sme onentrtion of TOFFOLI gtes. A seond question rised y our work is the nture of the zero-temperture quntum phse trnsition enountered in the quntum vertex model, s depited in Fig. 3. e demonstrted tht, in the limit of the trivil omputtionl iruit with no TOFFOLI gtes, this trnsition is seond order, in diret nlogy to the se of the onedimensionl Ising model in trnsverse mgneti field. hether the trnsition remins seond order or eomes first order for relisti omputtions (orresponding to finite onentrtion of TOFFOLIs) hs very importnt onsequenes for solutions of omputtionl prolems vi quntum nneling. Third, the omputtionl prolems disussed here should lso e studied diretly in on fide quntum nneler. An importnt result of this pper is the progrmming of generi reversile omputtionl iruits into the

9 9 () d d d () (i) (ii) d (iii) d d Figure 10. Mpping onto the Chimer grph. Proedure for emedding 4 4 tile lttie into the Chimer grph. () Left: generi tile lttie rotted y 45. pins re put on the oundry of eh tile. The lttie n e further divided into two sultties, depited y drk nd light grey respetively; right: emedding of the tile lttie into the Chimer grph. The grout ouplings re indited y red links. () medding of eh gte into the unit ells of the Chimer grph. (i) Left: K 4,4 unit ell of the Chimer grph; middle: in order to ouple quits in the sme olumn, we slve the quits to their neighors in the other olumn using dditionl ferromgneti ouplings indited y red links; right: effetively we re left with four quits tht re fully onneted. For simpliity, we herefter denote the effetive ouplings etween spins in the sme olumn y single green link. However, one should keep in mind tht they re otined y slving the spins to the opposite olumn vi lrge ferromgneti ouplings. (ii) The four quits in the rotted squre tile re leled y their lotions on the tile: (orth), (outh), (est) nd (st). Tiles orresponding to different sultties must e emedded differently due to the speil onnetivity of the Chimer grph. (iii) medding of the TOFFOLI gte onsisting of two squre tiles into two unit ells. (,,, d) orresponds to the input nd output its of the gte, nd is the nill it. In the unit ell, ferromgneti ouplings tht opy spins re indited y purple links, nd ouplings required in Hmiltonin (18) re indite y lk links. Chimer rhiteture of the D-ve mhine. This pves the wy for using this type of hrdwre to study nnel-

10 10 ing protools long the δ xis, s well s ritrry diretions in the δ T plne. Our pproh should lso e used s guide to the development of lterntive mhine rhitetures optimized for diret implementtions of the vertex model. Finlly, we lose with rief disussion of the roder implitions of the mpping of reversile lssil omputtion onto the vertex model on the individul disiplines of omputer siene nd physis. As lredy mentioned erlier, the line of rgumenttion in this pper follows physis perspetive, nmely, it onentrtes on typil ehvior sed on heuristi pproh to expliit instntitions of the vertex model. Computer siene ould enefit from further work on more sophistited theoretil nd omputtionl heuristi pprohes, speil purpose hrdwre (i.e., quntum nnelers), nd new forml proofs tht rely on sttistil mehnis representtions of omputtionl prolems. At the sme time there re lessons to e lerned from omputer siene tht we elieve my hve interesting implitions for physis. For exmple, if P P, the vertex model representing the hrdest prolems in UIQU-AT n e lso viewed s desriing physil glssy system tht displys slow dynmis even though the model involves no frustrting intertions, hs unique non-degenerte ground stte, nd displys no ulk thermodynmi trnsitions down to zero temperture! There re known exmples of systems with glssy dynmis in the sene of thermodynmi phse trnsition, suh s the kinetilly