Model assumptions & extending the twin model

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1 Mol uption & xtning th twin ol Mtthw Kllr Hrin M Boulr 2014

2 cknowlgnt John Jink vi Fulkr Robrt Cloningr Linon v nrw Hth rh Mln, Pt Hti, Will Covntry, Hrin M, Mik Nl

3 Fil you will n r in Fculty riv: /tt/uption_2014 (th powrpoint prnttion) CT.C-pr.int_2014.R (OpnMx cript) lo: o PF of y ppr cribing til of wht w go ovr hr (not ncrily inl ppr jut on tht corrpon to th pproch I' tching hr)

4 tructurl qution Moling (M) in BG M i grt bcu irct focu to ffct iz, not ignificnc Forc conirtion of cu n conqunc xplicit iclour of uption Potntil wkn Prtr rifiction: Uing th CT w foun tht 50% of vrition i u to n 20% to C. houl you bliv tht 50% of vrition i truly itiv gntic?

5 Tru prtr v. tit prtr C : tru (unknowbl) vlu of, C,, in th popultion (hort for V,VC,V, n V) C : *tit* vlu of, C,,. C will iffr fro, C,, u to: 1) pling vribility 2) bi

6 Quiz Qution 1 cnnot b tit iultnouly in th 1), C, n clicl twin ign (i.., th ign tht u MZ n Z twin only) ol bcu: [choo ll tht pply] ) th tit r too highly corrlt (ulticolinrity probl) b) thy cn b tit iultnouly; you jut hv to fix on of th to o pcific vlu c) thr r or infortiv ttitic thn prtr to b tit ) thr r fwr infortiv ttitic thn prtr to b tit

7 Th Clicl Twin ign /.25 C c Tw /.5 C Tw1 c

8 t ti & Why cn t w tit C uing twin only? :,& C olv th following two qution for, CVz = + +C CVz = 1/2 + 1/4 + C 3 unknown, 2 infortiv qution. It cn't b on. Th ol i unintifi. In prctic, you cn tct non-intifiction by noting tht () ol tit pn on trting vlu N (b) ll finl ol hv inticl liklihoo

9 Intrincy: Prcticl 1 Opn up CT.C-pr.int_2014.R in R Run thi cript until you # N PRCTICL 1. on't clo th cript or R, w'll u thi cript gin for Prcticl 2, 3, & 4. Writ own your -2 log liklihoo n your tit of, C, n Copr th to your nighbor' rult WHY i thi occurring?

10 Th CT: Two ttitic giv info bout within-fily rblnc /.25 C c 1.00 /.5 Tw1 MZ covrinc Vp CVz Vp C c Tw1 Z covrinc Vp CVz Vp

11 C Mol /.25 C 1.00 /.5 C Tw1 WHN CVz < 2CVz Vp CVz Vp Tw1 Vp CVz Vp

12 C lgbr & C u = 0. olv for CVz = +C CVz = 1/2 + C 2 unknown, 2 inpnntly infortiv qution: = 2(CVz-CVz) = 2CVz-CVz C, it woul ncrily hit th 0 Not: if w tri to tit bounry nywy n th ol wouln't fit wll (bcu 'wnt' to go ngtiv), o it k n to olv for C

13 Th CT: Mol /.25 C c= /.5 Tw1 WHN CVz > 2CVz Vp CVz Vp C Tw1 Vp CVz Vp c=0

14 PRCTICL 2: lgbr & Intrincy & (hr CVz=.73 & CVz=.35) u C = 0. olv for CVz = + riv gnrl forul for gtting CVz = ½ + ¼ th. Thn olv for th in thi c. Thn ropn CT.C-pr.int_2014.R in R & run FROM # TRT PRCTICL 2 TO # N PRCTICL 2 i you gt roughly th nwr for your ol your forul uggt? Wht hppn to tit of C & in th C ol?

