.s_t'rli ulrrs.r.r!trrl FLr ol"r. nirs Lrft wse co dql Lsirg!lr4!Li lnr Lll! l,lr. Nri! bolh dr$',riiv. (ntr n,! ilid

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1 r!l,r dluurr Y Nri $i.s_t'rli ulrrs.r.r!trrl FLr ol"r. ittrltr,!!!;il;!,re!t.,j!::ls!: "6", 'lhc rclnidnlid bel1reer orrtorril rositi0d dtrd rc ltsoin0tr{1'cstcrt nnmrg hish risk trrgnnncy rlwnehss!!gl'illjn!urtikntw FoNEn Irrdisror i: l'{t hlsr$ltrd tq[ nld { fotr! s\ lsr r rtqlnld Lo 1.!0N ldg rniirir dbirlil! nl.rrrli,y rln l, I r lyft or nftdi ng rr rb' lira lrwiilloft tr.lndiis rlr mr'fil!sr,o)!hidr i'1t(t rl,c dd r5.r r i nr$\ ol,j.ui\.: lo,tl. tlfl eld d,siip Ld* ndsial,oitol trr LlLr'$ulLl 0l tri' xldl'ds: lhir yr i cli',cil! rl c Li.Ll o on lo f dq l'lsttr nll!.1.!nu, llhr l,r', itr l00l Tr.rsrs sn. rirggton prgrn eutrli lrir' sh didr rsidd bdretr : ro rlw.:[! ll,.l.1p rd*asr ornly'ssi!i!dbr'i(i'! Lnn i$ri linllu t!,' or) or 1L I iu ld (tn IiLLa ltri ddr) r k]'lo' Llr [s r.,i vd rt'rrtl rhlherr'dr Du,ir(',s h!c.rb'!dtur0i ncs n ni,l orl,iiilr nirs Lrft wse co dql Lsirg!lr4!Li lnr Lll! l,lr il.d l!! \ 'lir Nri! bolh dr$',riiv. (ntr n,! ilid *LdrrrrL,tr,,lrrt,LL brltr{d i lll hl ei NllNh rsrl liorlisr\r:166?lrks Ll,N ol trrorhq5 MrftL nols(jl]"ll lll.r vr { tu rir iilit.!i io'ls bd\r!$ 'd 'r,'rorilr bolll!srog,$ll! nii r,rtri! i,trl dnlil {\i orirlqr' dtriu lrllnil uturnrifrcnlsol C trl,tru: r\n.urlu!i tll. i$lrl! il i ddni,ly, arld i Dontr.i.. LLL,iLn(Riil. Klynrnli rricl, R:l I (BN r-r. rrlt'n lrii 'id. Ndtr nrs rdi +-,i'r,,- rlr.+.-l r! Lr.] a ej- rl apt et- p pi,.tf ) at : Lj).-t >r;.!trn el --.tl tu, ut ),L rs)),!,!,rr,, u-!r,,,!"f,! r,, j er L r,l r/j,i!&r d!l,l F,,)Lr {!r- r! rr rii d!!r rr!,,+ n!+.l'rrliju,r r.r,,r"]:]ldr,l,ltdl: Lldjer,r1F laaqt,rt,:,, r/!!!& r L,i jlr i Fr} rtr) ;rrl rrt rr r, dr[,l.,.!,rr L? r-i 4r :... "r jr" r".. i,-r,,,, r!-! r,r "."rr,rr+ 4, { r!r,l-. I i! i!lr!!;,,,1 q* r i -HipL,+! :-: 4L! r.,t,4"!,.) L;r ri,rrr L c,,1,;t d 16)D r!! r-;r; t),&"! y: d,q jr.r j.* r+,-> i"! lil r o!! p!v)liilr;, {! *,4!!L rrlrr }.tl" : lio!.-!,rr r,ll I,q! tlrr dil!r! rjl el I r[ r]t) ' +!r,r*lar { "!p, dr 4! r+,rr, dr-r!r! DIBL! i! 6r L: 2-r}:: rt'l,yj, ril'!rrj "r-.r)/!,ll dp ;,! r,l lrllt.*r.l-r "rll : bor,!.rt,r! lrir r)l.l,1r,l,l r *,iri I 'LL!r +Nrt. :;!,:L I rrllr '!,,!. 4, F r rll!,.,li,r i. ]';!!j4.nl!jjj!j;l]lr!].}!].1.!- r! L! nlr,n,\! {r.,,:r r! n hs{rr,i sor) llsr(!)

