Drought inhibition of chlorophyll content among seven Amaranthus species.

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1 Interntionl Journl of AvneReserh in Siene, Engineering n Tehnology Vol. 3, Issue 2, Ferury 2016 Drought inhiition of hlorophyll ontent mong seven Amrnthus speies. 1 O. M. Jomo, 2 G.W. Netono, 3 D. M. Musyimi 1 P. G stuent Deprtment of Botny, Shool of Physil n Biologil Sienes, Mseno University, Keny. 2 Professor Deprtment of Botny, Shool of Physil n Biologil Sienes, Mseno University, Keny. 3 Senior Leturer, Deprtment of Botny, Shool of Physil n Biologil Sienes, Mseno University, Keny. ABSTRACT Drought s result of soil wter efiit stress estroys hlorophyll ontent n further inhiits its synthesis in plnts. Limittions to wter resulting in soil wter efiit, my e onsequene of ifferent hlorophyll ontents in plnts. In ri n semi-ri res, wter shortge is eoming n inresing prolem euse of the unrelile n limite rinfll n it signifintly ontriutes to foo shortge espeilly in Keny. Amrnth speies re mong the most populr n wiely onsumemironutrient rih lefy vegetles in Keny; yet, informtion regring rought inhiition of their hlorophyll ontent is lking whih is representtive of their nutritionl vlue. This reserh ws therefore esigne to evlute the reution of the seven wiely ultivte mrnth speies in Keny:- Amrnthus litum (L), Amrnthus retroflexus (L), Amrnthus Spinosus (L), Amrnthus lus (L), Amrnthus ruentus (L), Amrnthus hypohonrius (L) n Amrnthus triolor(l). to soil wter efiit in reltion to hlorophyll ontents. The experiment ws rrie out t Keny Agriulturl n Livestok Reserh Orgnistion, Kisii Centre. The experiment ws li out s ompletely rnomize esign, onsisting of four tretments, seven speies n three replitions. The tretments were: 100%, 75%, 50% n 25% ville wter pity. Chlorophyll ontent ws etermine through extrtion n sorne of hlorophyll solution re spetrophotometrilly. Dt ws sujete to nlysis of vrine n seprtion of mens using the Lest Signifint Differene t 5% level. Results showe tht the seven speies of mrnth were signifintly (p 0.05) ffete y soil wter efiit. Chlorophylls, n totl hlorophyll lso showe generl erese with inresing soil wter efiit. From the results otine, it n e onlue tht mong the seven speies of mrnthus evlute, A lus, ws rnke to e more tolernt to soil wter efiit n therefore n e reommene to e grown in wter efiient regions followe y A. hypohonrius, A. ruentus, A. retroflexus, A. litum, A. spinosus, n A. triolor respetively. The results of this stuy n lso e use to reommen etter mngement plnt strtegies to rought, s it onsiere the effets of rought on the hlorophyll ontents. KEYWORDS : Drought, mrnth, hlorophyll ontent. I. INTRODUCTION Plnt wter efiit evelops when the evportive emn of the tmosphere upon the leves exees the pity of the roots to extrt wter from the soil. Jomo, (2013) further note tht the strin of rought is evelope when rop emn for wter is not met y the supply n plnt wter sttus is reue. Sullivn n Ross (1979), n Mitr (2001) stte tht rought stress tolerne is omplex hrteristi n it is iffiult to ssess speies tht re resistnt to rought stress, sine their expressions epen on the tion n intertion of not only morphologil n physiologil hrteristis ut lso on the iohemil ontents suh s hlorophyll. However informtion regring mrnth hlorophyll ontents is onspiuously lking yet it oul help in ientifying their tolerne to rought stress n their photosyntheti pity uring rought onitions. There is nee therefore to investigte rought inhiition of hlorophyll ontents of the promising mrnth speies, euse wter-stress tolernt vegetles will ensure onstnt foo supply n proper use of wter, whih in omprison with foo rops, hve een ientifie to oupy n importnt ple s they provie Copyright to IJARSET

