CONTENTS. onlidhbblftosd*n klro.d,le b, cdlr.sarlrc

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1 CONTENTS onlidhbblftosd*n klro.d,le b, cdlr.sarlrc Iiibbfr /rnjn s.!httur'&.fso'hr,bjnbbyitld" tfr!gecdd.icg,7tr Rr LlL ^h&(ifr ffihcd.tkdbera, 908: bh&!red3d,o, ka4qlsxo$ Td6FEXorDsF!ridtdhlvbrh Ibfuqn3holq'} 6Mfu F+6r..t,yrrt{-!ddbt *Gt&dr-LA,r,.hddan!'*d. ad'qleefufkflehii6l tuefde T'Fdt! Dy'rdkd ldrdfrsn8be fudbdhewdy 6&$tsnLd.,n dh!

2 INTRODUCTION o your a<lvohre, yotr mcl trst ddenbe yn om sttntths md wealmm. You e.lie io dis@q your hitial se on pas6 r,f Ij ln@ is an,r'@rrle Sr&r, whi.h ye may le io lkrd the derails ot ydr rdvmtlf On yotr wi! rind bo th <G oi you ablut6. You e advisd ither tb re.ord you sco6 on the, d@,!re sr4r in p ncil or to mate photocopi s of the rhftt for 6e in futre advenhg. Skill, St.mina rd Lu.k Evd if yd ruve Ea.t. Fi8htinB Fdtaly Bdebmk beioe, pl@ frd the ioll*ins s6tid tugrlt d yd win s det ytu athibub af h,ndled difd. 6dy in ihe advate!o h@ rhey m in m6st olh r Roll one drce Dvide lhe nub r rclled by z tuudint rraction up Add 7, Cvlng you a rotat ofb tw.en 3 and 10 Enter this total in r.he srlr bor m lie RoU hao dice to the nhber olled, giving you a tol2l oi b fws :2 ad 2. lnter rhh lotal in rhe Roll m dic. Add 6 lo 0E nmbc., givin8 yn a total oi b tw@? and 12. Frkr rhtu total in th LUs bor. For I11r5@ 6at wil be dplained below all your koe will dhg.oclolly duing the advmhr lo

3 come. mst keep d of OEse soes/ dd for dis pason you are advisd to Mite sall in the boxes or to k@p fl erarer nddy. But neve! rub out you l"rli?l ssres. Althou8n you nay be awtudcd addihonal sml? srnrn! dd LUG ponts, totals may never eke d OFn Lrid sores" excepi on those ccdioft whe OE bexr You sdrl relle..ts ydr e+!i$e in combat, you dextqity dd agility Your sramrna K r ne.ts how nealthy ad physicaly fii you ae You Dc( s.oe indrates hov lucky you ae. Battles Durng you advenbre you wiil oftd dcomtq hnt e c ahfts L\at will attack you, md you yourfli may.hoge t draw your sword aaaitrt m enemy you.h&.e a(ss. In some su.h sihetioru you may be givo special options allowinf lou to deal wjr! rie encohhi in m unusud mtue4 bur in most c6s tor wil nave to resolve battles as d6cnbed below lnier you opponentt sclr and the first vacani Encouber Bor on ttu Ahenture Shsf You should rls nake a not ol my spectal ab ities or inshuchons/ which m miqu b fiat Palhcurar opponent. Then IolLow fiis sequm.el L Roll both dice Jor y@ opponent. Add irs sml sor. [o tie iotal roled, to find its Afiack SrrenSrh. 2. Ron both di@ lor yo6e4 tlm add snll scor to tnd you Aftack seengrh I. il tbu Atta& Shength is higher tha your opp& nd(r yd have wodnded it prcced ro slep 4. If you oppoletk Atta& shensth b hisher than yoe, it has wonndd yd. pdeed io srep 5 II both Aitack Shgth hotar! d tle sft, you have avoided or paried ach othd'3 hlows: start a new Attack Round 6om st! 1 above. + lou have wouded yod oppondt, e subtraci 2 poinrs lrm ie sramrn! sof. You nay ue ruc( h@ bo do addihmal dmage (w Lxd *ction). 5 lo{ oppmt has wouded you/ so $bha.t 2 poin : lrm ym sdna score You naywlu.( to ftdu.e the los of 5IMNA Ge ruc( *cnon). 6 B gin tle n it Attack Romq srarting agu * shp 1. Ihis sequ n.e.ontinues dtil Lhe sr MINA re ol eidtd you or yotr oppmmt m.hes ze, which m m deafi. If ym opponat di6, ffe to contiqqe wid you adventuft. If you die, you adv rtue mds ad you mnst slart al1 ovd again by q@tog a new chdada. Fidting Moft Thn Oh opponent h sne situation you hay ffd youeelf more r.han one pdson o. cmtg a combal Sometime you will trdt th n as a single opponen! sometime you wil be able to lighr edr in tum; ad at other tin s you wiu have to 68ht then au at the eme tim l ff th y de tu at d 6 a si4gle opponent, the combat i! ffilved nornaly. wlcn you ar itutructed to lignt tou at a time th.onbat is eolved nofrally - eept drat on yd defeat d eneml, r.\e

4 tar8.t e in r llm.] l,of ouk@.t rofighj:arbd y4r.ldq b.nle. AgairEi ey addni@il idr fth addftidrd.dv@ry Lq<I ar variob tlne duing ytu advmhli,.ither in bartld or wh6 y@ w ac oder Eitu.tioc in which yd 6urd b eilhd q UrJudy (.i.r.& or de R gv6 i. tle Flevar paeghphs), }!u tuy w LU.r lo F.t tlr. outc@e nof f.v@bt. to yd. But b waer Using LUcr ir a nd<y bush6s dd if you e, th Eeulrs codd be dilrskous The pftedue td l6rint ydur I/t 3 worlr s iouowr E d, titr yd l}d tw &d, y@ sulr rubf.d r Firt hm luc!<g Thu yd wiu.iae riethat,thenoey@rdydrurl!d,lh Ety 'l@ UsnS Lu.l tn Bthl6 ln certaln pragaphs will b. iol.l io T6r!d, L!.i, 6.1 you wil rhfl 'u find dr rhe.d.qumc6 ot being Lu.l9 or Unlucty, HoweEr, ln b.m6, y@.le.f h!@ de.pdm of Ehg yd!uc4.ithe. ro ilrnidn@si6dtu.f.o mcppotbt tohrv. irst wmd.d, d to nininj* rle.t e$ ol. w@!d It ya have jue wowded e.'pfier, you my 16l!.rt la.t a.leib d.bov - { yd E L!.ky you h:v. in lkld a w* rcun4 d.dur & dtr. 2 Poinb fr6 y@ opf hr's irtq 6c. Il you e Udu.ey, h@e4 yru bld you opponme md y@ d.d{ct only r po[f 6od you oppddrs srma (i.e., irde.d or ering th..(ful2 Fints of d,nate, t@ t@ se o y ). whawn y@ yneit ae wmd.d in.mb.r,,bu may lbl yo* rrct to Ey ro minihir. de wo6d. It you de Luk, yru oppon nfrbl@ or y Br,a6 you, dcdu.t 1 polnt 6dr the ddate you rubln. It tou & Ur udy, ytu woud is a siou om,nd you h6l&dul1dinren poi du y@ yornd R.ll@b6 yd musr subn*i 1 point non you ruq <@ och tlleiat6, wlr t!d.

5 Md About You Atiiil'utei sl You sml tuf my dege duin6 the cou* of you advghn Frm time!o time a PdaSraph nay give irehuctios!o in@ase d d{re* you eroll $ore, but it may not eke d ils Jriti.,l valne unls s!{ifically imelded [o At vdioe tmes.luhg adventuft you will b lold ho,!!r Shi0 Ihe 'tu FocedG for thb G ehctly d\e sme as tha! Ior T6rin8 yo,r t.t rci t{o die. r de nuber reid is equal to d 1e$ thd you (rlrlmt snl score/ you hav suc d d jn you t6t md OF result will go tn yof lavtu If lle tunber rclled is hi8her th6 you cmnt SKLL {of, y@ will have failed the test dd wiihave to srjfe. op coequences. \lmever, adike Tdtkg youl Lu.& do nor subead 1 point koh you s(lr.a.h time yottat your Skitl Sttnitu You st^mrn^ {ore wil.h4g a loi.lumg your adventure. It will djop 6 a Fr t oi wouds gained thmugh mbat, orby faung roul oi t af an.l piitals, andilwi al$ drop aitd y@ perfom ayparticuldly aldu@s tdk. If you srnrna scoe we! ialls ro zdo, you nave ben killed od should srop Eding the book imediat \r B.ave advattes who wtuh io P6uc deir quest nust rcll up a new.haractd dd You cm rcslore lost srnrn! by.ating meals or PrcqsioN lou srari the gane with enough fo! 10 Meals, dd duing your advmtu you will be able to obtain nore You must t? ha.k of now mdy PovisiN you have lelt by 6lJng ihe details in tl PNvisioN boi oi you /d@,rr 'n shesr. ladr timc you at a meal you may restole up io 4 points 01 namrn, but yd nust lmenb4lo deduct r M ar ftom yor mainin8?iovisio6. You nay stop and eat rrovieios at dy tim qept wh4 you are Lu* Additions l,o you ruc sore may b awarded in the adve hft whd you hdve bes particulally tortunate or c ated you om lu.k by sone action Details af give+ wtsf appftpriale, in the lalaglaphs ol the hbk. Rem{$er that, as wilh snr dd sr MrNA, you ru.( scoe may tuver er@d its httl value, ur 6 dle iexi speificatly isku.ts you to dre Chmge Points as you wil soon discover, you ap about to mderso emetlrin8 oi a trasfomari@ as you mdertat d advoture anead oi you Although it wil not med dythhg io you just yet, $e late of L\is chesp i6 nonitored in t(ms of cnce points You srart yod advmhre wil\ a cmnc! sde oi zerc Howevea dtring Or advdhft this total will inwitably h@ase

6 bu( n.\ay ale KNp a caprul nore ol your dt@r numb roi.h^n6e potnli ne appmpnate bor on 'n tour,4?nrr/r. sn.d One df hanslorhllron b 8us, your c Equipm.nt.nd Cold You hgin your adr.nlure wirh $mc b.slc.quipmcnt lhal tou sillne.d lortht.hillcn8.nhead oftou You ato amtd qith a skord nnd nrc d6 d in lcarhi amou.youl\iv.rbi.kpmkhhold tour Povi5io6, Cold tincs nnd int ttustrrsororh r itdhsyou mrf lind alon8 rhc Nty. Yotr ile cirry r lantcm nnd tindubox. ft nnd out hob mrny Cold PiRLs wirh whi.h yo! bcgin your vcnrup, dl No di.c rnd add 6 io rhc nuhb{r olldi Nor! rhl roit donn f Or Cold lllrc boi on rour Airy,nr. Slhi Your sword and lantcmrhould b nored In rhc Equpncnr bo&ir nustrny orheruslul rlensyou nay a.qurr Altenativ Dic Tf you do nor Mv. a pair oi di.. hi^dt drcc blls irc pnnled ihdushour the bst ir rhc botrom of ttf pa86 Fli.khB Epid ly through lhc bok and sloppins oni piscwill Biveyouarmdondi.chll. If you nftd loollonlyontdi.e,ftadonlyihc lirsl prinr.d diccr il two, lotnl th{ lwo di..

7 OIEmuRu SHEET 1""'"---"" l it

8 BAD MOON RISINC It ws madnes em b tnink thar nalc tohen xrv ngeb ropnightfal. As dek d6qded, what p6wsd Fu ro kave rie rud 6d attempt bo tar a sholtat truoueh the $fio@ting foest? An erpenaed sod-fodnre yd 6ay b, but tou brd! b&vado has got the better of you this hm rc md fo. all, You h@rt b@ts a ta$oo of n@r pdic in yor cbesr, you ngg d beathbg Esps louruy in y@ ears Yo\r qucl4 your ste!, just d yd k M trat ltet af huting quictaing h d rhe wolw s pantina d they ftr! esny *ering pa wi& yd. Th ni8ht do*s ir! a shornef nt shmud oi ddkn s. You kip owd xp6ed he roots, the m(n - mly a matt* of nighrs away lrom bein8 tun -.6ting ils si.k1y tight o!u8h naked, black bmch6 above. To ydr agitated mind de rt 6 sed [o daw aty@ with skehral ]'lack fing E Suddenly the adfalin run of pai. is replaced by thatofd sperate hope as youekhsisht ofa llicrdins lishtbetus 0E loomu&lenes Es it my b m md thd a lone guttenng cddlef,ft, but to you it i! a b.iurmt bea@n of nop mi.l th bla.kgs. Ihe right is shdrg lron the winrlow of d kolat d hut, dd suddenly yd leel th@ js a.nre you night yet 6ete labe that th m@.!in8 night *eru A howl als thrcqgh the.hnl night an, a norhtul tud ttut lrea the bl@d in ytu reib. Y@ imedar ly sluble!o a halt the dinal fron sonshef dof bji lour r at Fcing, you beattug snalow od fast, you s"h rcun4 smuiig ln oppeeire ld6t Id the lelt-tale si8ls that you kdw hst be thft. And tha you se then, a dozh bhzing-ed ey*, sndldding lit oale, walchirg Grcwljry t]e mrv r 6link inbo th mmli8ht in nbnt oi you. IIE mimh hav a leail hungry r@t, their Erey pelts $abrcus m.l pahht dr.t eaftips p $ed low agast tie! skljs, [F GDng bact 6@ y.nryed, sla@g lags. Dann ryiods teu realse,!o you horcr, that you ft You usheathe ym sord, the blade shining 6 it shdes lrm it8 oited larh r rabbad You best lts rei8hr in ym hd4 howins that it is oijy a mtte! oi n()mls b lo yd wil be ior d ho li8htlor yn life. In that aomt, yor mind is sadd rny awnd eithmehorisof O lstfewmmths.. Gmlrhg weary or th.onjortable sffity oi the plnis of Iqp!&y ad rd.lleran4 you vmtued Mth nbo that cloud-cappaq nosdtittd Falm of ujoryiving noutan pealg arxl beodiry fd 6ts det is Mauisratia The pettily leudng prinotalig oi that d adly ldd have hisbiies as long,nd d

9 as oet of the Old World teu P ople talt in n!6hed ton6 oi L\e vmpif tir& of Mdwais ud lre ghoulish d@th<de oi Bathdia, No ldd i! noe beighd dd a@scd thd that ot l-upevia, A ch pl. ot prineval hoerai$, ddt Io E rd misr shoud d nodan4 it i, eid to b. hauied bv tle spinb oi th Etl6 ddd. The mtchd natie folt of that iand stsu8arc o.t. out dd th. h.e*r livin8 Irem its thin sil atd Eaularly su(.r th pedatim oi rilrt dimb. Only tp t@lhardy or i rff wouh (hg [o willinglt pd bq,ond its bods dd dtu $ar An<I yet h.g you m d de wry edge or Lupdvir, and su<lddly derything yotr hay as h@rd.boui rhal plae m$ reniryinslyur... A ffir nof ntucina md bl@drhilrg thd any ldve yei hedrd 0lis hatetul rutht brhgs yd bxt 'bu to dre plenr md 0E die MhrE oi yd pedi..- mr. Thewolv6hdt6m PushinE asid.ln. olner el6 6 it moc Arcoah dre b OE u-.louhbbl l@de lt is Golht 60r. hm6t in lhe mshedflt light oi EE mm, whi.h hm8s like. moh r's dp*wakh dd in th pall ol nighr. Y@harenwds its lik b 6o8. The c@tue is h!ge,. mntrdur bea3t lwie ote si2r oi my othd kltl in lh pa.r. Ib Flt u urierly black, apart fton th one l@t sreat of grey fi.t ls IrDn the top or ib hea<l a[ the way rlon it3 bacl Ihe l@k of *n int6ti5 in its e', $m thin8wholy lllwtuel in a wolt Mething a.lhost inhuhuly huhrn- A 8!ttu.l gewl liat sfalc of y@ ilrmiret ddi6e ris IroF d ep within its chest md lne wolv6 begnr t) hove agair Wiih ddth Ei.cled n ie ey s, de geat eou PEPsE io Pou@.

10 1j wlih lle wou pa.r srddily dcing in on you, ad op geal wolj t6ed ady bo atta.k in a jstdt, you m goins!o hav to act f6t ad ue a.[ yn.wing lf you e eve. BoinS!o 8et out oi this dif sihration Trny6uba&on0 wo andtrytom forit? Tmlo4l Stand you grcmd md pfpe to meet lle Bla&Wor's inelitable attacf Tm to 65 S ize tle bitiative md dujge tl wolf? Trm to 47 9Dr?ne$? Silrercs? She nust be ta&ing about d1e Silve. Daggq toud on the body of de Aoblin L\el Quickly you 'tu t te out the tl@ning blade. The sprddqu h's ey6 praciically bulg out of her head 6 the eight bla.( orbs carch srghr ol ine &gg{ Surlerina jn the 1i8hr ol lhe crystal lomation. 'My sharfesr My prfty snvdes sne shriek 'Cjve it ro me, thi f. Or shail I haw bo lale it Eom you?' She sh Lls towajds y6u ovar the d huks ol mm dd dwarfs tlet litter the ioor of ner.hdbd. Ii you wdt hd Omw Op mdste. th Silver Da88er, tum bo 67 If youchotretotrpatishtholtof it,hmto162. t hexplicabl, some0rmg starfs to claw at you iside you chest ar l@si thais what it feels lik. Ydu.ry out in pain as you double up, bui fie cry OEt cdm tson yd! thrcat is nore Iile a lupim h@1, and that's trtr

11 4a nor dll You cm I*l tur brbtlhg on yod lae dd R it api{amg on *E rxct or )Dqr h$dr, while lhe tips o{}@66selt h an<l BhaFth.n lve. (Add 1ro you tucr kof.) Il1e garh.dd dr@s lolr tap and b*e a sep bacb ap.n fis fte Marei 'A[' he nl g,?a mltue v\ih hi{h1 tot ft o, th@.'y@ il,f al hm in stmed d4mdti thb B not the you would hav xp hd.v\re.,[ hrv do ve not?' lhe Mdter syt giqt You a rul d Irin 'Bul I thint we hieht hav a phe tor yd, within N Canvale - thal E, ' yd would lile tdjoin 6.'rt y4 acpt rhe M,sr6t off r (tum ro r5) orde[m his invil,atid (tum to 5o9)? Has, tle ytub nd tou ftr ar Th. GibD.t Ttc, eid thar his siskr L i*l hrd M a*.v to ioin rh C2hivale It $ftlv d t be. thii hel b tie Eav lling dru h. ws t ltinb about. You lm rnte tl,s'wods de.n': Rird, EmLsque and mbf,'wa hm h. d&ib d it. Ytu hrve b admit that yd ft intrisuad- Do ytu wat to pay lhe ak.ft f e dd der 6. Cmiv.l now in tn hope oi findins out mop (hm to rti), or would ylu r.fier wdit dtil 6frd d..t.nd dld tho of d.rldre (tum ro 43), o. w@ld you ather hiv norfiing ro do widr ihe prrc (tum to 16)? 5 You do not have to walk fff lhe lls. Wth lh d8k depming Nud,ou, you b.gin to xploe rheh by tw'ljght. Ya pa betws tublhg stone F-l Fr-l wa[5 - what.v r@f have suppord long gd - md b@tn brok n aehe inlo.lirr o@ed chub4 op6!o th. set hotr now!o*lrry hb bcd6, mtipede dd vmin. Who bu this place - yo find toleu woftlerin8 - sd whal hee?r4hf lhe ruin desde loxt'sseoibhold, a $de's nid..ea, or $n holy Emple dedicatd lo. now-ior8otien d ily? TheE is 6e thine yd c..rld ot howdd Evil holds dminid hrft now. Lukbg shadows *6 b chd8c JEF.nd move fte lqed you dploe rhe ruin ue md inh'p de r*lilg brom tnar lh.e i! d evilptulingein8 withr thi! plae,d.t il i5h.ringtd f..l imingry q@mlortabl.. Do y@ wat io d.pan df ruig wnr} ot turth{ del.r (tuh ro!a), or win you FFist wirh Fu inv6rig.ti6 (tun l,o t49)? 5 Ufting the l.rd! y@ p6h op n rhe h@vy dod of T'. 6ib!., TE. Ihe M s'gd vhich depicb e enpty 8.llow3 *.fold ad mging ru5rny in lh? nitht-bte@ abov you ShuftirS th d6! yd 6tq th bd mh b yond. It is rclativ ly lar8e wilh a nunber oi Lbl6 dd chaic dotd aoud, but, other th.n you, th@ apfae!o beonlyftothd sbm c. Youg!u with d inl Mly triog xpbim m hstrc Ih ehb 6 oi a lie rhoddd in dre Erate Bhidr G sl into a lal8e.hirnne.y bedt. strnding behind the bar is a blubb.ry, bnd-hdd d nm whon you lak to b dle lsdlord, luglbri,.udy rubt'in8 a with Ore srirrs olhis 6thy apd, dd a girl of no hoe dlan.ichhe n o! ninetq, whoe blact h.n

12 ie d dt mpt m s, nd ndt yes s anry inbo ure dyin8 ceb of dle iirc No me sp als, nuljng fie whhingof thewind intneave denmof unftdrg. Anight at m im su.h tu dlis shoddn't st moe tld. dpl ol Gold Pie.s, but you cd im8ine tou would r ceive a wmer $rl.on r6n a pa.l oi snry wolv s n 0E clodep MMtaitu in midwhter Do you wat to spmd what remitu of ttle ni8ht at Tla Gritbs,?'e (tum to r3r), d w6!rd you pff. b nsk a night out m the n@is udd d\e stds 7 B hg hindnn not to Fhrm!o dtrhee you h:ve alr dyben, which n@r wil you now er?loe? reain8 Stri8oiva, you 6.le yod way [own& rhe ddt spu oi k s that delireabes dt il oi th Io L Gdl d and h*ist d te6 arh <'E de parn b fi{en ther', iorndng a loliated hmer that ldds into th. depttu of the woods letrs d1e ftwded hu&t and dukhinalrdctb, de IoEt is d ddl a6 at dek. o.dionally you hed dre tuittd olbi.dsong o. d disr.nt shtiek oi l loes{ ainal, but you F rcthhg. The fost ntu s ucamy quarity ho it tlat re /ou. It hs all th ahrosph@ ol 0F w@dlands of fairy tar s dd Io&-1ore. IlE diming of ile halt-light rhat Fftha[e5 did lar bamth the he s teus you thai rotht js on ite way. AdennS opss tefore yd ad you find youer looking.t the hiror black eudace oi a w@dlmd p@1. Trac* of vatefwed tral lne surfae anid pahn s or tlti.k, algae. The pool is a goo.l huded yards acss but in the twilisht you 6 *e tlet tle sha8gly parh you d lolowing whds ie way Nud th edge o1 th. rake to the ld side As you pfp@ to set o( again, the eud ol singing drins to your ef over lhe waher. It i5 a ritin& wordles hrre that sp@ks to you of m bn.holi. ldeligs dd a dep, dalk $@w RoU two die. r de hotsl rcled is l $ thd o. eqdar ho (]t,nc ffi, tum!o 64, II it is EE

13 9 Follwirts th. h4!d thfush rte ro a srr- ov. It6r uhidr. roi.l of 'd EQ tub l6d dwrrd' fiow wiu yd orca6 w? W 60lLw 'Ih. nrwl ton whcl mab a suly!r!6d u ll? Tq b.r. Tt. cobw.tsphltaed p.$g w.y? Th!o;; rk'turequrehmd? TM ioto rid. Th Silve D.Bq wii.l hm de Und6d hr ex rny ae tu urd I run Fin6 oa N@ go,' dec@et@da6ttfq Lwe P6ing thtuth lvlo 's k6ele h..d ndrh inb rh 8y te tin F! hlw ftlr.d tuth inr! rte tulls io the ddrl fdtelil!.huct@, nttht h! FoFrly 6J n sd rhe n@ holdr ddirud ow fi la.d mo hoe The p.lh b rw@ th. F.t6 cumbs a Nky Fint d 8.b16.nd squl toy6 of lnorhd skr.rur within df.bpl* Yd.E lrindbs in ft@r ot. tiu(t, and seutd, o.i rld. To ft rid. a tallow,lt wiu $fia iels.d b rdn poinehrh* den tre Eud r) d rlp p@ neal i! ininigt to deir Arrq h.r 6 I&r o, Erdin& $d yilh D ds oa tuqish s6t pri.lljrg Fu bw d6pit rie 6ld, tre

14 Ulrich ruddenly h*l I've loud ill' You hurry!o rhe spot wh e de w@dslfu b sranding b6ide the bole ol m aging oar. Grcwina lhee ie the plani hom ar beladona, or deadly nighlslude the h ft you have ba so derfrately *ljns. Qxictly you pick a nddi ol spli8s ad pop rhen Dto you! heth, But beladm js posonous and eating ehe halcs you sicl (lose 2 srmrna poinlt). By doing s, howev r you hnve also slowed tne advace of the lycdthjopy thbugnout you sften (subeact r poht fdn your clrnc! mre). Yet, dfpite this, some sitth s6c tcus you trt it in't leen moush to rid you of you! rmicbon artobethd. Unl6 you 6nd dothe! mor eff&tive l]]f, yod ft still 8oin8 ro hrm into a sou $e npxt time OF mln t tul WiI you now *t olf aft r th wor pa& (hm io 423) or go in *arch ol Crddmorh r&kova (tn [o rd)? rl-r4 You sp nd a esd4s niaht in your tuom, kept awakc bystange and disturbng noi&s Orat fil you wilh a rnse or dead. thep F drc dattcrinb of hooves on 6bbles, shrill whinqnna, crazcd.a.klin8 laubhtet, rd the noaning of an unearthly gald. Con. the mornin& you I*l just as iied as you did on otirin8 ro bed dd in your weake.ed state, your intr wolf gams a 8ftater hold on tour body (add r to yolr cs^nce s.ore). You leave?r Cibb.l Tr.r without qing motld e ad Fi off agair along ihd road north a.rcs dr noos. Tum to 69 EmerSinS fron dre tmel, you ente! a vasr chanbcr i natural stone caordril dep wilhin tne Gl of Sund Ed Peak Hnnsing did th stalachtca.usfnded rrcm rhe Imr of dr.av m ac pendulous, ilk-wnpp d egg-sg, lilo L\F made by spidc6, llrhousn each of rhef E e bt as a keisur.hesr. As \ou crcs the.hanbei you detd movem nt above!ou Lookin8 up inro ihe gl@n you R *veral or lhc i$ split opm dd the SEni spid r lelchlings dmerso. Er.h has a distinctive set of marlin8s on its ab.lom.., m thc lom oi a grimhg Deal{s Hcad, and d..h hit hcs wilh the hstincrive d sre to hnt Rdll on. JR and add 1. ftis is the hrt:l nmber of spidcr llt hlings rhar attack you Each of ih hatchlins! his.hc sanc strtistics.iight the emebins spiderhrgs one CIANTSPIDERIIArcHLING s(nr6 sramrnal

15 you MaSe to baftle tou way thrugh lne harchery whi.h rcute will you tale out ol the v6t cavem A hlm l wifi its kair l:lmin8 witi wate.? Tm[o4os Aste ply indined cl ft in d wall? Tm!o 31 Amw, hrjsting passge? Tm[o415 You spend the next h{o.lays h the plea$i conprny oi the Cmivale lolt as they beak camp md set otr along rhe md e6r oui oi Balci lou lel Ered and lefteshed, dd nof pcitive about your whole stuation Tte llmttlhg trmfdmanon you undemot also Ev4ed ilse[ mme dah the next day. (Rsror!! to 4 srm^ polnts dd 1 L!c( point.) Another day o^ tne road brin8s you Lo L\e iown oi va+dhoi As th citu io]l start etting dp Io. dothd seri s ol shows, you tllank tlr Cdivale M6t r lor his Bmdo6iry of spint but [en him you m6t be m you way, dd so weder offinb tl e tom. Tm!o 50o. t6-a1 b rying in a otd stone cell llt by a single dicksin8 oil-rrfrp. Awffies rehls me qui.dy a you hea a dirdertin8 chimping sourd. You ft not alorc n the &1. Betwm yd dd lhe celr dod htde tuo golesqnely SaP nlg thei! anlemae togethd dey move tmards yd You are going!o have to fight Ord at El me time. Fi$TCIANTCOCKROACH z 6 5 ondgiantcockroace 6 7 U you &feat dr calmache tou Baag to b al EE ruted loc! 6f th cell d@r dd, opdg it, lind yourlf in a sbberra@ pasagewat To teu nght EE rceido. (@6 to a dead od, eitner 6l@ ii left (tum to +1), o. rale dothq pdsge Oat N Frysdicnra to rhis ore skaisht alead of you BrddGhrg the holy symbol in front ot the va mpe! 6us hq ro o'1, duowina h r heds up s i.ont or h r fa@, sptting like a w dat Thro 245 trtr

16 13-19 Irle eva8e Shuck is upon you. This dpnd doe has tsturis d would'b. pilsrihs m.ljns tne joumcy ro dp lpaling shrinc oi Saint Cru.ius fo.lmg enou6h. Tmighi, ts Eign oi [.rcr to m 6d. SHUCK U ihe Shuck witu the.osecuhve Atra& Rounds, hm ar once to ro. r ym battle with the hell-hound Fads the s6tn atb.l R@d hh ro I. If you k op b as. befoe rhen, luh Itc p ople of Wutrtrtcin have lcked md bae d thcir d@rs and windows, hiding fron wldbver it is dut E nakins Lhc dfadful, Srowlhg you can hcd rho'ng alons the vilag. skftrs. Your hacu6 ris{, rcur wolfish senses R.iling ir the pbence oi smething beslial and mali8n. As you.ep through d'e erily mpty stuts, you hc peting and thc rape oi.laws on cobbl srones. Shadows l6n eoudashetom r. soncthins is omhs. Iris at rhatmodenr thar a gamt old nn stick his wildh:rcd head out fon an auelaay and b.kons lo you lith a lons-naibd nncei 'shan8.4 ir you wanr to lne,.omc with me 'Wll you, Fouow de dansy b g8ar? PftPm to fae whatever ir is thatt TR to hide wrtlout the be88a1s help?

17 Th. ly.60uopy b sf.dny s?edilg thdughoul yoq bo<ly sd chmgs m at or y@ b.in8. ln hd, Fn rxly th.lle of te rcrewou i! h*ing youphysi@lly ston8d {d noe.dept LRe you (]lqt md l,ih,?l snl &oe by I Point ert yd!.1ll@t ad Litial sr MN dcoe by I Poirt!, You m6t ale ill@* you cilnge ffi 3 5 to se a rtriling, platinu hair d {6m, with sljr a while r! lvory wepped in a bl,.k ddrh seph&rl in nieh an beymd th Fl,s - th Coutes Isold. ol Mru' rmil spnads ac her Lit Eil Uoo.l-Ed lif Fedrin8 th poinb oi elonb.r d fdgs &d sh FaNfE y@ oft me wi n her Ir frdirint srare, lou mot help yolal. a, onpell d by. P rsusive voice iside y@ h.d, you st P tie pindw, fld nvite th Coote$ lnro dre ber.hdbd 'we[ done, ny Pet she PuB. 'You hve *r d me weu. Ever si(e $ <lays ot the CadE hlehal I have sougnl pryq over these lands, but, ii4ks!o the ritual we enachd th.t nitht, $ nany FaG a8o, Cout vdolac ot fie luling UouF or wulth has had pmer over me dd die othee For as bb 6s he lived, md th dmon pfte<d hitr! a.t a8aimt him. nor could S rpsa th widow -t AEnaca. o. rh Abbot But now thar vd, onc oi his or linc, reve dgpg d him, I an fte ld bt up th Es of pdd.nd *i2 dedl of a[ LuFvia You & in the dlrrll of de vdpiric bdy of Mau, dd Lv. b6 de sina de b wikh d you in h{ towd 50 il G ODt tl@ js mtlrins d do to siop re, F! af utterly uds hd.onkol. 'ou Cout vamlm may b 8o@, but Lupravn w l main in th 8.ip of dil,.r v now under the rule of rh House of Mau md n vanpies Isolde. You w sede her loyallyi tu h r rolf+tual when it wn d oet, as.inst.ll lhe odds, FU had beatsn the Cue oi the weewolt the Cc. d tle VUDiE has thwdted vd at the last. You have bned in your nision. You advdhe B ovei nith such a larg tara t dd atsucl i.l@ raige ncvc.ey qu6ridolyou n'ssirg.ih rcd bui6 G lf d ep ituide the hoe of th hurkjng golh but it EE

18 does not even slow t\e brute. With clankiib stef I shlks towdds you lt is at that moment that lightning srikes the whdmll agai.. Scintjllathg tashs oi elenental energy explode aromd the laboiatory shafterhg diab dd Ftting tuc to bar*s of equipnent. All oj this raw slod-fo.e finds its way ro the IEnE jlg rod Lhat tou hald just plm8cd into the golcm, with devastating efiect. Tlr mm-mnde monster shrddc6 wncrc it stdds, as dr tull Joi. oi the slon p$ses through ils metallic components. Its dead ncsh cooks to n lln.lcncd cirder whle rts metalic prts melt md tuse baether Eventually ihc whold ruin.d crcati.n bpples over btr.kwards and.rashcs onb thc lloor of rhe lrb.raiory Add I L!.( point lor dclating such a dangemns eneny UOFUI having kr rcsoit to physcal mnbrr and hm io To youf leli rr ihe basp ol rhe aall, wheie ir merges with L\e natudl ro.k fa.e, is a Srilled.ulverr, rhe nst.d bae dad x h moss An unfleasmt odou, a blend oi raw elfluent and dmp rct, rlses lron the llnnel. Elen without you. lycmthjopy heignhed *n+5 rhesiinkwouldnakeyoueyeswateryou test rhe Esistarce of the bars ad, wlth lttle efiort, thc Sxlle i1v6ls nr the hole You do not ld.y $1in8 thc high, sheer rvall jn tont oi you h Or pit h ddktuss, nor, as tne Emperature dmps, do you fh.y spcnding anodrer ni8ht h thc open. so ij you wmt to onter fin pla.e you rc 8oi^g hr have to try dr. culve{ (turn to 39) or ring the bcl (tum to 53). '+-25 Takhg a liln hold ol the stones at the li! oi the pri rou.aretully lowcr yourfu over ure ed89 down hro rhe darknes IhG N plenly oj hdd mdiool holds 1o be fomd bur oe stdn6 lining L\e pit ft slick with slime. Thc air in the shaft smells of damp, fmgal hntter?sj yorr Lr.k. lf you arc, you rca.h the botton or dre pit sare\ (lxm to :2t. lr yon are It is no good, the ly.andrrepy has your body wifih,6.lawed grjp Nw Wth a yorvl of ntense, bonc- \r nchnrg pan, your physicl fom reshafs itsltt {own8 n herghr, linbs be.onnt longer, you pah' ror torted lealues Eivnrg rvay ro a hpne muzzle. You \trve becone rhe thin8 you have fonght so hard md 'or so lon8 to thwtut You clothes and leather arnou :an no lon8er.ontaln you cnd8n8 bodt and ap Jhed along with you hunm skin, as rhe lairy wolf s 1de rips through from i$id. (Lose 2 LUc( ponir, ldease you.urrent and r,,r4l s{rl score by 1 Pont rnd you cunenl dd lrrlrtrl sramrna s.ore by 2 roinh.) Diopping the weapon you wielded as : luman bcing, howling with bestiat rabe, still vaguely lvare thnt it is thc Coht Va!.ola. who has ultimatelv rronght the Cusc of L\e Weiew.lf upon yor! in your futr lycmtlope lorm you spring at the Varolac rou, determned b era.t your Fvengc. Record the rodeword Dz8,at. on your Adr,lrl. Srtui and hrn F-] Trt

19 'Roll up'nou upl' the elfrncanvale Master shouts, he vore lik a town crier s, s@jng th3 t he 6 aboui h) lose a payin8 custone! 'Tane the savage Crendel, and see the lmatml cross behv@ Iefrale beauty and lapacious reptile tiar is serpensa the Snake wonan. Visit the haunun8hall oi Mnrors, madel ai th magi.ol thepuppetmaste.'s marionettes or..oss Madanezelda's hfld$ith gold to have her io casi your future. All the n0 ol rhe fayie is here ai the Caf nivale!'youfindyo!6elf d.awn to the littleman's nsnerising 8azL., unable to tear your eyes away. nol Lwo di.e. If the total k less thd or equal to you. cfnncn s.oie, something makes you.han8e y.u mind.rd l,ou d(ide you would like to visit the Cainivdlc aftcr au, hn l,o 114. U thc total k gie.tei, Yon take another Ftup nrn ad md y.u boot abrupdy sinks into ihe squdfy Eround up io you L\ign. You momdntum.ades you forwad widl your ots foot dd len you ae up to ]our waisi in ihe shnking cluiches of a pear bog. Cra$es md no$lave grom over thf patch olfaehyground, hd,ng the dangen di ihe bog beneath. Asyou rwrsr and tum, ti}lng to see a way to get yourseli out ol Lhe bog your body links siju lunhei You are up to roui ches{{henyou spt th lensd ol exposed root FrotrudinS lron a Lus$ck ol grass on pnich a gnaned bush gmws 'fry nb lo gajn any p uichase f.on the giound beneath lour leet you Lean fotuard, strainingevery h m attempt to leach thc tut md pull \rur$ff ft e. Roll dr e dice. ff L\c total mled b less $m or qual io you $eind Krc, brm to 13. If the :3 As ihe sm!m itr coulf accr the heavos, you Jinb highe! ihlough ihe wooded hilh and tie douds Jose r. Ouring you tet you see not hai. nor hde of ne B ast In fact you are bafly awae ol ay si8s of ije,n Lhis desolabe latulscape fte sound ot bndmns caf.l long ago h Lhe woods ot rhe lowe! slopa. Yon rome in sight of m isolated larnstead As you take D $ drcoping, nossy rhakh ol ne larnhouf and L\e aeai de lict nahft oi the tmbledonn outbuildngs, 'sunder Mbles a(oss ttre hilltols dd the clouds iuist. Wlrat starts s a shower b,lownpou wil\in mirutes. Do you wdt l,o seek :helte! at tre m-dorn rm (hn to 53) oi w]l you ad ba.l dd lphm l,o v&genhol (tuin to 433)? 29 IL is alnost dam by 6ie time you male it away from 'ne Camivale. Having t rded to any womds you hay have Eeiv d ad eaten a mcal (ifyou wish), you deide thai it is iime to nove on ftom Balci altogcl\d. PrsinA on edr, ihep af hvo rcutes you cm tale. Do I ou wanr to iravel on L\e open rcad towads tlp town Ji Varge.nof (hm to qj) or would you raiher rollow $e weu won track rbai leads south-easi nto dre Etr

20 tei to f.he tr..d! dnd, dnp, dnp ol nt r dh6.tud thc wate6 oi d; dn'tie.iub r Yd n@ find vmu tn. Fon d in a mhrdl ho lor in a! cky hd b! wid. pol ol shr?lyold, dft l<larw.t r l. *r dxl 6 it loks lila. b[r.i nittq, diltlutrd t, Ulrich d(m b tde the mre, sled in! bru h font ol yd, Ieelng lor a pul* rt h.r thnt A hom hr lat r hc 1143, his hod hdslns, hb chln on hb.h6t Beiore h yd knw wh.l h b 6otnt b ey- 'w. ft t@ laie shc i5 8m ' Yd ito rct ne{<l L *t wr6 lh. old wom wg, enna FDb lh moh6r yd sw th. otttge and hord Ultt.h uiier th. l,ftgddhoth.r yelud a l6rnn PE lmili@ $rt thj! w* EE hom 6I the wis.wotu Z.tDv!, ll1e orc p.m who cdld hd! Ft, 6nd rcw de is dod. Th E 6 norhhg m w.a do h.e, hy hend,' Urrich eta 'But m {I.m8e GtednodEr Z.ldrt mudd by hdhg dm re d rl 5o wu *t ofi irb de nidt re lle, d.rmited lo lo-s-"d ad put & ad ro de -,io*l*twt I1E ttnel tcdible lhrcuth. Pitslike hol b th..avdn@rt Tuhrot Thes!@lv it*iin ddeft 6 lh.eall ol r'.-i;? rlh ror. The l w6-fl@ed hrutl wifi a.lmo6teegul{df,re? Tsior., The tmel? Tuhloug IrteBEenctsral-nvmpasage-ay' TMtoTo p6l5 ol ddks b twd th ts. Bul tn! tim it ir tlrich wio hls Nt to b. ils hrbe! ha3 FenSed ils hjrd Y@h.d a siclming@*n dd Unch hnis in a the woll sinkt it3 ts rh into his t h.t. Thd th w@d!m li s still Y@ wakh, tozen td a nom nt n vjrl8 hotr, d lhe wou ri.6 Eon L'Lich's Pom lom dd yo! Q.!se rhat it is now rldndins on its hind let, Onry $ a woll no longq lts body is shtp d morc

21 ll thdt ol a M, althouttr ft i! ititl d.ed in cn bldcl tur rnd h6 th llmi.b}eble mut ed.mtip d of a wor lt ha tqme rch.thing!l@ ttd bdlt.nd ls thd hue. LiF sllrg b.ct teh ltt blmdi d lanar, de BL.l l^lewoll Swb,lt bddn voie ft'llof l1.l@,{d hfttow.dry@. Y@ hw TtE heasr wiu ror M h6 lhir 6thl.n<l y@ hll nor let n. One vry d thts h lb.. n$lbde d@ill lty@ p en, 'rode, nm io tt tt As yo 8u adrd thc ddmh.r, yn vnnm bls tha Efa rc, dly nd 4dythjtg is srtfisd with a da8. gld. luhing tdds [.8 i!? { d ia 6r im d rh. wdl. lllr ir i6t th ody cn:n8e, yd e rc k 8d.lN.idE Fik orter FopL hrv. irin d }!u in tn. nu'l ne e adr sr.ft.ring a Gw Lel lrlh OE ed8. ol dr Pl( fr.in8 de gaping hob. chnrint dr Jld prf& ow ef.i. word! rhrt l ld mrhing b yd!but*ori!ofpo-.r tui.lld,br ne e gft }Jnd ot invddd, tn rh@ of llen dhdngor ot tin. wirh th.lrvol, dtlnt m oet lilr th. vrulilrd.p@ N@of lhsn app nf lob.we ot Fu plw A! they.dlinu lh u nle, you ot th. individuals in tuh The fier ufn whon yd 8@ lals is d athcrive, wom pnh N eyebw rais d. She wea. Ev alin& lowdt bld trtr bodle o<l l@ velvet 3bts, Nqt.Md rhe ciel is. PhsDh-hilred youger wom sith sk*ins ailtfrttc feotle, h r slih 6Bw baath de dt.fry of d v lv.l..p, IlE third js a non& orny lhe whit! lkin of hi! n md fle visibl oubid.l r leavy.<wld hdbit lha ^d! lnef r.tmg r nidni8hl-blk 8oM qbrideed with lrrf 6d m, She R!6 nll@ durn o dsiru!f!rd hd Fk $tg6rina sle is a iniriare ot te naic db. FiMUt lnd is a h!, Ey r-leired tun, nu$dlny a gdfi ruftl d $in, ofr to de w.i!t,.rd velvel i-t L ft. ha'r d{t ldb d a ducl hft afurd his!aould.r." r wrv. ot whie lrminb thd8h it nlh ue hirldl ot hb forend<l ErI of rh. p@pl it holdiry sernhg in der ha s nr eoldrh te jtrt tu holds! lhinir8 swdil in 6mt ofhjr! is!p 6ting d tte l+ ot tn. pil $th ft abnrpt h hub th spqd into dr hh8ry bld mw -don, or tu Pil- E*h of tle od6 in tm tcs lte rdig of leir atu liv into thl pil rhlir.hanrin8 riang n pidr dd inesity. llel voig e joird bt a boms beuov, th:t d6 nom [E deprht or de pit, ducl sledn-blet tur! ha.ig rd ri* 6@ rrp -rt. 'rre SorEthht hs bdn sunoed fidn glae EbN, ruddo s. dap ot rhudca leaving dly ihe Rho ol lb patng b.hind ft U,ght fad6, ttu 8l@h Erlft,. d tou vieid of the vault js trtr

22 v t4i5 h frusiratior! you hul a wu8htsim dddabh at ttu Obsidid Mima nopine ils ree tlat way IlE blact glas shatt B, sllinl.in8 inho a lhou qd rae*ndrp shaftts, d do6 you om refle.tim at the ffi mmt, you body has Reived a mlili tude oi hol dtu stabbing wom& dd you dftp l,o lou kms. Gasping in agon, yd.atch a 3livd of tou Efl.tion in m obsidid splinler TneF b 8fu rhin8 hgaringly b6dar about tlle ryresid tt\at hdb ba.l at you. For rash actid you have {ifeed t}f CrlR of E]e Mnrd. 'ou RoI m die ard lo rhat mdy srnn! pointr. ]I ]d m stil ahvq ale dd 1 t6 you cld.e KF. T}lm 6 nothing left for!tu to d6 h@ and s you have to Fhm to the Map lmn dd proceed from th@. Tum to l2r de! lh body oi rhe wewolt lm'm n ft hand ad swold Eady in the olhei BeIore you! +es the cfalue sdersoes one 6nal tramfomation. You wak! appaled as the bedt sheds much of rts cj.k black hair dd the orpf b@n6 tlat oi a pale rbme.l, wil.l-haifd ma, missing hii lefrndd. srddenly awe oi a sndning sudbehind yd, yd tsi fa.eto'lace wi6 what loolc lik a hrous gdzly bear Tlm you see 6at it is desed i! r6e tattertd.loth s ol ytu woo&m ally. lt tal6 po a mom6t to Fali* o tdibla huttr of wlet h6 hppd dbdore Op W@bea ie m you, t dible st elrbsgd claw pady [o t d you linb hom limb, dd i^ F-I F-]

23 Tlning ba.t, you Etra.e yor sbeps thftugh th tumbledom wffi of dr ruitu. Yon aft within sight of de spoi whe yotr atepd de tuitu rhd you btu awft of a skjtt tu& $urying smd fmn all adud rou. Lids. nt bla& bed6 httle ad< tle packed at you feet, while long-bodied cmliped s w.the ftom betsen tlf bn& o{ tie walr itlesid of you Pal,alm6tllll]uoumo0snufter dom lron ou tol de da.kess. Ihe opfr sre feelug of m all-pewading evll inhgeifif as, nghi tll@ in h@t oi you, betlee, noths, cqhpeder wo@ md spidets emerge from the shadows, rutdn& Mithh and (awling ove! one oothq to fom a sweling lil at you feet. In s(onds this nass oi gathering vmin has baohe a pulsating momd oi disgusting cdion ctum with a suddo upwads thdst the ms oi thy living things hkes m a smi-hmdoid f(n, la ud atinb body held ioged\d by the wil oi tne naiefi. psen.e that 1iv6 within th6e roim, the v min-hgt tu.n6 lo. you with hmd! &ipph8 widl wngg[ng mealy bugs m4 som whee wihin de tuss of Gahft dht you lake io b a fa.e, a disgx3tina mav open, butnules m sdmd. The orjy dring you cm h d L [E incssat sliterin& skitter ing lattle of the widma invet b.ates. You m going to hawe to 6eht this bizre maflf6htion of de nil VERMIN-HOST sxt!16 srmrnagebelow) To wo* out the Vemin Hosr's srmrn wre, FU ore dice dd add jr ifyou reu a 6 als add 1 to rts soll F;'] F-I tue. r yd win this batde, the nalicn snhdc holding de vemh Hct bo8ethd lc6 ote power [o man ain a fon md bsls apad like a np boil, +idee, bed6, woim md othq Eig8ling OrinSs raining dom on klp oi y@. But othd tha for a bnef shdddsing fdling of ddlsim, y@ suffe! no l4tingefi<t T nto14l.?9 Trggmg the rushd Iie or dle olvert opdin& bking a dep bead! you dawl into the stinting lunel betmd. You reve mt sdtu far whm yd leel tlle turelagl domwads &matiarry and, wil\out any wmin& 6rd J,ous lf slippina on oe wet slime c@ring the pipe. UMble to coneol you demt, you slide h ad 66t dom rh tud into 0 fo tid drkn s b ymd Tmro 'We hav a little tire b fof set 'K(@d M'6, 'e Et awhn hft ad er!:oy your meal' The headmd k ps you onpany d you Bdp dm you stedinb bowl oi st *. s vdal thin8s le netrtid d have 6ught attdrtio4 dd thn may b othq things on y(u 'd nind a well As you luish ytu tuar tlf opportuity to dk KoMd noe about 'm tlp -iz houble be tting Stri8oiva, i[ ]ou ask The Hqdls HighwatM? Tm tor79 Theshuck? tuh lor57 Strigoivatreidbouing*ttlddts? T1nio132 TheHwlinS? Tml,o1o9 EE

24 Arbemativelt you have the codryold n!dk! Rordad m you,4dmrns S[ar you hay d@e lo 8k Kotuad alout aotha hatler.rbg ther by t'h' Making you way ieid. the gapins mw!enl, yd com facftrfre wilh a fihat r, wi0r Or rati6 oi a sinuous Ed dragon arcs hb ch6l fte M sink a buming tolch into his tbjoat, pulh it out dd exhales flane jnb tne ai., [o crles oi wdda ftun the oth.r Carnivalevisiio$.'v!'elcoheloCrookshz ascnbinet of Cui6itiesi' he declaes, What curositi6 eey ael As you wddd afud the tent y@ *e a blh tded shep, a paft of ojohed jusgling twis ed a hrlttid! 6 But riq you on!o the ret nuhd nuta t ol all h a lalac ca8 ar rh ba.k ot de ht i! m of lhe mgt hidous dd you have ever ffi. FFh the waist up it app E to be humdd burfrom the waist dow[ it is wholly $:]., md a large sare dt that, S rpdsa dr snatsonan' a sign above the.a8e Eads in aaudy ftd ]et1 rs. A! yor approad! sdp.$a hlsses md ddts ler held close to the bd, he! tril ratrling ominouly. You decide Or@ is $tul\ing dnatunl ab.ut a snale wonan md, d, Eult, 3ohethint sinistcr ab.ut. 421tl.i@s that woull xhibit ore. (Mare!ft tnat the.odeword &m,is is Rorded d you,4ddtrz sleet,) Yd have m nouth. lt is lime t6l rle tie Cabinet ol Cuiciti6. 1!h to r5z. 1t ctqlicly you appedr de <yrhinb blade iudgins You nonot aftuuy. 16I WU ski. t yot ae su(stuj, tum tjo.06. If y@ ft cu.c6sful, tlh 1t Spiming m you hel yot hurl }llelf away fron $e ol the prcl a6 6 the nonens eou sprines fotu dr,.lrws baed But af yor Efl xs fast r ddn ore 6f r <leadly FEd atoit T6t yout Skill lryd$ccrd,llnto41 It you fan, tuh!o.54. Y@ IolN th orndor until it ods at an opr ar.hway in de nght+an<l wall st pping through, you lhd yod*r in a clobt Ed courtyard. In front of you loom Ele inplsive url yet, at the she tihe, oppl*ive Iacade of the Abbey chnh To your lj8ht, motle arr}lmy rerdr bact to the main dtran.e lo tr dvl in tn l ft-n n t w.[ of the.loi{er th@ is a d@r $ yd d[e. th i'ftr ererm oi de Ab6.t.huEh (tffi b 156), ky lh. d@. in the left-h:n l w.[ (tuh to,56), or lln nght dd nate tru 6@F from this accurs d Abbey (ts

25 fr1 rhat spl wd the bedr 6dl3 you widr m njshty, paw 0@ 2 erffi^ poinb). You haw tu dd@ but ro lieht you e6h{tnle Inqd WEREBEAR 3 SIN^ 1O '@I Ii the w.pb ar wouds you the tus o. noe, add 1 to you.iinge soe r you m this bttd., 3o The Co6h5t s rdt sw@ps dom on yo4 *izing you dhouldee n it clawjmt d Srdp Wirh tpo seong wht-beab, *!e wftbat haub you up into th vadt ot 0E dore. wh6 you rf sn hejght abov the.habber fl@, it lets 80 ol ybu a8ain YoD dash dom onro th old n.ibl with hmeshaeerirg foe. te 4r^wpoinls Md r smlfint{uds yon have the O!,ir*dint spri.l.bili9 h you sihply lose 3 rm Poore). ffydswiv th tull, you camot lert as you a$t finish you iishr wlth the Werebal llyou a hato6e. The cottag shuddd with. e$uding dash d smlnin8 thrcs iself at the bolhd dd. Indedibly the wolv6 af ata*ing rhe ott ge, eying io lre their w.y in. Yd ae going!o have ho hrlp def.nd GladhodEr z koe's hohe lrom There ae lhe ways into 0F cottag, the dmr by which you ent rcd od tuo windows. Ulrid, Grandmother Zcrova dd yu,i 4,rd one mkam.ach. bll o, 5 d 6 a*rnl! O second window De tloo. cm sisr me wot arrack t,tiich wilt be abl b kin Mo wolv6 befoe my of the tet t4,r him ard irro the oba j cradhorle zrrova wolve's iewom tutu to you, n\in8 you wi n he! ne dring!ae. Ten m asain abour thar atract d!ou/'she sf. Ityou hav. a Sigtut ftn& th lo 359. Etr

26 45-46 Night.on s dd with it a norde oi hle spiddb mers s fron OE.ave mddl Fady to hmt for OEn qued The gimt ara.hnids imediat ]y pofte on you Thft ft t6o my of *1.h fo. you to have my lope of defendina yollru md ]Du soon sualnb to nmes venomous bit s- You adrehe mds hee. other Eack L\at leads back wer $rcu8h the fofst, l ving you a drorce or h{o tuules. Y@ hav h ard t@ mny ts16 abour what happen duing lhe wilching hou to sfnd a night in th opd at a dosroads So, wil you head northsst tryard! vargdrhot indl cat d in 8o6ic l Henng on a lara. sisn (tum to 49o) o!fo ow th Mau path south Gi (tum [o 433)? You.onhnue your way dmugh de woods mdhturbed by Mn or bedt, Op sbnds ol beech and eln mcmily quer. Ihe sm sinls lower util the day ii a nmpurple-orange the honrcrvhalf-glnpset onugh de gnalled md tangled trunts. With slret alact do.e md hoon sewelluderwa,yourea.n a cmsrcads r the lolest pa th Surprisinglt Io! such a lorel, jsolated plae, thee is a si8npgt with lou pla@ mmes Mt d on tie fou pdel that point norih west/ s@th-west, north4at md mrth-w6t, p{tively: Balci, sel8oiv4 vargdnol dd Mafr. Having kaveled 6m tle w st.lfady, ad sing det you path li4 tdwajds tne ft, you rcnoe 0E 47 'Comt Vfola., I hav not fought ny way a.os nay leagg to joi^ you h you dehan.hed cele b.ariq oi ure wn tuf that!d L\ls land wihin its cruel grup!'],ou de.lar Ihavecomeheletok yoq to liberare luprawia and E n,6elf koh the Curp df 'Brave wods,' VaEolac cout s, Aut I hav 4duEtL lons md have lamt now ny Sift!o the b st of ny ability whees you m yet to.mbd@ ils Pw i How 6 ytu hope to bst ne, cout vatok., Prine oi Lupdwia the Wullm rord?' wid ddt tle Cour mps nis IinE 6 dd the huge wolv6 pad towards yd,ndnsry Id ali[.lly@ have tpcd ofth.inild sp.ialah i9, tum to 247 r nd you m going to have to fighi dr liogethq ir you ae to get to EE

27 rllo r3 TrBting you itutii{b, Knrya diets rhe tsb 6!0 lhis Bw tbck. You clir6 610 de 6r ot lte s it bdf rd borc dd dp6 d trf tuts dd d p po0dl6, deemin d mr lo fa! ofl. And your ploy rpp@e b nav. worled- T'l esd! you rtrri ho thirk you highr have lefi the hub8 pa.r b hind Id Bood. Tum!o rre 19 ln lh. &am ed leneid ol rhe mmr, tin. Ftu lodmc,ou d{di.rt you ReaF4 rh r&d!.61.pp.di!g lo r'm b'<ueap And th6 you pq.ctle find5 t3 bdl.nd le pebe of rift rh rc ro noral. wilh a howl of Ege dd pain de heebedt d.sh6 down on oi daw3 3plinF ing the w@d mee inche iroh yod. Td ro 43o 5r m lrt h&rd! IE bulblile be.lgr1,en to s.! qqie $.otig sy he. Do yd wot to: L@r at tle ow's bo.&? s.npl $re oa de dddm.h. weblsabiwirs? t.av ln kiltnd and t te ulotls pasgsay readint lom lhe Tumtorg tfav dd ffid the.rdd dhlrcose$i Tum to 146 1lr O/l 4 nr wdd - Yd h.v grin d. hdl Ll a wob ehi.h tl@ r@ 6Ehl win 6nd v.rt lmrins. I/trh6 yo r this I@ rb'lfty in b!ft. t@ my redr de Atrad SllEtd ot yod opfr6t by r Finr. How@q, it w l rdt.lg<r idi6.i.l qeeuce d de urd d. ture of rhd lw 3Foal alilfty on ydr /ufirlr sr.r,.nd tln bm ro rt FEBhph vith tle gft nmber c the myd rerdrimtsucr.d fo M edm, to An evil pb.ddoner oi the Bla.k AJE ri dead al you t! you w E riahl not to trrer rhis sdt ot rhe Ddt PoweF, ror who bow3 whar wile w.h.afi sh. nj8ht hrv ued m giva de dene. (R6ioF I luc poinr ) Thm i. 'o{, litde rh,rtou ouid polibl, wmt, bur ko ltmts infisu you: her bdl.rd th b!b6l$t Mct6 st adnysitu.m8 F;.I F I tre

