Instances X. Hypotheses H. Specific. h 3. General. = <Sunny, Warm, High, Strong, Cool, Same> x = <Sunny, Warm, High, Light, Warm, Same> 2

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21 Training examples New instance Inductive system Candidate Elimination Algorithm Using Hypothesis Space H Classification of new instance, or "don t know" Training examples New instance Assertion " H contains the target concept" Equivalent deductive system Theorem Prover Classification of new instance, or "don t know" Inductive bias made explicit L OQPSRSTVUXWYP[Z\OQ]Q^XPSZ`_baNW0T\PScNTedXa&aNfhgjikSl&monqpsrtpeiuenvmwnxNyz {X}j]~TR &PSOQO yv}jr ƒ W\ ˆ Š `]QOQOby4 ˆŒŒ

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