Paul E. Nyren, Qingwu Xue, Ezra Aberle, Gordon Bradbury, Eric Eriksmoen, Mark

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1 Composition n Proution of Prnnil Grsss for Bioful Proution in Cntrl n Wstrn North Dkot Pul E. Nyrn, Qingwu Xu, Ezr Arl, Goron Brury, Eri Eriksmon, Mrk Hlvorson, Kris Nihols, Mrk Liig, Rik Bohn, Ann Nyrn, n Bo Ptton North Dkot Stt Univ. (NDSU), Mnn, ND; NDSU Rsrh Extnsion Cntrs t Strtr, Crrington, Williston, Httingr, n Minot, USDAARS, Mnn, ND Th Northrn Grt Plins hs n intifi s n importnt r for iomss proution. In prtiulr, North Dkot is rnk first in th ntion in potntil for prouing prnnil grsss n othr it ioful rops. W ith out thr million rs of CRP ln n ovr svn million rs of highly roil ln, th stt hs grt potntil for liqui ioful proution from iomss rops. Bor th grt potntil for ioful proution n rliz, qustions still rmin for vloping mngmnt prtis for ioful rops, suh s pproprit spis in rtin rs, iomss yil potntil n qulity, n hrvsting mthos. To nswr ths qustions, stuy ws initit in 2006 to vlut tn ool n wrm sson grsss n mixturs ross ntrl n wstrn North Dkot. A tnyr fil stuy ws initit in 2006 to vlut tn ntris of prnnil grsss n mixturs in two hrvst snrios (nnul n innil). Th xprimntl sign ws rnomiz omplt lok sign with four rplitions. Th plots wr s t fiv NDSU Rsrh Extnsion Cntrs ross ntrl n wstrn North Dkot. Among th fiv lotions, long trm growing sson pripittion vris from 12.5 inhs t W illiston to 17 inhs t Crrington. Howvr, th vrition of mn tmprtur is smll ross lotions from wst to st. At th W illiston lotion, th plots wr s n mng unr oth ryln n irrigt onitions. Th plots t th othr four lotions wr mng unr ryln onition. In totl, th grsss/mixturs wr grown in six nvironmnts. Biom ss Com position Chmil omposition of iomss fstok is n importnt ftor ffting fiiny of ioful proution n nrgy outputs. Currntly, thr r thr mjor thnologis for gnrting nrgy from iomss: thnol proution from frmnttion, irt omustion, n thrmohmil onvrsion y gsifition or pyrolysis to prou syngs n liqui fuls. For thnol proution, iomss of il omposition woul ontin high onntrtion of llulos n hmillulos, n low onntrtion of lignin, whil for omustion, n il iomss woul hv lowr sh ontnt. Th smpls for hmil omposition nlysis wr from plots hrvst in th fll of Aftr iomss yil trmintion, th smpls wr groun through 1 mm srn. Nutrl trgnt fir (NDF), i trgnt fir (ADF), n i trgnt lignin (ADL) ontnts wr trmin using n ANKOM 200 Fir

2 Anlyzr (ANKOM Thnology Corp., Firport, NY). Hmillulos (HCE) n llulos (CE) ontnts wr trmin y sutrting th vlus of ADF from NDF, n ADL from ADF, rsptivly. Th smpl moistur lvl ws msur ftr ovn rying t 216o F for 12 hours. Ash ontnt ws trmin y omustion of smpls in muffl furn t 930 o F for 12 hours. Qingwu Xu (lt) n Pul Nyrn hrvsting iom ss plots t CGREC in Among th fiv lotions in six nvironmnts, smpls from th Httingr n W illiston ryln sits h highr NDF n ADF thn thos in othr nvironmnts, n thos in Minot h th lowst (Tl 1). Howvr, thr ws no lr trn in ADL, HCE, CE n sh ontnt mong nvironmnts, initing tht ftors othr thn pripittion fft iomss hmil omposition. In gnrl, smpls from W illiston n Strtr h highr ADL. Smpls from Minot n Strtr h lowr HCE ut highr sh ontnt thn othr nvironmnts. At th W illiston lotion, irt omprisons of iomss omposition n m twn th ryln n irrigt plots. Avrg ovr spis n mixturs, smpls unr ryln h highr NDF, ADL n HCE ut lowr CE thn thos unr irrigt onitions (Tl 1). 2