28 E en as the wom's begunmg pow b giming to ta ke eftu, a p Gbbent part of you. sulrg.ios <Fam at y@ to bel ye conlact, the Lidy of Mam 6 trying io nasnerbe you with her hnnotic gze. $sugh sh&! strensth ol will aloe, you loee _voderto look away, 6 eingyogelol thecohtesl d.lhhnent. She hiss in ltuseatioo lik a wildcat, but tak s a step away hbn yd. 'Very we[,' she spils, 1 tt *e what mama of ftahft you hary u.' She Gsls a daggerglmce at h.r mmanmt. 'Kill the inhude. Pur rie aninal down,' sh sys,i0r i.y fte Countes'ndserumt shps b tu en you dd hjr trgire$ He opens his nouth md drie6 a dltrill, pdinb cry Yd ey6 tued on the gaurtsfaced rrrm in appal]ed wmdd, you watch as he unde es a lnds6 md t rrfyhg trdsiomarion His lmbs warp md diston, his am contrachns into hjs body Nm 6 his lingd bon6 ld8the& nenbrdes of Fadery skin uturlingbetwm thm. flehd'seaf b.ome pointed ad pronofted 6 hjr nose b(om6 a ngly $oui. His bod, now mtn t ovded in brist\ tui bu6is IE of nis cloties. No lmgd a m but a monstsous bat witl a wingspm n aring twelve I t, th Countes Isoldc's senmt div6 for you, hying to snaich you up in his claw d f@t. r nfi &e werebat suspended in the ar in hont ofyou, buffeting you with every beat ol ils wtngs/ you Etaliate widl WEREBAT Fi.l Fi-l

29 5H OE l^r*b.t rn Atla.t llound!, tuh at oe io,6. Als, ii th th& hsia, a<id r io om stzin ol lyddu.p/ rela.l or stfd ol th: di* in you hody lt tou Mtt to tii tr sh.f<itnnglng sdat, tum to 63 Ihee lr enethin8 d*ply umding abour $e r.r \a/h.t has b en lelt!o ol in the lields dd *erleree whal6eld to ydr lefi (t'd L 16), 6 a<rs EE nuddy to lhe ridrt oi dp o.d (nh to r9): Oi tle ooe h,td you uy tuw ptttd to tuh btx ad l.v. rhj! pl,a (hh to aar.!t4 PlhbE Gelr's shll j! day d with all m.m oi.oloufd slde porion bo*16 ed the othe!.(ou_ remenb 6enHing a woik+day aldtut TheE E t crucible s* above a rhau, smouldsing bldter, t any orher sped naleiid. Egdiftd). l!!t tij Ddn&ir8 dri6 poli6 wil EtdE yru rdn m b it3 lrr:tirj tevel md Edue fln6 3<@ by t 'bu Thlt Fhd will Ero t@ ffil se!o ts l'riritl lv.lmdw in@ydatt.rstselhby: point lor the fiftbatde you fitlt.ftei.@unine 0E lixii wn6 drunk rhis Fd6 6b tou LUq!.ft lo Inilt leeel TIE rexr tim y@ have!o Lrr yolr - rld.tra.lrinrin8 de porio y@ do.ot nled to r!0 &y die s ya wil b. Ludy aulotuti@lly md wil Etn.d ro[c.1lddpoinr.iee. YN 6 pud 4 sir lad bullee with! tlntlek Pisbl rq a a$mble prie It yd tlr.dy lev. such a Distol vou wtll know how to Ee thd I you have d fid of slvd (ruh d a Silvd b8g 4 tlvcrctsdsilvqcandlld.r6) EJdmisrdn ftlr dou rh mi@ tutrl to ml iir rilvq hrtl B Flub6 wil telt dom. [uihun ol two alvd it re fd yd Al th! is, elrtiely lrboriru ffi th@ wiu not b. tire (o. hia k' h& aof aun hrclve bdl ls in tot l, Etr

30 tu deibed, thir is 5 trrye, so6 with *r of teyt Fu ner nu.rinb on md. CDsg tte bridf - rtod sp's a.h@nn in lh. clilf h lrdr ot rh hown widdur My turtrer (hh rio to?). rre MtDrr d 5lD<r@di;p or snuled norland hommt *Ey btud lodard o at cl. r vou Cttt E thc wila spe<ll abl)lty ed wisn 6 uf i! now nlh bo z. U not you $dll have ro ner the do$.l^rdfd lrd cr,s s'th rh. km dee ot yo; EsI FANG HOIJND 56 Th. TMq oi M.!4 todiddinr hj6.d or th Coqress tetde s ards on ; bbed eserpmor trtr

31 97 you. arae <ore, Alm/ if you suf r mof t\m tlu@ wounds add r loyouf ch^nce sp. 'And it wd th n th.r th wdg ab.ked,' you explairl <mhg io lh end of your srory'th n hder wd a mckoa brrck b ast the lil of which I hav. never s d bcfft, er do I wjsh tjo a8aro 60r it bit m? hef,' you artd p6inting ro you shouldd. Withoul even a by you leave, the hd suddenly rips op.n yru tuni. to!e lhe wolf.bit 60r himer. lte 6sF in homr dd Roils. Glancing siddays, you ced.ontain you 6M appaued cry ol djssut 6 you w th sl@udin6 the spot wh@ the Bln& Woll bit you noe hrotling with bl..k han (Ad.t I (rlnce Ger away trdm heet' de vilags dmds, his rten voie dged with wav rin8 tea 'bave Shigo'va rcy WiU you do as lhe m.n sys 0um lo :a), or wiu you try to explain lhat you de as mu.h the viclim as anyone, the circunlan@, dd t y!o pebuade him 0rl you ned him and the other viuag s no hdm (turn to 45)? LJ EJI Etr As you hrg on the mp, a beu rlngs somewhee iside de compl x. Whh ever.l 6inur6 h,ve passd and bthin8 hs happerd, you Fy atan. ThE tim the slap or tu<tals d shon apptude the d@r fom the dhd sids rtft ir th. ratle dd gele ol bolls b in8 dram bacle dd thm rh cak of hing6 d de dmr <T]s. A bla&-fb d hon.k srands there, his face otiftly hiddq by tle rcwl he we{s. 'Well ner, Eavene,' the nd& says, 'What b.in8s you to lhe rrbbey ot the Blact Monts this ni8ht? How wil you T ll the mo!} thal you ae a lone travelld in n<d ol sheller fo! lhe ni8ht? Adnt that you N trav llin8 rh lsd skin6 a.w lor lh ly.anthepy you havecmfa.ed? Tlm to u9 T'm b75,9 This wat' tne beggd sa/s s you lolow him inio th arlertay. He *dpe$ ircm you alone the tuxow spa@ b rween close ^way bu din8s. At the end ol rhe adet he sweeps aside a ragged piece ol ectcloth to tovpal a g.are. He ymls this open and dsps down hlo Op da.hes 'Cona m,!e.als irom b low The uea.thly trcwlins is nerina tne md ot rht all yway $ you drep thbubh th hore after fie old nan, pulins the gral shul above you. -Ihs wat' the b 8Bd caur and kols away along de $nlng ssd tumel you tind youseuir S eing that!.u have liltle option othe! OEn lo keep ajte. nim, as

32 you Fav l thfugh tte serer, b nr almost double, you ask 1Vh.E ae ve toing? Hd nudr tuirh r is it?' 'This should b. rar en@gh; the han chkkle.rd brcrolacyou tu he de e, you s that his body His fare stftch6 inioa prcnom<ert snout, his eg 3hrch tio poin6, 6n8e6 dd t6 becohe tarotu and claws, erl a hairless tail xhuder Lon the baf oi h! spine You suppof.l svioq w6 Fst afte! you,or himell Wth a shriekhs.ry al4ost like a luio$ squ aling, th wetrat atta.ic. lf the w@rar wohds yd mof Ord twi@ add : ro you l:ffcr sm, If yd.tef at it, tou k teying sty tnough moder Brinad dpaing above you Clisbing rutcd Mgs b 6ris gbte you ptrsh ofn dd 'ls whft you aft mw Tum ro jt. Depire all you! erertionr over rhe lasi day you puh you body into a 3print. Leg nuscles bhing in protest, you hae alon8 rhe rud, lati8u Bivin8 way to an a.lrendin{qelled bst ol sfed. But you can st l hear lhe hoover pouding aftd you, Bettln8 clof! au the lime, and the despelabe pntins oi thc hose joined by the laughte. oi il,.id r lhs rhe h.in8 phdtoh hoe ts next [o you md tne.idq ki.ks out eith a har.y b6rrd hel, pldtmg 4uaftly in the niddle or you bel You m sr 't sfawline o the 6rrh of dp rud and dt yor lq op n on d cxp@d aift (Itr a sdrn^ EE PoinE.) Th. thcdy ridd raer awry rh@d or y@ dm the E t md tha is Bone,lile rhe nighf bek, th..h6 6f hugher lhgshs td a df appditid ha vdlisled Pic*ut FIEI up, y@ hobbr lh. r.!l hu<led ydds!o the 6L CoMid.rinA tlp stzriling stories Grandnothd Zekova told you, wirl y@ Gk op headnan if he lnows Thc HouF of Wqren dd Marl Prirce Gaml? Tm lo 233 lh. villat of Wdtsle'nl Tmtoj wbewole Ening Tmtoj3g 6' Rcv ale d ll r^@eart al ldt, BurSo'6E shaub uderyg a t Eifying E"trlomatio. HL.loth6 d sl@dd d as his het horphosin8 body swens bey@rd.ll FckoninF Th AuBonaste! n$l have ha.l his dolh6 hidda clof by s thal when you and Katya Pursued him back!o vd8ennof he just had hme io dothe hineu so as not to mue dy furrher suspr dms. Butnowhb [edib]e,murdeouds<etpealed, tte Wftbeast of Valghhof h6 nothln8 ro lose md a erything to sain, if he d e<rpe. lgrdh8 you, L\e nogt r bars tlp Butl]mst r'3 LUow toem6 6ide in ib bid ror fredm Fighlhg its way tlmueh rhe stard d, rcming orj@lef, the v\r@tut buge frm de mehg h,i wirh you h hot pufuit

33 iunmns on ax fa!e. the hultjns Beast eanl, oups you. It n 6 inro the nighr.:lm6 the rcad tnat lea tujther norrh ad easl lnbo th Osov MosEi Thft is thr crrfier oi im.hod hm6 and band wh&b d cobbl6, lhe dtde ol ham, de 3h. whimy of rbs, ard thm Krtya i5 Fxt lo you Ei Fs in tuo hols puuing a Equisition d sta86@ b hnd then. Quicklt gel on hotrdl she sh@e Yo sr.nd thm sbring dl hd D dmbfouded daz nent, 'Ils the only way w have my chm@ oi cal.l} ing up wirh tiat dgter and b.inging BurSohaste 'Hi vahl'(ate shoub as she aacks dt FiG, ad th stsa8@cn ot the toh 8a6 Th n@n i risir6, i(y whlre bet@d lhe bqbn6 ktya ug6 th hols mrar<k.ld8 de md *Ei l ads ftdd Varamhof l,o lh turlh sr iniabit d Point h.[ Lup6via wulfsreh. TowerinB ddk pin6 pt6 i ftbn ithe! side o( lhe otd ad yn 6nd you6e seird by doubt. Whd you lelt valbohof tou.nd de wee hhte. had b*n.hasins dom the we beast but now,!u ar out in de wilds, you get th. r erins tlel th tables have b en hme4 as nfiad ed app r betweh the k es io you leit. The wolves rumin8 again: d1e hulea have b@he the ied. B nind the Dac* vou cd R tne bla& shae rhe wefbedr 6 it trs with u\e wolv6, Suiding bwaids dfir t rser - 0Est 8@.hl torl in df tud apf!6, ClFirg slbrply,way to ri8ht. W\X you ur8 K.rya ro bke Ois divgid ro 43) or wix yd l.t her lrep to hs orsi alon8 th min hislw.y (tum to 165)? wddl6 voi sp ak to you in a lmgxas $al elhha d*p itride you, and $.t 'atity awardina wilhin yd Eponds to its carl. in a.lran, y@.ppn.i bant of lh. 'I l,nd mddut a nooolt heitahd drve h ad- bb into Ed<Jloked depths, rn the dark w.te6 ot ae p@1, 'ts y@ q stjll * the way totrald thdks to 5t H.I ol Mircrs isn't very inpgsive irs not very p fo. a sran, ud *in8 youfli norph d to b d md thimer, or shorler ed tatt r thd you Ealy.d orly be tu fidy lot e lm8. Th lmgs you y@u starina ar te distodi.e nim 0E c ucohlorrable you b.gin lo l 1, util tou n Moid that othe6 cm s vd for how vou v a IlE cra6eodhobic coind ca d bv the ts is.lso sbning to get to you RollhvodiG.If tolat roled b less th& or equ'r b you.edce re, hn l,o 92. If it i3 SEater, hrr! lo 73. EE

34 d ene, all lewaddg emefld lurueffie. Th Ls magi. at workhere,a prirl roa. det sfeaks vou oi the wild- uened Dlac6 ot de wo.ld. Frcn& of wak.we d sway before you,but you bruh pa $em.s you sih deper and depq. on toweds eure of the douhlul singin& whicn you cr sti nerd spt beina far ba ath d\e surfae ot the? And dlel\ behrm the spnallin8 fo]de. you se - tlre beauhi mid4. then bng grg hai stue out mud th m lile pondwed an v ilng {ll ir fish-whi!. n l.les. Tne dlge of Daughters or the Dmwned iilg you wrth a he Ending piry thrl is hard to re5bl T?5r yer Ski adding 2 io ihe total tul]ed. lfyou s(.eed, hrm!o 3 but if }!u fail, hm to ti3. Amed ed wrth )'ou n up. y@ l ap at tre cml l n6 old wikh who shn b while kying to s you with hd uaclding wod. CRONE Uthewit hmftb stohityou,bywinrueanatta Ro6d, rol ore dice dd mult the table b l@!o Iyou riluc de witd's sramrn score 10 2 point6 or I de rmitid. Essuin8 w igni of the blade in h.rd. you tale d.ep. lnaued bearls!o calm 4 ad eeode to hdt lhe beast's atrdck. wlth tul,the@tw ironyou. aackworf. two turths attack Rouds, q if you reddce o ck WoU's srma to 7 or less, whicnde. d6 tos tle daggq acrcs the chanb r, wh@ it ne6 io dp gmsd at the noetrr's h r. n,t, prefty io6 ehe c@s My snvery d&bg, ny tlllmg!s.' As tle sp'ddftatuft tuser over the ]ou have tihe l,o a.t wlna rhe 5 drtraded. En ro hd webs (il you lew a latern e ihe sprdefmotuter w 'th weapon 5 tnse z srdm pohls d.l 1 skr point tnse 2 srmr poinb, r LU( point dd add l tolou cng rce. E'] F-I shapshjfting sedmt d a4 wili a bmhee d the C(Mbe$ throws h 6plJ at you/ claws dd rngs sealed IIF deeptive masr or appahtly trtr

35 69 rrbring beaury is gone, with d lady of Mam Evealed now in her!!e bat-like ndead fom. goins bo have!o degnd youeelt If yod have a sile Gos dd wdl to use it, or a Pan of snve! Can [$ti.ts witn which you cd inprcvee, hh [o You wah for ur b st part oi the mmin& you wel- Fced footstef crying you to the villa8e oi Balci lle arhii che of lhe bundings minds you oi the distinctive sttrl of Shigoiva, alll sharply poinbed mfs pable-sdr WlBt Mk$ Balci so rtiff Ml is the of mdticolond tenls pit hed oubide it The Camival is in tom. The somd of a..ordim mut Eaches you eds along m& the'oohs'dd'rnnr'of a aptivaled audihce A fq ulagus ap &ifting in ad out oi the {tr6ce. A board baeath tie nhm.e ramd.tales thal the enrry fee 6 2 Cold?iec8 dd sndins nexr io thar is a ErotesqDe litde mm - aimost D{d6sh in his proponin. B@ly a meh tal, wior : ld8 Briming Ia and spindly limbs, he is desed n the nost outran lish dd brishdy colowd dod16 lou thintr( you hnv evd s@n, crcmed with a bla& bp hat. ]J yod have the codeword xets6 wlrtren on \ot AdMtut sheei, brm 6 4 If nol, a vjsit to lhe Cdivare night be just what you n ed to give you s Lu's rspiie frcn tle ngous oi ytr mi$im. Do!tu 4ant ro pay 0E 2 Gold md mter the Gmivale (hm to 1r4), o. will you pa$ by dd ^ter te v,uage ol Balci ieelf (tum to :6)?

36 ne tumel that li s beyond the eve mtrre wirtlt ils way up ituide the pdt, l /hfl the daylight drt Feps in ftom oulside i! but the he r Slihn r, yo em ae fiob the h{gtin8 p6e8flay and step dom inl,o a b6ad, lowrilins d 8allery. Not including hmel vou dterd bv thft a rour tunh.r llmc l6din to lsewh E vithin the ov netwolk, rough FaI! of ea.n is shot lnsu8h with ditf E.olound sam or quijtz cttsbrg 0{hne you r explorina dr.ave nerklrk ituide the Ssd Ed P.rl mat a cntul notr of tn. pm8raph numbe. of e n w Gl m you ob.r ff yd 6nd yonlf ftumi lo edpwl n lbvr altudy ben, ur * tr e sfcifically 'u bld ortlfui*, y6u n.y lkip rurs dsihed ar dbtpragnph e<l 8o seaig ro tlp qii oprirc lisd at dp sd). Whid way d Th blue crysral pagg my? IE rffiwd yeun cryst l hljwh IE widd tuml wilh rh tuour of Th howl riss io6 d e, iside vou..h st.nd we b ht.s dund tre wa& oi the.orrry.rd, H.dn8 $. 3om4 tlp Fmg Hoddr bral otr thei! attack $d M whimpqing back to th n dm b n a6 the walb. If you leve OF codsord N.rtutl written on you F-I E? 72-" Adwntne sh..t, tn 6 e9. 1t Nt, yd af able ho app@ch lhe towd unhindered (tm ro 1D). Ihe rdble ald chan dattd io the noor, now jdst choppe.t fiwood. You E eze, yru heart hcin& your beathirt shalw, Sond nst have heard th fieht od you tmain ela.dy wnee you e, halr etp*ting the ladlord to b6t in ar dy mmt. Bur node@66 wth the poltergpist a.tiwity appaenlly doe with, you try ro Ftne doh again. As you Ue.wate, uable!o slep, thaks to th adm.lin still.ou6hg lhn6h your sysem, you hear dt 5md of a dq ofnin8 foll@ed by or d@rb6,rdr 4 $hehy mk6 rtei. Ey dm [o tle staie. But vho wo'jd be n@ing areud the im in lh. oi the nj8hf W[ you erisry y@ Ni6ity ad inv6rigat turrls (tum io +9), or win )ou st y wn@ ye e lor the 6. of rh nighr (tuh The Cadavq dof lo 6e fl@! ed is hotiol s a8ain, as Doktor Kafl<a sits up, rubbing his hdd. 'She tnm e af (@ing Vd n hiss, his.xpcssion as dark 6 ever'th Eituation b evd moe dia $n I had inagin d.' l^/hile you ft hmting dom the VmpGs, she wil b p!tuing Ior your.rnval k ep tract ol h@ tud advde wdins she has by neam ot d dnm rating. wnte dom m you A4Mtcte Sh6.t rharyou nting is.]ffidy 1. you raclle iron ^LAAM now on, atil y@ N

37 74. iilomed othetui.e you will face Vd Fjchtm EShtilg at yoc side. Whdfa.ed 'ifi h{o oppolrmts, you need only light tu ftut ore -ifi [o vin t]et bahlq as the vmpip Hutea who is a coreumate sword} ma, will do away wi0r tlp oiiei HG arrrtbures af SKLL 10, yerna 9. If you lac ody one opponmt you win gain two Attack, both oi whrch ca njm that opponent. I! tbs car, injuis are sustahed tney w r ody efi4t you on a dice rcll ol I j Keep a.aftnn note oi Vm Richren's sramrn^ soe as well If ne dies m baitle you will have to cmtinue alone cros oil the codewod Nrrrrt lro yot AdMtuft 'It is dne we wee Bone,'Vd Ri.hta saf, ea8er hlb away. The h{o ol you st oil ior the home ol th Couresr L{lde, the lorbiddin8 Towa of Mam. Tffi D6cendjng de steps, yd find youseu in fte ddp, musiy tulmk oj th.asue s dhgd lav ls. It is as you de explodng dse.hdbe6 ad coridors that you hed a wailing howl, de like of wntd you have heard belore in the rtalm oj dre Lords of Lup.aua. As youplepare to defdd yomer, snetlung Fsembtng a.l.onposing wou erupis fton tte dartness. sdlhg with inme nunger, the weewarb atfacks. If you ae wounded more thd twice, add 1 to you oianct soe Il you kiu rhe udead werewol yor EE 7516 decide tlet drde dbseons have noihna moe bo oller yd anl $ rttm to where you lirsr erhr d de.astle will you nw take the other pasageway det leads lrom the harl (t1n io 34, o. clmb the siaircas io rhe second set of doubl dmrs (tun to 146)? It is a ddingly hmest move, t[t one which Pa,6 ofi Th n I think we cd help y@,' the mor ets m 6ponF l,o yu blave adnission. 'cde wjth me.' He leds you imid the conplex, lal.jnb you tio rhe Abbey's herbalis t Thjs monk is obed like the fi6 t, his face hiddm, but he welcones you into lrn workshop shee he quid<ry sets lo work. In no time at. it snr hc has pepaed you mada rrom de di6tiled e$m s of vaious plnlts. You Sive ]t a mifi: de pm a sn Is strcngly of nmt. Thi! clnir n mefiing ol my own making the! s a little rabnd in Ore, md a drcp o. bo of beladom dhact, arong widr other ingftdienls, bui it shodld do rhe tri.l. Now,.Link rl*ply dd fi.ish all of the rlaught.'rmth nedou dcitement you take ih elixir Irom the herbalet. Codd tnib eal]y be the end io you quest? Could be d1i6 simple? Do you want io down the draught b otu 8o, a the monl< instmcied? r so, tum!o 9r il not, hrm [o tu3. 76 Wth a wailhg.ry lron rhe Haadlpss HiBnwatmn, de phmlon horf lamches itselr s(}{.d. Meg vrems as she loo ts cafied olf/ OE hose galoping away towards the cold orb of df moon md into tlre Fi-lF-l

38 next world. Me8 and the Hi+waymm werc loveis in lile dd aller [is death she Fco"ered his evered head. Tulorhg hcgell in the Dart Arrs, she used the \kdl to sumon his spirt bact io ihe Earthly Plae to bc wil\ her By you actions you have boken her evil spcl md banished the glost ol Lord 'lnrhy' LucF ba.k io thd noll he belongs. (Re8ain 1 rlci poini.) nr last dis.erniblc words you hear are Meg's. 'Nq not like L\isl'sne ktums 'lt wasn't meani to be l,ke ihisl' And men 6r ghostly rider and 1\]s so(eress lovpr are gone The only sound that remains is thaiof rheund whistling orer thc moo6. C.roidcring h htrt l,.u hav.lccn pdty to al r/ e Cibr?t Tra Orrc s no wry ih.t you.a shy nere a monent longci It nll be a night on dr moos lor you alte! au yorr Lk.* If y.u m Luck)r moming.omes cold ard BEy and y.n arc or Fur rvny rgain (th to 69) lfy.n are, tum t Takhg a trn hold of the jrc. Rod )rou hurl it nt Lhr constru.t.reahft is il it wer a spea.lisayokr SkJt. II you aie suc.esstul, tur^ lo2r llyou la,l, in.redibly louhesyour target{turn ro152) 73 On thc vcryc of scr.amhg, you d,n our ol ihe l+ll of Vir.$, ovcb hclmod bt thd fdclings oi paruora and.lausbophob,r. Add 1 to you.hnge score md make sure that the od.w.rd Egrr/rs is Nordcd on I'onr,4d,.irr,. Shrr bcfde tuhing to 167 tre 79,inrtchinA the.rofe s Cook Book fr.m yonr pa.k you :li.k to the.orre.t pa8e and b+'n,nlonns ihe TransfiAurahon Spell. As Lhe words of power hke :dcct you walch as Vr(olac doubler up in Fin, hf rody wra.ked by aldher changes Hh ran8s and Jaws lengthen lunher, as do his and legs Th Transngurarion Spell has certajnly 'vo.(e{l on th a.nnt, but it \as mad him even more like th. savage '.Lr he is steadily becominsr it has not had tlr rppling innum.! you had hopgt. llrhe you come 'o nght tie Anh'Ly.tuttropc y.u mst add 1 snll rornt md:l srlmrn pohts tohis satgdcs befoic you solve Lhc.odbat Wifi a ior of rag., the Var.dlac xou l.aps at you, teefibardd. Ld* 1LU.(pointmd tre

39 druilrlmg ]1E sohd bekays the pade oi your wou.ld be dbsh6 nvo ob d monll derg non eroe sid oi th pila d arcnway They are desed b the me aladosirt black mbes but, a th y hove to atack the ho.d oi th h6k ials bact trcn his head, with a sh"f int le of bearh vou G thar his h ad i! hafway bttw6 that oi..odixa.h.nd a md, as bla* md naid.s obsidis. As lh handibl.d nmr niss at narfom.d Fws <lackin& tne seod monl advd, 'd, aa.hin8 lor you lom within the volminog sl e s of hir habit. ne de6 tall ba.t [o dea.l mdtielile daws whep Up h6l's alft sho'nd b. Yd have no.hoie bur b rishr $? MANDIBLED MONK MANTISMONK r tou nmge io degar borh nutaterl donks, iu al As you urshethe lh wulen swod you F w thjn6 like EoAnition ir tre r rhewo[ s ey6 dd reils lrm tou, alowint you to glt in.n mmb6d skil( b foe it rdaliater A5 with ey other w ttftrhlft, tne wull n Swod wil cct rhe Ar.h rycdthspe J sr.m points oi damt (rather tnm de suar 2) with dery sugtul slrit. However, th swod ss l,o hol.t sme other powa ovd he hmfom d var@la. md lor the duratio ot you battre asaiet tne n@ho6 of Lupravh trtr you day Ed@ his s&rl $@ by l poinr Regain 1 (ufl Point lor h.win8 thc adwetaae dd tlm b r5d wand.ring th hark t sque you 6nd arl ma rm or Fddlm ard hd6 *Iing den g@ds But ft stan attects ydr pdriolr.tkntid. It is hua wjrh a Sarish bamd d.ddina th,t it b.l@!s ro 'Pluhb6 G lt - ALh hisr and M talurgg/ Do ro Tod a lirl dno pduing rh alchm'sts srau (tuh ro 5r) q woult you athd *N the leket squae lor 4oE PE.tic.r iec of equpmot (tun to r?dp Altemiively, if you wish, you nay Fin the huting Pdty in t! of the mering hall (tuh bd d) or lihply quit rh. toen (tum to 5o7) 3, Retracing you ebef, you hate you way ba& rhelth ole Lbyrthine ruic. Y& pas thogh a bbk n colmrle of gaboyleinl sd 6lDlm. Th sm.ll oi lhe dddi. inf glwe. doh rt you with hd d ey6 and letr& tdg.filed bniles- A sinisie4 high-pitcled.huckle e.i@r rroh the bml n wall3 r6er side of trtr

40 yon, followed by the abrisn c sound of stonc sdaping on stone. In fie encroacnina darloes you glinpse movemenr,bur wharyou Ormk you sr causes you io donbi your om ey4. lt must be r hi.k oi Op failng halflt3hr.thenyouseetagaidandnowtherecannot beanydoubr.thesiona-.aned inps,phichmomenls befop were.lin8ing ro the rops ol ihe shatreed columns, ae s..:mbling dom ion thei! perches and advancng iowards you, predatory shiles wide/ stone claws oursietcned The malelic prefnce naunting L\E pla.e las raten physical lorn, mailesrins h the rnnde.l sto.e imps. OnG again you find yo6eli fghting lor you LiJe. Fjght the Cilmygogs at the lf yon wh, the malicious rentiene mimathg tle sione mps is lorced ro qujt statues. nre Grimygogs shattcr, now jut so hdy 'he shtuds of splhtercd stone. UnabL to rid yousell ol thc tngcrh8 fceiing or uede you hriy away lrom thc tuitu as qui.ny.s 34 Unablo t. haul y.urseu.nt of t\. bog you cdtinue to sint. S.on ihe clmb,ng mud is np to you. ne.k. Fnaut with a dfgufl'ng suchnbbel.h, rhe bo8 closes ower your hcad rnd swalows you up. your eyes se F:] EI] nothin8 but mothenng ddkness as the bo8 draws rou dnn in[o its loetid depths. You involhtuny gasp lor ai., swdp wate! rushhg jn to ILI yd! lb8s. You drown ln thc depttu oi tne bo8. You lile dd ydr 35 CuttinA dr bodic fru of Or wcbs, you arc not luaprised to 6nd OEt Lhey ap Orse of two dcrd Soblim lhey ar weanna rcugh hide clolhs md ha!. small leadrer ba.kpacks. In one you 6nd a pouch rontaining a roral of 3 Gold Pi{es and in ih odrer no honey, but a finely craited Silwer Dagger instead. ]ln hvo goblins pere obvionsly L\ieves but jt l@k lit ficy got their come uppan.e Wher they shrle th daggerlrom,youhaveno ide:. tu vou take the silv r DaSger, add it toyour Equipm nt irn and write the.odeword s,i/lda on your,4ddrrre jr.zr You nay also u* the dagger in ombat, if you NEh/ but be.ause it is not ns long as you swoid/ nor balan.ed in fie eme way; if you do so yotr dust i$ht wifi your Attack Sftng$ Fdu.ed by l point Ioruries you cee ay cratur with dr word 'WcF' t^ ih name, lmwdet will sujfer increased dmase (r sr MIN! poinb rad]e. drm the usual r). Tne Silver Dagger will also lem Undead md demoe but o.]y rau*s sudr.reatures the uual 2 s.lmna poinb fteres nothingelsehereihatisof inberesto!value,ou so, before the weaveb oi rhe webs retum, you hrve the cave. Retum l,o 363 to.hooe your way out

41 a6 'rhe Oider ol df Ala& Rce,'you shte coijiddtlt Ine old lrrm lo6lrr yd up dd dom one more &d den hriedly ushes yd inside, searing tle door 'lveu het, fiiqd,'.on s a lmilid voice liom a tb.koed omer oi the I(M dd the vampire HDter, vu nichte$ me.ges iion lne shadowe He is obviously pleard bo re youbdt ht erpfsid is stiu a dffk tmk Having lolmlry inhoduced you!o Doklor Kalka the the of you r*i to th.e opdatin8 L\etrc You are tard aba& to se rhat the surgeo^ appe6 to be pa!t-{ay trtu8h an :uropsy the p.rtially disded body a bloodsaained table drap d with a 6lrhy sheet. You find you!*]j wondahg what sort of lfple you have got h,nn fie $fte ol you sdeted away in the DoktDrh bb, van Richte. teu! yd oi th quest that hasbrousht i6u hee 'As you rnow I m a rmomed VanPm Huter, md dre bloodsu.k r I tsaling rrps the Fople or {tds p1a.e h ha ttuall.' Ve tucht n certainly hd you in his thralnow,lvho is this lifelech?'you ask. The one whok Breatest concem shouldbe the w Uare ol the Fople who owe hq fealty, d noblsonatr sho claift authdityde! this village dd ils mviro6, df Lady of Mad hesell Coutes holde. I have taried too long dd bd delayed by dghacti@ oi her reljng eough al@dy but with your h lp I.m trtr

42 pui an end 10 hei Let 6 ady ff*lves dd drn bc on our wa, 10! ume b very mu.h of tl 6m.e.' Ths is a movchent Ibm uda tlp sheet covenng the corpse. AI yes hm to th autopsy table.'we haw been overheardl'kara cries. An arm, grey-areen with rct thftws op sheetdide ad the su.geon's di${bon subje.t sits up. You aag in ho.rcr at the s,ght ot the dibdboweled co.pse as it ;s6 bo iis feet. A clay like filt lashs out and Dokto. Ka&a is mt crashhg to the floor u.onsciou. vm tu.hren Eads innediately, uslpatiing his.apier bhde witi a practird noutsh but you ae the onellosest to the reainated cadaver You am youseu as the udead cadave! beffi down on you widr thmttlre hdds outsket.ned. CADAWR snll 3 (see below) srnrna 9 Ge below) Doll,or Kalka na aijeady beef to diss{t the co.pse &d I ih perjormce may be affe.ied. Roll one di to se whi.h tudd pa.t, or partr, of the bodji thc sugeon has moved and alte! the Cadavels srats Fntl Rmn?d Efnt r-2 Brajn Redue lls snl by l point. j-4 Heart Redue ils srrmnr by 2 points. 5 Braindd R due both ik attributos a Heart desdib d abov. 6 Int stin4 Noefl.t. ln the sdped ofres ol th lab, yd mlst 6ght dre tust h{o AHac( Romd6 agaitut th olp* alore. II''] F::I 67,AJter that vd Ri.hten is able to joh the fiblt, so you elidtively have two AHack to tne Cadavert one. Itre vdpird Hdter h6 a snll scoe ol 10 but any succsstul stik s made by tie.orpse de dedu.t d fiom you sr MN scoe, d you ft th me il it tryina b knl. Alsq if Or Cadaver wins h4o Attact Romds in a rcw, t Arabs you by L\e ttuoat dd L\mtrles you lor m exha 2 sramrna points of ddage. I you vm you. fight wifi L\e Doktort disfttim PulInS you lhvexing doa-k tignf! about you, ]Du et off ams the baren bea t! wil\ only a chill, clo* sind io!.odpdt You nad hoped you could rudr ihe shrift before mother night psrd but/ rfler m houls hudging a.oss Fmoot a miasma lises lrcm rhe p aty gronnd,limitin8 you visibilily even tu!tller StiJted by fie cloying mi6t you prc.eed with Brcale! cuti@. the da.k hijts oi loed-beds at yotr leet dd 'fte spongy I@l oi rhe tuf dde! you boots indi.ahs lhrt thf st tch of moorland is b{.hing dd mde bos8y {d treachelous. Aiso, it is not long b foft y@ (fuol even accuately judge whid dipction you de baveuing ir the sual narkef you would n* to Ehnale conpass pmis ae ali snolheed by the fog. You are not dtain you could ev{ Fhae your stups qc6sfu Lly. IleE is a very Eal lisl ol you beconne ompretely lost on Imod. Roll lwo di lf the iotal DUed b l $ tlh or equal l,o y rore, tum to,6r, if jt b gealer, hrm to 55

43 33. and st p thmugh. Tum to 'What is this?'!a ftchtd almost rreams 'Whit lind oi!re af you tlat you ca comnand thc beastsse(mts ot a ceatue of $c n$ht, unle$ yoo af a drhe of darkne$ vouel? And ii that i5 th.a*, how;ee you ab[ b lool mc?' fte vempire ' Huter tal6 a st p away frdm yoq mshearhrg his I eety rapier You may have l6l d nc once, but you hnv reveal d you he nabp to mc nov, and I cmot aim yd l,o liv ' Van tuchten m willing ro hl qu sr lo dsboy the bdv oi Maun I ubl an r he h6 deall Eth lou You havc no chore but to defod yollflf agaist tour eehrhile ally VAMPIRE HIINTER wa ll you def at tlre VmpiF Hmter los I L!c( point, Sain 1 point dd thd ddide how you wdt to poeed. ^L^RM Itill wil\ Vm tuchten's tusion to put a end to lh vdpies (hrn to 10, or wiu give up on thb.offie ol a.tion md Fhm to you Leaving op bnght tmis or tie Canvale behind you enle! the vilage of Balci. IheE appeaf to b nornng Frrti.ddly speial about tr\s place. Ir has a niu, a aveh ad a dd you would tudse that nost of Lrs popdac make a lmng eithe! faming the lad h.ftabodts o. hrough foestf/ h the w@ds ihat Ie ro thc $nrh ad eart ot the Ftlenal y@ wish to, ud you can afior.l ir, you hay $joy a baic mral or hcat and poktg alos with a n+on of ire ior 2 Cdld Prec, whjch wil Etorc up [o 4 srrvna!.hrs whethe! you 6t h@ d not, with oe sm Jt zenr$ a8ain, yo! drid that it; time to ppss on. Incre ae two outes yor ca tal odr of fie v agc: $c road easl, sibnpgted towdd! Vargelrhof (tun to rtt), or r.he wel-wom ha& that leads south asr \r,rds lne fofst (hm to 5d3). Etr I 9r \iru kndk bnck Or ontenc of L\e.up in one go dd ir.llow dmply. You feel rhe etteds oj the potion rm.diatply, as rhe sleping drau8ht you havc just.t.sumed snds you idb a mcon.jos stupor h trtr

44 91 You tum,.ntchin8 one ol what s ms like a mrlldn Eflrtions in the mi.io6 suroundinb you: but thc En{lion l@kine back rr you is thdtolahali humaf wollnin You dy out in leiio! and loo( dom at your hards lo s@ that your iinsc'nails have 8rown lo becomr cru.l, sicueedberi.lrws. You lok ba.k jnlo rhc lupinecy6oltiehonnerren{r.d in ftonl olyou and bln.kout in shdt (add, to your clncr {oft) Whcn you cone to again, tou stunble out of th. Hall of Mimrs b tind that night has fallcn and lhr Carnivale has.losed to thr pubhc for fie night Bui You Jtu.oralone.Tnm to:3r 94it rs ctushha hmves B foe you can defend yourflr rou le l d icy siab of pah h you! ba.k as the cold rcn of a baskelldred sabre skewers your heart on irs!p. You drop to rhe cold. hard.obbles of the stable fdd, you heait's blood poolng on the ground doud you, and thc lisl Oftg y@ ever hcar $ rhe ulhe grggbnb ot lhc bimnid-wit h md tlp wolds oi the headln 8host. Lito I alwats $t your h6ey 94 In ihe name ol $int Cruc,us, I wouh n.t thc MhoLy Md Lhe mclean lroh thg remplei'you decl e,.alling on the spirit oi the long depaited holy man. ftc rag8otemih a sldll, {'qh'ngcry [sbody writhing r romdt. You have deali Lhe honrer a Sricvour :lo$ Regain I LUcx pomt md tho tum to 416 to ti8ht.he@ahre, but belore you do e red ue both ils sxrl ud srrvna s.ores by hali CoNldering hesh hunm llcsh prelerable to Dring dl heai, tie beetles lcap Iron tnc ldlledlcn carcass ntoyourpath, Eadt to take tou on lignt ficursects Sp.inting our of the siablc you cone face io fac with thelliahwaymanlphantdmstccd.nre ghosdyhd*. rears up on irs h,nd le8s, trying to rrample you bencath FTI E'II itn DEATH'S HEAD BEETIE I: irond DIATH's HEAD BEETLE 5 TNd DEAIH'S HIAD BEETLE 6 TOUTIhDEAIH'STIEADBEEILE 7.r\ou lii thc.arion (cderr rui,r Lo 136.

45 t Ya h,.t ud slalh at 6le gh.dly eou bul yod sw6rd sihply pas sbasht ttm8h it. How ver th. die sfdf hne no &tfiarrty in hmins TL phdl4m ev.te you with klh dd.ltws befoe ledvins you lor d ad on the cold allrud and novlnt onto, ndt victin. (Los 6 5r^MNA poinls.) lt you eudivo lhc rtt.cb you slowly lop.omiousnes lhrdi.g to tho desperate cr6 of dre Strigoivdns! th y $trus8le agairot wningly odd! h nd rhcnplvrsol ne sp.lral pa&.. You.on ro th n xt dat lyin8 on tho.old, tetd grcund whee 0p village6 left you, having bm driven back whne fmding olf Ele S!6dy wolv6.a rhe Howlint. FEm tlk pcitim ol ihe s's whiic di< h lh l adf sl, rd iudge rhat y@ have w.0 inro tle loloqng tltarma.rthough y@ tel tu b tt* for it E yond dp acd houndary ol tlr vilr8c you ae cmfrqd by a Parting of tlp BrF wll you lollow th rud 4 it divirtes to tle nonh (bh to 15o) or thc cast (tum io r73)? or wil you tale 0r l6s wcllued lra.k inio the fo@t, which lies a h. or m to thc north{asl of StriSeiva (ium lo 3)? I Y@ 6t r. dunba ttet is Fa]ly a Mtu.].hime, EnB into tie gi(m abore eoh whi.h tou.& lel e\ omst in OF.o14 moist an of '1r..v..o6pler ard the bl e is not all $nt is novins i^ lhc.rve TRo zeberr.ifd spidds l ap our ol $e sh6dows Il.h ol then F ov r four reet long, their shorl Power tul legs hurlhs thef h'gh Dto the cavem to dftp down on you lrom above. Fight L\e Cimt JmpinB ifrchniil\tpd.igspjder 7 4 9{ondGIANUUM?INCSPIDER 6 j I c,6 r oi de s!d6 wie rc 1i6r Ad.cI Roud, rb Lrpng asdt kelt you b rhe n@i This meas tu' yn sp nd de next Att ck Rolrd 8ebg up rsan (ur!6younave tteqri.bnnnspeoal ah rry. $hch.e tou jhp!o your tet strarsh aw,y). Irlr heffi trdt yd m6t 68h' thc ncxl rcund oi Lolc with you Atia* Ska8th Edu d by r point If lou d Iear the h{o spid E, whi.h w.y wlll you rake t A runnel through which the moist breczc A tn.gsay shelr with rcugh, IT''] FI A pillite hole in the n@ of the cav? Etr

46 93 Anod d nidt hd r de stas, $ ldwing 0E ed mrle a b d ror FleU.hma the fall6 l@v6 'd ddt h n@th. stand of bcdr tu. FatiSu.d by travatu, you.e j6t drbppirg olf io sl.ep when 'our a nappins 6o@d in th bd.h6 above mu43 you agan. FdIy awala, y@ rc[.n noe cafttuny to the rcud: it is lit the beating oi winst md - hon th. gusrs of an rw epht dom ovd yd and stiuina th l@v6 within tle holl@ - lar8. lc at thar Ih6 yn s ir, silh@ette<l fo. a nmd asaigt rh nod Ir l@lc eni-hutuoid hut ld. huge pair of wngs. So6dl sl, dle nibhrhmt r descdd' You se log, Ieathery antenn.e larye nultitacebed eyee, a 8tey tund body ad a sltsl' oi nouth 6lled with nedlshalp teth Withon na*in8 dy nob, this dioe ndtumal hutd 9'1M I yd it f.,t you.silanr you slod th Ei of th right eidldt dy turrler disluboc an4 in de lning@ on you way a8air Trd to 5@, you barde o 68aitut dr tulilt dmonic hou d, door oi tte ch.p l op4 ud a wil.l-hai.t nm, ding a woh. d patdpd Ebe dd sporting s ally u* npt bsrd..lsh6 out ot tne building ishing a L e tilvs G h ft h. d. T sft, il!' he shoub, ephr flymg lrch hir tif T sm, d of HeI, b(k lo tlre pit th.t spawned you!'at I de Shucl btuk ofi ie atiack mrb svasely ar nar! wh6 0!urs 0E sjlvd cbe! *.n cl6ei and tum lail, nebt into the mblae or njgnl Tm MOTH.MAN trtr bc reve opqr the hu8e bor turd rkrr ro oict ugh s pase tu )d do e, a seor8 mll oi phur tills rhe liblary and a thict blacr in iront oi you. Yo! jdnp lsck sraftl d, kin8 the b6t hom ih l<beh, bul he& nodin8 it qasle to th. rdud- The cloud sliditrd into a - ely nelil. uth seu& d,wed ffi, rety blad stin ad - n6r hniblv of arl -@ fa@l pp d within the demn's oi silme you Fpare bo delen t yolelf agaisr rhe sil4r Dearh strint DIA'I'II Erg a <td6, the S 6t only be hamd b weapg d og.dt liod s'lvei I ya E'] FN

47 hlv rci(hs, th. il.n6 w slay Fu wh )@ 6l.nd. Il defhd yo lfr, ad y@ l r@te ki! the Srl nt D..tlt hn to a59. Th. be stdr. e.!! ol tle <hrmle.lrip wilh b 3litu ed Fkn6 ol tey mld blm i^ Th.!n $dk ol ror.nd d erth. Th@ k nothirg of ru. in di. vault, olh r th gaping bl,ck nouth ot! nd., stdewilled Ptt the nddle ot the d dth fld. ong asdn y find youell vondeins whrt happened hft. R rwo die li the told b l$ 0n, d equ.r t6, yo c@nr cirncb se, hs ro 9i if it i! tr.i.r, Yd clin!. bdi nighl ol st 16 up to de ot th! ro@. T6tin8 th d@ble dd! yd fird thlt tut le.d and s, GuEourty Pqlf opql Yd q0.r i Lt8., deulrqtr.g hrll, lt3 r polish d whfte drbl lnlld wi'h d.rter rron p6dre rle of rle ndle le* dul de Fopbof Mrh Bsr what r lee ir dulr b., [E osr b detof a ht m ltull Mred by r wirh winas o!r*id!d. A axldd tulr of wird hw ndree, $Fpht thngh de hll.d ii8 de.lq rnut b.hind y@. TddE h w.x. 5 t'urst,^to nlm in ltd w.t, Yd rry ile but now lek d, md no mour of gglir8 m you prrl cd iorc ord olm lb6in, shudd* at th p-odf.t o, whar nighr you th Tow r oi M.!r! blt thg i! ro 8oing b4t On Er. oth r slde of th. 6Eue h!!. bqd, i*d stde shn@ lplr.b up to ite iop ot iow &d doq to. a!! ld.l.rd b.vqd. ott nu?<ic it.pfe rhrr $. rt itte $E ro rc t6d &ov.,! vr{ a r ellr.rn Lv l bd4 Yd h.e E deie blr to dodin 6!ttE wlra wil t@.41@ Eosd nd (whre now)? Eltr

48 .:,1 tol rol Teding you yes away from tne.old g* of de moon/ yd pdl you! cloak wm n+[er about you in tu anmpt io kep out the irezing clnll Ddding it would b besi!o kep nnng tor lear of suadnbin8 to hr?othmia, y@ continue onwards thrcugh the i9 ni8ht. And ltun yd.akh si8nl oi somelhhg dartin8 thjoud the winfy w@ds. But whmyou tuln you ndd b0 8tt a clea6 wlew oi the Elitlerin8 iisue,t is 8ore again. Folllft has it that the wild, stamed pla s ol lhis a.dsed lmd aie habd by el datal spi.ils, not evil 6 su.h but.apliciour their intentiom unloowablc md OErcfor jut as dark ed ufttling with anoricr sharp ddp in dr tempcrahm ammd yoq Orc bfina Eveals itsclt laping onto Or pa0lil is no moe tlw tbne feet iall md ]mks like it is mde entiely out of ice. Ib len consgts ofspiky rpstmdina i.icl6, its ng and cnin ae ponhd md sharp, ib ag md le8s stick{hir. The.reabErs hands and rcet ad in glinting ralons ot ice and nouih is sp@.l leaturally wide in a shart lile 'rs grin. Irre spnte o.ks ie head o^ on side, ad in s you wjrh its po trating i -bluc gde. Ils teetn ae rever slil, chatterin8 otutdtly arl thc whne u gibbcrs bo ihell: 'Iciclc noe md lrozen t@s, shurt.ld md!.one &e mows. Sliv 6 of i.e md Jrost ft ni, loav the herd dd pay the pn@r The co tinn6 its 6Fer about on de Eoh pa& in ftunt of voq tr chvely blocking you. way. If you drinl( you know the re spnte's name, tum to fl3. If not how wil vou pfced fon here? Il you want to threater io ruke leave you alone, bm to :r3. Ii you F;l Ell

49 *ourd ral\er ey mother/ le$ aggtssive, rpproa.n 104 Ar.hels Arcr is a skaishtfo$dd game of skill Ar.her foi t is he wio rss ihe stall and his a$istdt, an arhactive yous womd, have sel up dle ta$ets at tne back ol he boodr: I Gold?i{e buys you three rrrows witn which you tnve b njr the tarsets, one jn eadr. lf you do nol want to Play tur to 162now) jlyou do, Fad on. You nmd over yon. monoy lo AEhe. who says l,o hk assi6tdt, 'Cone on, r.iscl, Slve our delenger his tuee drcws' (ll you ha1 the codeword Rdtstt on you,4dhtre Srd/ aftcr yd have inished PlayinS, To hit dr tust hrber uidr tlt tu6t axow you mu.h?sr Vor Srtrl: you succeed if you mal a succcstul nll. Do Or sde jor the Fqnd tdget and trrbw bnt add r to 6r nhber you rci when lisrng yor Sftil/, and on the drnd go add 2 to ihe nmler rclled lfyou su.cead wrth all firee rclls you win 5 Gold lziees and then have io leavc the stal (tum (r 157). rl yon rrrl my of the rclls yor los You may have up io $Pe eo;s berore you have to move on hon nere (tulning 105 You find yourseli in a llddly decoeted chmber Or display tue au m:mu oj musial 'nshmcnts, lutcs, viols, horns, a harp dd an omaiely Painted roeaot harpsichord. nodr. dmr leads our of the Music Room on Or oppcite side of Lhe.hanber You start to.rcs trc Imn bui ae baely hauway acrcss when asreatcacophonousnoieeruplsfromtheinsttment aoud you, a jmglmg of bens, hvmging ol hrp nin'gs, jinslmg of keys, crashing ol.hords dd tmpcting of homs As the spetral m6i..onthuos, \.u ru for the Fcond door Roll hro dice. If de t6tal E les tlm, o. equal to, you c 25 lf it is greater, you matc it out of Op dm suffcringno alter II{ts (tum to 3r) u'nlnhndl vtgort You continued bmfo.mahon rto a Wetuolf hn Arat d you an m@ased reiabolism md ftsistmce to danage Atrer a baele iou nay restof up to nai the nunb r ol s'amrn^ lb'nts you lost duing d]e fighl Also, if you sufier ay ilu.ies outsid a conbat situaiion you nay reduce ne damage suhined by 1 po,nt. Mat a note of this ren spo.ial abiliry on your,adp,rkr sfitrr md then an to dp paragraph with the sde nubcr as the Jn. tou wee lasi Niructed lo wite dom. r07 lnu hufry over to ulrich. At Iirst you are thritled t a that he 6 not dead he les thcre with d hand ilmped over the womd l,o his tnml - but then you rahse thar the.e is soncrhing els t!.ibly won8. By ne lght oi you lmtcm you se. that LI..h's eyef :ive hrned blood rnt ad his fac. F pulsahng, as Fn r-n

50 ubugh ot bon6 bhe01 af ledr$girg rrme lv s Tte wodded woo<leru 616 yd widr that sde rd{yd stae. Rur' is the ft dr*hible md he neg6 to utld bef@ his voie bffi d dimal b*. Backing away n hmi6d di$ li.l you..not t..! y s awry d Ulrich sull6 his om n6hwatdng 'our FdEfo.nation, His body eweus, hffiting hb cloih s ar the seas, bemming coveed in thic} bown hail Ar th se line lh whole due of ris hodchase Saining, mout 6d la8-flred mw - whne his heds chdbe into h@!y p.k He r@ i5 r stjn<hegd bul $. pcond sljn he wed bftath his hmd one ir lhat or a *ild bdarr Riiins on its hind legs, belowing leecioulr 0 weebdr ;ftactsl You have no.noic b!fto,i+t you fiiqd. WEREBEAR Slow io dgd ad yer hidy dmgebe re dosd, Ulrid the weeb.r is a lomidable opponent r he wosde yo! nore ola h{ice, add 1 to yod CE^NGE sof. Eyou win thb bafde, hm!o roo, tu9-uo Sinc ny Fndf.rhd's time rhm h6 bm rrtk of the {ld w@ds Furd tle partl b.in8 hrmd. Evcry ore in. whjlc. wrdnina b.abd d a.hild would *ay lem lh p.lfi md Ael I6i in rhr w@di, nevd r,o bt sq agalr. whs4ei that happerod rhe v li8e ttr would dlw.y5l@lkrowinrly ato morhe! and e, "Th Howling cdned then dd lney war,,, iut whai 6 the Hwlingl yd 4L Tom ey it is the 6ll of lhe wild. Some rlet k rfi th6ts ol.ll the einab lhar h.v ben huted to n violent dd h the wild w@dr' Konnd gos on.,brr *ha!eve! it Ir ovo the lat yer thee have been dor dd noe strhbe effi.6, util last nonth eh@ t'e atta& bege. art ytu,l] * to. yotreu sn \one df eisr, but f ling a lot t* crrai4 you do what you can to pftpe [o tae wharder ft is that is thftat ning slrisoiva. Tlm to 195, tu Arler *qdug you have ba bld or dirored $ far, you really do begin bo ina8ine th.t t}lis is ar] too eas). Lowering the cup tou tale.3i.p towads L\e nonl, nying to p et hd r hl owl ]le urfipst d blm om6 iroh b.hind a a blut isrrusi daclc actc th b..* ol ),our had- You u.nio6 ro lh nd or the he6.nun t@ 2 rdh^ poine and F-'] F;I

51 adventueendsvidlyoubodysmahed topi*es on the rocks at the botom of fie gorge fr below. You ircf a feverish and tcnifyhgly rc.listi. dfan, in whi.h a polf is snapping it yo( wilh slayering laws You open you eyes and 6nd youreoll lookhg up at the cobwebbed rtrften of a woodcn sha.l You are suddoly bought back to thc ptucnt witha starl,a rush ol unbiddm and unpl asmtnch. orics whlrling $Jou8h your nind. You rncnbc! cilchln8 si8ht of tie hut bef'een the rfes, a bcacon oi nopo in or cold, woljhauted d8h'. Your rdl nrol(tionis apainhlone lie ev,8e atrac!by ihc Blick Wolf - dd drd vou Fdl rhe lace ol iho rvodsnd perine down at you, his :!e Snpped limly in his neatt hmds, ils shajp edse ruddv rsirh Bur now you af lying on lhe mcomfortabk, nraw. rtufed mathes oi a pallet bed You foi.e your$lf t. sit up and gasp n pair fmm tlp savage wolibite yoo eerved to your shoulde. 'You wmt to tate.ard ol thar,' you hea! a gruf voice say md you tuh in surprise s incing again as the woud smarts - lo sdo a tlx.kser. bearded nar $idng ai a table ncrt to i sronc cnimey brasi, snoking a pipe. His canwoii Idcc is Lit by the dull olmge glow of a fie, crackling in thc hcirth. 'I vc.leded ad die$ed the vound.s but its goh8 lo take time ro leal.' A candlc bums in thc whdow dd oulside all is shronded in EE Not fan/ sure whele you are, who the me is, or why hc s.hgen to tale cre oi you, yod mdblc your thanks. 'Come, sit. ftee's sdethhg I havc to sh6w you' Cauhously you rise lrom U. bcd and j6in tho ma at rhe rable 'l'n LrLi.h, md I mak. mv litin( as niftster in rhek wild woods,' h. sys, p-ili"ilg hind as you a On the tiblc in fontof rhc woodsnan is a bmdle of cem, bloodsia'ned cloth, and you find you6.lf why a sen'ngly dccmt nan would wdt io livc our here nr snclr t wild, islaf rd and danacmus Pla.c. 'What hepened?' you as*, uable io rate your cycs olt lhc..imson bundle thai lcs bebven thc iwo ol vou. And s Ul.'.h Elar6 hf rafion ol ddnts.i l. Nas insid h'5 shack when he heird ihe wol\cc horrlin8 and vour cne! Takin8 up his arc, he rushdd 'l Mag d ro lav a svase vo6d on tlet bla.k' hccxpl3ms 'Scnt it pacth& lnc rstofibsdry pn.k kurynt after,onccthcysaw tn.irl orb st d' 'You want d to show me $m L\in&' you Fhin.l

