Stories. Stories of Resilience

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1 cwiez bi Mí Stories of Resilience Stories of Resilience cwiez bi Mí

2 Stories of Resilience cwiez bi Mí


4 Stories of Resilience cwiez bi Mí

5 Published by Islamic Relief Bangladesh Copyright Islamic Relief Bangladesh Special thanks Munirul Islam, Abdullah Al Raihan, Mohaiminur Rahman, Hamidur Rahman, Tahsin Aziz, Kazi Lutfun Nahar Ahmed, Nazmul Nabid Assisted by Robiul Islam, Sayed Abul Basher, S.M. Rafiqul Islam, Mizanur Rahman Project Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience in Bangladesh Disclaimer This photo book has prepared under "Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience in Bangladesh" project funded by Islamic Relief UK and UKaid. The views expressed herein should not be taken in any way to reflect the official opinion of UKaid and Islamic Relief UK. The publisher (Islamic Relief Bangladesh) holds the copyright, but text and photos may be reproduced for non-profit purpose. Prior permission is encouraged for such use.

6 Islamic Relief Bangladesh is working to systematically enhance the resilience of the most climate-vulnerable households and communities in Bangladesh through strengthening their adaptive capacity and reducing their risk exposure by supporting households, communities, local government and national institutions to anticipate, plan for and adapt to and recover from climate variability and shocks. We work to support the strengthening, linking and integration of local to national sub-systems through bottom-up planning designed to inform national level development planning and climate finance decisions if favour of the most climate-vulnerable communities and persons. Stories of Resilience 05

7 Lwjj gvwsõi RxweKvqb iƒcvší ii Mí Khalil s Story of Transformational Livelihood Change 2007-G mvb K vb wmwi, 2009-G AvBjv Lwjjyi ingvb (47) GKB v b `vuwo q ` L Qb cöjqskix `yb Rj-ZvÐe! coší ejvi mvbv iv` Pv L g L wzwb g b KiwQ jb Zvui d j Avmv w`b jvi Rxeb msmöv gi K_v ÒAvwg wkš gvws bb, fvb R ji bb Avwg Avm j... Avwg Kwi bvb Ggb KvR bvb gvwu KvUv, w`bgrywi, BuU-fvUvi RvMvwj, U cy Pvjv bv, Rwg Pvl... KZ wkqz Kijvg! ïayb GKUz eu P _vkvi Rb cuzqvlvjx m`i, ewikvj, XvKv... eû RvqMvq Ny iwq, cv qi Zjvq gvwu cvb bvb Zvici g b Kijvg, hvb, wb Ri wfuvq wd i hvb hv n e `Lv hv e Ó wb Ri wfuv ej Z h Rwg K evsvw Q jb Lwjj gvws, muvi Avm j Zvui wb Ri wfuv bq ˆcwÎK m cwë me bvkv ivebvev` b`xi Kivj MÖv m nvwi q hviqvi ci fvm v š^l Y b`x cwi q G m D VwQ jb Iqvc`v ewo evu ai Dci, MvjLvwj BDwbq bi c~e MvjLvwj MÖv g muv cövq eqi ` kk Av Mi K_v A_ vr b`xfv½ b me ^ nviv bvi cii hb b`xi cv o evm bv K i Zvui Dcvq bb Lwjj gvws, MÖvg Ñ c~e MvjLvwj, BDwbqb Ñ MvjLvwj, Dc Rjv Ñ MjvwPcv, Rjv Ñ cuzqvlvjx b`x-aeevwnkvq Aew Z niqvq cwjgvwu Z Mov MjvwPcv evsjv ` ki me P q De i K wlrwg niqvi K_v, wkš µgvmz mgy `ªi AvMÖvm b cwj- avqv DcK jxq f -cök wz µgk e` j hv Q, wgvvcvwbi b`x-lvj jv f i hv Q jvbv cvwb Z, jvbv cvwbi Rjve Zvq K wl Rwg jvi e` j hv Q jvbv gvwu Z d j mbvzb K l Kiv eys Z cvi Qb bv, Kb Zv `i Rwg De izv nviv Q, Kb ^vfvwek Pvl c wz Z Avi Avkvbyiƒc djb cv Qb bv eivei Drcv`b K i Avmv dm ji GB cwiw wzi mivmwi cöfve co Q Rxeb I RxweKvi Dci K wlkv R e _ Khalilur Rahman (47) experienced the two devastating cyclones, Sidr and Aila. He was recollectingthe struggling days from his past while a golden ray of the sun was shining in his eyes: Actually I m not a boatman, not a fisherman even. There re very few occupations that I didn t try to work out. Digging, day-laboring, assisting in brick-fields, driving auto-van, cultivating land Only for ourbread and butter. But the bitter experience is, I travelled here and there. Patuakhali sadar, Barisal, Dhaka immense places, but couldn t settle down anywhere. Then I decided to come back in my land. About 10 years ago he made his hut beside Rabanabad river embankmentmade by Water Development Board, as he lost his inherited land in river erosion.khalilur Rahman, called by Khalil Majhi, village East Golkhali, Union Golkhali, Upazila Galachipa, District Patuakhali. Usually the cultivationhere in Golachipa is dependent upon tidal tendency of the rivers and cannels, so agriculture is not so easy here.salinity impacts very badly on the cropland fertility. Though the alluvial lands should be fertile as they are situated in the river basin,but continuous aggression of the sea transforms the soil structure and fills up the sweet water cannels into saline waters. This creates a serious impact on the living and livelihood of this marginal population. A deprived cultivator turns into fisherman, inexpert boatman migrates to the town for day-laboring, fishermen tries driving autos in the big cities. 06 cwiez bi Mí

8 n q Rvj wb q gvq ai Z j M co Q K lk, Abf Í gvws ˆeVv d j P j hv Q w`bgrywii ckvq, R jiv Póv Ki Q eo kn i wm q Mvwo Pvjv bvi Gfv e Rjevqy cwiez bi Kivj _vev wqbœwfbœ K i w` Q Pbv Rbc `i AwZ Pbv Rxeb-gvb G Ki ci GK cövk wzk `y h v Mi Kvi Y DcK~jxq AÂj jv R jv Qvm I ZrcieZ x cöwzk~jzvi wkkvi n Q Rjevqy cwiez bi Ab Zg fqven cöfve n jv Awaevmx `i RxweKvq bi Dci mivmwi AvNvZ DcK~jxq GjvKvi gvby li RxweKvqb eûjvs k cövk wzk m ú `i Dci wbf ikxj, hv cök wz I Rjevqy cwiw wzi mv _ m úwk Z wbqwgz cövk wzk `y h vm, hgb Ñ eb v, Liv, NywY So I Ab vb Rjevqy Kw `ªK NUbv, e MZ m ú`, gvbem ú` BZ vw`i wzmva bi gva g M n vwj ch v qi RxweKvq bi Dci AvNvZ nv b GB cwiw wz K iæz w` q BmjvwgK wiwjd, evsjv `k Òevsjv ` k `y h vm gvkv ejv cö wz I Rjevqy cwiez b Awf hvr b m gzv AR bó Kg m~wp ev Íevqb K i `w Y cwð gi DcK~jxq Rjv jvi mv _ DËi-c~ e i nvio A j GB Kg m~wpi AvIZvq cwiewz Z I AwbwðZ Rjevqy cwiw wzi wkkvi e w³ I cwievi jvi `y h vm SzuwK gvkv ejvq m gzv AR b I `y h vm SzuwK cökgb G Kg m~wpi Ab Zg j GB cök íi AvIZvq AwZ`wi`ª cwievi wn m e ZvwjKvf ³ nb Lwjjyi ingvb AZ ší Kg V I msmövgx GB e w³i Kej cö qvrb wqj GKUz Avw_ K mn hvwmzv Avi mvg bi w` K GwM q hviqvi Rb mwvk j wba viy b`x Zx i emevmkvix Lwjjyi ingvb K BmjvwgK wiwjd _ K eivï `qv nq GKKvjxb 12 nvrvi UvKv, hv wzwb gvq aivi Rb wwwo bškv I Rvj Kbvq e envi K ib MjvwPcv Dc Rjv m`i _ K Lwjj gvwsi evmv ch ší Lye GKUv mnr c_ bq Avgv `i K bškvq Po Z nq, bškv _ K b g gvuimvb Kj GK welbœ mkv j Avgiv mb cövq-`ym g wvkvbvi D Ï k iibv njvg wkš hlb mlv b cšqjvg, g b n jv, Avgiv hb Qwei g Zv GK evwoi mvg b `vuwo q AvwQ b`xi K~ j QvÆ Kzu oni, D Vv b Dbybmn ivbœvi RvqMv, cv kb `y Uv eo Mv Qi mv _ kvwo Rwo q `vjbv Svjv bv, Zv Z ï q Ny gv Q GK A eva wkï GLv b mlv b P i eov Q K qkuv QvMj GKUz cib gvwsi x K `Lv Mj GK Szwo ZvRv mewr wb q evmvb _ K wdi Qb gvwsi D`q n jb Kvu a ˆeVv Avi nv Zi _ j Z, m ez gvq wb q Owing to frequent number of disasters, the coastal area is highly vulnerable to water related extreme events. One of the worst impacts of climate change is to force people to take diversified occupation to maintain their livelihood.. Frequent disasters such as floods, droughts, cyclone, and other weather associated phenomena affect household s livelihood through the devastation of physical, human as well as social capital. Given emphasize on the above considerations Islamic Relief, Bangladesh is implementing "Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience in Bangladesh" project in the coastal areas (South West) as well as in the Haor basin (North East). The project is working to increase the resilience of the vulnerable communities against a changing, uncertain climate, addressing and underlying factors of poverty and their on-going and projected climate change vulnerabilities and risks. Khalil Majhi s name was listed as a beneficiary of this project. A small financial support and a guideline were needed for Khalil Majhi to go a beneficiary Khalil received a cash grant of BDT which he invested to buy his own boat and fishing net. As Ramnabad river is a famous breeding location of Hilsha fish, so fishing as an occupation has proved profitable for him. Shortly he got returns from his investment. Reaching at Khalil Majhi s place was not so easy from Galachipa Upazila headquarters. We had to travel there by boat and then by motorbike. A hut by the riverside, in the yard a small cooking place under some big trees, a homemade hammock was tightened over there. Some cattle were grazing heather and thither. Soon Majhi s wife appeared from the vegetable garden close to their homestead with a basket full of vegetables while Majhi was seen getting down from his boat with a bag of fish., Majhi welcomed us with a cordial smile... We were curious to see his vegetable garden. At beginingwe Khalil Majhi Lwjj gvws Stories of Resilience 07

9 gvws Avgv `i nvwmgy L ^vmz Rvbv jb... Avgiv gvwsi D Vv b b g cojvg Zvui RxweKvqb Kg KvÐ mp ÿ `L Z Avgiv ïiæ Kijvg Zvui evwoi cv ki mewr evmvb _ K RvqMvUv mgy `ªi Lye Kv Q niqvq wbqwgz Rvqvi-fvUv nq d j mvaviy Pvlc wz GLv b Kv R Av m bv mb mv _ Rwgi jeyv³zv Zv Av QB me wgwj q Pvlvev` Lye GKUv mnr e vcvi wqj bv wkš BmjvwgK wiwj di mnvqzv wb q Lwjj gvws mb KwVb KvRwU KB mnr K i Zz j Qb BmjvwgK wiwjd _ K civgk I DbœZ Rv Zi exr nv Z c q Lwjj gvws I Zvi x emzevwoi cv k mewr evmvb Ki jb wgwó Kzgov, e b, U g Uv, Avjy, gwipmn me mewrib AvkvZxZ djb n jv Avgiv Zvui evmv b wm q Mv Q SzjšÍ eiewu, wkg, U g Uv, Xuok `L Z cjvg GiKg entered his yard and he started describing his interventions. We started from the riverside vegetable garden. The place is very close to the sea, so tide and ebb happens there periodically. So regular process of cultivation is not possible here. Besides, salt water intrusion is another obstacle in crop production. Overall, it was tough to get engaged in gardening or cultivation,but with the help of IRB Khalil did it easily. He got some climate adaptive seedsfor free which grow well in salty soil. Khalil tried pumpkin, eggplant, tomato, potato, chilly etc. in his garden and the production was immense. We saw some flourishing bean, cowpea, tomato, lady s finger etc. in his garden. We get from 08 cwiez bi Mí

10 cöwzk~j gvwu-cvwb Z Kxfv e wzwb GZ fv jv djb c jb? ÒBmjvwgK wiwjd _ K wbqwgz civgk cvb, cvkvgvk oi AvµgY ev Ab Kv bv wel q Kv bv mgm v n j... gvevbj Av Q bv? Dc Rjv K wl Awd m dvb Kwi, Avi bv n j BmjvwgK wiwj di fvb `i ewj, Zviv Avgvi n q K wl Awd m mivmwi hvmv hvm K ibó QvU cwim ii GB evmv bi cvkvcvwk wzwb ek eo RvqMv wb q evwywr K wfwë Z mewr evmvb K i Qb, hvi dmj vbxq evrv i wewµ K i ek fv jv DcvR b Ki Z cv ib time to time advice from our brothers of IRB. Besides, if we face problemsin using pesticide or others, we can take help from the upazila agricultural office also... I have a mobile, so I can contact the UAO office anytime. If not, we contact with the IRB officials and they talk to them on behalf of us, added by Khalil. He also started a commercial vegetable farm just a few meters away from his residence, another source of income. Stories of Resilience 09

