A. mitosis. B. endocytosis. C. exocytosis. D. meiosis. Section of mrna G U C C A A A C G

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1 Directions: For each of the following questions, decide which of the choices is best and fill in the corresponding space on the answer document The table below shows the genetic code. Below the table is a section of mrna. The process pictured above is an example of A. mitosis. B. endocytosis. C. exocytosis. D. meiosis. Section of mrna G U C C A A A C G Based on the information in the table, which of these amino acid sequences is coded for by the mrna section? A. Val-Gln-Thr B. Cys-Thr-Gln C. Phe-Ser-Tyr D. Val-Pro-Asn DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 1 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

2 3. Which of these steps in meiosis is directly responsible for some of the genetic variation seen in a given population? 5. The diagram below shows a diploid cell undergoing a process that results in four haploid cells. A. the production of polar bodies B. the condensing of chromatin in the nucleus C. the crossing over of homologous chromosomes D. the change from diploid to haploid chromosome number 4. Klinefelter s syndrome is a condition in which a male has an extra X chromosome. XXY males are sterile and may have other characteristic physical differences from normal XY males. What causes Klinefelter s syndrome? A. nondisjunction of autosomes during meiosis B. nondisjunction of autosomes during mitosis C. nondisjunction of sex chromosomes during meiosis D. nondisjunction of sex chromosomes during mitosis In which type of cells does the process shown in the diagram occur? A. kidney cells B. liver cells C. ovary cells D. skin cells DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 2 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

3 6. Which of the following RNA sequences MOST LIKELY codes for the amino acid sequence shown below? 8. The diagram below represents the nucleus of an unfertilized mouse egg cell. Each black oval represents a chromosome. This cell is a product of meiosis. A. A C C G G U U A U U A C B. U A C G A G A C C A C U C. A C G C A A A C C A C A D. U A U G A A A C G U A G How many chromosomes are present in adult, nonsex cells of the mouse? A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D Which of these is the MOST LIKELY reason that a mutation would harm a cell? A. It would create holes in the cell membrane. B. It would destroy all the DNA in the nucleus. C. It would make the mitochondria less effective. D. It would affect the production of an important protein. 9. Enzymes carry out many cell activities. Of which kind of molecules are enzymes primarily composed? A. proteins B. fatty acids C. nucleic acids D. carbohydrates DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 3 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

4 10. What RNA sequence would be made from this strand of DNA? T-A-C-G-C-T A. U-T-G-C-G-U 13. B. A-U-G-C-G-A C. G-C-A-T-A-G D. A-T-G-C-G-A 11. A nerve cell and a liver cell in the same organism contain different combinations of proteins. Which of these statements BEST explains why different cells have different proteins? A. The different cells in an organism contain different genes. B. Each cell in an organism transcribes only the genes that the cell needs to perform its functions. C. Each cell in an organism produces the same proteins, but the ones that aren't needed are immediately digested. D. The different cells in an organism all transcribe the same genes, but their ribosomes make different proteins from them. P: Phosphate group D: Sugar (deoxyribose) N: Nitrogen base The diagram above represents a molecule of a(n) A. codon. B. nucleotide. C. amino acid. D. nucleic acid. 14. In RNA, the base is substituted for the base, thymine, in DNA. A. guanine B. uracil 12. The products of meiosis are A. zygotes (fertilized eggs). C. adenine D. cytosine B. gametes (egg and sperm). C. somatic cells. D. blood cells. 15. Initial RNA transcripts contain sequences of nucleotides called introns and exons. What happens to introns? A. The introns cause beneficial mutations to occur during protein synthesis. B. The introns are used to create other nonprotein structures in the cytoplasm. C. The introns are used as start and stop messages during protein synthesis. D. The introns are removed before RNA leaves the nucleus. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 4 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