2 Interntionl Journl of AvneReserh in Siene, Engineering n Tehnology Vol. 3, Issue 2, Ferury 2016 equte mounts of rue fier, rotene, preursor of vitmin A, vitmin C, rioflvin, foli i n minerl slts like lium, iron, phosphorous, mong others (Shippers, 2000), ll of whih re elements of hlorophyll ontent. Reports y Znellet l. (2004) reporte tht in Jk en plnt, hlorophyll, n totl hlorophyll ontents reue in some speies while remining unhnge in others uring wter efiit stress. It is not known whether suh ehviour ours mong the seven mrnth speies ommonly ultivte n if it ours, its implition is not ler euse n inrese in wter efiit might not merely le to plnt tissue ehyrtion, ut lso to n inrese in oxitive stress n susequent eteriortion in hloroplst struture hene n ssoite loss of hlorophyll n rgument prtilly supporte y Jfr et l. (2004). A. Wter efiit on hlorophyll ontent Aoring to Moveni et l. (2011) wter efiit onitions use reutions in hlorophyll ontent in whet vrieties. Similr oservtions were lso me y Alirez et l. (2011) in Mtriri hmomill L. meiinl plnt. Stuies y Rnll et l. (1977) on the onsequene of rought stress on the orgniztion of hlorophyll into photosyntheti units n on the hlorophyll-protein omposition of mesophyll n unle sheth hloroplst of Ze mys foun out tht most of the hlorophyll lost in response to wter efiit ours in the mesophyll ells with lesser mount eing lost from the unle sheth ells. All of the hlorophyll loss n e ounte for y reution on the lmellr ontent of the light hrvesting hlorophyll / protein (Rnll et l., 1977). Stuies y Kur- Hott et l. (1987) on rie seelings showe tht hlorophyll ontent of leves ereses uring senesene suggesting tht the loss of hlorophyll is min use of intivtion of photosynthesis. Potto leves hve lso showe signifint eline in hlorophyll ontent with inresing wter efiit (Nler n Bruvi, 1998). Furthermore, wter efiit inue reution in hlorophyll ontent whih hs een srie to loss of hloroplst memrne, exessive swelling, istortion of the lmelle vesiultion n the pperne of lipi roplets (Kiser et l., 1981). Aoring to Levitt (1980), hlorophyll ontent in plnts often ereses with inrese mesophyll resistne ommonly oserve in wter efiient regions. Chlorophylls n re prone to soil wter efiit (Frooq et l., 2009),while rought stress proues hnges in the rtio of hlorophylls n (Anjum et l., 2011). Mnivnnn et l. (2007) reporte lrge eline in the hlorophylls, n totl hlorophyll ontent in ifferent sunflower vrieties use y soil wter efiit, on the other hn Shmshi (2010) while working on whet ultivrs reporte tht rought stress reue onentrtions of hlorophyll more thn hlorophyll. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Stuy site The experiment ws set up in glsshouse t Keny Agriulturl n Livestok Reserh Orgnistion (KALRO), Kisii Centre. The reserh site ws t n ltitue of etween 1570 n 2015m.s.l. Geogrphilly, the region flls within the ltitue rnge 0, 30 S n 0, 58 S n longitue 34, 38 n 34 Est. The soils re minly lom soils lssifie s pheozems, eing well-rine, eep reish rown ly with ph rnging etween 4.6 n 5.4 (FAO/UNESCO, 1974). The men nnul y temperture ws 20 o C with the verge mximum ily temperture not exeeing 31 o C n the verge minimum night temperture not ropping elow 15 o C. B. Soil moisture ontent etermintion Soil moisture ontent ws etermine grvimetrilly, wherey smples were soope from the topsoil, 10 m from the top using n uger, from eh pot etween m n m. During soil extrtion re ws tken to minimize root estrution. The soope smples were immeitely ple in polythene tues (non-perforte) to voi ny moisture loss. The fresh weights (W 1 ) were tken using n eletroni weighing lne. Smples were then rie in n oven for 48 hours t 72 0 C n the ry weight (W 2 ) otine. The mesurements were one t every 13 th y fter initition of tretments n the verge vlues otine. The perentge wter ontent (W) ws lulte oring to Nguyen et l. (2013). Copyright to IJARSET

