Model- based fmri analysis. Shih- Wei Wu fmri workshop, NCCU, Jan. 19, 2014

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1 Model- based fmri analysis Shih- Wei Wu fmri workshop, NCCU, Jan. 19, 2014

2 Outline: model- based fmri analysis I: General linear model: basic concepts II: Modeling how the brain makes decisions: Decision- making models III: Modeling how the brain learns: Reinforcement learning models IV: Modeling response dynamics: DriL diffusion model

3 Model- based fmri Problem: Characterizing mental operaqons SQmulus Response Neural acqvity How do we characterize the mental operaqons involved in producing behavioral response given the sqmulus?

4 Model- based fmri Problem: Characterizing mental operaqons 1. How do we characterize the mental operaqons involved in producing behavioral response given the sqmulus? SQmulus Response Mental operaqons cannot be simply represented by the observable: sqmulus and response

5 Model- based fmri Problem: Characterizing mental operaqons 1. How do we characterize the mental operaqons involved in producing behavioral response given the sqmulus? 2. Mental operaqons cannot be simply represented by the observable: sqmulus and response SQmulus Response

6 Model- based fmri Problem: Characterizing mental operaqons One opqon: Build or apply some computaqonal model that SQmulus Response quanqtaqvely describes the mental operaqons describes the behavioral performance

7 I. General linear model: basic concepts Univariate analysis - Each voxel in the brain is analyzed separately - Each voxel presents a - series data Time

8 I. General linear model: basic concepts Time- series data - Suppose you have the following experiment Time (sec)

9 I. General linear model: basic concepts Time- series data - This is the data you get (from a single voxel) BOLD signal (arbitrary units) Time (sec)

10 I. General linear model: basic concepts Time- series data - When you compare predicqon (based on your design) and data, you realize that there is somewhat a match, but not close BOLD signal (arbitrary units) Time (sec)

11 I. General linear model: basic concepts Time- series data - What about this one? Which aspect of the comparison is the same, which aspect might be different? BOLD signal (arbitrary units) Time (sec)

12 I. General linear model: basic concepts BOLD signal Design matrix =! X + noise Parameter esqmate: this is what we are interested in

13 I. General linear model: basic concepts!" = #! + """! $#$"# % & m n n x m BOLD s series Design matrix Parameter vector (BOLD: Blood OxygenaQon Level Dependent)

14 Modeling how the brain makes decisions: Decision- making models

15 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Losses loom larger than gains - The psychological impact of a loss (or potenqal loss) is greater than the same- sized gain (or potenqal gain)

16 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Prospect theory - Value func4on # V(x) = x!,x! 0' % % $ &% "! ("x)! ( )% reference point! : Controls the degree of loss aversion Loss aversion: Steeper slope in the loss domain compared with gains

17 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions ImplicaQon of loss aversion on choice behavior Example: Is (gain $2000,50%; Lose $1000,50%) an agracqve gamble? Suppose! = 1," = 1,# = 2 Then the value of the gamble is V($2000)! 0.5 +V(!$1000) " 0.5 = 2000"0.5! 2"1000"0.5 = 0 This gamble is not agracqve at all to the decision maker and hence it is not likely that s/he is going to bet on it

18 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Prospect theory in the brain? 1. How does the brain represent gains and losses? 2. Is there a way to explain loss aversion from a neurobiological perspecqve?

19 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Neural basis of loss aversion - Tom et al. (2007, Science): A decision- making experiment involving monetary gains and losses Russell Poldrack - Subjects in each trial had to decide whether to accept a gamble (Gain,50%; Loss,50%) - Gain and loss in each trial were decided independently

20 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Measuring loss aversion by choice behavior - Suppose this is the data from a subject Trial Gain Loss Choice (yes/no) $1000 $2000 $350 $500 $1200 $60 $ $800 $1000 $450 $100 $380 $55 $

21 - We can esqmate how much loss averse a subject is based on his /her choice data II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Measuring loss aversion by choice behavior Trial Gain Loss $1000 $2000 $350 $500 $1200 $60 $ $800 $1000 $450 $100 $380 $55 $ Choice (yes/no) Method: LogisQc regression (a staqsqcal method) choice =! G Gain +! L Loss! G : how strong gains contribute to choice data! L : how strong losses contribute to choice data Degree of loss aversion! behavior =!! L! G

22 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Measuring loss aversion by neural acqvity BOLD Design matrix Gains Losses Beta $&'(")!!"#$% Time = X %$&'()!!"##$# Neural measure of loss aversion: neural! neural =!" Losses neural! " Gains

23 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Analysis focus 1. How does the brain represent gains and losses? - Prospect theory indicates posiqve correlaqon with gains, negaqve correlaqon with losses; if this is the case, then! $&'(")!"#$%! *+%#,#-&! %$&'()!"##$#! %$*(+,-$

24 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Analysis focus 2. Neural basis of loss aversion - An area driving (contribuqng to) loss aversion should exhibit a close match between loss aversion measured in behavior and loss aversion measured according to its neural acqvity (psychometric - neurometric match)!!"#$%&'(!! )"*($+

