arxiv: v1 [hep-ph] 22 Apr 2013

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1 Toyama Internationa Workshop on Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2013, 13 16, February, Neutrino Mass in TeV-Scae New Physics Modes Hiroaki Sugiyama Department of Physics, University of Toyama, Toyama , Japan arxiv: v1 hep-ph] 22 Apr 2013 This is a short review about reations between new scaars and mechanisms to generate neutrino masses. We investigate eptohiic scaars whose Yukawa interactions are ony with eptons. We discuss possibiities that measurements of their eptonic decays provide information on how neutrino masses are generated and on parameters in the neutrino mass matrix (e.g. the ightest neutrino mass). I. INTRODUCTION In the standard mode of partice physics (SM), neutrinos are regarded as massess partices. However, existence of nonzero masses of neutrinos has been estabished by a sequence of success of neutrino osciation measurements 1 6]. If neutrino masses are generated simiary to the other fermion masses via a Yukawa interaction (introducing right-handed neutrinos ν R ) with the SU(2) L -doubet scaar fied Φ SM in the SM, the Yukawa couping constants must be extremey sma ( ). Since the couping constant seems too different from the other Yukawa couping constants to regard it as natura, we might expect that neutrino masses are generated in a different mechanism. The most famous exampe wi be the seesaw mechanism7] where extremey heavy gauge-singet fermions are introduced. In this short review, we consider extensions of the SM with new scaars (in contrast with the seesaw modes) aong the viewpoint Higgs as a probe of new physics of this workshop. Aong my viewpoint neutrino as a guide to new physics, we investigate ony eptophiic scaars which coupe ony with eptons among fermions because such scaars woud contribute to mechanism of generating neutrino masses. In order to give predictions, it wi not be preferred that two new partices appear in an interaction (Lepton New fermion New scaar ). Therefore, et us concentrate on the foowing types of Yukawa interactions: Lepton Lepton Leptophiic scaar. The eptophiic scaars here are assumed to be ight enough (TeV-scae) to be produced at coider experiments. If the Yukawa interaction reates to the neutrino mass matrix, the favor structure of decays of the new scaar into eptons woud be predicted by using current knowedge on the neutrino osciation parameters. If the prediction is experimentay confirmed in the future, we woud obtain information on the mechanism of the neutrino mass generation and on parameters (e.g. the ightest neutrino mass) which cannot be measured in neutrino osciation experiments. We dea with SU(2) L -singet, doubet, and tripet scaarfieds. Their Yukawainteractionsare isted in Tabe I. For simpicity, mixings between scaars are ignored throughout this artice. Leptophiic neutra scaars in doubet and tripet fieds are not discussed in this artice because their decays via Yukawa interactions are into neutrinos which do not provide information on the favor structure. II. BASICS Neutrinos ( = e,µ,τ)inthefavorbasisaresuperpositionsofmasseigenstatesν il : = i (U MNS) i ν il, where the unitary matrix U MNS is the so-caed Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix 8]. When the neutrino mass term is (m ν ) i ν ir, neutrinos are referred to as the Dirac neutrinos. The mass matrix for Dirac neutrinos is diagonaized with U MNS as m ν U MNS = diag(m 1,m 2,m 3 ), where mass eigenvaues m i are taken to be rea and positive. On the other hand, if the neutrino mass term is (m ν ) ( ) c ν L, we ca the neutrinos as the Majorana neutrinos which break the epton number conservation. The Majorana neutrino mass matrix is diagonaized as UMNS T m ν U MNS = diag(m 1,m 2 e iα 21,m3 e iα 31 ), where α21 and α 31 are Majorana phases 9, 10] Current affiiation of the author is Maskawa Institute for Science and Cuture, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto , Japan.

