The Effects of Physica l and Chem ica l Cond ition s on Form ing M ycelia l Pellet of P hanerochaete ch rysosp orium and B iosorption of L ead

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1 ENV IRONM EN TAL SC IEN CE Jan, (, E2m ail: kelqb@ jingxian xm u edu cn) (, ), (P hanerochaete ch ry sosp orium ) Pb 2+, ph 415, 10 6 gm l, %, 150rgm in, 39 3d, mm,,, Pb mo lgl N aoh, 25m ggl 95%, Pb 2+,,, Pb 2+,,,, The Effects of Physica l and Chem ica l Cond ition s on Form ing M ycelia l Pellet of P hanerochaete ch rysosp orium and B iosorption of L ead L i Q ingb iao W u Juan Yang Hongquan D eng Xu L u Y inghua (D epartm ent of Chem ical Engineering, X iam en U niversity, X iam en E2m ail: kelqb@ jingxian xm u edu cn) Hong L iyu Cai L izhe (Research Center of Environm ent and Science, X iam en U niversity, X iam en ) Abstract T he research on the grow th of P hanerochaete ch ry sosp orium in the fo rm of pellet w as m ade in th is paper to exam ine the effects of physical and chem ical condition s on the fo rm ation of m ycelial pelletṡ T he experim en tal resu lts show ed that the m icroo rgan ism pellets of sm oo th su rface, even size (diam eter) and good m echan ical p roperties cou ld be ob tained at the fo llw o ing cu ltu re condition s: ph 415, 10 6 spo resgm l in inocu lum, 011% Tw een 80 in m edium, h igh CgN and on the shaker of 150rgm in fo r 3d U sing P ch ry sosp orium m ycelial pellets in the b io so rp tion of Pb 2+ from aqueou s so lu tion, the up take reached the m ax im um w hen the diam eter of pellet w as in the range of mm W hen the pellets w ere p retreated by bo iling in 012m o lgl N aoh fo r 40m in, the Pb 2+ up take w as far h igher than the pellets w ithou t p retreatm en t, and the rem ova l efficiency cou ld reach above 95% T he resea rch resu lt s show ed tha t the rem ova l of Pb 2+ from aqueou s so lu tion by P ch ry sosp orium m ycelial pellets w as p ractical Keywords P hanerochaete ch ry sosp orium, m ycelial pellet, b io so rp tion, Pb 2+, CgN, b iom ass, spo re su spen sion, su rface2active agen ṫ L inko [ 2 ] [ 1-3 ], ( P ch ry sosp orium ) [ 4, ],, Knapp [ 5 ] Sharm a [ 1 ] 3 :, 35,, (A sp erg illus p a rasiticus) : China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

2 34 20 (O range g ),, 98% (2) (A sp erg illus f lavus) [ 6 ],, 1 1 (S accha rom y ces cerev isiae) [ 7 ], 24h, (Z oog loea ram ig era) [ 8 ] 50m ggl 100m l, 012m o lgl Engl [ 7 ] 015m o lgl ph ( 415), 012g ( ) ( ), 26 16h,, PE3030 (, Perk in2e lm er ) Pb 2+,,, (3) 012m o lgl N aoh 40m in,,, (1) (m g g) (P hanerochaete ch ry sosp orium ),, ( ( 1L ) : Basal g ) m edium 100m l, 10g, (011m o lgl ) 100m l, 01001g, N H 4H 2PO g, 80 ( 011% ) 50m l, m l, 100m l Basal g m edium (CgN = 131, ph 415) (1L ) : KH 2PO 4 2g,M gso 4 7H 2O 5g, CaC l2, 10% gm l 1g, 100m l,, ( 2 ) 150rgm in, g, 100m l, m l,, 1L, 250m ggl 112 (1), ph S23C ph, 2 gh gmm , , ,, , m in, 72,,, , , 1,, 10%,, 3d :, GQ 70E2,,, ; China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

