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1 PUPI L PREMI UM POLI CY June 2017 OUR SCHOOL Cobham Pr imar y School pr ovides an all-r ound educat ion f or childr en bet ween t he ages of 4 and 11 year s. Ther e ar e cur r ent ly 219 childr en on t he r egist r at ion r oll, being t aught in seven classes. The class sizes r ange f r om 30 t o 32 pupils. All classes benef it f r om a f ull-t ime t eaching assist ant t o suppor t t he t eaching of childr en in our school. At Cobham Pr imar y we aim t o r aise t he aspir at ions and achievement s of all our pupils, r egar dless of t heir socio-economic st at us. We have high expect at ions of all of our childr en and believe in a f ully inclusive and holist ic appr oach, wher e ever y child is unique and ever y child mat t er s. As a school we endeavour t o suppor t each and ever y child t o t he best of our abilit ies, so t hat all our childr en can maximise and achieve t heir pot ent ial, despit e any bar r ier s t o lear ning t hat t hey may have. We believe t hat it is vit ally impor t ant t o f ost er a climat e of understanding, acceptance and encouragement where every child s worth really does mat t er and each individual voice is acknowledged and valued. We st r ive t o make lear ning f un f or all and school a place wher e childr en love t o lear n. Our aim is t o encour age t he childr en t o develop a love f or lif elong lear ning in r eadiness f or t he challenges of t he 21st cent ur y. As a lear ning communit y we aim t o be kind, t o per sever e and t o be happy. We st r ive t o always get along, t o be r espect f ul and ent husiast ic. Toget her we make a dif f er ence. We ar e Car ing, Pr oud and Successf ul! As at Sept ember 2016 t he br eakdown of our disadvant aged pupils is as f ollows: 1.4% of our pupils ar e cur r ent ly eligible f or f r ee school meals (FSM) 0.9% of our pupils ar e adopt ed f r om car e 2.3% of our pupils have r eceived FSM in one or mor e of t he pr evious 6 year s I n t he f inancial year 2015/ 2016 we r eceived 17,000 of Pupil Pr emium f unding over all. I n 2016/ 2017 we r eceived 15,100. I n 2017/ 2018 we expect t o r eceive

2 The Df E has given us t he f r eedom t o use t he Pupil Pr emium as we see f it, based upon our knowledge of our pupil needs. ` I t is f or schools t o decide how t he Pupil Pr emium, allocat ed t o schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since t hey ar e best placed t o assess what addit ional pr ovision should be made f or t he individual pupils wit hin t heir responsibility. However, we ar e account able f or t he use of t his addit ional f unding. THE PUPI L PREMI UM The Pupil Pr emium is addit ional f unding which is allocat ed t o schools on t he basis of t he number of pupils who have been eligible f or f r ee school meals (FSM) at any point over t he last six year s (known as Ever 6 FSM ). I t is t ar get ed at st udent s f r om disadvant aged backgr ounds t o ensur e t hey benef it f r om t he same oppor t unit ies as st udent s f r om less depr ived f amilies. The Pupil Pr emium also pr ovides f unding f or childr en who ar e cur r ent ly in or who have lef t local aut hor it y car e (having been in car e f or 1 day or mor e) and t he childr en of ser vice per sonnel. The Pupil Pr emium was init ially int r oduced in Apr il 2011 when schools r eceived an addit ional 488 f or each of t heir pupils eligible f or f r ee school meals. As f r om Apr il 2016 t his was incr eased t o 1320 per eligible pupil, r ising t o 1900 per eligible pupil f or t hose childr en who ar e or who have pr eviously been under t he car e of t he local aut hor it y. Childr en of ser vice per sonnel r eceive a lower amount of 300. PURPOSE OF THE PUPI L PREMI UM POLI CY The pur pose of t his policy is t o out line how we will ensur e t hat t he Pupil Pr emium allocat ed t o us has an impact on nar r owing t he pr ogr ess and at t ainment gaps which cur r ent ly exist bet ween disadvant aged pupils and t heir peer s. As a school in r eceipt of Pupil Pr emium f unding, we ar e account able t o our par ent s and school communit y f or how we ar e using t his addit ional r esour ce t o nar r ow t he achievement gaps of our pupils. New measur es have been included in t he per f or mance t ables published annually on a nat ional level. They capt ur e t he achievement of disadvant aged pupils cover ed by t he Pupil Pr emium. We ar e awar e t hat under The School I nf or mat ion (England) (Amendment ) Regulat ions 2012, Schedule 4 there is specified information which has to be to be published on a school s website. Sect ion 9 of t his r egulat ion r equir es schools t o publish The amount of the school s allocat ion f r om t he Pupil Pr emium gr ant in r espect of t he cur r ent academic year ; det ails of how it is int ended t hat t he allocat ion will be spent; details of how the previous academic year s allocat ion was spent, and t he ef f ect of t his expendit ur e on t he educat ional at t ainment of t hose pupils at t he school in r espect of whom gr ant f unding

