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1 K 6 HANDBOOK STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK Grades K - 2 Jim t ow n Elem ent ary Count y Road 3 S. Elkhart, IN Phone: Fax: Princip al: Jef f Deak jd eak@b augo.org Dean of St ud ent s: Mat t LaFree m laf ree@b augo.org Grades 3-6 Jim t ow n Int erm ed iat e Count y Road 3 S. Elkhart, IN Phone: Fax: Princip al: Marci Brub aker m b r ub aker@b augo.org Dean of St ud ent s: Josh Schw art z jschw art z@b augo.org 1

2 School Year Table of Contents Forward... 3 Baugo Schools Vision and Mission Statements... 3 Equal Education Opportunity... 4 Injury and Illness... 4 Section I - General Information... 4 Enrolling in the School... 4 Scheduling and Assignment... 4 Early Dismissal... 4 Transfer Out of the Corporation... 4 Immunizations... 5 Use of Student Medication... 5 Control of Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases Pests... 5 Control of Non Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases... 6 Special Education... 6 Homeless Students... 6 Protection and Privacy of Student Records... 6 Student Valuables... 7 Visitors... 7 Fire, Tornado, and Safety Drills... 8 Emergency Closings and Delays... 8 Safety and Security... 8 Use of Cellular Telephones and Electronic Communication Devices... 8 Section II - Academics... 9 Field Trips... 9 Report Cards/Progress Reports... 9 Student Assessment... 9 Section III - Student Conduct Expectations... 9 Code of Conduct... 9 Student Behavior Standards... 9 JIS 5 Core Values Expected Behaviors (PBiS: Positive Behavior Support).10 Dress and Grooming.10, 11 Anti-Harassment & Bullying.11,12,13 Possession of electronic equipment 13 Discipline..14 Expulsion for Firearms Possession..14 Due Process Rights...14 Search and Seizure 15 2

3 Students Rights of Expression..15 Attendance....15,16 Section IV - Transportation Bus Transportation to School Bus Conduct Videotapes/Cameras on Buses Musical Instruments and Large Objects Carried on the Bus Penalties for Infractions Tips for parents about Facebook 18,19 NOTE: This St ud ent /Parent Hand b ook is b ased in signif icant p art on p olicies ad op t ed b y t he Board of School Trust ees and Adm inist rat ive Guid elines d evelop ed b y t he Sup erint end ent. Those Board Policies and Ad m inist rat ive Guid elines are incorp orat ed b y ref erence int o t h e p rovisions of t his Hand b ook. The Policies and Ad m inist rat ive Guid elines are p eriod ically up d at ed in resp onse t o changes in t he law and ot her circum st ances. Theref ore, t here m ay have b een changes t o t he d ocum ent s review ed in t his Hand b ook since it w as p ri nt ed in If you have q uest ions or w ould like m ore inf orm at ion ab out a sp ecif ic issue or d ocum ent, cont act your School Princip al or Sup erint end ent, or access t he d ocum ent on t he Corp orat ion s w eb sit e: w w w.b augo.org b y clicking on School Board and f in d ing t he sp ecif ic p olicy or ad m inist rat ive guid eline in t he Tab le of Cont ent s f or t hat sect ion. BAUGO COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION Welcom e t o t he Baugo Com m unit y Schools. All t he m em bers of t he st af f and I are pleased t o have you as a st ud ent and w e w ill d o our b est t o help m ake your exp erience as p rod uct ive and successf ul as you w ish t o m ake it. To help p rovid e a saf e and p rod uct ive learning environm ent f or st ud ent s, st af f, p arent s and visit ors, t he Board of School Trust ees p ub lishes t his up d at ed St udent /Parent Hand b ook an nually t o exp lain exp ect at ions, and resp onsib ilit ies. Parent s are encouraged t o t ake a f ew m inut es t o review and d iscuss t he inf orm at ion in t his hand b oo k w it h t heir school-age child ren. Teachers w ill also review t his hand b ook w it h st ud ent s at t he b eginning of t he school year. (Op t ional) St ud ent s w ill be exp ect ed t o sign and ret urn a f orm ind icat ing t hat t hey have read and und erst ood t he p rovisions in t he Hand b ook. Thank you f or t aking t he t im e t o b ecom e f am iliar w it h t he im p ort ant inf orm at ion in t his hand b oo k. If you have any q uest ions, p lease cont act your child s t eacher or t he school of f ice. FORWARD This st ud ent hand b ook w as d evelop ed t o answ er m any of t he com m only asked quest ions t hat you and your p arent s m ay have d uring t he school year and t o p rovid e sp ecif ic inf orm at ion ab out cert ain Board p olicies and guid elines. Please t ake t im e t o b ecom e f am iliar w it h t he f ollow ing im p ort ant inf orm at ion con t ained in t his hand b ook and keep t he hand b oo k availab le f or f req uent ref erence b y you and your p arent s. If you have any q uest ions t hat are not ad d ressed in t his Hand b ook, you are encouraged t o t alk t o t he p rincip al, w ho you w ill f ind list ed in t he St af f Direct ory sect ion of t he hand b ook. This hand b ook rep laces all p rior hand b oo ks and ot her w rit t en m at erial on t he sam e sub ject s. This Hand b ook d oes not eq uat e t o an irrevocab le cont ract ual com m it m ent t o t he st ud ent, b ut only ref lect s t he current st at us of t he Board s p olicies and t he School s rules as of 08/01/09. If any of t he p olicies or ad m inist rat ive guid elines ref erenced herein is revised af t er 08/01/09, t he language in t he m ost 3