52 'I^ded I do,'he mutrae ard b.bc io mm! th budle in tont o1 hin 'l rold you I d alt the wou a eva8 blof. wen, in fad, I cut oil itr paw At ledt, ir was a pew io begin widl...' Ulrich peers ba.t the last strip oi bloodstained dotb'sut tell m, d@s thar l@k Lying on the taue n frmr of y@ is a gnfftert blftk- IurEd claw, el]rryh@ betwen A h'llrd hnd ad a wou's paw Ho@r ei3ls yo( hean in its chilint gnp. Betorc Ulffh evm re a chece to explair! you.leady kmw wha' lf ts soing to et 'TlEt easn t a wolf thrt atta.ked yon out ti E in the woods tonight t*41 Do /@ ent io thrw th. chdgbg hind inb rle fft im diat ly (hrh td.9o), or d6 you want ro a.lm l6k at n fi$t (hrm to r39)? You slilli ly hl onrol of rhe hotg ad th siage o.h.n6,mitul*tbsudder yflatinb,'duh r : frch h.lind and f el your blo.d te to 'Wffiolll'you 6nis1l Yd lnow whnt tnis ffi, ll wodd lplainy.[f evaish 6. dhoribleh.llkir' alory d@h. Fo. thebiie of. w@or- a lm clrsi lo lale on the loq ofa gou whfi ndr isht barlb lhe vorl<l - ca; th dead dlseaf or lrdtnrop, Dr *u3de atfliction drat is aponible fd ils 6wn SlD6tly htrfomatior. It ts.s good d a.l ath st6ce, io! widdur a cue, the only futue you.d lool fomard lo is one or nadnes ad nude., 4 thc wor side you rtrutale to fre ie U dd $tist ib f3 al rinht blor the d mm d% slups ro rhe 8hu4 '1u or bultrg nilky db oi it3 blind ey srrl 3hnn8 up at you, As you wat h, rhe shuct,s body b gn to blbble and smot di$otving into a foul blac! slin. util all that is l It d a f w bon i rnd ik yeumed f:ngs, You lot up ro se oer the door ro rle.hapel+hriro E ofa. A wild-haied hd, des d in You slare.' ih gdbesq* obj<r lyins m dr bbl. Evdn ab you wahn, it apped t6 noe nman and l ss aimal in lod, s eing you rea.tim, Ulich says, 'This h o evu th$t and should be d*hoyed. Throw it into the fire dd be dm wil\ it' F;.1 Fr-l EE

53 At you ilnal, lillins strcke, rhe gidt nasgot 8oe irto ifs death LhJo6. Conwlstng violentl, il thrashe about in the djct h6s of ow. yclow Its $Bmdted Fail h s one 'b of the indm'buhing brzies, sendhg the brass sbnd.rashing lo thc n6or md lbt coals.dading acro$ rhe t.gstdnes of th. hchrary. S.v.ral of L\ets cone ro Esi aoon8 tho gafiapd swatli6 oi.hurch vesrnents. ln nef mommls dp fabnc G ali8hr and wonds later te has pizd hold oi tie Abbey buildins. lt ionehow srm5 6hg det the conption thal was at work here shodd now bp puged wilh fif. (Re8a'n r LUcx Talmg nolhdg hom this dffiated lehple, you ne rh Abhey No one b6 to stop you as you M back $rcu8h to $e dain mtrance, and lbn rhef you follo\v ilp vnding ha.k ba.k rhbu8h thc.!a8s By lhe t'me you Etum b nc hi8lwit th nishl sryro theeast islitnplorn s aomd by $c blazins bea.on ol lhe bming Abbey. Erenhlarly 80 no turther wil\out stoppbg ro Est. You slep lithrlly, in a drich besdc dp rcad, md cohe the nomhb you af on your w.y.aain. Tuh whit does nol lvcr rhe Headle$ HiShvalhd dc.lafs tlihphddy Baiely controlring your.ising *nsc oi pdic, you.hoc. a di(crht oum of aclion. Nill you try to dcskoy the sldbol marlcd out m dr noor of rhe stabl. (tuh to,41), salch up Or skull lrum to 295) or run for it {hilc you siill ce (tum saking your way b tuan the blt, shuply Pli.hed bu'ldinss,you a;ve at they lage squae/ whee an mpbmpu nedng.ppeas ro be talcng place The ullasce plwnr ae all carryn8 prrchfo.k/ rythes :nd other obj(6, wh'ch n,bht well b inprcrised irrpons as rhey b(ohe awe ol you f rrknc, a hdsh falls over the asmbled thmb dd r I cy s I'i on you, naling you lel in.rdibly n dable A lem, niddleas d ntu, wiul rhiming Brty hjr and wcaring. chah Milrovdd leadrr tuni., Jrrach6 hilull lrom thc dowd md apprccn6 you. aa5 You dehver what you would have ihought wat a tn[ng blow aaaitrt lne HiShwayman's body. Bur whacsft stl]remdeadcdmifr lstillslands, laushrg ar you van arempb to d sh.y hin.'you cannot kill E'] FI t: n L1l

54 H. holds hi. han& opd b slfw det h n ii, but tle <abbarded se rd bu.tled to his belt and lh. seely l@t in his 9 scg 6t dus M F no o h. loole<l kith. 'Ho, frieni,'re caib.'w don't 8el nan/ s! vkir us in th e Farb. I{hm e you hon ed what.e we do lo! you?' How w you Mswer th. hu! quesrion? will t I him the trulh, thal you were travellint th@ugh 'ou Op ba.ld@ds who you wef attacked by a pack or wolve (tum to 57)? WI you t U hjh tldt you wf krveuin8 rmn PriEb.d lo Soflen whq you left tn. tud dd bede lost in the loel (nh!o ar5)? or wirl tou reu hih ih.t a wand ring svord-lofhie in r.fn ot d.nplot r who hignt appl@b your gni.6 a7 You b kd AdE's aislant to ft side. OrEe ell has 6nlin.d oet is lrisl you rell he' ho$ you set her EEther Hatu at?'t. Gtbtu 7N AE yo! teu hr of hh heanbrcto Fdd ror hd, in o'd r ro bring her hone again, she brte into te,e. 'I was too hiery,' she says betuq eb' 'I should not hav lefr hohe $ sudddly. Oh hy p@r HN. I mst retuh lo hh Tha* you, se6ger,io! bringh8 m n ws oi hy brcther May the gods bl6s yod.' YN r@l tha warm glow ot a Sood job weu dme and I@l tntt you hrre achieved shething to help Fpatr thebekm Flation' ships oi M unhappy hde R ai^ : LUcx point tnd trtr F_:t F;.1 [3-{, 13 Conv.rr h. bttee of dp winld.ldatal'r dft hfo nmb 6, ain8 rh..d.a=1,b=2,c1 E26. Add th numn E tog thd and thr tuh!o th par.fap\ wruh i5 of!3ft 6 tn. tolal It th ParngraPh rdk s tu 9e you have got krcn8 dd you ae toins to hav to Ey a dillemt appm.h W l you hreat n to kt you pas (hm to :r3), or wtu you hy sonerhing!9 Br.vely - or f6[shly - you sp up she of op nudsy EH b6ln ih a ldle ad Fis it ro yn LiF. In one bol.l a<tim you g p.lom ib ont6b. You 3!ep at tle loul lash and it t all y@ 6 do ro 3top rau 8or8. risins. slowlt ae Foti6 ia}6 etilcr. A a,rin8 Sloe 9d.b thtughout you bod, Evihrirhg *6y 6hF 6r ttu beiry. You h,ve jer $rllw.d erc tind oi h.rline potim, R6!oE q^mn^ poine equ.r ro h,lf you lrrltrl sr^m!^ <ore, tudirt Facri@ up, drl Educe you.lhc! <oe by 4 pohe (noting that drop below t FtalinE that there hop yet tor your.ause, will 's Ira" lhe kitchs dd lale the other PassrS way leadins from the Larc.nd p6s thn8h the double d@6 ar rhe rop of dr Srand stai(e? Td ro {6

55 ln a bust of briliat bluewlule l ht lishhhg lerl thm6h the vdios conductins rcds dd wie to lne rade, m whichli s the scjentisfs Ih pan-negl! pan-mclire mtrud jole violmtly with the ubridled eldmt l powd or the stom co$ing lhnugh il And tr.m the violeme oi 3E lenper pas6, ils echo Mbli.g ov& th dist nl ooutain peal6. For a momdt all is stil, tle ai! loud you hot witn the rm l olbffit ozom, but th olh is short-liv d. l,ifi. Ii$ of steaning pblotu ad lhe da'* of neddi.,r join6, strgg6 to its fe t. Ib jaw dsf opd\ 'l1@hoc l itin8 dl a tenible nng wail. 'ft! alivel' the $i J i5t shouts wid shridl d gle. 1J@ again win dpy &(@ Po6o. AGnm of b int a nadmel' and hd h bcls nro a fit of htsbical ktrghei 'And bo hi^k, you hav had {E hmur ol wit6ing ny tol h'sbirrh. Ih hulkht@eudhrutoheyou dtt with lurntsina, dantina slef adre on Fu, ams oubtrer.-hed You knw you nusl at l sr atlenpl lo stop 0us thjn& pbich should n v r hav b n tlvo life at a-ll. Ih only suitable weapon you might hzv at yn.lisposr is a Ircn Rod. L you h:vesuchdobjed,tuhtoz. not, youe 8oin8!o h!"e to Ely m old st*i once again (tum io 42). with nl you weight hdgine Eo m hdd, as you *i!cn for your nqt tootlrold, ihe bn& yor e holdhg comes lo6e. I$thctiv ly you let go md

56 E.h tor $oth.i but ln your h.ste ydr.lukhin8 fi!84 slip m rhe w.l moul.l ed 6ndr no pehe Unb.Lft d, y6u Ie y6u lmting dd plun8. inro lhe pit Yd Nt tli. boatoa with a spb$! landjns h t f6l of ioul w.lrr, mon8 h..f o{ hnlld slft, jding sh6urde.rd tuntng yn kr. (Iff l sm '@ pointr md 1 snl point.) Paintullt you pul] youn lf t6 y6u fe r. Tuh td!i. Yor find youeelf lollowin8 r dope downwa.ds into a.avd, whicn G little inoe rhan a wi& hlm j, witi h{o hrtha hd le lead ing off it. Gold n th darlns, a 9M of te tlitierint y llow m dkugh ore *a! whm to rhe surfae. Lyint rndm o tte 8Md, t@th tle s d of gold, is th b.dy ota Dw.rl FM th tu d 0o heh rnetand ln.pi.lrr.lfsathissid,dweua the pa.k still on hi! ba.k, you t.r@ the Dwarl!o b. pfsf.toi Yo!..utio$ly fru<h dom rext lo thc body dd lel lor a pul6e. fle Dwad is dead bul what tiled him? nm you soe the h{o pm.t@ hol 8 nr hb nect ney look U(e tngo that mibht have hnn nade by a vnpie - o. r very LJg spider. II you wat to earh tle Ddl'r hody, tuh to 166. If mr, you w r rdve lo l6v. lhit dividing of dr p.t!: but Aldlg dei@ 6wl.paco{M qit? Tlm ro97 Aldg a wid cinlr lunl2 Tutor{ r{dg a slalact ehung pegryay? Tuh lo rar t3-r4 You notie ddt the mm ;.6 veioe derltr d dain rud tus cl On. of the sbre ro pulj widl a wam yerbw uthr &d h. tets hold ot ir, G it ror 'J6t c sfr.d,'le ef drxj/' 'dx wbe is upon yoq nitht ' cmtwr' YM f el tnat, brnle is inwitabl,6d draw vru swod in Rdits. Tuh to465. r4 sidding Grddmothd zekovo. h6ty lftwell you led into th. night me hof, Ltl.h at you sid. You d detdin d r,o M UE ime l@ti. to lrcud and?ut m ad to lhn lvhg nightdd. Il ir ml hird tn. wolv6' paing. You 5@ 6rd Fus.rv6 d@ding. prth.l. rt@bling ii! 3E Elil srft*n qrh You t<@e asn ol dirbnr y lf ad howb. Behrd a fldd n, $dlins!w yo! tum ro s th Dla<l WoU leucit trdn the dep darb s b *en rhe Es. But '6 lf ais hme ts Ulrid eho to the iaret the.eahrre h$ Even8e on ils mjnd, You he aiicrmirg tuch bd Uldch howls in pain is the wolt sinks ils teelh inro his thtul Th n the woodsnn lies slill. You warch, Ir.26 ror a hom6l in disbe[evinb hom., as th woll ri hom Uki.h'3 DFn. fom md vou E.lik t9t it i mw sr.rxtns o^ ib hind legs. Oiiy is a wou no 1n8.. IE body i5 stefd ho lilc iibt of..lrh.ugh il ir bl.l tur md 'M, lbt lle llmtt ]eable $@r oi a woll. Il has b one $nerhin8 tr"t F;l

57 Eorc lhm bd*t md les dln hmm. lips drlin8 back 6on blodied 6ngs, the Bla& w wdr Bsls m@.in8ly md tll1g tma.ds you. Yot har no BL"ACKWIREWOTF sklrt sramrnat The beast wil not rm fron ih$ Iigh. and you wiu not let i. Ore way ihis will be a fight to ihe dcaih. If you pevail, tln!o 29. ta5 Th inbnt ih expoed flde of you ldtem touches th han8in8 obwebs, th silkd sfards bnr inio nde The lif spfads hpi.iy 66u8nout lnc chrhb r, with the mdsr r rnpp d at its c6kt r^ith the Spid.rQms bldd{hiling mam ehoing in your ea6, ye ne ue beiftn d ove. Ih cav m onsm d by Em6, dri.lbla.t troke pog inlo{ork 6f und rgrund ftllfuli yon wiu not b ablc to adter dr ave IlN- If y@ aft going to qtinu. *.rding tle.av6 bmsth Sund Ed P ah n.rr. note tfat if you are ser giwm the option ol lisirins Pfagraph 4rr tou nay rct choof that path. Tlletr ae only hro ents fion ihis plae. U/ill you tollow th. bmel of stalactites (hm io G) or the stalagmits tufti (tum to {o5), or will tu quir rhe spider infest d caves albo8ether (tuh l,o r31)? flm, Yd 6nd kilth s dd (m.l!o lind a@8h dly Boods!o bate up 3 Medd worth ol Prcviiim) l,ur the ngt impesiv loon id a l,ia b6nquetinb hall, IXe table, wnich ii set io4o dimersuests,hasbedlaidlorslppd buthowlong ago? The plales, dd dlty Ed in th lin go$md vens oi spiderwebs, You my t lc a pan of Silv r Cddlesti*3 jlm the table but th G Farly nooting els oi Ge to you her. 'Mi@ mircr, her ne sfdl Trp Silwr Da88er is whar rck.' as you ldve +oko, de gln h l'onr of yd apfae b npph md you En $on lad6. Ir G EpracEd by rhe imae of a 6nely daffed silver Dagger, s hilt lomrds (Regain r LUci '@. Add th Silwer IhBg6 ro th Equipnor L$r d yout ldwrrz sra!. Yd fry E lhe da8ge. in ombal, lr }'ou wish, but b.i@ it b not b..laed in the s.h a ay.s you sword, you n6t n8ht with ym Anack Strength du.ed by I poht. Howevei injuries you cause my cahf widr the word'w*' jn ib nme The of the Tower oi Mau b ld8er thd you had at 66t orought. The mh towd k@p obviously ris6 abde OF mo xtetuiv layout of the gftud tre

58 w'n suff r hcsed dmage O r^mn^ poink rdth.. th$ UE Effir 2) as the pe netal is inini.dl fo kjnd, The Silve. Dagt r wll alrc h.m Undea.l ed DenG but n wll ause thc sull 2 ar^mrnr P$ rhngh th ods dd- IG to t.t. Fing*dF bnah againsr er fibl@ 16{.nd rh4 wirt a lurd\ yd n&ge to e!+ hold a yo! nnt 6oths few irde into th Fart oto6. lt is. tlow.nd tirire pn6 but in de dd yq to pdl ynrdf dn of th. *.np, uril Fu li. p.nrins tt b@th d tte gesy mdnrd As Fu li. ttr, (ilh8 stmgrh Frlm b rur erlin8 linb6, t@ L<ft awe of. pulsrin8 lght d@ bj. tden8 up tou d F nidqing rer:hlighrs hdairg dd rh! b.btt 8Md, glrying wirh a *inrilltins gh ldlrf (tm. Th mov@r of lh bobbing b6!s ol li8hr ll ht?noti..nd y@ ae qfan. d by tlf str.n8e d.ntns movftnrr oi m in pamdbr Th. tlowint LiSht is surain8 tiopads you, ad i5 now plhlng r h.levol ni silmn You bftly have tine to Bet ro you dd ursheathe you sod b ioe ihe Will, olthe-wsp is upm yo a i^tmt on,ee<llnt otl your WILLO'.THI.WISP trtr azy,ro rt!h.gtcd.rturecdb n d.dbytheold!r*l ol tie blde tlu wi ld but it EShL! b.d w h 3izllit hol6 ot aryy. Every rin. it n t d a sc6ful hlt rtril$t you, the n.ldoldt M.NiSht slu.a@ rcu, rr^mrn^ poinb of damte. ff you Lil th. wtlo.tfwrp the ur ooh 6016 hdldtng its iod bgeth{.llslfte inro te air, leaung be-hlnd ore.lerp rh.u oi o@rc, as fue aw.y ro n. m*.d!ne yu ro de A!h y, lc.dh8 Fu tlteth de turpler of slue buidhgs to lhe d@i bry gaed id wandding pilgrig. lle h@l tde. y@ ld. dnpl. p.llel b.n dd de dep.,r3 A Uhl.LErFlhEnd - his lac bv ol h!' lit lte tet - brh8s td. borl or tt.!6int '!b. b'!.tr ad..up of der s.t r.doy@ wdt it ltllt odrh!rbnrh6btuahlye(tuhtoqj), d wodd y@ EtlE 6t y@ M prceilie (d Fdfi8.t.X) bd@ sdding dom btr de night (tuh On iipte up ed u yn th. ha8. ol C.!rb Wtllen,6 the old wikn advi*d, Th. or& t t! t.l digndy asd th.r rhi! i lh ophlne nehaih lor lhe ret d@r, you.pply pes@ at fiis point With a clct, a door hj.ldd wlthin tle paintinb oi the fr! oi LupFvi. - del ytu wodd mvq hav bm abl 1o 6nd othemile - rwtnf opa, B ydd is a mw rhore dt4iea., Do you wbt ro cthb thjs tw shi@. (tus bo 5a) or

59 would you rather lcavc thc Map Room tircngh thc door n lhe itu wall (1m to 311)? 131 Takn8 a deep bfalh you approach the bd ed mqunc as ro rhe cost ot a room lor the nighl 'Three Sold pie. s, \alf board,'he says,'one gold pir.e for just lhe roo'n.' lr you are wiuing to pay tlr I Gold Pi.ccs, you find tha t half board h.hd.s a ttulrd oi ile and a cold, spit roast.hick.n, shi.h rstdfs up td 4 sram'n^ Pornts. If you or y pay for tlr rdom ydu w l harc to eat one worfi of Proyisidns to rstoe any ener8y. r4'hatcvcr you decide, ) ou nay now erher redie to you ioon (tu to :53), or siay n ihe bar dd ky spcilinb to the lmdl.rd (tum io r55), ure barnnid (hm to 133) or dle ntense young man 'Bal.i lies to Lhe mrrh rnd turthar easr of her is Mau, but tials a good day's lonmey away. And on tie otlei side of the fopsr you'll nnd the l,own of V&ge.nof, dlthouah word has ii ihat thatpla.e toohas falrd or hard hmes. Now trrn to,95. rr3 ll you l,jucd Or Arh-Lycanthrcpe with ihe wulien Srrord. tum bt64.ifnoi,you do not hare rhe neans to stop thc demon hon resurdring Count vr.olac, Md th.!e h no way you will be able toprevailagaitut drwcewa.g l+inceof l.upravia.your advdtufwill ed hcp, ar Lhe dead claws ol rhe fi6r oi L\e wulfl.n F:I F;I jtep thb iat'0 sinister CmivaleMasl,er says with r Fvinklt ir hn.f6. Y@ h*6 him 2 Gold PieGs, which re.atches h hn bp nat. 'Stay d hou or stay ai dat'!.hnnps, but djoy you stnt cone lvlut nat/.'?.sring beneath tlp 'Canivale' t:mer you explot ic fan beyond. Ilrer are si dfferent sp{tacler OEt npture you. niefsi. The lirst 6 a mdnighr+lue tent :nbellnhed wrrh r ver m@c and stars, beadng ihe :ame.: 'Madame Zelda MEtre$ of Mystery'. The a$nd $ a gaudily puted wagon $ irh the le8end HaU ol Mjftrs' painbed on the side. Ne\t comes rhe Jn,nous soudins 'cabe' and alter thal a stal called \Ehe1s A(ows'. Then there is a one ne puppet :now, 'Master oj MtuionetteJ, which is attacting turre a.rowd. ljst oi all there is a 1tu8e tent at lhe :enhe oi the Cmivale, whicn has a threatdlng pair n glowering eys md fana-nlkd open monfi pahted rn the thi& cavas. oubide tie drnwn ba.l entmnce iap is the si8n 'Cmolsha s Cabhet of Cunosilics'. i\hich of drp erhibib would you tike ro visir 6nr? \hdane lda,mfrressof Mysrery? Cr.okshanks' Cabhet oacu.iosities? Lost, you say?'th. mnt stccly cyc ncvl'r savcs as.e considca you! story. ln an cfiort to.onvh.c hjm trtr

60 t ea37 rou begin [o balbl, mbelishing you r.le with p riilmt.l tails. You e not lying exa.dy; yod ft n6t behg a wi$ th. hdr. Tdst yorl l/.ft. r you ar Lncky, tuh to 263. r Fu aft, a16 fte pasageway eventually al a small, oknd ddmb r, redly no noe thm d ertsded alcove lbe lar of the space has ben holowed out to lorm a stone bowl, dd inside tlis is a writhin8 nds oj Slislening black reehwoms You ae about to tun ad 8o bact 1le way you hav cme who you notice snat bok Like the hddle oi a dasigd ptuttudin8 6on the Epulsiv,.ipplh8 ms. You.ould al.nost telieve sondne was brtedhg vemin dom in Or* du86ns. Do you want [o Fach into de pit to take hold ol tle hilt md pun it out (tum td 432)orvould,rou trer Fhm to L\ejmction (hm to r31)? \j7 orce the famer md his qle ae out oi the way you oake you. nove a8aint the Changeling The c@lue hi$er md spifs ai you, baring claws ad needle{harp tp th You, in tum, trust in cold srel/ folk lore having it rbat ilon is inimical!o such as the ChagelinB CTIANGELINC U ihe Chdgdling wo6ds you nof thd onc, add I to you (:Ncx $oft. A6 soon 6 yd fic imp,

61 133 The candl jft lla. hous6 m extsive wine colec table, howevs, you lind a Nnbd of dnry bottlb of pd wire Md sme of a.lea. sdirft, a nlnbq of rlem already hco.ked Do you w;t b &ink some oi *!e red wiie (tum bo 153), sone of the deu spnn (tum ro lf) or wodd you raoe leave ad look elswhere (tuh to -ire,? \j9 Talh8 df hdd in you om, by the tuct@me hber l'8ht of the fue you era'm ir TIE hdd ts now rrrnosf.onpletelv h4an. erept $ai rt still sporrs parti.ularly long dd hdrdo d.lah L!e naits. Bur lnee is smerhing e1*. on the middle tnsa oep F a ldge sold signet nns bedtns a ffil<tbh.est on bbodin8.asde thai stands at O lip of t]le cliff, nigh atbve wuffqstein, ih boken batlments foming a F88ed line againrt the sly Dul( s sprcading rrs Puple-gEy nanile over tie sow.apped mou rans tl de nolil, whrch n tum casr their shadows ags oi the villag Your lirst impession is that ir a feral placa nole hone l,o minals than nunns. 't \langy cus pick ovd def.itus in the rtreets and th@ ir no on ro check ydr plo8es. li you have the creword,4yrat 6o.ded on you Adtenturc, un!o 196. lfnot/ tuh ro 19, 141 ff you ar able b n8ht with a silver Dasger tum to ry2. Ii you do not have such a weapd, tum to 173. Creeping along OF pasagsay you mter a *ction that is dr size of a tui M, wh F several tuel8 heet within dre h dt ofsmdeed Peal?styo!/ 5*t,/. U you suc@ed, tum to :9:. If you fail, tum to 331. IU you leve bq hee befoe, hm to 236 sildght 443 sdll leeling ueasy, tryhg to shake pdeoid iplngs of malicious intent, you Etm 'he l,o the Gd -\wae that h{ilight is rapidly givhg way!o nj8ht, hu you nn nake Io! the sdctury adong the pdks b the east (hn to fl) or p6s on north towardg knowing that you wiu have to tuke.dp uder thest s(tumio96)?

62 r4l D.ihin d ro.@plei. you srh fd dr. Ar}! LyoduoP. {'d fre Fu!.lI &on ie oed, y@ P!6 sta169 ih. dd hril welr {ra!@r. you ey r, you te l 6 dsnte *omng qd$ wery tibf oryou b.lng M.k E rcr ot thenub r r756 yd! /ir'rdhd stuel md brn io:o, 4149.rch d Firh rhe *o!ds nt p Rom' A 6imiLr mel,l $e dd to tha n8h mds 'MEic R@c'. A. Fu 6 s rc ode w.y d, wil yd 6Er ih. Mrp l@h(tuhto o) or th. Muic Rm (106l? 47 Drawng d ai Fur tm6 or d6f6f, adm.lf tu.u.d Cmge, with ybur $od tu*d.bov your ll.4 you chars th wou! n ar it lrunchs hfu at Fu, Bqt h.vin8 sei4d lhe lr tiative, it is yd who h<b the li6t bltr The wolf squedl in pdin, nd rnen? ie tum.t ro 6ter, lt is upon you, rjld two tddearr.t E&t r/l&)'s rrlu Rtuds or i, t@ Educ th. to 7d k$, efijdwdhl,p.tu ra5 Y6q hrk into lie h arty bfrh w h gear geto &d in 45 Pei$ lhdth rh d@f.r lte tlp of rle sraire, tm fild yowu in a aqch seei r, walnut-tn.u.d dle<ndber E loe E{o hc w.lnut, paflh d@8. A brd ptaqe m rhe ft!o rte l,ft i! F-t F-l '4 Yd tum lrdh de na88or i^ hdi6.d har, inbdin8 b run froa lh Abhey Bul d yd do e, the rep ll nt nonkosiry cmwrs6, voditing.oplob anosts or cime ov r you, which b ot a highly acldic MtuF. Ron 6e dice, divide rhe bot.l by 2 (@rdiit halvd up) ud add I to th nub r (6i!ing you. iotal oi berwen I tnd 6)i r duc ym sr MrN se by thjr nany tohts II]bu N3r auve, y@ de goirg!o havc!o 6tht th. hdsrtr. Tm lo at PullinS 6id dp ortdr hu8 affi th., tou st p inio trp tqt of hm.nd st 6. A tug ol El FN

63 incn smol aseils you Sitting behind a crular rabl djaped with a blue relvet cloth ts a hiddleaged wom, overly Fadeup and wedjng lattr upon layd 6I coloured ve s {d shawls. On hd hedd j! a oituon turban, held logethd by a spphir pin, A crystal ball 6is in ns cawed ebony dadl in iront o, her 'Welcone, stragq,' Madme zelda says, hd acceni srrong and prcbably ovddone lor etr ct. 'CGs hy palh wjih gold and I wil rev.1 l,o you a! th3t $? tuture has in s!o!e.' li you wdt to pay for this pnvile8e, deduct the gold 6om yot AnMtuft Shdt and ih lo 224. If y@ do not wet to spnd m] r50 A vicio6 bdljn8 sful epjng fdn beks the Ithtwolr'sslavsins jaws, the ieribly dug d Cou' If th Welwou wosds ya at all, add r to your cllncr &oe. If you Edue the Ar.h ]-ycethrpe's sren rcf!o 6 pojnls or les, or after *ven Rounds f you last thar lons tum imediately to 451 The huntin8 party make6 it back b lne ldwn wllhoul turthe! ado, only to dbcover that t\e Beast has srtuck a8ain, thh tim to tie soufi of vargmhot bfaling inlo a mil, slaughterhg dr miller md njs fanily Wilhout pasing to pst, you od rhe Est oi the hui rrt45t st olj [o the sene of the ftime but by the tihe you 8.t thee the Bdst long son. {Ins r L!c( Point.nd add 1 to your 's cr^nce scde.) Retuming dce not to de town meeting hall, you spend the Esi ot lhe night cmped inide fie bu ding, almg with 01e orher nnlee. Whe yd wale ii is wel] Fast n@tr atrd tire yor we on you way. Tum to 5a The hulkirg nm-nade mgter advances d you wlth h ary, lunh rinb skps, tiny blue spar*6 nnrcring rh siom ragin8 accs the heavens - bu6tin6 in its ey6 mouth op c in a bakd h6 d its tat, d{aying IhE6 Each tor your COLEMHIJLK E\ rry tine lh Cdm w'ns an Attack Rou4 Fll one dio. on a bll oi 5 o. 6, the cmshct gnbs you wr$ b6th hm& md delivm a shckdg buft of eidual.l(hnal m ryy, for I rrmrn^ podrs of dmagc, II to d reat the shambling behmoth, tuh 453 You lale a swig frcm de of the bottl s and ae )ou flcl $e thi(l lqud hi&re dm vour broai rour hoiiific mehre. red wlft in a supp.fd vampire's.asde! l4lar wd you thinlins? Ii i, nol winc that 6Is there botrles brt hdm bl@dl Yo! fton a8hdt, spitting!o der de fod lalie lrom yolr nouth, but tf.e dffi8e na aledy b@n done, The trtr

64 154 wouinide you ltuiates at df tast of tt blood and lakes a strongq hold d yor body. (add 1 to you cnoe score and lose 1 LUc( point.) Huling *!e bottle of blood to the noo., you {]amot leave d celld 15{ You asent of the pit shafi, although tirm& do6 not cone eith my nof resry surpn s and you haul youferintolhe subt rmedchambdwithoutsuf lqing any upl asdt acci.lents Still un.ertdii as to what happ ned h re, you know that rh re is nothine el lor you h@ dd so male you way bact thrcugh An unholy ntual was.add dt ner ymrs a8o, a rite e bldphemous ODt it htu l ft ils mark d Ore *orld. 'Ihe f&ling of a linaering malianme is its l gacy and lhe longer you have spmt ir tie ruitu, OE mof that ituidin peence has fed on you om farr mtil it has b cone sbong dou+ to neifet m physical fom. Ii appeaf before yon rcw, a leering dmonic lace coal6cin8 out ot the ai. in lrur of you It is a rhing of nighhlares, an afdgan ot everything you h e od ldred. V e wnihin8 bodi6 and hairy spider legs beal thsugn lears in the lealhery slin of $e Brotesque Ed8oyre la.e. And thd the rhing grows wrongly joinbe.t rimbs oi ils owr lhe black holows ol its ey* drippin8 with m8bols, the Malice scuttles rowaits yd like a spide. m l 83 that mi8ht b ans md grabs lor you with hand! dat mi8ht be f et, alr lhe time bsing like a sauration of.ekroachcs.

65 TIIEM LICE If you defeat fie Malicq d]e eql eni y sefrs to nelt lil<e w& md ic pw black esence Ms away hro lhe nishldeqened shadoas. You ned' poudinb h yd chcai, you M ine Esi of rhe way ro the rcad 'Quiei nbht,' you say conveeationalt, dslerately hying io jhplove the p (ading mood oi the bd md yer not wbhins lo mal mention oi your rt.ent. usettln8 xperience on the road. 'What do you erpect?' the m sats grufly. 'Fnst trt t'rehhed cu oi a hlshwaynm kopt Op.ustomer al ay thanls to his one'mm.rime wav, md rc* let dead hjs ghost is eding p ople ofi. I'm thinkin8 ol *lrln8 up dd tiljng ny daughter to tt ou.luck n Bathorjr not Snt dtone would want to buy ihn Embanased, you male your er.uf and decide ro speak ro the bamaid, whom you tate to be $e lmd lord's danehre. (bm to 3)? o! the you8 na (tum to 22o), or yon can rehrc to you rcon (tun to 253) 156 You f'nd youiself in a colomaded mve A plnght, s,ckly sweet smell fills the mote-shot ait L\ick widl hoke, illlminated by smouldering cnmoal 'ncense brazief. The mumu oj plaibona {h s hom L\e barelvalnt of the choii DraM by L\e echoin8.nml 157-r59 ippingtoihesha.lowsbetueend]ep lae,youcpep rlong rhe nave towards the mcmse-sh.ouded sac' aary llsl!o!r L,.k. Il you ale LucL, tum to 30. If yon The shu.t is a td.ible beast, aphanronhobd, sent :o rex Father Coran, uro priest who tends the shrhe Jl Saint Cflrius and the healing well that li6 ther. Itre stuinc lics north dd west ol here a.tuss the na.heous lcnmoor The Shuck is said to have q/q whi.h is as cold and white as the moon, and 'rngs like knives. Aldrough hdrv anyotu.m know :u.h thinbs, I know not, for it is al$ said det L\os trho look upon the fa.e of trc bcasi dic oi friahr.' dd nc codsod Exirtu ad tum to :urther on along the passageway yon ro come ro a -rdrof. Tnlee short coddorslead anay to rle leit, :J rhe right d.l straight ahead, all ending at doog "hrch, youpr.sms lead b orherroons There re ao Lndi.ato6 as to what les behind th6e doors so will r59 lou have ro crcu.h low to ke.p hom crachng your :ud.n Lhe roubh ock ofihe cc,lingonlya nattcr of Etr

66 ldr.bok E&Eing 66 rh5 yq 6td ydlg eve rh,t i, LmG r'r.n aird,e djraeh& or rll w.f ryhi<h w.y witr'rb 6 ^rqa a wirdina d (h, Foliok. y Uow qurriz sh.n; r50 l'r HIJNC'HBAC( r5, Etr Ft f.a

67 !6a D6?i!e f eling faligled by tou tevels )ou tin4 a yd lie ra ing dd hhins q lh hrd paler b.d, slep dc nor Edily m. TheF i! $ned g tut qurle ri8ht lbout rhis ple, no mter how w.m trle nodc' wdm h,s b..n, ed de wou in'd yd Hs thdffi rs. UEble tjo sk p, you h.w to tud oul moe. CRping thuth rh d.rle* of the conplex - swod at your!tde, pact on you back you mke y6u w.y out of de dorilory ar rh. top ol the ndl(! nidr.taie yd FE, he ins vde ll B the No mdb frdh.{lid ad th.y.e ralkins abolttbul Thd you of thd e,'th. Abtot w r 6ioy hls audime wllh M pilerin.' Th E is a underlyin8 th monrt wor&, 'Com,' sf dr odtr, 'bl c tut lre he witing 6y lont r IrE de?i$ dr.ught will tut ldr for duch lont6. Thft is no tihe io l@ - th. Dlack Monkr ac oning fq you md cenor h@ hdy You deid ih. flct thar ihe ndke pob.bly think tou ac asl ep io your arkanl8., ad hury ta546 duoutl th boj8filtd Abbet hopnb b mj@ rou way b.d b th.6ede b 6oE th hdbd6dri*ydc8ft Y@t ri*.ycfu rd b. todg to pl'n util hdfway,ro\g I flrgston d doisbr r ltoe slnb tilu b@th you md hin86 dohw.rdr ddppmb ytu iiio a ft.ply skphg dut, UmbL rodl yddmr, Fu rlrdedoh dle pif blo! t@dd d.tkr6s below Turn ro 194 r5t a picr@ o,! da8ger hb ben.ham sd it l@k' dcriy lile th. m y@ hae i^ yru P$ton ac.djud' h. d.hnrb. 'Ard you ry that this disaq wa in th. fd6ih of asn ldme? Thm lhe nul h.v ba S t@ the 5o@!. ol SnN6. I h lieve h wr. 3h. eho led the..rud Sumi^g Cerddy A.ide,how frel, y@ syr SdPde the Snatsotu? Or, hd lhe nishty hrvc 6rrd WbU, they do by rhlr areohi. powd mpb d.olut ly, ed Fd hs it han noe FE,' Nq Fbh b 16. trtr Ar th. ddr rc aron. df Ed to wulr@eil, 0E rolv6 de in, spiir'8.t the levf or tle whimyin8 hoe md $.rrht a th y,euggl lo sein tne.(e8e lo lere. hap tor the cei28e 16llexr!!.t. UloueL(ky,tMtottg If yd,e 'l3.ll. F-I F-']

68 16, u y@ win rhb ddht wld rgor ii 6v. Anrcl RM.b q 16.' tuh lo r9- U it t*6 longe thm fie Attet 470 (tum lo a), or dtsnalivelt Fill you lm L:v. rt IF At EioE sr.tlt.s!rd tle squ@ you nnd tle srrs or lhhtr yo tr'idt h. boling 16. r,5 SrhiE+nt r yd.rrll 6<ti6 js ro pb.riolly juhp olt of il! horry 6tin. Ir* ir por r in tiowina th. hd 11@ of thintt,,rd io ll.ft ol m denat suh 6 fiir ir b h. b 'I'L D"tCd Cr6D@ and lir qurftb \q Thesrm b wid aa f rein b.arl. IrgnEnn8$ik6 dr top ot tlr low again. Wro eid ltet lithldrg naer rtrrl 8 in rh 54. pl@ h,ice? Elercntat HTArcHBACK In dility ot th! fia! rillld do rci n d.ny.rplndd. lha N r i.w thiry3 you shodd be.w@ ot, IFW.E TrE dr8tsa i! LghEi.d l s qp4dve rh.n de swqd, but it yo 6d$ wfth lhis younotiredueyqatt ctstegthbytfi^lyou th. n elch bahr rou funr b.iot reeina to h hdd,leh.rd drbrt (6 lo$! yd stul h.v quftl5 to rt@i)j ftrt you, 5*,lr &d it succd you qg$@ bolt.ors you oppdal ' u a r^jd pohe On a rei oi 1-,0E BEasrpLt wlll nde ey rladte d*.t netyd by r point Y@ dry bly 6s lny Mdle' worth of PwieiG d wu ce ord. a.h M.,l wtll BbE up ro 4 lcl siyrm poh6- V.k wh,teva puflt.$ you d.@ (s bn8 s you Etr

69 a?r q2 h:ve emugh noney, ot ous) md ihen decide what Fu would like 10 do nexi wiuyou: VEit ue al.hdbtrm metalu.aist! stdd? Tmto54 Join the nhting pdryldore 0E tom kayc VdBennof altogethd? rv Ilie vodka buru yonr mdtll dd d\roat as you hle a si& bui rt is son filling you w]dle body wi 'h a Edia.t glow lou Fay restop up to I sramrna poinls 6r dtnting the spmi, bur the ndt time tou e instructal 10 lerl 1ou 5&ll you must EduG ydr frll by 1 poi^t. That said, *E vodka also 6Is yd vith mryed.oua8q fo. the duation of Or ftit battle hca* yru Atta.k Shngih by 1 Foint Do you now wdt i0 dint some ot the red wde (brm to r5r) or w you now leare fie celd (ium ro z)? sndlh8 nd smppjng at each ot]rd, tuo hideous kolish folfu apper flom Nud the od of dt skert. At tust you talg $en!o be wollmen. It is only 6 fi y pa$ fm th deeper shadows mio a pool of ii ing daylight that y@ nate out nps jn iheir rabtu@ hids, thbu8h which h be sq bare bone, SPen-g.ey infetul orgm and expced ribs sore tines they move o then hind l 8s like ha, sme times on all louls - dd they have ytu sml. IheE _y6 bunulg balelips, fi Werewdgs - udead

70 welpwdv6 kapped h a de.aying sni-lupire fon Fight these evage mmters togptle If you ae wouded noe tha rwie, add 1 l,o yod cfance s.of. If you swive you battle, tum!o 39o. rn As the VampiFss sldh6 at you with the taloft ofh r bare hands, you figni ba.k with cold steel Ar0$ugn the rounds yon lay a8atst tie hded Cohtes appear to nrjne her/ they close bloodl6sly no.urs Iater Convmbonal weapons cmothld of drp night md in rhe end h r scdhgly lih l st imn stamina himphs as you baftle-latigued ev ntually Eives in. Mthout a bl sed weap6 to use agairot her, the vdpiress tetus you body to shreds. You advotue ends ierc. \74 At your killing blow, L\e monshous.reature sinls back unde. the water Wifi L\e ho.or slain, you tum your attendonback to dp Silve.Spo.d. You lel dnwn to ihe weapo4 you skin goosepinpling in excib6l anti.ipation. But somedrinb D these rutns is of tlre oppesive, almost ovemhelning, atdosphcrc of evil that perad s the plae Lil<e a lesterin8.anler Do you wmt to reach intio the waber ad tale tlebladd (tum to 267) oi will you spod no longe h ore dark md danp, an.l climb out of thc wel'pit ome nore Etr IIE vojcs oi the spdlral d atues tlead'ly o{er rnehl your s46 mtil it is the only sou.l you.m hed ft is as ii the +osdy howlin8 is s?eakng to lhe Nlf i6ide yor lt shitr to tare.onkol oi tru body &d d you try [o 68lrt ihe Il{t you muscles go inbo +asn. (Add 1 csnce point.) carght h a fii, you polo-e onto the 8rcud, hotlina at the mouth And EEE you min while the Seigoivm do ai they a b nd d1etrelves ot the specbal pa.l9 but to no You wake rcxt dat lyhg on $e cold ltud SroNd utsde Sbigoiva whee lhe village6 dmp d you.ller ihen halmati. nighr igiling dp Ehosdy Howl Il3. Fron the position of the whjle disc of the tu in 5e leaden sty abo' yoq you judge that you have.!epr well,nro $e rouow n8 aftehoon alihougb you Fl no bette! for t. Beyond the easlern boudary of $e vila8e you ale co.tdted by a palling ol dt xays. W_ you iouow dle tuad as lt divides to dt {dh (tum to 160) or the east (trh l,o 4?3), o! will you 5t fie 1 ss wel-ufd ha& into the fo 8t that lies a nile or so bo the north-east or stisoiva (hh to 3)?

71 176 D*dt thurde olli tle lky ard Lghhnl6 flashe ow dp to tl* mrdl A sbnn it ming dd y@ would do w.u 'ar to fird Mh.E b eit oul. x ie tha th.t y@ okn sidt of dr dibpid.ted 't windni! rr.ndina d. hiu t d5 up a Eek o{ Th hsged eils rpin, tun d by t'e d!i^t witl, and yd d * th. 6ttul d a li8ht.r. high wind@. 1^,i! yq Rk delrer w rhin tl d@[cr Bin<lmiU (nn b t35) d wil y@ bfrv. ue LEmte dt ir de opan (tuh to!94)? de desied eft<t &d" dllo{8h it h.5 mt.cirdly you of tlu lyonthrcpy, rt ha $gllntudy uc.d ie.ftu [d@ ytu GING g@ by a ilts (but tue drop b l@ 1) and E lin r d poinr. v@tig rrl! ylu th.t, nudt a he wodd ro o( r y@! H lor de night he leb that y@ d pb d in yu s!.h Ior ihe Adts dtlwf 6, wilh lh. lpptwh oi dc dxt lull l! tlle ElIy i5 of the M, tha*ht te olrr tor atl h! hdp, yd k6e the tdble<lom t! - but rorb fof r4,etioh.! giv6 yd t Mob Ent gng lh prist in cdwfton s@ td io tle iopic ot th. d@lict sr.le ol rh 'ou ri!!t.,lt3 tn Lldy of M.u,!' tlfotl JE h.d tube$inre6e h6nb (@ l'nnot$.e.llt why I'h siil hei I wdt ro do ri I d ro h.lp, r th@'s ql at eort in lhit ola, its li.. within M.u Torer Whal re n.d i!. bev..dv6her to cn lal8e rhe@el C@ies in h.r l,ii wiu you trl upth.tqu6r7 y@ wdl, y@ frcl k.p F*r oi how nuch a.tlre wdiry th. CouEs he thal you 6y ljr c ot e Eting, Write dom m yru ildrh4 srrdr ^l.^u th.r y@ Edry i5 ffintlyo.nd rh6rthror5 Ityddonorw6rio ^llm t L op th. qel yd deid. ii i5 rihe ro qdr rhe villa8e.lto etle (ts!o 3ro). \73 Y@ gdp doq th. Eirtu {d iluedlrt ly letsict lo th. p't ot yd stomclr Hwdq, lh Ftid hle Etr liie h. e6t by 0E te. ol Ld "Fillhy" Lu.r.'.d mlaic, 1 i! mv - rroh id dd amcd dbb.ry, ro h@reding.nd dnl@d.d bude -.n<l lu. Fput bd lped hr wid. th@tlut b9dd. Ttat -d i odl the Mdwards m hh to gdur'd al Ttt GrL{ Te im. He rpr hie ad th4 dd rhdl' de Edwad6'3 oprrin b.hladed rh. highwafm bly.doitlf mbutit E rct long beloe P6Pl. EPdied *eitr6 hd l4f ab@d.g.ln. Th6 ihe di.apf6?i@ bes.[ wlr sid lhar Lu@ lmga.llerpople'3 -<l 'r leld and ride, but wa 3teding rw.y tleir $uls in Fag ld hir om 4d.'Nd tuh to 395, o lhe M.p Ro@ t 16 yu bdlh aw.y- Th@.E m sll h.f6 d.d.s n E lnrerd, each wan, ard

72 ev n de ceiling, has bs painted with inr cately detailed naps. TheE E a map oi all the provinces dd prbcipal,ties oi Maurisktia dd one that snows the enftty ot the old world TheE is evd a huse glob. shding in onecomer,as rau sam.r! afpfsdtadm or the whole oi Tihn. CoverinS thc broad dpan oa the wall l,o you lcft i6 a de.orative mp oi the rand o( rup.avia ircn ShiSoiva in th euth-w st ho tle toq oi VarScnhot wuljent h shown balan.ed prariously on dr llp of the G@u Cor8e to it* nortlr dt. An esgdated pi.lxp of Catle Wulfo has bem painted above the FpFFniation of th. vila8a ]t wat h6 ove. lik $me forbid.ling sentinel Althdgh o tun its lf is a won.le!, thee is nothng here of practical u* to you and m you pass thrcugh a door in the far wau, and inio the coridor beyond Fi-lFi-l 1-2 Ine pasa8say ads at dother w6dd d@r Yod Pgs lhbugh hio m abmd@ed iryuisitorial toture dember, thi& F@ thee you pas imush a s{ond door md.linb a flight oi rbone reps mtil you aeive ar dothei Ihjs plain wood n.lmr i! are udocked rc, tuhrnc the hddle, you sbep 13: va Ridter! ll]e na you kjle4 m8ht nave been a IEanod bolitdline psychotic, but ulrihdbely he 6u8ht on the side ol Good, intmt on saving th Ihple olluphvia f rcm theirw khed late.arthou8h Fr only lut d nd!o him in sdk Ience you have Elped Old Night n8htd its Brip on oris world. (In6e r LUc( point.) A hasty ear.h ol th vdpif Hmt r'8 foty hove6 a p6e dtahhg 10 Gold PiRs md. S,lve. Chafr N{*la. Ol lfus, al$ t}f loly weapm oi his nghteoc.aling: nis rapis blade the Flhddk Pi![ol, along with a?ouch conianjng -d i\ Silvd Bulleis. The npiq is lighrer dd e6ier tc) neh L\m y@r <nm swo.d.llyou choose to qchmge lou weapon tor this you my add 1 b you Attack Stragthinbattl6 R(ordayiteNyoutalemyou Ir'lelrr 5,@t (r ]ou wmt!o iind out nore about Lw Lo se the Flindck?istol, tnu nay tuh h] ItuSraph 4oo at ay time, mking a note of the Fragraph,Tu e on at lh time iiet.) You spmd the Et oi Lhe night with Vm Pi.htd's ory* ahd h the mi.ty 8fty haz of momina ae q y ioo teen to be on you way again. TM to 25o. F;'] FN

73 3 Ten m wnat you lgow,' you ddan4 tbur voi baely nw tha a Bmwl, 'Coqr Velac was not always 4 h is.ow' explain 'One he was a ordimry nonal ha but rcw h is $m thin8 nu.n 8p.l*, {d much ls For alt his sehsih dd inhlftrbility th E ls or thut h f d, lh ld.n of sil@r, sd one qapon it parldrar - a offife.t Silwr Drtgei so iuch 5a n lact, that he hd gm ro Erat lotthr ro lude n eithin lh..dlr, while al$ re?49 it ftar hfr, td le2r or dyon. el ddcint upon n 6nd Gnlg it! 1vll@ d I6nd di. daggq?,@ defud 'Nor F.r rrom hee,'ln qkh stam. Ieartul b loe ydb6tial mgs-'retum to de min h.ll wlee yor ddbd6 mhed dd clinb th. n ib B ydd rhe doqbl d6 you wdt th Map R@m. ln fiis Imn thee is a ser dd, tle hes of openins it is hiddq within the pidw oi Catl Wu[en i6 lt nd this d@r h6 ot da8a r's lilg?lace lt G d io be Blalded but by whnt r do not klow'thie Erubb inlomtion nded. (R.8ain 1 Luq Fint) lou 4 r lind yowlf in tle Mnp Rmm, ro l@k lor k ffil dmi dedu.r 506oh ttu pd.8!.ph you ae.r.h. rim dd tuh to dc n w ftl oe 'N@,. m. in p.ael th old.r@ ffilg wil YoD, 6 3h. dmdr (rum to 167), d 6nish rer trst, lhe hdchtld f.[s!o the n@r dead, flffi li.l ac rh baits ol guipmt afud yq 0tugh a rira heriha yd R the pds pun botde lund g g liquid &om a sheu rd dom ' ils t6e ir d y a tew gasping 8dF H turu io rft t@ wrth tury r hb y5. A5 y4 warch. hn b.dy te tjo xpand. Hts lat@t rif aldg tle grd 6 L shdld.s qell, his ac bul8ina with cords or.el. Th. han's fae dd h.nds quickly t@e 6cEd with thick han SnortinB lil@ d dn8 d F;'I FI E t r

74 bdr, the hftfomed prf6$! lub 6 towa s yoa kuckl6 dngging on the grcud. You ae no lolge hcing rhe dqag d gai6 Prctusor AnaM, blr net rcw rale on tt Fgn arimal sde of hit peeonauty AJ6u Unboudr A.RCAMJM TNBOUN'D II yo! ovdone the cnans d prcf sor, with yoe lnlilg blow you deliver him d.rmighly dour thd s& him Rling (tuh lio 47) As y@ thought, tle ddk wat r oi tne p@1js i.e old dd, a a ftsdlt, wo^ddtuily n$hing. In ia.t it c better Ord fial d e e min rals di$olv d in de wate. that vitalise yoe bod, re+nergising yor (Regain 3 sramn points.) Retum to Jr aql cn@e. 6 r you have the codryod Rets6 or ESdrts reolded d your Adddt!re sleel tum to 2o9 Ii not, hrm to 90 fi? On the fht noor tou one upm a cddlelit coeidd lined with arhaic suits ol dhou. Veious weapos - swolds andm.esfrir y - ft momted on the w.ll as wel d shields bding v/ids hd.ldic de6ibg Do you wdl to tal a m, seeing 6 how you a-lrmdy have a sword (hm [o :73), ore or lne shi rdr (hm to 2o3) d will tou.dlinue to r?lof tlp tows trtr l.nd aoin&' you say flarhing oe bmaid yor rft wimin8 mile Horr's irade?' tle bamid mtinus to stare ai de fire od says The lddlord is watchhg you edgily 6on -rhing It other md olrh bd. Then the gi.l spelc, h.wor.e Evhg a leaway qu.lity 'Fle to ne, yotr Lbw? Thcy ey hc's Bme, but he's not. A love like tuver bebrcke. Not we death ca keep us -r.d an gl'smps ihe ladlord, sil nchg tie gnl. That's tuugh, daughter. Cet back [o the l.jtchm. TheE re &n s towashad dp Jlaor nceds scrubbinal' &g hur!o go an.l O6 ba& ovd hd thoulder, 6xing you with he. stony derht t gare b ihe ii6t tine 'Not wm deatb' she Epeats drl l5q she is goe, The girl'r l@k unnen6 you. You leel that tou would pfg! lur y@. own -ddenly 6pany io! the rest of the w nin8 dd so you Etie Tlhro253. a69 The Ar.h-Ly.dthrcpe holl s in betial delighl as the mnlight.dtinu6 to worl its magi. on hjm, Add 4 Fhts to L\e llhewou's srluna mle and cmtinue Fu batde Mth tlr moon-.hmged mcter If you hage to defeat cntvdola., tum to rod

75 :l I til cupied wirh thoughts or hn lone you have reft the nexi ful n@n, yoo bmly pdis drt ot h6 *r dd that the last splasha of 6lou erlithtirg the clouds is radng to dnsky methft. moon is ridnb dd, wirh no shelter s si8ht, it k lik you ae Boin8 [o nave to cahp ir the op n lha* ddt hooe. Iut rhen you she in sight of a chjn6 im. A [8ht njclels in a windw, like a con bftkmin8 yd m. Ea8 rly you qui.ko your, d temined not to be ou8hr out or rh* late h@6 ane. what )b! have h ad abour th 6 thal shlk lh lrnd ofl-upavit $wl, ov. the unetditrs kdins of de win4 you tode awaf ot lre j:nsre or lffi b hind you &anng h@vs pording the rud yd t n to s rho F tolowinc you, bur lhn is no m Artr; n6 be, rc rid! nothmg But you cm still hd th.rumjng b at ol rhe h(rc pouding dp rcad. You Fr thm8! lh dark6, bact the way yu have qe. Ard thm yd do w sn rhint. MzErialjsing of drc dm, in a hde ol g@y-yelow ltt ru- -r <mc. hdty pnc irm you i6 the 68@ oi a phd- Er rido o. ho*ba.k. A p sir atr out b hind 6e.idcr dd you se h is wdin8 linely worked, EFl.nBrh bla.k l ath! bmls. H lash6 th EiN of Es hoe d it teaf almg s.e mad towddr you, bhing at 0E nouth, ih ele bming wit h-ri8hls. * il that wee not hofilyin8 qougb de;dd has no hd, and yer frcm sm@h@ you cm hear th.ry d,'yaahl Yaah! On, Barushka. On hll nomingl' trtr

76 TtE phston rids dd te rtc d e ct@tnt 6 yo! fdut. wi you th tril dd M, r.yi^p ro F.dr tl s.i ty or the im b.tde 0E ridd c.rch6 you (tum It 60), d wintou rt nd &d lr de (hm to a6r)? Y@ thry ydtelt dl oa tle w,y s th. wou hr hufth.d d rh. 3?or whep t@ ww sr.tding djy no'et 3llftud.d bv t of de pocl( You lbnptly,ind y@u f.c+ f* qth teo pddoldly Mgy-loohr& rlwn ep*iffi th.t E/.b Rle y@ with deir bsgrd cl while d! ir 6uow hwl gtouageht Fighl wole b.'dr.l lh! em tlde P Rass rh. VupEc e@ rwo cotlfurive hits.tltdt,rh [ozl,ff y@reductlevmpi6'r^ida to a Fints d 166? hd inmdinrely 60 t t5. to! will d dtpt ny h.lp, 8ira hdy ad wfthdp6btid of cip@rin, I dtnl yotr had b.fier v.,'youmw*hwi 1@id6re ed uftdul hleben,bnni!t6betft aidt 16 Th,nt. \telic 6r of hi5 lib.d, m l.v hti i. Dd df p@rly frinbined 6fi8, ErrhinS to rorel p.rh 6 tie M rinl ew lorei T@ ro aa. Ana you h4 i ttu leo A[a.r R@di th. {ole lh.!@eou Bl&t wbu - tlinr wlitjn8 fc ie fellow! ro finlh yd - jole lh. b.nle. BLACK WOLF You rcw ffrd fi8hlint d thr wolvd.t m dae And tuo nltleatt cr Roun<b, or ll Fdre th Blad l^/olf'r rdn io 7 c la!, w Stuieldng with inil!6 firy, de vdpiric Ldy Mau 1li6 at toq, hd d@l lf@ditrg out b.hltd lik hiil ou, ov.6lz.d bat wincs, de? 66 de 6d of tu pif mro. pn oa drd6t.r. {td sdre' 8 d.r.ih4. Y@ e in wftrr rpd6n tr Lftle m $:n. dtual ava trut h;; han inro d uda8tuld dmgd Md4 c.vedehhr i! lil by. dull g6 lll! rlffi I mb fim p.kha of n6 dsing rhc ru8a.d L Ey rhis bilitu g!a gld te F det th. n6r ne.hamb.r i! flood.d wiln llu.tgy Ht6 Hdlin8?lt!h you e. t ll,ld. lippl. ar lhe dge ot rle Fl. You mr idee thar rtie E ayrtrjl8 dur! ould p@ tt wut o! re d down IEE $ y@! tuft io findrg. Two pipeule 86 k6d dt ot th. ch.n!s, m die dy.h..d Fu (um to rt b YN letr (hm b, Bul ll you wmr io e'(ploe this dve turrtr{!rr,

