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1 2 Behaviour of Gold Nanoparticles The behaviour of matter at the nanoscale is often unexpected and can be completely different from that of bulk materials. This has stimulated the study and the development of many applications based on nanostructures in virtually all areas of science and technology. The properties of colloids, such as localised surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) modes and catalytic activity, depend on their size and shape; therefore, great efforts were devoted to the development of methods giving control of size (Chapter 1) and surface tunability (Section 2.2). It is important to remember that tight control of the reactions is necessary to achieve the desired size and shape of the particles, and, thus, to finely tune their physicalchemical properties [1-2]. This chapter starts by introducing in Section 2.1 the photophysical properties of metallic nanostructures, with a special focus on the correlation between geometries and optical features. In the first part of this section a general description of the physics at the basis of metal nanoparticles (NP) is reported, followed by a more mathematical discussion of some specific subjects. Section 2.2 contains an overview on the most used methods to coat and functionalise AuNP and, at the end of the chapter, in Section 2.3, the biocompatibility and organism biodistribution of AuNP will be discussed. 39

2 Update on Gold Nanoparticles 2.1 Optical Features General Description Noble metal colloids are characterised by intense colours, caused by light absorption and scattering in the visible region of the spectrum. An example of an early application of this property is in the rose window of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, where silver and AuNP are responsible for the colours of the glass. These effects are caused by one of the most important types of interaction of metal nanoparticles with the electromagnetic field, the LSPR, which will be discussed in this chapter (Figure 2.1). Metals are characterised by the presence of free electrons and when the diameter of metallic nanostructures is in the nm range they interact with the light through [3]: (i) collective excitations of free electrons due to intraband transitions, giving rise to LSPR, (ii) transitions of electrons from occupied to empty bulk bands of a different index, called interband transitions, and (iii) surface dispersion or scattering of the free or unbound electrons, when their mean free path is comparable to the dimensions of the nanostructures. A resonance occurs when the frequency of an incident electromagnetic (EM) field matches the frequency of an intrinsic electronic oscillation; this is a collective and coherent oscillation of the electronic cloud of the metals, called plasmon, which causes a displacement of the electrons from the nuclei, leading to the formation of various possible distributions in the nanostructure surface charges (i.e., dipole, quadrupole and so on, see Figure 2.1). Each type of surface charge distribution is characterised by a specific resonance energy, the LSPR (Figure 2.1). When an incoming radiation of an appropriate frequency interacts with the nanostructure, its energy can be stored in the oscillation mode of the nanoparticle and can result in absorption and/or in light scattering. Noble metals such as copper, silver, and gold have strong visiblelight plasmon resonances (Figure 2.2), whereas most other transition metals show only a broad and poorly resolved extinction band in the ultraviolet (UV) region [4]. 40

3 Behaviour of Gold Nanoparticles Figure 2.1 Scheme of a surface plasmon oscillation for a sphere, showing the displacement of the conduction electron charge cloud relative to the nuclei. Reproduced with permission from K. Kelly, E. Coronado, L. Zhao and G. Schatz, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2003, 107, , American Chemical Society [2] Figure 2.2 Normalised UV-Vis spectra for gold nanospheres (AuNS) with different diameters in aqueous solution. Inset, photo showing the colours of gold solutions of nanospheres with different diameters from 30 to 90 nm. Reproduced with permission from P.N. Njoki, I-I.S. Lim, D. Mott, H-Y. Park, B. Khan, S. Mishra, R. Sujakumar, J. Luo and C-J. Zhong, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, , American Chemical Society [5] Since it is possible to assume that the electrons of the conduction band of all metals can move freely and independently from the ionic background, considering that ions act only as scattering centres [6], the presence of the LSPR in the visible region for noble metals is attributed to the strong coupling between the plasmon resonance 41

