Apply scientific methods to problemsolving. Demonstrate how to measure using scientific instruments and units.

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1 Morgan County School District Re-3 Life Science August What is science? Standard(s): 1, 5, 6 What is science? What is a life scientist? How do we solve problems scientifically? Scientific method. What are controls, and how are they used? What are scientific theories and laws, and how do they differ? Basic scientific method. Lab safety. Living Things What are the five basic things necessary to classify something as living? What must living things have to survive? Apply scientific methods to problemsolving. Demonstrate how to measure using scientific instruments and units. Distinguish between living and nonliving things. Identify what living things need to survive. assessment, mini-lab, problem-solving activity, this would be a good place to include a measurement lab. assessment, exploring and classifying life: living things reading essentials activity. September Where Does Life Come From? What are spontaneous generation and biogenesis, and how do they differ? What is Oparin s (tested by Miller & Urey) hypothesis about the origins of life? How Are Living Things Classified? How has classification of living things changed since the time of the ancient Greeks? How are living things classified in modern times? How are organisms identified? Cells Describe experiments about spontaneous generation. Explain how scientific methods led to the idea of biogenesis. Examine how chemical compounds found in living things might have formed. Describe how early scientists classified living things. Explain the system of binomial nomenclature. Demonstrate how to use a dichotomous key. assessment, transparency activity, how are living things classified? reading assessment, mini-lab, transparency activity, seed classification activity. Vocabulary review and chapter assessment, including standardized test prep. See above

2 Standard(s): 1, 3.1, 3.2, 6. Cell Structure What are the relative sizes of different kinds of cells? What are the two major categories of cells? What organisms have cell walls? Of what are cell walls composed? What is a cell membrane, and what are its functions? What is the cytoplasm like? What is its function? What are organelles? In what kind of cells are nuclei found? What are the functions of a nucleus? What are the energy processing organelles? What specifically do chloroplasts do? What specifically do mitochondria do? What specifically do ribosomes do? Where are ribosomes found? What are the functions of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum? Where are the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum found? What are golgi bodies, and what do the do? Where are golgi bodies found? What is a lysosome, and what does it do? Cells, tissues, and organisms. Identify names and functions of each part of a cell. Know the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Explain the importance of a nucleus in a eukaryotic cell. Compare cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. assessment, math skills activity, mini lab, cell structure reading essentials activity. Viewing Cells How does van Leeuwenhoek s microscope different that a modern compound microscope? What are the six types of microscopes described in the text? How is the power of a microscope calculated? Describe modern cell theory. Compare the differences between the compound light microscope and the electron microscope. Summarize the discoveries that led to the development of the cell theory. Relate the cell theory to modern biology (what s the connection?). assessment, mini lab, compound microscope lab, obse

3 October Viruses What, exactly, are viruses? What is a host cell? What are the differences between latent and active viruses? How do active viruses multiply? How does fit affect what cells are attacked by viruses? In what ways do viruses affect organisms? In what ways can viruses be treated and/or prevented? How are viruses related to gene therapy? Cell Processes Standard(s): 1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 6. Chemistry of Life What is matter? What are atoms, and what are the major parts of atoms? How do we define elements? What are compounds and molecules, and what are the differences between the two> What are ions and ionic compounds? Review mixtures, colloids, and solutions. What are four major classes of organic compounds? What are the differences among them? How is the term, inorganic compound defined? In what ways is water important to living things? What are the characteristics of water? How are matter and energy defined? what are examples of each? Explain how viruses make copies of themselves. Identify the benefits of vaccines. Investigate some uses of viruses. List the differences among atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds. Explain the relationship between chemistry and life sciences. Discuss how organic compounds are different from inorganic compounds. assessment, comparing light microscope activity, viruses reading Chapter assessment including standardized test prep. assessment, math skills activity, mini lab, this might be a good place to review basic atomic structure, ions and ionic bonding, covalent bonding, hydrogen bonding, and basic periodic table, chemistry of life reading

4 Moving Cellular Materials What is the definition of passive transport? What are the three types of passive transport? How are diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion explained? what are the differences among them? What is active transport, and how is it described? What are endocytosis and exocytosis, and how are they different? Are endocytosis and exocytosis active or passive transport mechanisms? What are the parts of the cell membrane? Energy for Life How is metabolism defined? How are human life processes linked to the Sun s energy? What is photosynthesis, and how does it work? Know that producers are also called autotrophs, and consumers are called heterotrophs. How are carbohydrates produced in plants? How are carbohydrates stored in plants? What must happen to food molecules for respiration to take place? What are the differences between respiration and fermentation? Why are fermentation, respiration, and photosynthesis related? Describe the function of a selectively permeable membrane. Explain how the processes of diffusion and osmosis move molecules in living cells. Explain how passive and active transport differ. List the differences between producers and consumers. Explain how the process of photosynthesis and respiration store and release energy. Describe how cells get energy from glucose through the process of fermentation. assessment, mini lab, diffusion lab, moving cellular materials reading assessment, O 2 & photosynthesis lab. Chapter assessment including standardized test prep.