4 current p olicy or ad m inist rat ive guid eline p revails. Cop ies of current Board p olicies and ad m inist rat ive guidelines are availab le f rom t he building p rincip al and on t he Cor p orat ion s w eb sit e. BAUGO SCHOOLS VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS Our Vision: Baugo Com m unit y Schools w ill cont inue t o st ud y and encourage init iat ives t o achieve q ualit y ed ucat ion w hich b et t er p rep are st udent s f or ad ult societ y. Our Mission: To p rovid e t he ed ucat ion b ackground need ed b y Baugo grad uat es t o ent er t he w orkf orce w it h t he know led ge, skills, values and d esires t o achieve t heir f ull p ot ent ial as good cit izens and ef f ect ive p art icip ant s. To m ake t he necessary d ecision -m aking and curr iculum changes t hat m eet t he need s of b ot h st ud ent s and t he com m unit y. To cont inue t o st ay ab reast of current issues and t rend s af f ect ing ed ucat ion. To creat e a saf e, ord erly acad em ic environm ent t hat is cond ucive t o learning b y ad d ressing t he need s of all st ud ent s. EQUAL EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY It is t he p olicy of t his Corp orat ion t o p rovid e an equal educat ion op p ort unit y f or all st ud ent s. Any p erson w ho b elieves t hat t he School or any st af f p erson h as d iscrim inat ed against a st ud ent on t he b asis of race, color, creed, age, disab ilit y, religion, gend er, ancest ry, nat ional origin, p lace of resid ence w it hin t he b ound aries of t he Corp orat ion, or so cial or econom ic b ackground, has t he right t o f ile a com p laint. A f orm al com p laint m ay b e m ad e in w rit ing t o t he School Corp orat ion s Ant i- Harassm ent Com p liance Of f icer list ed b elow : Bruce Perry, Direct or of Finance INJURY AND ILLNESS All injuries m ust b e rep ort ed t o a t eacher or t he of f ice. If m inor, t he st ud ent w ill be t reat ed and m ay ret urn t o class. If m ed ical at t ent ion is req uired, t he of f ice w ill f ollow t he School s em ergency p roced ures and at t em p t t o m ake cont act w it h t he st ud ent s p arent s. A st ud ent w ho b ecom es ill d uring t he school d ay should request perm ission f rom t he t eacher t o go t o t he of f ice. The of f ice w ill d et erm ine w het her or not t he st ud ent should rem ain in school or go hom e. No st ud ent w ill be released f rom school w it hout p rop er p arent al p erm ission. ENROLLING IN THE SCHOOL SECTION I GENERAL INFORMATION St ud ent s are exp ect ed t o enroll in t he at t end ance co rp orat ion in w hich t hey have legal set t lem ent, unless ot her arrangem ent s have b een ap p roved. St ud ent s w ho are new t o t he School are req uired t o enroll w it h t heir p arent s or legal guard ian. When enrolling, t he p arent s w ill need t o cont act : Baugo Com m unit y Schools Ed ucat ional Services Cent er Count y Road 22 West Elkhart, IN In som e cases, a t em p orary enrollm ent m ay b e p erm it t ed. In such cases, p arent s w ill b e not if ied ab out d ocum ent at ion req uired t o est ab lish p erm anent enrollm ent. St ud ent s enrolling f rom anot her accred it ed school m ust have an of f icial t ranscrip t f rom t he send ing school in ord er t o receive cred it f rom t hat school. The School Secret ary w ill assist in ob t aining t he t ranscrip t, if not p resent ed at t he t im e of enrollm ent. Hom eless st ud ent s w ho m eet t he 4

5 Fed eral d ef init ion of hom eless m ay enroll and b e und er t he d irect ion of t he Corp orat ion Liaison f or Hom eless Child ren w it h regard t o enrollm ent p roced ures. New st udent s eight een (18) years of age or old er are not req uired t o b e accom p anied b y a p arent w hen enrolling. When resid ing w it h a p arent, t hese st ud ent s are encouraged t o includ e t he p arent s in t he enrollm ent p rocess. When cond uct ing t hem selves in school, ad ult st ud ent s have t he resp onsib ilit ies of b ot h st ud ent and p arent. Non -resid ent st udent s should ref er t o Corp orat ion Policy 5111 (Click on School Board, then School Board Policy.) f or eligib ilit y req uirem ent s t o enroll. Foreign st ud ent s and f oreign -exchange st ud ent s (f rom recognized and ap p roved st ud ent p rogram s) are eligib le f or ad m ission on t he sam e b asis as ot her non - resid ent st ud ent s. SCHEDULING AND ASSIGNMENT The p rincip al w ill assign each st ud ent t o t he ap p rop riat e classro om and t he p rogram in w hich t he st ud ent w ill b e p art icip at ing. Any q u est ions or concerns ab out t he assignm ent should b e d iscussed w it h t he p rincip al. EARLY DISMISSAL No st ud ent m ay leave school p rior t o d ism issal t im e w it hout eit her a.) Writ t en request signed b y t he p arent ; a p erson w hose signat ure is on f ile in t he School of f ice or b.) The p arent s com ing t o t he School of f ice t oo p ersonally req uest t he release. No st ud ent w ill b e released t o a p erson ot her t han a cust od ial p arent (s) or guard ian(s) w it hout a p erm ission not e signed b y t he cust od ial p arent (s) or ot her legal aut horizat ion. TRANSFER OUT OF THE CORPORATION If a st ud ent plans t o t ransf er f rom our schools, t he p arent m ust not if y t he b uild ing p rincip al. School record s shall b e t ransf erred w it hin f ourt een (14) d ays t o t he new school corp orat ion. Parent s are encouraged t o cont act t he school of f ice or t he build ing p rincip al f or sp ecif ic d et ails. IMMUNIZATIONS St ud ent s m ust p rovid e d ocum ent at ion t hat com p lies w it h t he rules set f ort h b y t he Ind iana St at e Board of Healt h t hat all im m unizat ions req uired b y law are current, i ncluding b ut not lim it ed t o p oliom yelit is, m easles, d ip ht heria, rub ella, p ert ussis, t et anus, and m um ps, or have an aut horized exem p t ion f rom St at e im m unizat ion requirem ent s (I.C ). Every st ud ent w ho ent ers kind ergart en or grad e 1 shall b e im m u nized against hep at it is B, and chicken p ox. Every child w ho ent ers grad es 9 and 12 shall b e im m unized against hep at it is B. From t im e-to-t im e ot her com m unicab le d iseases m ay b e d esignat ed b y t he St at e Board of Healt h as diseases t hat req uire im m unizat ions. For t he saf et y of all st ud ent s, t he school p rincip al m ay rem ove a st ud ent f rom school or est ab lish a d ead line f or m eet ing St at e req uirem ent s if a st ud ent d oes not have t he necessary im m unizat ions or aut horized exem p t ion. In t he event of a chicken p ox ep id em ic, t he Superint end ent m ay t em p orarily d eny ad m ission t o a st ud ent ot herw ise exem p t ed f rom t he chicken p ox im m unizat ion req uirem ent. Any quest ions ab out im m unizat ions or exem p t ions should b e direct ed t o t he School Nurse. [For schools offering a pre-school program add the requirements for two (2) doses of HIB.] Inf orm at ion concerning m eningococcal d isease (m eningit is) and it s vaccine shall b e p rovid ed t o st ud ent s and p arent s at t he b eginning of t he school year b y t he Sup erint end ent. The inf orm at ion m ust include inf orm at ion concerning t he causes, sym p t om s and sp read of m eningococcal d iseases and places w here p arent s m ay ob t ain ad d it ional inf orm at ion and 5