2 d, a &!L )r;l dl.ill '.jrjl ll rroer.frr$r uit q+)t u,rfl!) rrrlllr,- -Lp Fl,oL )[]L 0 rr'fur.r.t'!)li! j- jl.,,r L,n..r,,1- jl. ir-;.lr1 riirlililiirrrr ortu LL-r,,L,L!,) ; :;j ;r i,ii u r, d r.ru- rrjrr fl.r)!! "rit u,)!l i,r! ts arli ts r,l l:;,.rj )r,r!i r fbi 14!r urrlrjl ;,,!,rr, +r$ r, E+,.-+;r -1,d {t r -uf,unr1"r!;p o-"ly' d"fl d d rr;,!r;lrfr LU" rr irrl<i, ijrr u!),!!f irrj,jfjll r),r!. 4,ll slbrl!r ur-t ic srll! d)lj r,tj] ei!r.ti d-<, L IF r L-r rr dll- r)rrli " d; l''rjf L "bl: /Fr;! r+;!!ll-;!,;r,ljrr.a r.r air:j rr d)rrl rl]!.; Lr,- rlr i+ )r,",1!,j'..{l t (* d'q. lrrri.rj rl' l di+ )Lr)? i]"l' ij tl :lldir r rt9.1 il>r \fir L- )r qll dljlrv r. )) "tl!"j, rrrl ijtrrl ltr \d.,! y', rr / dir fr Lj fi s) r)l -,,-Lj.<l t.,irri--- rf 6r) \;t): sjjl1 r,, (.i! /!:) + r,f dbl!r'l L,+ trd r rrl)/ ]F j! ;r;: l- Y..r t'r rt-\ \ F r!+rr,!lrl- )r,!"!-l! -)l l"lj L typ,drli $!-.tlt I j rts!)l!ll- ) ar; jr 4,-,\t- Lr \l j+ if:!l i Lt' y' i Gr- r ill p;.-.tli,rljr : 6rL t dr.!;; rr, rrr -i; c.rjr l,j jltrir ajlid ";, 1 r.!r-!r, -lu+.,l. ii tr[: jl]r )1,,! r- drid )[lrrir tjrd,!-[, r r-.!r;{]rtrlj f,d ji jl;j,)r it!l& Lrr,;rri,-i,ll Ll, j 1 j)rl:d!, "!-,jr jl, ;r ;-$..r[ s,{" ]!- r'l ;L)!L*,> r rrrst, u,r rl-rfll,,!/rrr,il rjp,":rrlr.;r irjl" drp.lf,!" rlll.1,. ;j"j!t u.r}f r,,r.rj r-\l d!j)lurr r/- j+ lr y'r il,l L Lr t! a,rjl: rill'lt)/,lr! r> )rtr rr.rd e"r.jr ;r j j F rc.i!! + {< -r rt!lo- a L I /!"r j,r, r. ji fl"l d ar r.-, Li,!r.) r {F \d to!! d,l, r}elrr r j!, r3 rt ul \d,fl! {t q! Li!r!L Lilr r$ )r ir-+ qlr o, uj Lp,!L?rli d) r;lr (ii,!r rr d); rr. Lr rr.ld-r -- I n or.r r r i)j,.!,- r,!j,! irlf r ),! l) sl,l!-,n L cl)l- irji,-r L c.l, ")rh t!rr* *rj 6r!j ;,r".rt"r- L' -,b'i.'r.!r.-+ ^a { u-!.,r dl! L "!) rld: )r lrfl dr, d r.-!i+,ry- rr/;rrr,lj ); ;r! i,ytlj 6 -a q!!,-tl"rf.t- Lr F, s! j-1'rl rl,r,l/f!-nllp,rrrrd,.jr,, q-l{i. rl.!,-,1- /,1 r, rlj olt,{ rli-r c, r:;! lil r, df.?.f- r d!.+.)jlr r) r!:, --:ILj,l)> q-]. aru rrr rn drlr )r tr,.lltd;,i.!l-, L rr \.. rj rtr).a i,r.rldti ^d! rd.lj