77 W.*ing no tim, you 5t!p d you lword-b lt hove you pact mlo y@ b.cl9 both oi whlo\ b.6 lynl8 b6id th H. Lithting you lot h/ lr p our of the hur md bact inro rh. d{ll nlght, buow yd, putting on a Ulcl wolbtln ddr c.rryin8 djy hi. e ior prc!..d6, Soon y@ ledlow d up b tw6 rhe bb<l 16 6E n@ by. d$imtid oi lrntern-lltht.nd nd itl, ru lhe baighl d lqd BLd 6d tle dudv. 16l,@ Ir*. Il y@ a l!*y, nrn io D. U yd\c by KatF, to du$th t l vi bnitded.,ithout s ents arede hl!u 6ll. i^ledit&e oa IEE ldld drd ileit.tds {d Iud@E M.tod ro htd. elebvd it is thal b bal.nla de.trednrl 8@li th.t tu Eg be h6!4.ddhg.16g de iltht 6 rlec. Yd tn5 b yo. don'r Et tle l@& of rhis pl.a' lhe {t1' ltr tucdby ddksupidc. 1t i3too wld tob. whd der hl m rnorld oll hor. IIE i, hqch of rhe "$&c" abo{r ft.' slp b nght thr i! Pl@ whe you wil6nt tle h{d of t}r. w bkfdlde you nave t'a hdring, y@ krow itl ' SbauEw Fbeat w6 tryrt to e.p. [o h.e, K. cdtiru6, 'dd I codd w ll b!*. thlt filr plr holdr a vditsabl w@olt's lair W. h.w nud wo to do h*. But wh@ to stalt?' Ia_I ;]..n sws hcr lhat, y@ ey. 'A lord woukl let Nl dffirc becone a tlace l o y lor 3 and wld.nln b nst at ledt have { inkling b whai b h.pp6in8 nee 'Katya ages and so rhe of you llar you wsry nosls t@ads rhe iddlng.dlfie ol catle wullm You n tle.fto Ell rhlr your hcight.n.d dihal ms cd.nell the of th. l /.8.l l.fur4 Im tle dir6ri6 ol tle ing lofta. lt E d if m thin8 b ounla to lle 8.t.sof wid. ofr and e, tle<6t sou hot h ydr ncrrd!, t@ ps tsrath tn. io. &rd t6 your lupie g' eming min8. You dew you *@?on wlet lf&s like lle l af at you dp - srbdffi of te, b.nin8 aey th debe'3 y. Riv6 D sldr Emirg {d L pul d hd hoeby.n dswdtr4 his ont 6 dp cllf All..t <t agu Er)@ br. 'E tutd ebtu hirle ed SUIF qp@d, grd-trey int@l or8n, dd houq rib6. The waras e und@d eetl@lv, F{ ina d@yingm upireiorn ardpg *d & ille hqger tr lidna 06h. Yd ostge in e wirh m ot rh4 nr@hd 6 5rflggl6 to end h@ll dgaitur thp odr r lh rv Ew.rE wosds y@ Yolr c^ncs soe r YoD EE

78 r9 $tun hir oh p.ii.d of h8e dd trsb. de led pdt6s lrqdl. dr of de r.!, dw h. bdst d. ard pt6g6 ro I dah o de sfud.t tr. f6r d de wirdmilt Y i@ wix hle b DL tbu om h6ty dit it yd not b b. E pfd in t! benng building Nd lh. s8cq lm. H@d.! s yd r@l d. w out, you 3py. rh.ll, 4 y t s[ou.h d hy rhe n o whl.n d.nd wh.! lool lil vdi@ bottled podo U yd wut to br r clo6* l@t< ar fi6e bonl; b, flelng, hh to:r,, orleei*, hh io zgr Caitillg ofi yfl ne q dm in. dl ud^tyu h.dtnla.idl X&eahrFuth. En yo s t ll &L.P, d6pft. de irdtrr Yo & rcla rie lae wre de tult tury!e stom bhtr '* ov?had. tu thuddlharsth.l.b@f,h{demgettg to 3h.ih 6.!ky, M/Ih qpt6iv. 6R,. botr offfi sdring llthe ns 3rELe doh ftbn th. lud hcav4 6d etrit th. top of tp dftlict wb Th E i!.3econ.trry ndh filn ituide 0E buil dnd h th. tilft. thlt fouowr rh rlud rd.d v Iu<t y@ hdr d r!e hia dy, rlr r!;r i whrraq Dy b Aohg d ini.i. rhe alsrd6.d yd hrv. Fu om &nty b wdry ahoul Urhh *r 6 de rdi4 the siuctw.l md Edhg srld.ry bolb?arrh8 drh to 8roud. Iko ot de bolb lur tlf sound Htby 6th r te drrh thdelc hae 66ly in tn. Etr F6t UCHTNINC SPRnE Sk6dUCIITNNGSPRITE 6 4 U you.nm ho ntht the lpnter wifi! rword or drggq, dery tine y@ hate n 3ucce$tuI sell t ist m of did yo{ elv d durp dftric,lel n Erurt lfuina y@ b lg 2 rsm Finl!. rioweve ir yo 6ght dedmd lwrlfd Fu w r rd $tu tlu.1.d8.,.lthd8h t6 wiu bv. lo rde yu Atbd 56ttA!y 1 poinr ror r@ de&n ot de tdtt. ll ro d.l @ dutle, y4 sfd rhe r d'h.dgl borerd by hnln'8 wlnd!.rd L.hed by brmdd ru Wh6 Min8d6 {6tu.rt w, Fq to on,@ wa, eodd6.nd w..ry (td bo 5@), r99 You blad dtl inlo de Houd MdEr'r L. dd h ldwb nr pai[ At og hl! loysl rutifi i.-m rbu, dr*r8 its h.dr inlo y@ lwont-hdrd b.6oe yd on lik it.wayfr@fq. te r rrin FinE, r rm Poirt. d l LUspolrr Il. hdtifioddd yb..dr6. quling tu a. d!.dnir hrwl dt' rh@rh ttt EE rtn@iee ot dr hdl Th. Er h&t!64{ it F alie ibdt Th b 6a tret

79 Wnn a eror'tujheart you gaze dom at Op dyil8 ULi.n, who has egained his human fom 'Do not blme youseu, ny himd,' he nanages. 'We all have oui s{els. I should rhank you lor releasng me hon my oan dreaded cuse.'then he is Eone Aitere"eDrhmB rhat fie ldndlrearled woodsmd did lor you,n the short time that you loa hin, at rhe end all you could oiier h retun was death by cold ste l Bur there is still o.e more thins tou cd do lor hin non No longe. troubled by wolv s, you spmd the rest ol rhe night digging Un.hh g.ave. As the sh linally rises over the fo sls, drawhg a grobd mist fron th hollows of the kedt you lay the w@dsman to rest, his axe.n the eardrd m.und that marks his fitul resting place. You leave the spot with a heivy hcart md not only bccausc yon have had to bu.y a good mm, vhaicvcr dark KEts might }[ve ttuublcd his sonl. Drspilc having slain the wcrewou that infecied you, it is clear rhe affliction stiu has a d1e sky. You earn fd tlc ted oi tl\e w@wolf bloodline l:atrot wait my longer The mt lull mln donlybeadait rof daysawat Somedinginyou blood tells }!u det fte EolntiM to you qudt lies nnewhft viihin the land of Lnpravia. rva&ing sst you desqd out ot the chil roet d.l qere on the west most boudary of the princi palty I1EE ie a noticeable abs@ of birdsong, whjch lmen6 you Cmssing gofcoveed neathland, h the far dislane you 6 se the hazy purple p alc of the momtah wal that holds the dcfnt principality o1 rupravla within its cry mbrae..\head of you li6 a lmd oi mcins Ioresls, boggy hoorlmd dd abysel river Sorge \:6d d at tlle ba6e of l a dlow valley you de d6.ddbg is a vir]nge of glet steeply pit.h{ooh buildings, dustered bogetier as if for mltual prots 6on fiom 0E bleak wildemss a1l mhd Ord. sron), mpl6s frelds suround oe etdqlent na!.in8 Exbnusted, you lie down to sleep as a warery sun drass rtseljnrro the skybehind aveil olgre) cloud. Ii has been a ha.rcwing dghr, and in spite ol au the wodies runninc lhrou8hyour mind, you still sl p, a lthough your drems aie beset by visions oi ULich clanging into i savage beai. rcarin8 in bone t4rh.n yd wako, stiff dd sor from d the r@t-knotted f.rtst ndo., thc sun is agah sinhns in trtr E:t F-l

80 oe whol place apps. hdy minvierg. As you get n aft still/ a s'gn ir{oms you that Jbu ae appdading de vilage of SEigoiva B yond dt huddle or hou*s, you mke out a rud that Lea.b awayfrcm ShgojE belore folking in thf dirti(m r y@ wdt to eler L\e nltage, tuh io fl6 Al6er' mhvely Lf you wodd peld to pfs m dd avoid r with the native popltac oi lupevia, you may skilt dm.l Strigoiva dd lal@ rh ftd h adin8 (bm!o fio), the on h adina edt (tuh bo 473) or the N l6swel-trawe]led that leadr ndthadtinto the forert, the mbby btud/i6 oi whi.h lie a mil or so lron the villa8e (r!m to 3)- Conhg within.aehot 01 th Burgonster, you leien intmtly to what h h6 to satr Filing in tie gaf tor youself it soon bdom6 appaqt ihat the luds sllroding th town ae being tedorsd by a monster that loll leve naned fte Be6t oavargq DtThis ftahft is suppcedly Esposlble fo. the slaughter.r vanou slep dd cattle ad also for dr dispp d 4e oi a slepherd6s, d agug w@dfd, dd evd r cluld fte B dt F sad to be hrr a big as a mm, ad walts on its hind lesf, but hd denct ridtica aoe be6ttina a bed or wou Pqhaps op B mt oi var8ohol is rh ach-lycdduope Fu ae seajch- Dugod6trr shaul t'tu d dd d that wh@e! caf ulb or tilb rle Bmsr willbe o60r d wfth a Fward 6oh th tdm's o6 rs. Ta]l oi a b(mtv hs.lram.11mtu orhmt $ md haodds &oh lhe sumudhg h b &d foelb md it js dong th6e nard bitts h tlefyouind you*rnow D$pile th ir outwdd bravado, tlf hut E e orgmbins themelv6 inlo. bmd, 0@by to m db B ast [o 8rcdnd - they obviously beliae 0@ i5 efety i^ nu$e6. If you rdt ro toin ihis B@t Hut ym may either do so.rone(hh to,156) or 6 pdt of de latgd party (hm b:j9) AltEmahvely you m, ij you wish [o md you bvent ahady dore s, expl@ 0e ndlet squm (th l,o 32) or, ii yd are done here, leave the tom trtr

81 Bcyond the limits of Sbigoiva once m66, wil you follow L\e mad as ir splits to Op no h (hrn to add, to L\e emt (tum to 473), o. will you iake the le$ wcll-upd hrcle nto ihe for st, to the norl\-east (tun 203 ReachDS up, you lilt me oi rhe shields down lron ie place on the wa Ll NoL{in8 mtowdd happms ejthei which js a ftliel. There dre dilfeent desigs bul ai ol fie shields.arry rhe same benelils. For d lons as yor are.aiiying the shield in battl yor mt redu.e & eneny's Atta.k Stftn8{h by 1 point. R(ord the shield on you,4d"drrr S/rda. Will you now take one.f dr nac.s down hom the wall (hm to 273) u leave thg floor and look el*whep (hm to 7)? I I rlhe out the rotngs on the noor? 206 Reledin8 tne reitu you dm youseli. fte creatue's towee of trdsjormtion hnve 6toEd its stren8th n that lt k d deadly a f@ as the tust tjme yod fou8ht lieiebeast Ii you do not nave OE Qki.k"rirg sp(ia] abilily, you ast Fduce your Attack Strengfi by 1 point for the 3ra6on of your battle wifi the Werbeast atop OF dthg stag{u.h. r OE Beast wouds yoq roll otu n.c ad il you roll a 6, M to l5a. If you survive six Itta.k Rounds o! Educe the WeFbeasds sramrna to a points or less, hrm io {3. at once. 204 Ducking nto the d@pe. rhadows of a sunlen doo. war feeling your heart pouding in your chest, you try to ca lm you acce lerated breathing You play rh a I wharever it is ihat is apprcaching will pass bl, wi'hour eve. knowin8 you are rhere RoLl h4o dice Il de tolal Iess ihan o! equal to your CEAN6! scoe, tum bo 122; 's 105 McB sm ks as you buat inho the stable dd junps to ncr lot. But what wll you d6 nd? Will you: EE I 207 rbu rca.h dotier jdction in L\e never-mding hm \ pasegeway wifi puddles of waber.ole.d on tie floo.? Tnrn to 163 lpassageway wrti rougl! broken stones oyqmg rrs rocky Uoo!? 'rurn to 97.\ elndy flooled p a$a geway? 'lurn to 4r3 F:I F;'1

82 :03 Once past the axeblade, yo! ned a Srinding oi e6 dd the pendulun stops swn8in8. Opening the door at lhe qd ot tte coeid@ you enie. a circuld tffit mn the.hanbe! nas no windows but ie lit by hddreds of cddl6, son fixed to wdght-itu.ddelaha my sluck on iop of tl neld l naitu of otl ds The gutterh8 candlel'ght k also rpfl{ted fm a cirdld black mi!rc! on ttp opposite side of tlf rcom. Howder d sod as you ater tlp rcom, sotuting lalc a sbep lomdds thai srops you in you ha&. A geat ffi oi wd, rcugny hmoid in slaf, heaves it elf lowardr you wjcks (in buing a! ove. jr, liqnid tanow fat l:lming iror ib nrchsidt sufa@. r you d qrick, you w be.ble to erape the rum ard its gnardid, slalmhg rhe door b hind you ud Ehming io tlp Map Rod having!o li8hi (tum to 'ithdt 3a) Ir you wal to stat how4d, yd d going to have to fiehl d dimd cmhe reachs lor you widl II you win o Atta& Rosd against the Crld fld Fu ap fi+ting it using a bladed w apon, su.h as a *ord o. a daggei mi.tu di.e. On a rci of 6 you t lade sitclc h the wart, body of md you ret Iight the nexi rcmd of combat with ym Attack s Ength reduced by 2 ponrb 6 y@ ky [o fr you H2de. li you ddeat lhe mn's onous 8!a.dim, tum trtr

83 209 Ih re is mething 6hdge going on wfthir L\e cdivale, of that yd de sft, bur whar exactly? Yd fel that of orjy way you ft Boing to be abl to fnd out moe is if you seal ba.l thc evding ddd LIE.ovd of to investigat nlftei II yod wdt to do this, hm io:j3 Iftut, hm to 90. 'The CadEInt mal? Why yes,ila of the cultt eurgence I invehtated tlld wlh I wg a nenber oi aode. *.ret society, *1at went udei tle tlde oi the Order oi rhe Black R@' Velencs' h]re is both onpiraborial dd excited ar having $neme with whom l,o she his caretullt Sleaed knowled8e. 'Twmty y@6 ago, the mmb6 oi the nsly ftfim d Cadft su8ht!o incr * de powd in thisworld ne.b I hav lede.l that there wft live oi th n alio8 tns, but I have not yet bm aue to di..ov r the iddtiti6 of *!em all. I do know that on of them was the hrty AJmea, who had beg mried md vidowed live tines by the tine she jobed o,e group. An oi le has die.l uder n],s[e eamin8 her the ni&en 'Black wido/. But I digress ItE gmup ehehow managed to e.ry odi a Sunnohg Cem6, cauing up a Gll denon Ircn the lntumal Pir!o Srdt them ai therr selfish ushes I have also lomd out that the nhral involved the us ot tive spe.ially mdratd silver dagaee. At IiBi ai the CadJ 's mdb rs beane mc powerfin but tney sbeadily h gd [o chage,.oeupterl by th evil powe! EE deyhadu easled, miil at l 6t h{o DI thdnad lcr hore lha they ha.l ev r gained by lakin8 pan in rhe efnony MoE L\o that I do not lm4'ff yd have. Slver Daggs, tum to r6j. ff tut, you should mw tm back to 260 padins dt PdaBraPh. Yor initial asmptim ihere ts no0ring.a vahe at ar1 in this emuent sunp, Bur a[ the whne Fu lev bd wading aroud in the lon p@l tl n at or you body hs red snerhing ever clo*i As Fu how [o leave the chamber, tle rliidng srudge dpb in rront oi you ad a sn lqg Fnid whibe fof tues nom tle pool. Ar eyeles, hn+ke nead sways hon 6ide io side in ful ot Fu, s le ch-lle nouth opding md dging nm.dgly Suddm as a th. overbmm CIANI TAIE!']ORM U you slay th vile tapry(m, you ae free to leav tie il trihe chrdrtu w Fu rate the hrel or you (hm ho 2?) o! the one to tou left (tu Ille inren* h@r of flm6 alftady sor.h ng you. e], brcrc, }!u pi.k oul thft potios that pnicularly phlre your nteest. Will you d.inl a polion that is a deep Ed ad uoking (hm r,231), one thatis alu d gtg, slnpy lquid (hm to I5r) or ann the bubblng cmtents ol a hotlte ddt FN T;]

84 ontinually.hans sill hue (tlm you could leave ai of dem ad ne the buming 213 Unabl to rsist or the DauShleb you join the wfthn d maidens in their spilallin8 dare, then tuhdhnenr tighroing about you mtil y@ Iorgd even io beth And so it is that yod ft ev d f.on tie cuse of Lycudiftly s you m lur d to a wat ry Fave. You! bon6 will be picl d dd by Op catue that calls the depths of th. f)romins Po.l itsdoruin Y@radv{tuft isovei 244 'Ihe silence oi hewault is swept away by a susueating wind, whi.h brinbs widl it a disquiehng feelin8 ot nnpodins doon At 6e edge oi hering you cd alnost beliwe that the win.l rs wh'spering!o you In iact, the ndf-heard mumur seds lo cone iion iiside th pit. You edte clger ad per in[o the depthress da.l Wtn a lull in th wind you htu e distmt splash dd slurp of son rhing noving wiftin watery dep0ls. Do you w6t to dimb down hto Lh pit to fhd out what is luking at df bolion (hm to 24) or would you rathd leave th6e nalign rui6 (tum syes adjust to tle gjm, lomething ldge cmtes out ol the shad@, ben6th OE to EdPle lou into the 8rcud lou sd the inprestion of bony pbtruiffi &d a wluppne. *aly hi. Wrth r 4il $tuling whimy, ihe rud ) d ho6emuldt atta.ks HAVOC ttotse r you lmg l,o k rhe aazed stallim, you stuble out of dr bd and e trer jnto dre frnhtue (tum tc,,:4) o. away rl@ thb lrdkish fam (tuh to 244) Before the demon pos6sire lhe Comt cd ftdldt uearthly h$l heaks non th A(n LycatlmP 's drcat as somethin8 like bla& sok pours ldm il8 nourh, only to disipate into dr chill atr of the ddbd. r yon have the coddord Dri,3e, reco.ded 6yav AdMtuft sh@t, rtmto 2a. rnot, toh!o 5r Heving open tlf ubmed bam doo. you d inmediately asailed by tle musrt sn I oi aimals and damp shaw lli3 ddk iside the bam and, as you F-t t-l B t r

85 2a9-a'o On OE econd noor lo m omately dc.ornt d chanbe! that ii iilled with a!! ol ston. statues 'Itey rarbe tom s.dphns of l<nighh in monr md weepng m8eb to fmdcal.jfigi$ and thc bush.t notable hdivitunls from Luprayia's pa*. one of ihe fur6t exahplcs of tlr st.necaruels ait F ihe sirlue of a Erlfih stmdin8 ncxt to a wall length m,ror hung on the fr sidc of L\c rcon. LrShi fon a flictering crystal chmdclier cash df.onced'ng rhadovs Nhd dr.hamber so thai you could alnost believe tht t}r staher are nov'ng. You camot help thinrlng tht tr\is is a *range plrce Lo have a mlxor Do you closely (tum to 2r2) or mll you leave the room and ure second floor Yon have baely usheathed yolr weapon when ihe e lenenial.rdature scfcches lil<e a wildcat md leaps at yol! teet\ and.laws bared Yox have Jorce.l ihe s,tuationto thispoirtmdnowyouhayeno.holcebur to defcnd youseu aeisi your.api.rols opponent ICE SPMIE Ifold Mm Wmter,s mimon wouds you ro! one di.c, on a nll of 5 or 6 d elenenral's lreezing tou.h ndbs you to the bone, duung your sedes tcdu.c your Atack sirengtn by 1 poht) aic ablc to rcducc tl'e sprte s sramn^ to 2 points 'ou or lcss, hrm at.n.e Etr 249 :ou have no idea what the da4d s?idcr womm js f,lking about.'no? Then {hy ae you hct? Hnvc you ome to steal my pretries, I thai it? You would hke f,v be.sms fiom me) How drre you?,shc kran. ;\lth a sped md agil y you would not hawe e9.ct d bl@red N she, ihe Spidcr -nanoroteraslargedd QI m leaps hon hei wet ready Lo punish you ro! ha laii But how are you 8oin8 to fight bact? -terng : vou wmt to dennd yomself usi.e your swold, tum :52. If you wmt to q using your lanhern ro ri ht -..- her webs (rf you have a ldtem and lt can Put it io -+ lere), bm to 3oa. If ydu wor d iather rur lor it, \ you sit.lown opposrre ihe sdiore yomg mm he {ikcs himsclf lrom his rcrene ard appeg to lighten re too, it wo{1d seem, G glad of the compay in this :rang. staging tuns outhe isnia native of trtr

86 th.f lands but on 6 lron fr oes.add inaratand, Hb l@ jshm sd, sdth rhutuarb@d disvee4 r@e' tls srory ineh 4 a afrt (,@ HaN He.pologt Id hjr.urtql6 bot sf OBt h met EiiF tud gei m et p, e you bu him Bood n'dt, wbhins hih w.u with lus srh. (Add &e co<teword nddn to yov Aadture Shct.) Sul6melling warei then you se il ihe glitte. oi $dething silvery bqeath ^nd the su.face of the in *E ar}jot lial of your Imtem. ti E, $ od that shires w'th a silvery gl ao, wq ihrcugh af shred ud filth As vd Ectr out a h:nd rowade rh tubn r8ed blade;om for yn, A thck, rubb ry rentacl bse lron th waler, 6Eing Fc!o imp ba.t as $heuinb parenehed and notreds h aves its hasive bulk iow&ds you lrcn at ol ils shadowy lair You 8 t the inpesion of lrabbhg tenra.les and pseudopods, huge watery des/ a cavemous mourh pacled wid te o! a bldhole, an.l white albino-n sh. This luting h.rbr has bd lyin8 in wait for i6 uual ppy - rats, sal (rutacem and 0E like - but ssing Or hot blod plnping in tn veitu hg ucited its unnoly.pp tire- You l:amot hof lo esf without a 69fit, LURKINC HORROR I you narug to slay this foul fiend, tum!o r74 Hol.ling ym ratrfh.rofi, you tat jn df 3uts lem d crenbq in whid yd ft srrnding tr op6 up away nm y@ lit. a 6ve, all mrty gl@n dd a r guld choins.kip. Ite orny oilrr eud is the splah dd npph as you nov rhmsh a I@t of tit tr"l trtr

87 Anll Lhen th. devils ap Sone a8:in, rhen bodie disslving back into &e m'st. You breathe a sigh ot lelief at naving oye.come youi grotesqde as6a ME. But any sen* of a Eplieve lrom the holors ot Iemoor are shoit I'wed as yet mol\er nodbb no{ l rcsonnt s ihfugh Lhe.loyiog nists. ThL L no wou bur something ehe, yet mistakeably cmne somc0ring denonic. Roll hro dicd. II L\e btal rcied E lcss oran or equal to you cence scoe, lrn to 25l Ir 221,{nd then one of tie wolves does inded jind lhe bmzen bravado it nedg to dsauli dre srag4oach Iie lithe, grey-lelted credtue mdag6 a gevrry' de4,ing leap onto the ruf of tle coach {d, havhg lond pnmhase wifi ih lftheatlfd clawr/ goes lor you. CREYWOLI s(rl7 srnrn 6 U.less you haye L\e Q tlatg spe.ial abilib,, duc ro yotr precdious losrbon on the roof ot th. caniage, you must c@duct combal with thc wdlf wrth your Atta& Shgth re.luced by 1 point r you triunph m 225,\h yef,' ihe forhnc-tcncr begins theatn@ll, 'I se many pedls ahead, but also Ercat.oua8e and a gdal a.nieved' This munds likc thc sort oi dbbrsh she prcbably bells au he. puteb But Madam &ldas voice charges drnmati.alt drcpping by *veral o.tav s, and h r eyes loll!p jnto her head, 'Bewm dr storm nade nonste. and shm the rastem hjls. Noding but dealn awa,ts you thcrc,' she iotu. 'H.ed d1e words oi a mouming fathcr dd rr* out dle rcck oj wolves And on.e you are wi0rin dp bely of the beast, w.le not the nan of brass but ek out tlp iijerul cadrt.' \ladane Zelda slekes hd tu il stirrin8 fom a,rakmg drean T4 ye!, os m, stars have spoken,' :he says, shding as if she.m't quite remember ;rhat has just happened. 'Yes, L\e rutuc is an udis.overed outry um, but you pnth is deai Co row, bc o^ you wayr' the forhre-teue! is.learly dltrcs.d m4 leelin8 a Lftle shalen your*lf, you not to hmb dosd any longe. Add Lhe.odcword Dlodlo/ to you,4d@,lm sh{l md hn 224 You plae the Gold ne. in Madane Zeldat out shtched hmd dd sh. nakes ir vanish wirh a sleishr of hud notrish. Shc beains mtrking exaggeratud lrmd movl'mcnts over Ore crystal ball dd tou fmcl you cd sc. swnhs clouds Iornjng wftlrin itr depde. t9 lle unnatural.a.ophmy.ontinues, setbng you teeth o! edge and working in m cven mor sinster lay upon your lycnl\ropy'nddbd body. The wou \ithin howls in di*onfort and strugglcs to be iree of bmenting music. You 6ght to kccp th beast 'ne FiI E']

88 qrained bul f el det OE dinal imide is sleadily bling MEol (Add I toym (fuce scof ad lose r Lvc( poinl) Howlr8 in dg r, ld dd nustran@, lou ne the.ufd Munc Roon. Tu to 321 lou h,l you way along de pasaseay, down the raib and into the npry, da.keffd bd tun. A half aen door leds you ouede nto Op 6a.hinB im's rablng yard. The mom hmgs ovd tf bleak moors, 6dng everything in its col4 mmodftme light You gaze is dem l,o the s very di{ md something derp isirte you nowls in joy at the touch of the But a@s o yajd mother light beckons, sp ring tom the cack b h{ m the stable d@8. Sidlthily t6u seak over to dr 6cnble and Put d eye to the 8aP. freide, the straw 16 teen.gaed frcm lhe middle of lhe nmr dd a cuno6, dd distubing, qrnbol has ben dram m the n@, surodnded by esofnc u5 rd zodia. symbols. The spa is lit by 6dles stu&.o barels ad dabes pgitioned dsd the solenc.ir1e At the cme, Me& df lditlordh daughte!, is onducting some ldnd oi nhrar. In iront oi her, on fie ol4 sbre noor oi the siable, is a hmm skdl. YoD ftt h kffifxed as the Htch.hmte mderhd breath, h sone finlellisibl lsguage, na:!.in8 nystical As you wahn her.onducting h r unhory nb, you fel {i vind at yn back md you hactl6 ri.e. Ddk Fwers ae being diam i0 this Place and who knows EE

89 wnat might happen ii MeE is alowd ro iinlsh hel spen. will you wail fo! ner to conplete the ritual (hm b ro8), or bst in[o the stable without iuue hei- Clou.hhg low in the waterlogged hlmcl you wend you way lowajds a baftd.inle of light in tne dsrdce it m6t be a way outl Ihe hlmel widen dd you se that it ends at a cimljar grine beyond ihat lies a tor.h-lit stone-walled cotidoi You af awft of a sinister sdttlna somd md l@k up ar ile cwe of fie hmel rcof above you. Antemae ;ppling cpugrhdt fte huge cmtipede nov6 rowards you on its nfiad, jointed legs. As you prepae ro deferd yobe4 a overgrom.enbpede.ajses i6 head from Op.hamel $ead oi you dd wliti6 towards you, its body coveed in tous}, chitinoe armou. ln the confines ol the tlmefpipe, iisht the FiNt CIANT CENII?EDE Se.o.dCIANTCINIIPEDE IIyou ndage to dej at!oth tno.mivorous creahres yon make lt to thc Erlllc wlthout meetinf turhfr a294to,!.k nonly at the hotblood Suhing fron the wonnd. Los I srsrna p.inh. Strddedy the vampress ao,ls lron you, gagging hotiblt md etch ing blood. \bur blood s ta,ntedl' fte Aasps. 'Anothef akeadv ris a clarm on you. cueed soul 'Hdaring this you lel 5at you must be rruly dmed if cv.n one ol the rstocra.y ol th nisht will not leod on yor lifeforce 1.ld 1 l,o your ce.nce sop Howev.!, if you have^d, 8/mr re aflrction,yonmayakosdbtra.t:l rmts from the vanpnesl saa{rna. Finish tour fight 1Lth theladyolvlah and fyou reduce her sr MIN^ \.ort to 4 points or le$, turn imnredftely b 24t. 229 )\ ith a linal thrust, youi sword enlors the Wer rtu's rcn, si*s np to tlrc hilt, piercing the clcature's heart, itil the tip emergd lom its ba.k. The beasi di s, riung one last h.rvl N its lnnp body slides ofr. our blade. Your attcntion immediately tuns to the ^ rut.hed woodsman, who bes some feet kom you, r here he was felled. You arc about to rush to your re.ds aid when you suddcnly stop yo(*lf You iare la.ed the beast lying at you fcrt morc thdn once i s nibhr,.e you be cedain dut thc fiend is really ied at last? Will you nake a.loser itupe.tion of dre Nerc\rolJ's corpsc (tum hr r5) or so lbaisht t.'s Ihe cohtess bafres orronsh you! delence wfth her bft hads md pounces on yon, sinldng her lons fdgs into you. orreal tener.arjns your jug!l/, she trtr 214! you ar fishiing with a swotd whrh nas becn rngmy.d with a Particul.r nme, :nunbciusinbih.codca:1,8=2,c=1 2=26,ana EE

90 then ium to rle Falagraph with the same nuber L; you do notlave sucha weapon/ hn h) 15o 2tt-214 rucce$iul/ hrm ho 269 If you fail yor dc lmble to hnd anything unusual and so havc hj l.avc 6ls noo! As lu.k would have it you have.onsded a po6on $at, mmg ih oth r healh8 pmperties, is intend d to Evese d etre.ts of lycmt}[opy Restore up to 6 sr MrN^ poirts, pgain 1 LU.( point ad pdue you cance &ore by 4 (alfiough it.mot drop below r) Will you now lry one of fie other pohons (irm to ]37) or t 14 no longer md esape tle blazrng shuctuf 231 Cronchirg,. trent of the mirrcr you exanine whef Or glass meels the frame. The soud ofstone grhding on *one sends a shiver down you sphe. You Fa.i itrtantlr jnnptrg back non th miror s L\e ston. Arifhn cones ro life and sleps doen lrom ils plh$. Wi n a g.mibe grcwl, the statuc ssipes at you wil\ a marble paw. OnG agah you de fightins for you lile. s]()n[ GRIfFIN If you ae using a blad d weapory such a a sword or a dagec4 a s!. sstur sh <e agaitut the minated statue wjl dny calse I srerna point of damage. Il you are 6ing a hace, a hit will cause : srlmrna por!6 damgc. If yo! nda8e ro deshoy ihe srabe, add 1 to With the sione gnardbn deleated. you Esune you itupecdon oi the meo. T6/ yorl Shll II tou are Fi-l Fi-l 113 After d hor of searclug you stil leve not fomd lho beladoma plant you so desperately ned Even wilh ULi.hs wooasmdt skilh, hamperpd by the sdothding ddlne$ he lhds nol\ng. You m f lhg wor$ &m eed. fle lever s eanng you up ad you lel tuceous to the pjt of youi siomach. (Add 1 nore cbncn pojnt to yor total) ulnc! suggsh ftat it wodd be foolish to waste aymole tjme lmking for the herb, cotuideing your wormhg condibon,sowillyontuwsetoliafterthewolf pack(tum to 471) or go m sear.h of Crandmother Zelova (hm 214 l. time the pain pasps a8ain dd you ondnue your tourne, debejmnred to pfss on tuldrr before finding sonewhere to pass the night. It is ften L\at d1e soud of n6ic difts to you dnug} the fonst - voices rai*d h smg ac.ompanied by a lilling a..ordion a..ompdimdt. A little turl\e. along dre path you.atch Slimpss of iirelight nickering behind the sirhoftftes of midnjsht black h es. Do you want to L.rve the road ed travel towa'ds ihe muric and the light or Op canpjiro (tum to 233), or would you rather keep on along you ctmnt path ad loot ror a place nr siop well away fiom dy other ocanpmenb (tlm

91 Despitc in an obvions *ate ofnegle.t, wlth the door in thr basc of th. iowe. shui behind you, the stonc building provcs io bp wprihefiighr, sheltering you tom thc wobi of the dorn ra8i.e outslde, thd wind soughing thmuab ihe slrredded saig oj thc lvindmill. FR of rhe rornenr ol rhe tempesr yon take a moft hca nd lo.k rround you. The bas. of thc lowcr is.luftered wrth bores,.rates, badcl md, curiouslt p,ec.s oi macnnery. ln fa.t thcr. n nothinghc,e iosu$esiih 'nehl kuepu?oscof aedrking mill, cctrinly no bags oi flour o! g.indston6. A iickdfv w.oden stancase leads up to tlr floor above rnd, gaz'ng up into tlre glood, yotr cm \ee rnother levclbey.nd tlut. As you gazo upwdds you f3n.y lrou se dre sh3dorvy suggcstion oj m.rement,n a nickernrs iasi ol lightning. Wns thep Fally some thnrg moving up thctu, or wns it $nply yo!. or ts wrcuahtimaghationplathgti.lcof vou?w tou InrcstrSate this ld cl of thc windm,ll-ioner more ca.etully bdorc scft lng down ro sleep? Turn ro 256 C rnb th ustcadvstarase to rhe next tloor? Tum to 161 S.trle do*n to sleep sbaightawat ignoring whatyou thr* youm,ghthaesecn? nm to 179 'n tumcl wior walls covefd wirh thc ptusage shawn with p bbles? 237 'Ihe ceatuf suddenly away from you in a flurry of snownakes. 'Wintel,s parl and nrst snowial, warm heads gow old, we claim L\em all. it sinss n its squeaky voi.e. You sudd nly find yousell at tlre.ente of a fezing whirlwind. Yon.d fcel i.e.rack lmg acrcs your skn but.m do nofiing to stop its freezhg elfe ls. Yon find yourplf paralysed by.old, rou body as imovable as a block of ie. By the hne moming.ones/ you have thawed out md are :ble to nove a8ah, but ihe winbr sprite's chillhg enchmtnent has had a detlinental effe.i upon you body. (Losc d addiuoml I sramr\a poinrs rnd 1!rLL point.) Ir you ae still alive alter the ordeal, M Prescnt thl'msclvcs bnt wh,ch trtr

92 ,33 You wnib away 0E rest oi the.lay in the vilaba or Baici ih u. Ihere is nothin8 lerticddly speirl about the pln. : it h6 a nil, ravh dd lors,6d it8 t6ple spdd th{ days r ndin8 dr land d labouing in OE fmt to 0E sdth dl A basic m al of hat md Pobt@t alor8 with a nason of ale at de wilage lavd, wil Gt you 2 Gold Pift6 ed EtoE up io 4 STNINA Poinls, As dusk fals you make you way ba.! to 0E a@ oi the Cmival. Ilp.ins s now ded to the publi. for doth! day and mct of de plac ts in ddkn6' You slirt OE pe.imer aqin8 the cftus people have setup mhlyou m D a pgrtion where you ae sueno one cm *ewhat yo! are doing. LoNning a shftt d pm l you sup Nide ad male you way stealdily b tween the lents, sralls and sranding wasotu. You m jdsi bying to deide wher FN E? --l Fr-l 239 1,0 explore lint whm yd hed a noee. It i. th smd oi ugmt voies. 'I lell you, sreone's brcld i4'ole sf.'ih y r@'t 8 t Id,/ sys ro0e. The voic m 8 trin8 de. yotr re 8ojn8 to com fae-to-fa.e with then om E ey nomar lf M you w r rte6nit ly be spofted, blt th@ mignt 'ou be dothe! way Nt ol this. Il you wdt [o 6t nd you 8rcsd ad ta@ wh@q is appmchin& hm io 257 Ahenatively lou ca Ey ro If $, w youhide in the laree tent to you lett (rds '!de to 37o) or de paint.t dawd to you the cech sweef Nud a b nd in tle tud dd it i5 rho that yd Fe rh deu befop you. Katya ljbes rh hor56!d'ad! tle wo.d@,l,mphtbrid8e, whi.h spffi the Sapina 8or8 Wftn the stagmach pn!.ing up sp ed, it is only when tou are kio dos to evd ahedpr b sbp th nofs that you EaL* $rrrd - or s(@dri[g - h6 tanfrcd with tle hnds. ne niddle spa is missin8 mtirelt brcken spa6 strer.nins out jnto the p cipftos void lhat Fffi b n@th it. TrtinC [o ontain h. ising rc oj Peic, &tya whips ihe hoes inio a hdt uging then at tne last posdle nonenr b jffip. If you did mi tale & earlier divdsion trcugh tlt ilgt, tth!o 50: If you did take thls divesion rol 6e di dd add eelve, giving you a total ofbetwem 13 dd 13: this is rhe horf ' combined STAMNA s.oe. Thd rcl lou dice r the iobr oi th re iou dice le$ d a or qual t delb6*'s.:ma Kre, tuh to 's 5o2. If it t5 g ate!

93 ,4o wtholt bact you n e the Towea nothi.g rtdnding b.hvm you dd tredm. You af back o ttu blasted darpmdt, thhking you have nade ir away eled, when a tedible F..hing crt leuds r(:r1e tlf hilltop. swepins dom dt oi the nishl sky is a fod, wingrd.eatup, oughry hmoid in shap, with d ugly, ov Eikd h ad dd a lhin, stured body. stetch.d b tlven its a6 md le8s ae vast l&l\ery wings rnd it Faches for yd wi0r bild like claws. You havc no.hoie but to figlt Ore Hdpy. II you sudive the en.ostei you finally tal@ lhelt r Ior the ni8ht jn th lea ol a huge, h6sy boddei Th n xr dat you Ft otf again, ci@qgating th virh6 oi Maun this tin and joinin8 that,42441 smoning Sigil, a witch-nart oi ill oma, uscd rd draw Fsde$ spjrib lo a place HavinS deshoyed it, Jou}a!ebEto thesirl spoweroverrhebno.tof rhc He.d6}nghwayTs tuhro76. t4' You PFBts along dr tumel tn a haifod.h, Dnril rt b(on6 moft likd a pop r passbeway md you can stdd upright again. th lmin6(flt mos d@ nor let you eyesight penetrnle vsy fa! duough rhe Sloomr yor eds pick!p the approachng drone lon8 belore youse tk two huge flips. They are grctesquely overgrom jncts/ th ir bleled bo.l6 black wit\ i I hai6. The buzzins oi t\e cianr Flies jnte6]fies as they home ir on you, darting fomanls ar drey hy to puctft yur t6h wiih $eir lon& ne dlshfp,.41 You scljf away pad ot sigil with the hcel of your boot, d.awing you sword ready!o dermd youbelj at the ehe time. A sudden But of vind whirh mhd the stable, like a trapped [omado, and L\e candles e $utred out. At the sde moment th landlo.d's daughhr lels out a ledbl.ry ol antuish. Slddoly rhe He.d16 Highwalm is [\d a6ain, on rhe back of his phantom sre d. 'And now, ny love, we shau b r%dn r foev. ' he deda6 over the howling, galcfoke wind. Wth dut he gathec the youns wikh rn his aln ad ssmss h r onto the saddle in Iront of him. The slmbol wd a EE ( you kill borh ol the i@cts, tuh io lle he rc us tor it now, you tffiase noueh it. You find a iotal oi 3 cold Pie6 end enoubh lo.d for z Meals. Bur while you have bftn rnvesti8atina ih$ scenei th crcws have bftn.irdin*

94 ,44 dnd clopr squwlinbloudl, th huds sud. d nly dbp out of tlr stt b als snapping &d ialong MURDER OF CROWS ll yo! deleat the mb, oeeby drivin8 the nct away, yoq sel otr east again, b.ioft tne birds become emboldflert ed Etlm. Tln to q. 244 Your *,dr tor the Bed re ben hahatinbly tutile dd ha boubht ibom dmg6 In dpsd you h.v. tu choie but to Etlm ro the ELrivE g, ry ot tne rom b loe fic nm ris The su h6 el tle wall5 oi vargqnoi a $lid bl{k stedov atanr tle purf lgg slylue, sdl em way olt, 6 you hil you vay b:.1 rhrcu8h ur lo6ls bodsing th Suddmly, a sva8. a.l yet mdubfd dy drs thfu8h 'ovn the n'8hf cd. hom en wh@ n@rby Ruming h.lllorleath.i 't you bgt into a duins b e*n tf d.rk r c rnd a nch6 sighr g16 you. LyinS d lh n6r ol OE d adg is a young wm, we.rinb a ho.d.d cl@k, dfhtting b.di@ dd bews, h t d isha4ed ccbow falm at ls sid.. L6'MB ov r her is a wnin8ly p.n wo(, parl beni and vet with mne FmbLn@ oi a hutun. l.upinc senaes flarin& rhere is no doubr in your nind lhil rhis is the We! beasr ofvargennda Setuing you! Prr*nei the.reat!re Sives voi@ to a bcuowing roir and tum rrcn the delmcele$ wonan to lace you. It is nen that you re the cro$bow bolt prckuding lrcm the n6h oi ils lightam. You have little

95 time to prpare youeelf befoe tie monsftr is upon WEREBEAST If the motute. wodds you moe tha ture, add r io you!.eance soe. If you suruive five rcuds of battle againsi the mo.stsous ceahrle, o! you nmee to Fdu.e its sramrna score ro 5 poinls or I6s, hrm at 24t 'Ihe Cosress smeks dd wh 6 away fion you wnpping he! cloal ftud her 'You will revd l ave my donain alivel' she wails dd, with thal ner.o.poreal lom disslves into black mi!t. riave you d4boyed h\o ofiitr whne e\?lding thc tower? IJ sq hrln ro 263. If you have or y datsoyed otu, d 246 'Be8one, night mahe!' fte mm starb yelbg. cet awat fbm nee md leawe E in peace!' At t!is, tie asembled villages shufle bwardr you roo, wavins then pihho.ks md bil]n@ks in the air Th6e people have obviosly b en uerued by emething ad are preparing to vmt their fqe a.d ldstrations on you. With a sudden shout ot 'KI the nisht cleatrel' jim L\en mid.llea8ed leadd, the a8ry nob dsh6 you. If you are Boing to get out ol SEi8oiva alive you are Soing to have to liehtyotr way out. Etr Fjghr rl\e agitated vilagers as if dey were one opp@ent. Ho{evd this is not a onvstional combat. You art not tying to injre these haple$ peasmt folt altiough they N most deinitely trtus ro til youl r the nob win m Atta.k Rohd, dedud 5r MNA potnts trom ]ou total as nomal. IJ you win m Aiiack Roud, iowev r, you do not.l duct srnrn pojnb a5 you would asadst a Mvmtional amy. Iretead, rl you win tlvo Attack Romd! ir a rcw 04 fanin8 lhat, afbe. six Attack Rouds (if you d still alive), you nma8e l,o brea-k lree of the dgly no! dd escale tom strigoiva (tum ro ro:).,47 You slve voic to a telrible baymg cry and wat.h as tlenuae wolv6 quail dd quake, whimpqing aty.u dimalisec hovl, befof lnally turning tail and ming fdm yo! Tm [o 513. F;l F-I

96 )43 Red ana a tu - as pat al you slow bur steady eansfomation into a WeEwolfi you Ih8emft hawc hardded into tal@s and you cmine teeth havc len8drened. Ihis meag you ft now just s effe.tivc dd deadly n batde 'hat mrmed N you ae aded If you eve. have to Iight hamed you may ignob ee perolhes placed upon you Recod L\is ns spe.ial ability on you! /4d@"rrue Sbcr dd dpn tum to the paragraph with the sme nmber as the one you wcro lasi inslru.bed ro write down. 249 M.ving steadily [owar& ti. hedt of the dusk stuouded ruins, you lind yogelr at dre rop ot a ni8hl ot wom stone steps ldading dom inro a dome rcofed udergound.hmber DraM as you are rowadr this darker gloom, yd wi]l ned to be able l,o Li8ht you lant in to pmgrss fu0re. If you have a tantem 04 not, the N,t!t cfdrrrre special abillt, tum to tu1 ll nor/ 't you wil] ]uve io Ehace you steps dd leavc 25e Bcfor you em.ome in si8hr oi Maun you see th tower L\at loons ovd it,lookin8 like a against the blari( dvas oi the sky Keephg a wary eye on L\e tow r, dd the tiny la8ged shadows fliriing about ft hfth, you iollow the load dovn into an mclo*d val t which holds the crmblng buildings ol Mau. I}p palefa.ed peasme you see sbuggling io iil L\e lad appear po$es*d ot a norbjd Lethdgy lhei. homes at h a stabe of derepair, the thatched rcofs saggy md gren prii mos. ne whole place sen to lie mder a shadoqy pal evcn houbn dusk F stlu sone hous dway. lr you havctha.o&wordneir.t@rdedonyou,4dmrxtr s/rtrr, tum to 191. noi,tumto411. lncxplicably, you lnd yosell towajds the dcmonic howling lollowin8 the vailins 18, you itumble over swmpy gsud, mdlul oj wlet is happenng underfet. You take dother sep md rbrupily sink to you OriSh in trre peary mud. \lomen tum cain6 you forward md soon you m up ro your wa6r in a sthlina bo8. As the Ea]liy of you p i,lous sjbarion hib h6me, de Power the eene howling had over you is brcken. You lwist and tu, dng lo 8et youmelf out or tl bog before you si* dy futler You d already up [o you chest whe. r ou spy a h ailing rooi pohding fiom a moud, on ahi.h a Bnarled bush glows Trlns l,o fe youselt rm tle clutches oi the bog, you led Jorward, Erining.vcry n6de as you ry to reach Lhe.oor. DT]

97 RoU thr di. It tlp bbl reied E 16 ilen or.qu.l lo ydr sr^mrn^ se, lrh [o r:6. ll rh rot l is And then the mochos spidefcreatur is on rop or you and you have no choi@ bur ro fisht 'Tepasserl'3he 3hrieke.'Step inio ny parlour/ would you? WeU you never lqv l' Aning yourslt you pep.f ^ow to epel th SpidaQuen's 6FUlt. SNOERQUEEN Th. Spid rqll$ has * dittuft n thods or atkk. Elch dhe Alztrea ru d Arbd Rdnd, Dll om d'e.nd Gult the hble b ld to ft whnh athk she us.nd de dmat it ells. r: Bnrh.d r,l6s - lr 2 $rm poinb ] lr.png ane* - you e arrl d ro tte gbund (l(r z!r^m poinb) md sfnd tne nei A acl Rodd happ d udd ih RoNrer, lirhhns with you Afra& StqSth Educed by 5 Web{pit - you sufle. no wou& but c.mol d Iend yoqr*u tne nqt Atra.k Round a3 you rttuggle ro lee yolreu Imm the 3ncty venosoubite lr4sranpoint. Spid6wam tint r dd.di d sp'd6 bubl frcm blbbeb m hd abdm. RoI m de md F-l t-l,tt-t51 l@ oet my r.w poirts.s the swming spdm si.r h n f.n8s hb you tr6h. (Howca r lhis atta.k arsd Gb l,\e Spid rqxen z srama Fi^ts.) you od.te lo sby lnr spid 4ud, tum l,o 364. You gulp dom th thick, Bftn liquid, which leaves a bltlcr aftertaste i^ ytu mouth - but thee ji worp You.d fe.l yru body swellins.nd changir& ns the fleh-walpjng Ift.ts or 0r lycanrhfpy ae cxaerbad. (Add 2 poinb to ydr cts^nc8 soe.) PcdEps rtee is amtle poti6 d rh shell that cd Fv.R rle dw&tina lld Do you wanr ro try Molhd or Lhe botrl d p.lig (tuh lo,'z) or wrll you ch(e nor io put Fu laifi in my moe ol lhe mrd si.ntitt's modi6 ad flr de burldin8 (tuh 2rr)7 254 Evm is yd fth lomyd@ tn. minhg wou Liud I h[o tne air behind you. Th E i n f,ommt 'E oi t dible stillffi dd tlen lne tuu Bel8hl oi thc ftatuft on iop of you, sendins you sprrwling on lh 8Mrt. You 8.5p i^ pah, th beath knockcd ort of y@, 6 the woll sinkd lts cruel leeth inljo your shoulde! dd ral4 yolr back with its sreel. \h p claws. (Loe 4 srm^ points ) \'ou sudder y heu a g.utr voice beuowing it the b st to ale& you Yd 6*l the bp oi you ten*. The ptsre of the srel gr-e p ot it6 irws dbdd vour shqndd a6 yd wdld-b

98 bylto! cold, picrcing slarc. Rotl two dre.if dlc nunb.r rollcd is lcs than, or cqual to, you..nancx scoe, llm t6 1d, it t is gpatei tum to 5:. 256 Among L\eclufteranddekitus rhat has been dunped ai the base ol the wlndmill, now lying hde! a L\i.k covering oi dust/ you lind a gleming Ircn Rod, polish d to a bluebla.l< rinish, with a sphere or mer.l at one end md a gleming spil<e atop that. It is a culious pjece ad yd my add it to yom Equipm.nt List ii you wish. Thee i6 nothhg ele of valu so win you sdrue down to sloep (tum to 279) or.limb L\e wooden stan ae to the neal l v l (hrm to fir)? 2t7 Three tisues app d, pickjng then way mong the guy rcpes oj the hnts. Ihcy ft tard by suprl* wlen suddcnly.onjrmted by yd. But you rton't lnow who is nore sho& d, you or L\ey, Jo! y6u af laced by thrte folk. Ihere is tle C.mivale lire cahr (his nj@d tobo.ove d wifi a rattoo of a scrpmtjn. dn8on) md tie bald-headed, mousta.hiocd slrongmd, who is l ading a hulkr& B@n s!.imed o8e by a lmgth of.han ath.hed io a sprked collar 'we've found thenl'the fieate! gsspi 'You shodd rhint abour grvngyouselt up,' rhe Esli voied shongman says, tugging meaing( y on the lnnbenng ogret chain, maling tnc bdrel{hested bmte Brut wilh amoydce. As hc d@s so, thc rin eare. moves roud behind you, blo.lin8 ofi you r-al Fl 253 6ca!e mute. r rirl you giv u!, as tr'e shmgrrfu su88 sls (hlm to 41). or prepare to rake on ar] tlre Cmivare.hda.tcc logethd (tum ro '94)? ning a ya\m you nale ld the stails that led oui of de bd ad up to th aue6t-ffi. As you leave, you h ar the lu.uord malinghis demds oi tne barnaid, farhmg wtn, 'And lay a rew nft ln the Brah, daughter'to wttrch slp nutters som thjng udoubl 'lly diirespecttul n Fhm. Leaving Lhe diflable pair lo thei! bj.ldin& you head upstairb lor bed. The Eom is spffiely Imished a small table fld a Falet bdl but you do lot care. You feel shattcr d alter you neethg with rhe phantom Highwaymarl not to nmtion the wearyin8 narch. You e asleep hom dte nondt you! nead hits ihe pillow You ware fr.h a drem (ln wnich you ar cnasins tlrough the woods bareloot a,rter a stag) du!o you bed bemg shaken. You opd yor eyes bleanly. You.mrct see anyone cl& in ttlc cndbe! wiih yoq by the Lhh rhaft of moonlight ml,ering you Mn betueen the shutbes, but th@ is the soud of wood erapng on wood, as tle tumihrc is beine moved across the bare lloo.boa.ds cautiouslt you ease ]o6elf out of rhe bed, which res sloppo.l sha]dng, and purl you sword fton ris scabbard. You wal.h dmblomded as the table and.har lif inho thc an in front ofye. Th y hover ther Ior a mommt, thra fc t oll the Arourd, md thm sudderrly huil themelves at vou. lnftdibly, you find youifli ti8hhng for you trtr

99 lile asai$t a tauc md a.ltr1h F18ht the two pi(es ol Jhihft at th. samc timc. TABLE CHAIR 49 wilh op day w arin8 on, the hunling pa.ry *is or n searcn oi t\e B 6t The nen who na*e up the band are nsed io the hardships oi lile in m even harde! land. They ae men ol feu wo.ds, wno value action over rhetolic Thei! houds skaln at thei!.hains, snarlins and slaveri!& ease! [o be alter thet pret A nunbe! oi velerm kapp rs eujde tne party into $e loresls north oi vdge.noi bcyond the Kag8l pastues wh@ fie Bcast took its most ftmt vi.tim. You enter &. pincwoods hdc. a glowerh& ov (ast sly. ed once beneath fie overar.hing brd.hes it n as d&k as if dusk has laue. Ihe path the parry take wendr this way and oei thsush the fopsr, wolfhodds and nashtts being loosed to sniff out ihe qua.ry. others amons the grcup assure you thar you a@ followir8 srsns Ieft by rhe B asi ol rrs pa$,ng. You, with your om hei8ht ned lupi,re senrs, howevei cannot pict up ay RenL or sjgn oi such a monster anlvhde n l6y As dust Eally d@s begin ro ta1i, in desperation the hmbe6 split up ad spread out h m attenpt to find ddr qury. sudderjy ilone you stunble on drmugn Lhe dcloa.hing ddloes. lf you have lhe Nrgh Cftature sp cial ability, um to 410. II trtr not,?hr yor fu.t. If you de Ln&y, hd to 41o, ii you 'Her.'says th shoiar prcfferins a steming flask, 'drinl this. You tale Lhe Aask and f,iff at 6e stem douding at tlr brim. You instin.tively F.oil in dissut. You dk vereticus what the eni. is made Iron. "Ilpre's a liftre wollsbde in rhee,' he otrc$, 'tinchr of lilver da o ol mistletoe ' You are going to luve io hold you me as you dri*, ii you af ever to stonach this cuios lotior but are you even.eiain you want to drinl it? ll you do, tum to 173. If Fu Polrtely declne, hln to 19r. Furthei on, the passgeway bends to tlre ri8ht $d opens inb a lars,low-mfed cavem. On dle otner e oi the cave, dother tuel, simih to op one you have just left, continug inio tlp ddkn6s L\at lies b neath df Abbey lock But beeen you md de onw&d tum l the noor of the cave is lost bmeafi a pool ol loedd slm, wnthing wilh ih bloabd white b.dias ofcidt MaBgots. Ihjs explairo the ageesi'c attihrde of Op Cimt Fli6 l,owdds your L\e nsects (cf prcte.ting d lr brcod. The stench hele s evd kone thm trt of fie cmumt plpe dd you cu see nubs oj bone picled clemby de hmgry mggols Do rou wtr.t io nsk cmssins thc mg8ot?ool to get io L\e hnnel on lne othe. side (th to 293), or would vou lather retrace your steps to t'hef you mtered ihis stinljng hdemorld and take th othd path (turn tre

100 a62461 nre mols dead, you shmble in[o the ffitualy dd come lpm de n dt of the.omption in this pla Slching about in a pit.dt ftom ben'm lifhed na8stores, and 6led didr cloying Brm slim, h a tu88ot of a nagnitude you would never have ina8 ined. The L\ing must be, f et long from snout to tail dd 6 yod wahh tr shuddeb, its tiny blind-head end swaying roud, snifiing you out, tie maggofs moi.t whire body rippling Fpulsively Glutinou slim dnbbl6 hofr the abomimii@'s nesady working nouihpre. Ihe sicuy sweer smell 6 at its slug6t here md (al6 you gag li,o tho thai you realie why ir is so lamilid to you: il is the slench ol decay. surely evil such d lhis cmot be pemitted lo live If you have the word Srogjd wnften on you,4d@llp sjret tum lo r55. lf no1, you ould deal with ihe gobesqueablot-ma88ot wfih.old steel (tdm!o {26), or, ji yd lmw oi dothd ms of iightin8 the m88ot, yd win also (now a pdticdd nde. Tm dlil im into a nmb! uing tl]e.ode A=1, B=a C=3. 2=26, add the nmb4 logetid ed hrm to the PaJa8raph with the Fme nnmbe. as tlp total. Arte@tively, you colld jer u Ircn the ngttug mlsgors pr*ne and rne Abbey (hm to!43). :63 fte cbud oi black mrt mog acoss the palatial.nanber at spee4 6fi1 it disapped ud* a rapestly on lhe Itu wal. Hurying alter it you pr aside rhe val hdgin8 dd iind a hiddd door Beyond it, h a danped tudet clmbd, you lind the lnt of the