5 November Cell Reproduction Standard(s): 1, 3.3, 3.4. Cell division and mitosis Why is cell division important? What is the cell cycle? What are examples of lengths of cell cycles? Describe interphase. Which phase formally marks the beginning of mitosis? Which phase formally marks the end of mitosis? What are the steps in mitosis? What happens in prophase? What happens in metaphase? What happens in anaphase? What happens in telophase? When does cell division occur? Describe the results of mitosis. What is asexual reproduction? Describe cellular and budding asexual reproduction. How do some animals regenerate body parts? Explain why mitosis is important? Examine the steps of mitosis. Compare mitosis in plant and animal cells. List two examples of asexual reproduction. assessments, mini lab, mitosis in plant cells activity, modeling cell division in early development lab activity, cell division and mitosis reading essentials activity. Sexual reproduction and meiosis What is meant by sexual reproduction? What is fertilization? What is a zygote? What is meant by haploid and diploid cells how are the different? What is the purpose of meiosis? What happens in meiosis 1 and meiosis 2? What is meant by polyploidy plants? What results from mistakes in meiosis? DNA What does DNA stand for? Describe the stages of meiosis and

6 How was DNA discovered? What is the basics structure of DNA? What are the four nitrogen bases of DNA? How is DNA copied? What does DNA store? What does DNA do? What is a gene? Where are genes found? Where are proteins made? What does RNA stand for? In general, what does RNA do? What are the nitrogen bases of RNA? What are the three main kinds of RNA, and what do they do? How are proteins made? How are genes controlled? What is a mutation? What causes mutations? What are the results of mutations? how sex cells are produced. Explain why meiosis is needed for sexual reproduction. Name the cells that are involved in fertilization. Explain how fertilization occurs in sexual reproduction. Identify the parts of a DNA molecule. Explain how DNA copies itself. Describe the structure and function of each kind of RNA. Be able to describe how DNA is copied, and how RNA is used to make proteins. assessment, problem-solving activity, examining models of chromosomes lab activity, sexual reproduction and meiosis reading assessment, mini lab, DNA reading Chapter assessment with standardized test prep. December Heredity Standard(s): 1, 3.3, 3.4, 5, 6 Genetics What does heredity mean? What is the distinction between genes and alleles? In what way can a sex cell control an allele? What was Mendel s contribution to genetics? What is meant by the term hybrid? What are dominant and recessive factors? What is a punnett square? What is a punnett square used for? How is a punnett square used? What are genotypes and phenotypes? What are homozygous and Explain how traits are inherited. Identify Mendal s role in the history of genetics. Use a punnett square to predict the results of crosses. Compare and contrast the difference between an individual s genotype and phenotype. assessment, mini lab, math skills activity, predicting results activity, genetics reading

7 heterozygous alleles? What are Mendel s three principles of heredity? Genetics since Mendel What is meant by incomplete dominance? What is the relationship between multiple alleles and expression of traits? What is meant by the term polygenic inheritance? What are genetic mutations? What are some causes of genetic mutations? Describe recessive genetic disorders. What is the sex of offspring determined? What is the cause of sex-linked genetic disorders? What is a pedigree? How is a pedigree traced? How are pedigrees used? Advances in genetics Why is genetics important? The word, gene, is very common, but what does it really mean? Genetic engineering means what? What is genetic engineering used for? What is recombinant DNA how does it work? What is gene therapy how does it work? What are the pros and cons of genetically engineered plants? Explain how traits are inherited by incomplete dominance. Compare multiple alleles and polygenic inheritance, and give examples of each. Describe two human genetic disorders and how they are inherited. Explain how sex linked traits are passed to offspring. Evaluate the importance of advances in genetics. Sequence the steps in making genetically engineered organisms. Vocabulary, worksheets, mini lab, genetic traits lab activity, genetics since Mendel reading essentials activity. assessment, test for color blindness activity, 50:50 chances lab activity, biotechnology reading essentials activity. Chapter assessment including standardized test prep.