2 Toyama Internationa Workshop on Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2013, 13 16, February, SU(2) L-singet f Yukawa interaction L c iσ2l s+ ] SU(2) L-doubet y i ν ir Φ T νiσ 2L ] SU(2) L-tripet h L c iσ2 L ], f ( R) c Rs ++ ] Decay into eptons Singy charged Douby charged s + L ν L s ++ R R φ + ν Lν ir + L ν L ++ L L TABLE I: Yukawa interactions of eptophiic scaar fieds and eptonic decays of their singy-charged and douby-charged components. which are physica parameters ony for Majorana neutrinos. The matrix U MNS can be parameterized as c 13 0 s 13 e iδ c 12 s 12 0 U MNS = 0 c 23 s s 12 c 12 0, (1) 0 s 23 c 23 s 13 e iδ 0 c wheres ij and c ij standfor sinθ ij andcosθ ij, respectivey. Currentdata ofneutrino osciationmeasurements1 6] constrains mixing anges and squared-mass differences ( m 2 ij m2 i m2 j ) as sin 2 2θ 23 1, sin 2 2θ , sin 2 2θ , (2) m ev 2, m ev 2. (3) III. SINGLY CHARGED SCALAR A. SU(2) L-singet I A singy charged scaar s + of an SU(2) L -singet with the hypercharge Y = 1 coupes to the epton doubet L = (, L ) T as f L c iσ 2L s +] = 2f ( L ) c ν L s+], (4) where the matrix of Yukawa couping constants is antisymmetric (f = f T ) and σ i (i = 1-3) are the Paui matrices. The scaar s + is introduced in e.g. the so-caed Zee mode 11] where ight Majorana neutrino masses are generated at the one-oop eve. The simpest version of the Zee mode 11, 12] where there is no Favor- Changing-Neutra-Current (FCNC) was excuded by neutrino osciation measurements (See e.g. Ref. 13]). Motivated by the origina version of the Zee mode where the FCNC exists, we consider a Majorana neutrino mass matrix (m ν ) of the foowing structure in the favor basis: ( (m ν ) = Xm diag f +(Xm diag f) T), (5) where X is an arbitrary matrix and m diag diag(m e,m µ,m τ ). Let us assume that contributions of m e and m µ to m ν are negigibe. Then Eq. (5) is simpified as ) (m ν ) m τ (X τ f τ +f τ X τ. (6) Note that m ν is a rank-2 matrix under this assumption athough each term in the right-hand side of Eq. (6) is a rank-1 matrix. Thus, the ightest neutrino becomes massess (m 1 = 0 or m 3 = 0) whie the other two have non-zero masses as required. The m ν incudes four parameters: f eτ X eτ, f µτ /f eτ, X µτ /X eτ, and X ττ /X eτ. The atter three combinations can be expressed with neutrino mixing parameters by using conditions that U MNS diagonaizes the m ν (three off-diagona parts must be zero). Since f eτ X eτ is an overa factor for neutrino

3 Toyama Internationa Workshop on Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2013, 13 16, February, mass eigenstates, the ratio of nonzero mass eigenstates does not depend on f eτ X eτ. We see that m 3 = 0 (the so-caed inverted hierarchy where m 1 /m 2 1) is aowed whie m 1 = 0 (the so-caed norma hierarchy where m 3 /m 2 1) cannot be obtained. When we use simpe vaues sin 2 θ 23 = 1/2 and sin 2 θ 12 = 1/3 which are amost consistent with neutrino osciation measurements, m 1 /m 2 1 resuts in sin 2 2θ , δ π, α 21 π. (7) The predicted vaue sin 2 2θ seems reasonaby agree with observations 4, 5]. See Ref. 14] for more detaied anaysis of the Zee mode. Partia decay widths Γ (s) for s + L (where neutrino species are summed) are proportiona to f 2. In the discussion above, f µτ /f eτ is constrained by neutrino mixing parameters. Thus, we obtain the foowing prediction for a combination of branching ratios BR (s) BR(s + L ): BR τ (s) 1+2s2 13 BR (s) e BR (s) 1 2s 2 1. (8) µ 13 If this reation is confirmed experimentay, neutrino mass matrix might be of Eq.