101 Vanp,mss'.ofhns.ThfMinEba.k thc lid y.u sc. L\c rcjofmma body oa th. undead dominahix Withont lresfiati.n you plunse your blade into the cmatut'r.he{, penetraring he. shrivelled black hcari Th. Counress' ey Lids tl'ck open and an unholy ps pes ftom he! gapin8 mouth as she elpires. Belore youf eys hernesh djssolves intoslime and her black ened skeleton.rmbl6 to dlsr You h:ve desboyed the rampiri. comtess lsolde and lreed the people ol Maun fmn ner ryrmy. Regain 2 LlG poinisr with the mdead Lady of Maun truly dead al lasl, do you wmt to 6p nd dme sar.hhg her.hanbe6 fo. hraslft (trm b 125), or do y.u wdt to qdt this plac. of rvil as widdut futh.! d.lay (tm 10346)? 264 With Op Golem noihina mop d]m a pudde oi melting fat, wdy wlnie chunks and.ui cmdlewi.*!, you crcss rhe rood and exmre dre omat loolinaglass hangng on the lar wau. Close io, you Falip dei tle nfor has b en larhdn d lrom bla.k volcmi. glass, ils omately wrou8nt irane, bmished gold. As you staft jnto the blac( 816s, you orvn shadow yed fa.e stdes lack atyou. An ilmiption has be{ etched Iflou lnartd n! scdtts knou, And r&edll I da b6tau, Trkt.aunsc na, step funh dhd s.palk And lell ntuhdl it is lar snk. ll you tnow what it is you should asl ror, bm ihe nane jnro a nmber lsing the code A=1, B=2, C=r... Etr =26, md tum io ihe paragraph which s rhe sme E the total you cone up vth ll the para8raph na(es -n sele rhe meo. wru not Eive up its s.crers to tou Llhich leaves you only hro options. Wi[ you *ash rhe Dimr (tun to 34)/ or l ave the trret roon, xm to rhe Map Roon fld proceed lron thcrc (hm 265 \ the cuiod bchg darts ovc! the sparklina ground :rru despcratclj, 14, to sra.k your bnins for any way cm po$ibly thi of td rid youcela.f the i.y -ru --ritc. You now need to iest one of your abililies,.ihei bt T.srirg yorl Strl or I- ng yaut Li.k. tl lan -.:i yd!/ ski/l and apsu.cesstul, rurn b:a? llyour at loar tr.ft and are Lukt Lurn ro 299 Ilyou fail, :o nartt. whi.n ability )iou r st, in desperarion you -, rx your sword from irs scabbard (turn ro n3). \!a{ rron the pick the dead Dwrf has few p.sses rons sbour his peson, which L probably why ne =ked prcspftting in sucn a perilous place. Howeve4 r the mlnert pa.k you find a stilkloppercd potion xttle labeucd 'loituc'. Ihe botde hd one iot lefi in I Drinldrg tie podor wil FM your LUc( soe io = Itrridl level. TIN is a lu&y 6nd ndeedl Now you : ust r trln ro 12 to d4de whrh way ro nt or L\e foetid pool, the blade appeffi to shinc. It is r nng ncenr weapon ed has not suircnd dy tre

102 tamishina,ddspil,citsfsii.g pla.e. lumingthcblade over you sl{ Lngraved Eothic leltenng flash in tht lmten light. laoy spell out a rane 'Wllfen'. You hale foud a powcihl na8ica (eapon. lie{ore r LL.( point md, for as long as itls your wetrpon oi choi.e, inc.eap you Attack Slrengdr h batrles by I point. Aswell a5codtingas weapo., whi.h,v l hm the udead, demons md, t]re Wuuen SNord has a.ltrm boud into it, whi.h work aga,nst the noo*iroushi poweis oi hjunes you lay aginst my aeahe wilh the rvor.t 'r!ere' n ts nme, \lhile wi.ldhg the i\'uuen S$or.l w l aue I sramrna poinh damage ratlrer thar lhe usual 2 Add ihe Wulten Sword to you Posse$jo6. StiI manellng at the nagmficml $ eapon,ou hold in yonr handr, yon be8:n to wondd what elsd midt bo lyng beneath the su.fa.e of the pool Do yoh want to extend the seaeh Ior adetace (tuh to 432) or wil you.linb our ol the pi rqih you lo rous ncw 6nd (hh to154)? '.. And so I 6nd mysclf hdc, a ncr@nary *eking : pb rhat will pay for a.omt rtabl. bcd at r wan ls forlhe n,ehl, you salr c.n.ludina your story. 'A sel s$ord, you say?'the man never oncc t*6 hn eyes iron you.'then yon have.ome b the right pla.d But lefs not ta* here. You nust be hmgry after you kavcls md Trd sa.tltg r,j has a 6re that * il talc thc.hiu lrom your bones.' You.Iow L\t mm - who is Ko.rad, herdnan oi F';l F-I StiSoiva - to lead you to tle v lage's only ravem, rfher at his insisien.e, a bowl ol sreming nutton new is placed belore you. You devou the hcal hungdly as you hst n ro qhat he has to rcl you. rresainnp io4 sramrnapoints.) 1Ve live n cursed times, my Licn.l, dd Shigoiva feel! this cuse nore st ongly th& ooe places On a nightly bash wc sullcr thc atticks of a vc.rable army Chosh? Kdad has aptued you. aik.rion 'whai Teffiblo spktes au, he g@s on 'Fksr thec is the huck, which peys upon bavelleg on the westein {oors md keeps FaLher cotran a virtual pr;oner xithin Op holy sh.ife l,o the goddess of dr h.aling lpiing. Then ihere is Lhe Headless Highwaynm, who rtys on lolk who kavel the road norur to Bald, jnst : hc did jn tus mgodly lifetime. And last, bui most rmble oi all, th re tu df Howlin8, which assails N in.ur hones ea.h md evcry nighr. We have had oough.,\hen you nived, you fomd us pepadng to neer re Bhostly pnck dd s..nd it on iis way back to Hell, -r die kying Will ydu helf nd us ol ou speckal :ormentoa? We would Fward you jn ou own modcst :: lou want io stay md help the vllagcis in thdrtattlc u ith the Howling rvhat irr that hightbc tumto 1t t.1

103 269 Ther is a detnile gap beh"m tlle edge ol ihe nimr dd the lade Tapprg the wall dohd the edge ot the Eane you iinally fnd vlet you e lootine roi You apply j6t the i8ht amomt of pressure ar the n8ht spot md fre reflecbng glas swings back Beyond the miftr lies a sall chnbu &aped with black velvet dd lit by a smgle Fd lmtd. Stmding on hestles is a grdd black colfn with Sleming Sold handles. If you evd iad ay doubts tlet N{ad Tower s the lair oi a Vampte tiey vffih now. You know ilut a VmpiP's cofiin is ils Last retuge md as lmg as ihe mdead cpahe has su.h a can neve. hry b vmquished You sod tlrc.offjn clashing to the nmr md sm6h it to srnitlem (Mate a note of rhe fact drt you have deshoyed tlt colfin o^ you A&dt!tr sree, dd add r to you ar.n $ore ) I@Ling nof corlfident about the our come ol you Fission you leave d1e s@nd il@r io exploe elsewnqe (tum!o 7). IT] FfI 2?o 270 ]ltp beng no time lite th pr ht, tou scize you moment dd l p a! the fiin& sword dravn. seeing wler you e plamh& Ore Chdgaling hiss ad l aps into the ranes above 1ou In dp sme nethl, as ij.ompeled by fte wil of moih i, lame. Bauer dd his,ife rurch towards you, aming nd*lv6 wid a sbut loa hom the w@dpile and a rouin8 pin, Eady to defend thei. 'child'. 'Ihe ChdgelinS giggls s ih old couple try to bane. you with den impmvsed cudgels You have no wish ro han th pair and so lisnt ody!o djsdn drn.iamer Bau.lEs a s(ll *o!e ol6 dd Mistre$ Bauer a sdll or 5. Roll fo. Altack Rouds as nomal, but Educmg you. Attact Stmgrh by 1 point. You n*d ro wn trso Atra.k Rouds to disan each opponmt, md have to lisht thm bodl at tie en tine. If the Ime. or his wlie win m Attack Romd you win sulter damage a6 nomal. Kep a hack ofhow nmy Atta.k Rodnds it lal6 [o dsad 0E pair (you win need to li8ht a minimm of f@). Wh6 you have di$hd both Fafu dd Mishss Bauer, you de at bst able l,o tackle 6e chan8eling. Bui while you have been dbha.ted theimplesbeesreadily h ffilomh8 itseff. It js now much ldgei and more vjcious than it was h ils infani fom. Wim you cone to fight the momhous ihp you musr in@af ils sr MrN s.oe by th nunbe. olarhck Rouds it bool( you to disam the old.odpl You must also in@* it snl scoe by de sm nuhber divided by hro (mudins th.fims up) Now hm io 137 l,o resolve tlris bat[e. trtr

104 Ae yo{ b.hle lhe Bh.r r /olf yd te.w itl@rin8l/.w@ ol ln. resr or lhe woll pact dtinuhg lo de in.oqd yo\ ad thar momt y disthdim ls cu It trl6. You 3hrmble on d dpo*d r.ot dd lof you foollng The huge wou seizs the oppdtuilty dlnal clning. You.wordd nalirt!s you try to nairtain you balmce, th woff m6ho tteugh yoa cmpfnud def6e 6d hurlt you bodlly to the grcud. You tel ib gtut wei8nt on lop ot you, rh. brcath kroded our of y@. You.e sbci it! lo.tirl,.mivoe's bsrh, hear its s@l in vru.& Ard thsl with. evage qy ot aiml sti'f..ti6, ue wou rinli itl langs irto rte tlsh of you ird!.ldd. (Le : r^rr IEinR) Y@r agunr.d dy il $ddcnly joned bt. howl ot pqh 6 de wol, ELE ie grip. You visid teyin& td s a b!, rhil{ ligu etanrftb dd de Blad WoU r siurdy!6 s & hi*d.!.v. his led DE arc d@d..gain dd tre wou Aivs. 5li.n8led yowl.nd oft you. Tb. wo.dsm swirbs nis de atain ad $. wou n6 yelping de Et oi th. IEd etu.ltint dti r dr ir L.d.i Den th Crat 68@ is l@nin8 over you. Der at.d by pain md blood 1o6s, yru dy cmd tate 4y nore dd youbla.k out. Th!o ru You ttudte on accs FeMoor rolowin8 the Mrow P.$s of flmer gfud z'gagging beh4m the nmh thrl hive giv6 th* h@f 6eir m. IE log thit cmtinub lo thict n a@ud you ad<ii to you ge ot disoriqtitin util hae rc id@ whea F1 T;'I 'u F ft going. A shril eu.l sdd.nly ob thrcugh r soorhtut mfr, s rhin8 lil. lhe ffihing or rhhdred wotv6. AI erts ol t.rtbl. offisrtron &il mu8ht hh<t 6d you! to lel i.l your lar is inesapabl. (Add I io your GINGE $e.) Ard thm vou R ahead Shokv hdrib dde b Io you y 3, tleir h{i!li!b cour; kinsly direchd by sde setalt intellls nce As F walch, t arbfrre4 you Imcy thlt yd can s* Drollow la s app aring drugh tne fo8 Ar you & wond rin8 wh Eld you om ye de plyb8 m yoa a nighhwi3rr yieg c@l.s6 npm the -Eks hpour nudyol Itlushhing F sd. hld66, dtng6 G ir EE66 bacl inb rh. ni!t, Tne dal6 ioiw{d, spir.ldg.fud ir d lton b mne, but yd do not leil to tft 'ou te appeame of a Y@ h.v. h ld dl oi rhf mm5te6 H6E but hd th@eh dreh th. rnrn of las tal6. UnIo.tumtelv,or rc-u th4 FoE l\qr' af air ro E r. Y6u h've ; cho;e bur b flrhi ir creatu tog tid as they clo* ir fo! the llll, th;n ai6 settin8 yor ie rh m edb. t- t F-l a6 76

105 Ar the rery top ol de spn,r you pas thsugh a dw ad eref otjo de bardmenb ot 0re tow4 Ddt ra8s of cloud sd th h@w whcn hatt' nu tuil orrcr the lddsaf Strirg up at th bd ye cd le l its lffi n rgy wortjrg ie way irb dery fib oi ym h in& c.lling io the wolt wiair (A<td r hoyou (]Nd me ) Molmt rily4ued by dp n@'s ge yd b.@ awae of a InElt pih.ned squaling 6o$d lhat y@ wdld ps hne b an able b le& ai.l h l@ vn tesfmtid into a wou hego. leking up, y@ e th nappi,e fl6} of bals.l@tuting fr@ OE [eop6tu@ sk] Eefop Each d d@r dbr b.<ls back don into th iow r, the upo yola ax sl.rhte wingda$ ud nedle.h,rp f&tf. Y@ c tong b ha@ to fighr the snfle ol the wb 275 wind dd yd hd the sluilt whimy oi a hge in the yad! nind you. 1Ie.9c,' M g says, lool.jns pdt you, 'hy rine 8 ntl44/ my brave lrrd Luft.'Yotr tuh md cme f.cftef@, 4 it w@, wifi rhe Heldles Hitltw.,aa de again. T?E sp<ie mte6 th. stlble on foor, dfh sbe in de hmd md his oh *v E<l n@d ddq the orhq 'Yd would lay a hud dhy Met?'th $ct dclac itsfae.mtlltie(l in r.g. 'Ihd y@ wrl pay witn you lilel And widr HIADLEIsHIGHWAYMAN Tma sma l you dcftot y@ ShGtly oppml tuft to n AnorlE hilf $ h@r turlte dm tlp padi and tuie ffd b6erh tlp dt5hhm bencle of 'd a bhhinsiund cd elm EE. Ya may 6t 1 NGal's ro h ot PreUll@ li yd wish, befoe *tdug to 3L.P, but a sr a yqrde ydr et slep is not tuu.t sml ff frdn 15; this is the roel nmb r ofana.* 'or RMds ydwill h.v ro 6ghtbeioE ye sk6 fim a drem (in *:tlichy@.d tuf de oct of bats, it do rbi det d ft baying d th hd Fith E)d in f*d mds. If yd do hnse rh EtoIyNpa*) bym@ 'u!o dliv th. bab off and r.hh ro lhc Fl.tive stch rl snth ffi, Yd ncd a l ath ry 0apping elty ol lh. irldiof Or bwa, hr io $urd dins noh th! bafthb of th. dead rm ard z fo erploe ekewh*. okn lhe shima ol shadowy Nd6t. Th@ G ite glima of noonridr d gliehin&.idgated tess sd the v.rpie Bals, which have sqd y@ DEwing you swold, you l rp rt the lddord! ot by th odpted blood pulsing in yn w ire, fly daughter, but befo! 6 ldd a blow at.l$t h{ rlom ro fed, You are goirg!o haye to lighr rle the doos oi the stabl 'ou e thfm opd by a tate,oe au rog th i trtr F-'] E?

106 ,'a liei VAMPIRE DAT Lrp!.via VdpiE ft d6 nof b be tla tlde of olhd l, ili Th y anddbly overbry..rt'e wiih evate, f,nt.d f', tlvht th6 e udad appqrtu. To add ro deir torr! utj! p{rilcd{ p.n N abo fttiued wtfi 6b16, II t@ d6 i6to@ -y@ d@t idd r point to ytu crud gre. r yd dlp.bdr hodr oa rh. yo {ad de 6t of de nieil hi.l.e.r., ri'radng dt tu M of den thd. Yd 4 gld wtrd d.h bers at lad rd ts b gonyoue Thr.5o,'6 wha ya phna.d turswqrt int! tleho*l o{ w.l dttnd. de d'idldd.d blildin& yfl 9@ in kr ehdng de bld. wilh hdy se ioo th. vill!. Eluip, As. Burl denhurrt, y@ G tw.ble to 6r de sp.dfl woff Ietu (igdn cr poir0, bur ir is sril toi$ b E a blhb th.r ' w l El y@ SPECTRALWOLF IIyou<l6toy0EwolfZhost,thtoiit, ^n Th..ftcE of th. lotim you have chos rd rlilt e not cnbnt, ch,n6i^8 lrlnue ro the Br die. d mdt th. br'le below l,o e whll etu tle diri!h6 m you. t!t til r-r R6r@yout@tsnl $@ bl!! h,l,-a R toe you cllft dde{ ffi!o lb 5-6 RstoEyou@troq!<@tott'I''rt/ tlliu yoq n@ of tle othd podn (hh t) 9t)qwddd you prftr!,lcaw de blhtrtblxdint t1a Y@ lifirt! tedoq der i! futin6.s.lrd itt *.ithl h yqa hri4il lrheyr su,ah td bel bde 16.rE wlth ouib o6ddd <'PPrFb r,e^ Fhb d d.f8e ot w{tht, ad ba4 't' ' tl t@ *ish b e rtt tte h b.!t, 6!E lhrn. tt ded,r+..r ld ni8tu h.v., yo nut Ed@ ydu AtEe SEEAth by r pohr tu e g.tdlg u.d ro de 6.d oa tie lrc you ler '6r d dh@ tdlng oud baid Fa Y@ turn b G (a of lh! die oa.m.rinb doh 66 n! Fd t L tle im phf drnaing niily 6 it dc d ll kf P',Ib. mdm fim rh *dl dd.dv!,6 m yd wttl rlow cr.nkine.t F3 (Add I id 'qn ANIM/iI!DANMOIJR A!withyqnc,ssytim thesuitoi@@wlt! h AtEcl Ro6d yo wiu sufer I Fhb of r^xda rthtq You dy ef.fe two Anlct RMd! bt tufiry to Z. Uyd rbyte 6ght&d d rroy de netrl

107 2?40 mtuce, it.otlapes on the carlebed 0oor of the.orido4 now jut so rrdy pie s oi bahered amour WiI you now tale dom de of OE shlelds ircm ihe wan (tum to 2o3) or vin you leave io explo elf 2n PulljnC o old, noth eatm blanlet over you for ext a wanih, you youseu a nake-do bed fd d1 ght, using you backpack a a pilow You m ldt asl@! dd snorhg somdly wnen somelody cpeps up on you md ho.ks you ove! the head with a heavy.osh. rose 2 srnrna poinls dd, il you re still alive, 23o Ire old woma gives a starded cry md spjs round. l}1 $cing you hcr bcady black eyes mmw ad an ugly EriMc qtons ncr alcady mattracrive lea hdcs. She quickly flicks to moticr pabe in hd bool rd. chanting Op bcmtation shc lhds thcre, poinls her wand ai rhe.patues at ha fc.t. R.ilising the oone/s evil nleriions you pfpaf to defmd your*lf. ften Ae spell tlles eff{r, one of L\e toads at hcr fcet narls to sqell, ratidly in.easng in size. Havhg nadedolfasbigas anant fist, rtn s@n Op size ofa dog but l< ps on glowin8. lte kansronahon des not stop util the bloabed toad is as large ar a pony. Pushin8 ihe fomdd on its huge webbed t@i, Lre trit n's fdiliar moles lo ann.l</ the tit of jls longue,lartiry in ad out of ih moudl.

108 If L\e toad wi$ m Atta& Round, it las]fs you widl its pobmu sticky t nguei on a rcll of 5 o.6 you lose 4 srmna points instead of the sual 2. If you kll de h!d, you must n@ deal with tle wich. Tlm to 65,i! Suddenly surcuded by Cmivale iolt, tou de *Eed dd y@ weapon talm iron you You de hken Njde the lajsq, Brimhgmw bent at the cente of L\e Fcdpnol You iind youell slndhs at the.entre oi a circle oi the strdse Camivale p1ay6. May ol thd bed sone kind oi mrfation. You s one nmwith SiL h his ne.! lik a iish, and a wo]ld jojned at the hip ioner h{in. The dihinutive cmiwalc M6her plshcs his *ay t1m8h Op mwd dd p ch up at you ftum bm ad d1e shadowing brim of his?eople e sspici@s of us Cmivare fonq with ou ffjmilar Camivale ways, bur we do nor m@ ay ham. we ae iet uying io nake our way n the world rike everybody lse We ofier smctuary!o the dis Possed, the uwdled ad MGt d leppy!o leave u be paying lor the privne8e oi glnpsing a world they e lortlmte dou8h not!o be part ol But thm sme Fople lik you,' he 3ays, srabbin8 d accusing iin8d at yor chest,'nde! lat c be dd lor.e us l,o nove d Em tom to tom, willage tjo vilagc, ncvcr ablc to Et fo. f a. 6f tie fal* aruatioc tlut follow u and what kind of pason e you dywat ro rhink fte wost of us?'if you hawe the odso.d irlit ldt n on yotr Adtdture ShE1, FI F-'] 2Az hm to 4r3. ff not, sll h{o die dd add 2 [o fi. tot L II O totalis equal l6s thd you {:ll]:mt cnce kop, hm!o 3, rt it is greater, hrm to 5o9. Tte dr4*d srone walls soon give way!o hard packed eettl, within wnch lave bem cut long, low E6s, cach lar8e 6ou8n to nol(l a cofin. Th6e n6t b lhe caracombs of the Abbell in which tle prede@sof ol L\e!6entnay bfthfn de in[ard ne taomb hmds win l thbubh the Sr(Md teneath th Abbey comple! lit by flnkerins tallow-tapeb. Tming a com r y@ hed a sddo^ skttaring somd, which is rh4 joined by a shrm squ ahnb. You d *e dmt a nunber of fie cofin-almv s have b en dishnbcd, the sltoud-boud Fnaire being gmwed at by you arnval has int npted. At hnt glma you take ihen ro be rats but as you hegr to *e mop deely thsugh the gl@n, you gnnpse pa[ch6 or baf skin, suppuating ses and oozins bubg, dpse.l ribs?jamdiceyellow eyes ad bon, [es] es tals. Th6e ft no nef rals, 6ey re contminad cari F oi rhe reoel Y llow Deatb dd would nuch.auld feast m wam fesh meat thd ol4 djy bone F ht tie mdead md6t3 as ii they w* m drity CIIOULRATS If the rah bit you moe dm hri.e, you becom hfrted with the vne dagu drey ca.ry. rif l snl Point in addnon!o 6y tintna you may lge/ md add r ro you dancr scoe If you swive th! pstilqiial mmter, hrm to 16r. tre

109 15 lnows de tlfr of Wulia And,.y, tve heard rell ol th. Mad Prire, ibt to m6tio his brc08, Cout Vdola., who ie h ad of [E r.mily row Althou8h h@ mu.h i6 fidid and how 6uch G tdth I wouldn't like io sav.'kdad waft vou. 1^lhat lv he*d i! th.t rhti Gmd wd lo&ed up in. to*.i oi Castle Wulien and was ilivd nad by h$ incaf elation. NN lt h 3aid tnat h y raw de.t and h@16 rt rh. tull FM, wh@ ri app d ir 0E h avs.'now nh ro r E6lE up dre tor r, m de iouth dor, you 6re to. long oni<lo. lned wfih l,rge pdfdib in hera ftrn6. ney <l pict wiru ndb6 of th. Fn. 4ilt(ntc familt thei. sh.ed rirell6 b in8. hugry haekiln IoL of the painlings n@t b. wefl huded y d old- TrEy r.n8. frm 8.uL l@krt old na in in-fifting $ils ol a6did amou to tulll ngrh portraie of a shikin& platinshaied yose fa.t thee m noe painhrgs or h.! thrn dy ooer p4on m display. One repe Fntltion or tl'e noblewomn n particul grabsyou atlentton. Reau3d ea.ohred o s and brid brushrtrck*, it shows 'n the subjat standing beioe cenelated b.ttlenents, a sromy njghtt sky behind her.nd the 3ilhouettes of bae dd.aeion bir.b flifthg acge th 8lMin8 orb oi6e noon You lals rh wodu i6 st dng IM fte dvd rtiedly inro y@ 't ey6, &d & d by 0E Gelug th.t wahded. (Add r to yd FN FI at-'*l sf md lel N &[.ta& is d m you,/@tuz SL!i,) Unablc to sh.l tl'e teljrg ot l E* this hd l fi y@ wiln tr! ldsl n.way Iren the gal ry ud Ey anothd nod oi tle 235 Sonehow yod rl1.mge l,o mdster the beal sfltgling ro fee ieell lron ] th neehy..t of llur body fo! jst a lew me?trbs nonenb. Yo! nttht sdl get out oi this alive, and stil hl:lml Regaln Mc( The r,hd nist of de chahh.. e h n'hda sped, teaving arone h de p6ladal doned m IE wmpinc '@ Couts hs FEEd of le niddm offrffhei6 ro RpdaE. althogh tu hare wq a vi.tdy ovs ler, il L only bdpmry.ile vdpirn bdy ot M.u wil Etui! ot t'at yd.d b asu dl (LF I LUq poini.,'d add lhe odeword Dded,/ to you AIMtuE Sret.) Alom rt tn. bp of de towe4 will 3p n.l rche ri4e eaftning th'.1@b6 'ou for v.iubl6 or power (hd to 325), d wilt you qu 0ns place or Evn as quicuy 6r you.6 (tun to!46)? 2a' Ol ols, it s $ olvin bo you now IlE d.inental is ot $ hdt would h. a nahral delae agaiet 'e it- Quidd, you pul ym rinderbox froh you bactpadc Using th. ldrdling Etr

110 you c,ry with yo!, yd li8hr. s.i ne md abl. io get d dry te bench lo buh. whvl.t tour humlnt hbnd in tmnr of you, you tore the rpnie back md oul or you way?mt lnd srw e<l <n wind. bl@, lhc w.di$ (!rc.w!y R to!' sruiekr.nd ftd *ft lo inro I Lucpoint.n<l hh to ri{ rtl Cll yoc p'd y@ w.y thel4h th. uderawrh towids th. tldng nck.nd fiddin8 6E!ahr. It dc nor t.l. ldlg ro frch dp lr6p dml, whlch h4 b 6 Md ir r deirefd d.&br. A nubar olbnghdy p.hrd wagons hlve bd dia-m up ln. ough.ftre, 01c ho6 ed hul6 tiitbtuueht tr6 r@ row frrd ol tlei! trg sd grudq Gtby. At de 6E! ol de ftb ot Haft. bre! tin i! b6he 6eElt.rd decirs 6.Et6r EeroE de nm6 ir i beaubtul yous em!n, Sh tifb hs s}jre,t th dms, as her l.8s kick sd l.ap, b.acelets.6und her wise rd Mtle. j.ntll^t, pfwidirs. p.euive a@hp.rimor bo [h rerd'@ Th E ap oos p6pre pml t@, sittl8.reurd de nf, clapphg in tihe ro OE m6n. ne ae drss.d i,r hrighrly oloufd rerrs.nd E %, wajsreb ard lrdw s All of tt@.e olle ol enn.nd ddk oi han md all ol thd 6lw thei, we.lh.let rh ir pdd b.n GLnt ti@ tutridr, tokl.hoop.din8t nrug of mi?gi@ srd o"d lutb..i"sf. Ih* R h Morte gjpsi6, Mtiv. p6pt ol th..ufd lm.t oi rupr.via, d khd.!t! oi th digind romd. tdbes?@ple who IiEt! ttled de nmrai.-.hided v.!.yr ol Mludst ti.. A few of th.s St. yd 3idryaF thcd ar yd.pp@d! bul n@ try bo ttop you. An<l dl the tihe the he c d.utu itr way tlnugh you. RoU two die.nd add 2 to the nu'ld DlH.If llerot l b l s d { 6 qud to you clncr se,tu6r,ot 6;unbgFt r,nr b!:r. a ttdlftiy, d6p.le rerittl ddol, the old wmo E sbn die,.ldeueh t{dt hiurd The tjnd-ledrr d t!t6 Gtudmdhd ZADva D ir t'i..ln &d cam6 ha r,o h.r bd, wlee h. d6 hrr b d ro nale her.onforrabl Her ey6 flicredng, b tw m h8s d tapr, de st$,'(,rid, js det you?' 1t is, GEnlmtlEt' t9 h. Feli6, his voie l@.nd 1o what btug! y@ io Ry ob, s loituiordy, at dis lale nn?'sh. wha You lisen mxl@ly.r Ullkn FIat6 op senrr thrt hav led y@ botl to thi! poht. IlE old eob,n rlks h ai re re! b rt wlth rg.!{nm te is dft rh. tl$ IE had td l@& at ro!. 'So you havc ba l'tt6 bt r D@dvoF and nry ony de em df.d di@?'y@ nod wdily 'Ly.ethtDpy a hdribte 6d oppling cte in&{d, but you ae - brttnue to hav. ltr tlncn this night dd dut he h.d de ioelidt ro brilg y@ to R &lr if I u ro help lbu I@, yo! nud dl ne egah abour d'ar aiaclcd yd,' U you hav. a sibftr Rin8, tuh ro EB

111 190 Pick'ng up the kansfomed hand you hur n i'nonfu nf with a scan oi rage and then wat.h as th. li,$e* bla.ken and burn, the flesh.rispir8 anll cra.kling ir 'Then I amd@med,'you sat in uttcr dcspiir is yor Eaze inlo tie firt.'doomcd l. beomc r.idrh'tu.1 bl@lthigty appetiles I shau bc miblc lo ronln) when the n@n wdes tui. I shill b. in dul.rn, rn animal, a nudemu beast. (Add I poinls ro your 'M.ybc not'ulicn eys,6jng you sil\ m unn.n ing nar 'I}lN i3 emcthing old ad forbddmg abour Lh dtuk pib of his cy6, d thcrc F encrhma cle. lokhg oui of Ulnch at you 'ThcF nay sbll bc holr Th3E G? Thm wler E ro be done' You pes rh. n m.lsnan to rell rcu nof wlatd6 h know thal I Inos oi h{o curcs lor lycdthrcpy but we wiu hart h n.t quickly' uh.h will help yout But why? 'Lei us $t sry rhit we nll hrvc ou! *.rets.' 5o what ae ihc N'rs? 'lhc supst wit is!o Jhd lhe werewou ital nfucre.l you wih its bitc, nd lill it. You could also o( a spng ol $e herb beladoma. il you could frnd lime and rhee one o6er couts ofa.tion we could hkc wc.ould sek '5 the assistd.e of Crddmother l!kov', rhe w6est p rsn I knov, wholiv6lunher rnro ihee woods, orer L\e border in Lupravin 8ui t ^ up lo tou Whai do you wat to do?'will you I'uFuc lhc won,6 in lne hope of hmhg do$'n ihe flim:l tharb'tlou7!rrrn lhc i dxls lor the helb (0m vnrh oi ne *Fwomancrand Eil Lil FI F-]

112 29r The starcase leading to ftc windmillis lowef levek n on Iire m, in a feat oj couascous de.iing do, you rhrcw yougell ont of OP top of the building, landing on one oi the ra88ed, btuken-battded sails, and allon the sailj rotation to carry y.n down to the 8rcund Dropping the lasl su feet, y.u m hehorleather away rion the blazing struchft as ils dilapidared lranewoik fhally gives,n to the ravagcs or L\e laging conn.gration and thestom, and.ouapscs inonitsell You spend the resr ol the n,8hr being battered by the lmelenting storm and when momins.on6 you 30 on you way/ weary wilh sleep-d Privadon od sdked b tne skin, but nonelhele$ grathn to bc ali!! 292 You spot dre hae, nat,.ilcular boulder alnost flush wih ihe noor or Op cave just in tine to 6capc the ahenpt on your lfe tndt follows. The stone flips nf, l&e an openfg hrtcb md a huge, hairy brom spidcr over ten leet n d,amehr - haps outotthehole nor reyealed h the carem fl.di TIF dacinidt Powertul, grasping lront lmbs hit OE ftky noor barely a Ioot from you bur, realf,ng tlet its suprjf attack hs failed, the Gint Trapdoor spider fttreak into its hole, pulling the boulderback nio pla.e ovcr ihe top or,6 tumel to pml,ect ilself Do you want to heavc the stone out or the way md take Lhe liehl to ihe spidd (tun lo 54) or would you rarhei 8et away from hcrc as qui.kly as possible (tur. to :16)? trtr r.\s soon as yon Nade inro dre slrmy pool rhenaggob' blind heads hrn rowardr yon, drawn to your bodyheat Unpeturbed, wilh one hand on L\e pomnel of \our sword, you take one deteinned step alrer mol\e. across the lake of ooze Tle slime sucks at r our reet, it ieels just lil walkjng tfrugh a clineirg :Nanrp A bloate{i ma8got rols over and bmps into I ou le8. nakin8 you jmp, but the fly ltuvac do not rtacl ]ley de or y interested in consming dead nesh You m haltu?y across tie disbtrsting cavcrn \ hen you fool l<no.ks.brhst somcthhg hdc! thc :urface of fic slimc. Do you wdt to lonch into thc ]n. to pick up what vcr it is you havc inadvlttl.ndy lohd (tum to 3o?), or win ydu l6.p goina with.ut noppin& j$t n caso (tum to 32)? 44 Crdndcl, hll' the sbongmrn shoub, releasng his iold on thebeasi's.hjn. W h a bellow ihe hulkng ain bounds rowards yon, rhe knuckles olts ma$ne nts dragging or the ground, as the sirongnar and ireatar arn tlremselves widr LonE hrives and :dmn.e towards you You nust always ngnt hvo of 1ou opponents at the sme tine (in whatever conbi rhod you ch@se). um therc is only one Lelt alive. arendel 3 ro :TRONGMAN 9 3 :IRE-EAIER 7 6 I th. Cred.l-beast s.ors a hit ngninst you roll onc

113 diej on a tull of 6 ndsiwe club fise 6e you I Poinls of sraima dmage. If you loe twoatta.krounds in a re (to anyof youoppolhts) the FireEater beal\6 a gout of flane ar you, causing you d additioml 2 sramrna poinis' damage. If you ove!6ne all dme opponents, you can either ne fte camivale sha hi away (tum io r9), or tsk ontinuins you seardr of the (:mp (tum bo 23r, but qhaievd you choof to do, add the odeword Rel/il to you 295 You $akh up the sldl ad thm, t\eg in lrmt of yo,, is rhe h@dles ghct on agah. Y@ hav no.ioi@ but io light as the Headl s Hi8hwaFd hie! to HEADIESSHIGHWATMAN snlb srlmna 3 II you win, you htrl tle skd onio oe cobbler ot rhe stabl yed whe! it s6res into bmy shards. Tun 1tfr Elldn8 to Op deahn smith do6 not tell Fn dy aing about tie nala,s aff cbg dp p6ple of Mad ht you do get on ro th suble.t of you om quest. Et\out Ev@ling oy or L\e p nilqt - md Ibtentially conrqtious - deh'le you do iel hjn ihat F could do with she help. 'Then you should ty c.mt6s Isolde, the ldy ol Mau Tw r She a ls I' sue she would be willinc and able 's ro Elp you And thd L\e Blask Monls, lhey risht be able to held r,oo. You I fbd thm ar fieir, north of h rc ' Do you wdt l,o lale the smith on hb advne md Nl m audimg with the lady (tum [o 255), or wi youp6bmandqdt -Mah & you de*ad the staiease the shadows depd, as wal-nout d torcher Deter out. iipu is r.h blact md you will reed a lanhm if you ae pogrs dy nuthei U,ou have a luten lne I8,/t Caltrz sp(el ab ty or rhe codsord N.,rdf ihen on J,ou,4dmrrR slei, you cd 6be! ne lpt sfely (hrm to,:o) Ii you dm t have dy of the e. but sd I wmt to risk 6be!u8 L\e.rt?t. tuh ro. ii yo!.lont wmt bo obe! the crypt after a!, lun bo cho@ dothd nor oi the rowe. [o exolole -7

114 293-t9 294 :l! nist rhickens n fronr ot you,.oalcrina inro rhe snipc orasroresque,phanbsmal.reatua EveryrhinS it G a macabe eiabberation of whar a volf 'r.ut ^ould be n lile, hoftifi. dasseftcngrh {rrdding tanbs, ecythehook.laws, bld2ins coal-cycs md :lrtincessantwailinghowl.youhavonochoicc bur ro irlcnd yourself asainst the lead.rof rhrspccknlpa.k. i\ou d'pped your sword in wntu cnrllcr, lmn ro276. 2,' {.} 299 trng lrom &e depl\s 6f you. suhcors.jous.ones a 5!'ne thlt you Fndb r bedg taught osi child 'B.rnft th. Shirt'sptit., rry d?at.nfut tht,tnr shnrp ot.ltx and spi'dle lhird fu $,,g WIh iry brantn fnar\torclht b t!: ttt Rrt Wnr{ hrrg* ull his tttth, nry lni, a shrryened ah6 ot thtt. Sobaqre the ShirdsTnh,mr ddt,nrl tht,non -r...\u'ionary ftyne was morc dran jusl a.hildt a\llime tal. it was a warning Ior thoso r'ho night _r\r rhemselvcs at thc mc!ry oi on. oi Gtudfrrhcr!:nter's minioc. Thc ditty oldn ielh you thc clc.ital crc.hrc's nno md to *now such i bcina! :trr nmc is io have powcr ovcr it. 'Shivc6p.irc.r shout Hcanna you ufrc. rrs namc, thc ceaiur 4rost jmps out ofrh iry skin $tithout i nomcnfs

115 h sitation you dclae the spnte to 'E pn.l'with a erpieeiry rmek 0E el Mtal apps ro.v.por.b 3m Cout Vrela., Prire oi LuDravia, W@Lord oa WuIen Cdtt ad list oi hie rur*d p@olf bloo4 line Ii6 dead at you let. You hav Ecltd you Ev6te m ulil mkods tfet, this b g.ttd oa woll+pam But whal b lhis? Evm d you e l@fint dm at Vmlaca.dF in kidph you R tle my wodnds you infli.d d him hil.nd ha.l blmdl*ly- DF w wort ey6 tud opa bul nd UEy bum lite tlp 6ay pib of lell ils U. You ldc*16 dfand$dds y a en6 of viti@-mnori6 lnar & notyouir{nasnll[winmird... You * trv satheed qrhin sted@-hamted ruig - a rq'l! a e@l6, a blactshmrl d widow,. noblmmd and a yo'hger Cout VNlac - a lh7 dh6rt upoi soe unholy ritual In you nind's F theh et trw1j6 valuall to 4.h, irto. p't oi dad<r6 Yd hd the.hdd ir@tid, s a6 rhe silvefmushr dagg ls ih y have.omdat d fdr lhen d.!k.iie, I l th gathered CadEt red dd.xcited eticipatim. And th n you bn fly glimpse tlle lning they stron foih frcn the Infe.nal Pit, a woltuh dmon ils imubstartial n6h blacl a a w lm's ded, stuling lite...8 d b dt. Yd K die d.hd pogs ih aioude.t Ciut ard hels his t'ftfot@tior inio a wolf ld lh li6t tift... You ud Erad nw what is happding udd you rppalld ge Th dod the cadft sllmd d, khid p6$sd th Elish yomgp.iftand wmght ie d686 e dmab@iy upq him, is Gurft.ring CNI v.mlrcs w@ol Hy f@ rhe d6d. But *h.t 6 you do to slop 0us d mic BuErtid? r you o yd /Ubrlr 5&.t, th to 39 inr diarery Ir DL h.ft }!u ou<r.d my Silv r DAgs duing y@.dratue? L t@ hnv olftr d m dagg6 at an, tum!o ur. It y@ hrve olftred 6w da88s ard bow whrt io do widi thd! tuh to de rel ht pag ndb.r yd noied doh 6rria. Iftbu h.v 16 thfl 6t d.tg6, or not ldow what to do wi[r Ii@ ae v.rious clbdi6 within GMnk Fo1[-lorc ud the p.geof wood;hhlprint ; ac.6nphied bv w@dot ilule tion ot subi(e $ch 6 a nm qerctins the 8ton. Iron a t@d's had md a ha8 plr to 0E dudjng-stml, Much of Grynn s loowledge rh.r my lasr.hild would ki@ But in Etr

116 a.hapt r dtitled'oi Myths Cftming the Cycl$ ol tle Yed', th auddr wit.s.bdt belield $ru.unt rne.h.neing oi th *.m,.t tin8 n.t rudr tic oi ktuition e ehd el Mbl foc, ti d!o the ditrdt time of th y.e, hav tur,r1'l ure in the wdld. Th P@B thds.lve d gtvo the p+ trifigtin of Mistr6s SprindEF, tr Sffi6 Ird, Dame Auhjfl ed Gtudhlh r WbtEr by th. Fatrt fo& of LupEvia, wh@ liv6 rd liv Uhoodr m dg ly bord ro de *asd.yd6 Th dup lr dsib m of rhe a ninid of old Ma d the Shive@r, who h6.l.e winr.'s Ehm, bringing hard trce ad {ddq blzidr tte end d lh c}tadllr iet a VsEtiG Fnlru b th libe4r Ts!o $; LrLid $rs oft dl6u8h lh nishl al.!dr. pc tlet, in dditior! you find it.rlebting to l4 p up. You pmting btuth misb h.aoe you in the old air, but Urridr sho* nd sig! ol 3ldnt: yd ^i8ht pr dimmt isibt too die. Ard e h.u mins b re p up witn op w@dno d he hui6 Enongh rh bm ding foel, lerdirg you defr ed dfrr into thir dtrk dmain. You have b@n travelina in fiir way lor alngt & hour wh n y@ cohe sgni oi a slore 6tra8e, 6h. pler with e8ain8 tharched 'n mi. wilhour bfdiins his sfide, ULich nar.n6 up [o thc slldt ifn-b.ud oak doo! dd beals on it with th. hilr or his.x. Fom ieide the cotta8 6h6 the sohd 6l shumhg sief, F-I FN follded by a cttcked, intable voie 'lvhot OEE? 'Gredhoth rl' th wodffi c,ils.'it is tfti.h with a frisd in R.l oi ytu help-' a thy hakn in the hiddle oi the door std6 opdr md two 6laradbluEd ey6 ps out bel@ tne opoing.los agah. ft4 ir ue tete of bolb being pu.led back ut:l at lat the dq opcs. AhMched fig@ Ehe6 y@ bodl into th wrm d@ be(@ ihe d@r E slam d shut wnpped in. w@[m shawl 6E wib.d I@ls you up sd dosr! 3uspi.ituly. She 16 6 h@kd n@ md dri+ drl ldl(s ftr/ pan de witd! rtlh a ofsilve chaft runging bud ha rel 5o itr who n&d! my help,is itz GladlmdEr Zekov. 'ru $F Yd lilten in rodo6 mticipariq, s Ulrid ldls rhe old lrgomm of the fae dbt IB b L[,4 tlu Th. old womm apfa6 to bt n what Ulri.h eb w h dbdsmarp inrebt. wlf h is done shj tutu b y@, Wtlod eying a wod sh 3 :ns!o prod ed pok you, l@kinb in yu ey6 ard 8 ttiry yd!o stkk dtyn rong@ SIE also r.16 a lfr ar th woll-bile m yd shodder ay.dlhspy is a t ribl and indftd,' she 5ys at lcr, 'hut yd &.Iortei. to have net tutword\y utrich he, who hft had dr for6isht to bring you l,o me. Id I.m h lp td, aldrough I cmot df yd. The <ti*a* is stin jqt taling hold md tt ldl we dght y r b ahle OE eitu of tle we@olt's s.liva-@om. I.mpFpm a potim trtr

117 8-36 '^rl t6 ef tle q6d a r@ <t.w ydr bbd, 5fth4t b lr[rfr ny tr a Lhb b de rtawht r,,rfd. $jir 1ro,'th.hErba*.,sitintrht!t.s.iohemu2zte ne wru*lr\t,ilft [r.. wolt In d!rp! clorhnst. trtr EBIWOLF BRrDE Third WOIF BRIEE 78 L3 LlI

118 Asilver veaponv l ham tlp bnd s just as il would oller wehfatue If you ap woddod norc thq the tihes, add r ro you.sncn vof. II you mmase to till all ihe of the savagc bnd.s, tum 347 Blind whlle heads nudge at you hands you tunbk rboul in th slire, nardng you shudder 's n disgdsr Youi hmd.loss mud what fel6like the h'lt of t wc4on. Widdrawhg it you wipe tlre clnsins slrme fom $r objdl now in yd hdds md ae amaz d lo discovcr OEt you de holdin8 a b autihlly trlial If you vant ro rake the Silva Dagae4 add this itcn to your Ltmr',z Sn..f md add de crdevord Sr{ti,n b your nd,n,ltre SrftL You may E tne da88e. in combat bul you do $ you wi]l havc to fighr wirh your Artact Sh ntth Educed by r ponl Injucs you cause qfi the wonl 'Wep' D its mnp w l suiter inged dadage (r sr MrN^poncraihcr ih& rhe 6uai 2) as the pw netal is inimical ro thetr kind Thc silver Dag8er wil als lem Undead and dcnons but only.a6es the usual 2 sr^mlna poinrs lr tatrs a lev nomdts ror you to reali* tha t there h6 b*n i.osl b puttina you hmd inl,o the slime, lor il is mildly acidic You lbd begim to bm dd the skin rtdens, iusr as if you led bem bmed. In time the prin wiu pds but you siill sufe. r srnrn point ol danage caused by the acid blm. Tlm to lr. Etr lo3-l09 l03 The bama'd ufr e6 the lasi lineolherspell with a linal fiourish of her hdds starins towa.ds the stable door You Ealise that she ca se you, but Fens onp. turbed by you pren.e.'he com s, she sys,looking prst you.'my brave Inrd Luft.' Hearing thc jmgle oi namss bsnind you, md thc impaticnt mod of a hoe, you hlm dud and cohe face tcfia, as it v F, wi0r Op Headlss Highwaynd on@ again. The ghost of Lord Lucre ente6 the nable on foot, sabf m one hand and h6 own $vor d head ude. the othei w)thoui unenng r sinsle word, the sfctre atracks HEADLESSmGHWA\IrAN txu.3 U you defear you Bh6tly oppo nt. hrm to fr. sr^mrn^3 Jq Wnh.autious stepg kephg one had 6n th. wall to your left, you enter Or cy?l The silmt darkncs swallows ydu up, but it dca not s,lenr fof long. A 'Ilain AlEsdy hnsing somd al tu you to the di.e naturt oi your situation. lh6 you feel ne lirst oi hall r dozen pans oi filthy taloe seize hold ol you and, as you struggle ro ready you veapon, th fist decayin8 reclh sink inro your flsh. you md you! adventu as r.'l dah cou6e in a ghoul'sh feast fo! the undead.

119 ,to Pairg tle d6r you hb! whtt.ppor ro h. u arbj@'s wo'lrh4r. Th. h.d@.d 8!t ol dl ffi of derworl deapti@ s *rdvd 6d *dib6de al@t wi6 [r l@ls u.d ld cqrtud rtel Hdds, oe obi <r.ldds dr b.yod.n od6 lr G a liie*iz, of.!e[ Th. bqbl lereqrit! d erquue wor oa.n t w ddof tns dy sft oaa!!lm,3r,i!dt imobile, [r. nodnt't s nudl a a antuft Pe.bL i$gu.tle Iughl d r wree th.68wb h6n wodd b. i5. l.'bb l@yhol Il mu hwe. Bns Ks hd wdt b nlh it in de llrrde. tuh rd 'a i, tut, dbe i! rching eb. 6r tlu in de.r66e15 m Md & y@ will h.w lo er n ho de iftrin.!d t 14 tle dq th.r i! tw.had 6l yd (t6 to st), d ttet b to you t! 1lE I pity tu yd pedi.mal' th. :u ef da*, 'but I dbr Fmil. cued outuf of ltr. nidr lo liv., md rirt rh. olfion spedins,' Wth thal, he his nis pbiol.t ln and in spdu, E lisin8 b lndlbbl., you wlelhe 'PE{ty dings ide4 atte d! gdil '$krdru, ny setin& ecdr!6 w!bl6 th. fier, srching tre ih f@ you (ClB oli irq you Psic-)'NM,b mynway. 't tre tt!-14 W-r[ yd n@, 6,ruirucd (tum to 35t), or wiu you hh 6 th. brldd wha they N l43t.xfli^8 tt (t6 to,oa)? trt LFrnqy: tte Ce 4,k watwtl wplta ya b.6e h.r han by B Fge of iniortutid b.glnning witft r 3initdy LrE M(h of lle Dootr b 6ll d wllh imtrt.rd.towi8ht ridicuton trrllros, h.[.eutle and utr.r [6 rb@t de Etre of wbf tunje,lydthfpy, ed how bmf*t de@n<tdn O{ whrt b Llr y@ i.l det Fu kfw dr6t of tt.!wly - thrt silve L h.m{ul rr ltdtlulf.nd llet dey N io@d b Felhrn re w.ry ll M q& wha tle i. tu!. H@e1 de E orhd dduttghaihtyabeswiun+y**se '@r la. t Gro@ddtm'ubwolf. (le1(]d6 Fint) In tiru \do6 latds lnl libr.ry.l\h llil Ivlth lh. tuina of th. M, $a le melt.gain rd dp to l.t i.6e m n@ ol dr.hqtig of wlni.5 tu!@ TrE EE b.tin ro iljn mtil h@ t woodr tus.*y letl doted qth {p rtldne dog Nrat of 5m ftiqt ad lou- 6rto.i6 8i6.. Yu prth dc rds rhfugh tt'j! ps pl. lrd Ft btdsf ol hdfid lhict leathbrd sul you.@eh rtthl of sothdvilln8e Thtoz5o.