3 Interntionl Journl of AvneReserh in Siene, Engineering n Tehnology Vol. 3, Issue 2, Ferury 2016 Where; W1 W2 W = fresh weight = ry weight = perentge soil moisture ontent The tretments were: 100% ville wter pity (no wter stress/ontrol), 75% ville wter pity (slight), 50% ville wter pity (moerte) n 25% ville wter pity (low), oring to (Vnsshe n Lker 1989 n Neluheni et l.,2007), where 25% ws the lowest wter level pplie for plnt survivl. The etermintion of fiel pity ws one grvimetrilly. The upper limit of fiel pity ws etermine y wtering soil thoroughly to ringe n then llowe to rin for hours then soil smples were ollete t 10 m. The soope smples were immeitely ple in polythene tues (non-perforte) to voi ny moisture loss. The fresh weights (W 1 ) were tken using n eletroni weighing lne. Smples were then rie in n oven for 48 hours t 72 o C n the ry weight (W1) otine, n the perentge wter ontent (W) ws lulte s shown in eqution (1). The lower limit for plnt wter extrtion (permnent wilting point) ws etermine y growing plnts to flowering without limiting wter intke, fter whih wter intke ws limite y stopping irrigtion until permnent wilting ws hieve. The perentge wter ontent y mss ws lulte t the permnent wilting point. The levels of moisture efiit imposition for eh tretment in terms of perentge were lulte oring to Nguyen et l. (2013). AWC=FC-WP...eqn 2. Where; AWC = ville wter ontent WP = wilting point FC = fiel pity T1 = tretments Before inititing tretments plnts were irrigte with norml tp wter using hn sprinkler to full sturtion for two weeks in orer to improve root evelopment (Imn et l., 2010). After whih 500 ml of wter ws pplie to eh pot n this ws le to wet the soil to full sturtion. C. Chlorophyll ontent etermintion Chlorophyll ontent ws etermine using methos of Arnon (1949) n Cooms et l. (1987) s esrie y Jomo (2014). The 4 th youngest fully expne ompoun lef ws rnomly smple from ll tretments. In the lortory 0.5g of the fresh lef tissue ws mesure n ut into smll piees into speimen ottle. 10ml of 80% etone ws e n the set up kept in the rk for 7 ys for hlorophyll to e extrte y the etone. 1ml of the filtere extrt ws ilute with 20ml of 80% etone n sorne of the hlorophyll solution mesure using spetrophotometer t 645 n 663 nm to etermine the ontent of hlorophyll n n the totl hlorophyll of the lef tissue. The respetive hlorophyll ontent in milligrm of hlorophyll per grm of lef ollete ws lulte using the formul of Arnon (1949) s follows, mg hl / g lef tissue =12.7 (D663)-2.67 (D645) x V /1000xW mg Chl / g lef tissue =22.9 (D645)-4.68 (D663) x V / 1000xW mg tchl / g lef tissue =20.2 (D645)+8.02 (D663) x V / 1000xW Where; D= sorne mesure t wvelengths 645nm n 663nm. Copyright to IJARSET

4 Interntionl Journl of AvneReserh in Siene, Engineering n Tehnology Vol. 3, Issue 2, Ferury 2016 V= volume (ml) of the etone extrt. W= fresh weight (g) of lef tissue from whih the extrt ws me. D. Sttistil nlysis of t Dt were nlyze using the (SAS, 2003) sttistil progrm. Differenes etween soil wter efiit tretments s well s the mrnths speies were teste y two-wy nlysis of vrine (ANOVA). Tretment mens were seprte using Fisher s protete t-test lest signifint ifferene (LSD) test t 5% signifine level (Sneeor n Cohrn, 1980). III. RESULTS Soil wter efiit generlly reue soil moisture ontent of ll the mrnth speies (Tle 1). There ws signifint ifferene in soil moisture ontent (p 0.05) mong ll tretment mens. Amrnth litum, A. retroflexus, A. ruentus n A. triolor were not signifintly ifferent t (p 0.05) in their overll mens, while A. spinosus, A. lus n A. hypohonrius were signifintly ifferent t (p 0.05) in their overll mens. The highest soil moisture ontent ws oserve in 100%, followe y 75%, 50% n 25% (Tle 4.8). A. lus, h the highest soil moisture ontent followe y A.hypohonrius, A.ruentus. A. retroflexus, A. litum, A. spinosus n A.triolor respetively. There ws signifint intertion etween soil wter efiit tretments n mrnth speies (P=0.001). The reution in soil moisture ontent t 25% soil wter efiit ws 44% of the ontrol tretment for Amrnthus litum, 44% for A. retroflexusus, 44% for A. spinosus, 