1. The timeline below represents time on Earth from the beginning of the Paleozoic Era Ato the present B.

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1 Name Roy G Biv 1. The timeline below represents time on Earth from the beginning of the Paleozoic Era Ato the present B. Which numbered position best represents the time when humans first appeared in the fossil record? Which of the sources of energy listed below is most nearly pollution free? 1 nuclear 2 solar 3 coal 4 natural gas 3. Which is the least probable source of atmospheric pollution in heavily populated cities? 1 human activities 2 industrial plants 3 natural processes 4 automobile traffic 4. Which graph best illustrates the relationship between lake water pollution and human population density near the lake? Base your answers to questions 26 and 27 on the diagram below, which shows specific events in the history of Earth from the beginning of the universe to the present What percentage of Earth's history represents human existence? 1 less than 1.0% 2 1.8% % 4 more than 98.6% Approximately how many billion years after the beginning of the universe did a solid crust form on Earth? Radioactive decay of atoms in an igneous rock has resulted in a ratio of 25 percent atoms to 75 percent. and atoms. How many years old is this rock? Page 1

2 8. The diagrams below represent four series of events over the passage of time. 10. Which radioactive element is used to determine the absolute age of late Pleistocene animal remains? 1 rubidium-87 2 uranium potassium-40 4 carbon How much of an 800-gram sample of potassium-40 will remain after years of radioactive decay? 1 50 grams grams grams grams 12. The diagram below represents a sample of rubidium-87 ( 87 Rb). Which series of events took the least amount of time to complete? 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 9. The table below shows the radioactive decay of carbon-14. Part ofthe table has been left blank. Which diagram represents the correct proportion of 87 Rb to its decay product, 87 Sr, after two half-lives? After 22,800 years, approximately what percentage of the original carbon-14 remains? 1 15% % % % Page Examination of the fossil record shows a general tendency of organisms to become increasingly more complex through geologic time. This finding supports the theory that living things have undergone 1 metamorphism 2 evolution 3 radioactive decay 4 mass extinctions 14. Which gas is inferred to have been absent from Earth's atmosphere during the Early Archean Era? 1 carbon dioxide 2 nitrogen 3 oxygen 4 water vapor 15. Which gas became part of Earth's atmosphere mainly as a result of the evolution of life-forms? 1 oxygen 2 nitrogen 3 helium 4 hydrogen

3 16. Much of the evidence for the evolution of lifeforms on Earth has been obtained by 1 studying the life spans of present-day animals 2 radioactive dating of metamorphic rock 3 correlating widespread igneous ash deposits 4 examining fossils preserved in the rock record 17. Which event in Earth s history was dependent on the development of a certain type of life-form? 1 addition of free oxygen to Earth s atmosphere 2 formation of clastic sedimentary rocks 3 movement of tectonic plates 4 filling of the oceans by precipitation 18. According to the fossil record, which sequence correctly represents the evolution of life on Earth? 1 fish amphibians mammals soft-bodied organisms 2 fish soft-bodied organisms mammals amphibians 3 soft-bodied organisms amphibians fish mammals 4 soft-bodied organisms fish amphibians mammals 19. The gases in Earth's early atmosphere are inferred to have come primarily from 1 meteor showers 2 melting of glacial ice 3 volcanic eruptions 4 evaporation of seawater 20. A volcanic ash layer between sedimentary rock layers is used by geologists to 1 determine Earth's absolute age 2 predict global warming 3 locate an earthquake epicenter 4 correlate widely separated rock formations 21. Write the order of events including time periods for the 3 outcrops below. List the events from oldest to youngest in a vertical column. 1 Rock name Fossil name Time period 22. Valcouroceras is a New York State index fossil. Which mountain-building event occurred in New York State during the time when Valcouroceras was living in oceans covering parts of New York State? 1 Alleghenian orogeny 2 Acadian orogeny 3 Taconian orogeny 4 Grenville orogen 23. Which New York landscape region is composed primarily of Cretaceous through Pleistocene unconsolidated sediments? 1 Champlain Lowlands 2 Erie-Ontario Lowlands 3 Hudson-Mohawk Lowlands 4 Atlantic Coastal Lowlands Page 3

4 Base your answers to questions 24 through 26 on the cross section below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The cross section represents rock units that have not been overturned. Lines CC' and GG' represent unconformities. The geologic ages of some of the lettered rock units are shown below the cross section. 24. Which inference about rock units D, E, and H can best be supported by evidence in the cross section? They contain mostly sand-sized sediment. They contain both land and marine fossils. They were altered by contact metamorphism. They were deposited as horizontal layers and were later tilted. Page 4