120 klllert attcntion ls rlnwn to Or n.* mival. Tho woll 8tr es roicc to its blood{udlins Siowl ad ydu ir runbling $rdgh lou body as Op weignt oi rhe b 6t still pitu tou b fie.ol4 dmp noor of ihe loresr 'I}lcrc is ddl\or shoui md dlh m agonised yelpn8 'I}lc weisht on rop of you it rele6ed. Heamg morher howl of pain you manage io roll o.toyour rde But emething,s { you f l w@zy and your head srarts to spm. Your vision ge s& you e a tall, thi.kpt ligure sl{dmg over rhe Black wolf, woodsnan's ax in tus hed fte axe d6cends asiin and the wolf gn6 a strd8led yowl. Tre axeman ssangs lxs makstuft weapon a8ab,lmdins anathcr blow, and the voll fles yelph& the 6r ol thr prk skulk'ng alter lheir lead r Then the hulkin8 lisurc is loomingoveryou. Overome by pain and bl.od 16*, youf liody.dnot tale any nore and you bla.kotrr ftont of tln towei, you enter a nr8h waned.ordyar.l. Clihbing n bmd tught ol steps up to a gnnd c^kancc, you knock on the Large double,loors Thc do.f are opencd by a SamFlaced man, drsssed { l,ell hin tlar you are hrr t() scck the help oi thc Costess md are usherod inro i large, orculrr enbrn.c hal From tkre lhe mar- \rn int rakes tou up a p.lishcd stonc strk ase lo drc l()p oi ihe tove. Finally hc leads you inlo a 8rind, hifh-.e,lnged.hanber, omatcly dccoritcd with hpivy rellet undov draps of blacl nd icd, lhc d.'neolrts(eilin8pantedw,l\azodiac nrpollho heavds. At tor abrupr anral, a sb,kng, platinum. h.ftd wohm dressed incnnsona.dbla.l, hd \t,. i5 h'lrilc as iroa ies Ircm a h,bh brckcd ru){lcn (hln Hrr rawny Fnant reus her you irc hci(' arkins hd h.lp 'ls that n8hr?' Lhe Counrcs \rv(, ifpftchinb you. 'And holv can I h lp your' You in' (,rp&nted by her beautv &d find youeellt,nsnrcd Thc Towcr oi Mam, hone of the Countcss koldo, (Mds on a blasted es.a.pment oyerlooking rhe vill.rge.ttesnnhasaleadysetbydreiimeyourreich urs loverand you aresu.pri*d to 6nd rhe gatehouse unnanned Csss'n8 ih bndge tlatspansachasm i. EE EE

121 1r5 3a6 Ih weewolt MF tu you thrudt ine Silvd Cffi oi SnintCruo6i^io l$ Abrutat.lawed sckina the ms frm your hdd and rrkinq rh fl6h of you ad. te 2 sr^mtn^ points aid lrm I6 Du&ing i6ide Oe wagon you shut the door d fimy behind you. You hold you beath 6 wnone'* yo; head wa*s risnt psl the calavd dd arcund the lt is only alter their voices have taded nub4 Ard all lh. ehile.hi*tt d woodm,aws

122 ckck clk\.k& as tley Ey io b e you. You hav invaded the Puppet nastels rremost sachd 4d now you nust Pay rhe Pri@ II]PPETS WleF one puppet rals to your hacking blows, il *em that dother tales its pla.e in an jnstant Ilyou hive not defeated de luppels wil\in ten atkck RMds, md you d ltill alive, tuh to 3{4. If you win this battle widdn te Atta& Fouds, all il neatu is that you hav naaged to 68ht you way b..k [o lh. doo. md so can ekpe hdn d]e cdavd (tm to t4) 317 vr4th a deli nde you or n uds th autonatonl guard md flc(ed in locking df ley oui ag.itr SFai8htrway j6t 6 you hop d, {nlh a grindhg oi 8c6 dk atrading aubodetm baom6 sbll atair (Re8ain I LU( poinl) Ih@ nothing d& oi inleer lo you in thr anili.d's mm 's s you Enlm to th. iun tion ed tak dle dw wni.l is now of you (rum to 4:3), or ihe 6n to yod rieht (tum to 496). 3r3 'Wht thals a dark plae. g@s Ord my 6oE. Ir's nore home io wild aninals no{ Of.ous il wasn/t alwal,s like tlet bui I wouldn't elen thlnt about goins thele if I were you, The onry th{g lhal awaits dyone tller is nadne$ and a slow, lingelint d ath ii youft hlu.ty. A quick, brutal dcath if youfm@ rorrlmte. No, l d steerwell cl ar ot thar a.dls d Place.'Now hrm to t95. trtr 3rF :o 'Ihe ta9 rcdidor leag you dom a tight ol sbeps in[o the snoky hcdt of ihe castl tirchss, bur the Sods alone know what foul meal 6 being prpard within A.nne steds at a cauldrorl' bubblng ad steah, hb over a rcaring iire blding h the 8iate, nutlerirg to herplt At hd le t hop, httle md slitier all hmer ot toads, newls, o.ldoaclps, sules, spjdels dd rats. she.otuedls a book opm on a sidd n xt to hca b nds dowr! picrs up a dnssling el,nnd* md to$6 it inlo the pot, sttrina it in with a Sndled ldgth of w@d dut l6k like it could be a wdd. A lilq acrtd smell fills fie kitcho \,!ill you: call out to or m, to attrrt her Leave tllt rnd4 and kte the oth.r passsay l@ding tron the Lcav lh kich re ad asdd tle grad staira* ad pa$ thftugh OE doubl doo6 ar th l,op? lum ro 146 3ao fte crt?t ext nds beneaih ihe foudations of lne lower, th vault d Fof suppolied by a eries oi stone a(hes. Bef.r4n the colmns stand nmero$ sione srophasi. Movjng lowads you bdh{een Op tonbs if iour shaobling mrl'fs, thet stting flesh covered by filtly gravshrcuds. Y@ wil] be able to es.ape rrom L\e ct?t befoe de zd$is ever read you, if F-t F-l

123 yd ldv imediaiely (rum ro 7). Howos, it you wotrd d0e! faft th. undcrd i^ banle, in the conjine of th cryf t you.$ fitht thn on..i, tim Third ZOMBIE Fourth ZOMIIE U you dele.t the ud..d al,pr statk E, add I ro you e^rm Eoe md tun [o ttr :P2_y1 bt lroua<l i! b thr toytr drm sf, nhbd5 rf il i5 sder, bm io 116_ EEtuaUy you Ech 6. ofier sid. of rh cave,nd tethe a 5igh ofeli.t Yd du.t.rom rhe tw sltdch Yd dter a mahogrny-pmu d tuddor l6t@nd with bl(l velvet dep6, rhe spac beeq hu. wie dr porlhits ol ile rulha hd* ot LuFvr. A!ov. tle r e th. rlrcuedodltd le& ot dd kild bo6r ad n@;dic ai6il, irtudirs. Miffi alrmr th@, hutinr noohie of rhe Wulhn hmilv Thtmmbe6 ol.h; W,iu.. to" at u.,' uc;ly e*nbl're to 6e dothq, wirh l d, "n srs' I.c dd rrugry. woubh 6plsrN Pshg iong rhe odidor rhe BrE ie oi tu tuo cutmt princs of thb.tek l.d liet thft is Prin. Gm4 the wwolt you fi6t dled. His Dolbail m ro 3t E at yd with pim& EdUG,Mg F, naht our of 0F 6vE 't3 His 6My bt d lw renas dm nud hir shouirtg lit a lrl4, I st6k of EFy mint thbugh it 6tu a widn,t pot. Tha oe b rte n.d pri@'s bfrhd, Cour vanolac He b a brbiddtns mn ind.d, whft h6 brethd is.lnl ne i3 ter slthoush he h6 th em. ads!l. drold erill.. ln hdr! beydd that, li6. brdrli, lrqfkdld.gidd. Ir sa g de t@i.d doie. Th to 141 Y@ wal ptshed hoh. dr@re slep io 6nd Ot!6 g&rstng w h d *, de erund otd roq ald lne MorEri 8on.: onry $e btd n.d 6! E Etr

124 or then cmplirt Idain. Mysliiied by 0E sfange behaviou of ora dpnciou Br?si s, you prepar ro set or agd wlm ufthing abdt tle weight of your backpackrok6 you stop m.t.he.l imide it Roll one dice. On a Fll of 1-z hh [o t5] m. mll oi I 4, hrn to 366; and on a rcll of 5-{, hm [o] You bust thrcu8h the famrhoe door and inio a fib It kitcned Cowding in d d ld rly oupl andnext[othd younote with $ne supri* - a cmrtl. Seein8 then uious qpes:@tu ytu bhstd m apology dd mething about wbrne to shelte. Eon the ston On@ th y e re6s@d y@ ae noth re to najdd and re! rh n, the atqt fams m.l his wife rdlc yn, otrering you a *at by ih fre and a borl oi hmip $up/ wmin8 y@ irei& and out. B ring in nind what y@ have Fen $ Iar, you conveee widl ad tase rhe eup with sre tlepidatid. YN d PlezFd tjo 6rd thar th@ ae no upleaut ingr dials indu ded GestoE up ro I ramrna points). You pfther mtual sems I you that dere isnodu8 rul&ordt about lhe couple but thar some ail qdmkndt hd the iafi fder its epe[. lou qu6eore inenttbly hrh to t1le dgtubi^g mture of the fam. 'A holding lik thb nat take mne work ro Mhhb,' you sy. ]s tl@ dy@ ers {orking lo. you nee?' No,' eyr larer Baud, 'ir6t m su, the sfe, M'skes Bau* dd ou litde m.'uttle de? Sely F-I E? lhe ouple e ld boo old!o have a nry baby! Dut Faha Ba@ poinls bo th cradle 'nelt right, ou babyr,oy, M pri& and jot long wished Ior dd mw h r with ds. A fohdling he wae mt th6e h{o nmths p^t. On day ru h(]@ dnd h(ft wd as quiet dd 4 it ever had bd, sin.e we lost oe Tom6 ths trenty sffi6 past, tlp rcxt dtft h was on ou doustep, an l sud.lenly healdr md h(re kw joy ed laughtsr on@ again.' 'riave a look why donl you,' ays M'shes Bana. Your ainal 346 smrling at you lrm your subsnrios, you ld ovd the dadle dd pu]l ba.l lhe.ov B. It is dlr you.d do not l,o cry out in shcl dd mn ftom 6e.ot. Lyin8 thee wapp d h a wolm bl.nlet i. no haby - at least m hmm.nnd. fte thing lmls moe lire a nur voidt imp, a ho16sh spri[e 6v@d m dd.k 6r, wid] poinled ed, fdss and claes, ad a trcr sqe gdgoyre's snile splitring ils wdry lace lhe Chagelng fires you w'th ddkry bming ey6 md ils shisrer smile hdens, a guttunl 8rcwl rish8 irm ib thmt, 'I$1he a bomy boy?'misees Baus eys lls sprite has enchdbed the fand sd his wile inro beliding har t is what th y wdt it lio be, but its evn inltud has also sprad io the 6t oi tne fam. How long belore it ing*s in pmd and its innuac to the l,n& betod? You om chmghg stahe n6 pchted the Charyeling's spelr iron yoa dd only you cm do dydmg about it. Brt how

125 are you Sojng to re$lve thb situation? Will you chalhge th ChanSeling dtnght (hrh to rzo) orqn you attenpt to se.tmin8 to a.hieve the me Soal Ahon8 L\e Vmpires' possbim ft a nhber of items ttlat may be of value [o you, induding a Gilt MiEo!, a brass teles.ops a lodestone md Bold md jewels l,o a v.lue of 20 Gold Pi@s. You al6o 6nd a snall teak ch6t Inside, lyhg on a b d ofbla.( velw t is d omtu Silve. Daggei If you wmt to take dp Silve. Dagg r, add it to you lr'rcrtur Srdr. You may w de daggs in combat but, if you do so, you will lev to 6ght with you. Attac! SiEngth Educed by 1 poht Injun6 tou caue with the wold 'lvere' in its name will sufe. in@ard damge 6 srdtn^ poinis rather tha the sual 2) 6 tl.e pe m la1 G inimical to their knd. The Snve. DaSiger wil also hdm the Undead but wil only caue the sual 2 srma points oi 327 moo4 d b@ne a weewouyoureu'the IiBr of the bloodlim, but drat could be the black tured wdwdf thatinf{ted you in de fmr place Lrllich nas obuously mde the sme.ofttion. 'we nut hury ny flad, ii we ft lo.ahn ],our *me. dd sve you sod,'tm io 124. You hold the nitur out in fmnt of you, Fn{ting Varcla.'s t mfdftd viege bacl ar hin At ltrst the We@dI appers to Ecoil, yelov eyes widdins in surprie. Ihm lashes out with a taudy mu&l d an, smslug fie silveed Slds lrof, you hdds, lt smash s on the iod ol the.nubd as the claw Souge you am. ln 2 srmnr poirts ard TleE is nodins lse id you h@ so you M bacr down th lmg winding sf.ir6*. Tm l,o Ilving heard rou out, Crddmother Zekova Eives you he. onsjd red opinion. Thre ii or y oe course oi acuon lelt open to you now If you af to nd youfelf of dris leuible cu!f, you musi 6nd and kill op rirst oi the werewou bloodl'ne belor the nex! tull t-t F-] FN FN

126 JA Desprie irs smsationalist tiile, rhe History aj tt' ont Inlruar is a lather dry tone regarding ile debauched activiti6 oi a gftup oi ambitious aristoceis lron ihe prscipalities oi Mauristatia Thei! nain aims being scial advm@ent ad conhrl oi Lands at the.enrre oi the okl world, de Cadre wd smething lik a cdt for the idle ri.h. Tnftugh com{tiom with the Cadle ib nembers we able l,o dang polilically advd rageos tuia8 6, bugtdingb6ines allim6 dd pdrtake of ev ry dbstdfte patitu dd plactic dey.odd tunr( ot It was at ils height a hddftd yeds ago, &awing its memb6 frcm de nobl fdils of Mo.tvmia md Batnoria, 6 w I d Lupraui4 but lcr popularity in tlp yd ajter OE Wai of fie Four Kingdorc Howeve., the autldr concludd by otating ihat drere are mor of tle Ca.lE InlemL being sned h{o decads ago by a bdd oi luplavid distocrats Pelhals VeretiaJ J2r130 mvestigadore have uncw*d mmethin8 about t\is 8loup. Gf you wmi to ask him about th Cadre Lrfenal, tie nexl pangraph in whi.h you[er the ftnobr, subkact 50 dd tm [o that new pan 81aph.) As Veretic6 nd s6[ not hrmed, you to skim ihrcu8h me of lle short r pads you hawe foud wi yod look at 4a"t tuw: The cuts oi IE wa@f lrvn b 3a3) ot Grlhhk FotkJate oj Lvptdtia t4 Out in the open, ude! tie blind while Saze oi the noon agzin, will you tle the strange Cdiv, Le (hh rd 291, or p4isi jn }!ur rvestisation (tuh [o 231)?,30 To read the olgs norlh or vdbenhol, yd pass th@gh a spu ol dese plft ro6t. ]\6 you p4ogess tnu8h the unddgbwth yod noti.e tlet the eas are b comin8 f$tooned with dick d.ap6 of webs that ove! lh branches lile a sl@d The clgepacked ph6 arin out atain md ]ou nnd yoseu at the ioot ol a sund*d pears steding befoe $e ddk slash oi r slmting cave mouth. the wmds ft erny s l *ithin OF vicinity ol the cave Pahals thi! ib a sign lhat de W@beast Id its lair lft? Nor t!.ing my dd.6, you approa.h the mtrdce weapon h hnnd. ft. warhed out 8rey lishr pe et at* dly a littl ray mto ttle cavd b yond. You listen ini ntly and!.{ orly th o(dimal rtrip of qte. an.l the soun.l otyou ow h dt tl mphe in ]ou ae. If you are tong hr etplore whateva lies beyond this cave Etr

127 rulh, R 8oi!g to E d Yd ldren Yd wdi to tuh brd nd 0E gaprn8 i,tlad (d U yd dnnot r vou. lanem) hrm to 2,; yr do wdt io at r h e(h of th Bdt ya d.ftle do $ rrnn.diarety (tm io 7o), d e{t u nightldl to surpd* de celue in itt jtit (th to {t} Ret ldrb yu,tepe ihrubh tte cldliropho Gkr tru 6nd you way bacl to th. chmb r {N.h y@ araed th..v6 b ffidr Sudetd P. Frehthecydh.t ytuwlydl,eraainginlo ddnnr b.ioe de dv. l@th by which you ad tle rldlrqid. Tttr b:,r4 1t 'I si io nd df l.ld ot ttl.tnl bc EEI wo d.imdobimno il!di tbbe scfyfu a qsr 5rI 3 t@6,' de M ef EhndlY 'L.l 3il.d trlt.rhde, fo. I u ale,f o tle 1614l.Iis in rh. tofil fi8hi.8nt Ev ' Th de {Et oa Old M8ht, M ruch d nyeu. Do}lDr X.ll, rnd rt rm piirt Cod Eva der giei.rrt.&6 ehor.r lklric hd beotr a E le and hlmd hic ta.k o ol.t!.quint E MFlt, rhe Dotbr. d df rri6r e in nd.i who tlmin oi the.@t fre of 0E Blal R6e.nd I h.e nd red tord fi@ Cnr lor l@y ndth! nd. Dut it ir n6t 6ly tlp powq ot rh wbc tlet tt@t@ de n6rrrl &ul! of thi! hnd. TheE e odr.6.fug the ot rte nidt who wodd * 0! p opl 6r LupEvt! 3ubjw.rrd b.mth rh. yote ol ihln hbsfr*n1@oppeim. ae ut thlt thfrtae th. Fople ot YrE rct lelf r da)/s io@y 6,* ol h* I6uld E]. E of * Rrdr a yollfu. wi[ you iin re in ny qu.rr!' If rd h.lp vd PjdE! tuh b!t9. U yd.ldie his!.qet, tuh!o a!9. ith ur zdbi6 dad to qploe dr rbbr6 hb pistol.rd rit! dom o sunddd r wlth@r tuu of turrha hin&6c. AlMg de bed ' opf.fie y@. 'Dut r u ldlpthnt 6ycu,' ra rmbs dd mldding you find a g6 or! pf'l rne N! h4d ' Gnilhd with brrs fithngs, Eting ide i5 ve Richra md I d. vdpie liutd.'. Polbh d grdile plinth, Il i! opd dxl mpty, two ot to! 8.t to t!l all 0E.tu! hnth Ed v lvel, but it hulr b lpe thfrb rh. rurv ud stiw of ' rcu E o.t Eor th.6ffin n.t a nor. ol de Whre hd lf Glfiy daes rdl dd truly.u* inro lhat v@ hnk d@ s d vdr,umtre 9,@l Findp.litt oi LupEe.,' h. t & yo'l hn vo is norhing ot fy q io you uel t.r. sddaly hu.hd 3rd depinto.itl. 1 l!.t Orl ay fi@ oe atpr, e y@ hqd b4r b tu 3pi6l 6mpdm n r.q intu lh n'ring HM irc.nd *r ahour clrnblns tre w6 3teF lre wulfa dd rha!!e DRioE few ofa t trbm Etr

128 3v 334 Ovd the od of tie emsed B asi you h d Lhe twans ol a Gsbow tirina,;d moth;r bou buies rrself D rtre h@re1s shouldd. I}p you8 wom ha Roverc.t heelf ad her weapon. Side-by-side the h{o of you prep@ ro linish Lre brudsh Aeasr. And Lhs howling l*e a beaten dog. it is Bom, away thrugh tlf w@ds to ekap ig end intervatid! ur B ast woujd have bq rhe ad 'our or me.' It is nothin& rcu r ll he!, and introd! toller. 'lt wa dyfiing bua norhin&, the womd.n'd*, 'md L Karya oi rhe cri]rm ctoak sh@td how, bmg a hmt. or wtreahlq myseu. But ve mcr be awat our qua!ry eludes us even now we emot let it B t away!, (A.ld rh.odryord,4ykt b Ine injred weeb ast l av6 a hail rhar ad one lnskined nr tle ways ol the t.acle ould fo]low The torg m? Ihe vlihebtut nut have Fsued hmm 6n! caih Ed b rof you b th hdl ae tive md. You luphe sws ndin& ],ou tnow rhat one oi thm F-'] IT_I

129 is mw sl, but which tu? Yo and kary! Fa th.n rrpli*d lag, d yo! Ey ro diffi r'hich i! the nurddina ngrd yd *t ver.q hser loh@? Pioq, M4lEr oi de HMd!? tt:t GnndlErhq Zcldv. nb yd don 6 t ch.n dd $a, withar mtina by gel show ol whrt sif it done, pulls up the slfve of i.rkh.rd pue. k e to u eryofd Your 'ou bl@d 5talb to oow hot dd d.i( and dr collers it ir. rletln w@d6 howl. Tlp s/:fom ref dp wd!*l.fa ls wdd hinu0e3 mel you sr.n!o i*l li8llrtert d and soozja (Le 3 smrn poinb.)jut s n'inr you c gol^t to pas out 3!E 3LsdE lh. 'bu bl6.d- Ire' wtrh. podlie of ds drd ha quj.hy r,nd! rh wodd wiol. reip ol As y@ t t. ftd O! bl.edin8, Grmdrnorhd Z.tova 'mt ul6! stoppsr<l pud-hotd. lioa.6h U rnd wams lts@ntent! b r 6h.! the fie, Sh.drb! bundl of drid hsbs 6d th6 L. tlt.qrctim ld siffi, Ih.le u side ihe 6ttr8e is 6lcd wilh m.crrd.m. Aroth* h fl hou dd rhe potion i! Edy, Drint thb,' C6dndn. z.rov6 m.b,.hovi.g. hdetul ot vit.@ g-y-96 liquld in tont of yd EE

130 3r3 rhe buildng. No one cod.l snive,!ch a lau ed de Msting of the nre ohbined. Y@ advenh! is crexy an t abruptly ovei l13 Th dme s CooI Bool is in ra.t a b@t of sflb. M ol th chamt realden on the crbhed pafnn pa8 s in a rpidery hnd e.les or spte ied wizrd's love spells. HowEver thft b me..tch6 yu eyc/ a T.aBfigualon SFn d pabe a Porst cham a8.ict shn{n&86 Ta}jn8 ftne's C@t Bool witi v@, wil rcu] smple some oi the.@mction she w6 bdsybrewint? lave the litchd.nd izle ih.rh.. Pasgsay le.ding rrdm rhe Tlmb t ave dd asq.l lhe grmd sfaie* ro 0E d@bl d@b? Tm!o 339_147 rbu roxow th. passe;i p*r sd rtuoubh abd- 6 d oohs and ehpry epaces lhat app & ro have n oe dracleristig of d dimal e den hth r de, lahily Rr. Ar lst you cone to roth r -blmdt d of store rhepr ddr d*dd inro rhe Htul ot th..l(. d whtch rhe casde G bullt Do you wnr ro: Condnredown rh *shpr: Tlmtoz &tum ro the enhme halt and lake rhe left-hdd pa$aee? Tm aetum to the hru md clnb the srarrf lothedoubledobb yond? Thror!6 EE A rry fim tugs on rh graf hees jl hom rne mourh of.fttl ftl.clambenns rhroubh, yo! 5eroffalonE the reger in@inated pasabew.y A re yards tu;ther vou (qe to a jucri@, ot $6. To vtu rert 6 a - b.l ed eu d@r, md yd do nor hrve a k r. To your +nt dode pasreay inb;dki*. rnile.iir.rly iicad df ro(h-[r him l conbu. tit F-l

131 TIEE re only two vi$le ways mwr4 wll yd fouow th. pasgryay io the nght (tuh b rlr) a contink strai8llr alead (hrm ro,t:1)? 342 Th. nl5h part and tou rind yo6elf in sighr or d unasuming etone-bunt chapel, the slares oi fi 60l b.lhcd in the silvery light of the gibbous noon aha h6l b. thc ahrine lo Saint Ctucis, the laadon ol th. heallrg w ll you so d6perakly *k. Ih shrie st,n<15 ar the edge of a wind-blom spu oi ldrl, rlr woh tnat leag ro rr, lollowing tie PRiPitos lip ol Ely sa!?h6t thar dtuf away 1@ le r to the undulati$ ' eipallgof F@dad b yond. A hid6c howl dts thrcuth the nght, difing to! to thc rce and sdjns a thnll of dedlin tuhin8 tnou8ll your body. Yd hm to taf th spot vh.f te $ud ori8imhd dd * smethdg hig e.t bla.t dovins towrrds yd. It is a do& bul as b,t as a pon!: [s tur brisilina lit. a wildgts And yer n is lh..f.tuft nlz?-lfface that hdili s you mcl. O! dv buhs Ed, while tlp odrd is white nd blind, I'k iid orb ol the noon. The dog's davenn8jaws ae Inred wilh, dagteflike lan8s md ftob its h@yrpaws sprout chws thd nisllt gut. md with N powcrtul swipe Yoc wldth you swod Tk horoedue hirhisn$hct houd Etuwle mesuin! you up with its ore tood e'. Roll hdo di@ rih toll Elled js ls tne or egual!o you ro$9 Ir ir i5 SFarEr, hrh!or3 tit t+l t1t-t4 43 Aedir8 ho dre auerd of Ttu F n oj th. llo@ oj rv tr, tt'c rurina fahny 6r LupEvia has a lmg history ol tudl1s dd stran8t inbr d bchavioui Onc.h:ptd tumts a SEat barl. b hvffi thc Wdl N, who ae dewnded froh a bcg*kd bilbdf ian kihr, dd a vmpie bloodlin, lou8ht for conk l or thr prhcipaliry In thn daf th WuU6 fdnlly weft sm as chanpion of Good, but th. head ol lhe vampif cdt l]llsd the lamily with hie dyin8 lfu hdntispift of rhe b@k is dftor{ d with the Wuu.n Imily Ee, whi.h sho$ te lire ot d s6l toa DBgonir, fie frrsr lord ol Lupavh, thmgn b Cout VaEot. ad h! bfth e PDce CrEd And dmve.etitu ltai.6lle Ubrry. TM 14,rs you st a8aid E pcssd pupfe, th rihah Mionetc 'rbsl lhtint frch ad Frlin by dr n chi*rrhzrp reth, the dd of rh Etr

132 cdavo opd md a dioopd old hd aleg H. ir rtict-rhi\ s1di m ddly l. h ld - not uuile r dlalu te jn nis prcportios - dd le gl@r ai you &6 bdind a pa! of pitue@ 3p4rad6 'so, you would l* fo loow mf ab@t my PEious Pets, would vou?' h niss 'nm 30 be it,' With I surprisiisly sudden sov hdt th. old 6s huls. h6.ln! ol spdtlina Ed povder!t you. Thtr Ls. nash ed. p!.trof luid oim stute. Ai th. raor. cle.f ye 6nd youfr l@kbg up.r lh. mw rowdina PupFrndEr ln fd.r derfr nt.pp..6 b have 8tM in siz Nurd yd The old nr badr doh and pi.l6 yd up in ft ndd Yd l@e yu linre f ling stitr- ald6l woodd... Wlb dp Cimitd d6 d b its rexl d timli4 FDL wi]l ffid ar EE tnrricie detail ol tl' (fl d ;;6 6rllE i" d* p'.pp.r sifw Fddcularly srb Egatd io 6e der4tr or a *od-wi.ldin8 - F.gidlry d@'ed h@. Ytu.dvotuF is dd. 'd EE t1t-t17 'I\vo t45 hid6u! wolfilh ft)@ Eud ar the od ot th. dtrel. You fel rhat rhey e loping seal8ht towdrts yo!/ heds swayjnt IrDn sid l,o sid, simng de ail Th n oey p6 you hdhg placq wltn@t Erctiry lo you pl@e. dd you h rlbr ln plaeg lheir e.btu hi&s e hored md puled bel lo e..l b@bol,8!en-aeyhtdrdlorsn, adndh, Lar db. Th. I^r war8s - Bmtequ urdead w.e wolva, E pp.d in a mi'llpip rof drepfd l8rin. Yoo let dt you belt in a sluddqdg ligh of Wlh th. ihm.dialrd.ngsp.""d, y*p**d y6 6..t in ttl h,i of de dlsd tter de d@6 d rw ofr again &d y@ c able ro &. this lde ot rrotb ne is d v tp to <16 ud th6 wi!!. h.ydrd th. DqD.l! ot d* d.rt ro@'s 'u Fwd Il y@ h.v rhe <ldaotd &!td qiler m Jtu Aantut a,@, nlh to 160. ItMl, hrm lo ' llt. lqurti. cee's blood 5b]M8 d wrtr. ttu+l, ib 6rp* sir&e ba.k into de depth! Irm *hid it.f*. Lugs rtraining 6r b butst it j! ths tnrr yd 5kht6r whir nub6 oi bon betwa the qrdsled w4& turd tlf glint oi 8old, YoD rulc arspin8 ror oryg6, taling in hewhs lsatuld HnvinS EcoveEd yn bfatl do you wat ho dlve bn.t down lnto th Dool to se wha

133 Etride (tuh to 4q), o. witl ifag yous U dt ot the clin6in8, sliny water md '@ ontjne yru way ihough the eoods (ruh b 4s)? 143 The third ilmr oi the towe! is sp rtar y tumished.nd d<orated in ontiast ro the rcst oi the iwq You p.$ what deed to b a ndbd oi ceu doo6 leading tl'at lollows Lhe dtside wal oi th lower Reachlng a d@!, nbn udd which blws a chill nlghl bfeze, you stop [o lbien ed d het a snkh'sctut.h $und coning iiom or dther sid TryinB th. hadle you dihver ihat dr ddr i3 not ldted. If ]ou wanr ro open th dm. and ster or lm b yond, hrh io 35r Ityo wond BtlEl avekdlaltr, tum to7 v9 'Ooh, peny thin8s,' chu&r6 dp l,st of Or. wolt wmh d lfrd m artefact fem your b..kpa.k Bul what 6 y@ ofi. drem? If tou olf.r the blid r a C.het Rrn& a Gilr Mi.oi a Bl@4to. Amllet, or. Morotjone Amulet, hm to lr:. Il yo! oltd them a Silwer Mim., a Cham N cklace, a S'lv.! trtr uet5a lcl r, a SilvdclM, o a Silvs Dags, th ro t6a- It you have ll@ of dr aboe, $adj,l& then padere u&d up, the brid6 stark iwa.ds you (tuh!o 3oa) t5n You m niles lron Maur! pdsing tneu8h a rmbe of ln hils wrth the dly w din3 on/ when you rom in sight oi h{o ddk silhouetrd jutting up non the lmd*ape To rhe w6t yod cm 3e an uidentifiable rublilg!uin. Away to the east the Nlb riss l,owards ja4 d Falcs thar bol lite the teeth ol sone Earth Dra8on. a oeoutlineoloreofths Poak is obsor.t by a elid.itd<lel-like shuctue sfu she mil6 away the dd spll6 ar ihb juctue ft Mtin north duluth ln hills, whil a ls well-trav.i d kacl winds away hto the hibh r hius!o lhe c6t The is rc lmg r my.l arly defined p,rh ha.ling io ihe lrln ro lh w6l Mindtul of tle appgcn of nighth!, wil you Rt r ar rhe cri,del away ro rh edt (hh ro f), hv6rigrr. de ruiro ro de w6t (hh to 5) or sihply keep 6.lont the Md you N touowine iokdds vrbennof nn 35r Under the hulting adlfs relenrl63.ttack, you nouder dd shdbl ba.lwrds ovtr tle edbe oi lne rcoi of th.niage. And ths you * falling, Pltueting io tu death at 0E botton oi Cftu GoiE, the sragdgcn, with 0E w Eb dt E.in8 h FMph atol it, r@g away into tle ni8hl. Yolr E] FN

134 351 I]l F is nothing EoE fo. you hee At the Id md of rhe bbqueting hal, a mgniiicenlly.adcd w@ds d.ircaf, svefd with a ri.h t, leddr up to yer cnoth! set oi double doob, Ta!.ing a decp bfith in m nllenpl to sleadyou ndv6 md teep the beabl within at bat4 you akm.l th staituse. At th. [op you DauF b IoE th dolble dmrs. The ol lhe Houe ol W Ian has bd laed aaos $.m both. (Now is you.nfte t6 hatr my 6nal p p{atioc vou may wbh to b.fon otering de hiah6r <hanber oi Casrl. WuXa ) You Elllv ofn fi d@6 and ItP cteler b y@d E m eidple of opulmr +rsdou. FE lap ris Hek th vals, dttquc ardhe rues da de nq, ai lit by Lient+plftbr8.r)Gr.l.h,rd lr B How@d, ae4t n3 htu e air of kgl.d ataut it. Th. t tsti6 ft tdd d rd dav $e rugs satd.d dd Fay d. ltre ddnd li6 dulld by grift F m d bya tan winrtowdiftdy in frnr ol vou is d omtdv.anrd den, tlmelile in its magnifer. Sitting sloucn d, irr l g, G me yd rgngni* ftod th. portrlit 8.U ry you p6*d tmwh. A tousle<l noc ofbey han hbbs do9n totln shodldef, shot lhfugh with a sheal or luboe blacl. He is wedlng M unbulloed jaclel, erposing a ruffled shirt beneath, md rlne blact trews with lqeelencth bots, Thc han is dfiklv hudrcfe, the visible skin olhis chcst. armr md hands.ove@d wit! ffie black hair r e i! toyins with a p wt r goblet in ore hmq and on his middl. trtr

135 ringer yd notic. Sold 5i8n l M& a lt 6kh6 th. Utht. In fidt ol lh..hnir ti. two hube wolve. Th y w.r.hy@intd ry wilr 6ld, urblulht yeln 95. Fd hb Fit, de lord of cai*le wuli6 wrlde you Fi0l ldglid inrcgt a y@ reide slowly, yd conf idmdy, towards hih. 't t n inboduc nyelf,' th. nobls u sf. 'I m CouI Vamla. Donl worry about inhdeing yoc!.lt I tn@ *ho H. $ife th..l 3rE+ry. 'Yd e ny bdths's k lq But let thrt not sbnd b tsa 6 dd hmdship M@ import nd, y@ you ai that tru ajll h.s to o(.r y@.' Inw.rdl, eery woltuh 6bE 6l you b.6t howl dul lhie i5 th. AEh.Lycsthftp., th. IiBt of th. w@olt bloo<uln, th. one whoh ed wh6e dmif wi! Ire yd &m yoe vile (w. Dut you cn ot h.lp bah8 bld.b..t. Th lette wh@ d6dryo{ hrve d slert 6om tle@eti5 olt ringyou th..rdm to pin witll him. And hjs a@eam tuy hrve givd yd th. pdfe.t opporhuiry rd rid ih edld of hi5 eil. rvtu yd bd, 6E rh. C@t ir thc hof that tru *dl b. abl ro reil whd hi5 Sudrrl i5 dm (hrm to ttr), o! wll lou einply draw your w rpor wl$ no such pek!4ce (tuh [o a7)? Lt t_1 35t In th botloh oi ylu p*t ya flnd a hod. of tn. 8r,Fn6' wdlo u d o!lb&d! dd de tuah lor 2 lrall (Artd lhe ihs to yd Addtrt Shat tnd EA,in I Lvcr Fnt,) Yo ruy drink the vodh wh6evu vou wut, but olft e or v tl@ tob in th. horoe lh*e! note ol thir!r wdl). Th. vodl i! tbhs srlrf: adr tdt toe, rlxm poinl! Aut de nqr dft yd e ibtu rd b T6r ldr 5b].tt r &nhng, you met redr tru ssu by r polnt. Ho*@er, de drink abo io.d66 y@ oru.g. $, id tle durid of tle 6r b.trb t@f'aht.nadntllll& ydh6y i@t@atbcl sb68th by 1!Dt\i Thoitisdn to be on you w.y 351 Cr6.r' t rodld - rre dlw 66ing th@gh tn blood! porqt.nd Ft6ti6!y Ltri. As ytu slowly b.efotru inr,o ttet o1. wou wracted by dippuis p.nq L@ a rurn^ pohie and ldd I trlm Finl to yd crrmse. Uyq s@ive thit bof%.nin8 h^fo'rutid, hur to rh. p.f Shph with lh. 9m. nunh r u rhe m yd re hll FshucH io EiE dom 6 yn A.rtuLuE std'. Y6u 'utm' (d 'e(' as you rry to rhinl ud a s- vinchg q(@ 6 O! sf;t l,lhlf r wmg wjrh yout ihouldq?' Ktu <l rdd yblutb dl You w4 rdr 6h aw@ ot 0c rhat y@ w4 frd'ht yru lhourdawnd E&ing!oth vfibll.eds.sqdds, td Eit

136 wflhout ev6 a by you ldv, Kwad rips ofn your hut dd s you wousile lor hire!. He gaf in homr dd tala. c.p ba.ic Surp.L*d by his Fa.iia you glance sid.w.f at die shodd.r wmd yoleu. You yd om appax.d.ry of db8cl as you s* th.t r.he ltin 6dfu6dln8 the injuy i! now brttlins wilh thl.k bla.l han (Add 1 cl,nc! point.) B.Ior ]ru know what is AoinA m, you m{d ard bmdl d et ol de im. You rin.t yag U out C llk vilage squre 4ain, sllru.led by a not' oa vilaah, pho ae spoiling for a fitht. Tum to You rind youeelt in a cbnp packed lo ovef nowing vith bekcas, th shelv6.rdnd witn dustt.m, l,rye lelnd+oud volllrc ard rcuen slls lhe dgty an hels semsly oi mulderirt paehmmt.rd Fttin8 lerh r 'I1FE is anothd dd in a adja.enr wal betsa th lp.rrin8 bmkak Do you wmt to the mm by thir dd, withoul d layins (tum ro 33), or would you Bthd 1in8d. while in dl. abbet! arhiv to N wrdr you nighr 6re.n frcrn its d6ty rer& (tuh ro ad)? 35? The aft lour tom6 which hawe pafiolarly autht you. attenrion, but wh'cl one would you lik io spmd 353-t6o qanthnq: rh. Cte Eth? wruta Tlniorit ctt@\foll btqltp@ir2 nmbld 3t3 'Hav it you own wata the old wohm sa, i sbry. Taldg a sloppcrd boftl Imm a shell, she warm itr conhts in d!tull.addm over the fire. She adde a bbdl. of dn d habs.nd thd le.v6 lhe mccrtion ro silfti Th. dc an icid lh. otta8e is fi! d f,ilh m aaid atrhr tubdrs h.]f s hou dd tle totim is rrdy. 'Drink rhie,' Giddmothd Z lova olrmands Bhovhg a ladletul oi visoa 8Fy*M Lquid in honl ol you.lips. Holdin8 you Me yo! swauow de po on in a single EDlp, hoping not to ljste ii. Althou8h you Ie l no imediat etrkts, the Pohon will slow rhe bnfom.hon thrt dp lytrtkopy is wortin8 ufn youphfi.2r lod ($!hrr : hom you chde *@) Now hrm l,o fte old womn drop8 lo he! tne6 crying, 'Spd ne md I.m help you dcle.r the lod oi Castle llulfa, dp ultitut vil Fwd in.! of lu?hvi.. ItEt G why you'f h@ iq't il?'wlll you l t lhe wikn ln, in de hop. th{ srf piu pbv. tsir. to te eord lhln io 16!) or will y@ 6tuh h- now, wnle ytu h:ve tle choe (tum to 5o)? fir Fatl cfttt Hoe cfwtrtd, Evil Nn E6: A Hinor! qfi. Ctnn I@ Thbrt 360 You N hallwry.crn th.outyad when a sh.dryy T dlal lod MEi:tser i! lrdnt ot you. Yd E%ni* EF teisnrc, bauit fdtu6 of 0E slud. Etr

137 'Ih NdFrg spece o, rhe Countess Isolde has con. [o st p you ev r leaving he. domin ot s.nd hdwisitu oly wenc@n@ upon you. You qiu have nr hiunph in one IiMl battle to *ape the Lady or VAMIIRE WIAI]}I lf you win bur the wcidl wouded yd, tuh to 397, It you ove!6me dre codtess sfct.l iom wid\our s6rdi^hg dy injury, Egain I LUcx point md tufr J6r opding ih d@ agdt d by the srdeh ol 8llfu and a sbrded bsrrint ot winf a dr birrls mn}jna then hme in de clelrtq N distuled bt ytu srddo anival Ih mn opa ro tle dd Itmsh a large archd opmin8: Mmchbne 's m@ lielt stree the lilthy 106r, ghdin8 duly lrcf rh. srwp black b 2l3 and ob6idid tilon of tle thmt ot huae nws tnat haw mde de.hmbd th ir honc F:t E--t J6a-6t n ir dws d d alding md the bids d certairlly not leppy at you inhsion. How-.ver you cd also se son dtng ele grhting in the tuodignt dmg L\e leatles ad mtr loveing oe [@r Do you wat to t]f rav@'tust to d.nn thi!'ee6w'(hm!o 3?5) or wilr you ]sv md quit th bird noor t@ (hh to,? 362 PE$hg on lhstrgh m windin8 thmls, yd to a slon shire rhat leais up dd dt oi the r$bey 6t@hb6 It is obvin $at me nali8n pok rh.d in{ 5t d ih A}h yof dr.bla.kmd csand thit rhe pla.e is now rctr6 ho dr. of. At dre iop of the sref. tw pasg *ay l6ds away reft (tum lo..) dd rishl (tuh ro 106)- tbl Wthout krwina how yd *n [o haw ddelo?rd 3e of dift.tid! whi.his noth.hfrd by OE p'tgd 6f th. din8ing fog dd d*p@t 8l(m. It E almdt a ir yd tu men yru way ['rcuth $ris tackra w d Ics. ar you mar you w.y rlont spie of &y gturt, lr1.eghg to std ot the N{ing swmps ai dound yd, dg erie soud of a c{dn wa FadE you ds. OrLe had on the hni ol you swod you?es on, lbping td reach the stuine belore you net whatwq it i5 tnat i, matjn8 that molhful noise. Tum to 342 EE

138 rq wdr the het morphos.d Bl*k Wdd d..d, toc *.(h hd chanber Roll two rlie sd dd t1 Thir i! rhe btal nhber of Gold Piar you 8l*n lrcd {h. tloor of the cave. tou also fbd. ot p.arb, worrh 6 Gold Piec,. Silvs Cswn, worth 10 cold Plec, ad g mtond worh r c.ld PL@, R lln I wd poift. lodght th. s,pi.terqus in hd hn.nd wd ror yoofff a hg'. tuolr' wt* *i[ yd go frm h@? To bav dr. eidefini6tdl dv. Mteort artoaede rd, tuh to,ra r yd would nthd lfp qplding ihe win y@ de dm!.r vir te rblacte-hug '::@, tufd (tm ro s) d lh! olr8' nfie rlftl (hrm td aos)?!65 T.hrt ct th Silv6 h88a tu tdld in rhe D&.. Pir tou w th..tir86iinp d rttlq holrciry Nil ftdn il This blade ol pc sdvd ha powa 06 th mgd md.tcr- If y@ chg. ro R$r 0E ntuis, yd dulr do s with tou Ar[cr stedlr ndu<rd b, t poin(, but y@..e potnte d.tut., Elhs ftan n Eud z!..tin8 thi! intom.don in nind, Ftum to 26a md mnlr Mothd doic, trtr 366-te/ tffi You cdmot b li.v. it yu ple is hising! o'e oi 0t gl?!l$ h!! rcbhgcl tou. CG 6ff rrr yw nmrtr{rg Gold Pi*s ed le I LU.( p6r. Yd hnve no ldo wh@ th. gypd6 n.v. gm, th@ ir tu *7 'Y@ l6tlit yd ould do with mdlft to 6r lft(.dd InMN poinrs).5o,' te priesr ef o@ t@ hrv..e+'whar hd boq8hl yn ho Ei4 3nrire of s.hl Crudq m<l e ruler with th d66 lh!cl?'wn{ wul you teu th pri6r? th.t you h.v bcn tukd with Irrdnthrcpy &d sk a G? that you.f 6. qu.t to rid tle Lnd ot dll.nd kk Etr

139 she t ro hd. She mt suppess her g,sp ol You ft in a small cidbd, ils walls plastercd wil -d ad 'lhis is the cst oi the How of wuu6, rhe the dust-covertd stuouds oi spiddl w b6 WIEie ine hof of Lupr.via, sh aalau' her vorce made ln * wtbs dusthavebeen very large md av tng 'l-up..via is a dsed lmd and theils is a 61 tre vef a great nmber of thm Ar you n sed bl@dline. ft stori s slrcudd the WulIen cautiously acmss th cnmber, you notice two v e e nml dd t 6ble. tiles ot nightmarish boud bundles. lmm OF look of it, the h{o bu rtee, p pl beba blq fom thei! homes, eacn onbin a ua]l, humoid body and yd 8el urdd and madnes Casde Wdlen t-s ar the rmpqsionof grrnskinandpointedears. youw e+pointofuupravia in theiooth sol th osov to linge. a wh e longd md *arn de boud bodi ourah' It is sid to be a sinisler snadow ofwhat it hm to 35. ]f you wodd ratlpr leave widr delai s in moe prcspercus tih6 Thft m stdies of which ent will you ble out of ih cave? roters Ming the stre E ol wdfdsie4 the a8 drat lies ho@th the c6tl, wh re p ople A hmel iron wnicn a ddp breeze live constmt fea., blows? Tmtot as rhe howlns or won6 ad wo6e uts OFr A tumel with 6 obvio$ Fam oi 8hts Tle wfttched peopte oi tnat ed place raely vmtuft Id 6om hone. fte des NIad Prince Apudderoo d passagewayt Carcd oi OE Wulten lmily hare ched wm d ld as th e w@ds. It is said that ne fee the conpsy ot wid beatrs!orhatof hoan in8s dd fm what we have Mtnessed this nighf I i ve that th tu* You t [ Grmdmother Z4ova how Ltich hacted on the Wullen line is de ar* or w rewolf. It was carcul who injecred you wil\ the wefwolj s pab when tou were first atta tlmpy. If how it Med into a hlnd hmd aftemards, md ]ou ar to 6ape that tuse you net t him <tom and finish what you started lef. You Op Sigmt Ring you fomd d dr middle fingei t dstroy the head ot the wecblod.lin berof me re it,' de old womm demmds, so tou lalc it FJ F;I ndmotle Z lova has givm you infoqai:on rhai do notldng but h lp yd h you qu6t oj the csed drsede you ite the codewdd Au*.i on tou Adwlr@ s/,ar trtr

140 J70 i70 Iuggin8 ba& a pi{e of cmvar, you duck inside. You rait, you nean racing/ I'sidin8 as the omd6 ol the micd pa$ by md then disappd, 6 they.he& eothdpdtof fiecdp It is then that you h d a drt EPid ratile b hind you dd L\e sdaping of s.ares on tu n@. B iore y@ cd evm hm tuhd md pdl Fu sword fron it! sabbad, you r el sonething ti& and mukdd sljd dun t y@r legs and Fap Jou qthin ils Mki.tin8.oils. You ae boddy puued bud ro fa.e yu 6saildt. A lanp F buming mryh re so yd ce nake out the hid@us letue ot L\e Gahft det has Nar d ]ou. li is a gror6que dal8d of mk and womd. lhe qlper half of he! body is hmm, although ioblly hades, he! fhg r eils lmg lalo6 and her face msshapen by ophidin!att6. rtun ih waisr dom rhe is 4riEly se+d, tne, dd he! whole body is coveed with mottled rmwn m.l geo *ales Ilie nostd f!\6 you wior t o.angeyeuow eyes an.l a lofted tongre darts out b.rten hd lps, her dy of disggt at ytu inhui@ a?itting h'ss. The irdo6 malewonm op4 he. tudh, hdjaw streknins hornbly wide a,l qpotng thg. obra's fangs. Y@ gap 6 df o' ls hghts.bout F! with bdffihing 1orc. going ro have b hght you way lre, and ldt. SERPENSAlli! E fc you.d rackle you adve$ry in the slar wat Fu ft Eoing!o haye!o ir yoser iim hd du6nnb coils. Fight this battle with yor Atta.r sk ngft trtr

141 172_3n,?2 As wi0r my oiher bahle, you nave time ro use Lhc tubow one befoe Varct'c E on vou sri,t rr tou su<ged, your csbow b;tr au$j the on tne able below b dtsrer vhat damge y6 Attock Roud Altac*nd Dotuge Cmtricting coib - l@ I srrmn^ kordin8lt if you woqrt hin w*h bolr cobra'sri$ her laus deliver a pojenos bit. L@ 4 fl rrn^ Pomb tud 1 SKLL Poh!. Tail-ldh - a swipe flom her tait tndtl yod oif you f ot. LoF 2 5TAMNA Poinrs dd Pdw you Ariet ShEngih by 1 fo! the tutr A[act Round as you snlggte to siad 371 As you pas bheatn thc gatcho@ and leave rh Tearir8 talon le2s MrN^poinrr ff you mmbe to slay rhe Sna].@onm, hln ro t8r. 1V or tne tir b@rs listed below, which woutd you I*. to spmd sore hof rin FNing? EDil rnd Eies AHklorya!theadrc t4att hnpy Th ctq ol E w.tutfr Crynn'CFolk lort of Ltpttuid? trtr trtr

142 374 Thele is a loud crctl 6 6e pistol fes. A splil *cord liler you gasp in pain a rh bulr* Nts yd (los! sr MrNA poinfs)! How.m Snosdy burbts injw I living bein& yn {ddea lool.jn8 dom at the spla$ of rchopldm on ym leao r hric whee lhe bulld shuck, feling a luhbing, i@-cold enetion h yoe ch.6t. You e dragged ba& hom you nusin8s by. shdut of, 'Have ai youl'eod dle pheton Highwrt J75 You af not halfiaay a@s when the bir& htl ofi lroh h n p Eh6 dd sw@p at you, Fying t, p{k out you ey6 dd sl.h you lre with thd hard blact t log Youe lok d lo delmd yolnlf. UNKNDNESSOFRAVENS sclz rrnrn^3 Ii you defeat debids you.m rake it orat thm rav6 still aliv Fhm to drn pdns but continu. to car harsny al you d mage LLuouSh lne filth covering L\e floo. 'ou (add r ro you sofl Anmg ih &titu you 6nd a iohl of ro ^lm Gold Pi. a cloed silve. L.clet or a den, ad nost disof cetugly of au the skelet@ ol a mo pi.ked.lean b_t ne ouldemus birds Ii you wmi!o open the lock.t bm to r94. li not/ you may tak the lcket and Gold Ph@s with you (addin8 thm to the Equipnent Lir o\you AdMtutc Stuet) 6elorebavin8 the loul aviary Fn F-l t76-t?e t?6 tl rote of the bullei shikjng you Gels lite being dubh sih a sledgehamd dd back sa.ds. Pain burns thrcugh you shourder lile molld qui.liilvei You have never loom a ssation lt it dd howl in a8ony in 6poM Tle bullet nw lodged in you! shodder w6 fashioned fron silv r, a metdl rhich is to you ly nthropy drfd kind, &d will hav a pemdmt debilitatins efi.r on your b..ty (Lo* 4 sramrna poinls, I sm point and l rucx point.) tlrivm by pain indu.ed rabe and a furiob ftd for v ngedce agaitut you. agtesive.*ilmt you n r th m in (:Inbat. Tum r,o,93. 1n Il e blickmilh howls a l,ru shite hin, clutdjng hjs.ight toeam wler you haw wounded hin (lge I ruc( point) Iha y6u lgr aother dredtul howl tnn b6ide you md $meihq8 claws at you wirh apdly xtending bl@. t e 2 flmrn poinls and J7a OE or thc gypsies has leit you a ppsot. Inside you. pa& you tind a Mlrmbdtu Afrulet. If you waht io keep dr treasule/ yod plt it on arcund you! neck. BewildeEd by the whituical behaviour of the mftenous Morlmi, yor go on ),ou! way again lhmugh rhe for st. Tm to 5oo. F-l Fi-l

143 JN ito hed you say tlet 61ls me with mwed hope,'vd ftchten declc (Ad.l 1 LUd point.) 'Th E jr sde fting elf I n6t yet do, so lor now M pa$r mrst pdi, but l@k lor ne a8ain [onomw ni8ht at lle house oi Doktor KaOn the sdrgeo4 in Mam. We md go about ou work d ou mdie6 do, dder cover d dalloess, but at otr dt retina I slull fleal an co! min8 os mutual qudl As a sian of my faidl in you I Siv you tlris,'the VdpiEHmter says,lendin8 you hb Flintlo& Pbtol ad a leatid Fouch conbining six bmd Snver Bu]lels. Add thef iteg to yow Adwtun Shod, a\n9witlr t\e codeod (lt you wdt to find out more about hoq to ue ti. Ilintlo.k Pistol, you may hm io paegraph 4oo at di tims making a rcte of dp peasrath you are on at tle tihe tusr) 'until tono'ow vd Richten F s by way of f3rewell, ed the ^iehr,' he is gom. You spdd L\e Et or tlp night in titful slep wha you wal. in r.\e nomns!o a dull SEy mistydawi! you Ft od wid\our fuder delat Tm to 25o. 33rJ31 33r 'r fhat do you 6ink yd af doing?' screds de first, as you off r the brde Lhe s ver objed. Thm, tifi a snarl, she l aps at you, biting your Mist md mking you drcp your proljeed Aft. bse 2 srena points ad 1 srrlpointand hrrn b jo 'so, ah I ord?' you ask the wzsed!:rewonm. 'Have you nd me ofrhe Nrse ol the weieor?/b fore Grddrnothd lova cd Nw., a cl'ling hwl cuts rhrou8h tne ni8hh iron oulside the cotage. 'Spirils p6ed 6,she Basps, clulching the necuace ol ch.m ftmd her throat. They'E backl' Ulrich hui s io ddbl {he( that the im-boud oal doo. 'Ihe htul is joired by ooe! hpine,.omlng Irom ai mdnd de mtiage. Ihe wolves have Crmdmoiher Zekda's cottaa sllftmded. T11eE is 330 Wfth wnimying shrielc of te@r, the hors a6opr to leap the 8ap in th broke bridgp. But they ae fati8led after tlen Eddc dese tlwugh the Io6L Thei! hooles.latte. agaigt the opport edge oi the bridg ttut ca@t find purchde, md lulled dom bt fie weight of b hjnd then, the hof Plhge after it inro the gap'ng.lem You dd Katya follow, pllrlmeting!o you deaths m th jagbed tucks lar bdtr You advenh@ dd5 hft. F.I F-

144 a sud.len, drd totauy uexf.r d lap.t the d6r, wriih ruk s the old wom st rr dd Llrich tirhr.h his g.ip o the de. And thd cm6 n voie lh.i you will nev* ioryet 6 lm8 6 yd live 'Utile pi$, Iittle 'Begone, ni8lt ft.tuft ' Grmdmlh r Zlov, s@tr. Id. m6mdt dr only $Dd i! the snutlint rof O!@ttaBe Tie relalive peae b violddy bstm by heoe tut5 'lrt re i+you wftcled yin!'rh n levolot- y.l refiftd-nua-dinevoicff rinu6'mybdthe6rnd Iwishtodirow fiyd.and yd won't kt E in,i ll hu( dd I'n Ptrtrmd I'nbPal ny w.y in/ Th llllea m's s{rpfl of.aa s!o tsnlom inro d undifily hql. The wor pad tat up th..ry aid dep i6ide emerhins shin!o Nwer deir 6ll. Roll h{o 'rq die md the loral reucd is ls trd, or 'f.guar k', your drmt!3t-35.tunc! m, tum to 416 If il!33 B ror. you kroe what's toing on, a lare flar store in thecenft of thecavefl@r qhichyouhadn'tnoti@d b.ioe - flips back like a llapcler dd a huge, radnid rith tilthy, nati d brcm nr kaps out of tie hole ad lrabs holtl oi you w'th po@rtul linbr. BeIoF you 6n fighr you way fte, the timr spi.l{ Fatdd!@r skin with th tips of ils vmonm lmbr 0N 2 r^mrna points). and 6En yd re lre, sord dram, GLANTTRAPDOORSPIDER sk!17 rdn 3 U you slay the spid r, yd l6k lor a way out (tuh t) t34 whkh oi tlle lollmg b@ls fom V@tic'libEry lould you like ro sfnd sne bme ovs? nnfd oftte Ho@ ofwdffl2 t+d,thtryt Tlp Cu6e of El'vsaLriP CryddbFotk-hreofLap@k? TmtoJ4s Tllmbt1' Tlntord trtr 335 s.rpene the SEI wond li6 d@d.r you feet, he. teprilid blo.<t saking irlo the packed erln of tne 3@r (Re8aln r LUcx Fint 60r prevailing in such a duu nginb iight d.l add the cod word lterrt to your tdunirls Sr.d ) You ar crtain that one of the circuo

145 folk mst have heald you seaggling with L\e snar: womd so, what ve. you d4ide io do rext, you nur act quickly. WiI you leve dle tent and 4ee tl'. Camivale imedialely (tuh!o 29), o! do you wad. Farch rhe tent tust (tm to fu wnd pnest jmps up i6n his sal 'BeBoE ftatue of ev l'h. r.laift, n6hing ba.t to the ale ad takin.!o *!e silwer cs m mor! 'So that t how yn.ouid domimt the shd.k. You ad the ded dog e kindred spinhr H spits th worib out 6 it they m poim. 'B g@, md nder ddtm my dd againl' lmth tler he thtuts tlp fts at yd, whi.t shns b gln w'th holy li8ht. Ydu fe lits Pdd Fu would a reked flajm agajnst you skia it bll6- and you f el Ep led by rt! You cmot bea. to strt h re any longer Civingao'e to you om llnl a8ony you from $e ddp l np pn6/s brishi ore has rako 'U a DhEical tou on vou as well. Los t sr MrN points dd r rucr point, adding r to }! trtr 337 You spdd the Est of dr night Dndd tte stab dd ome tle mming, by da-n 3 wm light, yo! d6dd trcm Lhe tuiing mooe t6 tle waley-lyinb setn mts rd the a3t. As you do so you cahh sisht of a nock of blrckbirds cidr8 in th sky ove. a spot s@ nalf a nile away to tle nsth. Sach benaviou sutgbts Ore bnds nave fnd $rething m d6 wild pl4e. Do you *dt to bre a.livefon norfi/ to Fe whar you night t romd rfiee (hm ro 243), oi w l you mtjnde eat, re& b the road (hm bo 6r)? 367 IrF WeEwa$ di6 on the end of you sword wifi a SrEly m(h. You l ap dom lrom you hof 1o xa9a's aid - but you ft l,oo labe, The w@hht r's opponot li6 dead in th dirt, Katya oi th Crimon coar ryin8 rext to ib Blood pd6 6om ldible la htiotu.ll ov r hd body and as h i yelids nid<er open you already tnow that she is not toing sflive hd wmds. '1 lne I'm mt mu.h bn8d fo! dtis world,'sne scuttas, gdglin8 d h r ownblood,'butdo t let my d ath be in vain. Thpp i! a ituidioe sil Doted in this llace, one fiat nm? ad irs nalicioe trlfluetre thrcugnout ai Lupravn. Root it out, put a md to it - 6R Lupravia fon 0P cu* ol *E llbr 'And 6en sre E g@e. B.rop wifi yoq qu6i alore, yd nay tdre Katya's crc$bs, ri you wish. She ale shll has it s verdpp rl quarels!o u* with t Having c6r q a bnel?hyd for KatFt d paned soul, ro rhatevd Sodsmight stillelisrening [o m as taind 6 yous U, you ate! Cstle wuuh T1n lo 5to. F-'I E':I

146 AnhoWI you.omio6 mind lels you th re is roilu8 to l d, dd that only you d Ee the Daughtd lrm tneir itireld! di.ment, as they srlnud you with their spilaling dd you $F 6Mi@s ftafu dut sometlring is de.ply,rcng. he wmings 6f ytu subcotrcious mtnd ae iod sjron8 to Esist ad you ushatie you. swo.4 d ep belm th suface of 0F pool. You lash out at tle nysterious maid s, who bpak ofi then sirging md stuiek like barch4s, dartin8 away mto the sm ddkar deptls of the p@l As amrnes Fbru you Eali* tiai }!ur lugs are buming, despelabe fo! you io ta&e a bearh of lresh aii letinctively you lick out, in d efion ro each the surlace, as a cold, scaly h$d dops alud you antle You loot dom 6d &on the sreo Bl@n of the depthles p@l a houifi. visage ri*.it appedeto be smj humdoid md fendlemd y.t at the sne time it mjnds yo! oi a siniste!, $aggletooth dwat.dwener The wonm'sblrgin& 8la$y ey s ft e]@ oi a tro* whne le gaping maw i5 nued wfth ftdl +ha+ pike's tetl ' You luv c6me bcetcface trith the he elddtal powe. of dre DoMing PooL lrr wabefw'id. with you sword dedy lie of it scabbdd you fighl to free you*u tom tie fish-wommt.lutds. U td dereai you opponmt in fryer Aitack Romdt lhm you cllmt s(ll rof, tum to 34?. ll not, you lin.lom!e6oe tru cd aa esale the.old 6$ra.e olth?edabory watd w'yd. Etr

147 ,39 thar you.e dotng it you lind you$elt Fowlina back at rh ce.he, Alrhe8h you shod youru, shdt the <lhohi. dog dd hof, ItE ows tefo you, ralishg $at it sidr hm r rible rhe ie lt S izina the initiativ yd.kfte dp hefhourd wili You sod befof rt d Egain ib lmp6@. Nw tm to wh E you will 6Bht l 6ire but b IoE doing e }!u hay redue its 3eu $oe by I Poirt dd itl sramrna by 2 poinlt. 390 And *'a at tdt yd fin.t yourelf at the g. of Cisde l4tltol d6hl hone of tlre lord!.a Lupftvir Yu heiahtaed 6inal ffi a sd de Rk ot de h,cc.bout rh plrc, md yd Eali* ddl you ha@ lomd th Lir of tn lydihbp ya hav bq hstinf, v r situ. the Blact WoU inled d t9/ 'ter fd m aganr toht'@ rsh at thc h.@ d Dokror Ve RichFn's words!o yd,.rd now $at yd haw E d d Mau, y@ hav itr oppo uity to s*r wuh rhe vdpif Hdrer acd Md 6nd our!r the clanderin q'ai L ke of in nushed whjlp s at you laet neeting. Do u wor to l@k Io. the how ol this DotLor (alka, ilh the inidem of nelirg with Vd Ri.hh.gain ld au), oa ilyou (@idd ym Mm.tdr.ljlg be of de uel6r impq6ne, do yo! wdt to p.s thmgh Mah and stine ydn w.r (tuf to.hb rina ovd a lfte, )@u b gir to cs the a6i fiat th raln-sdds Dislw h6 brche, ugh de neara njr!.nd uder a oveedt rty t speads ie pall ac! the bam tandsole lile du5ry llude of njgnl ibeu, you ind it herd to d;shnr sh.g d the otnd si.te oi the 6eld. soing is hard, th thkt nd sutir a al y@ ts, You e halfway a@ eha yd IEr a 8tuf tin& ed thc cbntjns ol d im b ll and tln h e!o s a nmeoue bovi@ (EhE g.uoping s the field tow.ds you, dplffhr8 thdugn tre!d,lou woul.t lave e.i.t lt was a cow, wef it tut r the brd.hin& 6rbrlt. hon, claw-split how6 sva8e tuks pmtrudl^g hh betf@ ulcerated But whnl.vd it i!, y@ tuve b fight n. VINE BEAST yd 6ght yd 6rd rhc suddns ud htrff Unles h:ve ln. i.ft.rng s?@al ability o! Lr,erufll 's VtgNL yo! Br Edue yn ArEcr SMerh by 1?oinr f\.r rhe.tion of thrs batd.. Ii you win, tum to 4!.