(6) with parameters in Eq. (7). B. SU(2) L-singet II The singy-charged scaar s + is utiized aso in the so-caed Zee-Babu mode 15] where Majorana neutrino masses are generated at the two-oop eve. Another exampe is a mode of oop-induced Dirac neutrino masses 16, 17]. Neutrino mass matrix might be given by (m ν ) = (f T X s f) (9) for Majorana neutrinos (simiary to the Zee-Babu mode) or (m ν ) i ν ir ] = (Xf) i ν ir ] (10) for Dirac neutrinos (simiary to the mode in Refs. 16, 17]). The matrix X s is symmetric whie X is arbitrary. Ratios of three eements of f can be easiy obtained as functions of neutrino mixing parameters 18] (See aso Refs. 17, 19]). Resuts are the same for Eqs. (9) and (10). For sin 2 θ 23 = 1/2 and sin 2 θ 12 = 1/3, we obtain BR (s) e : BR (s) µ : BR (s) τ = { 2 : 5 : 5 (for m 1 = 0) 2 : 1 : 1 (for m 3 = 0). (11) If experiments confirm these ratios, the structure of the neutrino mass matrix in Eq. (9) or (10) might be true. C. SU(2) L-doubet Neutrinos might obtain their Dirac masses via a vacuum expectation vaue (vev) of an additiona SU(2) L - doubet scaar fied Φ ν 20, 21]. We refer to the mode as the neutrinophiic two-higgs-doubet mode. The Yukawa interaction of neutrinos with Φ ν is written as ] ] (y ν ) i ν ir Φ T ν iσ 2L = (y ν ) i ν ir φ 0 ν ] (y ν ) i ν ir L φ + ν, (12) where ν ir are right-handed components of mass eigenstates ν i (so, we do not regard ν ir as new partices here). The mass matrix of the Dirac neutrinos is simpy given by (m ν ) i = φ 0 ν (y ν ) i. The branching ratios BR(φ + ν L ν R ), where neutrino species are summed, are proportiona to (m νm ν ). Figure 1 (taken from Ref. 21]) shows behaviors of these branching ratios with respect to the ightest neutrino mass (m 1 for the eft pane, and m 3 for the right one) for the case φ + ν decays ony into eptons. By measuring eν mode, it woud be possibe to extract information on the vaue of the ightest neutrino mass and on whether m 1 < m 3 (eft pane in Fig. 1) or not. If experiments show that BR(H + τ L ν R ) is very different from BR(H + µ L ν R ), the charged scaar might not contribute to the mechanism of generating neutrino masses in a simpe way.

4 Toyama Internationa Workshop on Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2013, 13 16, February, τ ν Norma hierarchy Inverted hierarchy H + branching fraction µ ν eν H + branching fraction µ ν τ ν eν ightest ν mass ev] ightest ν mass ev] FIG. 1: Behaviors of BR(φ + ν L ν R ) with respect to m 1 (eft pane) and m 3 (right pane). This figure is taken from Ref. 21]. D. SU(2) L-tripet A singy charged scaar exists in an SU(2) L -tripet fied with Y = 1, which can be expressed as ( + / ) /. (13) 2 The tripet scaar fied interacts with the epton doubet as ] h L c iσ 2 L = h ( L ) c L ++] 2h ( ) c L +] +h ( ) c ν L 0], (14) where the Yukawa couping constants satisfy h = h. The vev of 0 can generate neutrino masses 10, 22] as (m ν ) = 2 0 h. (15) Hereafter, we refer to this soo mechanism of generating neutrino masses as the Higgs tripet mode. Branching ratios BR( + L ) in the Higgs tripet mode are proportiona to (m ν m ν) identicay to those in the neutrinophiic two-higgs-doubet mode. Therefore, the discussion in the previous subsection is appicabe aso for + L. See e.g. Fig. 16 in Ref. 23] to compare with Fig. 1 in this artice. If non-eptonic decays (e.g. + W ++ ) are not negigibe, a ratio of branching ratios of eν and µν modes woud be reiabe. IV. DOUBLY CHARGED SCALAR A. SU(2) L-singet An SU(2) L -singet scaar s ++ with Y = 2 has the foowing Yukawa interaction: f ( R ) c R s++], (16) where the Yukawa couping constants satisfy f = f. The scaar s++ is introduced in e.g. the Zee-Babu mode 15] where an SU(2) L -singet scaar s + (see aso Sections IIIA and IIIB) is aso introduced. The Yukawa interaction with s + is shown in Eq. (4). Motivated by the Zee-Babu mode, et us take a case in which the structure of neutrino mass matrix (m ν ) is given by (m ν ) fm diag f m diag f T], (17)

5 Toyama Internationa Workshop on Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2013, 13 16, February, BR eµ BR ee FIG. 2: Two axis are defined as BR BR( ++ L L ). Vaues of BR in the shaded region cannot be achieved in the mode when the ightest neutrino mass is zero. This figure is a simpified version of the one in Ref. 25]. where m diag diag(m e,m µ,m τ ). Discussion in this subsection is based on Refs. 18, 19] where the Zee-Babu mode wasstudied. The ightest neutrino becomes massess(m 1 = 0 orm 3 = 0) because ofdet(m ν ) Det(f) = 0. We simpy assume that m e in Eq. (17) can be ignored so that we can have some prediction on the favor structureofbranchingratiosbr(s ++ R R )whichareproportionato f 2. Then, becauseofaargemixing ange θ 23, we expect (m ν ) µµ (m ν ) µτ (m ν ) ττ which resuts in f µµ m2 µ /m2 τ f µτ m µ/m τ f ττ. The branching ratios become BR(s ++ µ R µ R ) : BR(s ++ µ R τ R ) : BR(s ++ τ R τ R ) 1 : 0 : 0. (18) If Eq. (18) turns out to be consistent with measurements, the neutrino mass matrix might be the structure in Eq. (17) where m 1 = 0 or m 3 = 0 is predicted. B. SU(2) L-tripet A douby charged scaar exists aso in the Higgs tripet mode (see aso Sec. IIID). Let us take a scenario that ++ dominanty decays into a pair of same-signed eptons: ++ L L. Then branching ratios of eptonic decays are determined by h, and the favor structure of the branching ratios can provide direct information on the neutrino mass matrix 24, 25]. For exampe, if branching ratios BR( ++ e L e L ) and BR( ++ e L µ L ) are observed in the shaded region in Fig. 2, it woud be excuded that the ightest neutrino mass is zero in this mode 25]. Note that information on the ightest neutrino mass cannot be obtained by neutrino osciation measurements. V. SUMMARY We discussed reations between the neutrino mass matrix and the favor structure of decays of eptophiic charged scaars. By assuming how a matrix of Yukawa couping constants for a eptophiic scaar appears in the neutrino mass matrix, we obtained predictions on the eptonic decays of the scaar. If the antisymmetric matrix f of Yukawa couping constants for an SU(2) L -singet singy-charged scaar s + appears in the neutrino mass matrix as (m ν ) m τ (X τ f τ + f τ X τ ), a combination of branching ratios for s + L satisfies BR (s) τ /(BR (s) e BR (s) µ ) 1. For sin 2 θ 23 = 1/2 and sin 2 θ 12 = 1/3, we obtained sin 2 2θ , δ π, and α 21 π. If the matrix f appears as m ν = fx s f T or Xf, we predicted BR (s) e : BR (s) µ : BR (s) τ = 2 : 5 : 5 for m 1 = 0 and 2 : 1 : 1 for m 3 = 0. On the other hand, if a eptophiic singy-charged scaaris a member of SU(2) L -doubet or tripet, a branching ratio for a decay into e L ν (and µ L ν) woud provide information on the vaue of the ightest neutrino mass and on whether m 1 < m 3 or not.