3 was allocated. Thr ough t his policy and t he Pupil Pr emium I nf or mat ion Repor t we shall publish t he above inf or mat ion. I n meet ing t his r equir ement we will obser ve our cont inuing r esponsibilit ies under t he Dat a Pr ot ect ion Act 1998, so t hat individuals or gr oups of individuals, including childr en f unded t hr ough t he Ser vice Pr emium cannot be ident if ied. HOW WE WI LL MAKE DECI SI ONS REGARDI NG THE USE OF THE PUPI L PREMI UM I n making decisions on t he use of t he Pupil Pr emium we will: Ensur e t hat Pupil Pr emium f unding allocat ed t o our school is used f or it s int ended pur pose. Ensur e high qualit y t eaching and lear ning in all year gr oups t o nar r ow t he gaps in at t ainment in t he f ir st inst ance. This will be supplement ed by t he use of high qualit y int er vent ions wit h pr oven evidence of impact t o assist our pupils who need addit ional suppor t. Use t he lat est evidence based r esear ch1 on pr oven st r at egies which wor k t o nar r ow t he at t ainment gaps and adapt t hese as necessar y t o meet t he needs of our pupils. Such as The Sut t on Tr ust - Educat ion Endowment Foundat ion, Teaching and Lear ning Toolkit and t he t wo Of st ed r epor t s Pupil Premium, 20th Sept ember 2012 and t he lat est 11t h Febr uar y 2013, The Pupil Pr emium: How schools ar e spending t he f unding successf ully t o maximise achievement Be t r anspar ent in our r epor t ing of how we have used t he Pupil Pr emium, so t hat our par ent s, int er est ed st akeholder s and Of st ed ar e f ully awar e of how t his addit ional r esour ce has been used t o make a dif f er ence. Encour age t ake up of FSM by wor king pr oact ively wit h our par ent s and car er s in a sensit ive and suppor t ive manner and t o r emove any pot ent ial bar r ier s or st igma at t ached t o claiming FSM. I n doing so, we also r ecognise t he vit al r ole t hat par ent s and car er s play in t he lives of t heir childr en. Be mindf ul of t he f act t hat eligibilit y and t ake up of FSM does not equat e wit h pupils being consider ed t o be of low ability because of their social circumstances. Ensur e t her e is r obust monit or ing and evaluat ion in place t o account f or t he use of t he Pupil Pr emium, by t he school and Gover ning Body. Recognise t he f act t hat FSM pupils ar e not a homogeneous gr oup and cover a wide r ange of needs. As such t he st r at egies we use t o r aise at t ainment will t ake t hese gr oup and individual needs f ully int o account. Use t he Pupil Pr emium f or all year gr oups.