11 Ò... m A bk `wi Av Q i fvb, Pjyb Avgvi nvum-gyimx `L ebó Kv_vI h Z n jv bv, ivrnvum jvb nvvr `wl ivrkxq fw½ Z gvwsi D Vv bi w` K GwM q Avm Q ev iv _ K c biuv nvu mi mylx cwievi gvws Avgv `i M e i mv _ Rvbv jb, ÒAvgvi nvumb Av Q QqUvi g Zv, Avi ivrnvum Av Q A bk jv nvum jv ivr wwg `q QqUvi g Zv gyiwmi Av Q G jv me wk bwq mewr wewµi UvKv _ KÓ evowz Avq _ K wzwb QvMj wkb jb Avgiv Zvui D Vv b ^v evb K qkuv QvMj Pi Z `Ljvg gvws mw` K ZvwK q ej jb, ÒAvgvi A bk jv QvMj wb q GKUv Lvgvi Kivi B Qv Av Q Rv bb, gwn li Lvgvi Avgv `i GjvKvi GKUv RbwcÖq e emv MjvwPcvq Zv A bk Pi GgwbB c o Av Q wmw ii ci _ K m jv Z KD evm K i bv abx jv Kiv mme P i `yb kv _ K Pvi kv gwnl wb q wm q Q o `q, mv _ `yb-gkrb ivlvj _v K g b K ib h, bvggvî wewb qv M wecyj jvf, ZvB bv? UvKv Zv Avi Avgvi bvb Avwg eo Rvi câvk _ K GKkÕUv QvMj wb q GKUv QvÆ Lvgvi Ki evó- gvws ejwq jb Kej grm AvniY, mewr Pvl I cïcvj bb mxgve _v Kwb Lwjj gvwsi cwiev ii Avqe w g~jk Kvh µg m ½ Aemi mgquzkz K Kv R jvmv ZB hb, Lwj ji x nvz w` qwq jb evu ki Szwo evbv bvi Kv R mb KvRI GLb wbqwgz Av qi gyl `L Q Gw` K wbr N i I cöwz ekx cwievi jvi bvix `i ˆZwi KvM Ri VvOv msmön K i eo evrv i wewµ KivI Lwj ji AwZwi³ DcvR bi Dr m cwiyz n q Q Z_vwc, Lwjj gvwsi g Zv mgỳ ª DcK jxq Rbc` Z_v b`xi gvnbvq hviv evm K ib, Zviv Rv bb - Qwei g Zv GB mvrv bv wpîwui gqv` Lye vqx bq Kbbv, cök wzi ˆewiZvq AveviI Kv bv wmwi wksev AvBjv G j GB me Av qvrb I cöqvm GK dzrkv i D o hv e fq¼i iæ`ª cök wzi gvkv ejvq Avgiv h AvRI AwZÿz`ª, Amnvq! wkš ZvB e j nv Z nvz a i e m _vk j Zv Pj e bv eis `y h vm hz cöejb nvk, mw wjz kw³ Z Zvi gvkv ejv Ki Z cvi j q wz Kwg q Avbv hvq ˆewK ZvB BmjvwgK wiwj di DcKvi fvmxiv wb R `i g a ˆZwi K i Qb 10 cwiez bi Mí

12 Then he invested his extra income to buy goats. We found a number of healthy goats grazing into his yard. I have a plan to make a ranch of goats.buffalo ranching is one of the most familiar business of this area. There are small and big islands situated here and there, most of them are abandoned after cyclone Sidr. The rich people used to leave their buffalos a time two to five hundred buffalos were left there. A large profit can be attained with a minimum investment.i don t have that money to manage a big venture. ButI have a plan in managing a small ranch of about fifty to hundred goats. But that will take time Majhi says....meanwhile, let s see my swans and ducks. We need not to go anywhere to see them, suddenly we saw twelve to fifteen swans coming towards Khalil s house. Khalil informed us, I own half dozen geese and some swans. The geese are now laying eggs regularly. Besides the swans and geese, he has dozens of chickens also. All these were purchased from the income of selling vegetables. Nowadays Khalil s commercial activities are not limited to fishing, vegetable gardening or livestock activities. His ultimate target is to be an entrepreneur. Focusing on that target, his wife has also started making some handicrafts. She crafts baskets with bamboo andshe makes some paper packets. These baskets are in high demand in the local market, so Khalil can easily sell them.. But the intelligent Khalil knows that this rosy picture will take no time to fade out if the short distanced Bay-of-Bengal becomes depressed again. Khalil knows his capacity is still so inadequate to face devastating mothernature. But why bestanded waiting for that cyclone? Rather you get prepared to face the cyclone with the strength of right preparedness. That s why the beneficiaries of Islamic Relief have Stories of Resilience 11

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14 Stories of Resilience 13

15 mî ní MÖæc, hvi KvR m ve cövk wzk `y h v Mi Rb mw wjzfv e AvMvg cö Z _vkv, `y h v Mi c~ e, `y h vmkv j I `y h vm-ciez x mg q KiYxq m c K wbqwgz cöwk Y MÖnY I cö Z _vkv Zvuiv cöwz gv m wbqwgz cvm-eb qi gva g RbcÖwZ 100 UvKv Rgv K ib Ges mk ji mâq GKÎ K i Zv Rgv iv Lb e vs K cvkvcvwk, m`m `i KvQ _ K Pvj msmön Kiv nq AvcrKvjxb Kv R jvm e e j Lwjj e jb, Ò KD Rv bbv, KLb Avevi `y h vm Av m ZvB me mgq ˆZwi _vkv PvB M n vwj mâq wvk Av Q, wkš `jxq mâq AviI fv jv Kv bv m`m hw` nvvr Kv bv wec ` c o, m Avgv `i GLvb _ K Pvj avi wb Z cv i A b i Kv Q avi P q j¾v cviqvi `ikvi Kx? Zvi Zv AwaKvi Av Q wec `i mgq wb Ri MÖæc _ K mn hvwmzv cviqvió Avgiv Zvui evwoi `irvq `Ljvg meyr i Oi ÒAvgiv iwwó w Kvi Lwjj gvws e vl v w` jb, ÒmeyR created a self-help group. The main objective of forming this group was building coordination between each other and enhancing livelihood support options. Here members discuss about how to enhance household income by adopting climate adaptive livelihood options. They also started a group savings account. Each member deposits100bdt per month,which is recorded through maintaining passbook. The collective amount is deposited in a savings account opened in a commercial bank. The members the of self-help froup formed a foodbank also by depositing rice on a regular basis. According to Khalil, No one knows when cyclone will come. So, we need to be prepared. Household savings is good, but group saving is better. All memberscan borrow rice in their crisis period from this stock. We saw an oval shaped green sticker named Amra Ready (we are ready) pasted on the 14 cwiez bi Mí

16 w Kv ii gv b n jv, GB cwiev ii m`m iv `y h vm gvkv ejvq m ú~y cö Z Gi g a AwaKvsk kz c~iy Ki Z cvi ji wkqz wkqz KvR GLb ch ší evwk i q M Q GiKg cwievi `i wpwýz Kiv n Q njỳ i Oi ÒAvgiv iwwó w Kvi w` q aiv hvk, Zvi N i ïk bv Lvevi mâq bvb, ev Zvi emzevwo Zgb greyz K i evbv bv bq Aci w` K cövq Kv bv kz B c~iy Ki Z cv iwb ev `y h vm cö wz gv UB Avkve ÄK bq, Zv `i door of his house. Khalil Majhi stated that, this green sticker says, I am fully resilient. But there are two more stickers, one is yellow marked and the other is red. Yellow is given to those who have some lackings. Suppose he doesn t have reserve of dry food or his household is not strong enough to be resilient against storm. And the red means, Stories of Resilience 15

17 N i jvj i Oi w Kvi `L eb Gi gv b n jv, Zv `i K Avevi bzzb K i cö wz ïiæ Ki Z n e Ó Avi mb mv _ czvkvi e envi wzwb ej jb, Ò`y h vm GjvKvi Pv L covi g Zv wewfbœ RvqMvq czvkv Í emv bv Av Q, `y h v Mi mgq G jv Z czvkv Zvjv nq GK czvkv IVvi gv b `y h vm Avm Z cv i, mzk _vk Z n e `yb czvkv DV Z `L jb h Kv bv gyn~ Z Ni Q o he is fully unprepared. He needs to start from the beginning. Then we asked him about the flag signals. He replied, Flag-posts are usually visible in every climate vulnerable areas to show flag-signal in disaster periods. A single flag means to keep a close eye to the situation. 2 flags are shown to get everybody ready to start for the cyclone shelter and 3 flags indicate danger signal and it orders to go to the shelter 16 cwiez bi Mí

18 Avkªq K `ª hviqvi Rb cö Z n Z n e me kl, wzb czvkv gv bb 10 b ^i gnvwec` ms KZ GB Ae vq h Kv bv gyn~ Z a q Avm Z cv i fq¼i N~Y xso I R jv Q vm ZvB GK gyn~z I Avi `wi Kiv hv e bv, Qz U h Z n e Avkªq K `ª AMÖvwaKvi w` Z n e bvix, wkï, e I cöwzeüx `ió cöm½z wzwb Zvui AvBjvi AwfÁZv ey bv K ib, ÒAvBjvi mgq Avwg ` LwQ, AmsL gvbyl ªv Zi Uv b f m hv Q, hv `i AwaKvskB e I wkï ZvB Avwg Rvwb, `y h v Mi mgq ZvivB me P q wec ` _v K, ZvB Zv `i cövavb w` Z n e Av MÓ home as soon as possible. But the priority should be the children, older aged people and the disabled. Pregnant mothers should be top priority. Khalil added from his experience of Aila, s I saw a number of people floating with the tide. Most of them were children and old aged people. So I know how vulnerable the children, old aged people,disabled and pregnant women feel during the calamities. That is why, I must give them first priority to be sheltered safely. Stories of Resilience 17

19 cwiewz Z Rjevqy cwiw Z exw_ ivyxõi RxweKvqb iƒcvšíi Avgiv hw`b exw_ ivyx cyikvq Õi evwo Z iibv njvg, Mig Lye GKUv wqjbv, wkš evzv m Av`ª Zv GZ ewk wqj h, Avgiv mevb N g- b q GKvKvi exw_õi ^vgx cöxwzk cyikvq Avgv `i nvwmgy L ^vmz Rvbv jb XvKv _ K w`ivb gvuvgywu wbwe NœB P j Avmv M ji, mlvb _ K kvjøv m` i cšuqv bvi AwfÁZv wqj fqven! iv Ív ej Z wkqzb bb, gvv-nvu Avi ewo-evu ai Dci w` q gvui mvb Kj jv hb D o hv Q! Avi GB nweecy i Avmvi Kvwnbx Zv Av ik BwZnvm gvî 14 wk jvwguvi iv Ív cvwo w` Z Avgv `i gvui mvb K ji ci bškvq Po Z n q Q, Ges me k l cv q nu U GZ`~i! exw_ K wkqzuv wpwšíz `Lvw Qj Aek m Avgv `i Kxfv e Avc vqy Ki e m wel q bq, eis wpwšíz wqj Zvi MiæUv K wb q MiæUv bvwk cövq 20 NÈv hver wkqzb Lv Q bv AvgivI `Ljvg, ZLb Zuvi LyeB Amnvq Ae v mšfvm µ g, BmjvwgK wiwj di mnkvix cövmövg Awdmvi wmivr fvb qi Kv Q GKRb KwgDwbwU f vw bu ii bv ^vi wqj, wzwb Zv K dvb K i `ªæZ mlv b P j Avm Z ej jb exw_i gyl _ K wpšívi gn K U Mj mybvgm Äi kvjøv _vbv evsjv ` ki DËi-c~e Rbc `i GK ˆewPÎ gq ˆeix cövk wzk ˆewkó c~y AÂj cök wzi A zz Lqv j eq ii A a KUv ev ZviI ewk mgq GB Rbc` _v K cvwbi wb P GB f~lð ZLb mviv `k _ K cövq Avjv`v n q hvq QvU QvU MÖvg jv K g b nq hb wew Qbœ Øx ci g Zv R M Av Q Avevi kx Zi ïiæ Z cvwb b g M j, Kw`b Av MB mgy `ªi g Zv we Í Z Rjivwk Z gmœ _vkv mgmö PivPi cwiyz nq a~ a~ gv V QÕgv mi eb vq c_nvu f ½ ZLb Dc Rjv m` ii mv _ hvmv hv Mi e e v ej Z KejB gvui mvb Kj, A_ev c`eªr Bethi Rani s Livelihood Transformation in the Face of Climate Change It was a foggy morning when we reached at Beethi Rani Purkayastha s yard. Mr. Purkayastha welcomed us with a big smile. It was a pleasant journey from Dhaka to Dirai,Sunamganj, but all our joy was short lived as we reached Sulla Sadar by motorbike. Therewas no specific road left, the bikes were traversingover the off-road tracks rather than on the road it was most hazardous.we travelled this14 kilometers distance to Hobibpur by motorcycle, by boat and on foot. Beethi was looking anxious. However it was not that, she was worried about how she could entertain us, but she was concerned about her cow! The animal was not taking any of her meals from the last 20 hours and it looked feeble and weak by the time we arrived. Fortunately, an APO brother of IR, B had a valuble contact of a community vaccinator;he called him to visit the place immediately. Beethi was very pleased and her anxiety subsided.. Sulla of Sunamganj is a diverse lowland which is characterized by flash flood submersions for long durations ofduring the year... As a result, the basin, locally called Haor, becomes fully detached from the mainland of the country. The small villages end up being separate islands struggling to survive... Motorcycle is the only transportation, otherwise one will have to go on foot, there isno other way to reach the upazila parishad. The Adverse nature of this lowland make it one of the most climate-vulnerable territories of the country. During the wet season, floods and flash floodinginundates everything on field and during the dry season because of changing climate,transformed soil structure and the higher cultivation costs the farmers are very reluctant to start cultivation again. 18 cwiez bi Mí