4 Update on Gold Nanoparticles and interband excitations. Therefore, the electron cloud of noble metals shows higher polarisability [7] than other transition metals: this shifts the plasmon resonance to lower (visible) frequencies with a characteristic sharp bandwidth (Figure 2.2). In a dilute sample of NP, so that each particle behaves independently with respect to the incident radiation, the spectrum is composed of the sum of absorption and scattering modes. The intensity of light transmitted through this type of sample is given by Equation 2.1: σ abs+ σ SC I = I e NL 0 [ ( ) ] (2.1) In Equation 2.1, I 0 is the intensity of the incoming light, N is the number of particles per unit volume, and L is the length of the path travelled by the light in the sample. The quantity σ ex = σ abs + σ sc is also known as the extinction cross section, while σ abs and σ sc are, the absorption and scattering cross section of the NP, respectively. The size and shape of the particles, the dielectric function of the medium, and the presence of other nanostructures in close proximity to each other are the factors that most influence the extinction bands of LSPR in nanostructures [1, 8] (Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3). In the following sections, the influence of particle size on the position and on the width of the spectral band of plasmon modes will be discussed. For metal nanospheres (NS), interband electronic transitions are not very sensitive to particle size (except in the case of sub-2 nm metal clusters, which are made of a few atoms), and are located at high energy (UV region of the spectra). For NP with diameters between 10 and 30 nm, the dominant effect in the visible region is the excitation of plasmon modes. In this size range, and in the simple case of spherical nanoparticles, a single dominant plasmon mode of a dipolar nature is excited; for gold (Figure 2.2) this mode falls at about nm, and for silver at 400 nm. However, scattering effects are more important for NS with a diameter of more than 30 nm, where electrons are accelerated by the electromagnetic field and radiate energy in all directions. 42

5 Behaviour of Gold Nanoparticles Because of this secondary radiation, electrons lose energy by a damping effect on their motion. It was found (Figure 2.2) that the spectrum is less intense, wider, and red-shifted when the particle size increases [3]. A depolarisation field term provokes the shift to larger wavelengths, while radiation damping causes decreasing intensity and widening of the spectrum [10]. Finally, scattering effects dominate the response of NS with diameters larger than 100 nm and, in addition, higher order modes (i.e., quadrupolar, octupolar) contribute to the interaction between light and matter. In a theoretical/experimental work on spherical AuNP by El- Sayed and co-workers [8], it was shown that the sum of all these effects caused a red shift on the λ max of LSPR of about 0.7 nm for every 1 nm increase in particle radius (for diameter >25 nm). For particle sizes smaller than 25 nm, λ max is almost independent from the particle size. Figure 2.3 Size, shape, and composition of metal nanoparticles can be systematically varied to produce materials with distinct optical properties. The upper panel shows the colour from the dark field signals of the drops of the nanoparticles shown in the bottom panel. Reproduced with permission from N.L. Rosi and C.A. Mirkin, Chemical Reviews, 2005, 105, , American Chemical Society [9] 43

6 Update on Gold Nanoparticles Theoretically, the basis of the correlation between the NS size and the λ max of the LSPR band was described for the first time by Mie [11]. He solved the Maxwell s equations in the quasi-static regime (he assumed that the field perceived by the particle was constant throughout the solid, albeit it can still be time, or frequency dependent) and obtained, in the dipole approximation (nanoparticles are much smaller than the incident wavelength) Equation 2.2: 3/ 2 σ ex 18πε a ωε2( ω, R) = 1000 V λ 2 ( ε ( ω, R) + 2ε ) + ε 2 ( ω, R ) (2.2) 1 where σ ex is the extinction cross section, ω is the angular frequency, V is the volume of each sphere, ε a is the medium dielectric constant, and ε 1 and ε 2 are the real and complex part of the dielectric function of the metal [11]. The resonance condition is roughly fulfilled when ε 1 (ω, R) = 2ε a if ε 2 is small or weakly dependent on ω. Equation 2.2 explains the dependence of LSPR on the dielectric function of the surrounding medium ε a [5]. In this model the dependence of the LSPR band for NS of different sizes is considered to be the result of the dependence of the refractive index of nanoparticles on R [12]. Therefore, an intrinsic dependence of the real and imaginary part of the dielectric function of metals [1] on R is indicated in Equation 2.2. Indeed, this size-dependence is lost if the dielectric constant of the bulk metal is used to solve Maxwell s equations. It is important to note (Figure 2.4) that there is a direct dependence of the NS extinction cross section on the sphere volume and that the σ ex of the gold nanospheres are typically 4-5 orders of magnitude higher compared to those of organic dyes [13]. At the same time, the relative contribution of scattering to the total extinction cross section (C ext ) increases with the square of particle volume as seen in Figure 2.5. The trend in the ratio of scattering to absorption with the nanoparticle volume has been related to an increase in radiative damping in larger particles [13]. Thus, the extinction features of AuNS with diameters >20 nm were exploited for the selective scattering imaging of cells by using dark field microscopy [14] (DF) and confocal microscopy [15] (Chapter 3). On the other hand AuNS with diameters in the size range of 3-10 nm can serve as excellent photoabsorbers for laser photothermal therapy (PTT) and absorption contrast imaging [16] (Chapter 3). a 2 44