8 January Adaptations over time Standard(s): 1, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 5, 6 (Section one only) Ideas about evolution What is meant by the term species? What is evolution? Explain the theory of acquired characteristics. What was wrong with this theory? What is the significance of competition for survival? What are the four principles of natural selection? What is a variation? What is an adaptation? How do changes in the sources of genes affect variation and adaptation? How does geographic isolation affect variation and adaptation? What are gradualism and today s theory of punctuated equilibrium? How do they differ? Describe Lamarck s theory of acquired characteristics and Darwin s theory of evolution. Identify why variations in organisms are important. Compare and contrast gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. assessment, problem solving activity, mini lab, modeling geographic isolation lab activity, ideas about evolution reading (recommend constructing a teachermade mini test for this section). See above See above Bacteria Standard(s): 1, 3.3, 5, 6 What are bacteria? Where do bacteria live? Outline the structure of bacteria in general. What are some special features of some bacteria? How do bacteria reproduce? How do bacteria obtain food? What are aerobes and anaerobes? What are eubacteria? What are cyanobacteria? What are the differences between Identify the characteristics of bacterial cells. Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic organisms. assessment, mini lab, shapes of bacteria lab, what are bacteria reading

9 producer and consumer bacteria. What are archaebacteria? What types of archaebacteria are there? Bacteria in your life What are examples of beneficial bacteria? What are antibiotics? Describe saprophyte. What is meant by nitrogen-fixing bacteria? Describe bioremediation. How is bacteria use in food? What is a pathogen? How do pathogens make people sick? What are endospores? What is pasteurization and how does it work? Protists and fungi Standard(s): 1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 6 Identify some ways that bacteria are beneficial. Determine the importance of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Explain how some kinds of bacteria can cause human diseases. assessment, mini lab, problem solving activity, bacteria growth lab activity, (possibly the composting activity if time allows), bacteria in your life reading Chapter assessment including standardized test prep. Chapter assessment with standardized test prep. See above Protists How do protests reproduce? How are protests classified? What are the characteristics of plantlike, animal-like, and fungus-like protests? What is meant by the word algae? What is a main feature of diatoms? To what does the word dinoflagellate refer? To what does the word euglenoid refer? What are the characteristics of green and brown algae? Describe the characteristics shared by all protests. Compare and contrast the three groups of protests. List examples of each of the three protist groups. Explain why protests are so difficult to classify. assessment, mini lab, problem solving activity, molds lab activity, comparing algae and protozoans activity.

10 What is the importance of algae? What is meant by the term protozoans? Describe ciliates. Describe flagellates. What are the characteristics of pseudopods? What things make protozoans important? What are the characteristics of slime molds? How do water molds and downy mildews differ from slime molds? Why are fungus-like protests important? February Fungi What are fungi? How did fungi originate? What is the basic structure of fungi? What are some other characteristics of fungi? How do fungi reproduce? Describe club fungi, and give examples. Describe sac fungi, and give examples. Describe zygote fungi, and give examples. What are sporangium, basidium, and ascus? What is budding? Why is penicillium hard to classify? What are the characteristics of lichens? What is the importance of lichens? What are mycorrhizae, and why are they important to plants? In what ways are fungi important to agriculture, health and medicine, and as decomposers? Plants Standard(s): 1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 5, 6 Identify the characteristics shared by all fungi. Classify fungi into groups based on their methods of reproduction. Differentiate between the imperfect fungi and all other fungi. assessment, mini lab. assessment, mini lab, yeast lab activity. Chapter assessment with standardized test prep.

11 Overview of plants What are the general characteristics of plants & plant cells? In what ways are plants and green algae alike? What are the adaptations that plants have made to survive on land? How are plants classified? What are the differences between vascular and nonvascular plants? Identify characteristics common to all plants. Explain which plant adaptations make it possible for plants to survive on land. Compare and contrast vascular and nonvascular plants. assessment, root structure and function lab activity, overview of plants reading Seedless plants What are the three classes of seedless nonvascular plants? What are some examples of seedless nonvascular plants? Why are seedless nonvascular plants important to the environment? What is meant by the term pioneering species? What are the three classes of seedless vascular plants? What are some examples of seedless vascular plants? Why are seedless vascular plants important to the environment? Seed plants What are the general characteristics of seed plants? What are the differences between gymnosperms and angiosperms? Be able to draw the structure of a leaf that is adapted to photosynthesis. Be able to describe the structure of vascular tissue. What are the differences between monocots and dicots? Distinguish between characteristics of seedless vascular and nonvascular plants. Identify the importance of seedless vascular and nonvascular plants. Identify the characteristics of seed plants. Explain the structures and functions of roots, stems, and leaves. Describe the main characteristics and importance of gymnosperms and angiosperms. assessment, mini lab, problem solving activity, root structure and function lab activity. Vocabulary, worksheets, mini lab, identifying conifers activity, parts of a fruit lab activity, seed plants reading Chapter assessment with standardized test prep.