3 mm,, 72h 212 ph,, ph,, 2 ph 2, Pb 2+ ph ( ggL ), ph 7, ph 2, ph ,, ph 7,,,,,,, ph ph 1,,, 19 60h, ;,, 72h ph, 48h, [ 9 ] ph, 72h Pb 2+, 16107m g g,, ph ph gmm 2 ph Pb 2+ 1) g L - 1 Pb 2+ gm g g , , , , ) : = gm l, CgN = 131, 39, 150rgm in, 3d Pb 2+, ph 16134m g g 66164%, mm,,,,,,,, ph China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

4 CgN Pb 2+ 1) CgN g L - 1 N H 4H 2PO 4 g L - 1 g L - 1 gmm Pb 2+ gm g g , , , , , ) : ph 415, = gm l, 39, 150rgm in, 3d 3,,,,,, 100,, CgN 131 ( mm ), Pb 2+,,, 214,,, 80,,, 4 Pb 2+ 1) Tw een80 g% gmm g L g% gm g g ) : ph 415, = gm l, CgN = 131, 39, 150rgm in, 3d ( 4), 80 0,, 2%,, mm,, 16141m g g, 65165% 80,, ; ,,, 80 ( 5),,,, 80,,, 20 60,,, 80,,,,,, 4 2, China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

5 1 37,, 216, 6, 3, 10 6 gm l, 5 Pb 2+ 1) g m l - 1 g L - 1 gmm g% , , , , 1) : ph 4 5, CgN = 131, 39, 150rgm in, 3d 1) 6 gr m in - 1 g L - 1 gmm ,, ,, ,, 1) : ph 4 5, = gm l, CgN = 131, 39, 3d 6, ( CO 2),, (150rgm in) ;,, 217 Ca 2+,,,, Ca 2+ ( 7), [ 10 ] CaC l2,,,, CaC l2 0104%, ;, CaC l2, 0105%, CaC l2, 0101% 011%,,, Ca 2+,,, ; 25m ggl,,, Ca 2+, Pb 2+ (, ),,, Pb 2+, 65% China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

6 ) 7 CaCl2 CaC l2 g% gmm g L gm g g g% ) : ph 4 5, = gm l, CgN = 131, 39, 150rgm in, 3d 90%,,,, CaC l2 0104%,,, Pb 2+ 3 ( 1) ph, ph 131, ph 415, %, 10 6 gm l, 150rgm in 3d, (2), (3),,, of pellets A 1 Sharm a A, Padw al2d esai S R O n the relationsh ip be2 tw een pellet size and aflatoxin yield in A sp erg illus p ara2 siticus B io techno l and B ioeng, 1985, 27 ( 11): L inko S P roduction and characterization of extracellular lignin peroxidase from immobilized P hanerochaete chry sosp orium in a 10L bio reacto ṙ Enzym e M icrob T echno l, 1988, 10 (6) : ,, 1 CEH 1, 1996, 16 (3) : P ro sser J I, Tough A J Grow th m echanism s and grow th kinetics of filam entous m icroo rganism B io techno logy, 1991, 10 (4) : Knapp J S, Fu2m ing Zhang, T ap ley K N D eco lourisation of O range g by a wood2ro tting fungus J Chem T ech B io techno l, 1997, 69 (3) : H afez N, A bdel2razek A S, H afez M B A ccum ulation of som e heavy m etals on A sp erg illus f lavuṡ J Chem T ech B io techno l, 1997, 68 (1) : Engl A, Kunz B B io so rp tion of heavy m etals by S accha2 romy ces cerev isiae: effects of nutrient conditions J Chem T ech B io techno l, 1995, 63 (3) : N o rberg A, Persson H A ccum ulation of heavy m etal ions by Z oog loea ram ig era B io techno l and B ioeng, 1984, 26 (3) : M etz B, Ko ssen N W F T he grow th of mo lds in the fo rm eng, 1997, 110 (6) : literature review B io techno l and B io :, China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

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