7 Behaviour of Gold Nanoparticles Figure 2.4 Variation of extinction cross section (C ext ) with nanosphere diameter. Reproduced with permission from P.K. Jain, K.S. Lee, I.H. El-Sayed and M.A. El-Sayed, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110, , American Chemical Society [13] Figure 2.5 a) Variation of the ratio between scattering and absorption cross sections (C sca /C abs ) with nanosphere diameter D. b, c) Calculated spectra of the efficiency of absorption Q abs (- - -), scattering Q sca (.), and extinction Q ext (-) for gold nanospheres of diameter (b) D = 40 nm, (c) D = 80 nm. Reproduced with permission from P.K. Jain, K.S. Lee, I.H. El-Sayed and M.A. El- Sayed, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110, , American Chemical Society [13] 45

8 Update on Gold Nanoparticles The shape of metal nanoparticles has a striking influence on optical properties (Figure 2.3). The surface plasmon absorption maximum (λ max ) of AuNP strongly depends on their aspect ratio r [17], i.e., the length of the particle divided by the width of it, as shown in Equation 2.3: λ max = r (2.3) For a given nanoparticle size, for example 20 nm, if AuNP have a spherical shape (thus r = 1) the surface plasmon absorption band is centred at 520 nm. When NS become elongated, the surface plasmon absorption band red-shifts with r (Figure 2.6). Figure 2.6 Extinction spectrum of a sample consisting of a colloids of nanorods having an aspect ratio r = 3.3 and a transversal dimension of 22 nm (solid line), compared to one of 22 nm nanospheres (dotted line). The inset shows how the maxima of the transverse (squares) and longitudinal (circles) surface plasmon modes vary with the aspect ratio. Reproduced with permission from X. Huang, S. Neretina and M.A. El-Sayed, Advanced Materials, 2009, 21, , Wiley-VCH [17] 46

9 Behaviour of Gold Nanoparticles The r-value increases until the NP become rod- or ellipsoidal-shaped, the plasmon then appears to split into two modes corresponding to the oscillation along and perpendicular to the long axis of the particle [3, 18] (Figure 2.6). In general all the other geometrical shapes of AuNP (triangle [19], cube [20], shell [21]) exhibit a red-shifted LSPR band compared to their spherical analogs, since the shape affects the electron charge density on the particle surface [17]. Such structural and compositional tuning (see Chapter 1) is desirable for in vivo applications, where tissue absorption in the near-infrared window ( nm) is minimal [22], and thus, favourable to improve light penetration (Chapter 3). The plasmon resonance wavelength of a metal nanoparticle is also affected by the presence of other NP in its close environment. When two or more NP are brought into proximity, their dipoles couple, and a shift in the LSPR mode takes place (Figure 2.7 and Figure 2.8). For example, a colloid of AuNS of about 10 nm shows a typical plasmon extinction maximum at 520 nm; if particles agglomerate (from the addition of an analyte or from a change in ph or in salt concentration of the solution) a red-shift and widening in the extinction band is observed [23]. This effect was investigated both theoretically [25] and experimentally for fixed [26] (Figure 2.8) and non-fixed distances [14] (Figure 2.7). The magnitude of the assembly-induced plasmon shift depends on the strength of the interparticle coupling, which, in turn, depends on the distance between the individual NP. Therefore, the plasmon shift can give a measure of the distance between pairs of NP [14]. El-Sayed and co-workers [23] derived an empirical equation (Equation 2.4) that can be used to estimate the interparticle separation from experimentally observed plasmon shifts in vitro or in biological systems [27]. λ A e λ 0 ( s/ D) B (2.4) 47