43% for A. triolor, 42% for A. lus, 42% for A. ruentus n 42% for A. hypohonrius. Tle 1: Soil moisture ontent for seven Amrnthus (spp) grown uner four levels of wter pplition; 100% ville wter pity (no wter stress), 75% ville wter pity (slight), 50% ville wter pity (moerte) n 25% ville wter pity (low). Amrnthus (spp) Soil moisture ontent y weight (%) uner four soil wter efiit tretments 100 % 75 % 50 % 25 % Overll speies (Control) men A. litum 29.36± ± ± ± ± A. retroflexus 29.32± ± ± ± ± A. spinosus 29.99± ± ± ± ± A. lus 30.35± ± ± ± ± A. ruentus 30.00± ± ± ± ± A. hypohonrius 29.58± ± ± ± ± A. triolor 29.55± ± ± ± ± Speies rnk Overll tretments 29.7± ± ± ±0.50 men CV (%) LSD (P = 0.05) Speies (S) LSD (P = 0.05) wter level (T) KEY. CV Coeffiient of Vrition LSD Lest Signifint Differene Vlues represent mens of three replites ± SE, in 96 ys perio. Mens with the sme letter re not signifintly ifferent etween the olumns n the rows. Copyright to IJARSET

5 Chlorophyll ontent (mg g-¹ lef tissue) ISSN: Interntionl Journl of AvneReserh in Siene, Engineering n Tehnology Vol. 3, Issue 2, Ferury 2016 A. Chlorophyll Soil wter efiit generlly reue hlorophyll of ll the mrnth speies (Figure 1). There ws signifint ifferene in hlorophyll (p 0.05) mong ll soil wter efiit tretments n mong mrnth speies mens. The highest reution in hlorophyll ws in 25%, followe y 50%, 75% n 100% respetively for the seven speies. A. lus, h the highest hlorophyll followe y A.hypohonrius, A.ruentus. A. retroflexus, A. litum, A. spinosus n A.triolor respetively. There ws no signifint intertion etween soil wter efiit tretments n mrnth speies (P= 1.000). The reution in hlorophyll t 25% soil wter efiit ws 51% of the ontrol tretment for Amrnthus litum, 52% for A. retroflexusus, 50% for A. spinosus, 55% for A. lus, 53% for A. ruentus, 54% for A. hypohonrius n 49% for A. triolor. Chlorophyll S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Soil wter efiit tretments Fig: 1 The men hlorophyll ontent of the seven mrnth speies nmely; S1 A. litum, S2 A. retroflexus, S3 A. spinosus, S4 A. lus, S5 A. ruentus, S6 A. hypohonrius S7 A. triolor, grown uner four soil wter efiit tretments.mens with the sme letter re not signifintly ifferent. B.Chlorophyll Soil wter efiit generlly reue hlorophyll of ll the mrnth speies (Figure 2). There ws signifint ifferene in hlorophyll (p 0.05) mong ll soil wter efiit tretments n mong mrnth speies mens. The highest reution in hlorophyll ws in 25%, followe y 50%, 75% n 100% respetively for the seven speies. A. lus, h the highest hlorophyll followe y A.hypohonrius, A.ruentus. A. retroflexus, A. litum, A. spinosus n A.triolor respetively. There ws no signifint intertion etween soil wter efiit tretments n mrnth speies (P= ). The reution in hlorophyll t 25% soil wter efiit ws 59% of the ontrol tretment for Amrnthus litum, 63% for A. retroflexusus, 58% for A. spinosus, 63% for A. lus, 62% for A. ruentus, 63% for A. hypohonrius n 55% for A. triolor. Copyright to IJARSET

6 Chlorophyll ontent (mg gˉ¹ lef tissue) rophyll ontent (mg gˉ¹ lef tissue) ISSN: Interntionl Journl of AvneReserh in Siene, Engineering n Tehnology Vol. 3, Issue 2, Ferury 2016 Chlorophyll S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Soil wter efiit tretments Fig: 2 The men hlorophyll ontent of the seven mrnth speies nmely; S1 A. litum, S2 A. retroflexus, S3 A. spinosus, S4 A. lus, S5 A. ruentus, S6 A. hypohonrius S7 A. triolor, grown uner four soil wter efiit tretments.mens with the sme letter re not signifintly ifferent. C.Totl hlorophyll ontent Soil wter efiit generlly reue totl hlorophyll ontent of ll the mrnth speies (Figure 3). There ws signifint ifferene in totl hlorophyll (p 0.05) mong ll soil wter efiit tretments n mong mrnth speies mens. The highest reution in totl hlorophyll ontent ws in 25%, followe y 50%, 75% n 100% respetively for the seven speies. A. lus, h the highest totl hlorophyllfollowe y A.hypohonrius, A.ruentus. A. retroflexus, A. litum, A. spinosus n A.triolor respetively. There ws no signifint intertion etween soil wter efiit tretments n mrnth speies (P= ). The reution in totl hlorophyll ontent t 25% soil wter efiit ws 55% of the ontrol tretment for Amrnthus litum, 55% for A. retroflexusus, 53% for A. spinosus, 58% for A. lus, 56% for A. ruentus, 58% for A. hypohonrius n 53% for A. triolor. Totl hlorophyll ontent S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Soil wter efiit tretments Copyright to IJARSET

