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1 JA GU A R JO U RN A L Jefferson Elementary Lakeshore Blvd. Eastlake, OH Office: Attendance: FAX: YCare: Mrs. Lisa George Principal Mrs. Gina Brown Assistant Principal A M essage f r om M r s. Geor ge an d M r s. Br ow n Thomas Jefferson is "Coloring Our World with Kindness" during the month of March! We kicked off this PBIS theme with the help from Crossroads during a short assembly on March 10th. Our students dressed in rainbow colors and we are creating a rainbow chain to color our hallway and link all of our acts of kindness together. Hopefully we will find a pot of gold at the end of our rainbow! I M PO RT A N T D AT ES M ar ch 24 t h - A p r i l 2n d - Sp r i n g B r eak (C l asses Resu m e A p r i l 3r d ) A p r i l 4 t h - K i n d er gar t en M u si c Pr o gr am 7PM A p r i l 5t h - M al l ey 's f u n d r ai ser C an d y Pi ck - u p 2:4 5-6 :0 0 PM A p r i l 6 t h - U n i t ed Sk at es Sk at i n g Par t y 6 :0 0-8:30 PM A p r i l 11t h - Red cr o ss B l o o d D r i v e 1:0 0-7:0 0 PM IF YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT FROM SCHOOL OR HAS A M ORNING DOCTOR'S APPOINTM ENT, PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE BY 9:15AM TO REPORT THE ABSENCE! St ay Con n es_ t jes T h om as Jef f er son El em en t ar y Sch ool M an y even ts h ave been p ost ed! The Mission of Thomas Jefferson Elementary School is to Increase Student Achievement by putting Students First, Quality Instruction, and Time on Task.

2 * REMINDERS* Send a note to the teacher if dismissal plans change. PARKING LOT SAFETY CONCERNS Please u se cau t ion w h en en t er in g t h e par k in g lot in t h e m or n in gs. Teach er s an d st u den t s ar e w alk in g in t h e lot w h ile car s ar e en t er in g t h e loop at a h igh r at e of speed. Th is past w eek, t w o t each er s w er e alm ost st r u ck by car s en t er in g t h e loop. Th is is a sch ool par k in g lot. Please m ain t ain you r speed t o 10 m ph. Th an k you f or you r u n der st an din g. Ou r in t en t is t o k eep ever yon e saf e at Jef f er son Elem en t ar y Sch ool. If your child is tardy, you must walk them in and sign them in. If your child is absent please call the office and report them absent. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! ATTENTION Please do n ot par k by t h e East lak e M iddle Sch ool sh eds. Ou r bu ses an d car s can n ot get ou t of t h e lot. CAR LOOP REM INDERS - Loop gat es ar e closed in t h e m or n in g at 8:40 AM Af t er t h is t im e, st u den t s M UST be dr opped of f in t h e f r on t of t h e bu ildin g an d en t er t h r ou gh t h e f r on t door. At 8:45 AM, st u den t s m u st be sign ed in by an adu lt. DO NOT dr op st u den t s of f at t h e en d of t h e bu ildin g if t h er e is n o adu lt ou t side. Th ese door s ar e lock ed. Ref r ain f r om u sin g you r cell ph on es in t h e loop. Th is is f or t h e saf et y of ou r ch ildr en. Please sh ow r espect t o ou r t each er s on du t y. Ou r job is t o k eep all st u den t s saf e.

3 JA GU A R PRI D E Pr ep ar ed Resp ect f u l I n t egr i t y D ed i cated Excel l en ce FRO M T H E C A FET ERI A Br eak f ast $1.90 CELL PHONES Cell ph on es ar e NOT per m it t ed in t h e classr oom. Th ey ar e t o be pow er ed of f an d st or ed du r in g t h e sch ool day. St u den t s an d par en t s ar e t o com m u n icat e via t h e sch ool of f ice in t h e even t. Th e sch ool is NOT r espon sible f or an y lost, st olen or dam aged cell ph on es. St u den t s u sin g a cell ph on e on sch ool pr oper t y du r in g t h e sch ool day w ill lose t h eir device an d par en t s w ill be con t act ed. Red u ced $0.30 Br eak f ast i s ser ved betw een 8:20-8:45 A M L u n ch $2.85 Red u ced $0.40 M i l k $0.50 St u d en t s t h at qu al i f y f or th e Fed er al Fr ee l u n ch p r ogr am w i l l be f r ee. T h i s al so i n cl u d es f r ee br eak f ast. St u d en t s w h o d o n ot w i sh to p u r ch ase t h e p l ate l u n ch m ay alw ay s r equ est an al ter n ati ve l u n ch ch oi ce. Pl ease see m en u on l i n e. Per i od i cal ly ch eck y ou r ch i l d 's l u n ch accou n t to en su r e th er e i s m on ey t o cover th ei r p u r ch ases. JUM P ROPE FOR HEART Our school raised a total of $4,266.00! Thank you for your generous support to the American Heart Association. Thank you to all the parent volunteers for their time and help making Jump rope for Heart such a huge success!