onstrined models disussed in [32 34]. However, the non-arrhenius relxtion hrteristi of these models only trnslte into qusi-polynomil time-to-solution of omputtionl prolem. Thus, within the vertex model pproh, the existene of hrd UIQU-AT prolems with exponentil or su-exponentil ehvior of the time-to-solution would suggest the existene of novel fmily of glssy physil systems without thermodynmi trnsition ut with exponentilly lrge rriers nd orresponding stronomilly-long relxtion times. This exmple undersores the rihness of the possiilities opened y explortions of the vertex model of lssil omputtion nd more generlly, of prolems t the interfe etween physis nd omputer siene. IV. MTHOD A. Implementing gtes with one- nd two-ody spin intertions e strt y representing Boolen vriles x i = (1 + σ i )/2 in terms of spins σ i = ±1 pled on the oundry of eh tile, s depited in Fig 1. Opertions of logi gtes re then implemented in similr wy s in Ref. [11], y designing Hmiltonin ting on the spins ssoited with individul tiles suh tht () the intertions re short rnged nd involve t most two odies; nd () spin (i.e., it) sttes tht stisfy the gte onstrint re ground sttes of the tile Hmiltonin nd ll other unstisfying spin-sttes re pushed to high energies. Identity (ID) Gte: The ID gte tkes two its (, ) into (, ). This is esily enfored y dding ferromgneti intertions (J > 0) tht lign input its nd to output its nd d, respetively, leding to n energy ID (σ, σ ; σ, σ d ) = J(σ σ + σ σ d ). (5) AP Gte: The AP gte tkes (, ) into (, ), nd n e implemented in the sme mnner s the ID gte through ferromgneti intertion (J > 0), AP (σ, σ ; σ, σ d ) = J(σ σ d + σ σ ). (6) TOFFOLI Gte: The TOFFOLI gte is represented y retngulr tile with the three input its (,, ) nd three output its (,, d) pled on the oundry, s shown in Fig. 1. otie tht in this se we lso ple n dditionl nill it in the enter of the retngulr tile, whih is essentil in order to stisfy the gte onstrint with no more thn two-ody intertions. The TOFFOLI gte tkes the three-it input stte (,, ) into (,, ). The opying of the first two input its from the input into the output is omplished s efore through ferromgneti oupling: J(σ σ + σ σ ). nforing the third output it d = requires more involved intertion. e present the result elow, nd leve the detiled justifition for the upplementry note 1. The omplete energy ost ssoited to the TOFFOLI gte reds TOFFOLI (σ, σ, σ ; σ, σ, σ d ; σ ) = J(σ σ + σ σ ) + J(σ 3σ 2σ + 2σ d + 4σ ) + J( 3σ σ 2σ σ + 4σ σ + 2σ σ d 4σ σ d 4σ σ d + 4σ σ 8σ σ 6σ σ + 6σ d σ ). (7) B. The glol onstrint nd oupling of djent tiles In ddition to stisfying eh gte seprtely, spins shred y neighoring tiles must e mthed ross the entire system in order for the tile model to urtely represent the desired omputtionl iruit. To e preise one n imgine splitting eh oundry spin into two twin spins nd identifying input/output spins with eh tile. ithin this piture, djent spins t the

11 11 oundry etween tiles must e loked together, onstrint we implement y introduing ferromgneti grout oupling K > 0 etween spins on djent tiles. The orresponding term in the energy is then written s grout ({σ}) = K i,j σ i σ j, (8) where i, j lels pirs of twin spins i nd j on the oundry etween two djent tiles nd the sum rnges over ll suh pirs of the system. C. Boundry onditions Completing the desription of the two-dimensionl model of universl lssil omputtion requires disussion of oundry onditions, whih determine the type of omputtionl prolem one is ddressing. For exmple, if the -it input is fully speified nd one is interested in the output, ll tht is needed is to trnsfer the informtion enoded into the input left to right y pplying sequentilly the gtes one olumn of tiles t time. In this se, if the depth (i.e., the numer