6 vaccinat ions f or t heir child ren. The p arent of each f em ale st ud ent ent ering grad e 6 shall b e p rovid ed w it h inf orm at ion p rescrib ed b y t he St at e Dep art m ent of Healt h concerning cervical cancer and t he Hum an Pap illom avirus (HPV) inf ect ion and t hat an im m unizat ion against t he HPV inf ect ion is availab le. USE OF STUDENT MEDICATION All m ed icat ion, p rescrip t ion or nonp rescrip t ion, t o b e ad m inist ered at school must b e accom p anied b y a p hysician s st at em ent or p rescrip t ion and p arent aut horizat ion. All m ed icat ion m ust b e sent in t he original cont ainer and is t o b e t aken t o t he school of f ice at t he b eginning of t he school d ay. Also, no medication of any kind may be sent home with students. Parents are responsible for picking up medication. No medicine will be administered if these conditions are not met. At the end of the year, all medication, prescription and over the counter, need to be picked up by an adult. Any medication left will be discarded unless arrangements have been made by the parent and school nurse. Accord ing t o Ind iana Law #511AC7-6-7: Sec. 7. Adm inist rat ion of m edicine. Sec.7 (a) The School shall have a w ri t t en p olicy in p lace regard ing t he ad m inist rat ion of m ed icat ion t hat st at es t he f ollow ing: 1. No m edicat ion shall b e ad m inist ered w it hout t he w rit t en and d at ed consent of t he p arent. 2. Writ t en consent is valid only f or t he p eriod sp ecif ied on t he consent f orm, and in no case longer t han t he current school or p rogram year. 3. A p hysician s p rescrip t ion, a cop y o f t he original p rescrip t ion or t he p harm acy lab el p rovid ed b y t he p arent m ust b e on f ile w it h t he p ub lic agency. 4. Med icat ion shall be m aint ained in a secure locat ion. 5. Med icat ion shall be ad m inist ered in accord ance w it h t he p hysicians p rescrip t ion. 6. The p arent m ay, up on request, ob t ain a cop y of t he w rit t en p olicy. 7. If t he m ed icat ion is t o b e t erm inat ed p rior t o t he d at e on t he p rescrip t ion, t he w rit t en and d at ed consent or w it hd raw al of consent of t he p arent is required. 8. The p erson aut horized t o adm inist er m ed icat ion is sp ecif ied. CONTROL OF CASUAL-CONTACT COMMUNICABLE DISEASES PESTS Because a School has a high concent rat ion of p eop le, it is necessary t o t ake sp ecif ic m easures w hen t he healt h or saf et y of t he group is at risk. The School s p rof essional st af f has t he aut horit y t o rem ove or isolat e a st ud ent w ho has b een ill or has b een exp osed t o a com m unicab le d isease or highly-t ransient p est, such as lice. Specif ic d iseases includ e: d ip ht heria, scarlet f ever, st rep inf ect ions, w hoop ing cough, m um p s, m easles, rubella, and ot her cond it ions ind icat ed b y t he Local and St at e Healt h Dep art m ent s. Any rem oval w ill b e lim it ed t o t he cont agious perio d as sp ecif ied in t he School s ad m inist rat ive guid elines. CONTROL OF NON CASUAL-CONTACT COMMUNICABLE DISEASES The Corp orat ion has an ob ligat ion t o p rot ect st af f and st ud ent s f rom non casual -cont act com m unicab le d iseases. When a non casual-cont act com m unicab le disease is susp ect ed, t he st af f or st ud ent s healt h w ill b e review ed b y a p anel of resource p eop le, includ ing t he Count y Healt h Dep art m ent. The school w ill p rot ect t he p rivacy of t he p erson af f ect ed and t hose in cont act w it h t he af f ect ed p erson. St ud en t s and st af f w ill b e p erm it t ed t o rem ain in school unless t here is def init ive evid ence t o w arrant exclusion. Non casual cont act com m unicab le d isease includ e sexually t ransm it t ed d iseases, AIDS, ARC-AIDS Relat ed Com p lex, HIV, Hep at it is B, and ot her d iseases t hat m ay b e sp ecif ied b y t he St at e Board of Healt h. As req uired b y Fed eral law, p arent s w ill b e req uest ed t o have t heir child s b lood checked f or HIV and HBV w hen t he child has b led at School and st ud ent s or st af f m em b ers have b een exp osed t o t he b lood. Any 6

7 t est ing is subject t o law s p rot ect ing conf id ent ialit y. SPECIAL EDUCATION The Am ericans w it h Disab ilit ies Act (A.D.A.) and Sect ion 504 of t he Rehab ilit at ion Act p rohib it d iscrim inat ion against p ersons w it h a d isab ilit y in any p rogram receiving Fed eral f i nancial assist ance. This p rot ect ion ap p lies not just t o st ud ent s, b ut all ind ivid uals w ho have access t o t he Corp orat ion s p rogram s and f acilit ies. The law d ef ines p erson w it h a disab ilit y as anyone w ho: Has a m ent al or p hysical im p airm ent t hat sub st ant ially lim it s one or m ore m ajor lif e act ivit ies. Tw o, has a record of such im p airm ent ; or t hree is regard ed as having such im p airm ent. The Corp orat ion has sp ecif ic resp onsib ilit ies und er t hese t w o law s, w hich includ e id ent if ying, review ing and, if t he child is d et erm ined t o b e eligib le, af f ord ing access t o ap p rop riat e ed ucat ional accom m od at ion. St ud ent s are ent it led t o a f ree ap p rop riat e p ub lic ed ucat ion in t he least rest rict ive environm ent. The School p rovid es a variet y of sp ecial ed ucat ion p rogram s f or st ud ent s id ent if ied as having a d isab ilit y as d ef ined b y t he Ind ividuals w it h Disab ilit ies Educat ion Act (IDEA). A st ud ent can access sp ecial educat ion services only t hrough t he p rop er evaluat ion and p lacem ent p roced ure. Parent involvem ent in t his p roced ure is req uired. More im p ort ant ly, t he School encourages t he p arent t o b e an act ive p art icip ant. To inq uire ab out t he p roced ure, a p arent should cont act t he resource t eacher. St ud ent s w it h d isab ilit ies w ho d o not q ualif y f or IDEA m ay b e served w it hin t he regular ed ucat ion p rogram w it h an accom m od at ion p lan d evelop ed t hrough an int eract ive d ialogue b et w een t he School, t he st ud ent and t he st ud ent s p arent (s). Parent s, w ho b elieve t heir child m ay have a disab ilit y t hat int erf eres sub st ant ially w it h t he child s ab ilit y t o f unct ion p rop erly in School, should cont act t h e Resource Teacher. HOMELESS STUDENTS Hom eless st ud ent s w ill b e p rovid ed w it h a f ree and ap p rop riat e pub lic ed ucat ion in t he sam e m anner as ot her st ud ent s served b y t he Corp orat ion. Hom eless st ud ent s ar e eligib le t o receive t ransp ort at ion services, p art icip at e in ed ucat ion p rogram s f or st udent s w it h d isab ilit ies or lim it ed English p rof iciency, p art icip at e in high ab ilit y p rogram s, and receive m eals und er school nut rit ion p rogram s. Hom eless st ud ent s w ill not b e d enied enrollm ent b ased on lack of p roof of resid ency. For ad d it ional inf orm at ion cont act The Baugo Com m unit y Schools Ed ucat ional Services Cent PROTECTION AND PRIVACY OF STUDENT RECORDS The Corp orat ion m aint ains m any st ud ent record s includ ing b ot h d irect ory inf orm at ion and conf id ent ial inf orm at ion. Direct ory inf orm at ion includes: See Corp orat ion Policy Go t o w w w.b augo.org. click on School Board, t hen School Board Policy. Direct ory inf orm at ion can b e p rovid ed upon req uest t o any ind ividual, ot her t han a f or p rof it organizat ion, even w it hout t he w rit t en consent of a p arent. Parent s m ay ref use t o allow t he Board t o d isclose any or all d irect ory inf orm at ion up on w rit t en not if icat ion t o t he Board. For f urt her inf orm at ion ab out t he it em s includ ed w it hin t he cat egory of d irect ory inf orm at ion and inst ruct ions on how t o p rohib it it s release you m ay consult t he Board s annual Fam ily Educat ion Right s and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please cont act t he sup erint end ent s of f ice f or m ore inf orm at ion if needed. Conf id ent ial record s include t est scores, p sychological rep ort s, b ehavioral d at a, d iscip linary record s, social securit y num b ers, and com m unicat ions w it h f am ily and out side service 7

