YNE. DSO'UT'ION', A publt" feh e wul be be d' at the at a bpa tit II)' decorated table. The NO:rZ ~ FL.

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1 YNE,.. ).. HJjJRALD.,.', r " i.", ilcall \, At, DAV ES' STORE ".'\Ddilsee tb@ Jerge,.tor k r.r' New Fil Clfltb Bf'und 'lbooks rt 15 erntb and np. Our v net)' of Dovel'ies far :ex,b in, desig* and,q'al/ty'aly f',h"vt'l hflretoto'o bot'u, 'add Btllow prric6'" ',We Rr' w 1l S 0 'ked with Sebool Books, 'ftablets 'add seh;11 Sl1pplies. AJollllne (f u(.''o- ia[.e f tationary. ", ' :1 n out- music lp we bav jnst rec-ive,1 a beautlfnl bhlchering' Bros.' P;MOQ in R dlie oljk c'l!-e, finpjy flnishd, an t with band carv('d parle's he 8(:tl(1n i'l flnro, ROti the ingi.ngtone of the 1ns.trU'li8nt, in Ce\lent.. Auother.new fiano jo"t rceive4 s fl MahoR' ny Cas T,miltoll Pumo, de b,f the well blown D, H. Bn. win Co. at their Chics,go tory! Thl instramen.t WRS r.t8f1 bili{h )nor=i at the 1 t Paris Exposition, an 18 a no pls'1o Rt moderate cobt We BJSq have larjite size B ntley Piano, walnllr cas". thsi. a stro," and itorable inl't nmf>ot. n OrR-eDS we have E81,Weolern Cottage and t e ideal.,. i '!. NE. WAYNE FOUNTY. NEBRAl)/(A.,,* VEMtR ' -_. -"..-::=t.._._._._----:-_! ;. M VES' BOOK AND \MUSC HOUSE, N ANUT :.::;::;;;;t; ' UEL. "if/. Up-to Dote,, 6eo$onoble Goods.11 i,',.'/'.. for sale at eosonoble Prices. F 'n ThiB i. the Wh:ie story in a nut Sht'll concerning Fu 'r.hner Duerig & Co.. elegant line of bry.goods, Clothin, Boots and Shos, Ladles' and Gen!, FUlshings, ot.ions and GrOCeri..! '" Our Goods ar all new 'and of tr latest styles and patte.rnb. We mvije all to call at lou.r.. tore and salis'ythemselves as'f thai quality of 0 r goods..'. C.'. urehner, uengl! l\. O., ", iii. NEwt Of' THE WEEK. Pot..lUlt.rBak.r W"b.r.fronOarji 0, C. MONTGOMt:ijy.. roll 'J'nesday., Locals &Ol.18J Both,City 0;1 A,. Olt_ W80t to Sioux City yea-, ianl., Nov, 3-D. C. :M.o,otjlofll. l,andcountry, ' tet41ymandftll.. lery,80per1ntendentof schoq!> in O',. - Thos. Loun;) 'lll'sq up frl'm WJnslde ental Negrp". y;-o,'3 mnrrlerf'd F'drll\v oy o. D. "r8nks...w89 RSioux City visitor re9tr(lay"morndr'. la'lrone>l, :t:l"ee miles _fruw Baco:'od. Frida.y.;." MrL. i L. Ta,lor wedt Don on i Mr. Mo1qtgomery.\'88 f:'ojd tq Bao. R.' 'w' td,. ito 8atu*d8Y to remain a week. ldd tor 81 oodsnlt"tlon wlth the retlf so. y., OU"lh Wfl.8 a ViS r ;.. Mo"1ft of Unroll, wa.. in the tng' 8uperlnte.net and,to f.!':!':ume aon.1,... l.,! ". cit,.. n hoslref's Sat.nrrJflY flrt(lr'lo' trol of th" dvsion. He hfl.d flo large hils, )dahl.was here from Wtn.ide :'..,.,Bum ot money witb blm. Sat,tlrt1ltof' Dr.\J C. mark, Ey Spt'Clahstj Will Six nlltive armed with b:'jlo-; BDlrj,l Clare9t"e :l'iah went to. Omaha To:es- te at 'tarnet.bord Ho.tel' December spears at8oked tbe 811p"rh',t po. (ltifj' day afternoon. 8th. ' qnrckly kuled him od then OlulWatel:i een'ryikelioggarrive.hom Monday MT Frank Traoy came np from hn r"bbed him. '1he ('ontabulari from N9br8ra : ' Wlne,1de Seturday afferr.oon tor 8 h8'e offere(l 0. rew>1ord lor lith. jmolit M.rs. pile an'1 Miss Stewart were n short Visit. j gomery's mljrd(>r,.,rs lind t l tb::ought Winside nndsy. Mr.laq.d Mrs. ert Brown wept j 0 they whl be captnrert. Robbery lis nn r b t t' B 'd WiD8te!Monday to attend tbe ttljneral delf;tood to have teen he motl!'>e for M; ':inu:dre:eayfl...e, (n or :MifJ $liot. t.h l ert. 'fhl" is t,h' OrF-t ;n<;hlo'<l or,. UNr,t teady t,o dip," 1A.bat 81 man R tpllch"'l" t.., the Phlhppine iabllrt he- Fred, rl"bt a([)e 1r rroro Lincoln Eaid t D wben boylnr'stah,y onder-!hr' hkrmf'rt whilf! in rth:c!:aorg" (f hs\', SfiloturqoYllto remain for,8. tew da; wear 118t week 2 JOSS. litutl. s. M". 'M'H,t" maty f...ive, a wi_ bere Sao1ay with Mr. Metllen s mo,b the Ol1l boul8 b:r the YODOA' p.ope NtlJl O:J.. Mr. Stl M,rll.,"'rHonk et.tltl "i8ltd A V ry plea8ant dance w,, he'd. at dow. who i<; " teacb.f1 the ijol>l'nd ot er. : on Fri(Jav ni$rht. Mr. M,.ntR'omry was R n81el't Fr.. ok Krup-er W8Ut to Crystal Lakp, j, : iv f L xlnlil'!:'o1. Nehrl:iBkli t'ujd Q s,tu t'rl, Tu" 8.1:' y flernoon on til duck buntiub Ta)'ll_rl.S.teen and Harry Fher. ar. 0" MO\l.l 011 tbe N'Jf'pnrt Th'O.. mas.', buotloj{ ;ftt tbe re"erv"tton Rks the JUly :!3, H01. \\ittl the le",chl'i' wbo trip. : first oflle week.!' " Mis"'e le aod Ma.ry!JlaybiURb,, b ;Wdre f-en t, out ar, that, t'me; (h Wl!.r Btt< oded tb'e fuoeral of Miss Elliot at Mn H. J. Candor of H08kln.v.B;ted reprrlment. '\RS rerain',l ontlrllll ion WimilelMondsy. over nndaj' With her mother, hs. pr the dl;lflt'l or Mr. Mpntgomerr. L r' 'f ood smoke willcbat Mettl,lnthectty. 'i l;lr.montgomerywfls!ln,br>l.l->k,tboj ove, 0 a fl t 0 D Dr. M.ttlen of BloomOpld, anti W. J. ;wboso lol yhbod J:oroe w. sa E1olOir. the OarJit",1 aod t: 80me 0 " r MettleQ, "'BSt. Obler Olerk, R M. 8\, of He wes 8 j,(r'rluh' uf llastil Jl.., Pl.bJ Fr8nlliR fin,line of Clg8S., omab were n tbe nit)' OVE-r STloday. lerill.d c.)lhj;fe, at",r which he tok h Doo't b' R widow. Make your hus- :i60 ej are wearing Staley nndei-- theological OOUr"i8,..t.eC("rmi('k Presban ay Slaley nndhwpsr Dd be wtll " tar n! "tayoe oim.dt)'. Try anuft 80d byterian semior')y,cb!f'rlo,.lfl, ltve J9flgr th80 yon. '" JOHNs. Jon will k p w.h. 2 JOHNS. W88 rfl'gllladr f r,hdo-ri H.nrl hi'" r8 1.'b8i' aboi'ce5t lines of 'wines and Tb " 's" t b d d t t pastoute W8S lilt WOlobnH, 111'1 AL-. e 'Jp.',meo U\&Rno aneo.. br8nrlel'l for rbmily nse OB be ot)hin the rlint. r8 very kludly aq whole fjbi" ""Pys, h101il!l lr. t, tnr t he,",ark nfld', E'd by ;callio. il at tho l llplta.l. '". HttJ lot port.lon (f t be h lnl'i. \ rj\lw, after '-rv The"tt' low... abroad bjlllowe'en flight J' :;:''lil=:t,::?8rit1:::p : '.. t in'g two) ef.:ro; ' h, c 'ne a mieioary dirt 8. litt e. l"'irchlef n o'le rorm or an f.. d1 to Soulh A. eriean, brl1lng obarge!of 8... the oth'i'r,rlfl'3", 11 wear Staley no r.. B. tel bl U other.i hot- \"'/'1 nfl8r f1f no propert.y b&- jdj" " ml-l..lfjo rio r (:go q. 0 om a..ljlere lrrg de'str9j'f'd.!' wellr rl,doli,t hfwe to nse rutoh. be did.m'ih,or. "wo"k for two YPRr,lbut, ' d h ar THE...JOHNS.,was Ohlil( tafl rfotllro to the Un\terl Hen!ry LPUderR hrdmoe 8. Mr. d Mrs A. L. Ttl(k.r, retarnd Bta'8'J on Odnt of his wite'd'he ltb. :d:: tnet:nb6::m::ot..; hpme fietav ',!r"m an xtenited ed He tbpn l' {'1J.t:id at, WaYDe, Neb t 0.9 i' pl'mt rl,-. to Boffalo, New York, and paqtor or fbj P,eshyt.erla'l church, fod GflfOfloel,'s ftlrnltore "ote. oher 8 tflotd 'pol,nta. ', es 8 rernlt 1 of i b9 '!llbors 8 flue obuch Mr. and Mrfl. W. C. cjarlln and du"b.. AH t doctors io Wayne agree that buildwg wae E'f.'eoter! at tha plof'. tlor rf' 0Q1ab8, Rrrtvec;t Tnday morn- Staley olll noderwar h t h@ proper ". tog for a rew dlj,ya visit w Mr,=. Caf- thina" tw eer io t.bis climste. ThlO}' al n twent-sl years we h6vd'. oored lin's sh.. wl", MG. Ed RlJJ'mQd.,,ar it ' 2 JOHNS. tho"h'ods f Oltfles or Rbeumat em by O. D. Franks has just coplered tbe 10. D. r8llks hllr til slook tbe D.n. st selhdl tbeip StB1f'y au wo:onnh' new adrlifion 10 his resl,glenoo, bas Uoe or e gar to be parcb!l8ed on th wer..... '1 pa1ote'd the w.oleof it H.or1lowhasODe m8rlu. For a Q'oorl moke st.fl'p tnt Mr. E. B'l0.aog?t Wayne, mls8ton or the he8ltt'st, h('me iln tb6tlty. tha Ca iti flrld et. it.. a ry. ror Th AmQrl(,an Sl1f 1dn... Sebool f -f ',' hi t " R, Ulllon well with lis las', Bun(hlY and W. oldle' bf\'j m()vd 1 " Dp,monra, Heof Hlldsr.m Went; to C...rr"ll or 8U p erd fo'l t l d rl lb'8 school. ft was a plant nto bis,hlltldlll l<.t' i or nortb bu...ille S"tar.d.aY. o aboqt a ""ee t j ' f H (f VOA'et.',-l" hrdware ore, aod fee18 Mr.. HQ son exp"n; tl') go to ndiad :;:n6:.: f>;e:.. :::l 'i;:.'xo: pretty llmfortal)lelnbls0w bome. foraqe tended vlt,it ot several montbp.: d i', " llero. Last Frlth, 8, rlritztlor ra n 8 0; D. Frank.. of th.e Caplt81, helerl A woman 8me to Wayeo6 trom Rqu. narlj' all dar end nl'lht, 8klng tbe onthto but rurl> fl,tonk '"! t'u' ted 1 hi b 81 nd she ro'lds sljppery alld bed. hil'9 ooro A'opds.,When burinq' OflS8 "oods fo' 8:ih: M'olt:d :lo:inge:;alsbtl'd hllsklll,w"s or the tlm@ a anrjond. u,"e et, p bowp, seeblm. tw11l p9 S'ltf'-1'1romihtiUmatism. The Aem: 'Ub will me t. Tuedy you.,. THE '2 JOilNS Nov., iovith M.Wright Leeder" Rev.,UA'hfl8 "' i.1 preaoh, at fbe M. E: Don Forb'R Knd' M!' DoHie Aol'z M.rs. Crawtord; OrHlC, Mrs.: rt,b; Les obnrch,next guud>t,y at, 10:45 R. m. W f!' '1 W d d r 1'100, RelliOS, of' North d South The tol ' wi'lij prokram wlll be render: f arnekwet:h arr. e,: 'd e nes :Yt America. ' ei Rt7' p.. RBt,wee. e re!"l.ence 0 e! : So i,. d.d b poor rlde 8 pare, te. Mis Holtz s a To cu.re a cold in onr. day take ;Jl "' les con u e r, nurse at. bofopifal in Sioux City lest Laxative Hromlo Quinine T, lets. All, 0 8. D Pllr aod oursed Mr..Forbes when be. d b ' t 1'1 Protyt-r r V.lrr ' drulsls rpfun t e monel!' 