15 Quiz Qution 1 gin - nwr?? cnnot b tit iultnouly in th 1), C, n clicl twin ign (i.., th ign tht u MZ n Z twin only) ol bcu: [choo ll tht pply] ) th tit r too highly corrlt (ulticolinrity probl) b) thy cn b tit iultnouly; you jut hv to fix on of th to o pcific vlu c) thr r or infortiv ttitic thn prtr to b tit ) thr r fwr infortiv ttitic thn prtr to b tit

16 Quiz Qution 2 2) Wht r th typicl uption of clicl twin ol? [choo ll tht pply] ) th MZ n Z covrinc r qul b) ithr or C i qul to zro c) only gntic fctor cu MZ twin to b or iilr to ch othr thn Z twin ) no orttiv ting ) no piti f) no gn-nvironnt intrction or corrltion

17 Wht r th ffct of violtion of uption in th CT? ithr or C i qul to zro: i ovrtit n n C r unrtit Only gntic fctor cu MZ twin to b or iilr to ch othr thn Z twin: n r ovrtit n C i unrtit No orttiv ting: n r unrtit n C i ovrtit No piti: or i ovrtit n C i unrtit No gn-nvironnt intrction or corrltion: xc: ovrtit; x: ovrtit; Cov(,C): pn

18 Bi in prtr tit for violtion of firt uption In C Mol: = + 3/2 = C ½ C In Mol: = + 3C = - 2C

19 Quiz Qution 3 3) If th uption of th CT ol r violt (i.., not tru in th rl worl)... [choo ll tht pply] ) th intrprttion of th tit prtr houl houl b conir n lg of b ltr;.g., n, or n C n not jut itiv gntic ffct b) thr i no point in oing th nlyi t ll c) th point tit of th tit prtr y b bi

20 Quiz Qution 4 4) n ol fin tht =.30 n =.10. Thi ipli tht C o not influnc th trit in qution, or h inor (non-ignificnt) ffct. ) TRU b) FL

21 Quiz Qution 5 5) W run n ol n fin tht =.69 n tht =.05. If in truth, C =.10, wht will th ffct on th tit prtr b? [choo ll tht pply] will b bi (too low) ) will b bi (too high) b) will b bi (too low) c) will b bi (too high) ) ) thr i no ffct on th tit prtr; howvr by not titing C (k, fixing it to zro), w unrtit C

22 PRCTICL 3: nitivity nlyi nitivity nlyi: tuying wht th ffct r on tit prtr whn uption r wrong In CT.C-pr.int_2014.R, run: FROM # TRT PRCTICL 3 TO # N PRCTICL 3 Chng th vlu of C fro 0 to othr vlu (rbr, C=c^2). Wht hppn to tit of n pning on iffrnt u vlu of C?

23 Quiz Qution 6 6) In th CT, w hv two iffrnt rltiv covrinc tit (MZ covrinc & Z covrinc). Lt' y w prnt to th twin ign. Tht giv u 2 itionl rltiv covrinc tit to work with (prntoffpring n poul) n llow u to [choo ll tht pply] ) tit, C, & iultnouly b) ccount for th ffct of orttiv ting c) ccount for piv G- covrinc ) ruc th bi in tit of, C, n vi vi th CT

24 Clicl Twin ign (CT) uption bi up ithr or C i zro No orttiv ting No -C covrinc bi own C C C& & 1 C c PT1 1/.25 C c PT2

25 ing prnt gt u roun ll th uption uption bi up ithr or C i zro No orttiv ting No -C covrinc bi own W on t hv to w q q k th x C c PF µ PT1 1/.25 C c c PM x C w C c PT2

26 W cn ol C ithr or F With prnt, w cn brk C up into: C F = nv. fctor hr only btwn ib F = filil nv fctor p fro prnt to offpring But w cn only tit on of th (or or tchniclly, on of,, F, & ) 1 c PT1 1/.25 C C 1 c PT2 F f PT1 1/.25 F f PT2

27 Nuclr Twin Fily ign (NTF) w q F x w f PF x F f PM µ q Not: tit n f fix to 1 z F f PT1 z F f PT2

28 PRCTICL 4: NTF nlyi In, run: FROM # TRT PRCTICL 4 TO # N PRCTICL 4 Wht r th tit vlu of,, &? [Not: = ib nvironnt, quivlnt to C in th CT]