3 Ovrll, tll whtgrss n its mixturs h suprior qulity to othr spis for thnol proution s rsult of high llulos n low ADL. For irt omustion, tll whtgrss lso sm ttr thn othr spis us of low sh ontnt. Tl 1. Efft of nvironmnt on iomss hmil omposition of prnnil grsss hrvst in Lotions NDF ADF ADL HCE CE Ash g/kg Httingr Willistonryln Willistonirrigt Strtr Minot Crrington Mn LSD (0.05) NDF: Nutrl trgnt fir; ADF: Ai trgnt fir; ADL: Ai trgnt lignin; HCE: Hmillulos (NDFADF); CE: Cllulos (ADFADL). Annul Proution r Th iomss plots wr hrvst th 3 wk of Sptmr. W gin us th slfpropll hrvstr from th USDAARS, Mnn. Th hrvst strt in Httingr with th plots tht wr rs in Th highst yiling plots wr th CRP mix with lflf n swtlovr with n vrg of 1.68 tons/r (Tl 2). Th plots tht ontin Trillzr n Sunurst swithgrss onsist mostly of grsss othr thn swithgrss. Non of th yils t th Httingr sit wr signifintly iffrnt t th 0.05 lvl. Yils t Minot wr own from th two prvious yrs. Sunurst swithgrss/tll whtgrss h th st proution with 3.25 tons/r own from 4.09 tons/r in 2008 n 4.58 tons/r in Non of th yils t Minot in 2009 wr signifintly iffrnt t th 0.05 lvl. Sunurst swithgrss/tll whtgrss hs th highst thryr vrg yil with 3.97 tons/r. W hil th swithgrss portion of ths plots look ttr in 2009 ovr 50 prnt of th proution in ths plots ws u to th tll whtgrss omponnt (Tl 2). For th son yr in row Sunurst swithgrss ws th highst prour in th Crrington plots with yil of 4.91 tons/r whih ws signifintly highr thn ll othr ntris xpt swithgrss/alti wilry plots with 4.43 tons/r. All th plots t Crrington yil ovr 3 tons/r n wr th st yiling ryln plots 3

4 Hrvsting ioful plots t CGREC, Strtr. Ppr gs ontin susm pls us for m oistur trm intion n qulity nlysis. in th stuy. Th st thryr vrg yil in th stuy t Crrington ws th Sunurst swithgrss plots with 5.14 tons/r (Tl 2). Intrmit whtgrss ws th highst yiling spis t th Strtr sit in 2009 with totl yil of 3.31 tons/r. At this sit th swithgrss mixturs wr nrly 100 prnt spis othr thn swithgrss. Th plots with only swithgrss wr rs in 2008 n grmintion ws ttr tht in 2006 ut thr is still n unn of qukgrss n romgrss in ths plots. In th thryr vrgs t Strtr, Sunurst/tll whtgrss plots h th highst yils, ut gin ths plots mostly onsist of tll whtgrss. This ws follow losly y Alkr tll whtgrss lon, th CRP grss mix n Hymkr intrmit whtgrss, ll of whih wr not signifintly iffrnt (Tl 2). Th ryln plots t W illiston wr hrvst for th thir yr in Thy prou vn lss thn th plots t Httingr with top yil of 1.27 tons/r for intrmit whtgrss follow losly y th CRP grss mix, n Alkr tll whtgrss lon, t 1.05 tons/r. Intrmit whtgrss hs n th top yiling spis h of th thr yrs of th stuy with thryr vrg of 1.09 tons/r (Tl 3). Agin in 2009 th irrigt plots t W illiston h th highst yils with Sunurst swithgrss yiling 5.76 tons/r. This ws follow losly y Sunurst swithgrss/alti wilry mix t 5.72 tons/r n Sunurst swithgrss/ig lustm mix with 5.02 tons/r, non of whih wr sttistilly iffrnt from h othr. Sunurst swithgrss lon lso h th highst thryr vrg with 6.29 tons/r follow losly y Sunurst swithgrss/alti wilry mix t 5.75 tons/r (Tl 3). Binnil Proution Th iomss stuy hs two sts of plots plnt with h spis n spis mix. On st of plots is hrvst nnully whil th othr st is hrvst vry othr yr (innil hrvst). Th innil plots wr not hrvst in 2008 so th hrvst in 2009 ontin th rmining proution from 2008 s wll s tht of Sin th plots t Httingr wr s in 2008 thr ws no innil hrvst t from ths plots. At ll lotions xpt Httingr th innil plots wr hrvst th first yr (2007) n gin in Ths t wr ompr 4