81Be' <NHoS Jperatfd UpO'l, Rud by ber klndto oure. 'Et W.,Grove's Slg, tur,6 isn :lhu e Le80ri. (1 O"TttrW;;. ;f>s'" unt)' womauly,qualitll:' on is each box. 250:.. Bon: ' e t.f-em ltnd love.,oth 8re blgly.s L. M. ov;ed (,HAf1drd te fale of NOUCP8 rod CoUP('tOT t., emed you. nlifpnpjt.,they are ouse cattle at aon h Omaha iday aoli PA.per Mrs. G rp 5fg' l,eeplog at, th groofs fide farm :h0l16 i ' shipped h0.me Satutd-ty C1 flf the Ma'e Q1tf-tt't n''l'''th of towf1.-da:kr-tll Coanty! HFr ". Ooeflt efl,fs or {hr..fl,rt q ttle ner Re,ltatl 11 MinB Colooy al,j. broughtlootbcoun'r. Sog 1 oc"i- - =1==*'=±=====;==========i====='F=f== R. R, SqlHhlwbO residpoolth of TllreePAYir,q!1'bAWoman'sM!i'sloDlirySooietyof! ', :,. Winside Rfltt'n1ed the ('l'll" 'lle At DoxolOl ",.. t'" Pre,:;.hyrerlBn church, will glv", a 1g@!ljiRTCrmW!lii:lltt:DWf.:;mgmlll!llll!'i'J_mrn!OO!lllli South om8efll8tfriday atl shipppd Dismlf;8 1 u. C. relrwdlufer. a. B.t th'l oburch, Thor d'l.y even'f1il bodjp SOme fine cattle loci? OR' R VPTY M,.,nd 'Y ""RS the aonlversary of thel ov. 13tb, to beaill at 6 o olock. No 19{. '. <1" hanldsome an valueble bortborn birth () 't",.n'14 expert f'leotrltlan 0 Brie will be mad tor the Teo, bo 8, a\''''0'" S ' DUb8m bull. 1 antj ma, allf'r nf the watf'rworksf81em, v luntary offering will be given for,.,.,',, Dr. Oaaoo ft Monday or a visit Tb. J.: Fitz, aud, h houor of tbe li-fliods. You e,re «j-.'lordluy lnv.ted. \ of several' dar 'at Durao, llinois, evel1t b...te prepareti a happr su\"-, Ml r. B. E. COrBT. Seeret",y. Cblcagoand oth r polots. R v. HUlhes pritj9 fo b\ to the evenln" hylnvtt.b.@ m 'o Wakefield wi oeoupy the M. E. pnl. log 8 n hpr or trtenrlfll to aid n cele-. ' TE:. unert r rea..,.. t h.re 0 xts hb.tb durio tb. po.- b..t.,og hot.o,t.orod apl.asaot,".,, Tb.r. Wll ha o. 'S"OOSf.St..lD tll",,-,. Ot'8 abedoe. inlt:wm pco. t.. Progr'd-'f1lvl:t biljh five erman Cbucb, ev.,.f. 0. [\8t-pep. -. was lni /ocoo( n abrl at. the olo..e or the in Paste,,", 0'1 Sil tilly NlJvtiwb",r lq \} : A toilet preparal.on fo.r chapped hi nds,.while JolvloR[lnto his bol dlo" just. erl!es or' th. game tbe 0rl't prize ror rvlce in n& moroing by rev. a.. -""'1 north or ('M,e'dSA.torda)", alter 001. HdiM w.nn by Mr'l. McN/-Osl. tbe app of Emerson,,tl he arternoo'h : lace or lips. Superior' to glycerjne vas- e"hjld tl;l 'DJit.rortune to break bls :lnd by rflj J8R. MUJer. J:S Porter- Rev.. H. Gehring' of Winside. All l obne, etc. \\'e gkrantee you wil(llike l.ar"q job rrr, rhieb rell t, the side;.ae1d wo le M,.sR"rb first,prize. and membel'.. norl erm8,n. FPe"l.Jll., J, b ' " walk whilt' tryjn til Ret it in the door- Rolli L y nr1. Very prtts' fefresh ieurs \rfll or.iially tu'rite'i. ',1', '. t an.d25.. e.r.t... o.\t.. es... ;. way. T',jo\ b''1'laewa90ons erable. metbwre"v4dlltlllgtheveuidg' J ' cl-o. DSO'UT'ON', A publt" feh e wul be be d' at the at a bpa tit )' decorated table. The NO:rZ FL.. ' J : opera hods "tjej rirrow (Frt tlj') even- 'invlted a"8 S we Mesr8 aud.mes blce is,erey "'!' tbat Cl,U lb*" Q",01\a'8 J)r9 tqre. ior. EXC.}lt' p... usle will be ornlb..b.d..dames J,.. J "i.fom...,. RO!.A Ley., JaR. f't d.'.y oto.'.h.. r, 1 W?,2'.,.bO.. fir.m.... r 1 ' ld! ' & by. traoo;hi...b of M:8rilP, elebratedba A {l'''od, ood, orcbes- ord',18r, porteruf'ft'. H. "Y,,V. ho.'.,' U. MoSeal, M,o'.a.0'. Jas'.G.' and Mh. M.1- ' ry. mutu'l.l & PP... ('ns:nt, lter.fi.el fw W.R'J errydl. '>50.V.. bavin,,e'l eo- r. erl:v tme r f eojoje1. E er,body,a. Crat-eiand,Cb,aq. Ora"8., rohrsed t e ltel'9t 10, the.flr.b. balve ten Oil1 ' syrup barrels tor sale 75 ce te, leacb. invited' i,, \fby h VJ:< erimatt9ru Wb""1 yo'l can 0 JBtlle1 PO'lterfiif:lii ;ud w1ll, eontir'l!-tel ', C d huv Bta} y tlrnrferwe'rf t, will, eur the husfoe'r" The '? owe y.mp"ny O1. 'it. THE 2 Jothrs. 8ted Oct. 1,10,,ave 80 perttlfml:l nc, of DavJ' "" '. C.', ' DWA';tD 'PEQRY Croket era bouse t.tburs-,themlfh eormirl')t!'oo, btldb,' " ".',', eze>e""""e*=*'''''''''''''''''''' =''i=t=\1s e;''''''>.a1i\=;1\1 Rn-pe.rio,r R.' ,... oad'..' a.o.. d.. w.b. ra.ir... Jl:.O.... w.blf z."...' t ' : -:- :=:c:=! t:an frame the picture t' please you, \\'eli)r,,llardm:m, ) Sl1lo1..criptionliil.Uu in,"dvnnce. ----_._---+ Pianos and Organs.' Our prices are right. Our Pianos,and Organs are well k.ll()'.\, :Llld h.lve ; an established reputation. ;";oh.:: ij', ' ones" '._ St2re. llaa.ujljljul.urn...u=='lujtllv.±===j Tblit killli of' l'cptir.; {'n'y lj.. d to mlj('",'a(l'a,ll H.lil ex; e"r. rr it!lq d'lofl r1u:ht'the Ur, time i'. wi\!!>t'l.y rton l.. UHfn sl' Rrair Oil... not s'ile il;u.o he,(.",tlt au imior:hont pa t -:t our bosirl(>"':'. i\1rt. WC'l'OS and math al to dll ll',(1 work are 'all hr '. E-'matl 01" large j,bs Role eq'lal"y [wit'11 a t ten1erl to. Nothng i<; f;!ig:ltcrl or Lotched. CharR'o's are W'lrlerate.,!, WM. Pln'PENSTOCK, G. t DARNELL. THE lti"' BAKBR Now maohra'ltljr, s a fine li'le of Candie-s whioh bit i nab1ed to sell oheaper than other dtal+pj hav,ng pqr('baer1 an oven ;, '"...,, tally, S:ed in all '.., 'day vd e, comprlly ba8 no n\ Johu: E,: e'l1h.rr t: S. U'F,,' t8==j!j.s.po;,a;,e:.f1..;j>;.';::::=t:l==:;.=t=*4*,.::.;::':;!: a.dl.oo. f to tb.m t.bo d, ba c1. y 01" op, by R. W.. Lql.or. been macb ' R r. i.c".r.1'o1l...,f.,e....t.. r.. 1= ' the ll Bab 6t hhof('b.:, ''hl" eftrpo'lr', 1".1 tp.la 'ai tbe'ho01f\'h9hrldl-'8 Tbe taty. t...,n. Gi,br;oo,,bowa1 md er,' ra.elizllbethchiltls.ldlbe' 8OOomp8nt b hl80" Ed, naw8y,' pi 8Doe' r a rew nvtte'd ltlt's"s. 'The To.. ad.a.y j. '....tl.a. W. a.y.,'.r tb.. br. '. e t 7""l"'.t dao ll. bterof. tb. bom 8!i,t Y-" ere slarttnr' r tbel late! A.." CiildB end ia& 3'00.0" lady pon i H t;,r preelo.ot. r! ot'll acoom Jis me'dtb and trained '8bll ro;-n fr, i e bury, nl itj:,.ndlillellko'owntnw.,nfl(,oqntv. eceivln ven,bra., ' ts: M. atl! bf' ",bue,:a 8,traDeerto,ur 0q a,brz:n HO,vr e. e peop:le, lai.hle, 8pOken' ot.it 8 Youog ent t jofit th'!8{1 Rfte. D:':"'.of. mp art bablts ad a sklled r. Wj' t.a.r"1f 100, mbiidlo, '. ln..8' tb.. ceremooy lr!lstet ",', " :" \ :.add 00,' "'.QtlO:J18 "a dalnty,!'ao,d Ex U. s. i;j;,' or. W, v. A ad. t..foly': a...ired...ddlog' dlo.r d el'ibed s,) te:o,a't, e Pf, was, T",.",,r..,.;,{AQ,'b.erg.,j. do:a:.::.::;.t.l";;:;:r;,...'... d,ru:!! l.":tzi1:=:;:.anlijl b.r..h.t hodlc! 't. H. t 11t.,i'rtb 'Uowni... vh'.d hy d t mob' St8 b:s088i n de thlefil J,t'rbt... The, earrid off '.. e. tim.!q.. "... o.f ''''' io.!i!!i.. 'O<!. a"!'d... h\!uidlloll. '. ra"d, toor.!'ld...\ullo.t.. '!.'ll ;.. 1.nl.rtY a.j,.,!>,' l :atilr ;"b.ilu..,:ttfl l!dj ;:::"jl"li,ill;"";;\\;':,il:\ 1\\11jt';;,!1li)'!i \;:L!'\,b1;;:i1i!i:]1}:i;!jfi;k(ti;'!idii!:j&l\*\(' 'ijj}pl,..i!j.. _ '.1 "



