Phonetic Word Search One - The Weather

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1 Phonetic Word Search One - The Weather At the bottom of the page you have a list of thirty-three words that are concerned with the weather. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. ʌ aɪ t l f r aʊ s t i g ɒ m s t ð h k u ː l k θ ə ʤ s k ɔ ː ʧ ɪ ŋ h i aɪ ŋ aɪ h ʌ r i ː k aɪ n i k ɪ ŋ aɪ d l t ə n ɑ ː d əʊ i i r ɪ z d ɪ l n n m d f r d eə d g ŋ i ː ə m n ɪ ɪ ɔ ː ə ʒ aʊ d ŋ w r ɒ r z ə g ɜ ː ŋ w j l t ɪ ɪ ə t aɪ f f d t k b ɑ ː k i l ɪ ʧ m s s ʊə r r ɔ ː ɪ ɒ m n eɪ t ə m e u ː i t ɒ eɪ n ŋ m ʌ h ʌ r ɪ k ə n j ɒ s r eɪ v s ɒ i ː p d ʌ f eɪ ɑ ː ʃ h t ɑ ː d r əʊ t m ʤ n l r f m aʊ ɑ ː i k əʊ l d e j ə ʌ s n əʊ i ə t s l f i t s ʌ d θ eə s g j e f eɪ b ɔɪ l ɪ ŋ ʧ k l əʊ d i w k ʃ boiling freezing smoggy burning frosty snowy chilly hailing sunny cloudy hot temperature cold humid thermometer cool hurricane thunder drought icy tornado dry lightning tsunami dusty rainy warm flood scorching wet foggy shower windy

2 Phonetic Word Search Two - Pets At the bottom of the page you have a list of nineteen pets. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. t ʊə t ə l g ɪ p i n ɪ g θ æ d ʤ t i ː b ɑː r əʊ f v s t ɜ ː t l n d ɑ ː g æ ð n z m h ɪ w b k s p h ʧ w k eɪ n s u ː d g ʤ i ː r ɒ ʒ ɒ l ɒ ɑ ː t ʌ t ŋ ʊ w æ l g ʃ t s ɪ n b æ ə i d r ɑ ː f eɪ m p ɪ t z ə t k ɪ r t s n ə k ə əʊ b r ə w ɒ eɪ r θ æ ʊ ə h t ʤ n æ h d k æ s ɑ ː l v p ʊə s ɔ ː j i r e l eə n aʊ ə k əʊ eɪ m æ b d ʤ ɪə ʤ eɪ p f m j ɔ ː ʧ æ z t l ɜ ː g s h ʃ ɑ ː æ v d ʤ h ɔ ː s aɪ b ɑ ː n w ɒ i n t r i ː ɒ ɑ ː θ h ɪ ð eɪ k t g d z aɪ w n m g əʊ l d f ɪ ʃ ʊə ə s l θ k eɪ b v ŋ p æ m ʒ v ʤ boa constrictor cat cockatoo dog gerbil goldfish guinea pig hamster hedgehog horse iguana lizard mouse parrot pony rabbit salamander snake turtle

3 Phonetic Word Search Three - Prepositions At the bottom of the page you have a list of twenty-eight prepositions. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. b i ː l ɒ eɪ b ə v əʊ z s æ b n b n ə f t ɜ ː n u w t p n u ː ɪ i ː ɪ ɒ ʊ b aʊ ʃ ɪ ɒ aʊ ɪ ʧ ɪ j s w h d ʤ ə b ʊə m u ː n w θ s ŋ a ɪ t a ɪ ɪ n t ə k r d h t g ə ʌ d ɪ n g ɔ ː w ɪ ə θ ɔ ɪ v ʌ b ə ɑ ː n z b d t s ɪ n z ɔ ː f l i ɒ f r ə m u s ə n e f w ɪ ð ɪ n t t æ d ɑ ː n l b ɪ æ r s aʊ ɔ ː z ə p d ɪ d e a ɪ b u ː θ i ː n ə d n ʌ e j m aʊ g ð ɒ t d v b l t b ɜ ː s ʊə ə n ə m eə n ə ʧ ə m ʌ ŋ ə k r ɒ s θ d aʊ l i j n f h p ʒ ɪ ɪ əʊ t i ː r ɒ s eɪ z d ɔ ː w ə t θ ŋ w ə ə ŋ u ː v əʊ l ɪ b k r b ɪ n i ː θ about behind onto above below over across beneath since after besides through against between throughout along down towards amid during underneath among except within around before from into