29 CT v. NTF v. iultion rult TRU vlu =.30 =.30 =.10 CT tit -ht =.68 -ht =.04 -ht = 0 NTF tit -ht =.32 -ht =.29 -ht =.13

30 Nuclr Twin Fily ign (NTF) w q F x w f PF x F f PM µ q Not: tit n f fix to 1 z F f PT1 z F f PT2 uption: Only cn tit 3 of 4:,,, n F (bi i vribl) orttiv ting u to priry phnotypic ortnt (bi i vribl)

31 tlth Inclu twin n thir ib, prnt, pou, n offpring Giv 17 uniqu covrinc (MZ, Z, ib, P-O, poul, MZ vunc, Z vunc, MZ cou, Z cou, GP-GO, n 7 inlw) 88 covrinc with x ffct

32 itionl ob. cov with tlth llow tition of,,, F, T F T cn b tit iultnouly T = nv. fctor hr only btwn twin 1 F f PT1 1/.25 t T 1/0 T t F f PT2 (Rbr: w r not jut titing or ffct. Mor iportntly, w r rucing th bi in tit ffct!)

33 tlth w q F x T t w f PF w q T t µ PM t T w 1 f F F x x F f q f µ PF PT1 1/.25 t T 1/0 T t F f T t PCh F f PCh f PM µ F f PT2 x F t T q t T

34 tlth uption Priry orttiv ting No piti No xg bi up,, or F,, bi own,, or F

35 tlth uption Priry orttiv ting No piti No xg bi up,, or F,, bi own,, or F Priry M: t choo ch othr b on phnotypic iilrity ocil hoogy: t choo ch othr u to nvironntl iilrity (.g., rligion) Convrgnc: t bco or iilr to ch othr (.g., bcoing or conrvtiv whn ting conrvtiv)

36 Cc t PF w f q T t f q Pp w f T t F x f f PT1 t T 1 t T 1/.25 t 1/0 f t T t f f PCh x F f PM F w f PT2 F t Pp µ F T PM F PF q x F f t PT2 f PT1 µ w f PF t F x PM µ f PCh t T t q t T

37 iultion progr: Gnvolv

38 Rlity: =.5, =.2

39 Rlity: =.5, =.2

40 Rlity: =.4, =.15, =.15

41 Rlity: =.35, =.15, F=.2, =.15, T=.15, M=.3

42 ,, & F tit r highly corrlt in tlth & Cc

43 Rlity: =.45, =.15, F=.25, M=.3 (oc Ho)

44 Rlity: =.4, *=.15, =.15

45 Rlity: =.4, *g=.15, =.15

46 Concluion ll ol rquir uption. Gnrlly, or uption = or bi tit iultion provi inpnnt nt of th NTF, tlth, n Cc ol Th coplict ol work ign! In ll ol, but pcilly th CT, b cutiou of rifying prtr tit! i lg of otly but lo & C. (in C ol) or + (in ol) i cnt tit of bro n h2. & C r likly to b unrtit

47 tlth ppliction

48 Furthr ring on thi lctur v LJ, Lt K, Young P, Mrtin NG (1978) Mol-fitting pproch to th nlyi of hun bhviour. Hrity 41: Fulkr W (1982) xtnion of th clicl twin tho. Hun Gntic. Prt : Th Unfoling Gno (Progr in Clinicl n Biologicl Rrch Vol 103). p Fulkr W (1988) Gntic n culturl trniion in hun bhvior. Procing of th con Intrntionl confrnc on Quntittiv Gntic v LJ, Hth C, Mrtin NG, Nl MC, Myr JM, ilbrg JL, Cory L, Trutt K, Wltr (1999) Copring th biologicl n culturl inhritnc of ttur n conrvti in th kinhip of onozygotic n izygotic twin. In: Cloningr CR () Procing of 1994 PP Confrnc. p Kllr MC & Covntry WL (2005). Quntifying n ring prtr intrincy in th clicl twin ign. Twin Rrch n Hun Gntic, 8, Kllr MC, Mln, uncn L, Hti PK, Nl MC, M HHM, v LJ. Moling xtn twin fily t I: cription of th Cc Mol. Twin Rrch n Hun Gntic, 29, Kllr MC, Mln, & uncn L (2010). r xtn twin fily ign worth th troubl? coprion of th bi, prciion, n ccurcy of prtr tit in four twin fily ol. Bhvior Gntic.

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