4 J!.A; ;' ;:t:'ey at Ja. Tn.yne, Neb. l'., Ot11oe up.stirsover theoitedsb nk. gue & FORTNER, f'.,. 'W.ayne!eat! tketl ' ' h'irst dlass meats alway,on,ha d. teale., in hides, f r W,,j,LTER, '. Eonded 71b$t k. e.q.d, elts. ' ctor.,. Real Estate and anb', nsurance and 0011 Ct1008., Opposite Love Hotel. i ayne, Neb A Light Vote PoJleq in the County ''hough som, J Ener"etio WQfk was Done. The City of Wo.lne lines up for Most of 'the Tloket but is Short Nearly llne. H q.ndred Votes. Eleotion day passed off qaietly and it was diffioult to teu what WlS forth comirt. A bitter fight had been put up agllineit Mickey and Ml)Cartby, blpth of whom the oombil,ation ofdfdlocrats, pops, fusionistb and a few rl>pubiicns had ;()onoentrated their efforts npon to defeat, safer as this county was oonoerned, bot it avlliled them naqght and the viotory ia nil tbe more satis. faotory under tha olronmstances. n the ljoult.ry tlll:l rapublloans ral,; lied to the caure noblr, sbowjg,'that they were srtith'd Rnd only i011 the l towns was there any ':lhow at dlf.l8stis Congressman from the hird Nebraska District OffiiaJ Can1Vass of Wayne County, November 4, 1902: \- ' orne's} VOt9 of W i!yne COT1nty at, h'. enera' e eo i 10 held Nul'. 4'.f, " " " A 10RRBLE ACCDENT.... '$ j" '" :'!l 0 0' " w " :;;; \l " j " a! ]i " 0;,;;. 11. ;;- Q "" ::l 0;. " " :;;: GOvH'D,or- John B. Miokey... ','...ReP. 24 :<e " f>6 62 '" " ';;' William H. "'hampson.... D : i?7 Conlitresf;maD, 3rd. ditltrlot.- J. J. McCarl.by...Rep n , " \ John S. R()binson... _._... Dem 4: " Slate Se(lator, 11th. dl&trlct , Dr. J M. Ai"'n...ReJ). 23 :H 93 [Jl l H Do."h l 885 li3 J. Koenhtatein... Dam. 42 3" 17 3 l 50 fl [ Repree"t..tive, 17tb dlstriotjb!rt:':""""....:...:::..!i: 'W Or. f13' 71 is [ fl8 7;)!}'222U [ Co,oty At.t.orney_ Harry E. Simq,n......Rep GO 71 1; , ;]7 Guv R. Wilbur......Oem. 1:\ :; :1 78U ClJmmiasioller, 18t dts trlct tv:..: J..:::..::::::::::::i::; n Pilrenl ' to ' el{i;la":?u:' n_ most a.ny newspa.per that you ij parents it must look for have u mlnd to read ypu wlu notlce,an health add 1 [ 91 :;:1;o: :t:t: De'pOnlbllllg isth{e:p:carnencats:i, " deal.ll aud injury o'nt it ir not otten., CJ \ " that, we have thlulls of that nrtlhe Greill responsibility, and how important that 'i..llj..- happ...n 61) near 'lome a8 the terrible no taint ofdisease is left JD the blood - t\"'olct'enthu.t befell tbe E.ll.iott sisters, to be transmitted to the hel less child, entailing the most of Wlni e,lil.8t Sat.urday e'yso'ldg. pitiable,ld, and. its littllt,1:?ody,r;ith ofted- '.rhe tw bisters, Mamie nd Aliopbad eive sores and eruptings, eatultl:qf the DOse' oat, weak eyes, 8llandular been neat H08kln8'viitlnq,we undo.!". swellings, brittlebones,white:.wetlingand ity., 1- d.., How can parents look UJO lltch little snlferers and not reproach st"ln,bnr v: ere retp.rnd n.ome TlJey themselves for bringiug.0 much' miseiy $ttto the 1Vorld? 'f }Tou have W" e.orle) ohe west, flf Wmfllde. and in any disease l1u'kin( id,o il,1'4ltad,.how, ell:' yo;at?pect well'dveloped, ONS"'?ttle 1'allroarJ wet trnck by healthy chi1d? "Cleute; OU' 0Wl. bood al:' budd,up, your helth, and ps... tlg"ftrhin N, 11 Jt jsthfl pre 10!1havenototy...ea. ed,ouri.ty roije,edjoyr;lenoftl1.,eleaures umpt'o" "a'.tho har-,s 'b.y were of life, bnt have ed...of1d7a1rparel'lts owe to posterity, and '/lade. Hon J. J. MoCarty, republlcall Con ref.sm\l.h "leot. in ha Third N. brr.f<kj.o,j'iriu$t,hecame Q mh,t1h"h.bl"" btt mankind bealthier!dh8ppi... ;, ' di&tliot, is a man of wbom not only the repl'lbl'ioall v,tels of t.hfl dislfrkt, bn t tba' i- j' 'st 0 '''PP'''iti.U''. lor no".n- Tlerels "ar,edy thatlp.y. reache. dffll seaed, stulibql'" b.lood Hll of the people may well feel proud, or ba is a roy"l g'l(' retlow, :o;taool1b republioan and a ganuine Nl.'braskan \ He is i. ffili.o (,f stull! g quh,;i'-" a r" 3pected oltfzen tind a mho who will!:iblt rpresent this riitri,t n ('ollllrfos'l M MoCarthy was born Bond ri\tsed oq a farm in,w(on...in and mtidad t raotian. Heretofore populit, pre oinot!l "Bve a republioaljl llll.jorlty' bs time and the old democratio preolnct of H:l.D6cok almol:t switc'hed arpnnd The boys in PLnm Crl>flk. Hunt'8r Deer Creek, Sherman, Garfield ond itt fae t allover deserve credit for the mann"r obta.in so good a.o education tha.t a.t the agb of nineteen he was a,pp/jlhted prot io which they took ho'd of the' caos essor of mal.hemaurs in Albion Academy, And be held thi8 po..'lir,m,o Yenl'fl. About this time he began to think of the posloibi1it1e'l of the wetl udid be ollme to Ntlbra...ka to oa'lt: his rortnne with the new st:llte on the pra.lrlef'.' : Tn",t was nearly twenty five years ago. Be Hrfit settler! rh ar DlVid City, hut 11:1ter belmoved to EmarBou,and for twenty yeah he bas been one or!t.he domi mating ftllurl's in lje Third distriot, t ""oul(1 be USH]elOS t.i\ gj tilt', idetails 1'tl Bnd made victory certain n spite or the very poor repubjicauism of 8evera Wayo'e cllizens. ' : n the olt.y A. T. Wlttl>r 'WBS elected 8S8f>8ROr, ChaR Jf:'ffl'ies. codstable and B. F. FeutbeJ; Bnd 1. W. Alter l justices of the peaoe, all getting there with both teet. ==== glf,rdldglhe efforts and aohievementa. of tbeseyears. They. hav]e been years "f hud wof' But they, nave brourht their snq{ esse. Mr. ccal'thy 8land... high a 'qog the lawyl'.>ra of the atltote. His 8cquli.i',ta.uoe ha.. grown nli\ he if; widely1?own over Northern Nehrll.skHo, aurl hi... frienoih Qrejlt lj.ho\ t (lum erous a his Q(lqualtltHoces. ThOlie who wafohed his, ca' el" 101 the erl"[rtule. the pas two se8ion8 have no.doubt of bis ahility or hl lnexlblr honesty. Evea those who apposed hib polloroa a.nd dollbteri the Wisdom of bif votes 011 same mtterb could but admire tbe rugged hom\lty of purpol e ishov.n a tbroagb. The ma.sses ot tbe people of DXOU-OUl.ity httv".,toild tly; bim Jf-itr after yerl and be bas alwa.ys woa out triumpha.ntly, even in the foe of llirgel fuslon ajoritte8.. n PocO" i lac" is oue of the most popular oitizens. He hrs a ',flnj> bomp, Rraced li'y a cl!armiur' Wife, and a family of brirh,t. boys and guls ard Ole 0 CarthYlllbOUse old iol known 11.8 a bome of hospifaltty. : kn,ws the truth of thl-l mq'tr. th.. liv- troutlas S.. S. S. t searches,out eve hrreltary..,., '. poil 8, and removes every tamt from tlie blood lull 'STer t,e'.nll y..t toil j, to stsfe J ' add budds up the general health. f' -«;eakling lt Wi$ mtrhcll.lpus tht. both jthe are ng up around you, right the Wrong by.tyl8 w..;re flat, klllerj, as tha 8r sine " PUQg them OD a course of S. S. S. at once. t is -;t:.,ruck the buy squarely. throvr,ng purely tab1e.medici,de.harmless i its. effects;, and c be taken he ocoupant.s sixty fet. As it fibs, by both old and young "'1th0:mt fear of any: bad results. ;!. Mawil-l, the ol1est WS kufed instjlotltly, Wt1te us,abot yottr.qae, Wd let ur pp.ysicians. d.,:ise alfd el YOu.. while Alipf>, ()allh. Dt reoeirlog This '!tt coat 1 a0thu:lr, and we w1ll a10 sen ou book ap O,od aod bruifies or any cr)qeq'p,,noe. W:l.S; in 1dl clieases.... T&..lT "PtF"C O'} AtliDal Ga. ' jurl'd ntjtrnally s to rndor hernd.,0, COllSclou& for sever"l dq,l'. Report is, 1 "at,be e ju,treoov.rll.goun-a1r,n,. F,... C'""" NXT'O""Y" x,.'1" B. '.' 11o.'U. nes", and t S th"ught bere 1s latle '..'- rlf '..,, #""'16\. - da"ger of br dtltb..... '... "....'