Benchm ar k One St ud y Guid e: Science Benchm ar k Wed. Oct. 2nd

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1 Benchm ar k One St ud y Guid e: Science Benchm ar k Wed. Oct. 2nd Char act er ist ics of Science: 1. What is a gr ad uat ed cylind er used t o m easur e? Volum e of a liq uid (Cap acit y) 2. Exp lain how you r ead a gr ad uat ed cylind er. Make sur e t he gr ad uat ed cylind er is on a f lat sur f ace, get eye level, and read at t he b ot t om of t he cur ve, w hich is called t he Meniscus!! 3. What science t ool is used t o m easur e t he m ass of an ob ject? Tr ip le Beam Balance 4. Exp lain how you r ead a t r ip le-b eam b alance. Ad d t he m easur em ent s on all t hree ar m s t oget her t o get t he t ot al m ass of t he ob ject. The unit of m easur e is GRAMS! 5. Read t he gr ad uat ed cylind er s b elow. Be sur e t o p ut t he ap p r op r iat e unit s w it h your m easur e! 7m L 38m L 33m L 20m L 6. Read t he t r ip le b eam b alances b elow. Be sur e t o b ut t he ap p r op r iat e unit s w it h your m easur e! g 376 g

2 7. List t he st ep s of t he Scient if ic Met hod. 1. Ask a q uest ion 2. Form a Hyp ot hesis 3. Test t he hyp ot hesis 4. Analyze Result s 5. Dr aw conclusions 6. Com m unicat e Result s 8. A hyp ot hesis should b e f orm ed af t er w hich st ep of t he scient if ic m et hod? Ask a q uest ion 9. When should saf et y r ules and p recaut ions b e p lanned? Bef ore you d o t he exp er im ent. 10. Why is it im p ort ant f or scient ist s t o r ecord accur at e d at a w hile exp er im ent ing? So t hat ot her s can r ep licat e t he exp erim ent and get sim ilar r esult s. 11. In w hat st ep of t he scient if ic m et hod should t he m ean or aver age f r om r esult s b e calculat ed and gr ap hed? Analyze Result s S6E1: A-Theories of t he univer se: Nam e t hat Theory: Big Bang 1. Exp ansion of t he univer se Heliocent r ic 2. Sun Cent er ed Solar Syst em Geocent r ic 3. Ear t h Cent ered Solar Syst em Big Bang 4. Georges Llam at r e and Ed w in Hub b le Geocent r ic 5. Ancient Gr eeks and Ar ist ot le Heliocent r ic 6. Coper nicus and Galileo Big Bang 7. Singular it y: con cen t rat ed p o in t o f m at t er & en ergy Heliocent r ic 8. Venus p hases and Jup it er s Moons 10. Dr aw and exp lain Geocent r ic Theory. Ear t h Cent er ed Solar Syst em

3 11. Dr aw and exp lain Heliocent r ic Theory. Sun Cent er ed Solar Syst em 12. Dr aw and exp lain Big Bang Theory. Exp ansion of t he Univer se 13. What is neb ula? A cloud of gas and d ust t hat cools and cond enses t o f orm st ar s and p lanet s. 14. What evid ence d id Ed w in Hub b le d et ect t o sup p ort t he Big Bang w hen he cr eat ed t he Hub b le Telescop e? (2 p ieces of evid ence) Hub b le d iscover ed t hat t he galaxies ar e st ill exp and ing and m oving aw ay f r om one anot her, and he d et ect ed lef t over rad iat ion f r om t he Big Bang exp losion. 15. Rank t he f ollow ing ob ject s in t er m s of size (1-lar gest t o 4- sm allest.) 2 Galaxy 4 Ear t h 3 Sun 1 Univer se S6E1 B-Milky Way Galaxy 1. What is a galaxy? A gr oup of st ar s p ulled t oget her b y t he f orce of gr avit y. 2. What t yp e of galaxy d o w e live in? (Give evid ence t o sup p ort how w e know t his inf orm at ion!) Our galaxy, t he Milky Way, is a sp ir al galaxy, b ecause it has a cent er b ulge and f ive sp ir al ar m s. 3. Wher e is our solar syst em locat ed w it hin t he Milky Way? Our solar syst em is locat ed in Or ion s out er ar m 30,000LY f r om t he cent er b ulge. 4. How f ar f r om t he cent er b ulge is our Sun? 30,000LY 5. What unit of m easur e d o w e use t o m easur e d ist ance w it hin t he Milky Way Galaxy? Light Year s