8 p rovid ers. St ud ent s and p arent s have t he right t o review and receive cop ies of all educat ional record s. Cost s f or cop ies of record s m ay be charged t o t he p arent. To review st ud ent record s p lease p rovid e a w rit t en not ice id ent if ying req uest ed st ud ent record s t o t he sc hool secret ary. You w ill b e given an ap p oint m ent w it h t he ap p rop riat e p erson t o answ er any q uest ions and t o review t he req uest ed st ud ent record s. Parent s and ad ult st ud ent s have t he right t o am end a st ud ent record w hen t hey b elieve t hat any of t he inf orm at ion cont ained in t he record is inaccurat e, m islead ing or violat es t he st ud ent s p rivacy. A p arent or ad ult st ud ent m ust req uest t he am end m ent of a st ud ent record in w rit ing and if t he req uest is d enied, t he p arent or ad ult st udent w ill b e inf orm ed of his/h er right t o a hearing on t he m at t er. Consist ent w it h t he Prot ect ion of Pup il Right s Am end m ent (PPRA), no st ud ent shall b e req uired, as a p art of t he sch ool p rogram or t he Corp orat ion s curriculum, w it hout p rior w rit t en consent of t he st ud ent (if an ad ult, or an em ancip at ed m inor) or, if an un - em ancip at ed m inor, his/her p arent s, t o sub m it t o or p art icip at e in any survey, analysis, or evaluat ion t hat reveals inf orm at ion concerning: A. p olit ical af f iliat ions or b elief s of t he st ud ent or t he st ud ent s p arent s; B. m ent al or p sychological p rob lem s of t he st ud ent or t he st ud ent s f am ily; C. sexual b ehavior or at t it ud es; D. illegal, ant i-social, self -incrim inat ing or d em eaning b ehavior; E. crit ical ap p raisals of ot her ind ividuals w it h w hom resp ond ent s have close f am ily relat ionship s; F. legally recognized p rivileged and analogous relat ionship s, such as t hose of law yers, p hysicians, and m inist ers; G. religious p ract ices, af f iliat ions, or b elief s of t he st ud ent or his/her p arent s; or H. incom e (ot her t han t hat req uired b y law t o d et erm ine eligib ilit y f or p art icip at ion in a p rogram or f or receiving f inancial assist ance und er such a p rogram ). Furt her p arent s have t he right t o insp ect, up on req uest, a survey or evaluat ion creat ed b y a t hird p art y b ef ore t he survey/evaluat ion is ad m inist ered or dist rib ut ed b y t he school t o t he st ud ent. The p arent w ill have access t o t he survey/evaluat ion w it hin a reasonab le p eriod of t im e af t er t he req uest is received b y t he p rincip al. The inf orm at ion a p arent m ay access includ es: A. act ivit ies involving t he collect ion, d isclosure, or use of p ersonal inf orm at ion collect ed f rom st ud ent s f or t he purp ose of m arket ing or f or selling t hat inf orm at ion or ot herw ise p rovid ing t hat inf orm at ion t o ot hers f or t hat p urp ose; and B. t he ad m inist rat ion of any survey b y a t hird p art y t hat cont ains one or m ore of t h e it em s d escrib ed in A t hrough H ab ove. The Fam ily Policy Com p liance Of f ice in t he U.S. Dep art m ent of Ed ucat ion ad m inist ers b ot h FERPA and PPRA. Parent s and /or eligib le st ud ent s w ho b elieve t heir right s have b een violat ed m ay f ile a com p laint w it h: Fam ily Policy Com p liance Of f ice U.S. Dep art m ent of Ed ucat ion 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washingt on, D.C. 8

9 ht t p ://w w w.ed.gov/p olicy/gen/guid /f p co/in d ex.ht m l Inf orm al inq uiries m ay b e sent t o t he Fam ily Policy Com pliance Of f ice via t he f ollow ing e-m ail ad d resses: STUDENT VALUABLES FERPA@ED.Gov; and PPRA@ED.Gov St ud ent s are encouraged not t o b ring it em s of value t o school. It em s such as jew elry, exp ensive clot hing, elect ronic equipm ent (i.e. cell p hones), and t he like, are t em p t ing t arget s f or t hef t and ext ort ion. The school cannot b e resp onsib le f or t heir saf e keep ing and w ill not b e liab le f or loss or d am age t o p ersonal valuab les. VISITORS Visit ors, p art icularly p arent s, are w elcom e at our schools. Visit ors m ust rep ort t o t he of f ice up on ent ering t he school t o sign in and ob t ain a p ass. Any visit or f ound in t he b uilding w it hout a visib le p ass w ill b e asked t o ret urn t o t he of f ice t o get one. For saf et y reasons, p arent s/legal guard ians are not t o w alk t heir child t o class or visit w it h t heir child d uring recess. Parent s/legal guard ians are w elcom e t o have lunch w it h t heir child. If a p arent /legal guard ian w ishes t o conf er w it h a m em ber of t he st af f, s/he should call f or an ap p oint m ent p rior t o com ing (24-hour notice is required) t o t he school in ord er t o sched ule a m ut ually convenient m eet ing t im e. FIRE, TORNADO, AND SAFETY DRILLS The school com p lies w it h all f ire saf et y law s and w ill cond uct f ire d rills in accord ance w it h St at e law. Sp ecif ic inst ruct io ns on how t o p roceed w ill b e p rovid ed t o st ud ent s b y t heir t eachers w ho w ill b e resp onsib le f or saf e, p rom p t, and ord erly evacuat ion of t he b uilding. Tornad o d rills w ill b e cond uct ed d uring t he t ornad o season using t he p roced ures p rescrib ed b y t he St at e. Saf et y d rills w ill b e cond uct ed once p er school year. Teachers w ill p rovid e sp ecif ic inst ruct ion on t he ap p rop riat e p roced ure t o f ollow in sit uat ions w here st udent s m ust b e secured in t heir building rat her t hat evacuat ed. These sit uat ions can includ e a t err orist t hreat, a p erson in p ossession of a d ead ly w eap on on school p rop ert y, or ot her act s of violence. EMERGENCY CLOSINGS AND DELAYS If t he School m ust b e closed or t he op ening d elayed b ecause of inclem ent w eat her or ot her cond it ions, t he School w ill not if y t he f ollow ing rad io and t elevision st at ions: AM 1340 WTRC, AM 960 WSBT, and FM Television st at ions: Channel 16, and Fox 28 New s. Parent s and st ud ent s are resp onsib le f or know ing ab out em ergency closing and d elays. SAFETY AND SECURITY All visit ors m ust rep ort t o t he of f ice w hen t hey arrive at school. All visit ors are given and req uired t o w ear a b uild ing p ass w hile t hey are in t he build ing. St af f is exp ect ed t o q uest ion p eop le in t he b uilding w hom t hey d o not recognize and w ho are not w earing a b uilding p ass, and t o quest ion p eop le w ho are h anging around t he b uild ing af t er or b ef ore hours. St ud ent s and st af f are exp ect ed t o im m ed iat ely rep ort t o a t eacher or ad m inist rat or an y susp icious behavior or sit uat ion t hat m akes t hem uncom f ort ab le. As m any unneeded d oors as p ossib le are locked d uring t he school d ay. Port ions of t he b uild ing t hat w ill not b e need ed af t er t he regular school d ays are closed of f. 9