20 cök wzi GB m`v-ˆeix AvPiY G AÂj K Ab Zg Rjevqy-SzuwKc~Y GjvKvq cwiyz K i Q el vq RjgMœZvi `iæy Kg nxbzv, ïk bv gšmy g hvmv hvmnxbzvi Kvi Y exr-mvi-kxubvk Ki D Pg~j Avi ^í gqv`x dm ji Afv e K wlkvr Ki Z bv cviv d j GjvKvi Afvex Mv q-lvuv gvbyl `i AwaKvsk K n Z nq NiQvov, `kvšíix `~i-`~iv ší KvR Ki Z ewi q hvq Zviv, nvofv½v cwikª g fvm div Z cvi j wd i Av m el v cwi q ïk bvi w`b jv Z A b K nq Zv d ii bv! cök wzi ˆewiZvq RbRxeb hlb Gfv e wech Í, Pvlvev` bb, gvq Pv li Dcvq bb, cïcvjb Kómva, GgbwK w`bgrywii KvRI cviqv `y i, ZLb exw_ ivyx cyikvq fve jb Ñ Gevi wk Zvn j mwz B mcwiev i wbiæ Ïk hvîv Ki Z n e? kvjøvi g Zv RvqMvq evm Kiv gv b wec `i m ½ _vkv Avi GUv exw_i GKvi msmövg bq mg Í MÖvgUvB R j Q ~avi Av Y, hvi _ K cwiîv Yi c_ Rvbv bb KviI! A_P exw_ ivyxi msmvi wkš G Kev i nz`wi`ª wqj bv, hw`i Zvuiv m QjI wq jb bv Lye GKUv beÿb eqi a i Zvui ^vgxi cwievi GB nweecyi fvwu nvwui Awaevmx wzb cyiæ li emzwfuv AvqZ bi Lye Kg bq mv _ wkqz K wl RwgI Av Q Zv `i, Av Q evwoi cq b QvÆ cykzi Pvlevm K i, cykz i gvq i L, AvwObvq mewr dwj q fv jvb P j hvevi K_v wqj Zv `i wkš GB eb v Avi nvvr eb vi Kvi Y Rwg Z evwj R g Q, d j Pvlvev` Kiv hvq bv, cykz i gvq QvoviI Dcvq bb, gvq eo niqvi Av MB eb vq f m hv e Rwg Z avb jvmv Z cv ib bv, avb cvkvi Av MB hw` Wz e hvq Zvi Dc i, nvvr AvNv Z cöxwz ki Kvgi c o hviqvq Zvi c Avi cwikö gi KvR Kivi Dcvq bb Gevi GB Qq m` m i cwievi Pj e Kx K i? AK~j cv_v i co jb hb exw_ ivyx GB wpî nweecyi fvwu nvwu Z_v kvjøvi Ab me nvwui N i N i hv nvk, kvjøvi cövq me nvwub hb AwZ `wi`ª I nz`wi`ª gvby li `xn k v m fvix Zv `ib GKRb exw_ ivbx cyikvq wvk GB cwiw wz Z, G Kev i cövwšík Rb Mvôx Kx K i wech q mvg j AveviI gv_v Zz j `vuov Z cv i, Kxfv e Cultivation costs areare a lot because of the high price of seeds, fertilizerpesticidesand their transportation cost remainhigh, a huge number of the male workforce is forced to self-exile every year. Some of them return, but some leave for good never to return. Livelihood becameabandoned by losing the battle against nature.there was no way to cultivate, aquaculture, raising cattle; even managing day-laboring jobs became tougher; Beethi Rani Purkayastha was scared thinking about a life in exodus! Life in a swamp means living on the edge. Not only for her family but for the entire village they are starving and do not know what to do. Bithi s family was not that of extreme poor, however they were not solvent. They have been living in this village for ninety years. The are the third generation of the Purkayastha family it has sufficient land in the homestead. They have a huge land in the backyard to be cultivated as a vegetable garden, a small pond and a paddy field of about one and a half acre. But currently they were in danger of slipping into extreme povery due to seasonal flooding and the increasing occurrenceof flash flooding. Most of the previous years they could not manage to cultivate their field. A injury which resulted in a sudden back ache to Pritish Purkayastha which caused a permanent carve on his backbone. From then on he is unable to do any rigorouswork. A family with four children and a physically challenged husband have allbecame totally dependent upon her. This is a common scenario in Hobibpur Haati,almost all the haatis of Sulla arein a very precarious position. All of them are in poverty and are silentlywaiting for starvation to overcome their community. Beethi Rani Purkayastha is one of these villagers. Islamic Relief, Bangladesh started operating thereto increase the resilience of the communities towards climatic variability and changewith a comprehensive and integrated Resilience Model.The prime objective of this projectnamed Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience exw_ ivyx Bithi Rani Stories of Resilience 19

21 gvkv ejv Ki Z cv i Awbevh cövk wzk `y h v Mi, mb j G AÂ j KvR ïiæ K i BmjvwgK wiwjd, evsjv `k Òevsjv ` k `y h vm gvkv ejv cö wz I Rjevqy cwiez b Awf hvr b m gzv AR bó kxl K Kg m~wpi AvIZvq AwZ`wi`ª I nz`wi`ª cwievimg~ ni Rb M n vwj ch v q RxweKv mnvqk Kg ms v bi j, cwiewz Z cwiw wz Z Rjevqy-mnvqK K wlkv Ri civgk I cöwk Y Ges DbœZ Rv Zi exr cö`vb, wekí Avqe w i bvbv D ` vm, cövk wzk `y h vm gvkv ejvq cö wz MÖnYmn bvbvfv e cwiw wz DËi Y KvR K i hv Q BmjvwgK wiwjd, evsjv `k mšfv M i e vcvi h, BmjvwgK wiwjd, evsjv ` ki hvpvb-evqvb q nz`wi`ª cwievi jvi ZvwjKvq bvg I V exw_ ivyxi d j, wzwb BmjvwgK wiwjd _ K GKKvjxb 12 nvrvi UvKv Avw_ K eivï cvb, hvi GKUv Ask wzwb e q K ib bškv I Rvj Kbvi Rb exw_ ivyx ejwq jb, ÒcÖ_g `dvq 6 nvrvi UvKv cvb mb UvKv w` q Rvj Avi bškv wkwb ZLb Zv me w`k cvwb Z Wz e Av Q, ZvB bškv Rvj cviqvq gvq aivi myweav nq gvq wewµi UvKv _ K wkqz UvKv mâqi Ki Z cvwi... wøzxq `dvq AviI 6 nvrvi UvKv cvb, ZZw` b cvwb cövq b g M Q ZvB IB Qq nvrv ii mv _ gvq wewµ _ K Rgv bv AviI 2 nvrvi UvKv hvm K i 8 nvrvi UvKvq GKUv Mvfx wkwbó Kej bškv-rvj Avi MvfxB bq, BmjvwgK wiwj di civg k evwoi cq b in Bangladesh was to provide household level livelihood support consistently Household s average income to be increased through promoting climate adaptive farming and livelihood options. In addition, this project is also a much needed support to enhance agricultural production which helpsto increase a household s income. Fortunately, Beethi Rani s name was enlisted as one of the most vulnerable families in the beneficiary list of the project. As a result, she got a cash grant of BDT, of which a part she invested to buy a boat and a fishing net. Beethi said, "first time I got 6000 BDT, I spent it to buy a boat and net. It was wet season then, so having a boat and net may help us to generate some extra income from fishing. Another 6000 I got after two months when the swamp started drying out. So I bought a cow with 8000 BDT adding 2000 BDT from the income of the fish business." In addition,beethi started gardening in her backyard with the help of IRB. She didn t know how to grow short-term vegetables and crops, so did not try gardening seriously. IRB trained her how to cultivate in sandy soil. They supplied her climate adaptive seeds at free of cost. All the vegetables grew well but production of pumpkin was colossal. From each plant shegot more than 50 pcs of pumpkin with 20 cwiez bi Mí

22 c o _vkv Rwg Z mewr evmvb K ib exw_ GB RwgUv Ggwb ZB c o _vk Zv, Kbbv ^í gqv`x mewr ev dmj djv bvi c wz Zv `i Rvbv wqj bv BmjvwgK wiwj di gvvkg x I Kg KZ viv Zv `i klv jb Kxfv e e j gvwu ZI fv jv mewr Pvl Kiv hvq mb Pvlvev ` me P q ewk h mewri djb n jv, muv wgwó Kzgov G KKwU Mv Q cövq 50wU ch ší wgwó Kzgov d j Q, h jvi evrvi`i 100 UvKv _ K 150 UvKv ch ší cvkvcvwk Avjy, jvd, gwip, Xuok, g~jv, e b, U g Uv, wkgmn bvbvikg kv KiI `Lv wgj jv exw_ ivyxi mewr evmv b Gfv e GKwU a sale price onaverage 100 to 150 BDT for each. Besides pumpkin, potato, gourd, chilly, lady s finger, radish, eggplant, tomato, bean and different kinds of leaves grew well in her vegetable garden. The vegetable garden helped her to achieve year-long food security as well as an extra income from the surplus produce. The bag gardening isa unique cultivation system implemented by IRB. It is quitean easy systemto comprehend and Bithi has adopted the Stories of Resilience 21

23 ^qsm ú~y mewr evmvb _ K mviv eq ii Lv` wbivcëv wbwðz Kivi cvkvcvwk DØ Ë mewr wewµ K i Zvui wkqz evowz ivrmvii n jv mb m ½ `Lv wgj jv GK Awfbe Avwe v ii Ñ e vm Mv W b! GKwU e Ívi A a KUv gvwu fivu K i Zv Z jvd I wgwó Kzgovi MvQ jvwm q Qb exw_ ïk bvi mgq e vm _vk e gvwu Z, Avi cvwb e o M j mb e vmb D V hv e evwoi Pv ji Dci ev iwk w` q eu a Szwj q `qv n e eo Mv Qi Wv j d j el vq ev ïk bv gšmy g, Kv bv FZz ZB Pvlvev` _ g _vk jv bv, Mv QiI wz n jv bv RjgMœ GjvKvq wbivc ` mewr Pv li Rb GB c wz wbtm ` n LyeB Dc hvmx Gw` K exw_ Ges Ab vb DcKvi fvmxiv BmjvwgK wiwjd _ K Pviv c q evwoi DVv b d ji MvQI jvwm q Qb hv nvk, mewr wewµ _ K cviqv evowz Avq wzwb wewb qvm Ki jb nvum-gyiwm cvj b cövq Ava WRb nvum Ges mgcwigvy gyiwm Zvi cwiev ii Avwg li Pvwn`v A bkuvb c~iy Ki Z cv i exw_ e jb, Òev Pviv GLb z j hvq, GB evoší ev Pv `i Rb Zv we kl hzœ bqv PvBÓ exw_i B Q Av Q 50-60wU nvum wb q GKwU QvU Lvgvi Kivi Zvi ^vgx h nzz K Vvi cwikö gi KvR Ki Z cv ib bv, wzwb e m e m Lvgv ii `Lfvj Ki Z cvi eb Z_vwc kvixwik mgm v wb qi wkš PzcPvc e m bb cöxwzk el v gšmy g wb RB bškv wb q ewi q c ob gvq aivq, m ½ bb KLbI fvb-fv Í wksev cöwz ekx Ab KvD K cvkvcvwk DØ Ë A_ _ K Rwg wk b Qb mvgvb, mlv b ^í gqv ` djb nq Ggb Rv Zi avb jvwm q Qb mb meyr Zi w` K ZvwK q Abygvb Ki jb, ÒAvi gvm `o jvm e, Zvi g a B dmj D V hv e cvwb Avm Z Zv AviI `yb-avovb gvm evwk, Zvi Av MB avb Zvjv hv e Zv, bvwk?ó mb mv _ K ZÁZv Rvbv jb BmjvwgK wiwjd KI, Rjevqy mnvqk Dchy³ Rv Zi avb jvmv bvq mnvqzv Kivi Rb cvkvcvwk DbœZ Pvlvev` e e vi cöwk YI Zviv w` Qb, hv Z K i ˆRemvi I KxUbvkK e env ii gva g Pv li e q Kgv bv hv e A bklvwb Gw` K avb Zi Rgv bv cvwb Z Zjvwcqv, evm`v wpswo, bvb jvwukv BZ vw` gvq Pvl Kiv hvq, hv ^í mg q ek `yªz eo nq GUv n jv K wl Rwgi wekí Av qi e e v Lye mvgvb Li PB exw_i cwievi GLb Zv `i msmv ii gv Qi Pvwn`v c~iy K ii evowz Drcv`b _ K ek fv jv GKUv jvf Avq Ki Z cvi Q Kej wb R m Qj n jb Zv Avi w`b wdi e bv, ZvB exw_ I Zvui g Zv Ab DcKvi fvmxiv msne n q M o Zzj jb wb R `i GKwU RxweKv-mnvqK mwgwz g~jz K Kx bzzb e e v MÖnY K i DcKvi c jb Ñ Gme AwfÁZv wewbg qi Rb B mwgwzi cöwzôv n ji mlvb _ K Zvuiv wbqwgz mâqi K ib gvwmk mâ qi wfwë Z e vs K mâq GKvD U Ly j Qb Zviv cvmeb qi gva g mevb UvKv Rgv `b, 22 cwiez bi Mí