7 Interntionl Journl of AvneReserh in Siene, Engineering n Tehnology Vol. 3, Issue 2, Ferury 2016 Fig: 3 The men totl hlorophyll ontent of the seven mrnth speies nmely; S1 A. litum, S2 A. retroflexus, S3 A. spinosus, S4 A. lus, S5 A. ruentus, S6 A. hypohonrius S7 A. triolor, grown uner four soil wter efiit tretments.mens with the sme letter re not signifintly ifferent. IV. DISCUSSION A. Soil moisture ontent Soil moisture ontent in mrnth erese with eresing soil wter efiit (tle 1). This is in greement with results of Mrtim et l. (2009), on grpevine n Zho et l., (2010) on Betul Pltyphyll seeling plnt. However soil moisture ontent ws not signifintly ifferent in A. litum, A. retroflexus, A. ruentus, n A.triolor, speies possily euse plnts were pting to their wter efiit environment n n inition tht when wter ws not limiting the speies of mrnth might hve h the sme wter sorption, utiliztion n wter loss in sustining their physiologil proesses. Wheres oring to Thoile, (2010) moisture requirements for plnts iffer with the speies, stge of evelopment n plnt ge, further losses of moisture from the soil my e ttriute to surfe evportion, trnspirtion through the leves n wter sore y the roots (Luvh et l., 2008). The signifint ifferenes in soil moisture ontents imply vritions s result of metolism mong the mrnth speies. B. Chlorophyll ontent Wter efiit use generl reution in hlorophyll,n totl hlorophyll ontent in ll speies s oserve in Figures (1, 2 n 3) respetively. This oul e llue to n inrese wter efiit stress inhiiting hlorophyll synthesis whih is si to our t four onseutive stges: (I) the formtion of 5-minole-vuliniu i (ALA); (II) ALA onenstion into porphoilinogen n primry tetrpyrrol, whih is trnsforme into protohlorophyllie; (III) light-epenent onversion of protohlorophyllie into hlorophyllie; n (IV) synthesis of hlorophylls n long with their inlusion into eveloping pigment protein omplexes of the photosyntheti pprtus (Liuet l., 2004). The generl reution in hlorophyll ontents mong the seven mrnth speies ws similr to results oserve y Anjum et l. (2011) n y Kuro et l. (1990) in rley. Nikolev et l. (2010), oserve eline in hlorophyll ontent from 15% to 13% in wter stresse whet s ompre with well wtere plnts in three vrieties of whet. Chlorophyll ontent is one of the inies of photosyntheti tivity (Bojovi n Stojnovi, 2005), n oring to Montgu n Woo (1999), wter efiit n estroy hlorophyll n inhiit its synthesis. Extreme wter efiit (25%) le to ehyrtion of the plnt tissue resulting in n inrese in oxitive stress, using eteriortion in hloroplst struture n n ssoite loss of hlorophyll, hene erese in the photosyntheti tivity (Jfr et l., 2004). The losses in hloroplst tivity, possily ue to leves ehyrtion my inlue erese in the eletron trnsport rte n photophosphoryltion n this might e ssoite with hnges in onformtion of the thylkois n of the oupling ftor (ATP-synthets- su unit of the thylkois) n erese sustrte ining y oupling ftor (Vieir n Nehi 2006). Dehyrtion of leves oul e s result of hlorophyll pigments not eing resistnt to stress, hene the reution in hlorophyll wsless s ompre to hlorophyll in ll speies, possily ue to the inhiition of iosynthesis of preursors of hlorophyll uner soil wter efiit s lso reporte y Moveni et l. (2011). While the reution in hlorophyll ws higher thn in hlorophyll in ll speies, proly ue to inrese protein synthesis, n inrese