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1 21 4 ( 95 ) ,, ( ),,,, 1. 15,,,,, 19,,,,,,, ;,, ;,, (1),,,,,,,, (2),,,, ( ),,,,, 24

2 (3), 2000, (Ronald M acaulay, 1994), 415, 234, 60, 31, 20, 13 (B rann, 1988),,,,,,, Sw ah ili,,,, (Kabw egyere, 1974) 20,, ( ),,, 1985) (Schm ied, 3.,, (, ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (, ),,,,,,,,, 1. (1),,,, : g i, ig g ig, gei, eg g gg ( ) geg ( ), gg, g, g: ggg ( ), gg, g:, ug gog ( ), gu, u g gug,, g ai, au, gig; ggg ;,,, sm all g su m glg, ggg g tg, th ree g trig,, g rg, g lg, gdgg gdjg, gg, gg g t, dg, g s, zg gf, vg, gp, t, kg (2), : 1) : chap= any person m an, w om an 2) : sm allboy= low servant, cane= bam boo 3) : co- w ives= w ives of the sam e husband, rentage= (house) rent, bush- m eat= gam e, slow slow = slow ly 4) : check rice= rice p repared w ith k rain2k rain, head tie = w om an s headdress 25

3 5) : deliver= have a baby, station= tow n o r city in w h ich a person w o rk s 6) : aw ujo r= ceremony giving the ancesto rs food, k rain2k rain= a leaf vegetable 7) : tai fes= frow n, chop= food 8) :,,, palaver (Po rtuguese) = argum ent o r trouble, m andat (F rench) = money o rder,, ( 4g5), ( 1g5), :, 2ise, (1) : bilingualise, regularise; (2), : attache, etat m ajo r; (3) : M rsm agne has no t yet paid the patent (= business tax) of her p rovision here; : do ssier (= file), exam en partial (= m id2year exam ination) (4) (3),, : 1) : luggages, vocabularies, a fur 2) : T he po liticians they don t listen. (= T he po liticians don t listen. ) 3) : I am having a co ld. 4) : It has been established hundreds of years ago. 5) : T he papers says that. 6) mo re: H e values h is car than h is w ife. 7) isn t : H e values h is car a lo t, isn t it? 8) yesgno : Isn t he hom e? Yes, he isn ṫ gn o, he is. (4), So rry!, ( ) ; W onderful!, ; W ell done! ; H i!, H ello!, How are you?,,,, fathergmo ther ;, m y young husband, daugh ter, bro ther2in2law a second husband 2.,, ,, to ri= sto ry, leve = leave, filag= flag;, ; : (1), dem : m a p ik in dem = m y ch ildren; bin : yu bin go= you w ent; pas ; : i big pas m i= he is bigger than m e (2), no : I no see. (3) : gif di buk f m i= give the book to m e, i dei fgfam = she is at the farm, dem dei fgch gs= they are in the church (4) : P ita i haus= Peter s house, dem haus = their house, P ita i w um an i haus= Peter s w ife s house ( 5) : big big= very big, p ik in di k rai k rai= the ch ild is alw ays 26

4 crying (k rai= crying) (6), : i= hegshegit (7), If you don t leave now I m calling the po lice., If you no como t now I go call po lice. : () If you no go now e be lak se I go call po lice o. If yu no leve now A de call po lise. ( ) If yu no komo r na ya A go call po lisem an. ( ) (),,, ( ), (P tz, 1994),, : 1. ( ) 6,,, : H ausa, Zgbo, Yo ruba ; Sw ah ili, H igh L anguage; M alaw i ; Am haric,, Am haric ; Sw ah ili, modernity good education; Som alia,, : (1), (),,, 1995 Ghana R eview International (6 O ctober 1995, P. 7) : T he A lliance fo r Change (A FC), famous fo r its kum e p reko, siem e p reko and o ther p reko demonstrations has reached W a, the U pperw est R egional w ith its m essage. available to GR i ind icate that the dem onstration w as peaceful. m e alive; Info rm ation (, kum e= k ill m e, p reko= at once, siem e= bury indicate indicates ) (2),,, (3), ( ), (L ingua franca);, (4),, : R egarding the above supp lied goods, w e had letter to F rank on lo th O ctober, 1996 that w e had d isreg ard the letter m y law yer had w ritten to you. H op e our business w ill be continued. 27

5 , good English, ( ) 2.,,,,,,,,,,, Ph. D., Docto rat d E tat, P rincipal, D irecto r, P roviseur, P rincipal,, Som ali, Som ali, Som ali, 3., (),,, (A ngogo and H ancock, 1980),,,, ( ),,,,,, :, ( ),, Sw ah ili, Sw ah ili, ( ) Sw ah ili, ;,, ;, ;,,,, (Bokam ba and T lou, 1977; Gram ley, 1992; H eine, 1979; Rom aine, 1992; P tz, 1994) :, (1),,,, ; (2), ; (3),,,,, ; (4),, ; (5),,,, :, (H eine, 1979),, 10% (Gram ley, 1992) 28

6 1973, 1974, 3, 146% (P tz, 1994), 1964 T he U se of the M o ther Tongue fo r L iteracy 1975 A lphabet N o rm alization and H armonisation 1993 Empow er2 m ent T h rough L anguage, 1975,, :,,, (P tz, 1994) (H eine, 1979),, : 1. ; 2., ( ), ( ); 3.,,, ( ),,,,,,, ; 4., ; 5.,, ;,,, : (1) ( ) ; (2),, Hom e F ront, W est A frica, A frica A nalysis, Ghana Review International ; (3) [ 1 ] A ngogo, R. and I, H ancock. English W o rld2w ise 1980 (1) [ 2 ] Bokam ba, G. & S. T lou. T he Consequences of L anguage P lanning of A frican States V is2a2vis Education, [ 3 ] B rann, C. M. B. 159: W est A frica, [ 4 ] Cheshire, J. English around the W o rld. Cam bridge: Cam bridge U niversity P ress, [ 5 ] D avidson, B. A frica in M odern H isto ry. L ondon: A llen L ane, [ 6 ] F ishm an, J. A. T he Sp read of English. M ass: N ew bury House, [ 7 ] Gram ley, S. A Survey of M odern English. London: Routledge, [ 8 ] H eine, B. Sp rache, Gesellschaft und Komm unikation in A frika. M unchen: W eltfo rum, [ 9 ] Kabw egyere, T. B. The Po litics of State Fo rm ation, [ 10 ] P ride, J. N ew Englishes. M ass: N ew bury House, [ 11 ] Putz, M. L anguage Contact and L anguage Conflicṫ Philadelphia: John Benjam ins Publishing Company, [ 12 ] Ray, B. C. A frican Religionṡ Englewood C iffs: P rentice H all, [ 13 ] Rom aine, S. T he Co lonial P redicam ent, [ 14 ] Schm ied, J. J. English W o rld2w ide 1985 (6) [ 15 ] Sm ith, D. M. Socio linguistics in C ro ss2cultural A nalysis. W ashington: Geo rgetow n U niversity P ress, [ 16 ] Spencer, J. The English L anguage in W est A frica. London: Longm an, [ 17 ] Turner, V. Co lonialism in A frica. Cam bridge: Cam bridge U niversity P ress, [ 18 ] U bahakw e, E. V arieties and Functions of English in N igeria. Ibadan: A frican U niversity P ress, (: ) ( ) 29

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