24 process to cultivate vegetables. She filled half of a waterproof sac with soil. Then planted sweet pumpkin into it and let the bag stay in a suitable place within her garden. The plant grows as usually, but if any calamity like flood or high tide comes, the bag can be easily moved over the roof or to be hung ina big tree. The swampy territories are the best places to practice this innovative culture. Then she took us to her pond to show her geese and ducks. She bought the ducks with the profit from her vegetable garden. Besides the ducks, she has a plan to add some chickens also so that she could fulfill her family s need of protein.. Beethi has planned to make a goose-farm having at least fifty to sixty birds. Her husband can easilymanage the farm, as he s unable to do strenuouswork. Meanwhile, her husband Pritish was not sitting idle by. In wet season he used to go fishing by using his boat. From the fishing business income, he leased some croplands and cultivated there a short-time growing genre of Boro paddy. He said, it will take at best one and half month to harvest, before the wet season starts. He Also thanked IRB for suggesting him this early variety of paddy. IRB always helps farmers like Pritish and others to choose the best type of seeds which is adaptive to changing climate. IRB also helpsin training the farmers to use organic fertilizers and pesticides so that their production cost may decrease. Another income generating intervention integrated was the farming of fish along with their paddy field. The irrigated paddy fields became an aquarium of fishes like tilapia, nilotica, tiger prawn etc. With a minimum cost the Purkayastha family cultivates fish to meet their household need and also earn extra money from selling the surplus of the production. Now Beethi Rani, ismore capable to face the climatic vulnerability and ensure food security for her family, she hasjoined a self-help group which is a livelihood support group. The beneficiaries of IRB formed the group to share their own intervention with each other so that the entire community can share the benefits. They started the group saving mechanisms. Each member deposits 50 BDT each a month and maintains a pass book for accounts. The total collection goes to a group savings account in a commercial bank. IR representatives give them a Stories of Resilience 23

25 cvkvcvwk PvjI Rgv K ib m`m iv, gywôi Pvj _ K cöwz N i h mâq nq, ZviB GKUv Ask Rgv c o mwgwzi Znwe j cöavbz K qkwu wel q KvR K i GB mwgwz, hgb Ñ mgwómz mâq, `y h vm gvkv ejvi cö wz MÖnY, wekí Avq e w i Rb ` Zv AR b BZ vw` Gme wel q cöz mn hvwmzv K i _v Kb BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg KZ viv mvaviyz gv m `ywu mfv nq mwgwzi, hvi GKwU cwipvjbv K ib Zvuiv wb RivB Avi AciwU cwipvwjz nq BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg KZ v `i Øviv GB my hv M Rjevqy Dc hvmx K wl, `y h vm e e vcbvi cö wz, wewfbœ Rjevqy-Awf hvrbkxj RxweKv, mâ qi iæz, emzevwoi wbivcëv BZ vw` wel qi DcKvi fvmx `i wk v w` q _v Kb Zvuiv `y h vm cwiw wz gvkv ejvq Zvuiv M n vwj ch v q wkqz KvR K i _v Kb, hgb wbr wbr emzevwo greyz K i evbv bv, `y h vm gšmyg Avmvi Av MB N ii LyuwU, eov, Pvj BZ vw` Z greyz iwk w` q Uvbv `qv, Nievwo DuPz K i evbv bv hv Z eb vi cvwb N i Xz K bv hvq, wudei qj DuPz RvqMvq emv bv Ges Zvi Mvov evavb K i `qv BZ vw` GQvov nvwui Pvicv k KiPv I wnrj RvZxq `ªæZ ea bkxj MvQ jvmv bv nq, hv eb vi mgq eo XD cöwznz K i fv½b cöwz iva Ki Z cv i GB meyr e i eóbx Qvov fiv el vq we ÍxY nvi o nvvr R M IVv wekvj XD ev ÒAvdvjÓ _ K fvwu jv K i v Kivi Avi Kv bv Dcvq bb eb vi cvwb b g hviqvi mgq bvbvikg ivmevjvb Qov Z _v K Pg ivm, Wvqwiqv, Avgvkq BZ vw` _ K mzk _vk ZI bvbv ikg AvMvg e e v bqv cö qvrb ^v m Z cvqlvbv e envi, ^v wewa wvkvvk AbymiY Kiv BZ vw` mwgwzi wbqwgz mfvi Av jvp welq BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg KZ viv wd cpvu, bvbv ik gi ebcî, d zb BZ vw` miävgmn Gme wel q cöwk Y w` q _v Kb G Kev ib Rbwew Qbœ GB nvwu jv Z mšiwe`y Zi voluntary service to maintain this account. With the help of the self-help group, they also have started culturing different climate adaptive interventions, disaster mitigation, preparedness and capacity building for alternative income generating activities. Usually they sit down twice a month. One of the meetings is coordinated by the group members, while the other is done by the IRB representatives. In group meetings IRB gives training to the community on climate smart agriculture, disaster preparedness, different climate adaptive livelihood options, importance of savings, sanitation, homestead safetyand community resilience. Learning from the IR officials, Beethi and her community has been practicing some household level interventions as a part of their disaster preparedness. Some of these activities are, building a homestead in a higher place, setting up tube wells in higher places with a concrete platform andmaking sanitary latrines. The communities have planted some special kinds of quick growing trees like Korcha&Hijal so that they can resist the high tide to protect the haatis. These tree walls are very effective to resist the huge tides called Afal usually raised at the mid of the wet seasons. When flood watersflow, different kinds of diseases like skin disease, diarrhea, dysentery break in epidemically. Using proper sanitation and pure water is of utmost importance and need to be protected. All these interventions are regularly practiced in these meetings. IRB officials use resources such asflip-chart,bannersand festoons to make the lessons easytocomprehend. Hobibpur has introduced solar electricity that has changed the lifestyle of these marginal communities. evenings are not filled with darkness and the infants have no option but to sleep but they have been transformed to study 24 cwiez bi Mí

26 ms hvm GK bzzb w`mší Ly j w` q Q GLb Avi m Ü n jb Ny gi AZ j Zwj q hvq bv mg Í PivPi eis GLb N i N i cov kvbvi cwi ek `Lv hvq cövq cöwz N ib GKvwaK gvevbj dvb mme PvR w` ZI Avi QzU Z nq bv eo evrv i MÖv g Av M iwwi wqj, GLb wuwfi G m Q wewfbœ N i cöwz N i Avjv`v Avjv`v c v bj bv ewm q eis GKwU K `ªxq Drm _ K mwgwzi me m`m -cwievi K mgvbfv e we`y r mieiv ni e e v K i Q BmjvwgK wiwjd Avgiv `Ljvg, cïcvjb I nvumgyiwmi bvbvb ivmevjvb `g bi exw_iv BmjvwgK wiwj di mn hvwmzv c q _v Kb muv Kxfv e? ÒAvgv `i Miæ-QvM ji ev nvumgyiwmi Kv bv mgm v n j Avgiv BmjvwgK wiwj di fvb `i dvb Kwi Ibviv ZLb cï Wv³vi bqz c viv fu cvvvbó Ñ ejwq jb exw_ ivyx Gme M n vwj D ` vmb ïay bq, BmjvwgK wiwjd Zv `i DcKvi fvmx `i cvup av ci AvšÍ-m úwk Z I mgwš^z cöwz iva e e vq AskMÖnY Ki ZI Drmvn w` q _v K avivevwnk m ú K i gva g GB avc wj GKwU AciwUi mv _ m úwk Z Avgiv Rvwb, BmjvwgK wiwj di DcKvi fvmxiv wb R `i g a RxweKvqb `j MVb K i Q, D³ mwgwzi mfvq wewfbœ mvaviy wel q mevi civgk I gzvgz PvIqv nq me P q ewk mgw_ Z civgk I `vwe jv GKwÎZ K i IqvW `y h vm e e vcbv KwgwU Z cvvv bv nq, h KwgwU BDwbq bi cöwzwu Iqv W IqvW KvDwÝji ev m` m i bz Z Kvh Ki Av Q mlvb _ K iæz Abymv i sessions and evenings of learning. Almost all the households have mobile phones; no one needs to go to the town to charge the battery, as they have electricity in their own place. They had radios, now some of themhave TVs also. IRB played an important role in connecting most of the households using limited resources using just a small solar panel has transformedtheir lives. According to Beetihi, when our cattle suffer from any disease, we call our brothers of IRB they help us to communicate with the livestock office. If the officers are busy, IR calls a Para-vet to visit our place and treat our animals. IRB is advancing their beneficiaries to be apart of the comprehensive and integrated Resilience Model, which consists of five major levels (Household Level, Community Level, Upazila Level, District Level, and National Level), which are all related to each other through sequential relationships. As we knew previously that the beneficiaries of IRB have formed a livelihood support group of their own, the group has a practice to ask suggestions from the members about the common issues they are facing. Those suggestions are compiled regularly and the most commonly raised and effective suggestions are placed to the higher forum called Ward Disaster Management Committee WDMC. The UDMC s smaller unit WDMC is formed with the participation of the key peopleof the ward and headed by the councilors/mem- Stories of Resilience 25

27 m jv c ii avc BDwbqb `y h vm e e vcbv KwgwU cvi n q Dc Rjv `y h vm e e vcbv KwgwU ch ší cšuuqy Z cv i h nzz MÖæc jv meb AvšÍ-m úwk Z, ZvB exw_ ivyxi g Zv GKRb cövwšík DcKvi fvmxi GgbwK Dc Rjv ch vq ch ší Zvui gzvgz I `vwe jv Rvbv Z cvi Qb mvgwók ch v q `y h vm gvkv ejv I Rjevqy gvkv ejv cö wz Z BmjvwgK wiwj di Av ikwu D jøl hvm AskMÖnY n jv wkjøv wbg vy wkjøv n jv Ggb GKwU DuPz RvqMv, hwu ^vfvwek eb vi cvwbi D PZvi P qi ek LvwbKUv DuPz K i ˆZwi Kiv n q Q BmjvwgK wiwj di GKK A_ vq bi cvkvcvwk DcKvi fvmx I RbM Yi ^ QvkÖ gi gva g kvjøv Dc Rjvi wzbwu BDwbqb kvjøv, eniv I nweecy ii cöwzwu Z GKwU K i wkjøv ˆZwi Kiv n q Q vbxq cökvm bi Kv Q Awaevmx `i `vwe, wkjøv jv K Avdvj _ K i v bers of the ward. So placing any proposal to the WDMC means it is placed to the UDMC. Following the same way, all these five levels are sequentially inter-related. So a beneficiary like Beethi from an extreme remote place of the country can express her views and urges to the upazila level following the chain. Under community resilience program, IRB set up a milestone by implementing a project called Killa. Killa is a large flat platform situated on a higher place from usual tidal water level. IRB has constructed three Killas in three different unions., the beneficiaries and the community also participated voluntarily. Now the beneficiaries can demand to the government that these Killas should be surrounded properly with a wall so that the high tide doesn t wash out soil from their edge. Inspired by a IRB initiative the government has also 26 cwiez bi Mí