5 25. The diagrams below represent three index fossils found in one of the rock units. These fossils are most likely found in 1 rock unit I 2 rock unit J 3 rock unit K 4 rock unit M 26. Why is there no contact metamorphism indicated between rock unit L and rock unit F? 1 Conglomerate does not metamorphose. 2 The intrusion was not hot enough to metamorphose rock unit F. 3 The contact metamorphism within rock unit F eroded away. 4 Rock unit F was deposited after the intrusion of rock unit L. 27. Four rock outcrops, labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, found within the same plateau, are represented below. Index fossils found in some of the rock layers are shown. The rock layers have not been overturned. Which rock layer is the youngest? 1 sandstone in outcrop 1 2 breccia in outcrop 2 3 conglomerate in outcrop 3 4 sandstone in outcrop 4 Page 5

6 28. The cross sections below represent three outcrops, labeled I, II, and III, containing some New York State index fossils. The rock layers have not been overturned. When the rock layers in the three outcrops are correlated, the oldest layer is the 1 shale layer in outcrop I 2 siltstone layer in outcrop II 3 limestone layer in outcrop III 4 conglomerate layer in outcrop III 29. Base your answer to the following question on your knowledge of Earth science, the Earth Science Reference Tables, and the diagram below showing a cross-sectional view of an outcrop found in New York State today in which overturning has not occurred. If rock layer C was deposited in New York State during the Devonian Period, then rock layer B could only have been deposited during which period? [ Use the Earth Science Reference Tables. ] 1 Cambrian 2 Devonian 3 Permian 4 Jurassic Page 6

7 Base your answers to questions 30 through 33 on the geologic cross section below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The cross section represents rock and sediment layers, labeled A through F. Each layer contains fossil remains, which formed in different depositional environments. Some layers contain index fossils. The layers have not been overturned. 30. Which pair of organisms existed when the unconsolidated sediment in layer A was deposited? 1 birds and trilobites 2 dinosaurs and mastodonts 3 ammonoids and grasses 4 humans and vascular plants 31. Which rock layer formed mainly from the compaction of plant remains? 1 E 2 B 3 C 4 F 32. During which geologic epoch was layer F deposited? 1 Late Devonian 2 Middle Devonian 3 Early Devonian 4 Late Silurian Page 7

8 33. The depositional environment dming the time these layers and fossils were deposited 1 was consistently marine 2 was consistently terrestrial (land) 3 changed from marine to terrestrial (land) 4 changed from terrestrial (land) to marine 34. The bedrock cross section below contains rock formations A, B, C, and D. The rock formations have not been overturned. 35. Bedrock outcrops A and B are located at two different locations along the Mississippi River. Rock layers 1, 2, and 4 are the same in both outcrops. Which sequence represents the relative ages of these rock formations, from oldest to youngest? 1 B A C D 2 B D C A 3 D C A B 4 D B A C Which statement best explains why rock layer 3 is missing from outcrop B? 1 A fault exists between outcrops A and B. 2 Erosion created an unconformity between rock layers 2 and 4 in outcrop B. 3 A volcanic eruption destroyed rock layer 3 in outcrop B. 4 Metamorphism of outcrop A created rock layer 3. Page 8

9 36. Base your answer to the following question on the geologic cross section below in which overturning has not occurred. Letters A through H represent rock layers. Which sequence of events most likely caused the unconformity shown at the bottom of rock layer B? 1 folding uplift erosion deposition 2 intrusion erosion folding uplift 3 erosion folding deposition intrusion 4 deposition uplift erosion folding 37. The diagram below shows a cross-sectional view of part of the Earth's crust. What does the unconformity (buried erosional surface) at line XY represent? 1 an area of contact metamorphism 2 a time gap in the rock record of the area 3 proof that no deposition occurred between the Cambrian and Carboniferous periods 4 overturning of the Cambrian and Carboniferous rock layers Page 9

10 38. Base your answer to the following question on the photograph below, which shows a bedrock outcrop. Line AB is an unconformity between sandstone C and metamorphic rock D. The lower layers of sediment found in sandstone C were deposited 520 million years ago. During which period of geologic time did this deposition occur? 1 Cambrian 2 Ordovician 3 Silurian 4 Triassic Base your answers to questions 39 through 41 on the cross section below which shows a portion of Earth s crust. The age, in millions of years, of each boundary between the different sedimentary rock layers is shown. The age of boundary X between the sedimentary rock and the metamorphic rock is not shown. Assume no overturning has occurred. 39. Identify the geologic feature represented by boundary X. 40. Describe how the rock type below boundary X was formed. Page 10