5 16. People who have mosaic Down syndrome have some cells that have trisomy 21 and some cells that have the typical number of chromosomes. They often have many of the same characteristics as people with trisomy 21, but they tend to have higher IQs and less delayed development of motor skills. What could cause an individual to have the mosaic form of Down syndrome? A. a single nondisjunction during sex cell formation in the individual B. a single nondisjunction during body cell formation in the individual C. a single nondisjunction during sex cell formation in the individual s parent D. a single nondisjunction during body cell formation in the individual s parent 17. Brian observed bubbles rising from a green plant in his aquarium, as shown below. 18. Which of these sets of chromosomes is found in a single human female cell? A. one X chromosome and one Y chromosome B. two X chromosomes C. two Y chromosomes D. 23 Y chromosomes 19. Pepsin is an enzyme found in the stomach that assists in the digestion of proteins. Which enzymatic facts does the activity of pepsin help to support? A. Enzymes work best under acidic conditions. B. Enzyme activity is influenced by factors such as temperature and ph. C. Enzymes are consumed during chemical reactions in acidic environments. D. Enzymes are able to operate in any condition regardless of temperature and ph. Which is MOST LIKELY causing these bubbles to appear? A. oxygen produced during the lightindependent reaction of photosynthesis B. oxygen produced during the lightdependent reaction of photosynthesis C. carbon dioxide produced during the lightindependent reaction of photosynthesis D. carbon dioxide produced during the lightdependent reaction of photosynthesis DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 5 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

6 20. The graph below shows the activity of the enzyme pepsin as the ph changes. 22. Macromolecules are made up of simple compounds called precursors (monomers). Which statement correctly identifies the precursors of macromolecules? A. Monosaccharides make polysaccharides, and lipids make proteins. B. Nucleic acids make amino acids, and proteins make nucleotides. C. Nucleotides make nucleic acids, and amino acids make proteins. D. Polysaccharides make lipids, and fatty acids make monosaccharides. 23. The diagram below shows the steps in producing a protein. Which of these statements MOST LIKELY is true about the enzyme? A. Pepsin functions best at a low ph. B. Pepsin functions best at low temperatures. C. Pepsin activity increases with increasing ph. D. Pepsin acts to prevent reactions at phs higher than The type of cell that results from the union of gametes (fertilization) is A. haploid. B. diploid. C. an egg. D. a spore. Where in the cell does step 2 occur? A. nucleus B. ribosome C. lysosome D. Golgi complex DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 6 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

7 24. Mitochondria are the structures that convert the chemical energy of carbohydrates into ATP. Which of the following statements about mitochondria is correct? A. They are bounded by a single membrane. B. They contain their own DNA and ribosomes. C. They operate in the absence of O₂. D. They are found in all living organisms. 25. Which diagram best represents the structure of a cell membrane? 26. Which of these statements about somatic cells in sexually reproducing organisms is true? A. Mutations in somatic cells cannot be passed to offspring. B. Technology is currently unable to map the genes of somatic cells. C. Most mutations in somatic cells cause functionally different proteins to develop. D. Ribosomes in somatic cells stop the deletion of base pairs, preventing changes in protein sequence from occurring. A. 27. What is produced during the light-independent phase (Calvin cycle) of photosynthesis? A. sugars B. B. oxygen and sugars C. carbon dioxide and water D. ATP, oxygen, NADPH, and H + C. D. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 7 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

8 28. In an organism, genes A and B are on different chromosomes. This organism has the A, a, B, and b alleles. During meiosis, the A allele moved to the right side of the dividing nucleus, and the a allele moved to the left. 30. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch into simple sugars. Juan added 0.1 gram of amylase to a starch solution. He measured the amount of amylase remaining in the solution when the reaction was complete. How much amylase should Juan expect to find in the solution? A. none B. 0.1 gram C. less than 0.1 gram D. more than 0.1 gram 31. Human are diploid, and human are haploid. A. gametes; somatic cells B. gametes; autosomes C. autosomes; sex chromosomes D. somatic cells; gametes 32. ATP synthase is a protein that synthesizes energy in the form of ATP. Where in the cell is this protein MOST LIKELY found? What will happen to the B allele? A. The B allele will move to the right side. B. The B allele will move to the left side. C. There is an equal chance that the B allele will move to the right side or the left side. D. Most likely the B allele will move to the right side, but it could move to the left side. 29. Cell division by meiosis occurs in A. neurons in the brain. B. muscle cells in the heart. C. the ovaries or testes. D. the arm and leg bones. A. attached to the cell wall B. embedded in the cytoplasm C. attached to the cell membrane D. embedded in the nucleoplasm 33. Which feature will most likely be different between a skin cell and a muscle cell of a single individual? A. the types of genes B. the role of ribosomes C. the expression of genes D. the types of nucleic acids DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 8 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

