Animal reproduction. Parts of flowering. plants. Anchorage. Circulation. Gas exchange and. waste removal. Food production. Reproduction.

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1 Animal reproduction Parts of flowering plants Anchorage Circulation. Gas exchange and waste removal Food production. Reproduction. By the end of this Unit you will: Know the different parts of flowering plants and the job of each part. Place a plant into it s major flowering and non flowering taxonomic group. 1

2 Lesson 1 : Curriculum standards : 6.2 Every day millions of living things die. Organisms do not live for ever. Why is there still life on Earth? Pic cat Before most organisms die, they produce new organisms like themselves. Reproduction is producing young, so that the species continue to exist. التكاثر : هو انتاج الصغار, لك نحافظ على االنواع ف االستمرار و البقاء. In many animals a new life starts when the nucleus of a sperm (a specialized cell from the father) Fuses (combines) with the nucleus of the egg (a specialized cell from the mother). We call it Fertilization. Fertilization is the fusion of an egg with a sperm to form a zygote األخصاب :- هو اتحاد ب ن الح وان المنوي و البو ضه النتاج بو ضه ملقحة. Question: What do plants have instead of Sperms? 2

3 Different animals fertilize their eggs in different ways. Fertilization in Vertebrates: External fertilization Internal fertilization Fish and Amphibian Birds and reptiles Mammals young Develop in water young Develop on land Young Develop inside uterus External Fertilization: fertilization takes place outside the body الألخصاب الخارج : أخصاب حدث خارج الجسم. The female frogs and fish lay thousands of eggs in water, males will wait for the female frogs and fish to lay the eggs then they will release the sperms in water. بعد أن تضع أنثى االسماك و الضفادع أالف من الب ض ف الماء, المنو ة ف الماء لتلق ح الب ض. تقوم بعد ذلك الذكور بالقاء الح وانات Pic page 111 Pic Fertilization happens when a sperm and an egg meet by chance. The mothers do not take care of their young. و التلق ح حدث عندما تلتق الب وضة و الح وان المنوي عن طر ق الصدفه, و االم ال تقم بالعنا ة بصغارها. Internal fertilization: Fertilization happens inside the mother s body. األخصاب الداخل : اخصاب حدث داخل داخل جسم األم. 3

4 Mammals, reptiles and birds have a different, more efficient form of reproduction: The sperm and egg meet and fuse (combine) inside the mother s body. a. Birds and reptiles lay their eggs on land. The eggs are covered by hard shells. They contain lots of stored food. The mothers take care of their young until they can live on their own. - الط ور و الزواحف تضع ب ضها ف االرض, و الب ض كون مغطى بطبقة صلبه من القشرة و حتوي بداخلة على كم ة كب رة من الطعام المخزن. - و االم تقوم باالهتمام بصغارها حتى ستط عون االعتماد على أنفسه. b. Most mammals are different; their young grow in a special organ inside the mother s body. We call it a Uterus. The mother will take care of the young and feed them milk. - معظم الثد ات نمو صغارها ف عضو خاص داخل جسم األم دعى الرحم. و تقوم االم باالعتناء بصغارها و اعطائهم الحل ب. 4

5 Key words: Reproduction التكاثر Fertilization األخصاب External fertilization. األخصاب الخارج Internal fertilization. األخصاب الداخل Uterus الرحم Key ideas: All living things reproduce to have young that are identical to their parents. - جم ع الكائنات الح ه تتكاثر النتاج الصغار الت تكون مشابهه لوالد ها. Fertilization is the fusion (joining) of the sperm and egg to form a zygote. - االخصاب هو اتحاد الح وان المنوي مع البو ضه النتاج بو ضة ملقحه There are two types of fertilization, one that happens outside the mother's body we call it External fertilization and one that happens inside the mother's body, we call it Internal Fertilization. - هناك نوع ن من االخصاب, احدهم حدث خارج جسم االم و سمى االخصاب الخارج و االخر حدث داخل جسم االم و سمى االخصاب الداخل. The mammals have a special organ called the uterus to keep the young inside the mother s - الثد ات لد ها عضو خاص سمى) الرحم ) لالحتفاظ body. بالصغار داخل جسم المرأة. Key Questions: عرف التكاثر reproduction: Define عرف االخصاب Fertilization: Define عددأنواع االخصاب fertilization? What are the two types of Give an example on each type of fertilization: اذكر مثاال لكل نوع من أنواع االخصاب.. عرف الرحم :- uterus Define

