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1 M M SA NEW SLETTER M at er n i t y of M ar y? St. An dr ew Cat h ol i c Sch ool Apr i l 28, 2016 I M PORTANT DATES Fr i day, Apr i l 29 - Gr andpar ent's Day: 8:40 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. All-School M ass and M ay Cr ow ning; 8TH gr ade planning, 9:00 AM. Su n day, M ay 1 - Fir st Com m union: 2nd gr ader s; 8:30 & 10:30 A.M. M asses M on day, M ay 2 - Flea M ar ket planning m eeting: Cafeter ia; 3:15 P.M. Tu esday, M ay 3 - Chapel M ass: 1st gr ade: 8:00 A.M. 8th gr ade class pictur e: 8:30 A.M. Band Red Cr oss Blood Dr ive: Sir ba Hall; 1? 7 P.M. Wedn esday, M ay 4 - All School M ass: 2nd gr ade planning; 8:00 A.M. Th u r sday, M ay 5 - Chapel M ass: 8th gr ade; 8:00 A.M. - Euchar istic Ador ation - 8th gr ade:festival of Nations Field Tr ip; 8:35 A.M.? 2:30 P.M. - Kinder gar ten Kick-off: Room 102; 6:30 P.M. - M M SA Davanni's Night; 4:00? 8:00 P.M. Fr i day, M ay 6 - Volunteer Tr acking Sheet due in the school office - Sum m er Skills Wor kbook or der s due in the school office (calendar continued on next page) Con gr at u l at i on s to the 5t h gr ade Class for finishing 2nd in their division (M idw est States) in the Cat h ol i c M at h Leagu e! Their scor e also placed them 38 out of 91 Catholic Schools thr oughout the nation that com peted. Cat h ol i c M at h Leagu e is a contest that takes place dur ing the school year. The students com plete four tim ed tests and ar e scor ed. Placing for their class: 4th gr ade: Alex Schaber t, Peter Basso, Jack Riley; 5th gr ade: Sam Sw etland, M ar y Soltis, Am aia Walsh; 6th gr ade: Noelle Wolf, Gabr ielle Kopp, M ikayla Kaiser, Dar by Sheehan. Fr om the Pr incipa l?s Desk I would like to remind everyone of the importance of our drop off and pick up procedures. Please see the attached map to review the safe way to drop off and pick up. Please, DO NOT CROSS THE CAR LI NE. We have had a couple of near misses the last couple of weeks. It is just a matter of time before a child gets hurt if our procedures are not followed. If you want to walk up to drop off or pick up your child, PARK ON THE SOUTH END OF SI RBA HALL AND WALK UP THE SI DEWALK ON THE EAST SI DE OF SI RBA HALL. The safety of all of our students is our top priority. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to welcoming grandparents/grandfriends tomorrow! In God's Love, M aggie Quast

2 Tu esday M ay 10 - Chapel M ass: 7th gr ade; 8:00 A.M. - Band - Spanish Class Field Tr ip: El Burrito M ercado; Gr ades 6?8; 10:15 A.M.? 12:15 P.M. Wedn esday, M ay 11 - All-School M ass: Gr. 6 planning; 8 A.M. Th u r sday, M ay 13 - Chapel M ass: 6th gr ade; 8:00 A.M. - 5th gr ade Over night Field Tr ip: Science M useum of M inn.; 4:00 P.M. Fr i day, M ay 12-3r d gr ade & Pr eschool Field Tr ip: Dodge Natur e Center ; 8:15 A.M. M M SA 5th gr ader s have been par ticipating in the Living Water Pr oject. They have been lear ning the Cor por al Wor ks of M er cy by shar ing w hat they have w ith other s. Fat h er Rober t M u t u i fr om Kitui, Kenya cam e to speak w ith them about the conditions in Kenya and how the lack of w ater affects the lives of the people ther e. They have been collecting spar e change to donate to Fr. Rober t to help the people of Kenya. Davan n i?s Ni gh t Join us On Th u r sday M ay 5 for M M SA Dava nni's Night. Join other M M SA fam ilies, and shar e a m eal and fellow ship. 20% of all or der s placed by M M SA fam ilies com es back to M M SA. Br ing a long the coupon atta ched to this newsletter, or find it on our website?> Quick Links/Newsletter s. If it?s a busy night, and you can't stay to dine in, this deal applies to take-out or der s, too. (Call to order for pickup.) This is a gr eat w ay to get to know other fam ilies in our school com m unity. The hour s for M M SA Night ar e 4:00? 8:00 P.M. at the Davan n i 's in Roseville, 1905 Per im eter Dr. As you m ay know, our Pr eschool r eceived national accr editation in October thr ough NAEYC (The National Association for the Education of Young Children). This m onth, w e r eceived our Fou r St ar Par en t Aw ar e r at i n g! Fr om their w ebsite:?parent Aware helps families find the quality care and education their children need to succeed in school and life. Parent Aware is a search partner. We work side-by-side with families, offering free tools and resources to help them make informed choices about high-quality care and education opportunities.? One of the benefits of being 4-St ar Rat ed is that ther e is m oney available for scholar ships for our pr eschool fam ilies. Visit w w w.mmsa school.or g/thinksma ll for infor m ation about applying for these pr eschool scholar ships.