6 Toyama Internationa Workshop on Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2013, 13 16, February, The symmetric matrix f of Yukawa couping constants for an SU(2) L -singet douby-charged scaar s ++ might contribute to the neutrino mass matrix as m ν = fm diag f m diag f T. When we assume that a contribution of m e to m ν is negigibe and (m ν ) µµ (m ν ) µτ (m ν ) ττ, decays of s ++ into µ R τ R and τ R τ R become negigibe in comparison with the µµ mode. For the case of ++ in an SU(2) L -tripet fied, the favor structure of ++ L L directy reates to the neutrino mass matrix. We showed that information on the ightest neutrino mass (and Majorana phases etc.) coud be obtained by observing the structure of the ++ decays. We hope that the mechanism of the neutrino mass generation is uncovered by discovery of such eptophiic scaars at coider experiments. Peaks of their signas may remind us of the Tateyama peaks in Toyama! Acknowedgments I thank A.G. Akeroyd, M. Aoki, S. Kanemura, and T. Nabeshima for coaboration on which this artice is partiay based. I aso thank members of the Higgs working group and participants in this workshop for vauabe discussions. This work was supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) No ] B. T. Ceveand et a., Astrophys. J. 496, 505 (1998); W. Hampe et a. GALLEX Coaboration], Phys. Lett. B 447, 127 (1999); J. N. Abdurashitov et a. SAGE Coaboration], Phys. Rev. C 80, (2009); K. Abe et a. Super-Kamiokande Coaboration], Phys. Rev. D 83, (2011); G. Beini et a. Borexino Coaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, (2011); B. Aharmim et a. SNO Coaboration], arxiv: nuc-ex]. 2] R. Wende et a. Super-Kamiokande Coaboration], Phys. Rev. D 81, (2010). 3] M. H. Ahn et a. K2K Coaboration], Phys. Rev. D 74, (2006); P. Adamson et a. MINOS Coaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, (2011); K. Abe et a. T2K Coaboration], Phys. Rev. D 85, (2012). 4] P. Adamson et a. MINOS Coaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, (2011); K. Abe et a. T2K Coaboration], arxiv: hep-ex]. 5] M. Apoonio et a. CHOOZ Coaboration], Eur. Phys. J. C 27, 331 (2003); Y. Abe et a. DOUBLE-CHOOZ Coaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012); F. P. An et a. DAYA-BAY Coaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012); J. K. Ahn et a. RENO Coaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012). 6] A. Gando et a. KamLAND Coaboration], Phys. Rev. D 83, (2011). 7] P. Minkowski, Phys. Lett. B 67, 421 (1977); T. Yanagida, Conf. Proc. C , 95 (1979); Prog. Theor. Phys. 64, 1103 (1980); M. Ge-Mann, P. Ramond and R. Sansky, Conf. Proc. C , 315 (1979); R. N. Mohapatra and G. Senjanovic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 912 (1980). 8] Z. Maki, M. Nakagawa and S. Sakata, Prog. Theor. Phys. 28, 870 (1962). 9] S. M. Bienky, J. Hosek and S. T. Petcov, Phys. Lett. B 94, 495 (1980); M. Doi, T. Kotani, H. Nishiura, K. Okuda and E. Takasugi, Phys. Lett. B 102, 323 (1981). 10] J. Schechter and J. W. F. Vae, Phys. Rev. D 22, 2227 (1980). 11] A. Zee, Phys. Lett. B 93, 389 (1980) Erratum-ibid. B 95, 461 (1980)]. 12] L. Wofenstein, Nuc. Phys. B 175, 93 (1980). 13] X. -G. He, Eur. Phys. J. C 34, 371 (2004). 14] X. -G. He and S. K. Majee, JHEP 1203, 023 (2012). 15] A. Zee, Nuc. Phys. B 264, 99 (1986); K. S. Babu, Phys. Lett. B 203, 132 (1988). 16] S. Nasri and S. Moussa, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 17, 771 (2002). 17] S. Kanemura, T. Nabeshima and H. Sugiyama, Phys. Lett. B 703, 66 (2011). 18] M. Nebot, J. F. Oiver, D. Paao and A. Santamaria, Phys. Rev. D 77, (2008). 19] K. S. Babu and C. Macesanu, Phys. Rev. D 67, (2003); D. Aristizaba Sierra and M. Hirsch, JHEP 0612, 052 (2006). 20] F. Wang, W. Wang and J. M. Yang, Europhys. Lett. 76, 388 (2006); S. Gabrie and S. Nandi, Phys. Lett. B 655, 141 (2007). 21] S. M. Davidson and H. E. Logan, Phys. Rev. D 80, (2009). 22] W. Konetschny and W. Kummer, Phys. Lett. B 70, 433 (1977); M. Magg and C. Wetterich, Phys. Lett. B 94, 61 (1980); T. P. Cheng and L. F. Li, Phys. Rev. D 22, 2860 (1980); G. Lazarides, Q. Shafi and C. Wetterich, Nuc. Phys. B 181, 287 (1981). 23] P. Fieviez Perez, T. Han, G. -y. Huang, T. Li and K. Wang, Phys. Rev. D 78, (2008). 24] J. Garayoa and T. Schwetz, JHEP 0803 (2008) 009; M. Kadastik, M. Raida and L. Rebane, Phys. Rev. D 77, (2008). 25] A. G. Akeroyd, M. Aoki and H. Sugiyama, Phys. Rev. D 77, (2008).

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