4 PRI NCI PLES OF PROVI SI ON: At Cobham Pr imar y School, we or ganise t eaching and lear ning in or der t o best meet t he diver se needs of all our childr en. We ar r ange appr opr iat e pr ovision f or childr en f r om vulner able gr oups and t hose who may be disadvant aged, t o ensur e t hat t heir needs ar e accur at ely assessed and met. We r ecognise t hat not all childr en who r eceive f r ee school meals will be disadvant aged and we also r ecognise t hat not all childr en who ar e disadvant aged have f r ee school meals. We aim t o include par ent s (along wit h our own needs analysis and pupil pr ogr ess meet ings) t o decide how t he Pupil Pr emium could be spent f or each child. I t may be t he case t hat not all childr en r eceiving f r ee school meals will r eceive int er vent ions and suppor t ing st r at egies f unded by Pupil Pr emium at any one t ime. PROVI SI ON The r ange of pr ovision t he Head Teacher and Gover nor s may consider making f or t his gr oup or socially depr ived individuals could include: Achievement and St andar ds: Wor k including addit ional class based or int er vent ion wor k t o acceler at e pr ogr ess of t ar get ed gr oups or individuals. Past or al Suppor t : which under t akes wor k t o r aise self -est eem, ext end t heir per sonal skill and suppor t childr en t o make appr opr iat e choices in or der t o maximise t heir lear ning pot ent ial. I n School Enr ichment : pr oviding oppor t unit ies wit hin t he school which ser ve t o give individuals lif e oppor t unit ies and t o enhance t heir over all lear ning and development. Out of hour s/ Ext r a-cur r icular Enr ichment : t o ensur e t hat childr en ar e given a f ull oppor t unit y t o develop ot her t alent s in spor t and cr eat ivit y t o also impr ove t heir self - conf idence and mot ivat ion f or school. All our wor k t hr ough t he pupil pr emium will be aimed at acceler at ing pr ogr ess, moving childr en t o at least age r elat ed expect at ions. DEVELOPMENT OF THE POLI CY I n developing t his policy we have t aken int o account our st at ut or y r esponsibilit ies in meet ing t he r equir ement s of t he Equalit y Act Ther ef or e t his Policy should be r ead in conj unct ion wit h our Equalit ies Policy. The over lap wit h our Equalit y Scheme is in r elat ion t o how we ar e meet ing t he needs of our pupils who ar e cover ed under t he pr ot ect ed characteristics of the Equalit y Act. Some of t hese pupils, especially minor it y et hnic, English as an addit ional language, Special Educat ional Needs and pupils wit h disabilit ies can suf f er f r om higher r at es of disadvant age and t her ef or e can have higher r at es of eligibilit y f or FSM. Wher e t his is t he case, we shall t ake t hese addit ional needs int o account.

5 When developing t his Pupil Pr emium Policy, we have also t aken int o account t he Of st ed I nspect ion Fr amewor k 2012, which places a st r ong f ocus on impr oving t he lear ning and pr ogr ess of dif f er ent gr oups and on nar r owing gaps in st andar ds. We also not e t hat Of st ed has a st at ut or y dut y t o r epor t on t he out comes and pr ovision f or pupils who ar e disabled and t hose who have special educat ional needs. LI NKS TO OTHER POLI CI ES AND DOCUMENTATI ON Alt hough t his policy is t he key document out lining our appr oach t o nar r owing t he gaps in at t ainment and achievement f or our disadvant aged pupils, we will, however ensur e t hat inf or mat ion about our r esponsibilit ies under t he Equalit y Act 2010 f or ot her pupils f or whom nar r owing t he gap r emains an issue but ar e not cover ed by t he Pupil Pr emium, ar e also included in key document s such as our school development plan, self -evaluat ion r eview, t he school pr ospect us, school web sit e and newslet t er s. Ther e may also be r ef er ences t o disadvant aged pupils in our behaviour, admissions, SEN and ant i-bullying policies, as well as minut es of meet ings involving gover nor s, t he whole st af f, and t he senior leader ship t eam and school council. ROLES AND RESPONSI BI LI TI ES We expect all member s of our school communit y, par t icular ly st af f and gover nor s t o be commit t ed t o r aising st andar ds and nar r owing t he at t ainment gaps f or all our pupils. The Head and Senior Leadership Team The Head and t he Senior Leader ship Team ar e r esponsible f or implement ing t his policy. They will ensur e t hat all st af f ar e awar e of t heir r esponsibilit ies in nar r owing t he gaps of our pupils. They will also ensur e t hat st af f ar e given appr opr iat e suppor t and r elevant pr of essional development oppor t unit ies t o acceler at e pupil s progress and attainment. Through performance management ar r angement s, t hey will make sur e nar r owing t he gaps is a pr ior it y ar ea of f ocus f or t he school. I t will be t he r esponsibilit y of t he SENCO as t he designat ed Disadvant aged Child Advocat e t o include t he f ollowing inf or mat ion in t he annual r epor t f or Gover nor s: t he pr ogr ess made t owar ds nar r owing t he gap, by year gr oup, f or disadvant aged pupils an out line of t he pr ovision t hat has been made since t he last annual r epor t and how t he money has been allocat ed an evaluat ion of t he cost ef f ect iveness of pr ovision in t er ms of it s impact Michelle Heap (SENCO) has day t o day r esponsibilit y f or coor dinat ing t he implement at ion of t his policy and monit or ing out comes. She has exper t and inf or med knowledge of what works and how this works in narrowing the gaps. She will monit or t he use of t he Pupil Pr emium t hr ee t imes a year t o t r ack t he allocat ion and use of Pupil Pr emium f unding. She will also check t o see t hat it is pr oviding value f or money.