.1 These girls were daogters or 'Ohn J S /. H F. sb' C hi' Elliott. ot Wimllde, and wre higbly re : M. TRAHAN, Pr dent. F. E. STKAHAN, Vi'ce Pre.s. ':. WL : 88 e,peot,rl n 'bat. "amwuni,;' Tbellan Capitalland Surplus, $ i enl of Mamie Wli hjd MOnday.: Bnd. lac; auended by a large nomfr of DBEClTOBS:- J.l\;l.StrahBn, F.ETStrahaq.E.cK.Ml1r, qeo,rke Bogal' fri>\nde. Frar;a.k Fuller, John ' Bressler and H. F. WURon: Ol he"rln of tbe oooirlent ('ar oner WAYNE, N, EBRA.SK..",. J. J '_ W!i.;m'l and C..nnty At.tqrney :,1 \. A; Well'h wel.t to W'DEiide, ut it ----"'===""l'=-=====:i=======!===f WQ'l delliq",d that no inq'fe;lt wa nec' '.. i 'S'.fY -;L-ANK-S1Bt-..r'K-S ABbe."e's Landi Barga., [ '.".'1, t s 0ler:r.r :lat there are mny thil'rs \.n all prohabirit \'l W Hot,J- nt g. b ll,. OliU at tbe HERAL ofjlce for lank for th80 Vie no. Englh,hr.Jen to l.. a1'11 B)'yao well c(lnl'1urit'd ttl t free- i1vcr reollptsl note q (arm...,'9 tbree lnd8, l before he Ca dicoarse wit.h any sort coinage 16 to 1 hrr bepn prf.t'y ('{fot..j W h b. CdC t 1 t of mtellia'eno on tha Pan GermRon as ualy latd.8wa for everm) e as a de ebtte oontracts, lll J estate :mort J. "bot.tel mart.ge, warranty deed, reel e ave, e.en u.p n e,ar oun "1 1 ' ;s.: " piratton ab it.ffaet. tbe Unlled St.t.,. aidedly d d,"ue..: ",'. 1_,. ing land, a.rd hve ;sveral fine, ar- '1.: :e e::,j, ;; o:bb: Ji:st, tblnk of i.,:he oro rl alrlstate f t. born in Ger ony. li'fabahly of N.br k. e'ect.rl flve repoblic.' gans ro s!i'ecu a ors'l,, : persam are in tbe Uoit.d S.'ea te. cengr 'm.o.nrl "nhtta'have.1,,/,1.- Don't fai..,'i t'" s,,.ee u,s abou.t thes.e,.lad!s.' day, out of th country's 80,000,000, ed six. The Ollllse of th B..e in de \..,' l who are or fermao desoent or birtlh. f p a t lng M"roer is cond6 ned UpOll W' k Y f five't' e Th. Gerw.s,like Eur"pe.n' of ntb,er every b,nd.' e can ma ou om 0 n ' ::".:';ryb: a::.l e:t':rl': T':; Tbe repnbllo.n vot..j;,he >awell dollaks per acre..! i... ".. ' t tbom w.re n tb. M.xioon w.r. A f.r tb. way tbey ".rke'l.eir hallat. SenSe,, en,ou.gh to buy uick. 8.e..e.?. ill,..'1," -"..., flgooed wit cnnsirlereblo prominenpe kuaw hew to a'd a f,w follon l d." Dnn't tat,',ry for someone!will hav.e.,.. h1,.se.,../.,',.:1..':':..:,'".(1. n the war f the revolutiou. Many;of sbould feel jllst: R. little iflshkmed o.r... 1 larger num er of tbem were on the eleotion day. Btter get i out of th Union slde n the oivl war. Tbey have wet and stby hre.. " l partloipate prqminently snd boopr. -,,1..9+.! ',,', ", OblYio.ilt eaountry's.ctivitie, from The Nebc.skt l'islrr.re will b Real:Estate the beglooi g. what S genprra.\ly turtlje overwtle'm "t.-l--"_"' '" il'l' A.ge t":i t the German s Dot only ntr inllly rflpuhltcn. Dr.1 AMen 0 -======i==f==:i========#==========f=:==::;:::;::=1!'=' :':'= = 'f' i;';i: '.';::1 menaoe to the Uotped States-be bas Plerol'.>, will rli'!:rebellt lte Eleven'!- F aided ve materl1y in buublnr' :np, d"tric oompr..ing t:reloouotles 0. Wayn p, Mltodio,Pierf'e, nd StRntfl. Bod Prof. F l'tr orer (,f thi"l (lit'-, or thel Fiftflenth f'l'rel" tiv'" d8trjr' odmpritdllg Wa ne Slid anton tie,...,."". :.,. ' l{ug; O'OONNELL'.Pool and Billi d ija 1. n Building north of eraid Offioe. t--. S. WNSOR,. ;8.r7l:i) '1% ' Wayne,Ne US(\:8 thelneversllp" '1 ',. l:h e for, hobes.. A Magazine hlrty y 1'9 Oldj-Th.. 1 Ohristmas (Oed mber) mher of TlE ", "'1,1 <. ', ii " ii '

5 !d ( HARR Overcdat Populalrity '1'hree bfos vel, l'.!/j t more,",)1 e.s ill) lldo /)"l)ll H:' rwer 0'l,t ihan 1 b H', H', J[n\')'.\:. t\(!'lx Ry o ; ), \ 'Hl V 1,.\bl t} 1,)( l(i g a>!b'l C '"'} ()rlthll tho hes' r,oi','s ill, Ollcl"rn 11p to d>\'o tyll,d, 11>\1-, f!\l.!, t, '};\th'jl\t t.he> ' rlds." ;\ ( n'!.! fut' " 81rts of mf>fl: L".'"" l'e'lldy-to-w. fir L N WS. HAL 0Vl\'EN'S SOCAL EVE'f!8. :.L 1: Tbl'e was 1\ p'le-}tidt Jl'l'ttbering '.:,Fd- W.H. B efo,wabi.nh8eltysl),tur- day tening: at th hnm"of 11,.i\o\nri d altbl' Don. i 14r9-: P. Orth. G Wtl.B tljl; YO.Uj(')1C _ rl M.1f3 een.ba n Bakioa 00 busl pie f tho aabti61 oh"roh, a'ld "he,! ne8!'> Mon ay. \ were JD,loYnf! 11 "dt'mfl f-.t. ". f\w("'i Miss Mfra.. reston fia.sl in Ca.noll of tbi(' ma:'" 1J1lii'Jl h,,,r,,,...s. Refl.J.,';;n_, F? a\'blltlnt!!relative. ment, Wl:'ra F:' rvoi a at Ho late bom.1 i i.n OWl: ' j,:;,.e, for sl'" u \\'8;Y1;\6 the,.,,«'i<;' rt;.. \ fot' tb.<>h h m."., D' go., jdoy 4nnex.,:" :Ut J<"rday evf-nlng bl1 "Ltitbraol' J 'FOUr1 p"q\i.. hwi '& f('rr''ln \kd 50 ',.111\l {\Vh;HoTfromD\xn Cia.\t\hl!lu"ChuChiut.lJel"irJ'. A Rbodl 011 'l )ue!:> las FrJday. : '"'. lime a report.ed. i'! we soe lri 'd tbmle excejlentmlxd i _' Mfs's Blanche Gaertner enterta.inecll pi6 lfj 1"f,Brookio-gs' Stortl. lk a few of her young fr'ienda fot a HaJ.1!'F. ;(,J J'lf' d '(,V'! to Crrol8onay.. " lowe'en party. About lwdt\ nf ' e1" e\,,,,illj( ld vlsi Prof. Little. : guest 885smbl..d "uti a.frf'r R fw toor'sl 53 Nefl'e almer, flo Wln'idp t"uc POWD R" spent n playlng game, tire, dl rlf3-: el" t lls 1b, l\ ty Satorril:lY. ",parted, dectating i.t R e'l RpO.t, l..n- : 1 lh ({"" S., R l'imw-sen t.!:ie is b",irlg Atisolute,v ing. tr1ejj iv nb-- \J-ffrt+.Jllatire Alter. r"' Tbe d8o<>ioj;l club..el({ A. m,t'p.n. 1 ' h ijt.lr:,,,,l;::,'::t:,rl"';';d::' n THERE S NDSUS fut ;:1' ll::: e:::w:; ::::: T'hese ligoolish i' N g S, lr C'i'"h:.rrnl" 2,' and 500.nl.. M1f<\ w furni.ti.d by Mi,. Betbai W1a;ne Dnug 0., Boyd AnLex. You take tjo chanoe on r oloaks. rmsrouj{. :. "'br Clok8 nd!'ura sre Abern's Tbeyare Guaranteed. THEj AOKET. '. We:hava everythtn-.i-r..;d.;;s" q.hllm,lke one thdk of Overcoatf'>, li The Foty ea Bnd prces are right. Oom Huskers Hand LoUp, 15 an drenj, BOfs' Bod Met!.',.; Unrler\Vr, i Rnn WA arf\ prepared, 0 show Claude rjg tis a.t bome whill'l bie 2508nt&. Wayne Drag 00"1 oyd ian- now in sto()k. TlE RAOKE yeu thfl "koneot f,t}'ls." The sr 1 b. 1,1OlH>ar N ber is enjoyill t. Vlca- nex.. N-EW--SU'-8SC'18'S 'Ryton".. tha most populrr tjq. ' Enreko Bead,ohe Powder. 10 and. '.' " C"fl ths fnl and, L 5 cents. Wayne Drog' CO' 11 oyd A.n. --,, T l. WH have the r<... A,. H 'v.ser if! n Hoskins vis- nex Tbe new 60bscribere try HE \VA'YN "Vaq;ltr" an 1 mbtjy otbprs. itn frie/jds. h."1 ""ill rem..1ln sl'';'erel HERALQ fol' the month 8ndtbg'toita.y UER.lLD'S ELECTON RETURNS SATSFY,. ". TO FARMERS. 1--:- EVERYBOD:Y,! "",...,.,..,.."...,.,.,;...-, ,-P '',',,.,.,."""",.."",....,.,,li When a majority of the people dde.(a.nyhingau \"i;i;i\;i!. Amel;ican citizens are satisfied. t is; stf'ange tbat rienl, '.'.. :; :.:1.. 1"'i''\ honestly differ and ye feel sat.isfied 1'whn rhe maj()r\t"y: ':':\ 11 have settled tne qlestlon at issue. Tqis is tne in politi( s and it should influence men to sue extcni inllusiness mat. ters, While a majority may s01netime b wl'dng, jt is safe!' in most cases to follow the crowd. t i."::i a fa(t kno\\:n.tb nearly everyone that a majority of the cit\zenj of Wavne ' il cunty buy their clothing here. This fact should have.at least influence enough to,'ause everyone o 106k here be. -' "i fore buying any clothing elsewherl'. A h'o'e :m'tj'ol'ity 'of:,h ' them weal' Staley underwear. don't you tllink you ougbt o' ', ry it? A good majority (f the best dressd and most s*t,;.:' cessful men weal' (lu',suts aud ovcrcoats., f yoll.nevlf'r,. have bought a suit here, you ought to!il1vestigate tis store before huying elsewhere. A fail' majority of au the ' H The plate glass front for E'r nk Kro- Bn.t tbelr at1dre'lt1are: ' i Our price!" "ill start at w e. s. KPr's bulldlnr' on lower Matq street is W''',1'lE: G.W. A1Jhee Carl EltwR.rd MOVl",)" who ha been teech Bet Hnne'1 being put n todar. & Rlt "ab't, Taylor, Will JacobBo ' A'l*llt fur coats owned in Wayne county are in tllis store. ft wiil NG[ONS' THE BDNG inlif lesr Web ',is a, h'om" for a VMS hecold. Stops,the coq:h and wbrks off Jacobl,.T. J,:',:,,,nH' ;:::;'';'';:;"k''''.,' n. 8par, F. nar;t'holz, l 1l.0rone 'interest you to see this large line of fj' ('"at>; before yoll i",- 'ion: Laxative Bromo'Qnlnlne 11\1 ca', '-8 mrkets R.rf': corn :3i, rableta cure B cold day. No AL'rr)NA: Wm Kuss. J buy. More t4an three fourths of tlw Ji.rst cl"s'y clot.hing CLOTHER Whf'. t,j\ oa\tll20, h()8$5jo,er818, cure,nopa.y. 