12 Why are seed plants important? What are some products that come from seed plants? March Plant reproduction Standard(s): 1, 3.1, 6 Intro to plant reproduction Describe asexual and sexual reproduction, their similarities, and their differences. Describe the two stages of the plant life cycle. Distinguish between the two types of plant reproduction. Describe the two stages of the plant life cycle. assessment, mini lab, introduction to plant reproduction reading essentials activity. Seedless [plant] reproduction Why are spores important? Describe the moss life cycle. Describe asexual reproduction of nonvascular plants. Describe the fern life cycle. Seed [plant] reproduction What is pollen, and how does pollination take place. What are the 3 parts of a seed, and what are their functions? (Note: plant photosynthesis and respiration have already been covered in sufficient detail) Examine the life cycles of moss and ferns. Explain why spores are important to seedless plants. Identify the special structures used by ferns for reproduction. Examine the life cycles of typical gymnosperms and angiosperms. Describe the structures and functions that make up a flower. Discuss methods of seed dispersal in seed plants. assessment, seedless plant reproduction reading assessment, mini lab, math skills activity, germination of seeds activity, parts of fruit lab activity. Chapter assessment with standardized test prep. April Introduction to animals Standard(s): 1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 6 (this chapter will sample various topics) Is it an animal? What are the six characteristics of animals? Identify the characteristics common to most animals. Determine how animals meet their Vocabulary, Worksheets, mini lab, section assessment (include sponges and cnidarians, flatworms and

13 What are herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores? What are some physical adaptations? What are some predator adaptations? What are some behavioral adaptations? What are radial and bilateral symmetry? What is meant by vertebrates? needs. Distinguish between invertebrates and vertebrates. roundworms reading essentials activities to provide some knowledge of these creatures). Arthropods What are the characteristics of arthropods? What are the major parts and their functions of insects? What is the life cycle of a grasshopper and a fly? What are three feeding adaptations of different insects? How do arachnids and insects differ? How do centipedes and millipedes differ from arachnids? What are some examples of crustaceans? Why are arthropods considered to be valuable? defend your answer. Determine the characteristics that are used to classify arthropods. Explain how the structure of the exoskeleton relates to its function. Distinguish between complete and incomplete metamorphosis. assessment, mini lab, characteristics of some arthropods lab (include arthropods reading essentials activity). Fish A spine makes a fish what kind of animal? What other characteristics do fish have? How do fish exchange gases? Describe general fish body systems. In what ways do fish reproduce? Describe the three general types of fish. Why are fish important? List the characteristics of the three classes of fish. Explain how fish obtain oxygen, and reproduce. Describe the importance of fish. assessment, math skills activity (include fish reading essentials activity) Amphibians In terms of respiration, circulation, reproduction, and development, what are the characteristics of amphibians? Describe the adaptations amphibians have for living in the water and on land. assessment, mini lab, frog anatomy lab (include amphibians reading essentials

14 What are the distinguishing characteristics of frogs and toads? What are the distinguishing characteristics of salamanders? List the kinds of amphibians and the characteristics of each. Explain how amphibians reproduce and develop. activity). Include all applicable questions from chapter assessments. Why are amphibians considered to be important? Teacher-made chapter test. May Reptiles What is an ectotherm? How do reptiles breath? What kind of heart do most reptiles have? What are the advantages of this kind of heart? Crocodiles have what kind of heart? What is the advantage of this kind of heart? What is the significance of a crocodile heart for humans? What is an amniotic egg? What are the parts of an amniotic egg? Why is an amniotic important for reptiles? In an amniotic egg, how is oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged? What are the characteristics of snakes, turtles, crocodiles, and alligators? Why are reptiles considered to be important? How do scientists think reptiles originated? List the characteristics of reptiles. Determine how reptile adaptations enable them to live on land. Explain the importance of the amniotic egg. assessment (include reptiles reading essentials activity). Develop a mini teacher-made mini-test for reptiles. Birds What are endotherms? What are the similarities and differences between bird and reptile eggs? What are the adaptations birds has for flight? Why are bird bones hollow? (Start a new chapter here) Identify the characteristics of birds. Identify the adaptations of birds for flight. Explain how birds reproduce and develop. assessment, mini lab, owl pellet lab activity, observing hair and feathers lab activity (include birds reading essentials activity).

15 What are the differences between down and contour feathers? Why do birds preen? How is lift generated by bird wings? Describe general bird digestion. Describe general bird respiration. Why so birds have air sacs? Fish have air sacs; so, what is another reason a bird might have air sacs? (hint: bird density) Why are birds considered to be important? Mammals Define mammal. What are the characteristics of mammals? Describe the body systems of mammals. What are the similarities and differences among monotreme, marsupial, and placental animals? Why are mammals of all sorts considered to be important? Identify the characteristics of mammals and explain how they have enabled mammals to adapt to different environments. Distinguish among monotremes, marsupials, and placentals. Explain why many species of mammals are becoming threatened of endangered. assessment, mini lab, problem solving activity, mammal foot print activity. Chapter assessment including standardized test prep. (have a nice summer)

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