of steps) of the omputtion is polynomil in, this olumnolumn omputtion rehes the output oundry, nd thus solves the prolem, in polynomil time. As mentioned erlier, y using reversile gtes one n lso represent omputtionl prolems with mixed inputoutput oundry onditions for whih only frtion of the its on the left (input) edge nd frtion of the its on the right (output) edge re fixed. A onrete exmple is the integer ftoriztion prolem implemented in terms of reversile integer multiplition iruit. A reversile iruit for multiplying two -it numers p nd q n e onstruted using its in eh olumn. One needs two -it registers for the two numers p nd q to e multiplied, one -it rry register for the ripplesums, 2-it register s for storing the nswer p q = s, nd one nill it. For multiplition, one only fixes the oundry onditions on the input: p nd q re the two numers to e multiplied, nd, s nd re ll 0 s. For ftoriztion we must impose mixed oundry onditions: On the input side the, s nd registers re fixed to e ll 0 s; on the output side the s register is now fixed to the numer to e ftorized, nd nd re gin ll set to 0. Thus, its in the input nd output re fixed, while 2 its re floting on oth oundries. Boundry onditions on inputs, outputs, or oth re imposed y inserting longitudinl fields t the pproprite it sites, nmely, oundry ({σ}) = h i σ i, (9) i oundry with h i = h J. The sign of n individul h i field determines the vlue of the spin σ i nd thus of the inry vrile x i : For h i > 0, x i = 1, while for h i < 0, x i = 0. If no onstrint is imposed on inry vrile x i, then h i = 0. D. Constrution of the vertex model Comining the ontriutions ove leds us to lssil Hmiltonin tht inludes the energy funtions internl to eh tile, the oupling etween the spins t the oundry etween djent tiles, nd the mgneti fields ssoited with the input nd output its defining the oundry onditions of the omputtion, nmely, H C = g J ({σ} g ) K σ i σ j h i σ i, (10) g i,j i oundry where {σ} g lels ll the spins nd g J ({σ} g ) represents the energy funtion of tile (i.e., gte) g. This Hmiltonin is the strting point for our mpping of universl lssil omputtion into the Chimer rhiteture of the D-ve mhine, one of the importnt results of the pper, whih we disuss in detil elow. In order to ntiipte the ft tht quntum rther thn lssil therml nneling my e more effetive wy of rehing the ground stte nd therefore the solution of these omputtionl prolems, we dd trnsverse mgneti field Γ to q. (10) to otin the quntum Hmiltonin Ĥ = g J ({ˆσ z } g ) K ˆσ i z ˆσ j z h i ˆσ i z g i,j i oundry + Γ i ˆσ x i. (11) However, we find it more expedient nd intuitive to work diretly with tiles whih stisfy the logi gte onstrint extly. e thus proeed y projeting the system onto the mnifold of sttes where ll lol gte onstrints re stisfied y working in the limit in whih oth h nd J re very lrge; nd we imgine vrying K nd Γ, with K, Γ J, h [25]. This limit is est understood if we swith off the oupling etween tiles, K. ithin given tile, the onfigurtions tht stisfy the logi gte onstrints spn the degenerte ground stte mnifold, while the unstisfying onfigurtions hve energies of order J nd higher. Let { q }, = 1,..., r e ll the r sttes spnned y the spin onfigurtions σ 1,..., σ n tht define the ground stte mnifold. For two-it (four-spin) gtes we hve r = 4, while for three-it (six-spin) gtes r = 8. As long s Γ J we n understnd the effet of trnsverse field Γ on the r degenerte sttes y degenerte perturtion theory. ine for reversile gtes mintining the gte onstrints requires t lest two spin flips, the trnsverse field Γ indues n effetive, seondorder or higher spin-spin intertion on the ground stte mnifold of given tile of order = Γ 2 /J or lower. This disussion leds nturlly to the quntum vertex model presented in q. (1).