11 41. Identify by name one index fossil that existed when the limestone rock shown in the cross section was being formed. Base your answers to questions 42 through 44 on the cross sections below, which show widely separated outcrops labeled I, II, and III. Index fossils are found in some of the rock layers in the three outcrops. In outcrop III, layers A, B, C, and D are labeled. Line XY represents an unconformity. Line GH represents a fault. 42. Describe one characteristic necessary for a fossil to be classified as an index fossil. 43. On outcrop II below, place the symbol ~~ for an unconformity between the two rock layers where the Silurian-age bedrock has been removed by erosion. 44. List in order, from oldest to youngest, the relative age of the four rock layers, A, B, C, and D, fault GH, and unconformity XY shown in outcrop III. Page 11

12 Base your answers to questions 45 through 47 on the table of index fossils shown below and on your knowledge of Earth science. 45. During what geologic time period did the oldest index fossil shown in this table exist? 46. State one characteristic of a good index fossil. 47. Complete the classification table above by filling in the general fossil group name for each index fossil. Page 12

13 Base your answers to questions 48 through 50 on the cross section below, which shows limestone bedrock with caves. 48. Identify one source of pollution caused by human activity that contributes to the precipitation becoming more acidic. 49. The precipitation in this area is becoming more acidic. Explain why acid rain weathers limestone bedrock. 50. In the empty box on the left side of the cross section above, draw a horizontal line to indicate the level of the water table. Page 13

14 Base your answers to questions 51 and 52 on the diagrams below, which represent two bedrock outcrops, I and II, found several kilometers apart in New York State. Rock layers are lettered A through F. Drawings represent specific index fossils. 51. Correlate the layers. 52. Write the sequence of events, including geologic period from oldest to youngest. Page 14

15 Base your answers to questions 53 through 56 on the passage and chart below, and on your knowledge of Earth science. The chart identifies some human species and the times when they are believed to have existed. Human Species Modern humans, Homo sapiens, appear to have evolved through several species of earlier members of the genus Homo. Each of these human species possessed specific features that made that species distinct. Many lived in (or at least have been discovered in) specific geographic areas, and existed for specific time ranges shown in the chart. In many cases, fossil remains are partial, often consisting of only teeth and skulls. Interpretation of human evolution continues to change with new discoveries. Page 15

16 53. Complete the graph by drawing a bar to represent the time span that each human species existed. The bars for the first four species listed have already been drawn. 54. Which human species shown in the chart was the first to exist? Page 16

17 55. One species of the genus Homo could have evolved directly from another species of the genus Homo only if the other species: existed before the new species appeared did not become extinct before the new species appeared Identify two species of the genus Homo from which Homo neanderthalensis may have directly evolved. 56. During which geologic epoch did the Homo mauritanicus species exist? Base your answers to questions 57 through 60 on the cross sections below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The cross sections represent three bedrock outcrops, 1, 2, and 3, found several kilometers apart. The geologic time period when each sedimentary rock layer formed is shown. The symbols (star, circle, cross, square, and triangle) represent fossils of different types of organisms present in the rock layers. 57. Draw the fossil symbol that represents the best index fossil. Describe one piece of evidence shown in the outcrops that indicates that this fossil has characteristics of a good index fossil. 58. Write the outcrop number of the cross section that could he found in New York State. Describe the evidence that supports your answer. Page 17

18 59. Explain why the geologic age of these rock layers could not be accurately dated using carbon Explain why the index fossil Coelophysis is not preserved in any of the rock outcrops. Page 18

19 61. Base your answer to the following question on the passage and diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The diagram represents some of the Burgess shale community of organisms that existed together during part of the Cambrian Period. Thirteen different types of organisms are numbered in the diagram. Burgess Shale Fossils The Burgess shale fossil discovery revealed unique Cambrian life-forms, most of which were not present in the previously known fossil record. Normally, soft body parts of dead organisms are destroyed by scavengers and bacteria on the ocean floor. However, in the deep-water depositional environment of the Burgess shale, oxygen was lacking and organisms were buried rapidly, preserving the unique community seen in the diagram. The soft-bodied organisms had previously been unknown. The Burgess shale fossils were originally found in a layer of bedrock in southwestern Canada. During which epoch of the Cambrian Period were the Burgess shale organisms and sediments deposited? Page 19

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