148 19t I8or's s(ond blow uibalfts you dd toppl ba&wads iioh the stais [o land in d ll@mi@ h ap at tle bottom. Lo* d additiqel 2 sramm t94?oppine opd de lo&t,ou tu.l youfu gu lpon tle niniahre porkait of a stdlin& platinu haired yoms wo'lra It is so realisec you hav a.lmift tie skill ol the artist wle painted n Ir io t ar your y6 auay lrch the hautug beaxty pofta' d dere, you begin!o fe l as if tl wona is l@[in6 bacl at yd. (Add r to you al scoe $d mke a not of the codqoi(l M1crtu yov Ad@twe Shed ) VMeNe4 yd nd the lo.kt ^ oui thrcugh the adled window and M lrom ti. 395 As dwl fals. you l re the im wfth Kdad Ftum!otheviUagesquft,whe agtuuporv a86 has gathft4 Ihey widr deryding 60r bow dd aftws to ffi and shon swordi, evd pit.hfo*6 - d'rning rh y.ould lay th n The people oi Shtgbiva hav t m bel@*d by dei sp ckal a$jrams for T@tht ihey going [o fight back ad lay their dmos!o 6t l4hen au e ready Kwad ldds the bev SaiSoiv towards the suthm dg oi th vjiase. Ag hut E lite our of de sqltr they dip their wdp6 396 hto the water that has cou<bed in a stone bo-l tulside a shi^blerlad bu ding witn a rruhed gold 6im dohe fo! a mof, The p{ple nut! r!o rhenslve dd hate cuios g6tue with their h6ds as rhey do m. Som. evd splash thhselwes uth the rater soon it i! yd who b p.sing the bowl. As you do s, do yd wdt ro mimi. the vil.gds by dipping the tip of you sword h ure wate. (tdm to 4o7), by dashing $n of dle wal r d yoff lac (llmto 43r, or wiu tbu do ne rd md simply folow the othd out of or rinage (hm to t97)? 796 A loud cncl IrDn abore you slus you on alory tl tllrel dd tha, ufi a rha4 mp, a rccky rpea hfak fte of th tum l ceilng, The heart stalactite dfps d the n@trou spider wom squezes he.- sllhddeth. Th stmspedcrush6 0Emrrler's dis'orted sklll? k n8 it istandy (ReSain 1 lud point.) Ii yd wht [o hm ho bo sfth the chdbd, hm to 364. rnot, t6 io 12, tre

149 t? Ron orc <trc. U yd mi : 4 the ch inb, Bnctr to!.h oi the Vampiress wrafth has a-lso drained t s&tl poirl INh you. r you lol a 5 or 6, yo! h r lortlebely,woid d this etra.tam.g. Th lo 373. r93 'Th@ who eould dn chnrrdse vm Ri.hta VaDpire Hunt r xtrdoldinaie tud.hahpion of LL light, will neet md in right.$ batde. So do I drc!' As is e ot m the she l will *tt!. your diesrmt wfth oe pdddd vmpif tlunid VAMNRE HTJNIER Ij you hiuhph in you shltgle agaist the vampie Casrle, you will ontinue bo supp6 rho populae of Luprivia b6.afi the yoke ol oppes6ion, as mon *oc 6 tie lat. Your advslue s ovei 399 Cout Varola.'s E{ikn6, as yn sbn.t dee panbng to.beath, youhuma awam6 rapidly being blcn over by rhe iclal istincts no$ conhonmg you. chn8ed bodl. The co.p* spfg and lalls linp again, as cnokin8 bla.k nor b BiG b pou out ot the Alch-Lycdthrope's sla& naw ne snoke takcs on the fom of a sava8 woli{reatre y6 8l@in8 red. The ituub6lzrrial ddoni. fom rushes into your own Saph8 mou$. Ihe lasl thought ihat pa$es lhough your ba ly di5$lvha comioe n6isurealt tid rhat rhe d60n hd foud a ne*. st on8er hct, O,ough which to haintain ih crud grisp on thi6.used ldd. A3 OE new lord ol Wulfen FJ-l I-l To u* you Flintlock Pisrol agaicr an oppomt t fore mtagin8 ombat you ri6t have lo wort out whethq ]ou have lhe initiative bo r Ir yod oppddt hs a luglq snll scor dran you/ dey d Loo qui& io! you ad you c.mot $e your pistol in tim. cmdud th batde ar nodal. If you ;rll ko6 e tlt. se abte to Aet ofl orc shot. Ifyou! snll scof b geater go to 2. 2 Subkacr you opponmt's s('lr eoe frem you rsll se- Ihis G hn mey shots yn hav timc to hre befop your oppmont is on yoq as long d you hav flough burl ls.

150 I. lor ea.h shot tlsl yolr S^tl. If you e su.cesstul you womrl yof opponet, go to 4. If you fa4 yod 4. RoI one di.e ryoutul]a5,gobt.ifyourollr-5, 402 parchments stoed th@. Unpleasat? Bley rrjoo4 long bodies npplng Epulsivel, the Srdtbool$oltr snitr you out md nove hun8rily towalds yd. Flght 5. Conventi@al bullet! wi]l canf 2 srlmn! points of dmage. Silver Bullets will cause WePcEaturs I srm! pomb of daruge and all ofie. oppo nhts 2 srlmin{ points. Howwe., Silve. Bulleb will also rjur Undead and DemoN. 6 If you sh]l have mof shots io fire (and you want to) go to I It not you nust engage your opponent nhand tchddconbat 7 You have made a kill shot You opponent is deadl Conhnu as you would ii you won rhe batlle hdd- Now rellm to where you havejust.ome from. 40r Among all the oihers, you sitll OEt bls ol de Me of one Saint Crucius. past he cdried out his holy work thrcughout the prcvnces of N{auistatia, putring nght countle$ Mongs rd bmisnbg the senants oi Evil the scrcll clain thai su.h was nis nghreous innuence that calling upon hf nane/ 4en to this dat cd han corupt Your pedsl of dr ar.hive is hteldpted by a tuioa munchhg smd dd Buddeiny de boolca*.olap ses mder the weight of th..ieatws feasting on the fitstt,'erm6 LIBRIS 36 U you krl the iroo(woms, ye re able to lcave the dcn,ve thrcugh the oth r d6r Tnm t ! Close by ls the snal<ewomdt age, the baded gate hm8in8 open. SmMe }[s bem carele$ Inside the.age you ft s!+rl d to rhd, anong ile nouldering snaw, a bmdle of oilskins. Unwrappng rt you de & en m@ surprised to find a gleaming Snver Da8ge! nth a ru@shaip edge. met aould a lreakhn bufint be doing with such a finely claft d item? II you wmt ro rake rhe silve. Da88en add ft to your Equipneni List. You nay also use the dagbe! in.onbai if you wjsh but b{as it is not 6 1on8 N jtur swont/ nor balanced jn the sde wat ij yor do s you nut lisht with you Atta.! strcngth edued bt r point Howevd, jnjuid you o6e kidr t\e word'wft'h ik nd wil suffer incftased dam8e (r srm^ pohts ratrer tim the usual 2) as drc pe m r.lls to then {:Ned ktnd. Ilre Silver Daggcr wil al$ ham Urdead.reatures but rn dns.ase wilt on]y.aee fte usul 2 STAMNA ponrs of E] E? F-] tr'l

151 TheF F notnjns else umg the snatewdd's posesioro thal $ oi inteest {o you so you leave de tent. wiu you also leave tle Camivaie at dis jmtuf (tum io 29)/ or wix you exproe tujther (hm to 231)? 403 Withnublnghmestyyou ftrate you om retched story to veftitr who list4 widr gbwhg intenf Wlen you hav 6nlsh 4 it is the s.holals tu ts) spel udhi! spdp su+nses h+ }!a and I wdt ro h+ you, evd riough help ny own son,' he says eamldy, rlatchn\c the WoU wec behhd tr.e ed as he nitht a pet huting do8, Y@ l@l< at the wolt-wft a8ain qrh nry eyes. ca tnil t dfotud qeature Eally be 0E hm's sm? 'CoE wilh he ad I wil explah werythhg,'v@tics sat6, as if ading you! md, and leds you inslde hb hoge.'i have made tie study oi Ly.advoly ny lle s work' Veleiicus explais as he ushds you inlo hir dtureive private [brary'alon8 with thatol tle n]+le dd legmds ol lupravia, ln d attm?t l,o find ti t F-t fo. this bedil,le afiliction The malegany?mned Don is iil d with books, 'I have lemed much, but equalt I have b gu!o hlise how much mor $ee E yet tro diftvd about this nalisn mdition For one thing, the most omm strain oi th dis@f in qishen.q h Lupnvia.mor be c!ftd by the usul netus: eatin8 spnas of Poimoa beladoma dd i.nlik. But then I susp ct you have i(md d\at nu.h out fo. yousu alead).' You nod,.oniiming the rholai's assumphon. The eo of you Ord get bo lalking aboutyour M eiperiflcs of tie diea6e md h lells you rhe $rry ble of how his son cme [o be 'He was thirle n ttars old I had sot him out inio or forert l,o colet boadslools and othe! firgi fo. ne to chlosue but h wht much deepe. into the hearrw@& thm I had dticipated md war stil dt.ft{ ddk He wa on his way hone wnen he wd.itacked. I hd.l set out [o look lor hin, wnen ne did not tum at smel ed h rd his cries, along with rhe savage sndb of a woll I drov the Gatre olj with omplrud of silver nihate md.adied Lhe boy hohe. I clemed ed dresed his wosds with ai Llrc (ft a Iaiier mnrd gile hls.r\ild but, alftough he appeded to Rove. hom oe attack, dt the nex! tull nom fie lndr was aeal d to me whd he trae fomed in[o you s* hft for yoffilf. He is neithq m ihing M the otier trapp d h dig Wolf w@ Iom I have been see.ning for a dre de! r,y tr Fi-l

152 "le. yea6,' ure s.hold pplie!, a sorcwtul ituawa) look in Ns eycs 'Bnt t\is is Nt help'ng you TheE is a. eti\ir I.a pppm for you, but i w take a little while. Whih you m lvaiting, wh_r,.lon1you avan yorfu of L\e iifomabon contained $it\h n! library? Knoltedge N powe! alter all. Vctuticus bu{les out oi the oom to prepatu hn elu. leavingyou r.yourowrdevices nrewealthof *now. lcdg. st..ed in this roon js ple omendl hd would rival that of some temp/es oi Hmas*is. Prrusing L\p spincs of Lhe books on th shehcs *vcral alhact you attcnhon ir!:rtictdtu Ilyouhave w.ihm dom rhe c.deword,4m*4 lrn hd 134 If yon haye wlitren dom the codeword Drordot tlm to r71. If you hare boih of the.odewods ft.orded, M to r57. Ij you nenher, rvhich of ftc followirg tom6 would you lke Ly&rthtup!. Irt cu cajth.wrtddof Cry,"t\Folk trtuajlrprdrinl Tumhtr311 Tm tu ror 401 'Is drrt right?' the p.iest *ys, his rone alnosi chal le.g'ng. 'But what ldnd of warior would w lngll brave ilre perils of ldoor ad ihen pfva / He reaches out a hhd towards you and closes lls eyes, as rr tryhg to seir fte aua of power arcud you. Ine pnest's etdbiows *nit in consiemaiion. 'l sme sone thing of Op darhes abour you,' ne says. ls it lron coaonha widr &e evil ones yod l8ht a8aist, o! t ir sonrming ele?'rou ll fie bral rol.d is lcs man NCF score/ rurn!o 336. ll L\e Loial is cqual ro or greater thm your chance score, turn 405 You ind yoreu in a wcb'draped passag say. You cmot hope to pmed vil\out brakina mdny of then sdcky sha&. Ihe hugc w bs dr nome to a multihrde of blood-pd spideb, each no biaaer drd a nm's 6si. Ihe a.aduids irnediately nome in on loq io ile heaiofyourlodyin ihe cold.avc. As you fighi your way thrcugh the legirgs webs, L\e spdds sarm au over you, salong out bn nesh inio whrch they 6 srnl tho! bloodsuck\g rmgs. Tlre.ampinc sliders de too snall to nghr wrrh your weapon. All y@.d do c hury thrcugh the websbhg pdsas.wat dsperately tryjng to brush then rion you dd dlsh thei bl@d blgte,l bodfs beneath you hnls Roi one dice ad add 1: this is the rotal nffibd of sramrna poinh ye have to lo*. (ll hve or horc spidcrs bitc you, add I polnt!o your cnc. scor as weu.) If you saivc ddr vdpiric en.oubi you hnd yorelf at anodrcr juctim 1n dt.laustrophobic spidft hmals. Will you now folow; fto sialagmite filed hlmen Tlm to 442 lhe hqel covefd widr Er s algae? Tlm to r42 A tunnel wiih its walls Ning wiih A subteeea tumel leading uder 40t

153 4&-4o7 +06 he passageway leads to m opd dciway whi.h, in tum/ lead! hio a chml htue. Hulfu skuls f lrcp upon row of ni.h6 ir fie walh, whne skeletal angels ofdeth ga dom froh chiseled rcofboses. Several 6ised stone slabs in tie cohe of the chamb r bd the decomposing bodi6 oi blactjobed monts But $ere is one or de living anong the dqd. With a c@koach hss, a nonkn*s, iuming lion tle corpse ovd wtuch itqahuched ed lhat you 6 Fe nn see that it wg atingl Ihe nonl's hary c@l falls bact l,o r v al a head nishapen bysaege, b erlelike mddiblg and Srot squely buleins.ompound ny's eys Appaled by OF honilic appealace oi $e abominanon you srft aghasr as hdo extra pairs ol bla.l, chitinadoue.l less blold lrm bs ath th nutal,ed nhk s hahit. Jaws dd lihbs clc!.ing Fpllsively, tlr nybrid scanpee towards you, doshg h lor fie rnr COCIQOACH MONK r you nmge to slay thi! gtuhesque abomination7 you n ihe morbid chamel hos. Y@ nind awhirl vx! qu stions drt yd wmdd ify@ would dare io IqM the an rs to, you go ba& dre ray you came along 1.' You plhg de blade ol your wepon in[o tle icy water but are uawaf ol ay effect it ni8ht have had Wi you n@ splash some oi lhe waber on your face (hh to $7) or wiu tru just lollow Kotrad 6d the othd willagef (tuh ro 497)?

154 406 A sholt coridor r ad6 off Eom 6e sraice d &G level dding at a naftw w@dd door whi.h be6 he ihage of a chrli Opmhg tl doo. yd fhd yourfu iside a lai8c, iorrn-lt.nap I. A pilrrtd lave lead. up io a dodldrap d alta. 6 wndr sl ds a golden.ndi.e set widr glittering pfooe ston6 The fliclering l]afus of rushliglb End trod a nuber orexquisitely painted stainedcas windows The most mgniecenr of tpse js *r in m al@ved e s abov 0E altar md shows a knielt r fu! amou lqeeling in penane belore a wnilercbed prnq6t. The laight holls hs sword our belor hin like The dapel atpe6 tio be a place oi pece ad w no obviou dagqr You appna.h the altai d.l tale a look a! 0E contenls ol the chaliei it appeae nothing nore tha walei yd want to drid< nom the chalice, tum to 424, If not yd nust leave the.halel nd scend, or demd, the staucse to &othd part of oe iowd (tum to 7). 4d9 Ard then, wid\ a hol rhg.ry the cz d l]rfl barg6 past you dd out inlo the nibht. BefoE you cm folob him Ulrich is sudderny Oltr b8i& yoq slming the door to tlp conag shut again md bolring ft F.rcly Edn the iside. You both imdiately M yotr atterti@ to rrle old woma 1yr8 morionles on the flooi ftsr yolr lrk If ]ou d lucl, hn h] 239 lf you ae UrrudT hm to 32 F-l ETI +ae4aa 4ro You naewly avoid huug rio ore of the may wolfhaps tlut ri.ldle th6e woods bui 6 yd shn bo frake you way back to join tne nain palty agaa you con raetojace with oe oi the' dogs. ne worhou<l is d bib as the wolv6 ft has been bed ro hut and iells it that th@ is sonething ol ihe woli abodt you. sndlin& it bffi it5 beeth dd leapr at yoa rady to te.r out you thrul II you have d,e Cllofthe wild 6pe.iat abijit! you.e able to terify the.log $ muctr ddt it m yelphg ba& to its naste., ib tan betueo irs legs (tud to r51) If not you d wolfhout{d If you h[ the do& you N able to ehh to de s.fely or ihe rest ot the huting partt ar they ae pepdin8 [o renh!o VatS n \oi beig m@df (tum to r5r). 4! You plmge you sword into ne rcgae s ch6i, dght up to the hilt. IrE HighwaFd's head lers dt a slunl dath{y, it6 ef roling up inio ils head Pullin8 you sword ji*, you staggd ba.t lrsn th rider as ln hose snorb dd stanps the Brchd with its glowina n6y6. But tie hol6m's wailhg cry does not stop but hlrc into a gbte.que gusring on.e mort. His dead y s fix dn you again md you Iftl OE blood in youwdft hm ho ie-{a[er.'oh dear, wlei a slme,' he sats with mo& pgpt, 1t wonld appan dut I m already dead, and you {]amot ljll ftat which is not alive!' (Lce 1 LUd point.) 'I wourd F;'] F3

155 su8g6r you ru. m SiE you a lpad stt4' ttu Hi8hwayttu LuglE.!.lidDut a Eo'rEt. h6itrtid vd sdtrt tor rhe ejetv oi rhe in. Y@ hed ti. ind6h hoe's h@'s ;n the rud bdud yon aeair but th ar tl d@. to the slontsbdltoa.hht im ed euddenly both ndd dd sle d af gone, lik mht d de ni!ht+il@. Th.cno of nei&.r lnughu ting E hr a rcn6r &d lna thar r@ ir It Mau id not. labe plae $d it d@ not tale you lont to find whar you de l@king foi Down a mrrcw side shpet otr th vilage sqljd is a sto^. building bedint a b.a$ plaqu, o^ whi.h h4 ben khed 'Dokttr K.lta - 5urg6n'- ttavin8 tndt d at lh dd, you hr!o wair $ ldg tlet you N.bout io tu away when rt 3udd6ly op6s Yd 6nd yolnlf I@ting <lo,n.t tre bgp <tacled md heavily lned tae oi a stoop d ord m His prre h bald, ehat litde hair he hs l ft white, wbpy and wud avhtt do you wdt?' he adk in a Lotu 'lf you've at yo6er with that swod oi yo6, I'n not int 6!ed,' D ine (*tui io lep you voice do4 yd hun4 tlbt yd hiv 6h. tio met hrh vm Ri.hter At mti@ of lh VdpiE Huntq's tt4., th sur8 d'sey6llmws6pici$ly Gthardghr? h.ha.uhg s, 'But how do I Intr ii you N Edy. 6idd d sihply m asst oi Old Ni8ht? tlu realy have anm8ed to n@t with such. md, at this plae dd lhb hou, tel ne, wtuch Od.r wa he a mb r df' If you thint Fu 160, the ftrer ho Doltor 1'.IE] 4tT1t4 Kifka's de woftts you e ldking lor into a nuber ainb the.od A=r, B=, C=l... 2=26, iohllirc the in&vidmr tuibee oi the letue, and ola tuh!o tie paftgraph whi.h i! th sme as 0latiotal, the paragraph you hm Lo hdkes no selg, 6r ifyou hav no d a what OE as@ i6, rothing you ca sy witl pceud rh old md or you Sood inenbm ad s you lfl no chotc oth.r lhfl to pas m limeh M,s wirtnt reting 6te VamPiF Hut r atain (tum lo t5o)- Walking drcugh the v rage, sedt the ehbi4lact sd expfsiog ot its populae, your homualg advmtue's nat'e wish6 thee w6 en rhi^8 you.odd rto b hele. But what is th erobld? Yd d s a bklqirir worring al his i".g. dd " f"i."r doiry his oun<l' Do to lalk lo the blackmifi (lrm to 46), the pri6t (tuh to rr), or wdnd you rader pca on.rd law Mam (hh bo!5o)? 414 Taking a dep breath yod sllmerg.g6in dd sim b4k dom!o rh t!@ugkm d@ttu EqEath tou, NEd by dr pdri.ic *.l*w.d, m dp rr bbl tmim ol rhr wah.fbrd s PwiN vi.tim Chmjng up the silty H of tne P@l y@ ewer sh.t you d. Rolr {m die md add 6, Ilu is ihe robr ndba of Gold Piees yod ss.te ro con(t Your lmgs a.hin& you Ed$ det it i5 ljme lo relm lo de $rfa... lbt you!r.t. II you d L(ky, tum to {99-ffyoudUr u.lry, hr!o43r.

156 a15 Chbbdin8 ovd rl s?a of brcta sl,l,gaite,, you nere ftom the.ave tunel lnto a widd 6vem, the si8hr;i which tals you brlth away. stalactik and stala8nitee fome<t ovd tho@ds of yea 6.ll Ure a lo r In prr6 lh y evm join to rorn dh&n ollll]e of Alislaning slme Th miroal <lep6ite in lte ut [ofatin N.hdt hrpt lea ny.i.d ol olos, filn.lpp ry g:@.nd acid yenow, thfu8l dd budt uhers, to wemillion,4ihson dd black. Ihec ae ven shdes or crm rd Puryle, and!o thint that, until nop, such beauty hd ben hiddq in tatal ddkr6s, As you saze in wonde!.1 lhe lo6toi stm, at the Fiph ry ol Fu vlion you SlinP* nove hmt, Th E ftov you, Fthed berwd nahlal lin6rd. butrte5 md 3pi6, is a gisdtic s?ider wilh a bulbos black Hy dd lm& tpindy legs by rhe ralm at the end of its le86 b a trmly s?u web. You E rift what th spide! inldrts to do wh6, with a 0ick oi ils k, the daclhid Fle,s its silt?tsryd!,st/1. yotrecec4youevadeoetmgleweb ^et Spider's llap md draw your sword, Fady to dei nd you*[. you lan, you becone smild by lh rbilifft w b-net. In ihe battle rjo com rt will tat you wo Aita& Ilourts lo tut youfll 6e fion {p spidq's.6r w b, duina whicn 6m you will not be able to DiN de Togls b, Jlnd8n the s?ider wiu TANGLIWEB SPIDER U you hanage bo kil lne web{pime. yd ontirue trtr you way a(c at6 the..v m ot wondd ad cnoce a The n@w tpisting tusd? Tuhtor4 The h awily cobwebbed pdeg war? lhe wide cleft in de F.t with a Tu!o 9 obvioe*dofbluedfral? Thro7o rd Something h the tone ol the M's loie 5?ea:k io the oet is dw.ldhg wirnin you, Unable to qlop ylmelf, an t beroe or *E okt womn Ralise what ],ou ae doint, r if in a rldc you wal& over lo ur dfshold, dr4w bacl fie bolts, and nhg opq lhe d(n. Standing in oe domay is a wildloolina nm drs d b ody a shm dd lm brirh6 HLe rruled hair hags dom Nund l js rhoddglik ahe Behind him yd k oe wolv6 odine in th nm rtht. The m 6rcs }ou with a pi r.ins Ed y d strf dd a hu8ry Mne 3pF.dr.cmss his bl@rlslrired lips, revealing prctrudin8 (ai ine t eth Thm yd si8lt or tle shnp whee lhe mai left h6d shodd be. Ihe sho.r oi E.liebd lnaps you out of you hdelite slat md yo! J6t btug!o &aw yod sord bdof IE luahc lsps.i you, EyinA io d.w y@ widl dp.lit lfured, dm-ure Gng nils ol hj5 ldainhg nght hard LTJ\IATIC Ar you libhr the crazed llebc on de tlueshold to the oitas, neither Ulrich rcr de old womm cd do to help, so you have ro lace the madnan -ything trtr

157 AJie. tlr atia.l Rtuds, or if tbu rdu the srnna to 6 or le$, whi.h vd cod6 41? just de bnef st nmqt tlewoff iside BeLs the bettd oi you lou only Etain contol ol you body abain one lhe *hold is lydc dead at you IeeL wnathav,udme?ardwhai is b(onint olyout You be6in bo woldd ii it is iraihble that y@ wil succmb bo the tu* oi the wegolf, (Lor 1 noe LUc( FhL) IlMlinB in bortftd d8uish you nee lrom tle sme oi t{u brotal dime dd do ror slop llming util you ft dep in th mbrae of the ddk ning fo6t abai. Tlmio46. 4aa 'I ll!e[ you what /d d,' th diminutive CdivaL Mdt r +l3, his voic &ipping withvm'you'ea kiled Y@ fttdeed ore of M om md cmiwal jstie d mds rtributim.' Yd ft drasb d rt ETI E':] 4\r42r ardthd part oi 6e hent whee rclalins b@ftt that 6olm palt ol a loif*thrower's acl slrnds, You shusal wainly a tn.master's si.tanls ffil you to the board. Thd someft sets it rpiming dd de loife E ower Ete! np. H is a dead+hot and duing his a.t d miss hir asistant by ody a nair's bmdtll To^i8ht, hnser, he d@f6 Nt to nis Coivale jsli.e irl You adrmhe rs d r 419 Thm I f@l that this is wh@ ou latls met pdt abain'va Fjchte ets, obvinly moyed anl disappojnled, ddsralkeofiagainhto ih Chr You h l rnatldhap. youhavedade demrof judsenmt in lerdng the VdpiE Huter dorr, 8ivin8 in lo the ddker sid of yru pgondity, which is beoning shonsq alr the tift. (LoF 1 Lrn loint dd add 1 l,o you (]I]Nc m.) Yd sldd th st ol tl. nisht in 6tnn sh p, d.t in the gey h* of moming m m you way again. Tffi to 25o. +o EvmhraUy you na.l(e it to rlre min MFud dd mld 0E imyard. Two buildsgs of not stand hs, lhe fa4fiouse itseu dd a laree, shincle@g(l bu. wh@ wi! yd shelter lron th dmpou: 0E 6mnDE (tum bo 324) or de bm (tuh to d5)? 424 od. at a door of houldding gh planke, whi.h op& into a 5quft tum ekin8 of damp strings of ribm6 pldt gbwthe hang iibm the Etr

158 eiling. The floor oi the dank cnamber is co!.ed wjh all name! ot tungi. tzrge yellw pufihalb trcw agaist brudrapped white tioadslools and bqlbo6 8rey nuhhons. flrere is not a squae inch ol flod that b not covered. On the oth r side ot rhe rooi is anoorer doo. To 8 tto it you ft 8oin8 to have to.6 a.mss OF.arpetofu8i.r,_r!yd: Ru aft$ Or.hdbd? Tum to fia cep.afttuiy ados he ldgus Mm? Tum lo$r Retuh to the lastjmction dd go tlt otlerway? Td lo:3r 42 Wrh m6 ol, 'ttarhtel Marhr r!' rhe Hucnb.d lop6 amy up a wd night of shif to lh rop or tir iowq. You lcdw n@ thar thee is enerhing sinirt r at@t her dd $ yd w6ie no tihe h pu6cing lgc You dire ot ot berh in what d onty be d*rid s a mad kihrisr's laboarory The s?ace at de lop d the lower is m d tu! of dl mmer ol anos pi{6 ol equipmmt dd n(ndical otraptio6 Th c a spiming glob6 that with the stati( cha e or the stom hging oulsid dd glafcled 8auB6, df ftrue within thm quiveling aroud *. lim. Ihicl budl s o1.oppd wif d6end l6m fte topmost part of OF windmnl the vdious piecs of eguipmdt to a tilled betal tablc d which of dp mgt bizaft md monstroe ftings you have ever sq. Ir is ai least hau the heid. asain or a nd and alm6t as brcad acoss. It appeae to be nade lrofr slabs ot dad grey sem toselh.r md yet, ir plae, missing orgoic palls have b Eplac d wi0l necnanical apparalqs, AFud its usly head is a bad ofmetal seued Fith anhb{ oi utuubile bolts Srardjng next ro a bank of sreel levs i5 a tdl da w amg a long, orcwhfte lab-cdt, his y6 hidden behind thick lsd gos8les. Ciw.rin8 beh.ind him is rhe huchbacl 'Wel6ft, the r,1l116 eyt 0E x.iled lone of his voice su8a sting bo yd Lhal he $ totally u \in8ed. 'You d he ist in tiln to wrh6s de ceatim oi a rew fm oi lif!'th6der ous ondously a@s the sl(y dd lighhing lral\es l@ud lle rop of lh whdmill, 6 if ldving waid lor the hgl dtua6. non6t io do e. E tof (h do dythi^8 to stop hin, dre a,zed Fmrisr 'oq dbws a ldd i6t 6 ri8hhdng sbit the top of the tow r ils.r. T6t lddl l!.1- r you m Lud., hh!o uo llyoudut u.ry, l n tor5+ 4l h d Pl!e@ of the ArJl LyddroF hihe f, yd the b6st wihjn y@ dy lmt r You dve voie rd h agonisir8 hwt s yru body ont@ts bor6 EslEpinS, nel6 ud int hrr otbft Faljg r& the tuey oi the wolf iippins rh@gh you skir mtil yd e no imgd h6m but ist ad utlerlv dimal. Cout vdolac ofds lis hhtt erl, hther thd bite it, you li.r it with you! F!gh wou's longu payingym lw n6lsrh@g. 'Ihatt ri8nt' he pu tru d mire n@, ny pet.' Torally hder Or comt's Mbor /ou will loin hjs Fck sd ru with Op ooe wolv6, wha the m@n b tull peyinb on de rear. You advmha E ov i F-] FI

159 I You sniff tle liqlid b!tcm still6nd noding to sugg st Lhat it is dydring otlrr thd wat r md so yod swallw a ldg mouth6n. Shrtin8 in you stonadr a wam pri.kling sdation Omughout you. bodl, You.m fe lit Ritalising you as it speads io tie tips of you 6ngqs md OE very rcots of ihe har on yotr head. You have jut.lul a llj,n oi Life Restore you smrna s(ll ad rrc( rcres to their lntlrrj levelsl Ihe elin alo d@s sonetllhg to conbat ytu steadily worsemt lyc4thrcp, reduce you GNoE scof by 2 ponro. reling reinv8orated dd rca.ty to face dythin& you hrm lmn $e altd dd ehrt wa*int.lom the aisle such d rlce tlet you have jurt Eeived come at a i! the lajr of the dislo(acy ol tle nighl 'Ih fiet waming you have rhat atahjng is wrcn8 is wne! a shuddedng vjbration 6lb the cha?el, whicn Puts painful p6sue on you ealdlllm. The pmes or lhe sbjne.lcas windows lattlhg behind yoq yd hm to see lhe knight's window.oming apdt at it6 leaded sem - only now it shows th edio!, 6tandiry over the body oi th. slain pnest, sword bloodied. You wat.-\ s the painted segmmts haldng up tl lnieht pull h! oi the window dd d6md in hont of you, mintahing the slape of d e pnesfs nulderer in rhe air in ftunt of you. Ihe.omption tlet has taka r@t within the Tower of Mam has de*cnted wm rhis m.e Fctified letuge. The loigh/s gla$ sword hors paintully shdp, as the chaflt glardian swings i about tharentr lrr debelnined not to lei you

160 GIASS KMGHT It you are li8hting the knght with a ma@, whd yd win d Arack Roud rcu ore die. IJ you olr a 6, th. entirety oi the knight's glass body sha$ee udd you blow datroyins it in one Ie[ rwoop ]r tou win lh battle you e able l,o ent the defl wirnout turthd obsttu.tim Add I to yru d.n xc and +5 The pliesrs e463ion dag dd he olm nis y6 agair '1 tue only godn63 dd a h n6n,' he sy6, nilins. He inhodue him*i as Codar! the Suardim of OE spring tlat wd tusr breught lorlh fron the gdmd t'y th bresed sint. 'And you m worthy to partale of rl holy hearing 8ilr,' he saf Colla l ads you out of tlp saming ftdn [o a spinl st@e siaruse ttetwinds dmmto lhe arth,leadins you b@th lm@i At tne boitom, in a cirulai stcnewaled danb* lit by snoldng warr {onc t stands the wel ol Saint CruciE, Corm dnw. bucket oi dd waler iron de weu dd d(ets em into a gold6 chalie rhat sbnds at fts hp. 'HeF,'rr eys, ofierins you the cup, 'rlrint, ad my th sair/s bl $in8s pou doh upm tou.' ReveFntly you aeept th.halice dd 8!rp downie cmlenb Ar mn d tle riqdid achd yd stom.h, you Srip ym b ny m agont b. hed md ied!fte ing hom yu ya. Th wab.r Orat.m GoE Cru.ia' pell hm bd bl*ed by the eint, which EE 426 as6 and, as the ovflhelhint pu p6fs, you b{one awft of afuthd fe ring inide you, The wate6 oi the n.ahg wel leve slowed Ae spmd oi lhe lycarhropic inf ction nddhg bodtr Rol m die, divide by 2 (srnding 6actiom ''u up) dnd fid add 1; this b how my points y@ ehodd rdu.e yonr tunc eof by (but mat(e a nobe thar.mot dsp below t. Regain 1 lucx poinr boo. cone fircs you with a s6picioe lmk 'l have never sd de blesed wahers allect uyme h hat way bdof,, he eys. ff you nare the codewoftt No,/d Eirt@ dm^o ytuan?dt E She.l, trnn b t55.ifnor, tum 42r Despi[e jrs nsgiwe size dd mtainly bulk, the naegot is able!o mow surprisingly quickly is a t?uly hdific comption oi mture HoF ere4 noe hffijying OE rts #sly MtuF is the lact uut yd m Eghting was on the Abbot of the Black Mmls, nn deged beymd all6g, nitim. That sid, it is noi t}te mct min8 oi dreis ad s i@ much oi a.nalld@ [o h aeonplbhed w;or $ch as ]ouselj- MACCOT The nagsot wil ahhpr ro bit you wfth irs manhg mddibla it wou<ts you, F! one trtr

161 on a rcu oi 6, ra$er thm biie you, the m.88ot wilspita.idi.slim aty@,e6int,sramin Poinb dmage. r you kil rhe AbboFabmjnaddt tum lo c7 T.iad,' ym sat but tlle M's aim des not wavei hi! ey$ mwins, in.e yd should Ey dy0!ne, RoI two dice. ]f the total ie l* tha or equal to you.inge se, tlm to q. If d\e tolal rcll d b Iteate4 410 another d@r which serds sli8htly ajd, rh rcon bey6d lit by $e sfi yelow [8ht oi a Blttering cedl, Pe haps this b the rcm that de mftery nidnight wed@ vaat d. Gldcing rnmubh de op6 d@r you see e dpty Llllmde b d, a ndcry bedsid labl, on whi.h stm.b 0 &ippina cmdle ed a la$ w@.i.n.h6t a8airot om wall appe.e [o be npty $ win you 6h. ed ecop Iuiher (tm to l49) o. ein ]6u.mti.De afr wh@vs it wd who i6t left thii chmber (hm io 2:6)? 128 Ophing rhe d@, you mb CasUe Wt tdcdlnsiv. liln+ R@ afis w ofb@k(* g:s urd6lh. reighr of tflreeble dcty ton6. WiUin liis 8E.l Epc'lory ot howl dg, re b@k h.s b n Aivm pnde ol plae, lying on a to Mbl. dn8on Ih bmt is boud F black leade md beaf ie t a'. cnimlba."d Brnrdl@t ol DmE The air amd th took m sulirsad with a Srim nalf,m dd tou e sw it is old r ar this rpoi Ii yd daft l,o opd this iorbiddinb b@k lo * whil aid it 6 offer yo4 tm bo 1@. Ii you would athd l ave w I 6ough rlm, yd vacat ine lbrary dd tzre eioe! fi. door tler is now to you left (hh ro 496), o. ih one dieny anead ol yd (th to 3ro), You whi.,way a quds or m hn wakhin8 the Puppetnastd at wdl On de s@u stab. olnis bmrh. brave cigh banl6 a d pnabbwiz!4 mqhin8 hj5 figedn debo lo n bdutihrl princs.nd fre 0E kinedoh trm '@e n wil acltuhml It is a h_drtidal t lt that h6 ba lold a tholhd tim over but yd find this parti.ular p rfmrft dptiratir& alrngt s if yd re hder a spell yd*l[ This ir in pan due lo the lifalil qorliti6 6f th tiny Mineit6 aid their Mtlrrlj6ti. lldds s. You bs.!mzd by th pupp t show but yod have ale ben BliShuy Dl1lwed by it. (Ma!e s@ ind the rcd word EF,r,s c anfid don 6yN Ad,dttr. SlEr.) Leavirg m equrlt dgrcss d mwd srill sjoyi^g the show, y@ nov on though r.\e tayre Tm 429 Peering afud the door janh, and pah8 no orc ourside in the corrido!, you set otf tmards lh. st ib As you c@p alon8 ih da.lcned coridof you pds trtr

162 $a You ldck out with you ret to Fhm l,o the languidlt ripplng sulace but go nowhee- You d le l a vice lile grip tuohd you anlde. t oking down thrug! the muly wal r you se obt you loot has bccor. aubht in ore trap of a hmm nbcage lying ddg th. tahering we.ds. You kick out atm, lungs fit to bgl but still cmot ii e yowlj You ths tal. you sword to o 3! letal Me but th nof you hacl.r fie tbc8e, hmisting nd tuming in lne eupy 8M wate., Op more yd be@e mrantjed in the P mi_ doe wat.-wed yrclj Ivmtually yo! can hold you. bhth no longe. dd, involhtarily tasping,d aii y@ suck in cet ld8fuls oi loetid walti The waier-r 4Ed my not reye.laimed you lor lts supf! bur rhe DMing Pml h6 }on itscff aother vi(hm noerh ls louradlah G oyd. 432 Keph8 a E!.hirl y on th ichor<ldded warg whft the horbls dyenk- ist in.t*- you wa.t tntugh th Fol l@ljng for anythina d* of valu rhat misht be lying tubott n beneafi tnc surfae an4 imrtiblt you do nnd weral othd ke.s!6 Tle is a Snvd Miror, d Ebm Wand, a Blmdstm andet dd a Gd t RinB. (lf y@ ddde to take ant of tn* obj&.]s, add drm ro you Ad mttiz Shtd I Now y@ a Eady to leave, but the abom'nttid lurlmg in this place is not pcpaed to let you. An 0E while you hawe b en *d.hing i6 wlltrlo$ed hn the horc1s LMahIar physiology has begun b Egenerate. You ar ab@t to slatt climbing th std 411 REGENEMnNGTENTACLE snlz srrlwa4 Il you dele.t th tata&, you Eolm4e *atine lh pit6h.jt beforc ay more ol the -oreter cm The p.sgryay 4J1 ofns our inb a nudr tarb a dvd, bone. SuEly tle trt b th Seasr vou ft hmrm It l@ks. and ftus. hk it h6 hr; ly':ns h* t; eme lhe rll fluid hawing heo &ain d fron de o'ta..th6 yd hd th skrtrering, slching esd or etutun8 mving affi de ove tsads you. CRpinB doq th v rr@l wal of is, huge spid{. 16 body,lone is ar lrdr 6we ier in i.ngtn, the spead of its lees nof Ord double thar. As if tle si2r of dadmid w F n6r GL{NTWOLFSPIDER snllg $.MNAT EE

163 431 Ii you slay ile lupne daclnid, is nothir8 Iot you ha have no otn r dd lha!o le.v lne iocrg chan6d. w[ you hi;: a tumel wil\ d obvious sed oi blact A subreraeu tufrel leading hd r A 66ly-sheling tulftl? 434 Ko ad jr unable to hide his disppoint'et rt yn Ftuel- 11/en ii ddt's h@ tou fey h Fys obvinly dbgutl 4 'rtt6 yd,o t nind payirg fd rler real' lle ds abrupdy rd poine at 0E bdl in frrt of yd, befop storeing or of the im Yd le.t o6li8 d lo pay fu de leal yd hare icl cmd ad,.s dusk it alredy fa lmg outside?,r S!.*/','f PA, yd d4ide ro pay tor a mn Io.lnc niahl d w l. ( a total olr Gold Ft@ lro yn Atlodtud Yd sp nd a litnn ni8ht slepin8 m a lmpy, Lice dddo mattres in a old mm, tept as.r by d eri. howling that e<hc lrm stftwhft beyond 0\. edge ot the vila8e, *min8ly.artng l,o sonethhg h youbl@d (Add 1cIlNcE point.) Yor vdrually tall asleep as dam is br akin8. Whe yod wal you di&ovd it is aiftady p6t Il@, and you f@l no beft r ror havhg paid fo. what you had hofd would be. demt EEt. leving shjgoiva, $dl you tolm th. F.d to or ndth (tum to 160) or ole est (hrh to.73), ITI J-'] a35_{15 d wll ya ral th l s w i-kavel.d Ea.k into the fo6t, the mbby dekijrs of whi.h li. a aile or so to the norh east 6r de villab (tum ro 3)? 415 In a hall dte-@m otr tne tuin starase you cme to a set of black-lacquercd d@ble d@e Above rh n is the you saw on the fl@. oi 0F nhance hdl -. skull slmouled by a bat with win66 outstetch d. You ur ailtng sttth ffi belb you th.t you have loud th lair of the tady oi Mau. Boldly you Push opa the doc, dd nnd yollnll at m nd oi a d@ny oeidor, a s@d Ft oi double d@6 shnds ar lh olh r m.l- Ro[ ft die. r th nmbd Flled i! ls thd d qu.l to you rr {v se, ftln rhenub rm dis geter dln ytu ^u.v 136 You sprirs lotuaid dd prmg you blade into th d.ah@ Th. tip of ],@ soid pi Ee ie hearr and the Wou-vlbn dis with a piieoe hwl Wth appap endy no Fga.d om satety, th mn Ms der to th d ad, faling to his lars, cedles 'is hisshapen had in his hands, 'What have you don z ih man trreds, leas glisbenjns in his eyes, 'He wis no rh@t ro youl He did not tnow what he was.loing, He was only actins on instin t, nd now youhavehudeedhim nv mn!'ihe mn lixer vou iith a look of bminf hahea ad say3 quite derriy, 'l oe you in the nme of Alho!, LDld of Wolv6, for

164 tle lif y6u leve takm.'you slin sud.lenly fc+ls lile itk on fip and ]ou daw at your dothes ro tly to sbop tne pain as sme0ring b6rial claws at you IFh th. inide - the eou in you hdt E lor fedon. (Add : re md le 2 er^mtn^ points,6 wen 'ou 6 r Lu x pojri.) RoU two dice, It the lotal is geare! you mc! wre, you nh ed M fiom this hgic E6e, not sropping util you ae weu.way lrdn the 6r2te (hm!o 46) r the loral is ls th.n or elur bo yn ff^nce {of, tuh to 417 +t You plube a hdd inlo de icy eat r but da a you splash ytu fae with il you d f.iil bmint. Yd slioeaayolpainbul the bmingmtidontin6 (tm 2 srm points.) You b6r at yru hdd od ft tiat de sljn is h{ish.d 6 if it h.s ha pluted iiro boiling wak You imgin dbr you lae hu5r lmk lh ffi. Nm of th otn.r liiigd surlefd in dris wa, but rte yd am'r like orhq Fople oy moe The stme bowl lnhin bl s d holy wars aid, lite it or mt, you m slowly but snly teonin8 of the mght Holy mr r js dath D to tlul (I]p r LU6 poinl) Ths buing pain evmtuauy pass but you hav ben p@eady *dred. Th E is Ndut you 6 do bui hu.ry afber th hutint 4ra As you nale you way alons th bely peeeptibk Eack, spindly bmched les 66a.h tufther onio lhe patl'. ut you d picrin8 you wry beiw6 4J9 distend d knoty boles ed half?mtrudirg Mt3. Ihe sm tinks, leiled behind h ar1 grcy ddds dd the dalk silhouetles oi te6. A cdim bijd hoalply into the dusk dd lhs is omimuly sildt. You wddd whef you should mat cdp fo. the ni6hc a3 the air is 8 ttin8 notieably coldd rodd vou. In tact th d f ls moe like what vou worid dp<t ot r Ddwint r ni8ht. Y@ ble Motls rhp fobar4 yu bmt d hal a tlud liyer of ErcDd frst, Hdin6 a pdeptible d.kring in aoud you, you a fe.tlery tendrils of ice tpead ac@ the Eunlcs drl mked st lehl brand ot tf tuld es, ovdin8 everltint in a hd rct lciclelom d de ielevy bdgns ad tou misb in douds b fo your fae- This sufze s.ft sparu6, clittee ad Clws udq the ah6dy lbhgtft or a m{n n r tull. Some banle oi rle ssg ir trting pl,e at rhis sidr bur lllat is nor rhe onty dm8 EEr at rh s homt Wrile the ndb r rol n ydr r&dr@ Src, and drd ttm 4!' You ac wwe of th pm or th two Blacl M6ls lying in wait lor you beyon t the arhway util itir foo lat lle h{o holym l ad dt of AEshadds *ith ppl mhr6l speii dd *iz yo1' holding y@ in a grip of im that surpris yor IavinB yotr in th hm& oi his bmthd, d. o{ ptudrc a dalie IrDm!.'@hft dd brings it!o you. Yd hav b m lrlry bl*$d,'he eys. Oozing slin h&gs i^ srrings lrm rh lip or th.hdice 'fte Abbot has F-'] ETI

165 .lem d you wdthy oi d audiae ed od E you this saoudt Tate the.up, dd drinl' Ihft is nothin8 you.d do a, betwa fte hro oi the4 the Btack Mmls Ire you moudt opn dd dpry the mllgs.mte l3 of the cndic inio you h@lll Sphftering dd gaping lor ai y@ cmot h lp but salow a nouthfrl oi de evolting!tud. RoI h{o dic.. If oe total oll d is les dld or quar to yod se/ hm tor9r If itis g atd, hrm 440 as de l6t oi tlle wolves hrrc b md nes, you follok ftuich as he shrdes up to *E iu-boud oal d@ of tlre coiiag, 0E wood touged to stlnree by Mvas clav ru.ts. 'G!mdno0E!' he l]'. 'It is Ulich with a trimd jn need oi you h+.'atnynakh in de nd.ue oline door slids opm ad blrred efs F r out belof tie hatch s shut I6t again thee is the Srate oi bol ts beins p tdl d bact dd tho 6naly the d@r op s Ahh.hed IiBft 6h6 you both into the wan Blow, mlttding smething about 'Damed wolv6' b Iore slaming the d@r shutagaha d thbwingba& the bolts.?eding out iron mdd a wmlldsrvtwl, t}e l@ts you up ad dowr! biinking myopi..l1y. she n6 a hmled no* dd.nia dd l@l.r every part the witc\ with a.nain of silvd.nms ndghg ohd ho Mk. 'So, irs you who needs dy help, i5 it?' c.diloother Z kova aslj. You listen in nefoe dticipahon 6 Ulnd teus the old nsryqm whai 444 ia nappemd You expect he. to cry ot n horcr ad M ftming hom OP cottag at my momt, but th old womm appe4 io ble n whai Ulrlch ir telhg he. with earm* commhation. Whd ne is done slp hms to Fu. Wionut salr8 a word she stnrb to prcd ud poke, l@rug in you eyes ad Settins you to stick out your ton ue. She also tales a 'Ly.othropy is a ledble dd qipplin8.ure,' sne Mts at ldt, 'but you are lutuftle!o have net trush{orthy Ulich dris night, ed that he had $e IoE ght!o bring you!o n The di*de wil stijl jst be takjng hol4 so if we ad last we mi8ht yet b able to couteract the etre.b of the werewo!'s saliva voom I q give you a potion bewed lron the beladm plant, whichwil help, but, wi6 you cocdl I wodld like!o bleed you fi6t so that the potid might nave a Iarer, norelotal, (d+.' Will yd let de wi3solr6 ble d you before adminbt rins he. potion (hm hr 3r5), o. wil you r tu* dd sinply ble & potion wtiout b ina bl d 441 Appmching CoDt V@lac! thsre you l<neel befoe him, keping a wardjdl eye on the huge wolves *Et, in tum, keep a wary laud'ced eye on yd. the Cout extends his signet ring s ihat yo! night tiss it d4 frintsaining the preto Io. as long 6 you dd, yod touch you lips io the wdm 8old. 'TrE/s ridt, my pet' Vdolac BrMls. Now, rweal EE

166 442 you he 6oh lio me!'at hb obnerd/ agonistng Paire *'ze derymwl or youbodt RoU dre di. r the totnl bl.d i! 1e6s &rd o. equal to tou tuh io 4:3. If it i6 gfate., tum tio 247, 442 Before you Eacn ihe end of the lwieting tufre1you male out spa.kling lighr oming lron th cha,nber rhat li* at its od. You emerse fm the pa$ag way behind a la e stalagmile dd d[e! a.ave Lt by Bliftding crysrals set inlo the ddk limlotu sa]ls. Tnie shange luifficm spdt]6 fron nyriad web shmg ams the cnmbd - almost like ontaire dd.lnpes nahn8 th look like they have bd spu frcmpw silver The light also Enecrs lmn Eenuine Eedll6. Golit pie.6 Ii scatieed on 0E flou ot the cnnn$ 4 along witn other, les valuable obfdr batter.d helm ls, rusty rwords dd axsi mtren backpa.k md gtuwed pi es of leathd amou Tt@ you ned the voice it is &at oi a womar! but sh.ain d wift auiety md with a hising impe.liment. 'Whd is it?'the woice is saying 'Wiot rakd ft? r there's my 6ne sharpnss, my glitteling silvftss? Who hn it? l rh re rs ft?' 6e wom peah over Roudin8 tle edg ol the st labnite you E6p in adtumt dd hotor at what you se befor you. Coverins the i& nd oi the.rystal-lit cave ; lhe mgt intlicat, most beautituiy w@en, and largest web you nave evd *d. It is deco.ated with strings

167 oi pedls ad pre.iru stom, but did all this Gtotatios w allh squals m oi the hct hid o6 thin8s you have eler 3m. At 6st 8lfte it apped [o nave all the prcpdtioro oi a 6pidd only on a.olosar *ale At 6dd glme, howevd, you s dtat it is mucn wor* dta del The mghou da.hnid body app ffi [o }[ve AmM Irom t]et of a hlnd wolrrfl. Imm OE waist down tle abddmm of th mtuter is a swolk4 nairy blacl pulstine ec ending in silloozhg spimmts. Flrm tie waist up, how v a fte ceatft lek mm hlnm x. Dt OEt sne 16 a tobl of sn a]rtr ad ko l ss enic\;*d"gh tl*y' a6 hunda b@ tlf lon& b@y black linbs of dle spids, mding m cruely hdbed c.lutimus craws. He! mtd nair js rho.r ed sp* 4I*e spder ni, ad l r p6ibly orce bautijul tae has ben warped by y t m@ alacl&d ateit'uies, An additiond sn ey6 tbve fomed on hd l@h@d abov her hmd ves, rooeng like lipe black blisles, dd hd noulh n6 ben srdched imlcqaly wid by the prchldm oi nuge spidd lan8e, eacn d b^8 6 ym sod.n. bug on fte sddy noor oi the.av m ft the dfic.abed bodi6 oi advdt!6 - dwdf3 d we as hffi suck d dry of all bodily fluirb. And drm rhe 8rcsly mutsnt d spiderwom # tbu. 'Ah, the thi I Etllm [o tr.e s.ere ol the dimel' she hi&s.'w6 ity@? Did you bk it, oypeooc sna+nes?' If y@ have ae.od*ord Srilbrg r corded on yot Ahdtut Sh4l,ht^ro 2.lIrct,tldta 2\9, Etr J At you fiel, hling stfk, the body oi 0E wavels, dimlvinc Lqck into mist with qe 6n"1, $ur-mdjng hwl But as their lack l@d r depa.ts 0E Eanhly Plde, s loo do L\e of the Hwling IlE l6t oi 6e woll Bhosts notuns but [en.tns ol nighfmist, wailing ces rd a mmmt the vilagds look eud in shrpefied snence dd then, N lhey F.lise what you hav dme for th m, a.he. 8es up lad 0E hmteb. You nave lanished the Howling dd $ved the?6pre oi strigoiva Gom oeir homenl You spad the at oi the ni8htmalins nerry wfift the ladvi ag rsba& at?tu s,.t?r8. Ewehral, tu dam is bhkin& you stmbl o( '8 to b d in n of th im's BGt-oo@, d\e ue of whi.h you have b*n 6ivd fd ff iv h the Stri8oiviN'thanks, whm yo! war again, trom a thanttuiy roghhnaefree slep, youdilcove.thai rsatpadywellpasr!on.youreel mdch b tter for the et ed tuc! uro a bee of wood pis lor you by fie ladlor.l's wig (Regar 4 surna poinrs.) Bur a great leeling oi uease sbrl hm8s ovq you lour pesoml qu6t dfleds that you nove on ftoh Strigoiva.Sair t avin8theviuage dd ie graenn populae, ei$d lolop th Nd wheeit divid6,!o &enorth (ih!o o) orthe 6t (tuh lo 47 ), or you lale the les wel-taveled eack inro rh IoHt that lis a nile o. s [o th nordr- 6r oi strisoiva (tum io 3)? Fn E_ai

168 444 Ar firsr you lhinl you ae winnmg, then you nisjudse lhe best loute to take to avoid a boulder on theroad in imnl oiyou. ()rre oi the cadage whels his fie mck, Fndh8 the stage.oach v ling off With whlnnyhg ehriels oi terrcr, the horss ae pulled over the dtgr of the gor8e as Lhe coa.h l,opples past rhe point of nd Ftun, md down ore side oi the cliff, taking tou md Katya wi0r dlem You advmtuf ends here, ydur bddics snashed on Or jagged fd below 'Who wi]l face L\e cnal]dge of tne Cagc? a bald h! ed shongma dressed in a lcopardikh lnhrd.nd spo.ting a fine mobtacne.all to tnc rcwd lrom i ruugl y edred siage. Tme the sragr crund..rd u Gold PieG ould be you6l StrdinS bchind hrh, belof a pa'nted backdfp, E a larye.agc lnsidc i $e beasr he speak ot. It is at least a hcad tnllc' rhanrhesrronsma 's md asbrcadacrc$theshouldcf rs a Sonlla lrs ams are as rltrck as sh,p's.ables, coldcd srrh mus.le, and end in club hke f,{s. l}c.faluret slin is 8 en dd pirted, jls r3ce sussesbvc ofa prihitive ogre bloodline. As you ar.onsideri're tikins up the.hand8e you se Lhat a thickser, bearded md whom you ta(e lor a blackmith F being Led away fton $e stag holding a hand l,o h$ bloodidd md btuken nre aim df dre gane is kl cnter ttu CaAt mamed ^ose. md subduc this Ctndel If ydu want to take up L\c cnal]mge it wil].osl you: Cold Pirccs (hrn toa53). Ifyou would ritrr lcavc il io ene orher mug to ime the beast, hm to 167. tre,t Yo! inevilably.ruh ey nmbq ol putrballs and oushmoms bdeaor you fe t, tle nhgi releasing douds ol spof6 inlo th dmp air As yd could have predi.ied, t}]e spors ir.itate yor aisays dd lugs. You btr$t Lhough Op door on de other side ad (ollapp in Op corido. beyond, you body onvulsad by hacking coughs. (L@ 3 sr NA poinb md add 1 lo you.nnce $op.) T]m to { You rujudge you nrugs ad sufe! ihe aequen.s zs lne heavy swin8ng blade slfes nto you. Rou oncdrceedaddz:theistherotalnumberorer MrN^ pohts you husr l@. t tou sumve such a teriblc hrury you couap* on the n@r of the mmdor on $e orh r side of the p ndulm blade (tum ro:o3). 44e As sn rs y6u ent r tie.oridor, L\e do6 dm shur hhind you dd som.l\ing begic to mdifft Sone unholy phmtasm is dothina itsu h shadows, taling on a tlertming fom. Ytu actioro wifiin Or Tower ol Mau hnv ale.ed dp Lady to you prmnlt dd vour drival has b m mticipat d. The Lhat is the powe. m ihis plae nas bmubhl forlh ntities thrt mnauy dwel on de Spint Plm, stil a Prmtitioner of rhe Da.k Arts slljrmon tiem lo thc eidhly Ealn. Trailing smoky ie^l.ib, the raceless shadow bom creahes circle you, ready ro lake your nosh with.laws iomed oi jmpenetrable darknes. II rol have the.od word Nerrcir Esrded on your

169 Aenture Sheel,nM b 4q.lfaor, you lev no.hoic. but to tal.e up and dei@d yous ff. h the EN conjin6 oi the oridd,6ght rh shadow- TLSITENEBRAE Third TENlBl,lX Iortmtely cdld st l is jst a trktive a8aitut the Teebrae as silve. o. mgf. ( you nmg!o ddeal th* (rutue of darlm6s, tnm to A n@rb@d creak ominously u&r ]@ foot d you ent. ihe Fon and you step siftly i6ide. shutting the door, tou nake you srch ud$hihed. I}EP G nothhs uusual about ihe bed or rhe smll tal'le ner to rt, but the chest!s dotha matter ahogeih r IrE de yd lind a nuber oi lolded dffis, wtucl l6ds you to beliere 6at you ft actualy inide the b dcnambq oi the lddloid's daughter. Undehdth the dtss yd End a sedge ol ctim of obj*rs that includs bundl6 oi hdhs, &i d powd6 in snari glas botd6 EE 450 dd ab@tq@d in u itling stdbols lo l ve th* welt alm,.e thei! cmnd.tim to th lhctie of ir obvioa HoweE, 1bu rbo rind a budle of lettes, tie.l up wifi pinl ilbd. a qui.k glance at rh F that tr\.y ft lov bft6, Mifim dd ri8.d by 'l!leg' [o 6one@ Mpry efered!o s'mylok'd 1i!{y ntu gdddm/. Ils F a oriob mit of pesim to find in a bmaid's bedrcon. Right at de bofton of th ch6t you find d woodd box se@d wfi a brds l(t, Thd is no reybutyou think you ould ioc the box op n with you sword. Do ],ou wat!o Iore the l(k (hh to 43r), or w you l ave the rom a d mtinue in yc pnuit oi 0E pem who you now suspat i5 in fact MeA 0E landlordt daughtd (hm 450 Pietol inhhdyd tat aim dnd ii. Divideyour s@! si@ by 4 reuding 6a.ri@ d(m: thjs js the nub r ofrim* you mayfip the pistol befoe the Vdolac wefmu wil b o top of you, prdiding you have mu8hbdr b l@ded in 0E p$tol. ft@ is no tihe to Eload nry, giwn you die pr dienqtr?sr,orf Sr'?l d you wodll nomally to rerclve wnethd yd shots hit Col6tioml lmd bdgrs cas* 2 loirls of srm dam8e ea.r! Silvd t'!iets, howad, rdl ah caue I srma pohls of dffibe h4rd you ohe ro EBht tle Arih- Ly@ltuope in hdd-tgh.n l ftmbat,.lter tle w@ wou's sm b6e d.or.ling bo how lhy bmes