28 Kivi Rb Gi Pvicv k MvBWIqvj ˆZwi Kiv nvk my Li K_v, BmjvwgK wiwj di GB Awfbe D ` v Mi ci mikvwifv ei D ` vm bqv n q Q wkjøv wbg v Yi, hvi KvR ez gv b Pjgvb i q Q Avkv Kiv hvq AvMvgx el v ïiæi Av MB kl n e nweecyi BDwbq b wbg vyvaxb GB wkjøvi KvR cövk wzk `y h vm gvkv ejvq exw_ GLb m ú~y cö Z wzwb DuPy RvqMvq Ni evwb q Qb, k³ iwk w` q Uvbv w` q Ni K greyz K i Qb, N i ïk bv Lvevi, Ilya, w`qvkjvb, gvgevwz, AvjMv Pyjv I ïk bv R vjvwb Kv Vi hvmvb i L Qb `y h vm e e vcbvi mgwš^z Kvh µg I Rjevqy Awf hvrb m ú K I wzwb AeMZ GK K_vq exw_ mvd j i mv _ `y h vm cö wz m gzv AR b K i Qb started making a Killa at Hobibpur union,this will be completed before the next rainy season. Beethi is well prepared against natural calamities. She has built her house in a high land, made it strong enough anddisaster-resilient. She has reserves of dry food, medicine, portable stove with fire wood, fire box andcandles. she is quite aware of climate change impact, disaster resilience modules and other climate adaptation issues. Beethi has passed successfully the barrier to be a disaster resilientbeneficiary. Stories of Resilience 27

29 Avjxi Ny i `vuov bvi msmövg Ali s Livelihood Fight Back igrvbbmi BDwbq bi Kvwjw MÖv g XzK ZB `wl Avjx ek nší`ší n q ewi q Avm Qb Zvi evmv _ K Avgiv Zv K _vwg q, Kx n q Q Zv Rvb Z Póv Kijvg, Avjx bv _ gb Rvbv jb, Zvi av bi Z Kx GKUv mgm v n q Q, kx l bvwk wpuv a i hv Q G zwy wkqz Kiv bv M j Zvi Pvi-cvuP gv mi Kó me cvwb Z co e! Avgiv cövq nzeyw n q Mjvg! GZ `~i _ K Gjvg hvi mv _ K_v ej Z, Zvi GB wec `i gyn~ Z Avgv `i Kx KiYxq? Avi mgm vuv GZB iæzi h, Zv K _vgv bvii Kv bv Dcvq bb h Z h Z Avjx Avgv `i Aby iva Ki jb Zvi evmvq wm q em Z, hz Rjw` cviv hvq, m wd i Avm e Avgv `i m ½ wq jb BmjvwgK wiwj di www ª± cö R± g v brvi wzwb wej ^ bv K i Zvui gvevbj ei Ki jb Ges Kj w` jb k vgbmi Dc Rjvi Dc Rjv wbe vnx Kg KZ v (BDGbI) g nv`q K Gevi Avgv `i Av ikcö AevK niqvi cvjv GZ QvU e vcvi wb q mivmwi BDGbI mv ne K weeªz Kiv? wkš wzwb ^vfvwek K É DËi w` jb, ÒAvgv `i BDGbI mv ne wb RB GKRb K wlwe` GB Rb K wlkv Ri h Kv bv mgm v ïb Z cq ` K ib AvMÖn wb q kv bb Ges mgvavb `b K wl welqk h Kv bv wel q Zvu K hlb-zlb dvb `qv hvqó mwz B ZvB GKUv wis qb wzwb dvb ai jb Ges mgm v ïb jb Zvici ej jb, avbmv Qi Qwe Zz j Zvu K GgGgGm K i cvvv Z, Zv Z wzwb ivmuv ai Z cvi eb Ges mgvavb ` eb mb mv _ GUvI Rvbv jb h, GKRb mnkvix K wl Kg KZ v K wzwb G zwy cvvv Qb welquv m irwgb ` L Avm Z hv nvk, Avjxi Avmbœ msku `~i niqv Z AvgivI wbwðší njvg Ges Zv K wbwð ší wd i Avm Z ejjvg When we reached at Kalinchi of Ramjannagar union, we found Ali rushing out of his yard. He was stopped by us and described shortly that he got a problem with his paddy field. Sheaf of paddy was getting viscous. If he failed to take immediate action, it would be ruined within few days. So, he had not a single minute to waste talking with us. We became perplexed. We had travelled the whole night to meet him early in the morning. And the matter was so serious that we could say nothing to stop him for a while. Before disappearing, Ali requested us to be seated inside his residence and committed to get back soon. The DPM of Islamic Relief, Bangladesh was guiding us to the trip.. He took his mobile and called the UNO of Shyamnagar upazila. UNO is an agriculturist too, and he always welcomes people to discuss about any agriculture related problem. stated by DPM brother. UNO attended the call in a single ring and heard about the problem. He advised him to take a snap of the sheaf so that he could understand the problem easily. We sent the image of paddy... Within a moment he got a reply that a UAO is being sent immediately to visit the field. Ali was taken back when we informed him that his problem was about to be solved. Khan Jahan Ali. Khan Jahan Ali (23) had already estab- 28 cwiez bi Mí

30 Lvb Rvnvb Avjx m` hše b c`v cy Kiv GB hyekb wkbv Avkcv ki `k MÖv gi ivj g W j cwiyz n q Qb A_P Lvb Rvnvb Avjxi MíUv GZ mnr mvejxj wqj bv we kl K i 2009 mv ji AvBjvÕi Zvr wyk ZvÐe Avi P j hvevi cii Zvi d j hviqv cözv c hlb mvz xiv, Lyjbv, ev MinvUmn evsjv ` ki `w Yi Rjv jvi DcK~jxq AÂj jv ayuk Q, ZLb Ab `kr bi g Zv ˆeix cök wz Avi A gvn wbqwzi mv _ jo Z jo Z n i hviqvb G A ji jovkz gvby li kl cwiywz Z cwiyz nw Qj wvk mb mg q wkqz gvbyl hb Mv Svov w` q DV jb ej jb, nvivi Av MB n i hv ev bv mvz xiv Rjvi k vgbmi Dc Rjvi igrvbbmi Kvwjw MÖvgwU wel vz wqj we k i me e nr g vb MÖvf AiY my `ie bi cö ek c_ wn m e MÖvgevmxiv wb R `i my `ie bi Awaevmx cwipq w` Z Me eva Ki Zv wkš 2009-Gi AvBjvi ci ` k cu cv ë Mj mb GKB MÖvg Zver we k i msev` gva g D V G jv GK weaÿ Í, nz Qvov Rbc `i Qwemn Avjxi wqj wpswoi Pvl h cykz ii gvq wewµ K i bzzb wewb qv Mi ^cœ `LwQ jb, mb cykzi f m wm q c _ e m M jb wzwb wkš nvj Qvo jb bv ZvB e j ewoevu ai Dci `vuwo q Lv ji Icv ii my `ie bi w` K ZvwK q ejwq jb Avjx, ÒGB Lvj cvi n q evn Av m Avgv `i MÖv g Avgiv fq cvb bv ev Ni mv _ jo ZI hvb bv ZvB e j mevb GKmv _ wub wcwu q evn K Avevi diz cvvvb e b... Avgiv ev Ni mv _ evm Kwi, ev Ni g ZvB jovb K i evuwp, GBUzKz Z _ g hvb Kx K i?ó my Li K_v, GKv jo Z nqiwb Zv K Kbbv AvBjvi ci _ KB G Kev i cövwšík Rb Mvôx Kx K i wech q mvg j AveviI gv_v lished himself as a role model of his community. Ali s story was not sameas his shining present. When cyclone Aila and its aftermath had devastated Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat and other coastal regions of the country and the inhabitants of these districts were struggling to survive,, at that time some people stood up to fight back and not to give up till the last breath. Kalinchi is a small village situated in Ramjannagar Union of Shyamnagar Upazila, Satkhira. The villagers feel proud of being the inhabitants of Sundarbans, the biggest mangrove forest of the world. But after Aila in 2009 the scenario of the village had changed. Ali was recollectingthat afternoon when the furious cyclone Aila came and devastated the entire lowland. Ali had a pond full of cultivated fish. The pond was showing him a dream of becoming rich overnight, but Aila didn t give him a chance to do so, it ruined everything in a moment. But the courageous Ali decided not to give up, we will go forward he said. At that time,islamic Relief, Bangladesh stood beside him and many other survivors by implementing "Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience in Bangladesh" project in the coastal areas (South West) as well as in the Haor basin (North East). This project is working to Lvb Rvnvb Avjx Khan Jahan Ali Stories of Resilience 29

31 Zz j `vuov Z cv i, cv qi Zjvq gvwu wb q Kxfv e KvwU q DV Z cv i `y h v Mi q wz, mb j 2009 mvj _ KB KvR K i hv Q BmjvwgK wiwjd, evsjv `k evsjv ` ki DcK jxq I `y h vmcöey GjvKvmg~ n Rjevqy SyuwK Z _vkv cwievi jvi gv S cwiewz Z I AwbwðZ Rjevqy SzuwK gvkv ejvq m gzv Avbv Ges Zv `i `vwi`ª we gvp bi cvkvcvwk Pjgvb I m ve `y h vm SzuwK n«vm g~jz Òevsjv ` k `y h vm gvkv ejv cö wz I Rjevqy cwiez b Awf hvr b m gzv AR bó kxl K Kg m~wpi cöavb j AvBjv i L M Q Zvi mỳ ~icömvix cöfve Ñ AvµvšÍ A ji gvwu I cvwbi Dci K wl Rwg Z AvBjvi Kvi Y m ó jeyv³zv AvRI `~i nqwb ZvB eq ii ci eqi increase resilience of the vulnerable communities against a changing, uncertain climate addressing and underlying factors of poverty and their on-going and projected climate change vulnerabilities and risks. Aila caused salt water intrusion and turned the sweet-water ponds and streams to saline reserves, it changed the nature of the cultivating lands. Salinity of the cropland is still yet to recover. As a result, the traditional agricultural system does not work. The farmers become frustrated to see such bad 30 cwiez bi Mí

32 a i PP v K i Avmv Pvlc wz m ú~y AKvh Ki n Z e m Q wgvv cvwbi m Pi e` j jvbv cvwbi Kvi Y wpi Pbv dm ji Kv bvuvb wvkvvk dj Q bv Dc`ªæZ A j Gfv e m ú~y e _ n Z e m Q gvq Pv li cöwµqvi, Kbbv wgvv cvwbi gv Qi Kv bvuvb GB jeyv³zv mn K i Avi e o DV Z cvi Q bv BmjvwgK wiwj di BwZevPK f~wgkvuv wvk GLv bb, hv Z Dc`ªæZ GjvKvi nz`wi`ª I AwZ `wi`ª Rb Mvôx AveviI gv_v Zz j `vuov Z cv i, AvZ Kg ms vb I eûgylx DcvR b-m wóg~jk Kg Kv Ði gva g wb Ri I mgv Ri A_ bwzk I mvgvwrk Ae vb K mgybœz Ki Z cv i GB cök íi AvIZvq AwZ`wi`ª cwievi wn m e ZvwjKvf ³ n jb Lvb crop yeilds The same thing happened to aquaculture also. Sweet-water fishes cannotsurvive in salinity. Islamic Relief has been working here from the very beginning.the poor and extreme poor families werelisted to get support financially as well as in capacity building. Ali was chosen under that program and given a grant of BDT to start a business. He invested this amount in cultivating fish and crab in his pond. Some Stories of Resilience 31