'Prioe25oentB. W.N$DE: Glta"e Pres. Larll, pete.:sonl 1 bqq,.l'lt' lil'l : JM.SlhlODBon. HorhortT\y]or. Will. CoHlofi Mss Edna Britton ret.orne't. barre C St t ('/ W bl a d +- Ei t. GnrneJy v.as down frl"m Wbm from Sioux: City Monda$- f.vpnlt,p", Berfl.r.ihnlrRO(]:n.eHall'J:;u. f<id<>f tra[laotlg huainqa8 (a"t Sa.t r- wber8 "be bas bef'd fn. th millinery HonrY,UottltllUl, Goo, Ho,'oby, H. s, UorbuYi \J lot, }{ ni Om ford ollme hnme fro Fred foddall, Frflc! KfauRo, AldY[ ADdJ1lo n, E 'errtl'on 15 Vir!, d" i r.. abll,mentnrt.s.artln'&co, B",,,pr"by.'''dWgUhen,",.Ad.Pb1''''Pb. Cbq(),hndl\ to CBst B strairht ;r. ha,:er:nia;:li: ::jre,t:d:: ;Xc.' i:::r.lrrw/o\: li;: 'p 5 rl'ty W"'f Co ntin ue' Pllb!i0Jin,'nt',!' thf>y ebonld have done the:maj 'Titles Tho'. Jone!!. ('nts BCn6hoof. D!lVa Leary! ro pe C ' '.'" (J JmUj'. Sh r", nf Pun.me, would have b n 175 to 200 f..1t OSn' B:'::::';r.: ",ClM,::: : ' +- ()'\, "ited :las, Tbursr:!ay at th.. dlt1lltee.. Perry! Oro. St('phens. Salll Hurlhert. Cat Vo can now huy L4 'h 11d \\ n Sure Prospective hord l ' 'rill rl4ror SN':m. :11LJn8 Wt.7.ke. of Wbitner. : Th", tiffs reaohpd jthis UriAn" Darl Mldal(l P"o.l..il'1" /f Ca"rOl" a last robr's brt We ell Lo'.\'ery, tbe f..)low W' ' Adance. ea,t yr ''''ey rher the f'lllowing.1"1.,,t ", th N, N C,. wa. v','"in. ba. been want.d.t Stenton 0" a :; o, ;::,'\=:'';,'';,, ""::;:1V: Lit of' Land. tior S'l H. H..J AM:S: fd... rh irjw\y 1 Patllrr)u r l'brgl"d or r"pe, was captured cvr: n EckerL,>, ohn Ounnin::;hl\l, E' M. Loqke, i21) Bore lam npllr WRl U", \-\1 ell hr' d.jprr yerr P!' e or ttjl 1ract, w'v.,: i;j Of8f,:i[:\e'ta.7:l( owa, the tlrst of tbe week. ::t ::;l'n. Frlt7. VallS. qel'j. nl'uulf, 0 $1- ' t ;9 8Bid that evry brde h8" mmy W..,.KEt'flllLD: l"rll.nk 1on)!. HUdlpb LOl. proved, pnch $1\2;l,,,) pf>1 acre., 1/. tbe ake, B'JUne at th oollfge friends,.but in 8 rew :rears, tbey did- SUOLEB;,A, C. Swan. G. L. Beatoll,o.jW. 160af're fu'm. tmprovl"d, l,j A.Crll<; go: d (W) Here'\! of pl:lsnre land, 3. rr.tles \l.. bqn J"llr t. drrt. is a.1il'r'revati.6g call die down to one. 11hllt'e Rnpky Mnr). BurnlJam,Cllllfl. TlJompliOil. ' g ra8!:i, ll,,'s between W.liyueJ' lid C : r. fr, m wood t.own in Wayne oounty, fl.t q. D. rh.tl 'fl, wht're yon ol\n ob. talu '.rea. Make9,: and keep':' her \ill. A total or &eventy 6v. Adverti61r$ roll. Priof', $00.00 Pf'1' Here : f":(ocl rh"nill({ wate'r. 1aves n 08y. tjl.ln!the htf't q'i'er the market ",ffords. 35centFl. Raymond Pharmacy. r, will please mbke nr te (f., thi. 160 Aore farm al-ont:l mll"h \',r e,:lup.r.me. lfiyouwli,h1h.veao' Oflhebe.t Th. Epworth L.a"ue of:lb M.:E NEGENFNO'-CONVCTE!Ot' U{,ll e at. d f.. fit b k -l' of Warfle,R'ondlmprovt'ml4lfs, ve ' om" C!.l'1il'e J:"arms PPrno ad he.e.knowinrorif>lmilyusednnai 0 c urchre,ma i[lrarra.dgelfentlsfra! ' y c: i ('oootieb Ree <.:;(f,r l"rr.t1, who makes a SP'\('- ale of "down 60fa pillow!:!," bfd pll. The OBBe of Gotlleh Niegenfind, *b... oholce lan,.,m, n"e,a,storea sell only at one pl'iee. As this is t1ieonly store in.wayne county that conduct>; their btl>;inc, on the,ma.ioriy, :plan it will surd) be to your interest to t1y ths store fo'.;', clothing. We sell a majority of the cloting. brought o, 'this county and it will he safe for y(m to fthow the cro+d that comes here for clothing. We pay no irent. We lob" '.<O! 'no had accounts. We buy in large '1uan1,jlies anti for cas/,. We are expert clothing meu and give a wal mnt withevej:y 'thing we >;('1. You will be satisned with the re 7 nl t if. }'OU,do as a majority of the men do in Wayne couuty. 'rhey 1buy clothing of us. Why Hot tl'j' ns, ;.. ' fd. '''"",, t lart. of thl, lin low., bankerohief",pron', 016., the mnrder.r at Ple"e, o.me to an nd atllley Prim', $ l : Sov,>m( llrgairjs ill Sherman precloo EJt.or Gib/> 0, or the RApnbl ican, first Saturday n Oeoembeir. f you last }o rday and the C6e went to.h' Underwear. 160 ar"'a' elellant pa'lturol'>. '\llay bil Hve ov or 100 farms in Wayne oounty elll.1dyed Ai 't'is', th", first of the week want anything in his line wja.lt or the jury. One mad hnng (ut for aldnl.e." d tn 'imot',."d,"' ver. wfll f"r',elp. f'o hlk er.nt,mr an Mro, W. L,al., Th,y will have a.rg..,ot- time for lire.ent.nce, hot aller twen[ spt good ferm-', w..}l, wmdlm'll noti Ohpflp"l'lands in f'everal other goo Gib,oD, o Dixon. ment to ttelect trom., \ t:y boul's deliberation the jury brou,hfi====±========'==="'f=-==i-====='==l= timkr. Only 3 miler fjm tovy!1 " Nehl'Hoka ConnteR. 'Te li'lr.tt. Natlonll.l Ba.nk ha" a ooun't.. As the vote of She"man prtcin?t was n a verdlot of j;luiltyand axed b - - -t _ Cat'l", men yon nl''d ftji' in YOkll' idg. R('hl e thqt wlll R.nd tl"'urps tlt.rt. not brought io untll this aft rnom the penalty at. death. The jury retlte ,----1"""'------'""' _"""1' bosilless. B..t,ler b..ve Qllr o<f n f }'on \Ant land <ran tit you out. t er ttfl.d ght.ni'nll' anrl rrm"'a lno tlie am t'll canvass of Tuesdays oteiould Friday afternoon Bnd i. was expecje Ti mcsichanin e.. p>lstme t.hat, Jose \ OU' cllol,'(j in t,ho wilt PiY yoll to se me. millions i amoll(jt. t'., B daisy. not be obtainfd Dtl1 tomorlow bere- tbat they would l:oon brinol in a leli 5 Now that P'O"Arity w;,'ontldlle, j r will m'l k "l t' BroW 1(lfl.. n!'l a.t tbe re-,a 'hig hl\,nl by hi.ghwsymen l suhs'i- fore the HERALD giveq the ex t ra, dd. d All ndeft8"j'doon the oonrt the loon, crowd expect reml ll'w,hion!'> Chr\lll()i-_.willl f\ ltd11]' nlwnn;;. J t 0:: pl"r ceot ' turnol" trbulatad e]s"where for o\'"er e orou. moc'.bl, low mt.' 'het h." be_o qnoli,," r,!,' p"st wo,e..', n t'ltea.na n'h.r. _bo 't 1 he good nor.d all th.'rt.t of the tloket, ex every mom.nt. tb"t the jury woul,he -.-with.oldtho hl.,.t ['{'ndr-nlll(e('lot.hing 1. A man('an manit nrl st,nall ('omnlls...iotl; i{lvih", option( paymellt ljrivlleilte:s. mlike lpads namr: and fllme of ROCky Monnt.ljlln ceptfor stde omoe.. bring n ils verdlot. " ', f ljr term ' UVH years. ffi 'eb maf e Jt 100 ly iii U - -._1 When uibt arr:vljd and there W' '. Til For_prlinQlaroan rj>fl'len(1fo t a.bove call t"d ape :ml4 'a.t my 0 09.r ver F N cl,ne Co. r.]is. H,8.VUlOnd PhrmaO'y. CO_LLEG:!:' no verdh't the peopl began i(ldesp. t faotlon only.,bere'are no ml: ali " lb k W NCo eljoepfompllyanswered,. r- ;;7i,l«'", [none. there.is8, little defect {'re-.ip f tooll " i ' m ' n s't M dt M'.Jl r. perfotjy anre ot entir clothi g.sati1 :. 1 jrat 8llS <lou, aye, et!. orresp U! E p. 1>t Y f'ft. WGdnedfl.Y or Ana After the verdiot. b8d been read n itb &11" -1. n.nothlor it is in an entirely i1fered.t. H', J. :.1.R. A'MES.1111 ('p n 4 fl rl,. tarin, after un (:ltended Supt. Cr()f MRdisoll Cr)fntr mdl- roreu?n TRUOd at 10:iJOo'olook tha judge?ts! plrce. made cluthin. ' V' it, With l' 'lativ"l4 hpro f1.h ut Wayne ed on Prof. Pile for a h tje while obsr"'ed the lury, tt.aakjl1.g the merrl b t'.. " ',.,,! He 'l at i111 e fl"q,ed n tbe minin,ll busi- Thorsdl\Y bers,. for their verdic.! r ' ctitylp"satist'h.e'ioll, eapes m fov,ry WRy Unih man and, all es..l-:'\or h and 1j:!'l(O. Mr. Beall, Butler, Sheldonaod Co's. Nt'2t'nOnd recelvf>t1lbe verdict t all ootnbiuod tjr ::::k: * WiPCJip e f6nllv-i'. from th North rapresentatlv,>, spent 00 boo or wo "t bowl'd tlead atjd, did, no. rli'play itjj;a...l' r... Waslne lqrt "rs. E Slover rlepart. Ulpd the customary rrtoioq. for B 1e 1 **********:&:.*****;te*;;or;:7f;;or;:;;or;: *, B.en.. E,* in r..." to a rormer th,oollegel"'twedne.d.y, lea,t >ign or fear. 'A'torn.y Kedle, ed tprse1u C l f1, Wab., fbi" morninfor. Mrs. Luoy C?llen, nee 8 one" now t.d...land the judl{e will prpbably *earl! ,...;.