9 34. A scientist examined an unknown structure that contained cytoplasm surrounded by a plasma membrane. The materials in the cytoplasm included DNA, RNA, and a variety of proteins but no membrane-bound organelles. The unknown structure is most likely 37. Crossing over is A. A key process that occurs during mitosis. B. what makes cells become cancerous. C. important in genetic recombination. D. an important process in chromosome repair. A. an animal cell. B. a bacterium. C. a plant cell. 38. D. a virus. 35. Using the chart, determine which of the following is the correct amino acid sequence form the following segment of messenger RNA: UUU AGA GCG AAC GCC CAG A. phenylalanine, arginine, alanine, asparagine, stop, glutamine B. phenylalanine, arginine, alanine, asparagine, alanine, glutamine C. phenylalanine, stop, alanine, arginine, glutamine, serine D. glutamine, phenylalanine, alanine, asparagine, alanine, argine 36. How many human sperm cells will be formed by a cell that undergoes meiosis? What is the chromosome number for the cells labeled 3 in the diagram? A. 1n B. 2n C. 3n D. 4n A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8 DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 9 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

10 39. In which part of the diagram below do the lightindependent reactions of photosynthesis occur? 42. Which types of human cells undergo meiosis? A. all cells in the body B. female and male gametes C. all cells in ovaries and testes D. spermatogonia and oogonia 43. Somatic cells from an ancient human were discovered in a preserved state. What would be the best way for a scientist to learn whether the cells came from a male? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D Which of the following DNA mutations is the most damaging to the protein it codes for? A. A base/pair deletion B. A codon substitution C. Point mutation D. A codon deletion A. determine whether an X chromosome is present B. determine whether a Y chromosome is present C. count the total number of chromosomes in the cell nucleus D. count the total number of chromosomes in the cell nucleus and divide by two 41. Defective p53 proteins often lead to development of cancerous cells. What might be a function of the p53 protein that is not working correctly in this case? A. governs the speed of mitosis B. splits DNA during replication C. provides energy during cell division D. prevents replication of damaged cells DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 10 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

11 44. The diagrams below each show a different way that two gametes containing chromosomes unite. Which diagram correctly shows the inheritance of chromosomes when two gametes unite? A. 45. The table below lists some of the characteristics of cells belonging to two different kingdoms. B. C. D. Which of these can be concluded about the two cells? A. Cell 1 is heterotrophic, while Cell 2 absorbs nutrients. B. Cell 1 is able to move, while Cell 2 is not able to move. C. Cell 1 multiplies through meiosis, while Cell 2 multiplies through mitosis. D. Cell 1 goes through anaerobic respiration, while Cell 2 goes through aerobic respiration. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 11 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

12 46. The table below lists four proteins and their functions in the human body. 48. Which of the following is the most important difference between meiosis and mitosis? A. Chromosomes are duplicated before mitosis. B. Meiosis is not followed by cytokinesis. C. Homologous pairs of chromosomes are separated in meiosis. D. Crossing over occures in mitosis. How are the compositions of these four proteins different? A. They differ in the number and sequence of amino acids. B. They differ in the number and sequence of nucleic acids. C. Each of them is a chain of different kinds of lipid molecules. D. Each of them is a chain of different kinds of sugar molecules. 47. During meiosis the arrangement and segregation of chromosomes ensures A. the production of four identical gametes. B. that chromosome pairs will remain connected. C. that all of the offspring will be identical to one another. D. the random assortment of chromosomes in daughter cells. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 12 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