6 It isn t just animals that are alive! Plants are alive too. Curriculum standards : 6.3 Plants reproduce, seeds grow into plants can sense where the light plants get rid of waste. New plants is. They can grow or move to Face the light. Most plants are made of four basic parts: معظم النباتات تتكون من أربعه أجزاء رئ س ة : Plants are different from animals because they can make their own food (producers). Each part (organs) of the flowering plants has one of the following specific jobs to do: دعامة النبات Anchorage. تبادل الغازتexchange Gas الدوران Circulation انتاج الغذاء Food production ازالة الماء waste removal التكاثر Reproduction 6

7 Plants take the water and nutrients that are important for food production from the soil. Most plants need to live in soil. Just like the ship s anchor, the roots hold the plant in the soil so that they do not come out easily. We say they anchor plants so that they don t get moved by wind or animals. The organ responsible for anchorage in plants is the root. الجذر : العضو المسؤال عن تثب ت النبات ف التربة. The larger and taller the plants are the bigger the roots they will need for anchoring. Different plants have different types of roots: - كل ما ازداد طول و عرض النبته كل ما احتاجت الى أن تكون الجذور كب رة لتثب تها ف التربة. - كل نوع من أنواع النباتات لها نوع مختلف من الجذور. Tip: In some plants like Carrots food is stored in the roots. 7

8 Plant roots are not just for Anchoring the plants in the soil. They have another job too. Main root Root hair Roots take in water and dissolved nutrients from the soil. The water goes through root hairs. We say root hairs absorb the water and nutrients from the soil.the water and nutrients are then transported from the root to the plant through special tubes. - جز س ان باحاث ن غج ظ فخ ا ان د ذة حثب ج ان باحاث ف انخشبت ن ا ظ ف أخش ا ضا : - ايخظاص ان اء االيالح ي انخشبت, ان اء ذخم ف شؼ شاث انجزس. - انشؼ شاث انجزس ت انخ حم و بؼ ه ت ايخظاص ان اء االيالح ي انخشبت, ثى ح خمم ان اء االيالح ي انخشبت ان ان بج ػ طش ك أ اب ب خاط. Activity: In order to show that the water enters the plant through the roots not the leaves, you can do the following experiment: Take two plants; put the first plant in water, with the roots in water. Put the leaves of the second plant in water. Observe what happens in a few days. 8

9 Once the water has been absorbed by the Roots, it needs to be transported up to the are water and nutrients transported from the root to the rest of the plant? ان اء خض ػ طش ك انجز س نك ذخاج ان ا خمان ان اال ساق ك ف خمم ان اء االيالح ي انجزس ان اجضاء ان باث االخش Each part of the plant needs to get the water and food. In order to in order to know how they are transported through the plant you can do the following experiment: كم جضء ي أجضاء ان باث ذخاج ان اء انغزاء نك ؼشف رنك ك ػ م ز انخجشبت Materials: ان اد Celery stick, beaker, red food color, water. كشفظ / ك ط/أ ن أد ش نهطؼاو/ياء طر قة العمل Procedure: Cut 2.5 cm from the bottom of the celery stick, observe the tiny holes. الطغ 2.5 عى ي لاع عاق انكشفظ الدع انفخذاث انظغ شة Place the celery in the beaker that is filled with colored water. Observe what happens the next day. ضغ عاق انكشافظ ف انكأط ان هؤ بان اء ان ه الدع يارا ذذد ف ان و انخان You will notice that the plant turned red, if you cut the stem you will notice that the same tiny holes you had seen in the beginning عخالدع أ ان باث حذ ل إن انه األد ش ن لطؼج عاق ان باث ع ف ink. are filled with red حالدع انفخذاث انظغ شة انج سأ خ ا ف انبذا ت لذ يألث بانه األد ش 9