nitrogen metolism (Singhet l., 2008). The signifint erese in totl hlorophyll ontent uner soil wter efiit might e ttriute to the inrese egrtion of hlorophyll pigments ue to stress inue metoli imlne (Steinke n Stier, 2003). Aoring to Chen et l. (2007), in whet n mize vrieties, tolernt vrieties hve higher hlorophyll ontents n mong the seven speies, Amrnthus lus, h the highest hlorophyll ontent followe y Amrnthushypohonrius, AmrnthusruentusAmrnthus retroflexus, Amrnthuslitum, Amrnthus spinosus n Amrnthustriolor respetively n this further implie tht the proution of retive oxygen speies ws minly riven y exess energy sorption yhlorophyll ontent, whih oul hve een voie y egring the soring pigments (Friiin et l., 2009).Aoring to Colom n Vzzn, (2003) wter efiit uses lrge reutions in hlorophyll n rotenoi ontent, whih iretly ffets photosynthesis ue to poor light sorption n onversion into useful energy. Kirnk et l. (2001) foun tht wter efiit resulte in signifint erese in hlorophyll ontent, mong other prmeters for plnt growth uner high wter stress, whih resulte in less fruit yiel n qulity. Steinerg et l. (1990) reporte reution of hlorophyll onentrtion in peh trees sujete to ifferent levels of wter stress, n ws in greement with the results of this stuy, tht showe wter efiit in the pot grown inigenous vegetles proue reution in totl hlorophyll ontent sujete to ifferent levels of wter efiit. The reution Copyright to IJARSET

8 Interntionl Journl of AvneReserh in Siene, Engineering n Tehnology Vol. 3, Issue 2, Ferury 2016 in hlorophyll ontent in this stuy, might hve een exerte y exess light whih use greter egrtion, wheres reution in light hrvesting, hlorophyll proteins (LHCPs) ontent oul hve een n ptive efene mehnism of the hloroplst (Singhet l., 2008) to rought. On the other hn, possile reution instomtl onutne leing to erese in ron ssimiltion might hve ontriute to erese photosyntheti rte, s result of the inhiitory effet of erese wter ontent on lef evelopment (Friuin et l., 2009; Vuryi et l., 2011). V.CONCLUSION Chlorophyll n hlorophyll erese signifintly with inrese in wter efiit, possily ue to inrese protein synthesis, n inrese nitrogen metolism. There ws lso signifint ifferene in totl hlorophyll onentrtion with inrese in wter efiit n this oul e ttriute to n inrese in oxitive stress n susequent eteriortion in hloroplst struture n n ssoite loss of hlorophyll. Chlorophyll onentrtion ws more reue thn hlorophyll in ll the soil wter efiit tretments, implying tht hlorophyll is more rought tolernt thn. Amrnthus lus hving mintine higher hlorophyll, n totl hlorophyll ontents in ll soil wter efiit tretments mkes it the most tolernt speies followe y Amrnthushypohonrius, Amrnthusruentus,Amrnthus retroflexus, Amrnthuslitum, Amrnthusspinosus n Amrnthustriolor respetively. VI. AUTHOR S BIOGRAPHY Osr Mer Jomo o.jomo@yhoo.om Osr Mer Jomo is Ph nite of Plnt Eology in the eprtment of Botny, Mseno University, Keny. He is holer of B.E Siene with IT, n MSC (Plnt Eology) from the sme university. His reserh interests re in Environmentl stresses, plnt eophysiology n soil siene. DDvi Musyimi Mutisy vimusyimi2002@yhoo.om r. D.M.Musyimi is senior leturer in the eprtment of Botny, Mseno University, Keny. He is holer of BS., MS. n PhD in otny from Mseno University, Keny. He letures ourses in environmentl sienes, environmentl miroiology, soil miroiology,iologil ontrol,plnt pthology, groforestry plnt eology n Plnt eophysiology.he hs over fifteen yers tehing experiene t the university level. His reserh interests re in the res of plnt n miroes pttions to environmentl stresses, renewle energy n limte hnge mitigtion. VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The uthors wish to thnk Keny Agriulturl n Livestok Reserh Orgnistion, Kisii Centre n Mseno University for reting n enling environment for this reserh work. Copyright to IJARSET

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