12 12 withing on the K oupling penlizes onfigurtions in whih the sttes of djent tiles re inomptile. Thus, in order to stisfy oth intr- nd inter-tile onstrins tht define the omputtionl proess we must reh the limit of K J, h.. Thermodynmis of the lssil vertex model e strt y onsidering the prtition funtion of the lssil limit of the Hmiltonin in q. (1), i.e., = 0, whih we otin vi trnsfer mtrix lultion. Consider first system with free oundry onditions t oth ends. The prtition funtion for the vertex model n e more esily written using the spin vriles on the links of the lttie. Let {σ} j denote the spin sttes on vertil line, whih uts ross 3L spins (with L the numer of verties or 3-it gtes in olumn). For onveniene we shll utilize the nottion {σ} j for the vetors in this trnsfer mtrix lultion. ithin this nottion, one n write the prtition funtion s Z = {σ 1 } P 1 {σ 2 } {σ 2 }} T {σ 3 } {σ 2j 1 } P j {σ 2j } {σ 2j } T {σ 2j+1 } {σ 1},...,{σ 2 } {σ 2 1 } P {σ 2 }, (12) where the mtrix T enodes the energy osts for mthing spins ross the links, nd the mtries P j enode the omputtions performed y one olumn of gtes. The two types of slies re depited in Fig. 2. otie tht the T is the sme for ll slies, nd its mtrix elements re given y {σ 2j } T {σ 2j+1 } = exp ( 3L =1 β K σ 2j, σ 2j+1, ), (13) wheres {σ 2j 1 } P j {σ 2j } represents the mtrix element of P j t the jth olumn nd thus depends on the prtiulr set of gtes within tht olumn. However, ll P j re permuttion mtries sine ll gtes re reversile. This ft is essentil euse it llows us to ompute the prtition funtion extly, irrespetive of the iruit. For the next step notie tht the vetor Σ = {σ} {σ} is n eigenvetor of P j for ny opertion P j : P j Σ = P j {σ} = P j {σ} = {σ } {σ} {σ} {σ } = Σ, (14) where we used tht we n relel the sttes fter the permuttion. The vetor Σ = {σ} {σ} is lso n eigenvetor of T : T Σ = T {σ} = {σ } = {σ } = {σ } {σ} = {σ } σ {σ } 3L =1 {σ},{σ } ( 3L exp =1 σ =±1 {σ } (2 osh βk) 3L {σ } {σ } T {σ} β K σ σ ) e βk σ σ = (2 osh βk) 3L Σ. (15) By olleting ll the ftors we rrive t the prtition funtion Z = Σ P 1 T P 2 T... T P Σ = (2 osh βk) 3L( 1) Σ Σ. (16) The overlp Σ Σ = 2 3L reflets the 2 3L degenerte ground sttes orresponding to open oundry onditions on oth oundries. Hd we fixed one of the oundries to prtiulr stte {σ} fixed we would hve insted otined n overlp {σ} fixed Σ = 1. More generlly, in the thermodynmi limit oundries ontriute n entropi term tht ounts the numer of ground sttes, ut does not ffet the ulk thermodynmis. In prtiulr, the ulk free energy is tht of prmgnet: βf = [3L( 1)] ln(2 osh βk). (17) This lso implies tht thermodynmis lone, whih is independent of the speifi form of the iruit, nnot revel the omplexity of ground-stte omputtion, whih is refleted in the dynmis of the system s relxtion into its ground stte.