4 6. Id ent if y and d escr ib e each t yp e of galaxy b elow. Spiral Has a center bulge and arms, lots of nebula for new stars to form. Irregular Chaotic mix of stars, usually found near large spirals Elliptical Round in shape, no nebula so new stars do not form here. S6E1 C Com p ar ing Planet s 1. What m neum onic d evice help s you r em em b er t he ord er of t he p lanet s, closest t o t he Sun? My Ver y Eager Mot her Just Served Us Nachos. 2. How d o t he inner or t er r est r ial p lanet s d if f er f r om t he out er p lanet s in t er m s of com p osit ion (w hat t he p lanet s ar e m ad e up of ) and size? The inner p lanet s ar e t er r est r ial, or sm all, so lid and r ocky. The out er p lan et s are gas giant s. 3. Which p lanet s have a gr avit y gr eat er /st r onger t han Ear t h? Planet s w it h a gr eat er m ass have a st r onger gr avit y. 4. What m akes Ear t h uniq ue and have t he ab ilit y t o sup p ort lif e? (3 r easons) 1. Liq uid Wat er 2. Oxygen in at m osp her e 3. Mod er at e Tem p er at ur es 5. Nam e t hat Planet : Jup it er Lar gest Planet Venus Ear t h s Tw in Sist er Mar s Dried River Bed s/red Planet

5 Nep t une Met hane Gas m akes it Blue Uranus Tilt ed 90 d egr ees on it s axis Venus Hot t est Planet -Thick at m osp her e Jup it er Gr eat Red Sp ot Sat ur n Most Visib le Ring Syst em -Ice Cr yst als 6. Exp lain orb it al velocit y in r elat ion t o a p lanet s d ist ance f rom t he Sun. (Rem em b er t he Ball and St r ing Dem onst r at ion!!) Dist ance f r om t he sun af f ect s t he orb it al velocit y or r evolut ion of a p lanet. The closer a p lanet is t o t he Sun, t he f ast er it r evolves. The f ar t her aw ay a p lanet is f r om t he sun, t he slow er t he r evolut ion. 7. Lab el t he p lanet s of t he solar syst em. S6E1 D Mot ions 1. What is t he d if f erence b et w een t he t er m s r ot at ion and r evolut ion? Rot at ion is Ear t h sp inning on it s axis. This causes d ay and night. Revolut ion is t he com p let e orbit al p at h t he Ear t h t akes ar ound t he Su n.

6 2. Nam e t hat Mot ion: Revolut ion Ear t h orb it ing t he Sun Rot at ion Ear t h sp inning on it s axis Rot at ion Makes st ar s ap p ear t o m ove acr oss t he night sky Revolut ion 365 ¼ d ays or One Ear t h Year Rot at ion 24 hour s, or One Day Rot at ion Causes t he Sun t o ap p ear t o r ise and set each d ay 3. How m any d egrees is Ear t h t ilt ed on it s axis? 23.5 d egr ees 4. What d oes Ear t h s t ilt cause? Seasons 5. Why d o w e have m ore hour s of d aylight in t he sum m er t han in t he w int er? Because w e are t ilt ed t ow ar d s t he Sun 6. What p er cent age of Ear t h is illum inat ed or lit up at any given t im e? Half 50% 7. What p er cent age of Ear t h is d ar k, or having night at any given t im e? Half 50% S6E1 E Gr avit y 1. What is t he f orce t hat gover ns m ot ion in t he solar syst em? Gr avit y 2. What t w o f act ors af f ect t he gr avit at ional f orce b et w een t w o ob ject s? Mass and Dist ance 3. Why d o t he p lanet s r evolve ar ound t he Sun? Gr avit y 4. Why d oes t he m oon r evolve or orb it Ear t h inst ead of t he Sun? 5. If Ear t h w as lar ger in m ass, how w ould t he gr avit at ional f or ce b e af f ect ed? Ear t h s gr avit at ional f orce w ould incr ease. S6E1-F Ast er oid s, Com et s, Met eors 1. Id ent if y t he ob ject in t he d iagr am and exp lain w her e t hey ar e locat ed. Asteroids-chunks or rock and metal that orbit the Sun.

7 2. Dr aw and exp lain t he d if f er ence b et w een a m et eoroid, m et eor, and m et eorit e. 3. Met eoroid Met eor Met eorit e Small chunks of asteroids that broke during a collision or comet remains that are moving in space. Known as a shooting star; pieces of rock or dust that burn up in the atmosphere due to friction. A meteoroid that hits the surface of the Earth 4. What ar e com et s? Dir t y Iceb alls 5. Wher e d o t hey f orm? Beyond Plut o in t he Oort Cloud 6. Why d oes a com et s t ail alw ays p oint aw ay f r om t he Sun? Solar w ind causes t he com et s t ail t o p oin t aw ay f r om t he Sun. 7. Nam e t hat ob ject! Ast er oid A lar ge chunk of r ock/m et al orb it ing b et w een Mar s and Jup it er Met eoroid A p iece of an ast er oid t hat has b r oken of f and is m oving in sp ace Met eor A m et eoroid t hat is b ur ning up in t he at m osp her e; a shoot ing st ar Met eorit e A chuck of r ock or m et al t hat hit s t he sur f ace of a p lanet ; cr eat ing a huge cr at er on im p act 8. Id ent if y t he p ar t s of a com et.

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