3 Our mission: In answer ing the call of Jesus Chr ist, Mater nity of Mar y? St. Andr ew Catholic School is dedicated to pr oviding a Catholic education that develops the unique God-given gifts of each student. In par tner ship with engaged families and a suppor tive par ish community, the school pr ovides an envir onment that inspir es and upholds academic excellence, spir itual gr owth, ser vice, and social r esponsibility. Tuesday, May 3, :00? 7:00 P.M. For an appoi nt m ent or i nfor m at i on, cal l Li or vi si t : JUM P FOR JESUS The r egi st r at i on for m for t hi s wonder f ul sum m er pr ogr am can be found under Qui ck Li nk s on our webpage. w w w.r edcr ossbl ood.or g Enter Sponsor Code: Mater nity of Mar y Catholic Chur ch It's f i nal ly spr i ng!! If you have one of our yar d signs, now is the time to get those back out and visible in your yar d!! Help us spr ead the good new s about our school! We have 4 signs left. If you w ould like one of them for your yar d, stop by. Fir st come, fir st ser ved!!! MMSA w i l l pl ace an or der for Sum m er Sk i l l s book s agai n t hi s year. Each gr ade l evel book helps st udent s m ai nt ai n t hei r academ i c sk i l l s over t he sum m er m ont hs. A var i et y of Sum m er Sk i l l s book s ar e avai l abl e to pur chase for $19 each. Or der for m s ar e on t he websi te under Qui ck Li nk s and ar e due Fr i day, May 6. Mor e i nfor m at i on on Sum m er Sk i l l s can be found at : w w w.sum m er sk i l l s.com DO YOU NEED HELP PAYING TUITION? Maybe w e can help. We have families at MMSA w ho pay their tuition almost entir ely by w or king games of all kinds, concer ts and other events at Tar get Field and Xcel Ener gy Center. Money ear ned is tax fr ee tuition money. It is a fun way to meet other par ents and ear n tuition money too! Ther e ar e just 2 mor e tr aining sessions in the near futur e. Tuesday, May 3; 6:00? 9:00 P.M.? Room 808 in Par tner ship Center, Nor mandale Community College, 9700 Fr ance Ave., Bloomington, Enter the par king r amp off Collegeview Road, then take the nor th path to Par tner ship Center. Allow 15 minutes to par k and walk to tr aining location for check-in. Wednesday, May 4; 6:00? 9:00 P.M.? Concor dia Academy, 2400 Nor th Dale Str eet, Roseville, Will be set up in the dance studio. Don?t wait, space is limited. This session is alr eady half FULL! Cont act Li nda Huey at or m i nnesot a1122@yahoo.com to r egi ster.

4 At tent i on: ALL K? 8 Fam i l i es VOLUNTEER HOURS REM I NDER To r em i nd you of your obl i gat i on, pl ease r e-r ead t he i nfor m at i on you agr eed to at r egi st r at i on. Our MMSA com m uni t y i s a bet ter pl ace because of al l of you t hat shar e your t i m e and sk i l l each year. Whet her you r ead to st udent s, chaper one a f i el d t r i p, coor di nate f un r uns, or coach a spor t s team, your t i m e i s appr eci ated! We hope t hat by t ak i ng an act ive par t i n your chi l d(r en)?s school, you w i l l be r enewed i n spi r i t and cont i nue to ex per i ence for your sel f how your f am i ly and ot her s m ak e up t hi s gr eat com m uni t y. We ask t hat : -...al l f am i l i es K-8 com pl ete 15 hour s of vol unteer t i m e dur i ng t he school year. These hour s must be com pl eted by par ent (s) or guar di an(s). -...FIVE of your 15 vol unteer hour s shoul d be r el ated to one of t he t hr ee m ajor f undr ai ser s. -...you t r ack your hour s on t he vol unteer t r ack i ng sheet at t ached and t ur n i nto t he school of f i ce by May 6, For any hour s you do not complete of the r equir ed fifteen, you under stand that you will be billed $10/hour in May. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNI TI ES; SI GN-UP GENI USES m m saschool.or g/f i el d-day m m saschool.or g/book-f ai r m m saschool.or g/f l ea-m ar k et-help Donation dr op-off days in Dona hue Gymna sium May 15? 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. May 16? 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. AND 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 P.M. May 16? 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. AND 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 P.M. May 18? 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. The nex t pl anni ng m eet i ng for our Fl ea Mar k et i s Monday, May 2, at 3:15 P.M. i n t he Cafeter i a. Our 4 t h annual Fl ea Mar k et i s f ast appr oachi ng. If you ar e spr i ng cl eani ng, why not donate your used, gent ly used i tem s to t he Fl ea Mar k et? Tur n your unwanted or not needed i tem s i nto som eone el se?s t r easur es! And shop at our sal e to f i nd your per fect t r easur es! Dates of Sale Pr e-sal e May 19, 4:00? 8:00 P.M. only, $5 adm i ssi on Fr i day, May 20, 4:00 P.M.? 7:00 P.M. Sat ur day, May 21, 8:00 A.M.? 4:30 P.M. Sunday, May 22, 9:00 A.M.? 12:00 P.M.


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