13 49. In the diagrams below, the solid lines represent material from a parent DNA molecule. The dashed lines represent newly replicated DNA material. Which diagram illustrates the complete replication of a DNA strand? A. 50. All prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have a cell membrane, which helps in maintaining homeostasis. Which of these is a function of the cell membrane? A. controls cell reproduction B. performs protein synthesis C. performs cellular respiration D. controls passage of molecules B. 51. A frog has 24 chromosomes. How many of these chromosomes did this frog MOST LIKELY get from its father? A. 0 B. 12 C. 24 D. 48 C. D. 52. How does the crossing over of homologous chromosome pairs affect cells during meiosis? A. It produces two genetically identical diploid cells. B. It separates paternal and maternal genetic material. C. It creates new genetic material through replication of chromosomes. D. It recombines genetic material through the breaking and rejoining of chromosomes. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 13 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

14 53. Anna is preparing a presentation comparing the structures and evolutionary history of eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Which statement would be BEST for Anna to include in her presentation? A. Eukaryotes are more simple and are thought to have evolved from prokaryotes. B. Prokaryotes are more simple and are thought to have evolved from eukaryotes. C. Eukaryotes are more complex and are thought to have evolved from prokaryotes. D. Prokaryotes are more complex and are thought to have evolved from eukaryotes. 54. The shapes below represent precursor molecules (monomers) that are linked together to form larger molecules (polymers) found in living organisms. Given the information above, which diagram BEST represents an RNA molecule? A. B. C. D. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 14 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

15 55. The diagram below shows an interaction occurring between two chromosomes. 58. A DNA nucleotide contains the sugar, deoxyribose. An RNA nucleotide contains the sugar A. lipase. B. maltose. C. ribose. D. sucrose. During which process does the interaction shown above happen? A. meiosis B. mitosis C. translation D. transcription 56. What are the products of cellular respiration? A. oxygen, water, and glucose B. water, oxygen, and ATP C. carbon dioxide, ATP, and water D. glucose, carbon dioxide, and ATP 57. Which function do ribosomes within a cell perform? A. separating the DNA strands during replication B. generating the energy required for cell functions C. processing the genetic instructions carried by mrna D. breaking down waste products and moving materials within the cell DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 15 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

16 59. The cells of two different types of organisms are shown below. 60. The bond that links an amino group of one molecule to a carboxyl group of the next and is responsible for determining the shape of the protein is called a A. peptide bond. B. hydrogen bond. C. nitrogen bond. D. carbon bond. 61. The molecule with the most concentrated source of stored energy is found in A. glucose. B. protein. C. DNA. D. fat. 62. Which statement BEST describes why one of these cells is eukaryotic and the other prokaryotic? A. One of the cells has flagella, while the other cannot move. B. One of the cells has a cell membrane, while the other does not. The Structure labeled 3 is responsible for A. producing ATP from glucose. B. storing genetic material. C. regulating movement of substances into and out of the cell. D. making sugars from sunlight in plant cells. C. One of the cells has DNA for its genetic material, while the other has only RNA for genetic material. D. One of the cells has membrane-bound organelles, while the other has no membrane-bound organelles. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 16 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

17 63. Which of these is both a reactant of photosynthesis and a product of cellular respiration? 64. The diagram below shows a portion of an RNA strand being synthesized from a DNA strand. A. ATP B. oxygen C. glucose D. carbon dioxide Which diagram below shows the sequence of an RNA strand that would correctly bind with the DNA strand? A. B. C. D. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 17 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