4 Phonetic Word Search Four - Time At the bottom of the page you have a list of twenty-two words that are concerned with time. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. m ɪ r j p ʃ ʌ t i r ə ʧ n e s ʌ æ d e k eɪ d h g t ɑ ː l ɒ f ə n l ʤ s e k u ː ɒ d ʊ j d aɪ s m ð s aʊ t ŋ z n əʊ ɑ ː ə m ʌ s ɪə i ː ɑ ː f t ə n u ː n v n aɪ t s æ s p t ɪə ʊ d ɜ ː f w əʊ k ð ɪ k b ə d ə ʧ s eɪ ʊə i ː r ɪ aʊ m d ʌ ʒ n ɔ ː m æ t g k ɒ s h n uː ɔ ː aɪ u ː eɪ n n ʊə m e m p l ʃ b t t n t ɜ ː s ð ɔɪ n ə əʊ t ə d eɪ n ə θ ɪ aʊ e eə d t z ŋ aɪ v ɑ ː θ ɪ m æ n ŋ n h s e k ə n d f ə r ɒ ʧ ɪ s t i ː aɪ ʒ u ː b d ɔɪ m ʌ n θ n m p ʊ l ʌ s p r ɪ ŋ æ m g v əʊ ə j r r d eɪ ə ʤ m k n z i ː s t ɜ ː ʃ i afternoon autumn century dawn decade dusk evening midnight minute month morning night noon season second spring summer today tomorrow weekend winter yesterday

5 Phonetic Word Search Five - Jewellery At the bottom of the page you have a list of eighteen pieces of jewellery. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. æ t b w r ʌ ə f b i ː d z b s t h i ː r ɪ n g s ɪ g n ə t r ɪ ŋ aʊ p u ː t l e g ŋ æ b j i ː ʧ eɪ n s i ʧ n ɒ ɑ ː k b ɪə g ɪ z h n ə ʊ n eɪ ɑ ː ʧ æ ŋ l ɔ ː t u ː l ʌ r i d z aʊ d m ɪ ə p eɪ θ aɪ ɜ ː f ɑ ː l k i ː ʃ p d b r əʊ ʧ s ʊ p t w æ w ɜ ː g e s ʌ r t eə b d v ɪ eɪ d ɒ əʊ w p k u ː d eɪ ʒ əʊ aɪ ə k n ə ʧ ɪə r ɪ ŋ v ɔ ː f s i ː ə ŋ ɒ ʊə m s l ɑ ː k ɪ t ɒ ʤ t l m ɪ l s p t ə h aɪ l æ j ɑ ː ʌ ɔɪ ə r ɔ ː æ ð r m ɪ d f p e n d ə n t ʧ l ʌ æ s u ː w ʌ l g ŋ æ b d s ŋ eɪ g p ɒ n e k l ə s r ə z ɪ t ɜ ː n bangle beads brooch chain charm bracelet cufflinks diamonds earring locket medallion necklace pendant signet ring string of pearls stud tie pin watch strap wedding band

6 Phonetic Word Search Six - Film Genres At the bottom of the page you have a list of nineteen kinds of movies. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. ʧ p ɜ ː r i ə d ɔ ː ɜ ː ɑ ː t h aʊ z w h æ k s ə n k w d ʃ ɒ j l ɔɪ i i ː f r aɪ æ ɒ b ɑ ː eə r n əʊ g d ð d s aɪ l m ɪə s d ə m ɑ ː k ə e r ɑ ː ʌ m ə i aʊ t s v ʊ l m ɔ ː æ ɪ k θ d n h w ʊə p eɪ f ɒ r ə n l j i r t n e m u j k ɒ d ʃ ɪ ə u ː n ɑː ɪ aɪ s ɜ ː ʒ k h m k f m k m ɜ ː m ŋ l t ʊ ɪ h e ɪ ə ɑ ː eɪ i ə t ə i s ə t n æ f s s n t r n s ɔ ː t r n eɪ ɒ s ʌ t eɪ t ɪ f t e l ʊə æ k ʃ n p ɪə r i ə d ɑ ː ə w b m u z ə t r ɔ ː i v s u ː p r n əʊ ɪ ʤ aɪ g i f ə d m i ː j aʊ i r ɔ ː t s v ʌ l eə s i ː l ə n t action animated art house comedy crime drama documentary drama fantasy foreign horror love story mystery period romantic comedy science-fiction silent thriller western war

7 Phonetic Word Search Seven - Tools At the bottom of the page you have a list of twenty-five tools. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. v ʌ ə m æ h ɪ ʧ e n v m ɒ s ɔ ː d z n d ɑ ː ə t l ʌ b aɪ æ k p w ɔ ː f eɪ t n l p l ɪə r z l f r n k θ l æ z ɑ ː ə eɪ j u aʊ ɪ e eɪ ʊ n ə p ɪ ŋ ɜ ː s t r s m t k g t ʃ s d əʊ r aɪ h ʊə æ k ʃ ʧ ə ʌ æ n ʤ ʊ p u ː d ɔ ː w p ɒ s ɔɪ i n r e ʧ w b aʊ s k ɑ ː h b əʊ l t s əʊ t ð ə i ː r ə ʧ ɪ z l n h w aɪ l s eɪ g ʒ d n s k r u ː d r aɪ v ə k ʃ l ɑ ː e u ː ɒ æ g t ʌ eɪ e ʒ t ɪ ɔɪ ɔ ː b t m əʊ v n i ː k l ɜ ː n ɪ h æ k s ɔ ː aʊ p aɪ l d r e s aʊ ʧ p ɜ ː ʤ l eə d ɪ eɪ ʊ z ə aɪ l p æ w n j ɑ ː p ɪə n ʌ t ʊə ð m b ɪ h bolt chisel electric drill extension cord hacksaw hammer hatchet level mallet nail nut pliers power sander roller router scraper screwdriver spanner spray gun tape measure toolbox vice wood planer workbench wrench