10 If a p erson w ishes t o conf er w it h a m em ber of t he st af f s/he should call f or an ap p oint m ent p rior t o com ing t o t he school in ord er t o prevent any inconvenience. St ud ent s m ay not b ring visit ors t o school w it hout f irst ob t aining w rit t en p erm ission f rom t he p rincip al. The corp orat ion m ay ut ilize vid eo surveillance and elect ronic m onit oring in ord er t o p rot ect Corp orat ion p rop ert y, p rom ot e securit y, and p rot ect t he healt h, w elf are and saf et y of st ud ent s, st af f, and visit ors. USE OF CELLULAR TELEPHONES AND ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DEVICES Possession of a cellular t elep hone or ot her elect ronic com m unicat ion d evice (ECD) b y a st ud ent is a p rivilege, w hich m ay b e f orf eit ed b y t he st udent if s/he t urns it on, uses it or allow s it t o b e visib le during t he school d ay or on school-sp onsored t rip s. Prohib it ed uses of t he cellular t elep hones or ECDs during sp ecif ied t im es includ es m aking and /or receiving calls, send ing t ext m essages, t aking p ict ures and /or m aking record ings. A st ud ent m ay keep his/her cellular t elep hone or ECD o n und er t he f ollow ing circum st ances w it h p rior ap p roval of t he b uilding p rincip al: The st ud ent has a sp ecial m ed ical circum st ance (e.g., an ill f am ily m em b er, or his/her ow n sp ecial m edical cond it ion). The st ud ent is using t he cellular t elep hone or ECD f or an ed ucat ional or inst ruct ional p urp ose w it h t he t eacher s p erm ission and sup ervision. The st ud ent is involved in an ext ra-curricular act ivit y af t er school hours and need s t o com m unicat e w it h his/her p arent /guard ian w hen t he act ivit y is end ing so t he st ud ent can b e p icked up. Any lost or d am aged cell p hone or elect ronic d evice is t he resp o nsib ilit y of t he p arent /guard ian. Also see not e und er st ud ent valuab les FIELD TRIPS SECTION II ACADEMICS Field t rip s are acad em ic act ivit ies t hat are held of f school ground s. There are also ot her t rip s t hat are p art of t he school s co curricular and e xt ra-curricular p rogram. No st ud ent m ay p art icip at e in any scho ol-sp onsored t rip w it hout p arent al consent. At t end ance rules ap p ly t o all f ield t rip s. While t he Corp orat ion encourages t he st ud ent s p art icip at ion in f ield t rip s, alt ernat ive assignm ent s w ill b e p rovid ed f or any st udent w hose p arent d oes not give p erm ission f or t he st ud ent t o at t end. St ud ent s w ho violat e school rules m ay lose t he p rivilege t o go on f ield t rip s. REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS REPORTS Jimtown Elementary - Grades K-2 St ud ent s shall receive a rep ort card at t he end of each 9-w eek p eriod ind icat ing t heir grad es f or each course of st ud y f or t hat p ort ion of t he acad em ic t erm. Jimtown Intermediate School Grades 3-6 St ud ent s shall receive a rep ort card at t he end of each 9-w eek p eriod ind icat ing t heir grad es f or each course of st ud y f or t hat p ort io n of t he acad em ic t erm. Rep ort card s w ill b e sent elect ronically t o t hose w ho have access. Those w ho d o not have access t o t echnology w ill receive a hard cop y of t he rep ort card. Im m ed iat ely not if y your child s school of f ice of any changes you m ight have in regard s t o e-m ail ad d resses or cont act inf orm at ion. When a st ud ent ap p ears t o b e at risk of f ailure, not if icat ion w ill b e p rovid ed t o t he p arent s so t hey can t alk w it h t he t eacher ab out w hat act ions can b e t aken t o im p rove p oor grad es. 10