6 Teaching and Support St af f will: maint ain t he highest expect at ions of all pupils and not equat e disadvant age of cir cumst ance wit h low ability, pr omot e an inclusive and collabor at ive et hos in t heir classr ooms which enable pupils f r om disadvant aged backgr ounds t o t hr ive, plan and deliver cur r icula and lessons t o a high st andar d and suppor t t he acceler at ion of pr ogr ess in lear ning, so t hat gaps can be nar r owed and impr ovement s maint ained. suppor t disadvant aged gr oups of pupils in t heir class t hr ough dif f er ent iat ed planning and t eaching, especially f or t hose who f ind aspect s of lear ning dif f icult and ar e in danger of f alling behind, keep up t o dat e wit h t eaching st r at egies and r esear ch, which have pr oven t r ack r ecor d in nar r owing t he gaps in at t ainment and achievement. We will pr ovide oppor t unit ies f or st af f t o engage in a r ange of pr of essional development oppor t unit ies suit ed t o t heir par t icular needs and r ole. This will suppor t t hem in implement ing successf ul st r at egies t o acceler at e pr ogr ess of pupils and nar r ow t he gaps. Governing Body Our Gover ning Body has an impor t ant r ole in ensur ing our school complies wit h legislat ion and t hat t his policy, along wit h it s specif ic st at ed act ions f or nar r owing t he gaps is implement ed. J ulie Wilder & Char lot t e Nir anj an ar e r esponsible f or ensur ing t he implement at ion of t his policy. Our Gover ning Body will at least t er mly, keep our wor k in nar r owing t he gaps under r eview so t hat t hey can monit or t he use of t he Pupil Pr emium. I n monit or ing and evaluat ing t he wor k of t he school in r elat ion t o t he Pupil Pr emium, t he Gover ning Body will t ake int o account a r ange of inf or mat ion, including quant it at ive (dat a on pr ogr ess and at t ainment ) and qualit at ive (case st udies, bi-annual book monit or ing, views, sur veys et c.) dat a as evidence of impact. At t he end of t he academic year, our Gover nor s will ensur e t hat t her e is an annual st at ement t o par ent s on how t he Pupil Pr emium f unding has been used t o addr ess t he issue of nar r owing t he gaps in our school and t he impact t his has had. KEY CONTACTS Michelle Heap SENCO / Disadvant aged Child Advocat e Char lot t e Nir anj an SEND and Disadvant aged Child Gover nor MONI TORI NG AND REVI EWI NG THE POLI CY Our wor k in r elat ion t o t he Pupil Pr emium will be r eviewed on a t er mly basis t o ensur e it is having t he int ended impact in nar r owing t he gaps. This will allow us t o make adj ust ment s if par t icular st r at egies ar e not wor king well, r at her t han leaving t hings t o t he end of t he year. Our Pupil Pr emium Policy will be r eviewed on an annual basis and adj ust ment s will be made t o it accor ding t o t he impact t he school is having in nar r owing t he gaps. I t will also t ake int o consider at ion t he level of f unding t hat becomes available under t he Pupil Pr emium Gr ant.

7 We r ecognise t he impor t ance of cont ext and will evaluat e new st r at egies as r obust ly as possible t o ensur e t hat t he appr oaches we ar e using have t he desir ed ef f ect. Our annual r eview will involve st af f, pupils, gover nor s and par ent s and car er s wher e and whenever possible and f easible. DI SSEMI NATI NG THE POLI CY This Pupil Pr emium policy along wit h t he det ails of act ions will be published: on our websit e (wit h paper copies available on r equest in t he school of f ice) in t he st af f handbook and as par t of induct ion f or new st af f We will also use ot her met hods and occasions such as parents evenings and assemblies, as appr opr iat e t o shar e inf or mat ion about t he Pupil Pr emium. APPEALS PROCEDURE Any appeals against this policy can be made through the governor s complaints procedure. USE OF THE PUPI L PREMI UM I N OUR SCHOOL AND I MPACT On the school s website we publish information (The Pupil Pr emium I nf or mat ion Repor t ) which explains how Pupil Pr emium f unding has been used, it s ef f ect iveness and impact. This document det ails t he f ollowing: The amount of Pupil Pr emium f unding r eceived What f unding has been used f or and will be used f or in t he f ut ur e Analysis of t he gaps and what t he school is doing and int ends t o do t o nar r ow t he gaps f ur t her Evaluat ion of impact SI GNED AND DATED Head: Chair of Gover ning Body: Dat e of Policy: Next Review Dat e:.....

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