+-' arpe argatns avi'itw' ol'parn's,mr. and MrR. lving n.gddls, s. D,sp ntbol's- rho m'1ti1ln Rometimeillext week. : 1"'================"1'===:;===T" * A.. Jao sn.'''.,., day last wltb college friends t. ia nderstood tbat after retiri'g. '. ' PrinolpalShaloro.Bs oame how Wth tilt! Jury took 8,b&1lot str.jdidg tell! f r: ar:'!.'t. :':'7". 7J':! por.. url:m h.be comp eted the the Bloomfield basket ball tam stu" f' We t n alntaln that our ork, ofr mqde"nhiswork shop ('u day. Heaoted8stbSirumire urlng \AnKtl'li{ntJwofor Ell prlsomqen,t'l S rot,g Yi m " M' " t d' tit Ai.r.ha 11 wa. e" von f, r bapgidg lo We're P'"l'ces on C,rp'e s are the L..owest; if 1 polr m lr'r ee "' " nrn og on the game with theooueg. gil. on. ror l1f. imprlsonmen ' J J. omj6 mos,!' hnfom'j work foj: 9tbers A lqmber or studentsof yoti gage, 'f. * you consl er qua 1 y. u'riu'stor1',asa.,fioerep1ltlltion n retlftne to ell'. ames ue ayto the Wa.yhoollellewRtbQue"tott:A ::.a.:1 AE We se,11,1, Carh,e,"ts that tie made bl part 1qe,tat., oon.',,"et.rb. tphvote. b Mr. MaglDty w. to rt, family of Ch..le. Cr0o/., 'l'uel d$y:.;; Pa inti a 71':1 /F'. b 'et wt ):nany oru.r...re e wa. one of t e eo on an l.'bqr,qar.-wisn.r hrod!e,,. d t 4 '1'.11 a., p. p. of rb. onnn'" Prof., d th h r. M llanob >;hut" \vh. alleulgl PUS 11 n g 1\ 1"d'! \! Un to, he stan- : Te Ldl$' 'Mssionary Socety of :auet,an old tte st dejt hire We ;V6 Now tq to'i k the 1llg"lfiT : \\"e'l"f" dving if :tu the year r " '.ft,,.",f,1 ' d,r<i in all re a res y.. ln cuurc wera Fn er,nd later a A'raduate of t e Z,aarian f.9s0r m (loa es DP l. 0 J'" K " ',j, b P '., h t 't 1 t f L dl to d t l'lc,l.:j 'rullild, 1J H h wer than ever no",., i",';-', * ta11rj byml'-'!.!gly R. Wilbnr Friday Art Sobool, WtlS a colleg81'vlsljr t:.t n oljr t.. ty 1tnE RAOX!/:''. ):'callse it's he height of thepaint lection to croos fran and sve the ',,\ r s-v!..ects. The llf t rooon fl,ttbelr rf>gulror meetldjf frid8f Hej,..latPreeDtePQ,edtu FORRALlE lll-!w;lol. P Re reshmeotd were served, a.nd aside the plaotograhgalery u \ snjr. 1 h" fb d ' \\', hwe everythin that good kind that look. fro the basl es!1 part of the gather- ave. to r,n waif 01 B at ron painting rcquip. There arc no tn everlybo y SpBnt an enjoyable W. A Johus, H. former bfdelt and URe and Wlll tiel tbem cheap. better paints Tl.:ldc thnr.. " well and wear f r hi. bride redew.d oou,g aqn.ln- E. J. N'No" M at uoon. land and,eo,lved o0'lg at!jlalim., Til!! SHERWN-WtLL'AMS =- well. lmer Lutidbnrg of Wayn., has pnr- from them Friday. Mr. Jo DO' Wrlol ere.mootd aw.y l/y il! 'J',,,y,.,v" "''ll", a'le than. "ily,(th-,'rs on the nlurket,' ch Qd the orroll ndex. Elmer s prao1loiog law ilt South Da hejl.llo" tc,uob. Brain tired Bn1 del '" ""'..., We offer you ar ght Bod w give Carroll a mighty EX.lSeQBtor Allen was thl guea!; of preeed people wi1t fi":ld B cafe ly " ' aue they :are the bt.:tit... <t!-t the largest se- ' :lw::p:'eo:: :o:..::; :;:.nh':':a:ll 'o:t:o' =y Pb::;;n Te" 35oto.!R;'r :io matler whatyon have 10,paint; lalk it over wih us firs,t. oa a""r. tho p.ople of Carrol! t?at geu,.1 oonvers.tlon.h.t '.Od hie VJ.lt A,k tp "e "The G"r..uee" i,er 'ili.'::'' :-o'), BY :-"''''''!'''''''''f!'''i!.,.1.. t b deserves tlhe bart there i8 "010g. WRS greatly enjo)'ed btl his host Bnd NUb every Pa'mer {no sold hy ll'll THE iw.111i.",,,,::':e DRUG M d 6 ao! we have had ample opportodity to Th d f 11 t...,.1 t J T Leahy.. Linol.eu.ms-- he Best a, e,'. r' h th B td e being' e.'000 a er 7,g n. n. W RTZ LECTURE PROdR.',., waste. He has bel perl us out nn twq occasions bostet-b ' fue RAe E'J!.!.,} ",,, * da artmlnt of a print sbop, Elmer most sstlsf",ctorlly b t f l1mbl'rs -- possessll tbe tatn and education nec, laud iteres:nd, c at lu l"r.m p 1GB. S'fRrlz, of Sioux <Dlty, wi dl'>l1j' Ttl;'t Nlew Carpet. ry t tbe wi'e.dltorlalmm.g. oeacco:oo.ex, entr,p"ty orl i'lit. C'O"".,fLotur.ojorl 12 feet wlde., 1:U:h'y b:e i tl,: m:obanloal: 'Tne.da y.. Tbe.ent! t.rm olo,e'lsa,.,,.--,r.-",,-,----'i,.. ment. of n up o-date, newsy newspa-r t t --, J... d t Q.. pe; whil 88 t obaracter h, stone of The bbbket ba 1 gap, et 8en the. r l TN hi th R.. t he easy f9 r you o saloc if J OUl a' en nf';e ur thq.se brl htjv olasome rollpg fellows Bloomfield and c Hegl;! t awe st Sat en, g S 10 e pliira,.os hanllelome New Alltuwn Pattl"rrs, fresb frnm the L' oms. m7l': wfo lev a qmmuoity better beca1lse urday ptoved to e ad te esltldg and --- ) We DOW offer the Latf'st Desillnel'l, Newe...t Colorings, tb Y hav Jliv lid io it.,carroll is cer holly cotrst('d 0 e, b.e 86 rei betor' 4 gidnlnr Friday. ovembqr14. 1 tafnly t b oongratulaterl.-la.nrel to 8n favor 9! ayoe ev. Weldon Progl'lQDl j CprhtOol.".'''ttooW.eaTveW o.:nlyd wl'or,g,,"',tnl/ara 'lnor,tma in65t'o:nnld, apter nyoahr.lo,'.w\ A4vooat acted as nferee. l r. i J r 1'.-.., Prof. Gregg's election 0 h laglsls- Ff,idllf,...Throw Qu.. the L.e nle.,. d ;>r;: lewed. Union ngr",il The fo low nglem. lak.n from he tillt t hi f' his tnrd.y, Sre apislrl.,.' B atloll y 45 c",nts per yaru, a 6ewe '* Rporter pu:jllsbed at Neww<inGrove. ore W!!' e rom t c ass room..:; mf'la.f, What e a Ma Wo 'no Ask to b.. shown the Gri'en Twine Matti:lllalso the Rn"i 'E "{.ev. Gt b t has r'alfi.ned b S t post- :=r:t::: teh1lt b":g M!norJ"y, Ten Ntht n a r rdrt'r'1 "'=====;=======#===='=======:;'=;;;;;;ik i'ah 'S " tl, ohurch, ew &n Glove, and peal'bed b im b til i nly 'V dopsdbf,... ollow \h n dl' i $' roonis\ tulft ro'ds, lr A.n sblrs bts farewell sermon l Sontiay m,orning :ds:o."" W e r t provid j Thlleday, ArabBmJLifl l Mr Gesrl111d and BO M.rs. Gearharl 1..r'lrl'aft. 'j" Pa8on h,". \ LOrd'j vineyard sloce comlo here lng fo the legl latr Ja t tltloturdsy So d'y To be selrc eel ), ' about f. iear 1l9, bot it seeml 1 tl.rt a Diiht with a sp h D,e arr 8Qhoo First night, Fr e to &11 J, ' fw of trj' xl>emh"e wbo wer luj f hollee, Stanton, nnty, ",n e. sdutb S"OJ d..ht free to 0 sod!e". 'h ' " 1 '" tb.holylilhtwhn tho ohnrqh was DflWln6tde,whe h, w08 sven atten v. widow. and oma". ml\r ' Agenll l folr, Wa ne lll stor.an' hav.grownlupooldand tlveoordlalhearl g.!1rof.,flrellll h"",,.p;.,: i : ',; " " ' 1 1i\'lffer"f.Jd 'bl. was the prloolprl boltn _ally p Vlth the 101&1 " ***********:*** ******** l rea, on fo Mr. ae'rbert:. r.,lgnation. nrpordt h. bas f e'r e 4fro,r the OJ " Thl M' ' " "" " " '.,?1l. H. ma. iae"dj pr..enled him wltb N. N..tnden,., 'i' Y S rm g.., the neat sum of! f50, wbfle hij Ep, 'Rev: DaWS9nm8 hislqrstvibit t V FU eti e f loterl :S 'B ' W 'J worth ad Janto Leagues pre8ente' tmt :copege B'ri BY ldofnlpl, oondact_ ert gg VOL TAT6 ANt< 0 A YN6. Xr Oea, b,rt with a beant.ful on, ng the'd.votto al eerol.? and glv. : UNDERWEAR and BLAFKESl,, gla" oraker hoir, We did n 't1ea"l ngahpfetlo 11<-1 etr"'themay, D.n'tputoff bn"lllltemtob HENY LEY, Pre.ldrt C. A. CA.E oe P,.det. R. W. LEy, C.qle" "here Mr, abd 11,,, a.arart n'ond \'/ vlt De!'1' ffeq.ntll,nd :'! r"llular/y long. Stook, erelnow mp., :.J"., $ " ldove tb'er:eporter wishes thenp. as his &Jedecessor. jtlie ooe&'e eterl" D4d fba pricb pe 1 bane ' ndividual.ttespo 'Sifi ity 200,000,.noo a d projp.rty bllt wherverl then ta!dsa,d!'aril' llth OlUOt,to r th J ' '1l.', ' wnl' do " a Gon...1 Baoklng Bn.Jn... nt re.1 paid on Time De P.t" m'ty h ('ss '" (!the. J lot." W Mrs. Gearhart ',. h' the..!.t other tb r t.b qh V. ra.. ower 8D 8 err el " t 1 '.. W"YNE " '. h8ve bl:'en very r8.ltbfnl worktlrin tbe Prof.Gregroo 0lUlJ8l,hi palld- S't:1rtfay Qicb ntt. \v n 8 P, wa,;,a 81neg r &uaug _a at0 Gum) DO WB18 J' nli, WAYN, " "'"' NBRASKA" ' gb j' J 'd' " ' fill" '', " < if f" \, f,', ":. ' ",', ' 1 '.'.., ', i ' T 1 - ", 1'''1 \ ".1 1,'1,.1,l, ", " r ;\.:..' " i,.