8 Phonetic Word Search Eight - Kitchen Utensils At the bottom of the page you have a list of twenty-six kitchen utensils. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. w ə l t u v s p æ ʧ ə l ə l ʤ p a ɪ d ɪ ʃ ʊ i ː θ eɪ m v t əʊ p ð g ɑ ː æ n ŋ l h s i ː ʌ eɪ r s ɪ ə l əʊ m l əʊ ə b ʊə t l r ɜ ː k ʊ əʊ u ː p ɒ z p ʌ l s n g s e m b a ɪ t ɪ ə ə e n d ʧ ʌ aʊ ɑ ː t ɒ ŋ z ə r l ð t ə æ w ɔ ː k l ŋ ɪ ʃ æ i ː əʊ ə ɪ u ː eɪ ʒ p j v ɪ s k l eɪ d l n s p ɑ ː t u ː l ə k b ɔ ː j r eə ɪ ə ʧ ʃ w z əʊ a ɪ ɪ k e k s ɪ w ŋ t ɪ ɔ ː æ r θ m t r n s ə p i ː p æ p f ə l d s æ ʌ g k g t æ ɪ r p s ə k ʊ k ə ʃ e r p n k n g æ v ʌ ɒ ɔ ɪ ʤ p ə ə u ː s ɜ ː ɒ eɪ k n i ʒ w d ɔ ː b ŋ ɪ p ɒ ʧ aʊ t bun tin casserole chip pan chopping board colander corkscrew garlic crusher grater grill pan kettle ladle mixing bowl peeler pie dish potato masher pressure cooker rolling pin saucepan sieve spatula steamer tin opener toaster tongs whisk wok

9 Phonetic Word Search Nine - Art At the bottom of the page you have a list of twenty-four words that are concerned with art. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. m s k ʌ l p ʧ ə θ eə s l ɑ ː ð əʊ əʊ ə ʃ f ʊ n d s ə v n æ k ɔɪ i d r z l æ w f r aɪ m d n aʊ f d e i ː g ɪ k ɑ ː n v æ s z d ʧ aʊ u ː l ə p aɪ n t ɪ n g ŋ eɪ s w v j æ l k æ i ː ə ə ʌ ʧ ɪ ɪ k ɔ ː ɪ t b ɪ m s l k ʃ p ɔ ː t r eɪ t s s s z ɒ t r ə ɔɪ e z n æ p ə m aɪ t ə d ɪ ð l t f r eɪ m ɒ k j ʃ r m l l z ə j i ɑ ː p l f ʌ u ː g æ ɪ eɪ l ʊə s r l p æ s t l z ɔɪ k v θ aɪ m ə z ɪ b u ː j k ə i ː z t m ɒ f l i ː s t ʌ d i əʊ ɪ ə l ʌ ɔɪ ə æ r f əʊ v ɪ z ə m aɪ m ə ʧ f g k ə l aɪ r k ə m ɒ d ə n abstract acrylic canvas cubism easel expressionism fauvism found frame gallery landscape model modern museum oil painting palette pastel portrait sculpture still life studio surrealism watercolour

10 Phonetic Word Search Ten - Shapes At the bottom of the page you have a list of twenty geometric shapes. Hidden in the block of phonetic letters in the middle of the page are the phonetic spellings of the words on the list. Circle the phonetic spellings of the words as you find them in the puzzle. The spellings can appear horizontally ( ), vertically ( ), or diagonally ( ), either forwards ( /fɔːwədz/ ) or backwards ( \zdəwkæb\ ). Be aware that in the puzzle there are also several phonetic misspellings of the words that are designed to trick you, so make sure that you circle only the correct spellings of the words as they sound. p s ə l s p e l i ː k t u ː j l n e k əʊ m æ r g ə l e l ə r æ p n w u ː ð ʒ ŋ k ɜ ː s eə v ŋ g r a ɪ t ɪ ə d b æ g f ʊə h ɒ ʤ ə ɪ ɪ r ə s n a ɪ v s p ɪ l ɪ t z ʃ ɒ ə g p r ɪ s m l aʊ ŋ k ə i ː m s m ə t r ə p i ː z i ə m ɪ ə b z r ɪ n m ʊ l k ʧ n s a ɪ l ə n d ə d u e θ s r ə ɒ ɜ ː b s ɔ ɪ p æ h a ɪ s n əʊ k ɑ ː d g s p ɪ r ə m ɪ d f g ɪ ŋ eɪ n æ p h i ː l ɪ k s ɔ ɪ eə l v əʊ m ɪ t a ɪ ʌ ɒ w n f ɔ ː b w ɪ ə f s r l n r t r æ p i ː z m k j u ː b i ɪ e ə n ə g ə t k ɒ s ɜ ː k l j s p l g ŋ æ t k e r circle cone cube cylinder ellipse helix octagon oval parallelogram pentagon prism pyramid rectangle rhomboid rhombus sphere spiral square trapezium triangle

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