13 13 F. Metropolis lgorithm for therml nneling The Metropolis simultions re rried out s follows. e work on lttie of L verties, using the Hmiltonin of q. (1) with qs,q s = 0. Periodi oundry onditions re used in the trnsverse diretion, i.e., the iruit is lid down on the surfe of tue of length nd irumferene L. e onsider four types of iruits orresponding to different onentrtions of TOFFOLI gtes (the other four types of gtes re ssigned equl onentrtions): iruit with only TOFFOLI gtes (100% onentrtion), nd rndom iruits with 40%, 20%, nd 0% onentrtion of TOFFOLI gtes. The first step of the simultion is to onstrut referene stte {q sol } tht solves the iruit, y fixing the sttes qs sol for the verties s t the left oundry, nd determining nd storing ll other sttes qs sol for verties s in the rest of the iruit. ext, we onstrut three expliit oundry onditions onsistent with the referene stte, {q sol }, tht will serve s the input sttes for our simultions: 1. fixed input, for whih we pply pinning fields t the left oundry tht fix the sttes to mth qs sol for the verties s t the left oundry, nd leve the other oundry free (no pinning field); 2. fixed input nd output, for whih we pin ll verties s on the left nd right oundries to those defined y qs sol ; nd 3. mixed oundries, for whih we pin L = L/2 + 3 verties on oth the left nd right oundries to the solution vlues qs sol, ut leve ll the remining oundry verties free. Our omputtions proeed in eh of these three ses y verging over 2000 independent rndom instnes of input sttes for given iruit with fixed onentrtion of TOFFOLI gtes orresponding to different {q sol } nd omputing the verge order prmeter m s funtion of the relxtion time τ. Here it is importnt to stress tht the prtil speifition of oundries in the se of mixed oundry onditions generilly leds to multiple solutions whih ompete in estlishing the lol onfigurtions of gtes onsistent with the glol onstrints defining the omputtionl iruit. hile we lso disuss ses with multiple solutions nd no solution in Results, the fous of this pper is on prolems with single solution. To ensure single solution in the se of mixed oundry onditions we lwys hek tht eh of the rndom instnes of the input stte for given iruit llows for one nd only one solution. G. Mpping onto the Chimer rhiteture of the D-ve mhine Figure 10 shows the flow hrt of emedding 4 4 tile lttie into the Chimer grph. The entire tile lttie is rotted y 45 for onveniene, nd spins living on the oundry of eh tile re shown expliitly. The lttie of tiles n e further divided into two sultties leled y drk nd light grey, for resons tht should eome ler shortly. ow let us first onsider how to enode the ID nd AP gtes represented y single squre tile into unit ell. The emedding involves internl ouplings J tht enfore the gte onstrints, nd the grout ouplings K tht mth djent tiles. The Chimer unit ell forms omplete iprtite grph K 4,4, s depited in Fig. 10-(i), with eh spin in one olumn oupled to ll spins in the other, ut not to those in their own olumn [31]. In order to otin the generi spin ouplings to represent the gtes on single tile, whih inevitly involves ouplings etween quits in the sme olumn s well, we use n dditionl ferromgneti oupling to slve the spins in one olumn to their nerest neighors in the other olumn. Thus, effetively we re left with four spins tht re fully onneted. Detils re shown in Fig. 10-(i). In order to use the onnetivity of the Chimer grph rhiteture nd ouple djent tiles properly, it is onvenient to explore the iprtiteness of the squre lttie. Let us tke one tile from the rotted tile lttie, nd lel the four quits y their lotions on the tile: (orth), (outh), (est) nd (st), s shown in Fig. 10- (ii). The spins in the djent tiles re mthed y the grout oupling K. Upon reful inspetion of the resulting tile lttie, we notie tht the quits leled y nd in one tile re lwys onneted respetively to quits nd in its neighor. Therefore, one we fix the emedding of one sulttie in the unit ell, the emedding of the other sulttie must e different, euse quits in one unit ell re only oupled to those t the sme ple in the neighoring unit ell. e mp the two sultties of the tile lttie in the unit ells s illustrted in Fig. 10-(ii). Finlly, let us show how to emed the TOFFOLI gte, whih orresponds to retngulr tile, into the unit ells. The TOFFOLI gte n e viewed s onsisting of two squre tiles, thus requiring two unit ells, nd the spins oupled etween these two tiles extly provide the nill it needed in Hmiltonin of q. (18). imilr to the squre tiles onsidered ove, within unit ell we use dditionl ferromgneti ouplings to slve quits from one olumn to the other when neessry. The expliit mpping is shown in Fig. 10-(iii). As we hve lredy seen, in order to ome up with proper emedding, one hs to refully tke into ount how quits re oupled to djent unit ells. Putting ll of the ove ingredients together, we rrive t the emedding of the entire 4 4 tile lttie inluding TOFFOLI into the Chimer grph, s shown in Fig. 10. Dt vilility: The dt tht support the min findings of this study re ville from the orresponding uthor upon request. Author ontriutions: All uthors ontriuted to ll spets of this work. Competing finnil interests: The uthors delre no ompeting finnil interests.

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