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Download ") V o l. 40 N o. 1 : O : A. (Ca3 (PO 4) 2 [ TCP ] CaH PO 4 2H 2O [DCPD ] Ca8H 2 (PO 4) 6 5H 2O [OCP ] ) (Ca10 (PO 4) 6 (OH ) 2 [HA P ]) ."


1 40 1 ( ) V o l 40 N o Jou rnal of X iam en U n iversity (N atu ral Science) Jan 2001 : (2001) ,, (,, ) : (HA P),, (DCPD ) XRD SEM, 37 DCPD N af ph, HA P ph DCPD HA P, DCPD N af : (DCPA ) DCPA + (FA P) FA P FA P+ CaF 2 ph, : ; ; ; ph : O : A (Ca10 (PO 4) 6 (OH ) 2 [HA P ]) (Ca3 (PO 4) 2 [ TCP ] CaH PO 4 2H 2O [DCPD ] Ca8H 2 (PO 4) 6 5H 2O [OCP ] ),,,,, HA P [ 1 5,, HA P ] DCPD HA P, [ 6 ], DCPD [ 7 ],, 37 DCPD, HA P : : ( ), (E ) : (1976- ),, :,,

2 1 : 53 1 DCPD HA P ( 260 ) N af ( , , , m o l L - 1 ) 1 0 gg50 ml, 37,, ph 2206 ph,,, N af ( , , , , , m o l L - 1, 1 DCPD mo l L - 1 ), : N af ph E = (- lg [F - ]) (P < F ig 1 H ydro lysis of DCPD in , : mo l L - 1 N af so lutions m o l L - 1 ) R igaku Ro taflex D gm ax2c X H itach i S2520 DCPD HA P m o l L - 1 N af 10 h 0 1 m o l L - 1 KNO 3 ( 0 1 m o l L - 1 HNO 3 ph 6 00), 0 1 m o l L - 1 HNO 3, ( ZD 22A D Z21 ) ph ph, 2 DCPD N af ph 10 h X ph,,, m o l L DCPD mo l L - 1 N af 10 h, m o l L - 1, ph XRD, XRD F ig 2 XRD patterns of the hydro lysate of, N af DCPD obtained after 10 hours hy2, dro lysis in mo l : (DCPA ) DCPA + L - 1 N af so lutions (FA P) FA P FA P + CaF , DCPD N af 10 h

3 54 ( ) 2001,, 0, 100% F - 3 DCPD m o l L - 1 N af SEM,DCPD,, 3 DCPD mo l L - 1 N af 4 HA P 5-10 h ( 2 100) F ig 3 M o rpho logy of hydro lysate of DCPD obtained after 10 hours hydro lysis in mo l L - 1 N af so lutions at 37 ( 2 100) mo l L - 1 N af ph F ig 4 HA P hydro lysis in mo l L - 1 N af so lutions 1 DCPD N af 10 h F - (37 ) T ab 1 T he fluo ride ion concentration and the amount of F up take after DCPD w as hydro lyzed in ppm N af so lutions at 37 F - g 10-6 mo l L F - gmo lgl gm g L - 1 DCPD , F - ( mo lgl ) 3 3 HA P ph 4, ph, 0 25 m o l L HA P m o l L - 1 N af 10 h XRD 5,, CaF 2 6 DCPD, HA P m o l L - 1 N af 10 h

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7 58 ( ) 2001 Effect of sodium fluo ride so lu tion on the hydro lysis of CaH PO 4 2H 2O and the so lub ility of its hydro lysate CH EN Fe i, FEN G Zu2de, L IN Chang2jian (D ep ṫ of M aterials Sci and Engin, T he State Key L ab fo r Phyṡ Chem of So lid Su rfaces, X iam en U n iv, X iam en , Ch ina) Abstract: D ecrease of the so lub ility of the m ineral phases of teeth w ill aid in p reven ting carieṡ T he effect of fluo ride ion on the so lub ility of hydroxyapatite (Ca10 (PO 4) 6 (OH ) 2, HA P) has been w ell repo rted How ever, the effect of fluo ride ion on the so lub ility of the cal2 cium hydrogen pho sphate (CaH PO 4 2H 2O, DCPD ) w as no t very cleaṙ DCPD is one of the p recu rso rs of hydroxyapatite and the im po rtan t ino rgan ic com po sition s in teeth as w ell purpo se of th is study w as to investigate the hydro lysis characteristic of DCPD and HA P in N af so lu tion ṡ T he T he variation s of ph of DCPD hydro lysis in N af so lu tion s of concen tration ranging from to w ere determ ined by a ph electrode under 37 T he crystal structu re and m o rpho logy of the hydro lysate w as determ ined u sing XRD and SEM, respectively W hen the fluo ride ion concen tration in the so lu tion w as low er than , the ph at equ ilib rium decreased w ith the increase of fluo ride ion concen tration in the so lu tion How ever, due to the fo rm ation of CaF 2, ph increased to a h igh value w hen the flu2 o ride ion concen tration in the so lu tion w as T he XRD diffraction pattern s indi2 cated that w ith the increasing of fluo ride ion concen tration hydro lysate w as CaH PO 4, CaH 2 PO 4 + Ca10 (PO 4) 6F 2, Ca10 (PO 4) 6F 2, and Ca10 (PO 4) 6F 2+ CaF 2, respectively A t low fluo ride ion concen tration the fluo ride up take w as very clo se to the w ho le am oun t of the fluo ride in the in itial so lu tion A ph 2stat m ethod w as u sed to assess the disso lu tion p roperties of DCPD and its hydro lysate F rom the so lu tion cu rves it can be concluded that the calcium pho s2 phates becam e m o re resistan t to acid than they did befo re the fluo ridation Key words: ca lcium hyd rogen p ho sp ha te; sod ium fluo ride; hyd roxyap a t ite; ph 2sta t m ethod

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