25 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Neural representaqon of gains and losses vmpfc and ventral striatum posiqvely correlated with gains and negaqvely correlated with losses

26 II. Modeling how the brain makes decisions Neural basis of loss aversion Neural measure of loss aversion in ventral striatum strongly correlated with behavioral measure of loss aversion

27 III. Modeling how the brain learns: Reinforcement learning models

28 III. Modeling how the brain learns Example: O Doherty et al. (2003) Pavlovian condiqoning task sec 3 sec 3 sec 3 sec Taste delivery Taste delivery

29 III. Modeling how the brain learns Example: O Doherty et al. (2003) Pavlovian condiqoning task SQmulus- reward associaqons # trials delivery # trials no delivery # trials = 80 *RandomizaQon on sqmulus order and delivery/no delivery

30 III. Modeling how the brain learns Example: O Doherty et al. (2003) Pavlovian condiqoning task SQmulus- reward associaqons # trials delivery # trials no delivery # trials = 80 *RandomizaQon on sqmulus order and delivery/no delivery

31 III. Modeling how the brain learns Example: O Doherty et al. (2003) Pavlovian condiqoning task Behavioral results: The animals exhibit condiqoned response (salivate when seeing the sqmulus) aler experiencing the sqmulus- reward pairing

32 III. Modeling how the brain learns AcQvity of midbrain dopamine neurons (Schultz et al. 1997) Burst of firing aler reward delivery Burst of firing aler sqmulus; acqvity remained at baseline at reward delivery Burst of firing aler sqmulus; acqvity dipped down when no reward was delivered

33 III. Modeling how the brain learns QuesQon: How do we characterize the learning process (learning the associaqon between sqmulus and reward) that takes place in the brain?

34 III. Modeling how the brain learns ObservaQons: 1. Midbrain DA neurons first showed an increase in firing in response to reward delivery

35 III. Modeling how the brain learns ObservaQons: 2. When a sqmulus is paired with a reward, midbrain DA neurons gradually (over the course of experiment) shil their responses to the the sqmulus is presented

36 III. Modeling how the brain learns ObservaQons: 3. When a reward is expected aler a sqmulus is presented and when the reward is indeed delivered, no change in DA response

37 III. Modeling how the brain learns ObservaQons: 4. When a reward is expected aler a sqmulus is presented and when the reward is NOT delivered, there is a decrease in DA response

38 III. Modeling how the brain learns Example: O Doherty et al. (2003) Pavlovian condiqoning task QuesQons: How could we explain the 4 observaqons we just made about neural acqvity in midbrain DA neurons? How could we quanqtaqvely describe or even predict the neuronal response profiles?

39 III. Modeling how the brain learns Example: O Doherty et al. (2003) Pavlovian condiqoning task A soluqon: Apply a computaqonal learning model: Temporal difference (TD) model (Sugon & Barto, 1990)

40 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning Define a value for each moment in separately, V(t i ) v(t i ) = E " # r(t i ) +! r(t i + 1) +! 2 r(t i + 2) +... $ % 0! "! 1 discount parameter The value at t i is the sum of expected future rewards

41 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning V(t) = E " # r(t) +! r(t + 1) +! 2 r(t + 2) +... $ % can be expressed as V(t) = E "# r(t) +!V(t + 1) $ % Hence E!" r(t) # $ = V(t) ˆ % & V(t ˆ + 1)

42 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning UpdaQng occurs by comparing the difference between r(t) E!" r(t) # $ What actually occurs What is expected to occur V new (t) = V new (t) +! #$ r(t) " E[r(t)] % & PredicQon error!

43 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning UpdaQng equaqon V new (t) = V new (t) +! #$ r(t) " E[r(t)] % & Given E!" r(t) # $ = V(t) ˆ % & V(t ˆ + 1) We get V new (t) = V old (t) +! $% r(t) + "V old (t + 1) #V old (t)& ' learning rate 0! "! 1

44 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning UpdaQng equaqon V new (t) = V new (t) +! #$ r(t) " E[r(t)] % & V new (t) = V old (t) +! $% r(t) + "V old (t + 1) #V old (t)& ' PredicQon error!