11 STUDENT ASSESSMENT To m easure st ud ent p rogress, st ud ent s w ill be t est ed in accord ance w it h st at e st and ard s (ISTEP, Acuit y) and Corp orat ion p olicy. Classroom t est s w ill b e used t o assess st udent p rogress and assign grad es. These are select ed or p rep ared b y t eachers t o assess how w ell t he st ud ent s have achieved sp ecif ic ob ject ives. SECTION III STUDENT CONDUCT EXPECTATIONS PBS (POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT) THREE KEY WORDS: RESPECT/RESPONSIBILITY AND SAFETY CODE OF CONDUCT The Board of School Trust ees has ad op t ed t he f ollow ing cod e of cond uct. This cod e of cond uct is ap p licab le t o st ud ent s; on school p rop ert y at any t im e; d uring and im m ed iat ely b ef ore and af t er any Sch ool act ivit y at an y locat ion; t raveling t o and f rom Schoo l or t o and f rom a School act ivit y. Violat ions of t he cod e of cond uct m ay b e p unishab le b y susp ension or exp ulsion. The f ollow ing b ehaviors are just som e t hat d irect ly violat e t he cod e of cond uct : know ingly int erf ering w it h school p urp oses or ind ucing ano t her st ud ent t o d o so; st ealing or dam aging school p rop ert y or p rop ert y of anot her p erson; know ingly causing b od ily harm t o anot her p erson; t hreat ening anot her p erson w it h b od ily injury; p ossessing a f irearm or any ot her ob ject t hat is read ily usab le as a w eapon or is d angerous t o ot hers (such as f irew orks); p ossessing, p rovid ing or using a d rug or any t yp e of d rug -relat ed p arap hernalia excep t as aut horized b y p rescrip t ion, p ossessing or p rovid ing an alcoholic b everage; possessing, p rovid ing, or using t ob acco or any t o b acco p r od uct ; d irect ing unw elcom e st at em ent s, com m unicat ions, or cond uct of a sexual nat ure t o anot her p erson; (See Harassm ent b elow ); violat ing Ind iana or Fed eral law. This list d oes not exhaust all t he p ot ent ial p rob lem b ehaviors w hich could violat e t he cod e of cond uct. STUDENT BEHAVIOR STANDARDS A m ajor com p onent of t he educat ional p rogram at our schools is t o p rep are st ud ent s t o b ecom e resp ect f ul, resp onsib le and saf e cit izens b y learning how t o cond uct t hem selves p rop erly and in accord ance w it h est ab lished st and ard s. Expected Behaviors (PBS: Positive Behavior Support) St ud ent s are exp ect ed t o; show RESPECT (Show honor and co ncern f or st ud ent s, st af f an d school) RESPONSIBILITY (Do w hat you are sup p osed t o d o, w hen you are sup p osed t o d o it ) and SAFETY (To p lan and m ake choices t hat p rot ect ot hers and t hem selves f rom harm. Classroom Environment It is t he resp onsib ilit y of st udent s, t eachers and ad m inist rat ors t o m aint ain a classroom environm ent t hat allow s: A t eacher t o co m m unicat e ef f ect ivel y w it h all st ud ent s in t he class; and t hat all st ud ent s in t he class have t he op p ort unit y t o learn. Dress and Grooming While f ashion changes, t he reason f or b eing in school d o not. St ud ent s are in schoo l t o learn. St ud ent d ress and ap p earance is p rim arily t he resp onsib ilit y of t he st ud ent and p arent. Elem ent ary (K-6) school child ren should com e t o school d ressed in clean, com f ort ab le clot hing t hat allow s t hem t o p art icip at e in t he m any t yp es of act ivit ies t hat occur d uring t he elem ent ary school d ay. School d ress is d if f erent t han t yp ical d ress f or t he m all, a concert, a 11

12 p art y or t he b each. No d ress cod e can it em ize every it em of d ress t hat is unaccep t ab le f or school; how ever t here are cert ain guid elines f or good d ecision m aking ab out d aily ap p arel. In all cases, st ud ent s are t o w ear clot hing t hat covers all p art s of t he b od y. St ud ent s are p rohib it ed f rom w earing sp aghet t i st rap s, st rap less t op s, or halt er t op s, see t hrough m esh garm ent s, and short s or skirt s t hat are short er t han m id -t high. All p ant s, slacks, jeans, skirt s and short s shall rem ain at t he t op of t he w aist. Revealing or t orn/rip p ed clot hing m ay not b e w orn. This includ es p ant s w it h holes or t ears, sp and ex m at erial, b icycle short s, und ershirt s, see-t hrough or skin t ight clot hing. At no t im e sho uld any und ergarm ent s b e visible. St ud ent d ress should ref lect resp ect and p rid e in each ind ivid ual st ud ent and t he school com m unit y. Any f ashion (d ress, accessory, or hairst yle) t hat d isrup t s t he ed ucat ional p rocess or p resent s a saf et y risk w ill not b e p erm it t ed. Parent s and St ud ent s should consid er t he f ollow ing q uest ions w hen d ressing f or school: Does m y clot hing exp ose t oo m uch? (No) Does m y clot hing ad vert ise som et hing t hat is p rohib it ed t o m inors? (No) Are t here ob scene, p rof ane, d rug -relat ed, gang -relat ed, or inf lam m at ory m essages on m y clot hing? (No) Would I int erview f or a job in t his out f it? (Yes) Am I d ressed ap p rop riat ely f or t he w eat her? (Yes) Do I f eel com f ort ab le w it h m y ap p earance? (Yes) If a st ud ent has chosen a m anner of ap p earance t hat d i srup t s t he ed ucat ion p rocess or p resent s risk t o t hem selves or ot hers, t hey m ay b e rem oved f rom t he ed ucat ional set t ing. Any t yp e of clot hing or p ersonal groom ing t hat d isrup t s t he educat ional environm ent and is a t hreat t o saf et y or healt h is p rohib it ed. Disruption - Any clot hing t hat int erf eres w it h t he ed ucat ional at m osp here of t he school is p rohib it ed. This includ es any variance f rom t he guid elines list ed ab ove; clot hing or jew elry t hat ad vert ises alcohol, d rugs, t ob acco; clot hing or jew elry t hat p rom ot es gang, cult or racist act ivit y. Pajam a or lounge p ant s are not ap p rop riat e f or school. Exot ic m ake -up, hair d ye, haircut s is p rohib it ed. Safety Any clot hing or jew elry t hat w ould creat e an unsaf e sit uat ion in any class is p rohib it ed. Up on ent ering t he b uild ing, all st ud ent s are t o rem ove hat s and ot her head coverings, includ ing scarves and kerchief s. The p rincip al und er t he f ollow ing circum st ances m ay m ake an excep t ion: The st ud ent is a m em b er of a legally recognized religious organizat ion t hat requir es a head covering t o b e w orn. The st ud ent has a d ocum ent ed m ed ical necessit y. Please b e sure t o send your child t o school ap p rop riat ely d ressed. When t here is q uest ion ab out t he ap p rop riat eness of a st ud ent s dress and ap p earance, p arent s m ay b e cont act ed. St ud ent s m ust have ap p rop riat e gym shoes t o p art icip at e in p hysical ed ucat ion. St ud ent s w ho are rep resent ing our school at an of f icial f unct ion or p ub lic event m ay b e req uired t o f ollow sp ecif ic d ress req uirem ent s. Final decision regarding student dress and grooming will be determined by the administration. Inappropriate school wear includes, but is not limited to the following: 12