10 Just like the water is transported around in our house through pipes or tubes. Plants have tiny tubes to transport the water and food to and from the leaves The plant s Circulation system is made of two types of tubes: عمل ة الدوران ف النبات تتم ف أنبوب ن :- - Xylem which is: strong and thick tubes that transport the water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. أناب ب الخشب : عبارة عن أن اب ب ة قوي و سم كة بتوص ل الماء و األمالح من الجذور إلى األوراق. قوم - Phloem which is: thin tubes that transport sugar around the plant. - اللحاء : عبارة عن أنبوب رق ق قوم بتوص ل السكر إلى جم ع أجزاء النبات. In order to see the tiny tubes inside the plants, scientists cut open the root and the stem and looked inside them using the microscope: In the leaf: - The Stem and roots: The long tubes run from one end of the root and stem to the other cells that are on top of each other. 10

11 Leaves come in different shapes, sizes and colors. Activity (1): األوراق تكون مختلفه ف الشكل, الحجم و االلوان. Get a single leaf from a tree and examine it with a hand lens. Describe the leaf and make a sketch of what you see. Make sure to compare between the upper and lower side of the leaf. microscope Activity (2) You will need: 1. single leaf from a tree 2. hot water 3. beaker 11

12 Put a hot water in a beaker, then inter the leaf, observe the bubbles. The tiny holes in the leaf are called Stomata. When the stomata are open, CO2 enters And O2 and gets out. - Photosynthesis. - breathing. ػ ذيا فخخ انثغش ذخم غاص ثا أكغ ذ انكشب خشج غاص األكغج. - ػ ه ت انب اء انض ئ - - ػ ه ت انخ فظ. plants loose extra water from the stomata To get rid of waste and to keep cool. - ان اء انضائذ ف ان باحاث خى فمذ ػ طش ك انثغش, رنك نهخخهض ي انفضالث ان ذافظت ػه انبش دة. The stomata are responsible for waste removal in plants. Stomata are the parts of plant responsible for gas exchange and waste removal. الثغر :- أجزاء النبات المسئولة عن تبادل الغازات و ازاله الماء. 12

13 Unlike us humans, plants can make their own food. The process by which green plants make their food is called: Photosynthesis is carried out in all the green parts of plants. (Leaves and stem). - انتاج الغذاء ف النبات تم عن طر ق عمل ة البناء الضوئ, و هذه العمل ه تتم ف االجزاء الخضراء ف النبات ( االوراق و الساق (النها تحتوي على صبغه خضراء تدعى الكلوروف ل. The leaves and stem are green because their cells contain a green pigment called Chlorophyll. The pigment will trap the light energy from the sun and make food. Plants also use Water and Carbon dioxide to make food. Water + CO2 + Sunlight Sugar + Oxygen الماء + ثان أكس د الكربون + ضوء الشمس سكر + أكسج ن Food that is produced in the plant is usually stored in the plant itself. Some plants store the food in the stem and others in theroot. - الغذاء المنتج ف النبات عادة خزن ف النبات نفسه, بعض النباتات تخزن الغذاء ف الساق و البعض االخر ف الجذر. To test for the presence of food try the following experiment: Activity: You will need: One potato, knife, iodine. What you will do: 13

14 Cut a piece of the potato. Add two drops of iodine. (The iodine will be blue to black if there is starch). The main function of the leaf is food production. The leaf has many characteristics that make it the best place for - الوظ فه الرئ س ة للورقة ه انتاح الغذاء, النها تملك عدة صفات مهمه تجعله production:,food المكان المناسب النتاج الغذاء : 1. The leaves are green because the cells on the surface (Palisade cells) are filled with chloroplasts. - األوراق خضراء ألن الخال ا الموجوده على السطح ه ( خال ا البالس ده ) مملوءة بمادة الكلوروبالست 2. The lower part of the leaf contains a lot of pores we called it Stomata, which allow the CO2 and sunlight to get inside the leaf. - الجزء السفل من الورقه حتوي على العد د من الثقوب تسمى الثغر, و الت تسمح بدخول غاز ثان أكس د الكربون و أشعه الشمس الى الورقة. 3. The leaf has Xylem and Phloem; The Xylem to transport the water and nutrients, and the phloem to take the produced food and transport it around the plant. - و الورقة تحتوي على الخشب و الحاء, الخشب لنقل الماء و االمالح و الحاء لنقل الغذاء المنتج الى جم ع أجزاء النبات. The green parts of the plant: leaves and stem are the parts responsible for food production. - االجضاء انخضشاء ف ان باث ( األ ساق انغاق ) : األجضاء ان غؤنت ػ ا خاج انغزاء ف ان باث. 14