5 with th thr hrvsts of th nnul plots. Th two hrvsts of th innil plots wr togthr n thn ivi y thr to mk th yils omprl with th thryr nnul hrvst. Tl 2 n Tl 3 shows th proution t for th innil plots. W ith th xption of th Sunurst swithgrss plots t Minot ll innil plots yil lss ovr th thr yrs thn i th nnul plots. Th lowr yils of th innil hrvst vri onsirly y lotion. Th Crrington innil plots yil 30.3 prnt lss thn i th nnul hrvst with ll th plots showing signifintly lss proution whil th plots t Minot sw 15.4 prnt lowr yil. Th othr sits h 1920 prnt lss proution on th innil plots vrsus th nnully hrvst plots. Th vriility in th mount of yil on th innil plots is hr to xplin. Both Bsin n Alti wilry r known to stn rt uring th wintr n th sits t Minot n W illiston irrigt i hv highr proution thn othr sits whr th plots ontin poor stn of th wilrys. Th qustion tht rs furthr invstigtion is wht is th onomi vntg of innil hrvst ovr n nnul on? Thr woul th ovious hrvst ost svings ut woul this offst th loss in totl yil? In lrg fil sitution th stning rop in th yr with no hrvst might trp nough snow to i in th proution th following yr. Thr rtinly woul n vntg to upln nsting gm irs n thr might som onomi rturns from hunting, t. Th hrvst mtho might hv som impt on ths numrs. W us mhin whih hrvst th stning rop lik swthr. If w h us mowr n rk w might hv ptur mor of th littr from th groun inrsing th yil of th innil plots. This stuy will ontinu through

6 Tl 2. Forg proution (tons/) on nonirrigt nnul n innil hrvst systms of slt spis t h lotion, Bol numrs in h olumn show th top prouing spis t h lotion h yr. Annul Binnil Annul Hrvst Binnil Hrvst 3YrAvg 3YrAvg Prnt Lotion n Spis Diffrn Crrington Alkr Tll Whtgrss CRP Mix (Intrmit & Tll Whtgrss) CRP Mix (Whtgrsss +Alflf+Swtlovr) Hymkr Intrmit Whtgrss Mgnr Bsin + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss Sunurst Swithgrss + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss + Sunnyviw Big Blustm Sunurst Swithgrss + Tll Whtgrss Trillzr Swithgrss Httingr 3 Alkr Tll Whtgrss CRP Mix (Intrmit & Tll Whtgrss) CRP Mix (Whtgrsss +Alflf+Swtlovr) Hymkr Intrmit Whtgrss Mgnr Bsin + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss Sunurst Swithgrss + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss + Sunnyviw Big Blustm Sunurst Swithgrss + Tll Whtgrss Trillzr Swithgrss Minot Alkr Tll Whtgrss CRP Mix (Intrmit & Tll Whtgrss) CRP Mix (Whtgrsss +Alflf+Swtlovr) Dkot Swithgrss Hymkr Intrmit Whtgrss Mgnr Bsin + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss Sunurst Swithgrss + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss + Sunnyviw Big Blustm Sunurst Swithgrss + Tll Whtgrss Strtr Alkr Tll Whtgrss CRP Mix (Intrmit & Tll Whtgrss) CRP Mix (Whtgrsss +Alflf+Swtlovr) Hymkr Intrmit Whtgrss Mgnr Bsin + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss Sunurst Swithgrss + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss + Sunnyviw Big Blustm Sunurst Swithgrss + Tll Whtgrss Trillzr Swithgrss Numrs in th sm olumn follow y th sm lttr r not signifintly iffrnt (p 0.05). nots signifint iffrn in proution twn nnul n innil hrvsts. Th Httingr sit ws rplnt in f f f

7 Tl 3. Forg proution (tons/) on ryln irrigt nnul n innil hrvst systms of slt spis t Williston Rsrh Extnsion Cntr Bol numrs in h olumn show th top prouing spis t h lotion h yr. Annul Binnil Lotion n Spis Annul Hrvst Binnil Hrvst 3YrAvg 3YrAvg Prnt Diffrn Williston ryln Alkr Tll Whtgrss CRP Mix (Intrmit & Tll Whtgrss) CRP Mix (Whtgrsss +Alflf+Swtlovr) Dkot Swithgrss Hymkr Intrmit Whtgrss Mgnr Bsin + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss Sunurst Swithgrss + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss + Sunnyviw Big Blustm Sunurst Swithgrss + Tll Whtgrss Willistonirrigt Alkr Tll Whtgrss CRP Mix (Intrmit & Tll Whtgrss) CRP Mix (Whtgrsss +Alflf+Swtlovr) Dkot Swithgrss Hymkr Intrmit Whtgrss Mgnr Bsin + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss Sunurst Swithgrss + Mustng Alti Wilry Sunurst Swithgrss + Sunnyviw Big Blustm Sunurst Swithgrss + Tll Whtgrss Numrs in th sm olumn follow y th sm lttr r not signifintly iffrnt (p 0.05). nots signifint iffrn in proution twn nnul n innil hrvsts f

8 Aknowlgmnts This rsrh is support in prt y grnts from: ND Nturl Rsours Trust ND Gm & Fish Dprtmnt ND Frmrs Union, Jmstown/Stutsmn Dvlopmnt Corportion Nturl Rsours Consrvtion Srvi (NRCS) ND Commr Dprtmnt, Dkot Priri RC&D Dkot W st RC&D, Duks Unlimit USDA Rnwl Enrgy & Prouts ND Ag Prouts Utiliztion Commission. 8

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