45 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 1: III. Modeling how the brain learns Suppose at t 1 you see V trial1 (t 1 ) = V trial0 (t 1 ) +! $% r trial1 (t 1 ) + "V trial0 (t 2 ) #V trial0 (t 1 )& ' = 0 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 assume! = 0.5," = 0.99

46 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 1: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 2 FixaQon (nothing happened) For t 2 V trial1 (t 2 ) = V trial0 (t 2 ) +! $% r trial1 (t 2 ) + "V trial0 (t 3 ) #V trial0 (t 2 )& ' = 0 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3

47 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 1: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 3 A reward is delivered For t 3 V trial1 (t 3 ) = V trial0 (t 3 ) +! $% r trial1 (t 3 ) + "V trial0 (t 4 ) #V trial0 (t 3 )& ' =! 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3

48 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 1: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 4 fixaqon For t 4 V trial1 (t 4 ) = V trial0 (t 4 ) +! $% r trial1 (t 4 ) + "V trial0 (t 5 ) #V trial0 (t 4 )& ' = 0 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4

49 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 2: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 1 V trial 2 (t 1 ) = V trial1 (t 1 ) +! $% r trial 2 (t 1 ) + "V trial1 (t 2 ) #V trial1 (t 1 )& ' = 0 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3

50 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 2: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 2 fixaqon V trial 2 (t 2 ) = V trial1 (t 2 ) +! $% r trial 2 (t 2 ) + "V trial1 (t 3 ) #V trial1 (t 2 )& ' = "! 2 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3

51 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 2: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 3 A reward is delivered V trial 2 (t 3 ) =V trial1 (t 3 ) +! $% r trial 2 (t 3 ) + "V trial1 (t 4 ) #V trial1 (t 3 )& ' = 2! #! 2 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3

52 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 2: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 4 fixaqon V trial 2 (t 4 ) = V trial1 (t 4 ) +! $% r trial 2 (t 4 ) + "V trial1 (t 5 ) #V trial1 (t 4 )& ' = 0 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4

53 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 3: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 1 V trial3 (t 1 ) = V trial 2 (t 1 ) +! $% r trial3 (t 1 ) + "V trial 2 (t 2 ) #V trial 2 (t 1 )& ' = " 2! 3 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3

54 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 3: t 2 fixaqon V trial3 (t 2 ) = V trial 2 (t 2 ) +! $% r trial3 (t 2 ) + "V trial 2 (t 3 ) #V trial 2 (t 2 )& ' = ((3! 2 # 2! 3 ) 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3

55 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 3: t 3 A reward is delivered V trial3 (t 3 ) = V trial 2 (t 3 ) +! $% r trial3 (t 3 ) + "V trial 2 (t 4 ) #V trial 2 (t 3 )& ' = 3! # 3! 2 +! 3 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3

56 Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 3: III. Modeling how the brain learns t 4 fixaqon V trial3 (t 4 ) = V trial 2 (t 4 ) +! $% r trial3 (t 4 ) + "V trial 2 (t 5 ) #V trial 2 (t 4 )& ' = 0 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4

57 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 1: 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 Trial 2: 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 Trial 3: 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4

58 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning Trial 4: 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 Trial 5: 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 Trial 6: 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4

59 Temporal difference (TD) learning Let s look at predicqon error Recall that III. Modeling how the brain learns! V trial( X +1) (t) = V trialx (t) +! $ % r trial( X +1) (t) + "V trialx (t + 1) #V trialx (t)& '!

60 III. Modeling how the brain learns Just looking at Trial 1: t 3 1! 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 Trial 2: 1! 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 Trial 3: 1! 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4

61 III. Modeling how the brain learns Just looking at t 3 Trial 4: 1! 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 Trial 5: 1! 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 Trial 6: 1! 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4

62 III. Modeling how the brain learns Temporal difference (TD) learning 1 V 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 1! 0 t 4 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4

63 III. Modeling how the brain learns Based on TD model, we can - Construct a General Linear Model (GLM) to analyze data ""##! =! $ +! % $ % "##+! & &"##+! " ""## Indicator variable Value at t PredicQon error TD model provides a quanqtaqve predicqon on the course of data

64 Modeling response dynamics: DriL diffusion model

65 IV. Modeling response dynamics AcQon selecqon is a dynamic process - MulQple alternaqves compete during this process 30% moqon coherence 5% moqon coherence QuesQon: how do we model the dynamics of neural acqvity during this process? Courtesy to Bill Newsome

66 IV. Modeling response dynamics Dynamics of neural acqvity during sqmulus presentaqon - AcQvity in area LIP rises up faster as moqon coherence level increases - Prior to eye movement, acqvity does not differ between different coherence trials Golad & Shadlen (2007, ARN)

67 IV. Modeling response dynamics Modeling response dynamics as an evidence accumulaqon process Firing rates behave as if neurons integrate momentary evidence over Each moment in : loglr(t i ) = log p(e(!,t i ) L) p(e(!,t i ) R)! = motion coherence Over :! i loglr(t 1,...t k ) = loglr(t i ) Golad & Shadlen (2007, ARN)

68 IV. Modeling response dynamics Use DriL diffusion model to characterize evidence accumulaqon and acqon selecqon Decision bound (e.g. lelward moqon) The point process drils as goes by Decision bound (e.g. rightward moqon) StarQng point (unbiased) Gold & Shadlen (2007, ARN)

69 IV. Modeling response dynamics Use DriL diffusion model to characterize evidence accumulaqon and acqon selecqon What determines the dril? Ans: Momentary evidence is sampled from a Gaussian distribuqon to determine the next step Gold & Shadlen (2007, ARN)


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