3 rc.pi t\s. j,, j? er t,,t 6 ; )\i,j ' e\ P.1i - -),- a..r oili:- rl! & r d(r!,- : b:n!l I - j:l-l L lv/td r rrl! tl ij-.']l- (Lr 11/r) IL)L tsr r' il} yrlr! llt lr)trrr Y.lr)dl j el, r L)L_r L ilj)+ ' o{! {L' d vrl rr,l l!+.jr, (!rl r,,4r el!5r q/j 6rr ur,;j,r!+ ).(',t.j r+) 6r, c.r,!., rrirl,lrl ot}! r,! + rf rr G, t )r rr!"frrir,. el- (!! fr).jl rr,p,f i,,i (!, rvrj /d +;, ri -L& L.-:;j,ll rr).rdllu! (L)r rd/r) P rr r {^t!-n ir,rr ;rr,..-lr dl,.r, c,r )A t!o& e tu),rg,r_- 6ri,rrr )-,P.rn s+r rljdlj, F!" sgrj)!!sr)],*.drn I,t, E,l :r''! L), dlj urrp,l-)l,i r rrr)r+,r,r!r-,flrt-r+ rl. L-t ("'- trp * + lli Lri,)rL rrp d,(-, rur!-.-l Lr-,! u!) dla!-!j W j* dilrrr,- jirlrljillrd L! ltj ir)ii j,r ;i:rt,l.rp {ic f ill.!i ; I f F dl L ;rtrts L-..i: lrr! ),!P rlr j -! *r j dl,c--'"r)q-ll otr<_ j,r_ L!6F lil,!+ dllrrrl r. rr "..+ )r,;+ rr!)rh j rg,rb..,u--rr rrrr,l ri!il.a r u aj rrrrl..<"!i el- o +t};,!l!l L dcu, - ;, +tla drr+ t{ r darl -r, LIr dt,!_ 1, u! u+, r;:)j+ sr rl^rrl,! (dr)n dr- j urt F d,ui;'f _s_rir[ rl.- LLt]L rlj.i rlr'l:j ;l! k LiL dlrr)t! d6rl! ar L " rj dltsrl!,yl ir+ "n,j,i"!,l*,r..r,l_,.,-iij,{rr. '(;!Pr,- :1. t)t 'te.t- ay;i rt'' t c 6,lq! "!F q d arl+,rr! i,trl!f i -L::r jili r+ L!r rrlerilqrgrrtl r, )! r)!&l L!-: rrr+! llli., s-,! dli lj l!1-rr r n! L G, qr 6)] e) I t*.rf rr,-!; l: di-"!,r: -nj dl.!p)l&.! -,r,: iu da -!i, r!):rf 4.- j u-l]', c+t rtl j,g! r ",r.r.,! ;!-

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5 rrt<, ),tj e nj )\ as )1j :,r) e tu), rrj dlaurr-.,rt.. Fr@ Ftt,rijr! v r,r".1tu, ip+,,lj,f I ef La j r\r,\t!r.!,ut,i,., r!.! 8 Nlillcr D.Adepafr r reairg. Ctir Obstct Ciyrc.ol l99l;4t(l) CuDoirslDn I C, CaDr N i, eveno K, Cilyrap I c, rlatrth c, Wdrrron K D. Wiilirns obsbrrtca (2) 2t!'ed, Nqy yo,k, N{ C C' v IIilCd,200l, 1tool 10. Varrcy IIV0 et! nntwnery. rr!d, Boslo{ Iones rnd go*lclt pubtisbeg, 1r97, Narhm E, ]lnbe.matr SlL Thc rclariornri! ordatehal posilion ro lhc,csutr of b ior nontto$ 16r. Ah I Obeer Clnoc0t 2000j 132r Mo{a1r FW Seniitowtcrs posjrion lateral rllh md nonsro$ len. Obsrct Cy necol Neonata l Nu6 t997j5l-7 ll. abirbol M M,Ivtontrita. noostrc3s lest rd DareoalNsnioD otrstet Cyndcol 19s6j 63: ll Ahnbol M M supnrc posiriotr in tsbor and.$ociatc tiral 1ld0 ure chnnss. ObstelCynecol l98i; 6513i 15. B.o*n R, Pani*. The Nonslrcss roy lmw lods is euou8l!?. Am Obsror clnecol l98li l4l:646, r)!1, jrut t^ib drlrr I n+ ar_.!.id.jr _Li realr * I Lirc r', Duffr, Obsrel,ics & sy dcolosy NewYork, MC Or$y-Ititt,2002, Vhs[ 1,. Mi.twitqy 0oitrruniry basrt cmc duire the drildbcring yeff P lladctpl,ia, Sau dc^, 200t, l9l 6 I Cabbe C s, Neiehtl R l, Sl'trpsor Obslclrids nomdi and pr.udn plcsnancics. 4" cd, lhilldeldrii, Sdri4, 2002, t24ll 4. Pillirler A. MrLenrt and ct) U lreatllr trmine 4i ed, Phihdclphia, Ljppi,Eort, 200:l, t.2 * &1,{- dl jrld llirl!-), I urp.0,et- ot\ rrt 6)+;p* arlli s-ll *i L "r:-' $, pr,: irtrrlu-rjr)k 6u Ltr.y r-{i ;tj![_)l, r+ objr i dll, d)h-, "rr[,g,ll j-)t I f,\1,{, sat 6. Tnrh M, rvlckimey It, Muey S Materily newboh trtrfn$. phihdclptrir,

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