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1 ANDERSON ELEMENTARY School Board Presentation Jan. 17, 2012 Sharon Buchanan, Principal

2 Mission of Anderson Elementary The mission of Anderson Elementary is to provide quality instruction for all students through challenging and meaningful work in a safe and nurturing environment, enabling them to become productive citizens.

3 AES Fac ulty & Staff Princ ipal Sh aro n Buc h anan Me nto r Princ ipal Darle e n We ste rfie ld Re g istrar Do nna Slo ss Bo o k k e e pe r Jill Ne ff Sc h o o l Nurse Nanc y Catto So c ial Wo rk e r De anna Mc Ne e se ENL, Pare nt Inte rpe rte r Maria Mille r ENL Co nsultant Esth e r Kant Lite rac y Co ac h Kate Kalisz Re so urc e Te ac h e r Vic k ie Re e s Re ad ing Spe c ialists Dana Dic k e rso n, Nanc y Erte l Pre Sc h o o l Te ac h e rs Danie lle Casto r, Je ssic a Quire, De b Ric h, Mic h e lle Ray, Ging e r Wash ing to n Kinde rg arte n Te ac h e rs Dixie Am o ne tt, Carrie Barne tt, Case y Blue h e r, Eric a Ge ph ardt, Autum n Pratt, Mae Wrig h t First Grad e Te ac h e rs Cind y Adair, Vic k i Buc k, Saundra Glo v e r, Pam Jac k so n, Diane Varg o Se c o nd Grade Te ac h e rs Do nna Alle n, Nanc y Le e s, Je nnie Mo rg an, Sh anno n Wilk e rso n Th ird Grad e Te ac h e rs De b b ie He ath, Mic h e lle Jac k so n, Kath y Landis, Jill Nalyw aik o Spe c ials Te ac h e rs Vane ssa De Yo ung (Art), Mary Mc Cam m o n(lib rary), Mary Jo y Manto r(music ), Lind a William sbo yd (P.E.) Th e rapy Spe c ialists (Spe e c h ) Je ne ssa Mag ro, Ang ie Panto s, Sally Sh um an, Co lle n Garne r (Oc c upatio nal) Am y Liste r (Autism Co nsultant) Susan Watk ins Day Custo d ian Sh aunte l Bo yd Nig h t Custo dian Ch ristina Ale xande r

4 AES Enro llm e nt Po pulatio n: Eth nic ity: Wh ite = 4 1 % Blac k = 2 1 % Hispanic = 2 8 % Asian.0 = 0 % Multirac ial 5 2 = 9 %

5 Fre e /Re d uc e d Lunc h : =8 2 % Paid Lunc h : =1 8 % Spe c ial Ed uc atio n: Re so urc e K stud e nts Autism Spe c trum Diso rd e r 3 Spe e c h Im pairm e nt 8 8 (K-3 ) Oth e r He alth Im paire d 2 EN L: Stud e nts LAS Link s Le v e ls 1-4



8 Pro g ram s: Sc h o o l Wide Title I Se rv ic e s * Full Day/Ev e ryday Kinde rg arte n(4 ) * Title I Pre -Sc h o o l (am /pm se ssio ns) * Spe c ial Ne e d s Pre -Sc h o o l (4 c lasse s am /pm ) * Lite rac y/data Co ac h * 2 Lite rac y Nig h ts pe r ye ar * Tw o Re ading Spe c ialists * So c ial Wo rk e r * Tw o Pare nt Inv o lv e m e nt Nig h ts Sc h o o l Wide Be h av io r Suppo rt Inc lud e s: * Daily-Marine r Way Ple dg e (During Anno unc e m e nts) Safe, Ho ne st, Ac c o untab le, Pe ac e m ak e r, Exc e lle nc e * S.H.A.P.E. Cash (all staff use as a re w ard ) We e k ly S.H.A.P.E. Cash draw ing s fo r po sitiv e b e h av io r aw ards. * Stude nt o f th e Mo nth * Daily re m ind e rs to b e in g re at S.H.A.P.E.

9 Stude nt & Pare nt Ac tiv itie s & Re w ards * Stud e nt o f th e Mo nth - se le c te d b y te ac h e rs, b ase d o n stude nts w h o h av e b e e n in g re at S.H.A.P.E. in th e c lassro o m, h allw ays, re stro o m, playg ro und, c afe te ria and sc h o o l b us. (Spo nso re d b y MVP, Pare nt Club ) * Re ading Is Fundam e ntal Distrib utio ns- 3 tim e s a ye ar stude nts c an se le c t a fre e b o o k fo r th e ir h o m e lib rarie s. (spo nso re d b y Ne stle Co rpo ratio n)(le ad b y Spe c ials Te ac h e rs) * Co lle g e Me nto rs- stud e nts se le c te d b y te ac h e rs to e xpe rie nc e c o lle g e life. (Spo nso re d b y AU) * K-Club - Th ird g rad e stud e nts no m inate d b y te ac h e rs to le ad sc h o o l in se rv ic e ac tiv itie s, suc h as Canne d Fo o d Driv e & Th e Giv ing Tre e fo r Ch ristm as. (Le ad b y Mrs. De Yo ung ) * MVP, Pare nt Club Spo nso re d Sk ating Partie s (2 /se m e ste r) * MVP, Pare nt Club Spo nso re d Bo unc e Ho use ( 1 st Se m e ste r) * Fam ily Lite rac y Nig h ts ( 1 /Se m e ste r) * 3 rd Grad e Pare nt Me e ting (De c Fo c us ISTEP & IREAD) * 3 RD Grade Te st Talk s (De c Th ird Grad e Stude nts) * SCHOOL CARNIVAL(APRIL/MAY) * Blast Off to Kind e rg arte n: April 1 6,

10 8 STEP PROCESS AT AES *High expectations of student achievement for ALL students *Instructional focus (data driven) *Safe and orderly school climate conducive to teaching and learning (constant mon *Measures of student achievement as a basis of program evaluation (Students are *Success Periods K & 1st grade 9:30-10:00, daily 2nd & 3rd grade 10:10-10:40, daily *Teachers develop lesson plans for each focus group on all levels (mastery, partial *Learning Log Meetings are used for discussion of current data to identify areas o

11 Pre-K students are exposed to Math and Literacy.

12 Kindergarten Focus: I.C.C.S.-3b Students practice reading and writing their numbers from 0-10.

13 Students learning English as a second language are integrated with students who first language is English. All are taught at their skill level and encouraged to achieve!

14 First Grade Focus: I.S Represent, compare, and

15 Students make a human graph to help visualize how to make a graph.

16 Second Grade Focus: I.S Compare and Contrast versions of familiar stories from different cultures.

17 Teachers use a variety of resources to help with instruction of the standards and retention of

18 Third Grade Focus: I. S Distinguish the main idea and supporting details in informational text.

19 Our specials teachers are assigned a group of Students to instruct during Success Period.

20 Enrichment Students receive enrichment during the Success Period, if they have mastered the tested Standard. During Enrichment, students receive instruction on a higher level, still utilizing the Indiana State Standards.

21 Benefits of 8 Step

22 flexibility in how to teach by focusing on what t

23 Test scores determine which standards are use ess is a proven approach that achieves results.

24 dents to retain skills in order to build higher sk

25 All available staff are assigned a Success Group to allow for low student number in groups.

26 Everyone is excited about doing 8 Step at AES!

27 At the end of each Success Period, students are happy because the teachers have provided quality education for all students through challenging and meaningful work in a safe and nurturing environment.


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