2012 Small Grain Forage Trial

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1 2012 Smll Grin Forge Tril Dr. Hether Dry, UVM Extension gronomist Susn Monhn, Eri ummings, Hnnh Hrwood, nd Roslie Mdden UVM Extension rops nd Soils Tehniins Visit us on the we: Ferury 2013, University of Vermont Extension

2 2012 VERMONT SMLL GRIN FORGE TRIL Dr. Hether Dry, University of Vermont Extension hether.dry[t]uvm.edu INTRODUTION Spring erel grins suh s ots, rley, tritile nd whet n hve the potentil to provide high yield nd qulity feed for livestok. These ool seson nnuls n provide erly seson grzing, s well s high qulity stored feed. Spring grins re generlly plnted in mid to lte pril nd n e hrvested t vrious stges of development. The ojetive of this projet ws to evlute yield nd qulity of vrious spring grin speies hrvested in the vegettive, oot or soft dough stge. The overll gol of this projet is to help orgni diry produers redue their reline on expensive onentrtes through the prodution of vriety of high qulity nnul forges. The dt presented here is from one replited reserh tril in Vermont. rop performne dt from dditionl tests in different lotions, nd often over severl yers, should e ompred efore you mke onlusions. This projet ws supported through the Orgni Vlley Frmers dvoting for Orgnis fund. METHODS In 2012, smll grin forge tril ws onduted t orderview Reserh Frm in lurgh, VT (Tle 1). The previous rop in this lotion ws sunflowers, nd the seeded ws prepred y onventionl tillge methods. The field ws disked nd spike-toothed hrrowed in lte Mrh to prepre for plnting. Plots were plnted with six-inh Kinid one seeder on 6-pr t seeding rte of 125 ls/re. The vrieties nd seed soure re listed in Tle 2. Eh tretment ws hrvested t four development stges: vegettive stge, oot stge, soft dough stge nd grin. Susmples of pproximtely 2.5 ft 2 were ut to the ground, dried t 40 o, nd weighed to determine dry mtter yield. Oven dry smples were orsely ground with Wiley mill (Thoms Sientifi, Swedesoro, NJ) nd sent to umerlnd Vlley nlytil Servies, In. (Hgerstown, MD) for qulity nlysis. Results were nlyzed with n nlysis of vrine or with Tukey-Krmer method of omprison in SS (ry, N). Tle 1. Generl plot mngement. Tril Informtion orderview Reserh Frm lurgh, VT enson roky silt lom Sunflowers Soil type Previous rop Row width (in.) 6 Plnting dte 6-pr Hrvest dtes: Vegettive oot Soft Dough Grin Seeding rte Tillge methods 6-Jun 6-Jun (rley) 11-Jun (Ots, Tritile, Whet) 25-Jun (Forge Ots) 2-Jul (rley) 6-Jul (Ots) 10-Jul (Whet) 19-Jul (Tritile) 23-Jul (Forge Ots) 3-ug 125 ls/re Mold ord plow, disk, nd spiketoothed hrrow

3 SILGE QULITY Silge qulity ws nlyzed y umerlnd Vlley nlytil Forge Lortory in Hgerstown, Mrylnd. Plot smples were dried, ground nd nlyzed for rude protein (P), id detergent fier (DF), neutrl detergent fier (NDF) nd vrious other nutrients. The Nonstruturl rohydrtes (NS) nd Totl Digestile Nutrients (TDN) were lulted from forge nlysis dt. Performne indies suh s Net Energy for Lttion (NEL) were lulted to determine forge vlue. Mixtures of true proteins, omposed of mino ids nd non-protein nitrogen mke up the rude protein (P) ontent of forges. The ulky hrteristis of forge ome from fier. Forge feeding vlues re negtively ssoited with fier sine the less digestile portions of the plnt re ontined in the fier frtion. The detergent fier nlysis system seprtes forges into two prts: ell ontents, whih inlude sugrs, strhes, proteins, non-protein nitrogen, fts nd other highly digestile ompounds; nd the less digestile omponents found in the fier frtion. The totl fier ontent of forge is ontined in the neutrl detergent fier (NDF). hemilly, this frtion inludes ellulose, hemiellulose nd lignin. Reently, forge testing lortories hve egun to evlute forges for NDF digestiility. Evlution of forges nd other feedstuffs for NDF digestiility is eing onduted to id predition of feed energy ontent nd niml performne. Reserh hs demonstrted tht ltting diry ows will et more dry mtter nd produe more milk when fed forges with optimum NDF digestiility. Forges with inresed NDF digestiility (dndf) will result in higher energy vlues, nd perhps more importntly, inresed forge intkes. Forge NDF digestiility n rnge from 20 80%. The NS or non-fier rohydrtes (NF) inlude strh, sugrs nd petins. Tle 2. Smll grin forge vrieties nd seed soure. Type Vriety ompny Forge rley Kwrth Eldred Hy nd Grin ompny Grin rley Trditionl Semin Forge Ots Everlef King's griseeds Grin Ots Tk lert Le Seedhouse Forge Tritile Tritil 141 Syngent erels Hrd Red Whet Mgog Semin Hrd Red Whet Sy Soren lert Le Seedhouse LEST SIGNIFINT DIFFERENE (LSD) Vritions in yield nd qulity n our euse of vritions in genetis, soil, wether nd other growing onditions. Sttistil nlysis mkes it possile to determine whether differene mong vrieties is rel, or whether it might hve ourred due to other vritions in the field. t the ottom of eh tle, LSD vlue is presented for eh vrile (i.e. yield). Lest Signifint differenes (LSD s) t the 10% level of proility re shown. Where the differene etween two tretments within olumn is equl to or greter thn the LSD vlue t the ottom of the olumn, you n e sure in 9 out of 10 hnes tht there is rel differene etween the two vrieties. Tretments tht were not signifintly lower in performne thn the highest vlue in prtiulr olumn re indited with n sterisk. In the exmple elow, is signifintly different from ut not from. The differene etween nd is equl to 1.5, whih is less thn the LSD vlue of 2.0. This mens tht these vrieties did not differ in yield. The differene etween nd is equl to 3.0, whih is greter thn the LSD vlue of 2.0. This mens tht the yields of these vrieties were signifintly different from one nother. The sterisk indites tht ws not signifintly lower thn the top yielding vriety. Vriety Yield * 9.0* LSD 2.0