8 i "U.k. r, $, 1 i 1 ", SU fl 11'io1' i9a: 8, 5'i"e<st. %1' "a8 <9tai"afe MrrrDN! R'S PLAlCE. \'''''''''-''''' NEV( N w S-r makes this the attractive place!fot people ested ill fine fu niture ofevery description., RE! WiAAAAi who are mter- You shou d! call and see the epwellent new line of DNNG r-abl:e. SDE BOARDS, \ thna CLOSETS that have rr.ivedjan are rr.ivillg ev.. ery d./ll.y at. the new q arters in!j. P. fgaertner'$ new urni ture bulld ng. Heixpec s to have all im:j:ovel ments complete in she> t time but ool1dially invites 'Yof now to s e thtllarge.s.tand most complete stoc,01 furuitu; e in t.0th Nebraska: L:... R. qa'ettner,,1 Snnday.' " " ro s mol'idg 4 little; brit"preside H'aeri has not budd a.n in(3h. aj tamerican t'lln8:l'i \\.pt\"6 a.t' equinl:}z....t ':.D..UBt b0 \eal:l.ntt<;> KBnS88 i9 8hipptoll' iarge qna71tlties of a;ppts to Liverpatrl a.nd LondoD. The Britons: nave a. deolded titing fat: the Joo8.tha.n. be' tj)ufjd in Moro(!ao. FOR SALE. 'Dt,e storim- f-iol:; au'rfrand \n At b'. a HUf/la, a /loo'' blrilriin" lox's, r, OODJrOUOll wjtb!the Porto \R.loa \ 1"",_ rmvered whb onrri.8tetd 'rod. nqalre gttt'tti.\ln read hije ord\[)8;ry'alr}' t.la at: the Wayne Bakery. in,'sr, Louis. " 1! Tib aonulil Th'lDksgivins;prool,Un-:" WANTED. (',': a.tion: i'!'always is3t1ed at a pehod when; A Rlrl to do 116fleral boo"e work. 'i everlbody is tha.nkful tha.!i the cat;d:r nqn\1"f' at thh!o oh!<'0. (\r ndr\ri's,;>.c. H. ' Sickness steals!more saidgs 12 the p'f.'i'q is aboo.t over.!' Fisb, Wa1'Dt"t Neb., R. F. D. 1. l, \ buglar'. Slowly, coin! by dqiq, the., j " (oney tha.t ha.s been so', hardlt arned, " f ny mistake be made in *'ting e.t FOR SA.LE. ic jut/6rr::::;no tlht::1 or, thft new breo.kts9t foods i,oan ea$ Sf1mA good horre, mnll'.p, Poland iug man, and th commc/jd aue bf the y be!corrected by llsing 8oe of the Oh1na, boer p!,qs.!tlquirioo or or adworking man's sljckssis d1se of the new Htent merjiotfleq. drps8, PHL ULLV.u{, stomach. often iu,'olvmg qte hea t, lungs, 44 WSJ'DP, Neb. li k d "Worm Destroyer. ' VTOtse 10;'6:: Pier'ce'k Gold n:med- Wlle'a Crf'sm V\'-rmifoej not. only NOT LOST. \ ical Discovery wil stop the ste lmgd k'llh: w", ill", hut rcmov, a t,c mud'ns -"re :nsuraooe is oheap, l'ornhdo n. ::esfi::s;l:d'lot/:::nsf tjrt llme, tn wtdr'h they b'lllr1 th,ir Tlranoe 1 cbtlsper For Ow8t rates tligestion and nutrition. ' cure!3 dis- HetFtj it t)l"ing'., awl qrllcklr, hr;ailtf J'lvi he",t oompao}'s bee GRANT S. eases of heart l,ver lungs, kldnetys, etc., ('oudiitjou of the bods, whef/3 WO'!$.a MEADS. when these diseass are caused by the cann1t xist. 250!it E. J. RflYmoud. Don't forget the old man t8e:ji i.on of the stomh and Mllhrooms KeneraJly (.onelah of ;,90 BLANKS! BLANKS!,with the fish 'on "his back. bll\\llilr:gbgayq; per clmt water, but the reminjn,110 Call R.t tbe HERALD offioe tor blank For nearly- thirty years' he 'iatfflirw,raat tllj;;i per O',ot is more :nutritiou,> th;a.n bra,d. rf'oelpts notes, farm leases,tbree kind." has been traveling around the a week my 5\omaeh would bloat\ and ', td'illd oba.ttel mortgltge, warranty deeds. real world and is still traveling.u ;"::ld :Ulb;f:aeduh Beautiful Clear Skies., i eatbte contra ct, real ea'ate mort- brindng' health and comfort th b t cl t ' l the city but got llo help ed,bine eixerts a dlreot iufll...uence.. : l,l."ges ' u..l whatec;;er. yothe way or other happened to. wherever he oes. get hold ofavlo.l 1fyour,Pellets,' and lhouht the' bpwels, i1ive and Kidney, por y- NOTCE T'0 TEACHERS, T h. h tj1e helped lle. t wag then wr,ote to yon or ing Rl1d 8thmgtbenin5it tbea Or/il,l\Ja, 0 t e consumptive,e til'uht rho:ieo\ltlnt<;xr::er1 aod maintaining tdem n a not.mal liqij... No examlnatiods will be beld n Sep- bri ngs the strength and flesh n$e ()f your GO!(!ell Medical Dlscovery' and t b d O-b E t tl 'easau.t Pel1ets 1D c<ltmcction. These medl- dltlo a heslthj thus remov,g a cfn; em ar tid uw er. xam na ons be so much needs. c nell have taken as directed, and am very mod :ca.use t mothu ' wlu be beld the third Sat.urday and h, opmpythto."i:a,."rttlll1nt",',n"mo'on,"ldo,,.,ttogedcyb'ttht! a ye ow, or' gr! To all weak and sickly u u".,. nkin, pond more or less PimPle., blo h Frld;ay preoeedtor in November, aod h ld h ; u:o rreanc'ea:/e} tip- es BnD b8okbe8d' at lu. J.,. tbe third Saturdays ooly, in December C ren.e giv rich ad Accept no substitute for Golden Med- mond. aod JarJDlJ.ry. C. H. Bria-ht, 00.80pt strengithel1lng food_ i al Dlscover." Nothing else is "just T tl' d good.'" 1 1 Prisoners when arrested id Morr6o- Anyone knowlnlz or orphan, home an pa e persons J.Dr. Pierce's., pleasant Pel ets regu ate co are.. reqnired to pa1' tbe,olicemn JFos, or depenclpot children Deein" a he gives new firm flesh and,e bo,wels.; for hi.. trouble in taking thm to jll. home will oodfer a favor on the chil- rich red blood. he ajlthraloite miner h8v eele- ;;;: dren as well as the Nebra'ika Chtl Children who first saw the bat,ed Mltphl day iu, fine st'lle. fhe By;,endln 18 milee Wm. Splrey,lof ::::'lt::;:y::p;::i:ot: old man with the fish are now DXt festival, ogbt 'o ve Roosevelt. Walton }i'orn'\oe, Vt, got B box}.or Block,Omaha,Neb.,a.nd tbe C8S9 will grow Up and have chiwren dy.:.hoo-klan's Arnoa Salve, that who y reoeive prompt attention. of thelr own., :America -;;'i--;-kjl.k'-dthing oued a. holrlble Fever Sore 00 his 1g, E P. QUVY, 8ta.te Sup't.. He stands.01' SC?tts E.mul. td the otber nations of the ea.rth. Notbing elae could. Positively ou es SLOn of pure cod lrver all-a. Eten little Columbia hils raised the Brnes, Felons, Ulcera, EruptlPtBj TRUCK FARMNG N THB SOUTH delightful foo(:l and a natural pic. on DS, Bol'e, Baroa, Coraa and P.o q J Do.. Trnak Fermlng in tbe Sontb tonic for children for old folks A ThaDksgiving Dinner Gna.rantaedbyL.P Ortih'sdr g payf W-ritetheundersignedforatree d f }}' 'd f h d girt., oopy of llinois Central Clroalar No.3, em or a W 10 nee es an Heavy ea.t.ing is usua,lly the fir!'lt. - aod note what i Aald codcernldjt it. strength CfmseoflndJgestion. kli'peatedattaoks The chmaware belodrlng to K J. F. MERRY, Aas't Gen't PBss'r Aeftt. SCOTT & BOWNE:. Chemists. inflamed the mll0011'l ml'!mbranes lio- Edward is valued at $2,000,000, 80l. i llinois Ceutral Railroad Oabuqlle s 409-4/5 Pearl Street. NewVork. log the stomach, exposes tile nervefl of 1.. gnarded with the most 8(]rOPD o.a ' 60c. and $.OO all druggists. the afomacb. prnduoin R,"wellinlil:' care. Prog-reRslve Canada 8timate8 tb8tl after eatlnl{, hear t.burn, bt ad'l.ohe, Rour J "the poptllatiod caplj,city of Ca.naria rlai" and tinolly oo'orrh or tbn B'om A Sta.dlng Surprise can not be l.a' than 100,000,000" Sbel Das Cared TboDsauds ache.. Kodol relieves the tnfl'immll.tlorl, Very few could believe in lookina At' There Blre ],300,000 liqoare miles or protets the nerves at,d urftfj till" er A. T Hoadlv, a healthy, robust b$. k aleable BDd. t..rrh. Kolinl oures indi,lfe&tlon, d) 8 smtb of Tlden, ud' l that for ten r rs Given up to die. pepsib, all stomaoh troble8 y oleans helsuffored &uch torturd8 from Ru-: Startling, But True. Dr. Caldwell of <Chiacgoing and sweetening the landa of the mtism 88 few as could endure : lilt every one new What a. i'rbn Practicing Aleopatby, Homeopathy, stomach. L. P. Ortb. iv. But a wonderfol QhangefOll.aE ra! mediolne Dr. King s New Lite PJlls is, his faking Eleotrio 'Bitters. " Eleotric and General Medicine. wo! writes D. A. Turner, Dempsytown, Pa., "ill, hi Request, Visit Professioq.allYt Wayne, Nebr. Rail Road Tlrne;Tebe bottles wholly cnred me," he wr,t'1 "you'd sell 811 yoa bave n a day, Two 1 uad bave not felt a twinge in ove 8:, weka' u'\e hils made a new manotme." CHO"'GO,8T.pA.UL.Mn{KBAl'OL"O)l(A.81. year." They rg.alate the KidtlJP s,' ljfdllit,le ror constipatioo, stomaoh THURSDAY NOV fl t THE BOYD Trll.lls Goiller East.' :! purify tha blood aurl oure Rheumatis lind liver troc.hlea. 250 at L. P. Ortb's 8 No.. Sioux City Pasllen./:er, ' 7:O&.D. Nr1ta8iri NeTvtln ne83 improve! fl:.. r1nillst re, Sho Will Return Jf..",vtlry Four WeekR. No.U. Black Hills Pussenger. j 2:0,) p. m. '. ' ll" Consult nerwbllo The Oppor- No. 52. Accomodatlou, i J:lflrill. /ile..tloll aqd il'iv pertct health. 