4 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Kin der gar t en Revised En t r an ce Dat e Delayed Un t il Sch ool Year The district will delay implementation of the new August 1st entrance date for incoming kindergarten students until the school year. For the school year, students who turn five on or before September 30, 2017, may enroll in kindergarten. For the school year and beyond, the new policy requiring students to turn five on or before August 1st for entrance to kindergarten will be in effect. To set up an appointment to register your student, please call the school your child will attend. For parents who have scheduled early entrance testing for students with a birthday before September 30th, this testing is no longer required for the upcoming school year and the appointments are canceled. If a child turns five after September 30, 2017, parents may still request early entrance testing for the school year through Alison Ciferno at the Board of Education, Please share this information with friends and colleagues who have incoming kindergarten age students. Special Gu est at Th om as Jef f er son Jefferson Elementary Physical Education teachers had the pleasure of having a guest Kung Fu instructor to teach their classes the week of Monday March 13th. Sifu Gino, from Shaolin Instititute in Willoughby Hills, taught martial arts exercises and Kung Fu techniques to your child. Thank you Master Sifu! Our Jaguars really enjoyed the classes!

5 PT O N EW S N ex t PT O m eeti n g T u esd ay A p r i l 18, :0 0 PM Look in g f or Com m u n it y You t h Act ivit ies? In f or m at ion f r om appr oved or gan izat ion s w h o h ost act ivit ies f or Willou gh by-east lak e you t h ar e n ow post ed elect r on ically. Paper f lyer s ar e n o lon ger sen t h om e w it h st u den t s. To access t h e f lyer s, t h er e is a lin k on t h e dist r ict h om e page, on each of t h e K-12 bu ildin g pages, an d u n der t h e Par en t 's Page. Ju st look f or t h e COM M UNITY ACTIVITIES h eadin g f or access t o t h e f lier s abou t st u den t even t s. For specif ic in f or m at ion abou t t h e even t s, you n eed t o con t act t h e spon sor in g or gan izat ion. M al l ey 's Fu n d - r ai ser Con ven ien t on lin e or der in g available (u n t il Apr il 10) h t t ps:/ / m alleys.com / f u n dr aisin g/ cam paign / t h om as-jef f er son -e-s/ (All on lin e or der s over $65 w ill be sh ipped FREE dir ect t o you r h om e!) Or der Pick -u p Apr il 5t h 2:45-6:00 PM Or der s w ill n ot be per m it t ed t o go h om e w it h an y st u den t s. CAM P INVENTION Camp Invention is returning to the School of Innovation this summer. This week long enrichment program uses a STEM curriculum and will be held June 5-9. The camp is open to children who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade. Go to the following web-page for more information. h t t p:/ / in ven t n ow -w eb.u n ger boeck.com / pr ogr am sear ch / m or ein f o.aspx?even t =17394

6 BOARD OFFICE Our temporary Board of Education offices are located in the School of Innovation in Willoughby Hills. The address is: Chardon Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio Phones should be restored following Spring Break PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL OFFICE IF if you will be moving w it h in the Willoughby-Eastlake City School District over the summer. You will need to provide your new address and proof of residency. -...if you will be moving ou t of the Willoughby-Eastlake City School District over the summer. You will need to withdraw your child(ren) and provide new district information. INTRADISTRICT It is the parent's responsibility to complete an intradistrict form yearly if your child(ren) does not attend their home school. Please come to the school office to obtain this form. This form is due to the office no later than June 1, If not received by this date, your child(ren);s

7 Th om as Jef f er son Elem en t ar y Sch ool Lakeshore Blvd. Gym 2:15 pm - 7:15 pm Tu esday, Apr il 11, 2017 Students who recruit one presenting donor will receive a Red Cross flashlight while supplies last! To schedule an appointment, call RED CROSS or visit redcrossblood.org using sponsor code Jeffersonelementary.

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