170 4tt "Ih6 h.&d of my rtudi6 orehing the or darkb od wmt my help, th. n$ ef in a ncing lone. 1deu, I M srry lo dielrpoint you bd lhe ffic ot vefri@ the S.hol.r e no lon6d fd hirci I tw ny oh work n@ lhal lal6 up.ll ny rim.1sugter r@ leav by th. ehe By lh.t you arered my ra!e. wll y@ lar 4 veeritu E9EE (tuh {) or ein y@ mke tle m6t ol ln opporrrfty ed 'o do away hth rlt vid@r wb lw@ 453 Th. v le@ huter cllfs a y6u stsile ar hin and ducls out of you way Cd4 go up Jrod th orhee n he h:j.nd you hdr a l.dbl tud whj.n tuk s y@ blood drdle - $herhin8 t& a ffi bnh,m lne Er ol t hear and lie hokl oi a woll You lln h notd b * whar is h.pdmq b A@l'Dsb Staub. Tlh b 6i t LErtrg rh key in rhe hole, you bd ir mril J@u her a Rrchettirg dck Wlh a su<tdo lurn the auromlo hk6 a srep toeads yoq and Pithout h6tbtid tri6 ro srrike y4 wfth grurlt+.rd h,rds- You hare m choi@ 'rs.n6hing blt to tal up ytu M wopd CIOCKWORKAUIOMAION TmLg srru^9 As it wd the r y 6nr adiv.d tlp AutoElon, p.r it *ourd shlt dom you dekwork atta.tar asu. It y@ *dt to fry lo tnek our the r.y yd mu5r fight nth tou Attack St6t$ Edu@d t'y 2 Finb tlqer, it y@ Pin Arhck R@ds, fuhtnt m this w.y, hrm!o,r7. Ittru d f at the autonaton, l@vi^c dquisits bodywork baftecd md brek6 m rhe fl@r 't3 of rhe wdtl@m voo quit ud Ftum [o rhe jhctin, lrn rhd you t k lhe dmr whi.h is now lhad of yd (trn to r:l), d, aheh.tivel, th ore thdt is nm ld yu nght (tum wllte slod-light. Pj.kjrg yo@r up you PrepaF ro r@ you d im8ie, md. brurrry Pat_ 15' 'l 34M th,r your hjsi@ io nd the land 6f wil is a Etr

171 tal s up the lss tlei stands thee md places ii into you lmd''tale this,'he eys,'and nay it gnard )ou a wel in you. qu6t as it Ia ploieded t]s shiine th6e nay ], s.' Add 0E Silwer Cca to your Equipmeni Lisr dd hm b You d4ide tiat you ce work morc effec'ively with out othe6 ffiud yd nalin8 a lor oi noire and *ding yor wdld be prey away dd set o( alone witlout turthd delat Once oulside th bom you mut the sdoundhg landrape, tring ro work otl wh r a mmter like L\e aeast ol vargdhol would have ils hn DiRdy beyond th pedm ier oi Ur lown lie he pdhrc, paddo.k6 dd pine foftls whei the montel,s atta& have been. nh 4 but to you! mind tlfse plac6 arc its hmting Arcmd5 md nol its hme. South of Vdgmhof lie OE blasted heatns, wh@ you doubt my catu wodld l@k lor steltei That leaves the wooded hils b fie east of dre tom ad &e aaggy pealg that fm the foothils of op o6ov M@nfaire to the norih Wlrere wil you tro lack inho the roml Th woo&lld md wi* wom stae at yotr girly. 'The ly.dd$py i5 6dn wilhin you,'grandmodld kova sq?5. i(ou m not cured. T n m again about liat atrackd y@,'ffyd nave a Si8nd Rin& ftr to je.irlol tu 453 A ymg wollu hl@ rlu bactpack md sword-bell Im you have hdded oe you 2 Gold Pic, ad de& takng a de p buih b sleady yn ll.rc, you4fr thecas The Ghdel{BE 8@Io! you mediarely Yd e nor Eyfi's to tnl yn op?olht in O& co^lest you lim ish rely b rubdue tlp hesr, this yd ne d to win two atiack Rouds in a M Roll foi Atta.t StrengilB 4 nomal (EducinS yn6 by 16 yd ft not uingy@ sword) bdt do not emove s.wa poinb lor iahed, m r ly lap ha.k of who has wd de ioud. GRANDEL Il yd win hro comnv to47o. rced lwi.erwo Attacl( Rouds tust, tuh con*.unre Anack Rohds 457 You nanase!o djiwe the! out olth ottag and Ulri.h slam OE d@ snnt again, bolting it *Mly m@ noe. Th wolv s h@l molrnjuly at the M, dr soud rekeahng 6 fie luati.leads F-t E-=l 459 At yn liurs blow, the d non disolve into. sul phnus blact cloud agajr, leaving yd ft to study the boot towhi.h it had!mbound. on page216 you 6rd a ritual to bmi6h ddm. It involv$ mdkins our s pdlade- a fiepoint d 3t r-sing.l)mad arh.clr. Who ldbws whd sdch infomdon nisht

172 in usetul? Wifi tlds *nowledge elely stoled aqy/ you leav dplib.arybefore ii s!tref dyndh r denoni. viritatioe. Rehming to de,uctim, wil you tare OE dd nov to your lefr (tum b 496), o! pss ihrough de me dnectly alead oi you (hn to 31o)? 460 Two forlom-lookin8 s@crows waki over d\e faned crcp, stu8 up on po16 like ondmed hen on fi Sauows Wadng you way beh{*n thc sttm stall.s of wnear, you w how badly the omptid has et ir hft. ne whole mp is blighftd. You are noi fa. hom tlp pe meber of th fadydd wher yo! hear a swislung shrt h the soddcn stens amud you and 8linps sha<towy novcnmt. sonedxng has chdged - the h{o s.tuws ae missng fron ihetr posrs Wiih a sijil bmhewail Op tuo s Iaw ne bu6t out of Ar houldemg.rcp h ftont oi you. wilh.laws mde fnn slerp splnief, rhe S(a!4rows atta.l yoq leaphs ad capelb8 with jerky, ine..llfte movelighi drem both at the sde titu. 'Mls 'Ih i. bodj6 stufi.d widl na, you bi@ a$ailurs shouldn't car* you too mrch tonble o'r@you have hacked thei!.obbted-hdgede bodi6 ro piecer, tum Fr-l F-l

173 4a Wahhing you rut )ou take you 5Bl rief htorhe tun8w ed rcon. T6t '6u Ww sk tjmes. r you fan dy of df i6ts, tlm to 4.{5. Ir yd P6s 4ery sinsle one, tuh to @ standing you gtuund you unsheathe ]ou vod, ftady b la the appeching lid r ne phmbom reitu in his wild sred widr a shdr of, 'rvhe tie, Banshla!' Th g 6ry dowin8 appanhon hots BE last fe* pa@s bd@.oni^g io a halt diecdy in front of you. IheheadbsndddroF thefis dd ddes unde! its doak wid lbth Aloved hdds l4ho it wi0draws tle a8ain yd see $at it js 11@ holding a cdted flindo.l pisbol. In ils bft ndd ir is holding a ntr's h@d by oe hair. lte ey6 in the had fix you with a reedlin8 stan, whne a frel mile sprcads ams its!f. 'Sl:nd dd d livdf the had declares. 'You noney atd you [fe!'and with that the ghosdyhi8hwatrunpulstlftri94ettdt k ski of the Headle$ Hi8hM)r]rI, eho has a sml of a. If h p6s the!est, trh io 324. f he fails, hb shot 463 "fle Tmebrae boh oi darlaes ald s tun Eftat st w alnes tu light. Qurcuy, rignt you lant ml'ii you have a lanierd dd cd Ds ir (drc Nigfrt C/e4trr special abilirt wil not work as a substihre hee), you murt Afta& Roud lishting i, dung which hme you wil be!o atr.clc trtr How v r, ii yd a(onplbh dle 16l, who you do s@ ro fi8ht tle T@bRe they sill be repulsed dd weat ned ly Op Lsht. (Redlce arr oi tha cfrt!fts, snr rce by r PoDr dd rhen sren s@s by 2 Ibinls.) Now Ehm to 443 dd t e lou Ihe w*wolf's n sh sizzl s d.l bllm ar tlf touch or the silver.del woudr opcni^g au ovs irs dpa butrti6not@ugh und4 de innuo of rfed@n psfsiry ir/ rhe &.n-ly@nthfpe ib6 again. 5n+ ling with restrain d iijemal raee 6e WoU DEmon Go. 4ery s va Dagg6 yd have brn able to uk, y@ my i d!.e the denon,s srma *ore by 2 pojnls bejore resrvins rlus ba!de.) WO]-F DEMON II you nea8 l,o ov rore rhe vdola.-.looo dd yd leve the.odewo.d Delilaeb racoded m you AddtrE Srer, hm ro 2. llnor, tum ro 5r5 455 TIE whetkd edge oi you bla.l rings 6 it slide from its scabbard. It onlr tate a 5Dlit samd lo! vodr ddright-bla& clailmfd r,o F;ct Th re b d;ther snarp c/d.t! as rh nd lifs rhe pisbol held in hh ourskrrdpd hdd llsr rr, shlt ot 0E vdpiphnt., qho has a rhlr scoe of ro. he p6fs rle resr su@stull, tum io 376. ffhe tails, he m]ss ym, hm Fl F-l

174 466 The cold dth is you be4 the ch nighi air your blanl t. Despite su.h upleddt cddihons, wear! ness ior6 sleep upon you You wale ieeline sone thing tubging at you l 8 dd come bo with a siat'. Ki.king fteq you povole what ver it is that was pawina at yon to sna.l h delimce. You lind yruflj starhg into OF cold yelow eye of a magy cur/ a huntin8 dog, but one trt is bftly mort thd skh ad bone, and mtting n6h. nf Chdl Homd should be dea4 but L\ese moors retus [o let sle ping.lo8s lie. You pull you swo.d hom ils rabbard d de smrlin8 md ad dog bouds iowa.ds you. CHOLILHOUND If the houd wounds yd mof tl]d 3 times, add I to your sancr score. lfyou defeai tne do& 6 fd as you are conemed moming cmor cone s@n dou8h. And when ir does you ae eag r io your {al 4n7 As soon as you tuh you bact on the old wonm, and hcar hd mutt dn8 thc words oi eother incantanon, you roalbe that you should rever have trusted a wikh. BeIoft yd.d do m]thin8 el* l,o delend yoset, yd l el d1e.hang you have bm drcading.ona ovd you, IEeing th wor ituid you lnn ts fleshy prison. Howling in pain dd fi$eatim, you cloth s an.l possessions falline hom your tuw lupinr foq, you u lrom the wiicht kik-\en on alt fous, oui of tne castle and inbo rhe nrght, in searh or a pack togllyou.on You. adventure E owi trtr 463 Sohehow you rhd the words to onpriment M6tEss Bade. on her ldndsome' son. You tole.ate ih pat/s m*dotes about deir babein-ams and bide you tihe beside the fif, you and Op Cha8eling eyeing each othe! warilti l-rrorr ax.t If you are Lucky, tm to13? Il you a, tu io 27o. 469 Tre,S Your lenqes nave be.ome sharpe4 you Ea.tion tims las!e!, dd you ft now as agile N a wou. Add r nore poinl lo yru Irltui a w I as your rufnt SELL scm. Reord th Out tl,g on you! AdMrrE sret dd hln ro rhe pmgraph wiin the same nuber 6 tne one you wef l6t instnrcied to 47n To the ulrotuious chdrs or the clwd you lorce the beasi into a headlock ad, with the rin8 of a bel are dedared tha witud. Reluciantly ihe seongman hmds

175 over yourwnnnss(abagconbnug locold Pr&s) and hs.sslrnnr Fluft )our oth r Fssions you lcavelltsi,bc the stro8md rells the.nrwd rhrl ^r dfcibe k d@d 16r bsins lor th Er of lhc dat 1o r.horus oi lghlhcarled b@s. Tum b 167. Warching th rhythnically swhgrb blade, you stcf inro tl1t (rrido. n\r ldrr lr.ft II you are Lucky, hm b 42. If yotr irc Unlucky, tum to 1to. 4?2 The dmr lo fie hole E suddedy fls8 op!n, i middle aged min srandin8 n th d@n.a,vcj',nl $holirly rob s anll silh a neauv tu rl BQrt berrj H...mnmds lhe cfatue ro be siill n^d, h vour dn.zcm6i, rhc wolj t4'ee be,k offi6arr,rr ;d ril6a douchh8 step awav Imm ] ou wnat d! lou lhint vou N dohb hef, k6parstns on m\ lind' lhcmindcn.uds.iionrlil!ouanstcrhun' t7, 4?3 lcads you ba.k to the spot wh.e you wrf fiet nnackcd FEm thef it is not had lo pk* up tht trail loir by rh wolv6 a they made lh ir flighr Ay $e nickcnn8 yellow light of your lanten - ind $rnks lo Ulrich's knowl.dbe of Orep oppfssivc woo& - ihe two ol you folow OE animals' h,.clc dceper and dccp$ inlo th foftst. Ihe tail you find youdelf followin8 lead! you a me.ry dancc indeed, and on morc than on e.4ion you find yoursclv s doubljng back alon8 patla ]ou have already tak n. And ih n thc cerie howling Each6 your ea6 ngain, deaden d by n mist Lhat is nsng fon rh darken d houows b.hlen tf ks You qui<ko your pae, detemircd to c.t.h up wid, de Black wo[ rd is Lin belor lhcy You.r6t a E dd sud<t ily 6nd touelv6 l@enb down on a tton +uilt thakn-dfed cotla8r n6tl.d bc*en ile l6mh8 trs at de tbtrom oi a slop. sry thir younfon r qudt b nd L\e Trllhim lhr ltulh lhrr you af sehn8 a curcluyo$lt.anrhrcpy? Orwillyousrizc thc nomcnt md fhish rhlwolf-wcrc? Tuhro4ol Tumb4r6 F-t F-]

176 By OF cold, silver moor ight you d sft rhe wolves cirling de rcttage, but fnnn tl sdring of the minals, ad the saping of woo4 it $nds very mu.h like m eying to forc rhen way inro the cohage. /By the spiftsl'uijich Buddanly qclams'cradnothe! Gra.lnother toval'ard then he is rusljn8 dom the [o met de wou pack with his de You camot ler him fight this battle alone dd so, despile you wedh6s, spint atd hio, swdd &am You will iight the 'ou WoU Pa.k as ii it w re me a ature. Every Attdck Roud, as weu d rc ing Jo! yor Atta.l StrmBrn, abo lol lor (he ha6 a sm {ore oi 3) Duing a Attack RlMd, if his Ah-a& Sh nbrh is highd thm that ol the wolves, ticn hs als dclivers woud6 [ot IinB 2 srerna Points to L\ei total m. Kep a caetul note of how mmy Attack R{Mds Lhe batdelasrs lfyou redu@ oppackt sramrn $oeto zef, tt nearu.hat }!u have dnven them off. U you an.l ULi.h Faage this in *v n AtEck Rouds or les, rm l,o 44o. r it tates you ergh' Attack Rouds or moe ro win dre baltle, tum!o /5 474 You! entir lhysical beng riles at ihe pbence of rh put s.ent slitu in you 6r6mach and you vomir viobndy (lge 2 sramrn p.inrs md add 1 cr^ncb point). dle monls Eleehs dltr stftlv dd on vou. Drained as you m'sht be, th@ s m ui,i ri, er aa qup rat without a mmmi,s respit, rie mdl6 are d you abnin As they leap bo ahnct, ihe monks robes rax op n bo Eveal mmtrog mqloid muta_ EG. With a sharp inrale of br ath you see rhar the head of the IiEt isnalway betwm rhat of a m.rtucn dd a md. As the mmdibled m@k his6 ar vo, m lrom d pm stuppmg the s&ond reachg fo;y@ km wi in the vollllruos stae\ es ot hb hibrt ihe sl&v s fall ha.t r,o Fveal mdtielik claws where rle mo.xt ams shodd be. You leve no choice but to fight tho Black Mo.ts ai rh sd rine MANDELED MON( MANTIS MONK 36 r you nmge ro delear bori lne muf,red mo.k, hm 475 F-I T;] EE

177 476 Your hed thunping d if you skul is 6t to bufl you regain grggy colmioumcs l,o tind youelf mamcled io a bank ot arcao ne.hdical equpfent within what cd only be desribed as a mad *ienrisrs laboratorv which you judse to b lo.ated a he top ot the whdmill Budl6 oi rcpper cablhg d6cend trcf the dbressd raners ab@e you, come.6nt all the pic oi equipmmt in the lab to a tilt.d metal table on which Els o.e oi ihe nost bi2:n md dontrous thin8s you nave evd sn. Ii E at leasl haff lne heishi again oi a m ad alhcr 6 bgd amss, dadc rom slabsold.adbryo6hswell6gleamingn*hekal.ohp@ntg atud i6 usly head 6 a bed of m.tal *.utn in pla.c with a nhber bolts. sdding IBt b a bank oi s'el lwef is a tall md wdina a lon& orcwhibe he ey6 hiddm behind tii&lsed g0gg16. And mwe g b hind hd is de hdcnbackcd lgo. 'W lcom,' rhe iall nd FF, his ddted tone of voio su8b6tin8 ro /ou thar h s nobly uirlnged. 'You d her jusr n tlne to uhs of a ne fom oi lile Illud r rolls ominously a.ros Op sky ad lishtlnt hjts ih rop oi rhe iower, as if n had beo waitin8 lor rhe Fosr d.anaiic FoF@t ro shil. T6r law Lu.k. lf lou arc Luct, hrn to 3o3. Il you af Unluck, hn [o,(9t. 4n 4n You know that you camot nsk h!rying dy longe. Ruming t6 Or other end of the.odd.r, you fbg open th. doors L\eE and burst into tie Fon bdyond You find youeelf in a g!d4 hi8h,c inged chmber, odatcly d conied with healt velwetd.apes of black and ftd, ib eiling pajnhd widl a zortacal rup of th h ivens. The windows ol the.nambe! are &velcd by thc heary hansins drafs. At your abrupr dival, a striking, pltinm,haind wol@, dressed F dilmn and black, her sth s white d rrcry ri*s trcm a high-ba.le.l woodm.han At n. side srinds a SaunGlac d nao dr *d in or appael ofa sepmt, and wilh r leral lok a fleturg homent thc nobheoman l@ks sradrd bur ihir q?tsim is sn Eplac d by a lmt of eaor superiori9 ard a sinisr r snne loft m he lps,an, l6t! Cut.e w hav onpry'she 'le-ed ef. add6inf her *tuant Sh ris rnd novs Snetully ags &e mn towards you, hcr novm.ts e nuid rhar you.ould alngl belicve shc wef gliding a@s de floor a ls ibdve tr, he. fer n4er acfirally buding rhe polrshed 'nch s nrble iil6. You are capdvated by her berury and find yourlf tnfixe.t by hd piaing.old yed stae. Il you have the codeword Ndt.n rccolded on tour,4dm,'rz sl'ee,, tlm io 49q imedl arely. If not, mll tuo di@, subtrachns 2 non t}te roral,r you have trp odryo(l Ddtur4to wnftm dom on yolr Adrtnttft shel. ll $e litul toral i5 less th$ or cqlal [D you cs^nc! *oe, tum hd io,,( x is greater,

178 9r 473 Taking tne well-hrdds rcad east out oi Skigoiva, you dtinue under a lead n sky, wary of dy potendar dah86 d thc rud in this my5reno6 dd sinere. lad. As rh 3s sinls towards th ho.izon behind rhe srddily dartcut you stalt to rhinl about Iindint sonewnee b slep lor the ni8ht, To the nodt sone hila the brd, you cm de lhe fof biddhg silhouetterl tr* lirc of b exptu. of forest, but iust off thc road to the south, beymd unt.nd d lields lrming not with goe and tlftd, srands de tfuains ot a gneke p r's otlabe. All dut i5 left now is the tumbl down ruin oi thc chimey dd fiepla.e dd one sheltedn8 wa]l You d*ide fiat Ois world nake d ideal pla.e to np lo! the night On Ea.hing the ruined cotrag you *t a IiE in $e sdok.- blackmed hearth b krep lne.hi[ of Ep nithr ar haj. Having rten (6s ofi : Me6l of PrcqsioB) you sctue dom to llcep, pulling you haveling.lek You ft j$i driftint olt ro sl@p, the ni6ht br eze sishins rhough th l alls tdushs or a op*, when you ha. rhe sh,rp Cu.*, ol a dry ki6 smpftrg underfoor You ae on y@r tei in a mohenr A shadow detades ieeu iioh rhe enveloping rlalkn6s and tak6 a step clcer l,owalds you. By th dull! d Slow of the dying enbels of your fir you study lhe inpging figue stan.lin8 at the thftshold to r.he.otrage It is a md dje<t ftom had ho lor in His coat is lon8, the leathd durabb ne wears h.!y leathe! glovcs and stujrty leaiher lools, and on his

179 head is a rall, wjdebrimed hat, o^ which shiros a silve. buctle thar holds a dlet ribbm ir place. orly lhe steely orbs oi his eyes ae vilible beeath tle bih oi rhe hat, the rest of his face beins cov Ed by a Pd *arl. rnber-glow refl{ts ftun oe poli$ed ba@l ol a nindo.k pistol that tle M lus aimed 5t you Frcm. swo..l-bel at his wsisr hmgs a gldin8 lapi t bldde. 'Do not movel he colrnmds, hh voice as cold as slpel. 'A@ you Eidd or foe?' How wll you rcacr to L\is.h.lcnge? WiU mheathe your own swud (tum to 45t or wiu 'ou you hold you hads up abov your head in a g6fa or non-aggfs'on (tuh 4n Wtul 6hg df Silva Da88er in your hanle wnh tn. AKh Lyqtl@F you m6t 6tue you atta.r Srren8rh by r point,6 lsual, bui wosds dclivdtd wirh it will caue the W@olJ I sr vtn^ poinls ot dda8e. AGo il yn de sing a Silve. Dagg r dur you lohd hiddm rciiwlee widin Casde wuucq /ou nay redure vdolac's sml re by I Point for th duatio^ oi the bafrle. Now hm to 15o. 43o /hd tha a briel window of opportlmily Pr ents itsclf dd you eize it wth boft hm&.?lugins you! blade domwddr you slice thrcugh the lethen iecuring die hds6 io thei ha@s. Izaping onto lhe ba.k oi the hoe n xt to ktya's, wiih a 'Ya6nl you set th mterhefd st ds Salopin8 lre of tlt cdiage. 4ar you shoulder, as th ho66 pull away, you watch wth d ep etbfaciion as or 3taB0- cach ves oif Lhe edse or the roa4 t}\c wcmbcasl raging in vatn atop il Dowi! down. dom it plungos into lhe Eapin8 void oi Gtuou Gorge. You have put dn md to rhe Beast oi Vargennof at lasl rcgain 1 LUCR Points. Unforhnately, you lel no difiercnt wiihjn yourelf. The W Eb ast.dld not havebeen the Afth, Ly.anLhrcp yor s k. IEe of the that of the mof. ster ar last, ydu md Katya nde 04 tu.ther into ih hountains lowadr WuIeEtuiry in hope oi findinb your ilue quarry at Irst. M,le a rcie of the numb r r4o on you,4dmtrr st r md thm M ro 20 tf' You mtuaae to prip the box open and lind that ir h I'n d with rd v lwt. Llang w hu a shafd holloe is a Flintlml Pisrol. h E an exqujsire piee but ir is Ml@dcd, md you cnot find ay bull ts Ior n in its cas. (Ir you want to rind out mo@ abour hoy t6 u$ rhe Flinrl(k Pisr,ol, mate a note of ttle pdasiaph you are on at the time dd tum to pegraph 4e.) You are.bout lo l ave OE Mm when you nohcc somethng hdkdt out h red.halk ddemeath thc bcd. Movjn8 the b d aside you *e m 6otri. star and citl symbol ddwn on the floo.bdrdt wil\ othen snaller runi. mdks at de apex of each sbfpoini You af not su wheth{ it is a sajding sign, io guard aaainsl th 'il eyq o. a wiich-ma.k Dred. to atrhct dil. F ueasy you leave rhe

180 442 As you reach lhe p't severar lf.hwons lalch onro you qpofd 'nlo skin, dttine yod n4h ofn with lh8s oi rdd$arp teth, b roe engdbins lh n Flv6 m yorblood. Roll one dic hd le that my srm poi s. lf you suriv the attdtic ol li hun8ry keheom, wh n $ey hav eald drn fll lney r le& t n grip ad drcp bacl into de pit It is or y thd OEt you rdli* the hili yon riek d you heal0r to tuva is atlaci.d to a s, tut d bla.le. Cmting tlp coroded dagger back mto O pil you stom back dom 0E co..idor rrfirg you a3t Tumg Ircn the derelct fah, you $t off lor the rom a8ain thrcu8h the Ein. You have not 8on lat whm you hed a slching and a splashing b nind you. Tuming, you s thr Balroping dow. ihc mud sli.t Ea.l towards you. At li6t, Eom their proportiom ad their vicious, sabe lik hgks, you would hawc tarm thom io! wild boar But tun wdty 434 hid6, althoubn covered witi bdstly hair ft nor d thi.kly tur d tu boa6' The* ae some kind of M- stsou mutatior lt E )ust as ybu had thou8nr, ore i6 sae mtte mglc ar work at rhe fnr4iemnhoe Pigs hav caughr up wfth you e you teve ho dddd yolltrlf a8aiet their sl.inb n6ts, dd Enis r light the dinuls tuo ar a time on rhe lam rrack. It tou deleat tlp thre, bl@drhert dihnls, do you wmt [o Fhm ro rhe tam io inverisale ndher (hr to {2o) or e you stict to you orieintl pt n od Enh [o va+mhof (tum ro r{at a0{ You spmd the 6t of the ni8hr at d\c stuine ed h the nodin& with the sq shugglina inro a cloud lezd tre

181 435 diveeid nortir, l,o Fc what might be found dpe (tln to 24r), or wil you conthu edt back io ih Ev n d you ae shdtsg at rhe ctufs Portnil, rt rets 6 vdol.( l@lss rhtugh yd to ti'e 'I '5 mpl d body oi a vntehairn old wom,cad nothd!' tlricn di6 hdring hi. voic, the heads brayin8 ad hootlne in respon* to tlp Pften.c ol Lhe W@ imide you. Add I b your cncb sore D*peraLe bo escap youi lat dd brins on ore finnl.dlrcntation that you tnov h6l you ra.e m alms the.ofido4 lh sniln8 loids or hpravia dd AE hnling heads. Th to rt3 way ro fredon. Sndlin8 lit s dinat he Ei6 b dlw you with rhe don-lit finfedels oi hit Fnuin8 dtht hm4 Rhiigly u.@ehed as ro th ham your sword 6uld cae his spftdred ddsh. LI.'NATIC Afrer th@ Afiack Round!, or ij yoq Edue rh md, M's s&n^!o 6 or 16, fi$l Fr-l l-l EE

182 437 DmpPins dom lron the brcken-mortaed tiop oi rhe war] you lmd in a pile oi luset leav6 dd sh@tinb daning slam6 au arcu4 [owards the house. You h eze once on h@rin6 a cry but it is only tne (rukmg.ry ol a woodck and norldng l,o be afraid or. You ae oily ta yardr frcm the dd whm vou hear rhe fudous scraphs oi paws dawing of smmd io get at you, the lattlin8 ol a lons.hah and thm a sna.ling bark that soudr lik it m6lb lone io eme nonskous do8. RmhB domd trle side of de ho@ is a.leatue that ati6t ]ru lrke to be a wolt A moment/s coroiddatim later and y@ *e det, despih ruhin8 liowajds you on ai fo@, the wolf (tualy ha the physlcal propo.tiog or a nd. It not unlike the WecwdJ you I l four of md yet looks 's like hd ben trapp.d mid-tra$foffition ad night hd shll WOLF WERE li tne Wollw rc wouds you more tha twi.e, add 1 Poht [o scof You may es.ape afte! thft Attact Rohds, ii yd wish, llmlng ha.! to de demce to 0E estah dd climbingba.k ovd de val 6 fte wolf-wee wiu b held at bay by ib.hain (hn Etr 433-4& ro 46) Ho'sa, if you cb@se ro tighi ad redue ae WoU Wee's sramrna!o 4 pojnrs o! l6s, tum bo fte Ctnd l grabs you wjth boti of its hu8e hanrls dd lifts ],ou bodily ofi the grdd. With a grmt of dekht OE ogre nds you agaigt th bd oi tle Cage an l yo rau io lhe Bms4 daitlh8 btui.ed nbs oof 4 sramrna points). If you ft stiu arive, y@ siag8e! Eom trp CaSe to rdaim yd pgessiore belore djsapp a.r8 jnio [o hi& yn embmsi 439 th people of oese pa.ts have ben prorectin8 rh ir nocks, herds ed homes hom ihe predatim oi wild mimls ior ra! l@ger thm they have had to worry aboui a w@beast, rc rhe lobr paths e riddled with wor tlaf - whid aqut as efiective a8aist hwary hmffi. Walkmg alon8 a rminsiy littleced tra.k alone yd succub bo one such trap, ds wnat you led lalm iobe fallm bracnf seewing the pati give way mdd your rei8ht/ drolping you ln[o a deep pit lined with sle.poed sta(6. You.almt shop youspu fron fanin8 in dd being spmd by de mel pit-stak s. Roll one die, add on dd lge this tuy srmna points (ryouhave TtuQri.*d,gsp cialab iry you my dinde L\is dmage by., tuding fraceg n! ) lr you are stil ali{d, you wmhuny stuggle out of rhe pit-hap and do wlet you (a to bind you wohds before Ejoining tlp 6t of trf pa.ry 6 they d prepalirg to rehm to VaesJDJ. Tum to 151.

183 447 DrcppinE dom h!6 rh. bbkm motured iop of Oic wa! you rand in, pilc or Nl bav6 md, Cmting ddtng gl,c rx.tund, you (EP bard! 6ic You 6Ez od on h.dinb a 6t, hut r i3 only lh cnkin8 cry ot t w@dct ard norhint ro b. aft'aid ot You af only td y.rds rmm the d@r wh n you hear th tunous sapin8 or Pas ciawint thp 8lound!o 8et at you/ rhe.adlh8 ol a long cnan md th6 a snarling barl thrt sosds like it must helont (o sohe nonstrous do8 Running aroud the side of rhe houseisacr atrethatdtfibtyou r,keto!eawoll A mom nt's.onsid.ration l.rq md yor* that, despire Mhine lowards yd on all tom, ot wo aciully ha the pmponion ol a lfu It is nol urnik df WhFwor yd l ll fdl of md yet l6ks like it les b.dtapfdnid t'.6lmton'dnishtresstill li the Wor-wen wos& you hore tle tuicq add I point to you dncs 8coE. You may evape att r rhree Ath& Roude, ll you wish, ruming bacl lo tlrc erhmce to ihe estate rnd.limbns back ov r rhe wau, as ih wou-wep will b. hcld 6t bay by iis dein (tum Etr ro,t6). Hovsq, ii you chmf io fi8hi ed Edue tne Wolf-W E's ren^ lo 4 poinls or 16, hm to 4F. {34 TIF Cqdel gnbs you Bilh boih ol its hug lbnds md l 6 yu b.dily ofi rhe B6ud. With a gtut ot d.light the oar huls you, th ha6 ol the Cate dd you fall to OE Fo6d, aadlins brus d ribs (lo* 4 sr MINA poinls). lf you ie sriu alive, you sra68e! 1oo the Cage to klain your p6s6siotr belc.t'sappearing hto de cowd$ lo hide you! embarde 489 The p6ple of the p.ns hav b.en prct.ting their ng!s, hdils ad hon6 Ircn ihe pflatin of wild adhals for far l@ger rhan rhey had to {orry about a W@bedr, s the foer parhs e riddl d widr wolitif wnich af tsl6 effdivc agaitut mwary hlllr1s. WaRmB alons a FhinSly litdfus d kack alone you sucmb lo onc su.h trap, as what you had taten to be fallen bran.hes strcwing the pal\ Eive way udd youwei8ht/ <trcppin8 yo! inlo a d ep pii lined wil}r sharymd stak s. You.dnnot srop yousell from r.uhg m dd behg sp arcd bt lhc m l pit-srakf RoI on djca add oft and lda this n&y sr MrN^ poinb. (tf you harc 17i. Q,rttarirj sfia] abiliy you may drvide El'is dda8e by 2, 6un ting t.acrig up ) If you N stil aliv, tou ev6ball/ shg6]e at oi rh pi trap dd do Ehir you can ro bind yu b ror Fioinins tlf 6l or lhe party 6 tney N peparing to Etrm ro v.r8ennol. Tuh tio 15r.

184 490 Th eay thrcugh de th.t hlve choe widn 6 it pals betuq <lifts ot frllen lav6 betws the ns. Th Dale di$ ot the su sink l@.r h a f@hlrels grcy eky, de nmotono6 3ky*.p bfk n only by th napping sp <k of budr chrmint to th ir lgts. Ih ir h@e cealing ai. eho ac@ th l6n6s aopy Yu nid turu to dbwhts of elr@ yd shoull ohp fd th night a the nm apf.6 lite. luilent lalan.bov you. Wthdt tuy wdina Fu e Fi4d by dippling pffi th.t foctou toywl<le, 6.spin6 f dbeth,sodprihg is happddng to fi vdy libe of tou bein6 $&ile dp nu$d ytu,tr'r-rlr Srrr.nd tuh tio - 4r1 Eh d the pctest slift you lel its met'@rphcint powa bt hol.l ot y@. Th fk of ln nubgdic wirh th ly@dudpy nddrng 4qy fibe ol ]eu bdn& lote }!u!o ud r8o FNlofutid. Musl6 and twist, boc n lt.nd reim, stin b.ffi ditin. hair b.6n6 Er* 6u, udl wh.l Ls l ft lehble d unholy oc b.n een a coctmdr and a rcll. You 6Did Fstmtid, derbaled by the ly ntrlbpy, shdlr 6a rh ndts, Bur you no lonser cc.b.ur 3ucn 6in8s or d6 mmber you lif. b.lorc thb mmhr.5 all Op hmity you mg had i. gde Yoq advmt@ 6& h E, 4 you hnb d6kn hrd th ddl sctuiry of tle dmg6c b trarh lhe ahb y, wh@ r@ begin lil ddg tlpv@ of tlm. EE You folow the oddd q, ro eorha jucrio& wh@ rle ldsdre, bd.<ucftt h{diblq N fou E,..h thc IEet in lagdl Th h*r8'hod! Loki6i tr. hm.d ht m ehrl* IrE nbht-hrnd th.t tle t'rerim (tuh te a) q witl yd Mtr@ sliitht.l@4 par th. fe ding b erl6 493 TlE Chrngeltrt li6 dad.t oupl tue! IE etddly t? ln holm blr nor.r 'tu rle n w kjl.<l lho{gnt drt th.n ll Le d it. Eil hd bdr lifi d }e Blddjr8 F.tfu Dnud ednis wile f'fui yn l6v lam!o lind rhar rh Rimlod has pasd d tr83

185 well. Disconslalc Lhrt you hav rct mdged lo ha.k dom tne B asl or vargenhol but satislied that yoq have done Eood at Bau r Fam, sleps tlmugh lne hius, nesotiating the wooded 'our slop$ as dusk fals ed rhe tom cond in sisht atain. Tm 494 'Do rct fret h r ga4!' hea vd Ri.hl6 shout, ahhoug! his voie com6 'ou b /ou * in. dcah Do not l@t into h r y6l' yotr hsr him crt, loud.r lhis tihe. You smehow MaSe ro be t he of her b guiling pmd, teding ydr eys away kom he6. Th E is m ddbt in your mird th3r thit is rhe CMt ss lsold, bdy oi Mau, vdpib dd m. Aftr yoo t^oe what nusl te don. But b.k)e you cm et, lte codt 6' *fldt 8jv6 a piercin& hibh-pirh d dy and rhrcws hireu ar the vampie Hdter, ed * vd Ri.hben is taking aih witn his pinol. rn 5 r@ to slow a th Eaut-la. d M's My warps, degne shaf drmticaly lg am bon6 appear vd s hjs nrsar bms l ngthq, membnn6 ot leath ry s}jn unfulirs bctwen 495 theh. Th. hd'r ed h{@. evq FoF poind as Ni n6e be(@6 m u8ly sout, hi5 tursv Ed body bstin8 rr* ol ore rom of hjs cloth6. No lmger d M but a 'emis bat of unb li vaue prcpor tic, with a wingspd 'w appra.hbg 12 let, the VUDiB'!@ar sw@ds on Van Richld fte W Ellb.l mkh6 hold of hnn with.lawed f.r d4 with two sttsg winrbdts, degs hih up hlo lhe vaurt oi the dohe. You etci a dinr or sel md l.tu tle Wbeb6l sed ir pain' as n is sr bnbling iow.r& one ol th relvelned d winrtoes. l ri0r. splinl*irg aash, th VdpiE Hmtd ad de WbF bat $asi thfusn lhe Bla$ dd prung io lhen datls FaPFd in a hutu.r hud6b db@. rr 3uddanly dawfu d yd rhnt yd m al@ again, 4d de VdDiK ha Fali!.d tlet fad r@ llltth a barste s@ ol le M sre thrys heeelf at you, clne dd IanF d, Or d@pdve Blahou ot her aluint b..ury Fpla@d by her true bat-lile ud ad lom. r v@ hrve a $lv r Cl6 md wdt!o r it, or a Prn ot Silvq Cm.l 6tclc wilh wnicn vou.d i6prcvi*, tuh!o 17, If not, hrm [o 41 $5 S..ued by!h ndacld!o what b elkiveiy r r sr blel o, Nd, you b me the urlortutut r6s for the el hqtat fury oi rhe ele.iri...l stom. r^]lth *v ral hhrled thomd volts oi nw.l chicity pgsing ihrugh you body you & 6l d lo a hazzle stil.jl lh.t t lefi ir a hllm*reped llmp of chaoal.

186 49b 496 You opm ue.loor ud step tbroush rnb a vast banqneting chdber ra,hat was obvidsly on.e a luxrionslylajdtable with linsr!m cnim, gled ing gili adery md m8nitcmt Blittelhg crystal.dtefeces b now nothin8 bette! thd a dogk dimer Platbe6 Di rohin8 ioo4 while with solidifi d 8rs*, litber the soiled tabledodl, while th cdafs d.l bones oi may ptufd neals lje strem amss tie tsnble and ov r the noor Healing a cnomping, slavef ing $ud yd look l,owar& the fd md oi tie na]l sitbng at th ofier nd of the table ae drr veiled woma w arina aowtu tiat were me m doubt Iabulous e*mplb of dr drestrelel,s et, but which af now tom md disheveled. the noise is dre sound of drejr dilguting table mmerr a d]ey pj.k at ine remis of chicko.mass. Orp of the women stops abtuptl, wm as she is suc!.ine the ndrow lrom a leg bone, md sills i1]e an sha.plj, 'We nave compd, si6id6,'she mrls. Tle othe. iwo wonm bofr cease then nessy ea1n8 rhen dd snifi the air, tuhin8 yotr wat fieir iaces nidden behind their vens. MovinS 6 slealth y as cats, $e rtuee wone 8!de towdrts yd a.ross the bdqueting chdber 'Vvhafs rhis,' aslc dothq, her l,one idperiou dd nmkrg, 'dothd 8u st ior dimd?' 'Or aother co6e?' eys the thir4 8leetuny. 1 do hopeso I'm stillnmgry.' 'INlat have yon bmugnt s, lreh neat?'fie tusr ask, addresing you dipcdy. 'AF you th nexr couse or Fr-l Ffl

187 197 do you have sorcihing de io d Ignr ud wirh?'at li.t sh. puus asr& h r veil dd you g.!p d hodor as Fu Gtch si8ht ol de f.e b n.!th. It i3 a hld ous amalg,m of huftn b ht 6d.nimol, 3om wh E betuq dbt or a wosm.nd r shewolr ]h wolt-womn I'cks a lons pht mtu. acro$ came fe8s ad sneirus Lr@ a nile 3Pllt! het honible vis8e. H@ *dl ydu Eact to dn! p.l.d6? will you Edy yo. w pm ed PlerE ro tlthl (t'h to r.6) d wil yd ofi r de wol'-wofun hethhg fimamgynp@@ (nm tot9)? 191 ne battle@dy Stri8oivN srop ar th..db. of th. fi lds bet6d te $utlm FrilEta ot th.n vin g.. FE h:v.bdrlitinim-mu8ht brole, th. s.&r ftm th.6e driftin8 tte b[dlrd fi.i.b. So{ft,o t ide.ry yd ft}e our ih..brl CUF of. w@d6 w.ldrtos.a Fitid.d in n6t o{. lip ol sf.88lt h6..ney the w.t' I<ctrd s[.05 dimusly And lih]b! wait. S.@r.l bdenibing lm Li.r y@ h.!r rtr nuflled ioling ot a Dd, turjng ni<lnitht And den y@ h ar the Hwling fd de 6at tim.: OE $urd Md!ach ol ieware mina throuth,oe v.ln A volce reds toh up in fte wrkntow.r, 'Th.y'E You eyes strainin& you Fff into di. d.rkresr lvilting b h{ en the schggy E* you cd * whll apfu to be writhin8 t ndrils oi nisl Ar th. d6d, they t le o the tom ol isubet ntirl 49&.19, *id\ 3avag dabg Fhgrh f6ts dd elongahrl claws. And ai de whn., rhe rle d hslirg cmtinu6. Ron tuo dia. Ir th total i! lds than or equ.l lo you.tunex smf, tum to 1?5r if {93 'Don'r &l' th. spidarolrrm sleeks s you tlh tlil.nd M, sey with ne and ny husbads,'sh.n6.e rri nttl aff. tou rc rhe /Arsted hels of lm.nd dw.rh ddt lite de fl@ of ls denber You d h.rrhem@e clcing@yo dfu Ech r hnuel, 0E r@f ol whkh lhi<k wilh de M-lib port' orh{ry stw sfrla.ries 's YNf@tlallr dldng rtm th. b.<lrc<k y@ laonch dm EE ium.l. S.<dds hte the SpideQr6 'orsdt sclle6 16 tel b'rlk into tle pe8qat and yd She i5 not Sointbl.tto!6etawaythatasdy- I.t prr LULll L(ry, tum to 396 II y@ ft, tlp n@terot h6 up eidrfu tum to:5e 19t You clolhedripin8*ih dr. fdle ninast gdt *.ls ol tl'. pol yd had ybur*rfdtdro rh b.r* B.loE goin8 d yod Hy you dop b del ovd your cluipmdr ard rh dbts of you bacbek Your.word.n.l leafi.r amou, apd from bug w t, af fhe, a! af h@t ol th. tldngs srowed iside you oil..kin b6ckp.(r. H@rye!, a errain rmba of youl Pbvilio$ hav ben sdoiled bv contact with th watd (Rollon diaa tqove ip u) rhis nuhb r of Meab non youprdisios ) Your ldfh is srill int ct trtr

188 t6, but *1r d'y powdd arld kindlins you l(ep itridc you tindeaox ha Bot wet ari will bke a whne b dry dt. The n rr tim. you e l,old you hay onry do sonethiry if you lisht you lanlem, you may not ch@se dut option. The subequent time you af grven su.h m option the tindd wll bc dry dd you nay make *Ei Fl<tion fbm fid on. Now tuh lo 46 5a As hn a you eire at de shrll narkd tlrm oi Vdgdnof you that ebethins is wong. A pall ol fed dd u.crlainty he8s or r the pbce like a so0fring shroud. A grolp of nen wirh spike-.olafd hutins de Sathered in font oi Vargs$dfl nnling hrll. A portly man the bovn's bu$orusr r is ad.l6in8 thc pariy. (te! lhe ggpel hubbub of dp tom e+ft, whcrc thd6 ply thei. hade your h ighto d odd rnaiches of the bursomasb! musing sptc.h, ptua6 such as'plaguin8 our lands', ' nd'some- II you wml to avail youelf oi $e *ruics vara 'fiof hs!o ofi r, um ro 32 II rct, you can ills join ne p.rry oi hqlc6 8lttFEd b foe tlr nding IBI (hrm to 2ol) oi quil lh tiom wrrhour d.xyiry nef rr 501 Sturhng the drrchara d pistol inlo lhe l ather b lt l@fd arcund hrs ro@, dp Hctdl6s HiShwalmr lfthstls a baskelhdt d sbn, Frdy lo la tru in 502 REdy with yod M blade, yd PFPaE ro d t6d tturs u. HEADLESSHIGHWAYMAN sxrls r.m B l/flile,ou are fighting, de HighwryM maintaine a grip m the head in his othe. hand, whi.h shdtc mcouasins o.m nts to ib body rs ii fight9, whi.h you 6nd ncl oltputtinsr lou met also Edue ydu Aftack se6dr by 1 poini b Eu y@r oppolet ir still in EE eddl &d rc h6 d adveht ova you. V you d lear rhe Phmton feld, tuh to ru. 502 Defying d$ln, and graviry the hotg mak ule,mp, dr.egins *p nas6..h ovd trf brink of tlre brcken bndge bdind thm. Ar de co.h Gal dm onro on the orlpr side of Ok chash, Krtya rs rlnm iiom her pat at the fmt oi th caeia8e onro rh back of one of rhe holss. At the time the rcad vee6 tjo the;ght 38ain ad cmr+ s lrom the d4epack d pin s ro folltr e quolly p@arious collr almg the edt ol rotlpr pripitos Sorge to the lelt The ceia8e slid6 $daaf, sdiry a 6 ede ol Fbbl6 tdh rhe ed sto L\c void. If you dont *iz. MFol ot the rering cmiaae - d.t sml - you psuit of the W Eb asi codd still ed in alr you dcalh6. Vaulting intio ih d.ivels seat yo! Srab hold ol rh. rl..tcned Fins. T6l lonr Skill.ll yot succe d, tum ro (:, how v., I you fiil, tuh!o 444. tre

189 5cJ At rhe heeht ofyou battl witn th WzFwor, thc tull comes into vjew beyond the iall window.t thc end of $e chambea bathing dp Comtt.hdb.s in iie mystical lumindcmce. Mmnlight wash s over you cnd il leels as U the el4 white beams af saking hto evely pof. You were so clo* b completing your qu6r Ii only you cd tep ihe be4t conrained. littl lons! mybe you sti! cfl Ron the die. r you ae wearing a Mmtone Abuler, subtact 3 hom the dice ou. r the new Lot3l is Ls thd or qu,l ro you cha\cesoft,tuhto25 liitissht r/tumro23t. 501 Tdpp.r Soh d,6 m the md of swod wilh. de on he IiF (e 2 LDd!onb). 'd And ihd 0r fiaue shdu8 Bt to him is tufonins inro. noruter The duns dut wa mc 0r 'erifyint BuBonaster sl,sh ar tou hth lhlrhainr drws, dealing you a ewase eodd t@ I r MN^ point! 505 Th D ath's Heads a singt r holow kndki.s sound thai mrmrifi s as you mdi lbl rd!/ Lkr. It you ae Lucky, hn io rt6. r you d, 506 Slowly the md Lowds his pistol 'So, what a lonc t av0ld like you out m a ni8ht such in thse..@d lmdr? he asks. Wi[ you she8d orc rturh, that you e s Ljng a cw lij L!l 9tt-sod dm or. we@olf's bite (tm to r1r), or wil you rtu him that you re on a p rmal quest io rid rhe hd ol Lupravia of OE mdy evils that bar ns reputali6n dnons thc principalities ol Masistsatia (ium to rrl)? 5.4 You ioumey ro. a nishl dd a day takins th road no{h though rhe pinewoods,.ossins a bridtc spanning a d,rk dem, md onwards along the d8c oi de p@ipto6 Ca]s Gorg, folowin8 sisns ro WulfeEiein. Male a rdte of OE nmbe. r4o on your Srar and rh6 lrm b!. ^dmrua 504 As thc d.y Ftr on dd df lrudows lagthd you pas 6e bogdary lhat mrk dppoint when tubby henlned bftnrc loe! TlE paths n fiict lilh lan6 hav6, EE slletal lolm of the ft singt ' as 6cir shiltin8 shndos Ed to. with bl..t.lawing 6n96. You iave not tsav Ied 'ou fa. inro rlf r66t when yd cme upm a hish stone wall rhar ob..ros bdwem dr ktc, mdking the ienn 'er d, whai hnr b Op dmde of a huting lods or sonr Kluded n,no. hole. Alittl turther on you rcbe io pan oi hrge, ruted iron gal s that are fimly lnked. 'nre r.ack det l ads up [o th6e gates is v n ler, regulally used ad nof d rsftm tha^ th path you are following. A wea0efaded si8n on o^e ot lhc tats rea&, 'B@are of the DoA'. IhbuBh the!ust' flakin8 bd y@ cd R the ludown mmion lhat the wal md the gar6 srro*. You (fuot tel hoy Gupied or othe@if *E sbb my be - n uld be FT F;']

190 alicly npty lor ar1 you know that 6 dny is drawing on dd thsiyd nayweu have to 6pdd moe night mdd the srdrs TheF E no obviosr way ro afta.t the attartim oi eym isde th rrlai@! so do you wmt l,o Edbl ovq lhe wau to inv stigare tuithd (tum to 437) d win you 8o on you! way without hepasing (hm to a5)? 509 'You plae B rct with s,' ds Mfter ete, ln fae a gtih mdk oi indrfeue 'So y@ d mt wercome hee' B I@ you d.speal, the litde ]16 l,o6s a hddful oi slduing poftdq in you fae md yod colapf u@ious ir d irutdt... Whd you ohe to again rt is seu ila* and wthing tels you that you e a lqlg way tom wh@ yotr srard. You e lyin8 at a cgsruds sl]rcmded by dse woodrand ad ufi rly alone th@ is tu sign oi th Cdivale. A quick dek of you bactpa.k eveals tle th It oi ai you Cold Pi(6 ud my Silvd itens you fry hav had widl you. (]-os z Lls poinls.) cning you mkfdtu, althdsh doubtles you brughtit on )o$ lj, yd dftidewhat ro do nexr Asi$post ndked with fou Plac l1m4 studs at the csrcads: Balci to tle north-w st, Shigoiva to 0E south-west, Vdg nldf to ut mrtheast ad l\gu to the rcuth dt Havi^g haven d lron lhe wst alsdy, ad msing that you mward path li$ to the east, y@ are ldt with two cho'c6. r4dl you head i^ the diection of Varge!'hof (hm to 49o), d folow the l s wel kodden path to Mas (hm 'EE 51e Srddhg m the oultyajd beyond the uguard.t gaiehoce, you lmt bowards tte ruin doos to th casde at the bop oi a Fand er oi slon steps. Ahov the mhae ro th ctutle is nbluoned rh. ftrr.r the ruring fdny oi Lupnvia - a howling wou'! lead asaigt a tull wdjns n@. Rousin8 yd.oungs yod dinb the sbef and pdsh opd lh main d@6. You Jiqd yomell in a duty, didrly lt dkdce hatl. The plae sem d pn d. BMd pdeg ways lead away furthd inro oe casde/ to left dd nghr whjle <ti4^tly in lrdt of y@, a grmd, ft.abely cded shone stai(ap.is6 to a balcmy md dothq Fr of clofd doubb doo6. H@ do you wet ro pfsgs Arong th. pa$agryay ro th lefr? Down th.oridor!o 6e righr? Up tle Brd.l stdede ert thbugh oe ddbledoosbeymd? ThLoq6 5n Kotuad sa.l that th H aling WeU oi Saint cru.ius li6 alss tle 6d w6t of Srrigoiva. r you wmt!o set otrin sea(n of the shrine, tum ro 37. If not, ym wil hav to mp our uder the fo. rlle Y@ clibl, sone wayn he. inl,o what to! gcs musi be one of UE c6tle's hrrers The sreps ddatldtata dak.oeirloi At its far end you cm out aothq Etr

191 541 <loo.,but beioe yd.d pa.h tha you must avoid the huge axe blade that swines at the sd oi a iron p idulm pole ba& md fonh a$r tle passaseway r}!uwdrto pfted, t ying tododge thefnddlffi blade io Eaci the dmr at the end ot the oeidor, tuh to 4?r. lf you wodd rathe. nor risk it, you will have io dqdd OE staias again, rehm to fie Map R6m, 4{t leave thdugn rhe dtemdve qit fieft (hn saj 'Very well,' VaroLa. gmwls with bardy otained rury,'i shal have to dear wior you nlself Rjsjn8 ircm his chain the Comt Omrs back his hea.l giving d uadulrerated howl of nimal d li8ht. with rh hoeible da.!.ingtuching sqd of bones waiphg ad efomln& velact body grcws in sratue, his rib.age bftadding, spine ab\!r& ams bnmh8 loger nai16 th4ting lrdn rhe flds oi ht iingds, tuhj^8 to da4. ldrgs push thmush bleeding Eum as oe codrs sla.ll reshapf ils [ be.onins a lupine nude t'is eds shetching to hairy amw poinh. His feet ldtthq ud chhs shale, bnsting n of his boots, until standin8 bef@ yd b tu lonser tlf norhr rder oi this ffed lanrt bur a terilyins ccs b h{ a wolj dd lm. It is ore l.rgedt, nost awf impiling wftwdl you have ever s u. You cm fel p@ evil intentlouing off Or basfomed Vdolac!! nusky scent, a nixhft of sayagp mirul ming ed pre hmd m.levoleme. Now is your moment to strik, while tle Vftola.- woff is gaih dng ils wits following il6 suddm, violent F;I FN

192 hsftm.tnn U y@ tnq of. {ex ddt ni8ht wo.t.8aint rh. Adrlydthrc?e, ty il tw by tuming!o the pdttraph whidr G rhe en as th. p.8e nmber 6 whi<h y@ found n. r you do nol lnd of ru.h a rfll, or would Eihq it wh.i wil you r agaii, th. w@olt (it tlu MovinB b dp whdow, yd var.h th tult m@ 6 it otin6 ie path ffi the h6v6, no logs ftuina de chiu rou.n of ib etn.e l liaht In lad you ldunh in le silv ry dow knowing th.r n d do you m h@, llrrdin8 fi n h4 no power orer yd. By defarina th AEh-Ly@th@F, bel@ $tue int io ihe wee y@elt tlu hrve s.p d a laie woe thand@d. Bul thrt i5nor.ll you a.nia d Thanrs io yd lh. hnd ol Lup6vl. h.s b en lrml rron Comt vftolds fld 5rdy, ire p ople n d Ive in i d ol th h@l of th weewolf rc lonsea dd ll The 3pidd i! IybS in wail for you, v@m-dripptr6 mrdjblb.t tl e r.djr As s d td leve desrdi. 6vd fm t,r. Tdpdd'r bn, AE ffiko6 afthnid porft rgdn. Thir tim mis T1E spida tru dd pul! you dom ilto its hol, sinljne huge fdes de p tnbo you n(k. Th thf d@r clf 'h ed tfie 3pld.r betn to f 6r Y@t 515 Wjlh de woll-mone det ha terded Luphvia for $ My F.6 lytng d..d.l ytu f r.t lnsr, yd fel a denb. om ov.r you. YN lhi.g b.@ iuddd{y duld, <olo@ cm l* }ilmt, ard $e mfi'd lge oi th. ch.mbd r Fdued lo m indi!- rid, nuddld su. SdnelnLg has dhs d, th. he,srwirhin i! gft hllr Enasain. EE


194 tsbn ,61'l 1l{ ll,llulll[illlll[llllilllil



A L A BA M A L A W R E V IE W A L A BA M A L A W R E V IE W Volume 52 Fall 2000 Number 1 B E F O R E D I S A B I L I T Y C I V I L R I G HT S : C I V I L W A R P E N S I O N S A N D TH E P O L I T I C S O F D I S A B I L I T Y I N

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