13 Items which promote or make reference to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, indecency, vulgarity, profanity, cult or gang membership Items with phrases, pictures or markings that are sexually suggestive, profane, or obscene IF THERE ARE TWO MEANINGS, THE WORST WILL BE RECOGNIZED. Items which have logos, pictures, or symbols that show disrespect for another culture, race or religion, or ethnicity Caps, hats, bandanas, hoods, du-rags or sunglasses must be removed once students enter the building. Items that could damage furniture or impose a potential danger or threat to others, including wallet chains or jewelry with spikes. Pants that are too big and sag below the waist or reveal undergarments Pants with holes, rips or excessive distress; pajama pants or Spandex-type pants or shorts Modest and appropriate attire for school includes, but may not be limited to the following: Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be approximately fingertip length or longer when standing. Shirts must be long enough to remain tucked into the waistband of the pants or skirt when the arms are raised above the head Tank and spaghetti-strap tops must be worn with another shirt, either under or over the tank or spaghetti-strap tops. The midriff and cleavage must be covered. All shirts must have a sleeve width at least to the shoulder. Shirts may not be open on the side and may not reveal undergarments Care of Property St ud ent s are resp onsib le f or t he care of t heir ow n p ersonal p rop ert y. The school w ill not b e resp onsib le f or p ersonal p rop ert y. Valuab les such as jew elry or irrep laceab le it em s should not b e b rought t o school. The school m ay conf iscat e such it em and r et urn t hem t o t he st ud ent s p arent s. Dam age t o or loss of school eq uip m ent and f acilit ies w ast es t axp ayers Anti-Harassment The School p rohib it s t he harassm ent, int im id at ion, or b ullying of any st udent on schoo l p rop ert y or school sp onsored event s. The School also p rohib it s ret aliat ion against any p erson w ho rep ort s an incid en t, f iles a com p laint, or ot herw ise p art icip at es in an invest igat ion. Filing f alse charges is also prohib it ed and w ill result in ap p rop riat e d iscip linary sanct ions. Susp ect ed ret aliat io n should b e rep ort ed in t he sam e m anner as b ullying, harassm ent, and int im id at ion det ailed b elow. St ud ent s should rep ort incid ent s of b ullying, harassm ent, or int im id at ion t o t he p rincip al, assist ant p rincip al, or t he sup erint end ent, t eachers, or counselor s. The School b elieves t hat every ind ivid ual d eserves t o b e ab le t o com e t o school w it hout f ear of d em eaning rem arks or act ions. The harassm ent /b ullying of ot her st ud ent s or m em b ers of t he st af f, or any ot her ind ivid uals are not perm it t ed. This includ es an y sp eech or act ion t hat creat es a host ile, int im id at ing, or of f ensive learning environm ent. Cond uct const it ut ing harassm ent m ay t ake d if f erent f orm s, includ ing but not lim it ed t o t he 13

14 f ollow ing: Sexual Harassment: Verbal The m aking of w rit t en or oral sexual innuend o s, suggest ive com m ent s, jokes of a sexual nat ure, sexual p rop osit ions, or t hreat s t o a f ellow st ud ent, st af f m em b er, or ot her p erson associat ed w it h t he Corp orat ion o r t hir d p art ies (visit ing sp eaker, at hlet ic t eam m em b er, volunt eer, p arent, et c.) Nonverbal Causing t he p lacem ent of sexually suggest ive ob ject s, p ict ures, or grap hic com m ent aries in t he school environm ent or t he m aking of sexually suggest ive or insult ing gest ures, sound s, leering, w hist ling, and t he like t o a f ellow st ud ent, st af f m e m b er, or ot her p erson associat ed w it h t he Corp orat ion or t hird p art ies. Physical Contact Threat ening or causing unw ant ed t ouching or cont act of a sexual nat ure, or at t em p t s at sam e, includ ing p at t ing, pinching, b rushing t he b od y or coerced sexual act ivit y w it h a f ellow st ud ent, st af f m em b er, or ot her p erson associat ed w it h t he Corp orat ion, or t hird p art ies. Race/Color/Religion/National Origin/Age/Disability/Other Protected Forms of Harassment: Verbal: Writ t en or oral innuend os, com m ent s, jokes, insult s, t hr eat s, or d isp araging rem arks concerning a p erson s gend er, nat ional origin, religious belief s, et c. t ow ard a f ellow st ud ent, st af f m em b er, or ot her p erson associat ed w it h t he Corp orat ion, or t hird p art ies. Cond uct ing a cam p aign of silence t ow ar d a f ellow st udent, st af f m em b er, or ot her person associat ed w it h t he Corp orat ion or t hird p art ies b y ref using t o have any f orm of social int eract ion w it h t he p erson. Nonverbal Placing insult ing or t hreat ening ob ject s, p ict ures or grap hic com m ent aries in t he school environm ent or m aking insult ing or t hreat ening gest ures t ow ard a f ellow st udent, st af f m em b er, or ot her p erson associat ed w it h t he Corp orat ion, or t hird p art ies. Physical Contact Any int im id at ing or d isp araging act ion such as hit t ing, p ushing, shoving, or sp it t ing on a f ellow st ud ent, st af f m em ber, or ot her p erson associat ed w it h t he Corp orat ion, or t hird p art ies. Any st ud ent w ho b elieves t hat s/he is t he vict im of any of t he ab ove act ions or has ob served such act ions t aken b y an ot her st ud ent, st af f m em b er, or ot her p erson associat ed w it h t he Corp orat ion, or t hird p art ies should m ake cont act w it h one of t w o or t hree st af f m em b ers select ed b y each b uild ing p rincip al w it h w hom t he st udent s w ould m ost likely b e com f ort ab le in d iscussing a m at t er of t his kind. The st ud ent m ay m ake cont act eit her by a w rit t en rep ort or by t elep hone or personal visit. During t his cont act, t he rep ort ing st ud ent should p rovid e t he nam e of t he p erson(s) w hom s/he b elieves t o b e resp onsib le f or t he harassm ent and t he nat ure of t he harassing incid ent (s). A w rit t en sum m ary of each such rep ort is t o b e p rep ared p rom p t ly on Form 5517 F1, (click on School Board, then School Board Policy) and a cop y f orw ard ed t o t he Princip al or d esignee. Each rep ort received b y a d esignat ed p erson shall b e i nvest igat ed in a t im ely and conf id ent ial m anner. While a charge is und er invest igat ion, no inf orm at ion is t o b e released t o anyone w ho is not involved w it h t he invest igat ion, excep t as m ay b e req uired b y law or in t he cont ext of a legal or ad m inist rat ive p roceed ing. No one involved is t o d iscuss t he sub ject out sid e of 14