18 65. During photosynthesis, plants make their own energy through a chemical reaction that turns, water and the sun's energy into and. A. carbon dioxide, sugars, oxygen 67. The diagrams below show two different cells in two different salt solutions. B. oxygen, ATP and carbon dioxide C. sugars, ATP and carbon dioxide D. carbon dioxide ATP and oxygen 66. Sperm and eggs are produced in the cellular process of A. mitosis. B. meiosis. C. fertilization. D. endocytosis. What will MOST LIKELY happen in each cell? A. Equal amounts of water will exit the cells in both samples. B. Equal amounts of water will enter the cells in both samples. C. There will be net movement of water into cell 1 and out of cell 2. D. There will be net movement of water into cell 2 and out of cell results in the new combination of genetic material from both parents. A. Binary fussion B. Fertilization C. Budding D. Mitosis 69. The information carried by a DNA molecule is in A. the sugars and phosphates forming its structure. B. the total number of nucleotides it contains. C. its amino acid sequence. D. the order of the bases in the molecule. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 18 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

19 70. Which organelle packages proteins into vesicles? A. ribosome B. mitochondrion C. Golgi apparatus D. nuclear membrane 74. Which arrow in the diagram below correctly shows the movement of mrna inside this cell? 71. Mutations can be harmful. What is a possible advantage of mutations to a species? A. They eliminate harmful genes. B. They provide genetic variation. C. They change unnecessary genes. D. They destroy poorly adapted individuals. 72. Nucleotides are to as are to proteins. A. amino acids; polypeptides B. nucleic acids; amino acids C. polysaccharides; fatty acids D. genes; enzymes 73. Which of these is the main reason that mutations to a gene can be harmful to a cell? A. They can destroy the cell's energy supply. B. They can affect the production of a protein. C. They can allow dangerous chemicals to enter the cell. D. They can prevent the process of osmosis from occurring. A. arrow 1 B. arrow 2 C. arrow 3 D. arrow Which compound is produced during photosynthesis and used during cell respiration? A. CO 2 B. glucose C. glycogen D. H 2 O DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 19 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

20 76. Which process occurs in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell? A. transcription B. translation C. DNA replication and transcription D. transcription and translation 77. The table below lists the characteristics of cells belonging to two kingdoms. 78. Which of these is a fundamental difference between viruses and bacterial cells? A. Viruses have cell walls, while bacterial cells do not. B. Viruses have internal organelles, while bacterial cells do not. C. Bacterial cells can reproduce on their own, while viruses cannot. D. Bacterial cells use DNA for genetic information, while viruses do not. Which of these can be concluded about these cells based on the information in the table? A. Cell 1 and Cell 2 both reproduce through meiosis. B. Cellular respiration is an aerobic process in both Cell 1 and Cell 2. C. Cell 2 cannot live in extreme environments, while Cell 1 is usually found in extreme environments. D. Cell 1 achieves osmotic balance through diffusion, while Cell 2 achieves osmotic balance through osmosis. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 20 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

21 79. The diagram below shows normal red blood cells. 80. Before meiosis a cell contains two sets of chromosomes, one set inherited from the mother and one from the father. During meiosis half of the chromosomes go to one side of the cell and half go to the opposite side. Which chromosomes go to each side of the cell? A. All of the chromosomes from one parent go to one side. B. The chromosomes with the most advantageous traits go to one side. C. The chromosomes with the most dominant traits go to one side. D. The chromosomes from each parent are randomly divided between the two sides. Students placed red blood cells in three solutions with different salt concentrations. The diagrams below show the changes that occurred in the red blood cells. 81. Ms. Willis has a mutation that affects some skin cells on her arm. What will be the effect of this mutation if she has a child? A. All of the child's cells will have the mutation. B. None of the child's cells will have the mutation. C. Only some skin cells on the child's arm will have the mutation. D. Some skin cells on the child's arm will have the mutation only if the father has the same mutation. Which of these sequences gives the relative concentrations of salt in each solution from HIGHEST salt concentration to LOWEST salt concentration? A. solution 3 solution 2 solution 1 B. solution 3 solution 1 solution 2 C. solution 1 solution 3 solution 2 D. solution 2 solution 1 solution 3 DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 21 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