4 RESULTS ND DISUSSION Sesonl preipittion nd temperture reorded t wether sttion in lurgh, VT re shown in Tle 3. The 2012 growing seson ws wrmer nd drier thn norml, espeilly in the months of June nd July. From pril to July, there ws n umultion of 3547 Growing Degree Dys (GDDs) in lurgh, whih is 195 GDDs higher thn the 30-yer verge. wrmer nd drier erly spring llowed for n exeptionlly erly plnting dte for the spring grins. Tle 3. Sesonl wether dt olleted in lurgh, VT, lurgh, VT pril My June July ugust verge Temperture (F) Deprture from Norml Preipittion* (inhes) Deprture from Norml Growing Degree Dys (se 32) Deprture from Norml sed on Dvis Instruments Vntge pro2 wether sttion with Wetherlink dt logger. Historil verges for 30 yers of NO dt ( ). * Preipittion dt for Jun-ug 2012 sed on Northest Regionl limte enter dt from oservtion sttion in urlington, VT. Hrvest Stge ompring hrvest stges, forge hrvested in the soft dough stge yielded the gretest quntity of dry mtter t 10,730 ls dry mtter re -1 (Tle 4). Protein levels were highest during the vegettive stge, with rude protein ontent of 18.2%. The lowest DF nd NDF levels were seen from the grin hrvest, whih we would expet sine ll the strw nd hff nd firous mterils re removed from the grin. Of the three forge hrvest, the vegettive stge hd the lowest fier ontent nd highest fier digestiility. Fier ontent generlly inreses s plnts mture, ut the formtion of strh in the soft dough stge dilutes overll fier ontent. The nonstruturl rohydrtes (NS), net energy for lttion (NEL), nd non-fier rohydrtes (NF) were highest in the grin, followed y the soft dough stge, s result of grin fill in the heds. lthough the rude protein is highest in the vegettive stge, the dditionl strh from grin formtion improves the overll qulity of erel grins hrvested in the soft dough stge. Tle 4. erel grin yield nd qulity ompred ross hrvest stges. Hrvest DM Yield P DF NDF dndf Strh TDN NEL NF NS % l -1 % % % % % % Ml l -1 % % Vegettive oot Soft Dough Grin Tril Men p-vlue * * * * * * * * * * * * p-vlue < Sttistilly nlyzed with Tukey-Krmer method of omprison. Top performer is in old.