15 t he invest igat ion. The p urp ose of t his p rovision is t o: p rot ect t he conf id ent ialit y of t he st ud ent w ho f iles a com p laint ; encourage t he rep ort ing of any incid ent s of sexual or ot her f orm s of h arassm ent ; p rot ect t he rep ut at ion of any p art y w rongf ully charged w it h harassm ent. Possession of Electronic Equipment Most elect ronic eq uip m ent necessary in school is sup p lied b y t he school. St ud ent s are not allow ed t o b ring rad ios, b oom b oxes, p ort ab le TV s, elect ronic t oys, p agers. Any f orb id d en eq uipm ent w ill be conf iscat ed and d iscip linary act ion w ill b e t aken. Use of an object as a weapon Any ob ject t hat is used t o t hreat en, harm, or harass anot her m ay b e consid ered a w eap on. This includ es b ut is no t lim it ed t o p ad locks, p ens, p encils, laser p oint ers, jew elry and so on. Int ent ional injury t o anot her m ay result in a rep ort t o t he p olice as w ell as discip line b y t he school. This violat ion w ill sub ject a st ud ent t o exp ulsion. Knowledge of Deadly or Dangerous Weapons or Threats of Violence Because t he School Board b elieves t hat st ud ent s, st af f m em b ers, and visit ors are ent it led t o f unct ion in a saf e school environm ent, st ud ent s are required t o rep ort know led ge of d ead ly or d angerous w eap ons or t hreat s of violence t o t he p rincip al. Failure t o report such know led ge m ay sub ject t he st udent t o d iscip line. Bullying-Harassment and /or Aggressive Behavior (including Bullying/Cyber bullying) Bullying as defined in Indiana State law (revised July 2013) means overt, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications transmitted in any manner (including digitally or electronically), physical acts committed, aggression, or any other behaviors committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other student and create for the targeted student, while the targeted student is on the property owned, used, or occupied by the state educational institution, an objectively hostile environment. It w ould includ e, b ut not b e lim it ed t o, such b ehaviors as st alking, int im id at ing, m enacing, coercion, nam e-calling, t aunt ing, m aking t hreat s, and hazing. Any st ud ent w ho b elieves s/he has b een or is current ly t he vict im of b ullying should im m ediat ely rep ort t he sit uat ion t o t he b uilding p rincip al, assist ant p rincip al, or ot her st af f m em b er. The st ud ent m ay also rep ort concerns t o a t eacher or counselor w ho w ill b e resp onsib le f or not if ying t he app rop riat e ad m inist rat or or Board of f icial. Com p laint s against t he b uild ing p rincip al should b e f iled w it h t he sup erint end ent. Com p laint s against t he Sup erint end ent should b e f iled w it h t he Board Presid ent. Every st ud ent is encouraged, and every st af f m em b er is req uired, t o rep ort any sit uat ion t hat t hey b elieve t o b e b ullying b ehavior d irect ed t ow ard a st ud ent. Rep ort s m ay b e m ad e t o t hose id ent if ied ab ove. Enforcement of Student Behavior Standards and Code of Conduct The st and ard s and t he Cod e of Cond uct w ill b e enf orced b y School adm inist rat ors, t eachers, t eacher aid es, b us d rivers, and any ot her ad ult aut horized b y t he School t o sup ervise st ud ent s. The ob ject ives of t he enf orcem ent of t hese st and ard s and t he Cod e of Cond uct are: t o p rot ect t he p hysical saf et y of all p ersons and p r event d am age t o p rop ert y; t o m aint ain an environm ent in w hich t he educat ional object ives of t he School can be achieved ; t o enf orce and inst ill t he core values of t he Baugo School Corp orat ion and it s School com m unit y. 15

16 In com p liance w it h St at e law, t he Board m ay exp el any st ud ent w ho p ossesses a d ead ly or d angerous w eap on in a w eap on f ree school zone or com m it s eit her arson or rap e in a Corp orat ion b uild ing or on Corp orat ion p rop ert y, includ ing school b uses and ot h er school t ransp ort at ion. It w ill m ake no d if f erence w het her or not t he w eap on b elongs t o som eone else, unless t he st ud ent can p rovid e convincing evidence t hat t he w eap on w as placed in t he st ud ent s p ossession w it hout his/her know led ge. If it can b e conf irm ed t hat a w eap on b elonged t o a st ud ent ot her t han t he one w ho p ossessed t he w eap on, t hat st udent shall also b e sub ject t o t he sam e d iscip linary act ion. A w eap on includ es convent ional ob ject s like guns, p ellet guns, knives or club t yp e im p lem ent s. It m ay also include any t oy t hat is p resent ed as a re al w eap on or react ed t o as a real w eap on. Crim inal charges m ay b e f iled f or t his violat ion. Possession of a w eap on m ay sub ject a st ud ent t o exp ulsion. Disab led st ud ent und er IDEA or Sect ion 504 shall b e exp elled only in accord an ce w it h Board Policy 2461 (click on School Board, t hen School Board Policy) and Fed eral due p rocess right s ap p rop riat e t o d isab led st ud ent s. St ud ent s w ho q ualif y f or service und er IDEA or Sect ion 504 m ay b e exp elled only af t er a m anif est at ion d et erm inat ion has b een held. A st ud ent w ho has b een exp elled m ay app ly f or reinst at em ent in accord ance w it h guid elines w hich are availab le in t he Princip al s of f ice. DISCIPLINE It is im p ort ant t o rem em b er t hat t he school s rules ap p ly going t o and f rom school, at school, on scho ol p rop ert y, at sch ool sp onsored event s, and on school t ransp ort at ion. In so m e cases, a st ud ent can b e susp end ed f rom school t ransp ort at ion f or inf ract ion s of scho ol b us rules. The Board has also ext end ed t he aut horit y f or school ad m inist rat ors t o im p ose d iscip line f or unlaw f ul act ivit y b y st ud ent s t hat occurs on or of f school p rop ert y if t he act ivit y int erf eres w it h School p urp oses or t he ed ucat ion f unct ion of t he school. This aut horit y ap p lies t o unlaw f ul act ivit y t hat m ay occur on w eekend s, holid ays, and ot her School b r eaks including sum m er recess. A st ud ent w ill not b e sub ject t o seclusion or rest raint unless t he st ud ent 's b ehavior p oses an im m inent risk of injury t o t he st ud ent or ot hers. How ever, signif icant violat ions of t he law, includ ing assault s on st ud ent s and st af f, w ill b e rep ort ed t o t he p olice. As soon as p ossib le af t er any use of seclusion or rest raint, t he st ud ent 's p arent or guard ian w ill b e inf orm ed and p rovid ed w it h a d et ailed account of t he incid ent, includ ing t he circum st ances t hat led t o t he use of seclusion or rest raint Ult im at ely, it is t he p rincip al s and st af f s resp onsib ilit y t o keep t hings ord erly. In all cases, t he school shall at t em p t t o m ake d iscip line p rom p t and t o have t he p unishm ent m at ch t he severit y of t he incid ent. Detentions A st ud ent m ay b e d et ained af t er School or asked t o com e t o School early b y a t eacher, af t er giving t he st ud ent and his/her p arent s one (1) d ay s not ice. The st ud ent or his/her parent s are resp onsib le f or t ransp ort at ion. Removal The t eacher in charge of t hat class or act ivit y w hen s/he p oses a t hreat t o a saf e, ord erly, and ef f ect ive ed ucat ional environm ent m ay rem ove a st ud ent f rom a classroom or an act ivit y. In School Suspension In-School Discipline (ISS) 16

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Human Anatomy - Brain Lesson Overview The brain is, by far, the most complex and least understood part of the human body! In this activity, students will dissect a virtual brain. They will explore the human brain, its parts,

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Times/Room Friday 9:00 pm 3:00 pm Room B225 (lecture and laboratory) Course Semester Credit Total Course hours (lecture & lab)

Times/Room Friday 9:00 pm 3:00 pm Room B225 (lecture and laboratory) Course Semester Credit Total Course hours (lecture & lab) HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE NORTHWEST (ALIEF CAMPUS) COURSE OUTLINE FOR CHEM 1411 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I Class Number 13095 / Spring 2017 Discipline/Program Course Level Course Title Chemistry First Year (Freshman)

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