33 Kvb gšmy g fv jv djb ` e Zv wbwðz n q wzwb evwoi cv ki mewr evmvbwu K bzzb D` g cwiph v Ki jb exr w` jv BmjvwgK wiwjd AvenvIqv mnvqk mb ex R ev úvi djb Gi cvkvcvwk BmjvwgK wiwj di webvg~ j mieivn Kiv ek wkqz djr Mv Qi PvivI jvmv jb emzwfuvq `L Z `L Z w`b wd i Mj Avjxi M n vwj ch v qi Pvlvev `B _ g _v Kwb Avjxi ^vej ^b wgkb cvkvcvwk wzwb nvz jvwm q Qb gvv ch v qi K wlkv RI ˆcwÎK m úwëi cvkvcvwk M n vwj D ` v Mi Avq _ K wzwb K qk wenv Rwg wjr wb q Qb, hlv b Ki Qb jey mnvqk av bi Pvl ev iv Rv Zi GB DbœZ av bi müvb w` q Qb BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg KZ vivb cvkvcvwk, mikvwi K wl Dbœqb Kg KZ vi mve wyk ch e Y I civg k i mydji c q Avm Qb wzwb, hvi hvmm~îi BmjvwgK wiwjd Rvnvb Avjx BmjvwgK wiwjd _ K GKKvjxb Avw_ K mnvqzv c jb gvu 12 nvrvi UvKv mb UvKv wewb qvm K ib wbr cykz i gvq I KvuKov Pv l jey-mnvqk cörvwzi gvq hgb Zjvwcqv, bvb jvwukv, evm`v wpswo BZ vw` Pv li gva g wzwb 20 nvrvi UvKv Avq Ki Z m g nb jv fi 8 nvrvi UvKv wzwb Gevi wewb qvm K ib fuwk gv Qi Pv l, hv AwZ Aí mg q Zv K gybvdv `q cy iv 10 nvrvi UvKv GB 10 nvrvi UvKvi wmsnfvm wzwb e q K ib Miæ Kbvq, DØ Ë wkqz UvKv _ K Kbv nq nuvm gyiwm I GKwU QvMj cvkvcvwk BmjvwgK wiwjd _ K wkl jb Kxfv e jvbv gvwu Z mewri Pvl Ki Z n e Kvb mewr Avjxi evwo Z wm q `Lv wgjj Av ikwu Awfbe ms hvr bi, Avi Zv n jv he Pvl he ev evwj evsjv ` ki K lk `i Kv Q Lye GKUv cwiwpz dmj bq A_P AwZ Aí m P my `i djb `qv GB dmj evsjv ` ki f~cök wzi mv _ ek gvwb q h Z cv i GgbwK jvbv gvwu ZI h ei Pv l Lye GKUv ni di nq bv c i k vgbmi Dc Rjvi BDGbI Avgv `i Rvbv jb, igrvbbmimn ek K qkwu BDwbq b GB dm ji Pvlvev` B`vwbs ïiæ n q Q wkqzuv M gi g Zv `L Z GB he wc li AvUv ˆZwi nq, hv ^v ` LvwbKUv wgwó cywó Y GgbwK M gi P qi ewk, M gi P q K qk Y ewk K vjwi mg he hw` wbqwgz mviv ` k Pvl Kiv hvq, `kevmxi cywói Pvwn`v A bkvs k guv bv m e e j g b nq mikvi mviv ` kb he Pvl m úªmvi Yi K_v iæ Z i mv _ we epbv Ki Q Av ikwu Awfbe ms hvrb `Lv Mj Avjxi evwo Z gvwui `qv ji evb ii Av ÍiY K e wói SvcUv _ K evupv Z av bi Lo MvQv MvQv K i Qv` _ K Szwj q 32 cwiez bi Mí

34 salt-water tolerant fish like Tilapia, Nilotica, tiger-prawn grew in his pond beyond his expectation. At least BDTin sales was his return He used the profit to cultivate coral fish and attained the profit of BDT. With the amount he bought a cow, some swans, geese, ducks and some chickens. IRB trained him how to grow vegetables in salty landand also supplied him with climate-adaptive seeds. His vegetable garden became a lavishing green-pad.. But Ali didn t limit his interventions inside his yard. He started cultivating his inherited cropland and bought some new lands from his recent income from crop production. He first cultivated some climate-adaptive genre of paddy. IRB took it as a laboratory field and kept his production under close observation. Besides paddy, they tried for wheat and barley production.. Cultivation of barley is still not so familiar in Bangladesh, but IRB took it as an experimental cultivation. One of the reasons was, this crop can grow with a minimum irrigation in salty soil..the UNO of Shyamnagar Upazila thanked IRB for implementing this new crop and informed us that not only Kalinchi, but some other unions also have come under coverage of barley cultivation. The government is taking the initiative to spread barley cultivation to the other districts. Another identical intervention we saw in Ali s residence was a straw-made drop wall.. The false-shade protects his clayhouse from damage in rainy season, aswell as keeping his house cool by protecting it from direct contact from the sun. All the beneficiaries are given phone contacts of the IRB members.they call them whenever they get a problem. Some days ago I needed to talk to the fisheries office for a query. I couldn t decide whether to try Magur in Stories of Resilience 33

35 `qv n q Q `L Z hgb my `i jvm Q, Zgwb Zv e wói cvwbi QvuU evupv bvi cvkvcvwk iv `i Zvc _ KI Ni K VvÐv ivl Z mnvqk f~wgkv cvjb Ki Q ïiæ ZB Avgiv `Ljvg, Avjxi av bi ivmevjvb Kxfv e gyn~ Z mgvavb n q Mj `Ljvg BmjvwgK wiwj di www ª± cö R± g v brvi (wwwcgg) mv ne Kxfv e AMÖvwaKvi wfwë Z Zvi mgm vi mgvavb Ki jb GUv wk GKUv e wzµg? Òbv bv, G Kev ib e wzµg bq Ibviv me mgq Avgv `i cv k _v Kb Ges Gfv e Avgv `i mgm vi mgvavb K ib Avwg GKv bb, me DcKvi fvmxb Zvu `i mn hvwmzv c q _v Kb Avgv `i Kv Q Ibv `i dvb bv ^vi Av Q, mgm vq co jb Avgiv Zvu K Kj w`b Avi hw` Kv bv welqwfwëk mgm v nq, hgb Miæi AmyL, ev gv Qi e w BZ vw` m ú K, Zvn j Ibviv mswkøó we klá `i welquv Rvwb q `b, Zvuiv G m mgvavb K ibó Ñ ejwq jb Avjx mv _ wzwb AviI hvm K ib, ÒKÕw`b Av M Avgvi wdkvwir wwcvu g U K_v ejvi `ikvi n jv Avwg eys Z cviwqjvg bv, Avgvi cykz i gv i Qvo ev my pond or not. Is this fish salinity tolerant? Then I called DPM brother of IRB for an answer. He then called to the Upazila Fisheries Office and talked to them on behalf of me. And this way, they solved the other issues related with livestock, hatchery, poultry I had also. Ali s self-resilience model also includes a disaster preparedness campaign named Amra Ready (we are ready). This is an integrated campaign including pre-disaster, on disaster and post-disaster resilience modules. The pre-disaster preparedness includes storing dry foods, medicine, oral saline, portable stove with dry fire-woods, candles and firebox, saving coins in plastic bank, preserving useful documents and certificates in waterproof plastic 34 cwiez bi Mí

36 wk bv gv i gvq wk jvbv cvwb Z nq?... Zv Avwg wwwcgg mv ne K dvb w`jvg, Dwb Dc Rjv grm Kg KZ v K dvb w` q Avgv K DËiUv R b w` jbó Gfv e, Mevw`cï, nvum gyiwmi ivmevjvb qi Zvuiv mwvk e e v wb q _v Kb Kej Gme Awf hvrbg~jk Kg Kv ÐB _ g _v Kwb Avjx fvb qi ^vej ^x niqvi Póv cvkvcvwk ÒAvgiv iww K v úbbó -Gi AvIZvq `y h vmc~e, `y h vm gyn~ Z i Ges `y h vm ciez x mg qi mkj cö wzi wzwb AvMvg m i i L Qb hgb, emzevwo DuPz RvqMvq greyz K i evbv bv, evwo Z memgq AvjvMv ev Zvjv Pzjv cö Z ivlv, ïk bv Lwo, gvgevwz I w`qvkjvb grỳ ivlv, wpov-gywo, PvbvPzi-we zu BZ vw` ïk bv Lvev ii hvmvb ivlv, Lvevi m vjvbbmn cö qvrbxq IlyacÎ Avjv`v e v M cö Z ivlv, RwgRgvi `wjjmn `ikvwi KvMRcÎ cvwb ivak cøvw Ki e v M h Zœ ivlv, AvcrKvjxb mg qi K_v f e dzw e vsk ev gywôi Pvj _ K mâq ivlv Ges m e vcwi czvkvi gva g ms KZ `L j ev gvbwks ïb jb wbkuez x AvkÖq K `ª Qz U hviqvi Rb cö Z _vkv Gme cö wzi me jv wvkvvk c~iy Ki Z cvivi d j Zvui evwoi `irvq GLb kvfv cv Q meyr i Oi ÒAvgiv iwwó w Kvi we K j Avjx Avgv `i wb q M jb Zvui RxweKvqb ` ji mfvq GB ` ji mfvcwz wzwb wb R Kvwjw MÖv gib Av ik As k GB mfv e m Avjx Zvui ` ji m`m `i ï f Qv Rvwb q bags.keeping a close eye to the signaling flag posts and acting accordingly by watching 1, 2 or 3 flag signals.all the habitants must construct their household with proper enforcement so that it can stand still in any calamity. Ali has successfully fulfilled all the conditions and obtained a green sticker that shows he is fully ready to be a resilient. In the afternoon Ali invited us to visit his livelihood support group, to whom he used to be the president. We walked towards another locality of Kalinchi village, where the meeting was being held. Ali addressed the group members and started their meeting. He collected the money of the monthly savings from the members and then collected rice from them. He described to us later, the monetary fee we collect on a monthly basis and deposit it to a savings account in a local branch of a large commercial bank. IRB helped us open the account.the rice is for a food bank,here everybody can deposit his part. But no obligation, If anyone fails to give, no problem. How much you deposited iswritten in your passbook.when you are in need, you can get back the same amount Stories of Resilience 35

37 mfvi wbqwgz Kvh µg ïiæ Ki jb wzwb m`m `i KvQ _ K wbqwgz gvwmk Pvù v msmön Ki jb, Zvici mevi KvQ _ K PvjI Rgv wb jb c i wzwb Avgv `i ej jb, ÒgvwmK Pvù v wbqwgz msmön Kiv nq Ges Rgv `qv nq e vsk GKvD U BmjvwgK wiwj di fvbiv GB GKvD U K i w` q Qb Avgv `i Avi Pvj wb q Avgiv GKUv Lv` -fvûvi ˆZwi KiwQ GLv b mevb Zvi Ask Rgv w` Z cv i, Z e Kv bv Rvi bb mv a _vk j w` e, bv _vk j bvb K KZUv Rgv w` Q, me jlv _vk Q KviI hw` AvcrKvjxb `ikvi nq, m Zvi Rgv ivlv Pvj Zv diz wb Z cvi eb, PvB j wkqz ewki avi wb Z cvi e Avevi mgm v wg U M j Zv K Zvi avi bqv Ask Rgv w` Z n e Z e e vsk GKvD Ui UvKvUv Avgiv hš_fv e GKUv eo Kv R jvmv bvi cwikíbv KiwQ GB my hv M Avjx Ab vb cöm ½I Riæwi K_v m i wb Z _vk jb, hgb K wlkvr, grm Pvl, cïcvjb, mewr evmvb BZ vw` mb mv _ `y h vm cöwz iv ai ` Zv e w i DciI iæz v ivc Ki jb Gme welq wzwb wk L Qb BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg KZ v `i KvQ _ K cvkvcvwk wzwb IqvW `y h vm e e vcbv KwgwUiI GKRb m`m niqvq mlvb _ KI you deposited, even you can borrow something more, we don t mind, but when you can overcome the crisis, you have to refund the loan. But the savingsbalance we are planning to invest in is a collective intervention." Then Ali started to discuss some other agendas like agriculture, aquaculture, livestock, vegetable gardening and also discussed about capacity building to become disaster-resilient.he learned these things from the IR officials. he is also a member of WDMC,.. Now issues like climate change, global warmingare familiar to the villagers. When Ali s group discussion came to an end, the IRB representative started coordinating a training session on the basics of disaster resilience modules using modern apparatus like flip-chart, banners, festoon 36 cwiez bi Mí

38 A bk wkqz wkl Z cv ib, mmei wzwb Av jvpbv K ib Zvui ` ji m`m `i mv _ RxweKvqb ` ji Kj v Y GLb Rjevqy cwiez b, ˆewk K Dòvqb BZ vw` welqi MÖv gi mvaviy gvby li Kv Q cöpwjz welq Avjxi `jxq Av jvpbv kl n j BmjvwgK wiwj di GKRb cöwzwbwa cöwk Y cwipvjbv ïiæ Ki jb wzwb wd c PvU, e vbvi, d zb BZ vw` e envi K i Lye mnr fvlvq mevb K bvbv `ikvwi wel q cöwk Y w` jb GB my hv M Avgiv `y h v Mi gšmyg Ges `y h vm SzuwK n«v mi Dcvq jv m ú K I Rvb Z cvijvg evsjv ` ki cövq mkj cövk wzk `y h vm N U _v K eq ii Pvi gv m gv P i gvsvgvws and different books so that the audience can better understand. We also learned from the meeting about the disaster periods and disaster risk reduction activities. Almost all the climatic disaster happen in fourspecific months these are called the vulnerable periods of disaster risk. These are the two months of summer (middle of March to mid of May) and the other two months of late autumn (mid of August to mid of October). The other eight months are apparently risk-free, so anyone can cultivate vegetables, quick growing crops aswell as keep their ponds full of fish and crab. During these months the inhabitants of the Stories of Resilience 37