5 Smll Grin Forge Speies ompring forge speies ross ll hrvest stges my not e tht useful euse the vlues for grin, whih re drstilly different thn the whole plnt forge, re inluded in the overll vlue. However, vlues re presented in Tle 5 for omprison. Tritile hd the highest overll yields, 6,156 ls -1, while Soren whet hd the highest protein nd lowest NDF levels. In generl, the two speies of rley hd the most desirle forge qulity hrteristis. Tle 5. Smll grin forge yield nd qulity verged ross four hrvest stges (vegettive, oot, soft dough nd grin). Speies DM Yield P DF NDF dndf Strh TDN NEL NF NS % l -1 % % % % % % Ml l -1 % % Kwrth rley Trditionl rley Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile Mgog Whet Soren Whet Tril Men Top performer is in old. Vegettive Stge Hrvest Forges were hrvested t the vegettive stge to doument the vlue of smll grins s potentil erly seson grzing rop. t the vegettive stge hrvest, the highest yielding tretment ws Tk ots with 4183 ls dry mtter re -1 (Tle 6). rley is the fstest mturing spring grin, nd unfortuntely, vegettive stge hrvest of rley ws missed. Everlef ots nd Mgog nd Soren whet hd the highest protein levels, round 19% rude protein (Figure 1). In the vegettive stge, Everlef forge ots hd etter qulity thn the other smll grins, with the lowest DF nd NDF levels, nd highest non-fier rohydrtes (NF) nd nonstruturl rohydrtes (NS) levels (Figure 2). Tle 6. Smll grin forge yield nd qulity when hrvested in the vegettive stge, June Vegettive Stge DM Yield P DF NDF dndf Strh TDN NEL NF NS % l -1 % % % % % % Ml l -1 % % Everlef Ots * 29.0* * 12.7* Tk Ots * 12.0* Tritile Mgog Whet * Soren Whet * 31.2* Veg Stge Men LSD NS NS NS NS NS Vrieties with n sterisk indite tht it ws not signifintly different thn the top performer in olumn (in old). NS - None of the vrieties were signifintly different from one nother.

6 DF nd NDF nd NS (%) Dry Mtter Yield (ls/re) rude Protein (%) Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile 141 Mgog Whet Soren Whet Forge Speies Yield rude Protein Figure 1. Yield nd protein of smll grin forge hrvested in the vegettive stge. Tretments with the sme letter did not differ signifintly from one nother DF NDF 20 NS 10 0 Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile 141 Mgog Whet Soren Whet Forge Speies Figure 2. id detergent fier (DF), neutrl detergent fier (NDF), nd non-struturl rohydrtes (NS) of smll grin forge hrvested in the vegettive stge. Tretments with the sme letter did not differ signifintly from one nother.

7 Dry Mtter Yield (ls/re) rude Protein (%) oot Stge Hrvest In smll grin development, the oot stge ours when the grin hed is just rely visile nd out to emerge. Everlef ots hd the gretest dry mtter yields when hrvested in the oot stge, 6509 ls dry mtter re -1 (Tle 7 nd Figure 3). Soren whet nd tritile hd the highest oot stge protein levels, over 16%. Trditionl rley hd the lowest oot stge DF nd highest digestile NDF levels (Figure 4). Soren whet hd the lowest NDF levels nd highest strh, totl digestile nutrients, net energy for lttion nd non-fier rohydrtes. Tle 7. Smll grin forge yield nd qulity hrvested in the oot stge, June nd July oot Stge DM Yield P DF NDF dndf Strh TDN NEL NF NS % l -1 % % % % % % Ml l -1 % % Kwrth rley * Trditionl rley * 55.7* * 18.3* 11.0 Everlef Ots * * * 10.9 Tk Ots * * 10.6 Tritile * 35.4* 56.2* Mgog Whet * * 0.633* 18.2* 10.7 Soren Whet * 34.6* 54.8* * 62.5* 0.645* 18.4* 10.5 oot Stge Men LSD NS * Vrieties with n sterisk indite tht it ws not signifintly different thn the top performer in olumn (in old). NS - None of the vrieties were signifintly different from one nother D D D D Kwrth rley Trditionl rley Figure 3. Yield nd protein of smll grin forge in the oot stge. Tretments with the sme letter did not differ signifintly from one nother. Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile 141 Mgog Whet Soren Whet Forge Speies Yield rude Protein

8 DF nd NDF (%) Net Energy for Lttion (Ml/l) d d DF NDF NEL 3 Kwrth rley Trditionl rley Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile 141 Forge Speies Mgog Whet Soren Whet 00 Figure 4. id detergent fier (DF), neutrl detergent fier (NDF), nd net energy for lttion (NEL) of smll grin forge hrvested in the oot stge. Tretments with the sme letter did not differ signifintly from one nother. Soft Dough Stge Hrvest Similr to the oot stge, tritile ws the highest yielding tretment when hrvested during the soft dough stge (Tle 8 nd Figure 5). Tritile yielded lose to 15,000 ls dry mtter re -1, whih is lmost 2700 ls re -1 more thn the next highest yielding tretment, Everlef ots. Soren whet hd the highest protein levels of the soft dough hrvest t 12.0%. Soren whet lso hd the highest qulity hrteristis with the lowest DF nd NDF, nd highest strh, TDN, NEL nd NS. The rley vrieties lso hd similrly low DF nd NDF levels nd high digestile NDF, nd non fier rohydrtes, s well s high strh, totl digestile nutrients, net energy for lttion nd nonstruturl rohydrtes (Figure 6). Tle 8. Smll grin forge yield nd qulity hrvested t the soft dough stge, July Soft Dough Stge DM Yield P DF NDF dndf Strh TDN NEL NF NS % l -1 % % % % % % Ml l -1 % % Kwrth rley * * 64.8* 0.668* 35.2* 29.2* Trditionl rley * 47.1* 48.1* 26.7* 66.2* 0.685* 38.8* 30.7* Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile * Mgog Whet * Soren Whet * 44.1* 47.5* 27.7* 67.8* 0.703* 38.7* 31.7* Soft Dough Men LSD * Vrieties with n sterisk indite tht it ws not signifintly different thn the top performer in olumn (in old).