'r y i A Diln crou. Month.. tooitv JSlst Hand. No. 00. Bloomfield Palsenger, Ar 6 :40 r th"'m. Ollly 60'ots. at L. P. Ott, 'Sl. g : No. 52. Bloqmtield Pl811er_rr". 1:45). drll/il fitoro.', '. This 1'1 the montb of couab8,colris Tralnl Goina' Welt. -.." ': and K.cut.e oatarrh. Dq you catcb cold No.l1. RtOllXr.ty PaR!'OlC'or.,6:48 p. m. 0.ne of tbe ohi..r leak8 on many ra 8. easily? :FlOd yoursftt boarse, with.a g. J:: at:8ollg"or, Ar. gi::::: tbe loss or tme and eoe rgy beo ae: tiokllog n Jour throq,t aod an aunoy : M: l:n:l':::::: 1 1gt:: 1 tb mr.nflq'emn is oot carried ont' n' ink oough at nlghtf Tben, you sbould N. lz oonnects at Bme8on wlt train fori El.ntQde6.nite 8Y.t.em. A 8tud of 6*1'1' always bb'v"e handy,sbottleof Ballard'l:l Omah, at Sioux Olty wltlh St. Pa1 a.nd loculi old anfi socflssful buslne8b wilt shw Horeboq:nd Syrnp. J. A. Anderson, owa trll.lls. ', tha.t FiUCCMR hljs' b..en lafrp}y dlle tol a 3M West;5tbSt., Salt Lake City, wrltt's: No. 10 ll.odnectl: at Soux C,y 'lvjt alii metbodtc81 and:'sfstematto way of o.: "We' USf;!' Ballard's Horeboond Syrup tr;': i2d:hll::e:temorson tb O1Elb fog thltir8. All,:work should be C'll e for Coubsaod colds. t gives mmeand 810m, O1ty trllln8. 1 i tully planned 86 tbel'e,will be DO ws t,. dlbte relief. We know it's bo best No. 11 connects d.t, NOrfOlk. withr,lack..aille we.t. Or time in carrying t ont. Pal remedy, fllr these troubles. write No.9 corjqoots at Norfolk w.lt Elkboro, sbould also he made o as. to coont r:' this to ioduoe o'her people to try this east; Verdhrre Line and pilton P clfie.)!, T.W.M08..&.l.Arrt. W,,.ne. aotany adverse'conditloo!i' of wea,t eri plmse.nt and efilpient remedy." 250, tbat mry eome.romes_ :' 50c aod $1:00 at E. J. raymond.. BelSt Liniment on Earth., Bread 8S a daily e.rticie of food is 1. Mj MoH.ner, GrBextll., Tle. aaed by Only, obont lone tblrd nf tba County Officers. 1\ write8'nov' 2d, 1900i had rb 0- popnlation of tbe ear b. Bert Brown qlerk matsm laqt. winter, WlB! down io b d; Asleep Amid ames :tvml:::::.. :::::::.. ::!; six. E'e.. 9; tfle.ie\"eryt.bio ' bot gof. BreakDg into a bl. Z.lug"bOme, some. O. H. Bright 811pe tntedol:'n, rellpf, 'lrfrumd gave eapfl.rt.o a tiremullatelydraglle tbesl03eplngin- Enooh HuDter CO\1 ty Jllrlgf bott o aluardja SOW nlment. l m..ter rrom dedtb. Mooled seourlty, o Reynold8 U1",rk of Dis rlotoour u'lpd t, :aqt1 Rot' two morel bottlep} r ad'1 deatb WHir.!t,l t.hat; way when A. A. Weiob......(Jount ajttol"de cured me and l'havfln't tet any rr 01 )'Oll negleot conchs nd cold. Don't OQMMBSONERS. mliti8mioce. t o",n reoo,wend s;nc., do it. Or. Klng' Nw Disoover,v for lstdlstrtot. Ricba d Rn:S8et L.nlmeri.t to b$ tbe bestllolq:jen n CODSUdlptillD Klve perfet.t pnte\]hon 2nd' Aug st Wttle flb.rth tor rbellhtism'" or rbe a+ Bgaillst. lil Throltt, jb8st bud La'llit' 3rd, E. Olllle tl tl J t b 0, so 8i 0 or nenra gob ns, r Q Trouble. ({eep t. ne r, anf! avoid sllf City Officials. ' Blllla.rd'li Sllo.w ;Liniment, ou will, ot, ferioll, eath, Rnd ljtor'8 bills. A EtellyLey yo. eufffto ut!ul ber:':oeowie : 'te8spoo'ul stop& a.ate cou8'b, per Harvey RiDllland Trea urer spee y... to ee.. vecu.. ' 0l,a, slstant!'\e the most 8 ubhoro. Harm,' jlred lrencb... lerk $1.00 at. J. Raymond., les8 and nloe tastlnlt; t 'a gna.ranteed to g:: fl:de;:"'."".'.st:rtc" :ff's::' prob31;.l";dt-,.(]-0.rtlal 9. 8'itbly y L, P. OrthJ Prloe 50J and Thos. ll.'ritts leotri hul. dlsooot ntmeot of boys b;n tlie frtq $1:00. frlal bottles OOPNOLMEN. CalUe t, m. u.te ftloot tbatatber1 Kina ;..e.wanill::a 0.f B. rt,o elqnd,sbng O W.m " poiheapoeedstock 1First W rd i., not'rvtenowlh consider ion to t the Dlltlfmal anthem Di,;l& own an A sn,ggesti os; ot,thelr..80ds. L heir.p i page wi1e to Edlnb '''}i'.:,: T. B. Heokert l St>oond ard are not lways reqs1blp, or coorst>" b O. S Beebe \ 1 John Sberbahn l Tblr Lb.ef&l'e ortbconsiderlng. t C\>ao Mmute CO ab Curo 'JRE -C::===F=====R===:; ::::t;:::::f=f===:f=::-::::::::::::=::::: 1 0M Craven 5",pau to tllow tbe t1vice 0 i. soo s e- s the pol, h'lrmle5scouhoure that :::. 1 times ev n tbougb t brln sbout gives qlck retel. 'Oures COUg,:bR.,....i ,. j., Churcll Directory., porry ss anrl tben point oottbe 10 Colds, Crotlp, Orono His, Who'lplllg n t. Pet9r at 1U:45 a. m., BOrl i: p. of t with a red18rk of Nevh mind 10 and au Throat J st snr) Luoit Birrell Ptl.str this lumia, but look out r th be troubles. Mot oak d lly rdoh" say" "'re 5. BAl'TST-Servioes every{uodr. al and avoid it/' t:)oml:l ft rra askl t 01 GfOrrrndE Fenner uncia ud and.. -_.- FQST PBESBYTERlAN-8arVeBererf ao ;8t tibe same tlml Sb th, ctu Cough, PDoomoula, A tbma, LssrlpPel \W 10:45tl'Oh:8W'lde Ptlost r. advioe of a 800 a,:lddoabtbeyplae'l oootrb6 d8everer,,,nd'oollg'b. ll!;!ijl;;.,j;dt.,.thtt:t:rr;j, '" MlTB:ODST-Servlces ev6 y Sa dllor Theonlsdon gets Wfsry tbl la. taued ra idly.; libel My drq'f maa:rpatlents otijcurabllll 10:45 B. m. pnd 8:00 p. m. 80mr 8905 take to (lulsl e vodllt 0 '" glat reoo.p.mend..d On Minutes Oongh tot' troll.tmflot. Oonsultation.. '.ra08. Hltbel1Past r. ad fo,",ono of trarni will e p Oare. 'rile first bpttl bron,..:jt rtou,'; DdadVCle.ooedO)lartothO!.e:Jnte.. ST. MARY'S OATgOLO-SArvloe9 r"t thflf9 1'h l es6 may as w1 be ajs t d several clred me.,m back to my DR. O'hA OADWBLL & OOMPA an. third.sunda.ys of every1mont Ho ill fr10... ill out the bbt of t e r Wl!jtght, lls lbs. poe Mtnute COURh Omaha, Neb. ObJJaeo DJ a. m. 1. Weber, Fo.tbern o!la. '/:" mi01--homes'elld. Ourecatslth9phlem,r ieve9tbeqot1lth ; GERMAN' EVA!"lGE(,OAL - heclp u'" Ctired of Ples Alter 40 Years. at ooop, dw8 ont 1,ft mmatioo,oores cotlgrt>.l(...f.ion., 2M. mile!; Bn.. 11 h. a[1 M 0 H G Ol b... 1 oronp. AJn ideal rem y fur obljdren. miles west of :'wayo",,", aerv ces e rf 1aney, or eoe\'!a. L.lp Orfb Sunday! at 11:8:\. m. QOf;l '8 ',. 8 r- the He for forty years. r,o('to a a..l. ' 1 ",' nate1y\: Krr.bllr Graber \Pas r.' doua S oulil do him no BBU g ENGLSH: LUTHERAN - Ser lioe, e err DeW tt' Wtch Hazel 8al"lecored, :;A;.:.t.i.;1t.m.O.;.':.'...;.:.'.':::r..,, 3..:.. '..!,::.,ej.j...:'..1..:..;.ttd,. :.:. :,.',, " ": ' other are cheap, "li'1ortb11ss cotita "'., ',J ':J ii, feits.,". i ' i : (9 /F:: r-.! f. oa:'or. bllllo"a and! oekln, 1 if' Thi l.rnatu.r J9, n:ev?y bolt ()r 1h gen,df, ':.ser, 'j. laxstive.broom'quinine f.bl to ; Tao b.wllt'e Little Eoly Rleo th.,.medy th[t erfta p eold 'n L" D7 JQBberore 'J0D' to t;le'11! ' ", 1.', Yo \i!lnll 01. tile D;ow. 15 F d Yo are rid of odraorf"w-, <0 r"jot j;t E 0 E Tb t' all; juat anol1llb liold. a"l Take the genllije. &1 The e famous ljllls do not gripe b vj- d:ol:' move tbe bowels R8ntly lfond 't,! cine Co Madls no W15 t clean log the liver. Theirtonic e e.,, f41u1 o:e h c:/ Ahea [tr&nth to the glanda, pre n Price, 3S \«nt...n wer 014 iog a "tul'n or the dieotder. Ll ""PO"O",\,.ft;t... tuu. Ak your ru Ort 'f \,, ' ' Accep.u ttl b!" ':d:,>f.ji.;'::::\;; ":;:,,'".:L![ :)[i i-\):i}j\h:f\'::i \::ttl{;r\' jl i/ 1111'1!' 1\!L'rirj, ;',Mt/\m!\ ({ :r., '.,1::, L;J. 1 ''rl'\l fllj 'jtl;/ 1


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