15 Flowering plants grow from seeds. Seeds are made by flowers. Flowers are the parts of plant that are used for reproduction. الزهرة :- ه العضو المسؤول عن التكاثر ف النبات. Flowers from different plants come in different sizes, colors and shapes. But they all have the same basic parts. Flowers have male and female parts. They are either in the same flower or in different flowers. The following picture shows the main parts of a flower with male and female parts: الزهرة تحتوي على أجزاء ذكر ة و أجزاء أنثو ة. ف بعض االح ان تكون االجزاء االنثو ة و الذكر ة موجوده ف نفس الزهرة و هناك أنواع اخرى توجد االجزاء االنثو ة على زهره و الذكر ة على زهرة أخرى - الرسمة التال ة توضح االجزاء االنثو ة و الذكر ة على نفس الزهرة. 15

16 To make seeds, pollen grains must travel from anther to stigma. لتكو ن البذور البد من انتقال حبوب اللقاح من المتك الى ان غى. The traveling of pollen from the anther to stigma is called Pollination عمل ة التلق ح :- ه عمل ة انتقال حبوب القاح من المتك الى الم سم. Some plants use insects to carry the pollen, others the wind and water. Once the pollen reaches the stigma, the pollen will meet the egg (Ovule). The two cells will join together to form the seed. تستخدم النباتات عدة طرق لنقل حبوب اللقاح اما عن طر ق الحشرات, الر اح أو الماء. عندما تصل حبوب اللقاح الم سم,سوف تلتق حبوب اللقاح بالبو ضة و حدث انداج ب نهم النتاج البذور Fertilization is the fusion of the pollen and the egg to form a new seed. األخصاب:- هو اندماج حبوب اللقاح و الب ضة النتاج بذور جد دة. Reproduction in plants = Pollination + Fertilization. التكاثر ف النبات = التلق ح + االخصاب. 16

17 Key ideas: The plants are living things that have many functions. - النباتات كائنات ح ه لد ها العد د من الوظائف. Different parts of the plant do different jobs, the main functions of the parts of a flowering plant are: - أعضاء النبات المختلفه تؤدي وظائف مختلفه. o Anchorage الجذور تثب ت النبات Roots o Gas Exchange الثغر تبادل الغازات Stomata o Waste removal االخراج Stomataالثغر انتاج الغذاء o Food production الدوران o Circulation Leaf ان سل Xylem and الخشب و اللحاء Phloem o Reproduction الزهرة التكاثر flower Key words: دعامة Anchorage النبات الثغر Stomata الخشب Xylem ال لداء Phloem الدورانCirculation التلق ح Pollination Fertilization االخصاب Project: Plant the seeds of a flowering plant, observe and record the growth of the plant, and it's needs for Key Questions: ك ف تأخذ النباتات ما تحتاجه need? How do plants take in what they - Plant leaves are responsible for.. - أوراق النباتات مسؤله عن The part of the leaf responsible for taking in Oxygen and removing waste is called: - جزء الورقة المسؤل عن أخذ غاز االكسج ن و التخلص من الفضالت هو The water and minerals a plant needs go into it through.. They pass in special tubes through the root, stem and leaves, the tubes are called and. - الماء و االمالح الذي تحتاجه النباتات قوم بامتصاصه , ثم نتقلون من خالل أناب ب خاصة من الجذر, الساق و االوراق هذه االناب ب تدعى و The part of the plant responsible for reproduction is:... - عضو النبات المسؤل عن التكاثر هو : Flowering plants are made of 5 essential parts:..,,..,.,.. - النباتات الزهر ة مكونه من خمسة أجزاء رئ س ة هم : , , , ,

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