22 82. Which diagram below BEST shows the role of a mitochondrion in cellular respiration? A. 83. In cells of all organisms, adenine and thymine are in equal amounts while guanine and cytosine are in equal amounts. If cytosine makes up 38% of the nucleotides in DNA, what percent will be thymine? A. 12 B. 24 C. 38 D. 62 B. 84. Human parents have 46 chromosomes. Why do human offspring have 46 chromosomes instead of 92 chromosomes? A. Only the male parent contributes chromosomes to the offspring. B. Only the female parent contributes chromosomes to the offspring. C. Both parents contribute only one-half of their chromosomes to the offspring. D. Only half of the chromosomes that the male and female parents contribute survive in the offspring. C. 85. Meiosis is A. the process that halves the number of chromosomes in cells. B. the process by which diploid cells are produced. C. important in asexual reproduction. D. responsible for growth and repair of tissues. D. 86. Meiosis occurs in the A. liver. B. lungs. C. pancreas. D. ovaries. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 22 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

23 87. Ana and Michael are investigating the spread of an infectious disease among a population of seals. They conclude that the agent causing the disease does not consist of cells. Which agent could be causing the disease? 89. The cells of two organisms from two different kingdoms are illustrated below. A. algae B. bacterium C. protozoan D. virus 88. The table below lists four proteins and the substances that they break down. Which statement BEST compares the functional differences between the two cells? How do these proteins differ from one another structurally? A. Cell 1 is capable of exhibiting motility, while cell 2 does not exhibit motility. B. Cell 1 exhibits anaerobic respiration, while cell 2 exhibits aerobic respiration. C. Cell 1 produces protein using DNA, while cell 2 produces protein using RNA. D. Cell 1 is capable of producing energy using light from the Sun, while cell 2 is capable of producing energy from food through anaerobic respiration. A. Some proteins consist of amino acids, and some consist of nucleic acids. B. Each protein consists of a different number and sequence of amino acids. C. Some proteins consist of different numbers and sequences of four nucleic acids. D. Each protein consists of exactly 20 different amino acids arranged in different orders. DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 23 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

24 90. Two cells are shown below. Each cell is from a different kingdom. 91. The diagram below shows the initiation complex that is formed at the beginning of protein synthesis. Which statement BEST explains how these two cells differ in function? A. Cell 2 multiplies by binary fission, while Cell 1 multiplies by mitosis. B. Cell 1 produces proteins using DNA, while Cell 2 produces proteins using RNA. C. Cell 1 achieves osmotic balance through facilitated diffusion, while Cell 2 achieves osmotic balance through osmosis. D. Cell 2 is able to produce food using energy from the Sun, while Cell 1 produces energy from food through aerobic respiration. Which numbered part represents transfer RNA? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 24 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

25 92. The table below shows the genetic code used to translate RNA sequences into amino acid sequences. 93. How are proteins synthesized within cells? A. A DNA sequence in the nucleus is transcribed into mrna, which is then transported to the ribosomes, where it is translated into proteins. B. A DNA sequence in the nucleus is transcribed into mrna, which is then transported to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, where it is translated into proteins. C. An mrna sequence in the ribosomes is transcribed into DNA, which is then transported to the nucleus, where it is translated into proteins. D. An mrna sequence in the lysosomes is transcribed into DNA, which is then transported to the ribosomes, where it is translated into proteins. The figure below shows the first 10 nucleic acids in a strand of RNA. 94. Scientists are studying the skin cells of an organism. Which cell structure would the scientists study in order to determine the sex of the individual? A. lysosomes B. chromosomes C. Golgi apparatus D. plasma membrane Below are some possible mutations at position 6 of the given strand. Which mutation would NOT change the amino acid sequence of the resulting protein? A. if G is deleted B. if G is changed to A C. if G is changed to C D. if an extra G is inserted DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 25 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

26 95. Which number in the diagram below represents the part of the cell that modifies and detoxifies lipids? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D In eukaryotic cells, a chromosome will be found in the A. nucleus. B. vacuole. C. cytoplasm. D. endoplasmic reticulum. Stop! You Go have on finished to the next this page exam.» DataDirector Exam ID: 9927 Page 26 of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

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