39 _ K g gv mi gvsvgvws ch ší `yõgvm, Avevi AvM gv mi gvsvgvws _ K A ±vei gv mi gvsvgvws ch ší Aci `yb gvm evwk AvU gvm gvuvgywu SzuwKgy³ AZGe, AwaKvsk Pvlvev` Ki Z n e GB mgqkv ji g a `ªæZ djb `q Ggb Rv Zi mewr, avb, Mg BZ vw` Pvl Ki Z n e, hv Z K i `y h vmkvj Avmvi Av MB dmj N i Zvjv hvq Gfv e SzuwKi gvm Avmvi Av MB cykz ii gvq Zz j dj Z n e Awaevmx `ii mzk _vk Z n e nvvr Kv bv `y h vm G ji hb Zvr wyk cö wz bqv hvq SzuwKc~Y GjvKvi emzevwo DuPz Rwg Z greyz K i evbv Z n e mb m ½ ˆZwi _vk Z n e h Kv bv mgq AvkÖq K `ª hviqvi Rb AvkÖq K `ª hviqvi Rb I wkqz vulnerable areas like the southern costal belt should be alert for any sudden disaster. The houses or huts in the vulnerable areas should be built with enforced technology, on high land so that it may stand resilient against stormy wind and flood or high tide. Besides, they need to be prepared to go to the cyclone shelter whenever need may arise.and to go there, they must have some household preparation to leave home for short notice. As we all know Bangladesh remains in the most vulnera- 38 cwiez bi Mí

40 M n vwj AvMvg cö wz Av Q, hv memgq ˆZwi ivl Z n e ˆewk K Dòvq bi d j m ó cwiewz Z Rjevqy cwiw wz Z bvbv ikg cövk wzk `y h vm Avm eb, hv Gov bv cövq Am e wkš mwvk cwikíbv I cö wz _vk j mb `y h v Mi gvkv ejv Kiv hgb mnr nq, Kwg q Avbv hvq `y h v Mi q wz, Zgwb `y h vm K U hviqvi ci `ªæZ Avevi Ny i `vuov bvi m e nq my `ie bi Kvj Nu l `vuov bv Kvwjw MÖv gi Lvb Rvnvb Avjx hb ZviB GK ev Íe cögvy ble belt of natural calamities. So it is likely impossible to avoid the natural disasters. But a proper preparedness strategy can demolish its effects. Stories of Resilience 39

41 Ny i `uvov bvi c_ `Lv jb kvgxgv Shamima Shows the Way to Resilient Livelihood ÒG KKUv w`b M Q Avi Avgvi iv Zi Nyg Kg Z ïiæ K i Q... Kvj mkv j Kx Ki ev? ev Pv jvi gy L Kx ` ev? eywo gvõib (kvïwo) ev Kx n e! AvR K Zv Rv Uwb, Kvj wk wkqz RyU e? mvivw`b Lv ji cvo _ K Nvm-cvZv G b ïkvb, m Ü n j wkqz Rvj w` q Lv ev e j m Ü nq, mygvbqvi evev wkqz wk b Avb Z cv i bv! e j h, KvR wvkb K i Q, wkš grywi `qwb, Zv `ib e j P j bv!... Zv grywi w` Z bv cvi j Zviv I K LvUv jv Kb? ZLb m e j, Iiv Zv Kv R wb Z Pvqwb, mygvbqvi evevb Rvi K i Kv R j MwQj, hw` mvivw`b KvR Ki Z ` L wkqz `qv nq wkš ev Íe n jv, M n i wb RiB ZLb bv L q _vkvi `kv! ejyb Zv, Gfv e we b grywi Z ^ QvkÖg w` j wk P j?ó kvgxgv ejwq jb AvBjv-cieZ x Zvui fqven `yt Li w` bi wz jv Lyjbv Rjvi Kqiv Dc Rjvi NvUvLvwj BDwbq bi K cvzv i ewo evu ai wb P Kv bvik g wu K _vkv QvÆ MÖvg c~e NvUvLvwj evu ai Icv i cögë K cvzv Rvqvi-fvUvi Uvbv cvo b ivr `yõ ejv cö ev o-k g, Gcv i Qwo q wqwu q _vkv wuk qk KvuPv evwoi evwm `viv Aj Kvb c Z kv b b `i MR b Avi g b g b weavzv K Wv K Ñ Avevi bv KLb fvm -weow ^Z n q DØv Rxeb e Q wb Z nq ˆeix cök wzi mv _ jovb K i evupvi GB Awebvkx w`bcwä _ KB GKwU ^ Y v¾ j cvzv Dwë q `Lv hvq kvgxgv LvZz bi bvgwu GB Mí GK kvk Z evovjx bvixi Amg Each and every day passes by and I lose my patience. I cannot sleep thinking of the morning what to do in the next morning? How can I manage my daughters meal? Today we have nothing, is there anything for tomorrow? The whole day we used to make ourselves busy in collecting grasses and leafs and dry them as fire-stuffsfor stove. I pretend to my daughters that their father will retun with a bag-full of yummy foods. But in the evening Sumaya s father used to return barehanded, saying he worked accordingly but did not get paid! How could they do this? If they can t afford to employ him, then why they appointe him to work? But he said, they didn t want him to work, he labored willingly with a hope that when it finishes, they would be happy to pay something. But the reality was, the employers were also starving I thought how long we d invest our labor without any return? We were listening to Shamima Khatun from East Ghatakhali near Kapotakkho river, as she was telling her experience of Aila and its is a story of a community who are engaged in an endless battle to survive,. Shamima Khatun. 40 cwiez bi Mí

42 mvnmx evwnbx Z iƒcvší ii Mí 2009 mv ji mb gvu we K ji K_v iy KiwQ jb kvgxgv LvZzb, K cvzv i evu ai Dci e m ` wó cömvwiz mỳ ~i gvnbvi w` K Aùz U ejwq jb, ÒhLb AvBjvi XD AvB Z ` vkjvg IB w`k w` q, g b nwj hb ivr wkqvgz GB we K jb NB U hvev b... Avwg `Šo w`qv bvgjvg evua _vwk, N i hvb q `wl gr gvb quv weqbvq Nyg hv Q Avwg eyws bvb h, evua nvvr fvb ½ hvwe wkš nvvr `wl cv qi wb P gvwu bb, ïay cvwb Avi cvwb NygšÍ gvb quv K DuPz ev i Dci ïqv q w` q fve ZwQ Kx Ki ev, GiB gwa N i Kvgi cvwb eysjvg, ev DB VI Kvg nwe bv Ni _ K evb i h hv ev, evb i Zv A _ cvwb! Gw` K AvKv k GK dvuv Av jv bb, wekvj ejv ga ivwîi g Zv AvÜvi...Ó mb Avuavi K U GK mgq Av jv Avm jv, AvKv k D`q n jv SKS K mvbvio m~ h i, wkš kvgxgvi fvm vkvk _ K Kv jv gn hb wkqz ZB mi Z Pvq bv w`bgryi ^vgx, wzbwu Kb vwkï Avi cövq A_e kvïwo K wb q AK~j cv_v i co jb wzwb `y h v Mi KUv w`b wfuvgvwu Q o Kqiv kn i VvuB wb Z n qwqj, cvwb b g hvevi ci N i wd i ` Lb mvrv bv msmv ii wkqzb Avi Aewkó bb kvgxgvi cö wz wqj bv `y h vm gvkv ejvi, ZvB wzwb wfuvgvwu Qvov Avi cövq meb nvwi qwq jb AvBjvi AvNv Z wkš cöjqskix AvBjv Zvi me K o wb Z cvi ji huv K o wb Z cv iwb, Zv n jv Zvi mvnm mb mvn m fi K ib kvgxgv wm vší wb qwq jb weaÿ Í wfuvq wd i hviqvi AZGe, kvgxgv wvk Ki jb, webv grywii Nvg Siv bvi KvR Q o Shamima was contemplating that gloomy afternoon of 2009, seating over the embankment,, When I saw Aila coming from that particular direction, I thought it was the doomsday! I rushed to my hut and found my younger daughter sleeping on the bed. suddenly I saw water in my house. Water level was rising very fast and soon it got up to my knee! I kept my daughter over a big trunk but it was not sufficient. And I was late by then because outside my hut water was immeasurable! Meanwhile the sky was totally covered under the dark cloud and it was totally dark outside though it was only afternoon, I was truly scared. That darkness resided, but Shamima s fate was yet to shine. Her day-labor husband, 3 little daughters and a semi-disabled mother in law started struggling with her to survive the disaster. They took shelter in upazila proper and had some minimal relief from the water Shamima was not prepared for the disaster, so she lost everything to Aila except her homestead. But Aila could not lose her courage. That courage forced her to go back to her homestead rather than being migrated to any big town like many others. She decided to stay put and make her life better for herself and her family So, Shamima decided to do something to bear the kvgxgv LvZzb Shamima Khatun Stories of Resilience 41

43 w` q Zviv hb Kv Ri mwvk `vg cvb, mb e e v Ki Z n e GmGmwm cvk kvgxgvi GKUv mjvb gwkb wqj, gwkb _vkvi myev ` UzKUvK `wr i KvRI Rvbv wqj mb we` v Kv R jvwm q wzwb mjvb Ki Z ïiæ Ki jb wb Ri Kvco bv _vkvq A b i `qv Kvco gvc g Zv mjvb K i cviqv grywii DciB wbf i Ki Z nw Qj Zv K Avi wvk ZLbB wzwb Rvb Z cvi jb, BmjvwgK wiwjd, evsjv `k bvgk GKwU Dbœqb ms v AÎ GjvKvi nz`wi`ª cwievi jvi ZvwjKv Ki Q, Zv `i Kv Q Rvb Z PvB Q Avw_ K mnvqzv c j K Kxfv e mb A_ wewb qvm Ki eb Ges Zv _ K jv fi m vebv KZUv? wzwb Qz U M jb Zv `i Kv Q Rvbv jb wb Ri cö qvr bi K_v, mb mv _ Zvui Avw_ K wewb qvm cwikíbvi K_vI BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg KZ viv Zvui cwikíbv cq ` Ki jb GLvb _ K me P q Kv Qi evrviuvi cövq gvbj `~ i, KvQvKvwQ Avi family responsibility. She had a sewing machine and some skill of tailoring. She tried making dresses for her neighbors. She had to be satisfied with the making charge only. Then suddenly she got to know that Islamic Relief, Bangladesh, an NGO was making a list of the extreme poor families and asking them about their plans of investment.if any plan was found feasible and the family was eligible to get the grant, they would provide them the grant. Shamima rushed out to them and described her plan of opening a self-sufficient tailoring shop. As the nearest tailoring shop was at least 14 to 15 kilometers far away from the locality,. Her name was listed as a beneficiary of IRB and granted for a non-refunded amount of BDT. 42 cwiez bi Mí

44 Kv bv `wr Lvbv bb A_P Drme-cve Y Zv e UB, GgbwK ^vfvwek Kvi YB eqifi Kvco- Pvco Zv mevi jv MB kvgxgv hw` GKwU ^qsm ú~y UBjvwis kc Pvjy Ki Z cv ib, Zvn j GK PwUqv e emv Ki Z cvi eb kvgxgvi Av e`b gäyi n jv, 12 nvrvi UvKv bm` A_ mnvqzv c jb wzwb BmjvwgK wiwjd _ K e j ivlv cö qvrb, D ` v³v kvgxgv wb R n ji BmjvwgK wiwj di ZvwjKvq DcKvi fvmx wn m e wzwb bvg jlv jb Zvui kvïwo iwngv LvZz bi gvz nxb kvgxgv K Kb vmg œn K ib ez gv b eva K RwbZ Kvi Y kh vkvqx iwngv LvZzb, mb fv jvevmvi Although she is the entrepreneur, she listed her mother in law s name instead of her own! Shamima received motherly love and affections from her mother in law who was bedridden and suffering from old-age So, as a return of that love and affection, Shamima wished to name her tailoring business on her mother-in-laws name and remained satisfied being a nominee of her. Shamima invested the total grant to purchase fabric for her tailoring shop and within few weeks she became popular among community. Stories of Resilience 43