9 DF nd NDF (%) dndf (%) Dry Mtter Yield (ls/re) rude Protein (%) D D D D Kwrth rley Trditionl rley Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile 141 Mgog Whet Soren Whet Forge Speies Yield rude Protein Figure 5. Yield nd rude protein (P) of smll grin forge hrvested in the soft dough stge. Tretments with the sme letter did not differ signifintly from one nother D D D 3 2 DF NDF dndf 20 Kwrth rley Trditionl rley Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile 141 Mgog Whet Soren Whet Forge Speies Figure 6. id detergent fier (DF), neutrl detergent fier (NDF), nd digestile neutrl detergent fier (dndf) of smll grin forge hrvested in the soft dough stge. Tretments with the sme letter did not differ signifintly from one nother.

10 DM Yield (ls/re) rude Protein (%) Grin Hrvest Grin ws hrvested on 3-ug Soren whet hd the highest grin yields of ll the speies, with lmost 2500 ls re -1 (Tle 9, Figure 7). oth whet vrieties yielded signifintly more thn other speies, with Trditionl rley yields lose ehind. Soren nd Mgog whet lso hd the highest rude protein levels, round 17%. Mgog whet hd the lowest DF nd NDF, nd highest strh, totl digestile nutrients, net energy for lttion, non fier rohydrtes nd nonstruturl rohydrtes (Figure 8). Soren whet nd Tritile 141 lso hd similrly high grin qulity hrteristis. The ots hd higher fier thn the other grins due to the hulls tht did not thresh freely from the grin, however this fier ws highly digestile. Tle 9. Smll grin forge yield nd qulity of grin, ugust Grin Stge DM Yield P DF NDF dndf Strh TDN NEL NF NS % l -1 % % % % % % Ml l -1 % % Kwrth rley Trditionl rley Everlef Ots 92.2* Tk Ots 91.9* Tritile * 15.2* * 81.4* 0.855* 67.2* 67.8* Mgog Whet * 16.7* 3.2* 11.1* * 82.6* 0.868* 69.6* 69.1* Soren Whet * 17.6* 3.5* 12.2* * 81.9* 0.858* 67.3* 67.5* Grin Men LSD * Vrieties with n sterisk indite tht it ws not signifintly different thn the top performer in olumn (in old) Kwrth rley Trditionl rley Figure 7. Yield nd rude protein of smll grin forge hrvested s grin. Tretments with the sme letter did not differ signifintly from one nother. Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile 141 Mgog Whet Soren Whet Forge Speies Yield rude Protein

11 DF nd NDF (%) NEL (Ml/l) 6 5 d d d d DF NDF NEL Kwrth rley Trditionl rley Everlef Ots Tk Ots Tritile 141 Forge Speies Mgog Whet Soren Whet 00 Figure 8. id detergent fier (DF), neutrl detergent fier (NDF), nd net energy for lttion (NEL) of smll grin forge hrvested s grin. Tretments with the sme letter did not differ signifintly from one nother. KNOWLEDGEMENTS The UVM Extension Northwest rops nd Soils Tem would like to thnk Orgni Vlley Frmers dvoting for Orgnis for funding this reserh. Speil thnks to Roger Rinville nd the stff t orderview Reserh Frm, Ktie lir, onner urke, Lily lderwood, hntel line, nd Svnn Kittell-Mithell for their ssistne with this tril. This informtion is presented with the understnding tht no produt disrimintion is intended nd neither endorsement of ny produt mentioned, nor ritiism of unnmed produts, is implied. UVM Extension helps individuls nd ommunities put reserh-sed knowledge to work. Issued in furtherne of oopertive Extension work, ts of My 8 nd June 30, 1914, in oopertion with the United Sttes Deprtment of griulture. University of Vermont Extension, urlington, Vermont, University of Vermont Extension, nd U.S. Deprtment of griulture, ooperting, offer edution nd employment to everyone without regrd to re, olor, ntionl origin, gender, religion, ge, disility, politil eliefs, sexul orienttion, nd mritl or fmilil sttus.

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