45 cöwz`vb wn m e wzwb PvB jb Zvui `wr Lvbv iwngvi bv gb PjyK, hvi bwgwb wn m e _vk e kvgxgvi bvg hv nvk, kvgxgv cövß 12 nvrvi UvKvi cy ivuv e q Ki jb wqu Kvco Kbvq Avi gy L gy L Rvwb q w` jb, Zvui Kv Q GLb mjvb qi KvcoI Av Q, ZvB bzzb cvkvk evbv Z Avi m` i hviqvi `ikvi bb Kvco Ges gwkb wb q emvi KÕw` bi g a B ïiæ n q Mj igrvb gvm, d j C `i evrv i Zvui me Kvco wewµ n q Mj wej ^^ bv K i gybvdvi UvKv wzwb AveviI wewb qvm Ki jb bzzb Kvco Zzj Z, Kbbv gvm Lv b Ki g a B Avevi `ym vc~rv Ges GeviI c~rvi evrv i fv jv e emv Ki Z cvi jb kvgxgv me wgwj q cövq 35 nvrvi UvKv Avq Ki Z m g n jb wzwb wkš UBjvwis kc K ib e m _vk jb bv wzwb eis gybvdvi UvKv wewb qvm Ki jb mewr Pv l BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg KZ v `i KvQ _ K jey mnvqk DbœZ Rv Zi mewri exr wb q jvwm q w` jb evwoi cv ki mewr evmv b wzwb ejwq jb, ÒAvBjvi ci Avgiv mewr Pv li Póv K iwqjvg, wkš jvbv gvwui Kvi Y Kv bv mewrib djb nw Qj bv ZvB BmjvwgK wiwj di fvb qiv hlb mewri exr w` Z PvB jb, Avwg fvejvg Avevi cwikög Kiv n e Z e Avgvi ^vgx kvnrvnvb wkqzuv AvMÖnx n jv d j Avgiv K qkuv wgwókzgov Avi jvd qi exr ey b w`jvg wkš dj hv n jv, Zv GK K_vq e vck!ó BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg xiv AvaywbK mewr Pvl c wz klv jb Zvuiv ew c wzi Pvl klv jb Avi Kxfv e exr eyb Z n e, ZvI `wl q w` jb nv Zbv Z dj cviqv Mj Avjy, e b, g~jv, U g Uv, gwipmn bvbvb mewri AvkvZxZ dj b Sjgj K i DV jv Zvui mewr evmvb Rxe b cö_gev ii g Zv wzwb Lv` wbivcëvi Avk vm c jb cvkvcvwk DØ Ë mewr wewµ K i wkqz bm` DcvR bi nv Z c jb mb UvKvq wkb jb gyimx, nvum, QvMj BZ vw` kvgxgvi ^vgx GLb Avi w`bgrywi K ib bv, wb Ri Rwg Z mewr evmvb K ib, QvMj cvjb K ib eo g q `y Uv jlvcov K i g q `i cov kvbv Avi wb Ri `wr i Kv Ri myweavi Rb N ii Qv ` ewm q Qb mšiwe`ÿ Zi c v bj Zvui B Q, g q `i kn ii fv jv z j cov eb, h K ib nvk Zv `i AšÍZ œvz KvËi köwy ch ší cov eb wkš GZ cwikíbv ev Íevq b PvB AviI A bk ewk UvKv A_ vr Avq evov Z n e ZvB mâq _ K mvnm K i Gevi wzwb wenv `y qk K wl Rwg wjr wb q dj jb m Rwg Z Zuvi ^vgxi mnvqzvq wb RB avb jvmv jb jvbv cvwb Z D Pdjbkxj ev iv Rv Zi avb, hv Z ^í cwigvy ˆRemvi e envi K i 44 cwiez bi Mí

46 Shamima s start was at the right time, because just after few days the holy month of Ramadan started and every family rushed to her for making Eid dresses.. Thus she could manage to finish her entire stock the profit was used to purchase a new batch of fabric. Durga Puja Shamima got the profit of BDT by investing BDT only. However, she engaged herself not only in the tailoring shop,but also planned to invest the profit in growing vegetables. My husband Shahjahan showed some interest and took the responsibility of the vegetable garden. We got some seedsand training support from our IRB brother.then we began to sow some pumpkin and gourd seeds and it was a huge production. The IRB had instructed them about the modern gardening techniques practically. They implementeda bedding process for gardening. They also taught them how to sow seeds. Thus the farmers got a huge production of eggplants, tomato, potato, chilly etc. and cash had been refunded as profit. She has ascertained food security for the first time in her life. she started selling the surplus produce and used the money in purchasing some geese and ducks, chicken and goats. Shamima s husband left day-laboring and engaged himself ingardening and raising goats. Two of her daughters are -going to school, so she set up a solar electricity panel to help their study during the evenings. She has a plan to send them to good schools and to complete their education up to Masters level. To implement all these plans a large amount of money was needed. She leased some croplandswith her savings for cultivation,where she sowed a climate adaptive variety of quick growing Boro paddy. With a minimum cost of organic fertilizer and pesticides she got t a substantial production of salt tolerant paddy. She took us to her land and told us optimistically, I hope, my yearlong need of rice will be mitigated from the production of this fieldi ll have some savings also. Another income generating activity we found in Shamim s homestead was cultivation of fish along with the paddy at the same time. She cultivated fishes like Stories of Resilience 45

47 Ges KxUbvkK cövq e envi bv K i, Lye Kg wewb qv M AwaK djb wbwðz Kiv hvq kvgxgv Avkvev`x Pv L meyr av bi w` K ZvwK q ejwq jb, ÒAvgvi g b nq Avgv `i mviv eq ii LvivwK wgwu qi wkqy avb Avgiv wewµ Ki Z cvi evó av bi cvkvcvwk Rwg Z Rwg q ivlv m Pi cvwb Z Ges Rwgi cvk ez x mp-lvj ev K v b j Zjvwcqv, bvb jvwukv, evm`v wpswo BZ vw` gv Qi cvbv Q o Qb Zviv GB eyw UvI BmjvwgK wiwjd _ KB cviqv 5 nvrvi UvKvi cvbv eo n Q kvgxgvi K v b j, KÕw`b c ib mlvb _ K AšÍZ 20 nvrvi UvKvi gvq cviqvi e vcv i Avkvev`x Zvuiv Avgiv Zvui Kv Q Rvb Z PvBjvg, ÒK wlkvr, gv Qi Pvl ev mewr evmv bi Kv bv mgm v n j, hgb cvkvi AvµgY ev ivmevjvb, Gme Kx K i mvgjvb?ó wzwb Rvbv jb, ÒBmjvwgK wiwjd _ K Gme wel q cöv_wgk wkqz cöwk Y `qv n qwqj Rjevqy mnvqk exr, Mv Qi Pviv Gme ZvuivB mieivn K ib Zvuiv Avgv `i wkqz d ji PvivI w` q Qb... nuvm-gyiwm ev QvM ji Kv bv mgm v n j Ibviv Avgvi n q K_v e jb Dc Rjvi Awd m, Gfv e mgvavb nq Dc Rjv Awdm _ K KD hw` Avm Z bv cv ib, Zvn j gvevb jb mgm vi mgvavb `b, Zv ZI KvR nqó kvgxgv I Zvui g Zv BmjvwgK wiwj di Ab DcKvi fvmxiv wg j RxweKvqb tilapia, nilotica, tiger prawn etc. in her irrigated paddy field and the canal surrounding her cropland. She invested about 5000 BDT for minnows and is optimistic to get more than BDT BDT in returns. We asked her about the maintenance of her cultivation, cattle rising and aquaculture, she replied, I have received training from IRB. They helped me in choosing climate-adaptive seeds for my garden and cropland. They also gifted me some fruit trees. Even if I get a problem with my goats or chicken, they will help me in solving the issue. They contact on my behalfwith the agriculture office or livestock office or fisheries department if we need any assistance.. Shamima and the other beneficiaries of Islamic Relief have created a self-help group which is basically a livelihood support group but also focuses on disaster preparedness issues. Twice a month they meetthe meetings are coordinated by them-selves and the other is by the IR officials. They learned importance of savings and they set a monthly payable system to the members which are collected 46 cwiez bi Mí

48 msn M o Zz j Qb, hlv b wekí RxweKvqb Kg Kv Ûi PP vi cvkvcvwk `y h vm gvkv ejv cö wz wb qi Av jvpbv nq gv m `yõevi Zvuiv mfv K ib, hvi GKwU mfv wb Riv cwipvjbv K ib I AciwU cwipvwjz nq BmjvwgK wiwj di Kg KZ v `i Øviv Zvuiv DcKvi fvmx `i wewfbœ wel q wbqwgz klv Z _v Kb, hgb mâq Kiv, cvmeb qi gva g m mâ qi wnmve ivlv Ges mevi mw wjz mâq gvm k l vbxq e vs Ki kvlvq Lvjv mâq wnmv e Rgv Kiv Gi evb i, wbqwgz gywôi Pvj Rgv Kiv cvkvcvwk, `y h vm gyn~ Z i cö wz wn m e cö Z Ki evmvevwo Z cøvw Ki KŠUvq wpov-gywo BZ vw` ïk bv Lvevi, AvjMv Pzjv, ïk bv Lwo, w`qvkjvb, gvgevwz, cö qvrbxq IlyacÎ, LyP iv UvKvcqmv BZ vw` ˆZwi ivlv Rwgi `wjj, mvwu wd KU BZ vw` cvwb ivak cøvw K e v M wbivc ` Zz j ivlv, hv Z `y h v Mi mgq bó n q bv hvq AvZ cöz qx kvgxgv ` pzvi mv _ Reve `b, ÒAvmyK, Avi fq cvb b Avgiv iww!ó Zvuiv h mwz B iww, Zvi R jr j cögvy ÒAvgiv iww K v úbbó-gi meyr i Oi w Kvi Zvui `irvq mvuuv bv G n jv `y h vmc~e, `y h vm gyn~ Z i Ges `y h vm ciez x mg qi mkj cö wz MÖnY K i `y h v Mi Av MB `y h vm m gzv AR b through mainaining pass book. This collection is deposited to a commercial bank so that it remains safe and earns some profit as well. The members deposit rice from their household to build a food bank for using in the disaster period. Portable stove, dry fire-woods, firebox and candle is preserved in each member s household. They also preserve dry food, medicine with oral saline, coins in plastic boxes and their important documents and papers into waterproof plastic pouch. Shamima is confident enough to face the calamities in future. Because she is ready. An oval shaped green sticker is pasted on her door showing Amra Ready (we are ready). This campaign is a preparedness program to mitigate the disaster risks so that one can decrease the damages of the calamity. She is well prepared against natural calamities. She has built her house in a high land, made it strong enough as disaster-resilient. She has reserves of dry food, medicine, portable stove with fire Stories of Resilience 47

49 `y h vmc~e, `y h vm gyn~ Z i Ges `y h vm ciez x mg qi mkj cö wz kvgxgv AvMvg wb q i L Qb hgb, emzevwo DuPz RvqMvq greyz K i evwb q Qb, evwo Z memgq AvjMv ev Zvjv Pzjv cö Z i L Qb, ïk bv Lwo, gvgevwz I w`qvkjvb grỳ ivlv, wpov-gywo, PvbvPzi-we zu BZ vw` ïk bv Lvev ii hvmvb Av Q, Lvevi m vjvbbmn cö qvrbxq IlyacÎ Avjv`v e v M cö Z, RwgRgvi `wjjmn `ikvwi KvMRcÎ cvwb ivak cøvw Ki e v M h Zœ ivlv GK K_vq ejv hvq, h Kv bv `y h vm gyn~ Z i Rb kvgxgv GLb cy ivcywi cö Z wood, fire box, candle etc. and she is quite aware of climate change impact, disaster resilience module and other climate adaptation issues she has developed a strong resilience to disaster. Shamima knows the importance of savings, because she had to suffer from starvation.she hasplanned to buy a cow for milk supply aswell as extending her cattle venture.. 48 cwiez bi Mí

50 mâ qi gvnvz, w` bi ci w`b mcwievi Abvnv i KvUv bv kvgxgv fv jvb Rv bb ZvB evowz Avq _ K ez gv b Zvui ev Íevq bi ZvwjKvq Av Q GKwU Mvfx Kbv, hv Z Zvui zjco qv evoší g q `i cywói Pvwn`v g U, m ½ Avq e w I wbwðz nq mb mv _ Zvui cwikíbv g q `i wk vuv hb wvkg Zv Pvwj q wb Z cv ib AvZ cöz qi mv _ wzwb ejwq jb, Ò jv K e j g q mšívb bvwk Awfkvc, wkš Avgvi evev-gv Zv Zv g b K ibwb Zuviv Avgv K z j She also plans to carry on her daughters education. She said, People say, girl child is a curse, but my parents didn t think like that. They sent me to school. I passed the SSC exam, but couldn t continue my studyas my father died suddenly. But I ll struggle to fulfill my incomplete dreams by implying them to my daughters. They will study as much as they can. I must not experience same for my daughters, the sufferings I faced to struggle againstmoth- Stories of Resilience 49

51 cvwv q Qb, Avwg GmGmwm ch ší c owq Zvici nvvr AveŸv gviv M j Avi co Z cvwiwb... wkš Avgvi g q `i cov jlv Pvwj q wb Z Avwg hz KóB nvk, Ki ev Zviv hz`~i cv i, cov kvbv KiæK cövk wzk `y h v M Avwg hz fz MwQ, Zviv mb KóUv bv KiæK GKUv mnr-mij Rxe bi AwaKvi Zv `i Av Q, Avwg Zv wbwðz Ki evb Ñ G Avgvi cöwzáv Zv Z hw` mdj nb, Z eb Avgvi GB Kó Kiv mv_ K n eó divi c _, K cvzv b `i Rvqv ii MR b Qvwc q Avgv `i Kv b evr Z _vk jv kvgxgvi AvZ cöz qx KÉ: mnr-mij Rxe bi AwaKvi Zv `i Av Q, Avwg Zv wbwðz Ki evb Ñ G Avgvi cöwzáv! er nature. They deserve an easy lifeand I must give it to them, I promise. And if I succeed, only then our struggle may come to an end. on returning we heard the noise of the roaring Kapotakkho. Shamima s voice was overlapping theroar They deserve an easy life, and I must give it to them, I promise...! 50 cwiez bi Mí

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