10 Update on Gold Nanoparticles Figure 2.7 Effect of coupling of DNA-functionalised gold and silver nanoparticles on their color when observed in darkfield microscopy. (a) Two gold or silver nanoparticles can be linked together through a biotin-streptavidin bond. Inset: principle of transmission darkfield microscopy. (b) Single silver particles appear blue (left) and particle pair blue-green (right). The orange dot in the bottom comes from an aggregate of more than two particles. (c) Single gold particles appear green (left), gold particle pairs orange (right). Inset: representative transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of a particle pair to show that each coloured dot comes from light scatted from two closely lying particles, which cannot be separated optically. (d) Representative normalised scattering spectra of single particles and particle pairs for silver (top) and gold (bottom). Silver particles show a larger spectral shift (102 nm) than gold particles (23 nm), stronger light scattering and a smaller plasmon line width. However, gold is chemically more stable and is more easily conjugated to biomolecules via SH, NH 2 or CN functional groups. Reproduced with permission from C. Sonnichsen, B.M. Reinhard, J. Liphardt and A.P. Alivisatos, Nature Biotechnology, 2005, 23, , Nature [14] 48

11 Behaviour of Gold Nanoparticles Figure 2.8 Microextinction spectra of Au nanodisc pairs for varying interparticle separation gap for incident light polarisation direction (a) parallel and (b) perpendicular to the interparticle axis. OD: optical density, OD = -log 10 (T), with T local light transmittivity. c) SEM image of an array of nanodisk pairs used to determine the plasmon ruler equation ; in this image each nanodisk has a diameter of 88 nm, a thickness of 25 nm, and an interparticle edge-to-edge separation gap of 12 nm. EHT = electrical high tension, ns = no significant difference, WD = working distance. Reproduced with permission from P.K. Jain, W.Y. Huang and M.A. El-Sayed, Nano Letters, 2007, 7, , American Chemical Society [24] In Equation 2.4, Δλ/λ 0 is the fractional plasmon shift, s is the interparticle edge-to-edge separation, D is the particle diameter, and A and B are two adimensional parameters typical of the experimental setup. This equation was deduced for coupled pairs of gold nanoparticles (in nm diameter-range) in protein medium at fixed distance in DF experiments, by illumination with unpolarised white light. For these functionalised particle dimers randomly oriented in space [23, 27], the A and B parameters were estimated [23]: A = 0.18 and B = In particular, through Equation 2.4 (the plasmon ruler equation) nanoparticle dimers have the potential to become an alternative to the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) for in vitro single-molecule experiments, especially for applications demanding long observation times (seconds to hours) or large distances (usually up to 2.5 times the diameter of the spheres). Indeed, this effect has several key advantages over rulers based on FRET and should allow a wide range of new singlemolecule experiments. In FRET, the observation of fluorescence of a 49

12 Update on Gold Nanoparticles single-organic dye is often hindered by blinking and/or rapid photobleaching phenomena, limiting the continuous observation time to a few tens of seconds. Furthermore, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish changes in relative dye orientation from changes in distance [28]. In experiments that do not use polarised light, the plasmon resonance signal neither blinks nor bleaches and does not depend on the relative probe orientation [27]. In experiments with polarised white light the collected shifts depend on the orientation of the EM field, see Figure 2.8. In general, gold and silver particles are more stable under physiological conditions and under laser illumination than organic dyes. The range of distances accessible with plasmon coupling in a pair of nanoparticles depends on the size and coating of the particles. In general, the accessible distance range ( nm) is larger than with FRET [28] (2 8 nm). Usually, for in vitro experiments, particle separations of up to 70 nm should be accessible with better than 1 nm resolution [25] (with 40 nm particles and a 0.1 nm spectral resolution for determining the plasmon resonance position). Therefore, AuNP of at least nm diameter are needed to ensure the collection of scattering signals [13-14], which affect the structural conformation and the activity of many targets. Furthermore, it could be very difficult to collect scattering data in living cells, because of the high scattering background. A recently investigated feature of AuNP is the photoluminescence effect (PL). In addition to the phenomena mentioned previously, excitation of LSPR can cause a PL emission of nanomaterials showing sharply angled surfaces (lightning rod effect). In bulk noble metals, the quantum efficiency (the number of photons emitted over the number of absorbed photons) of the PL is very low, typically of the order of [29]. The luminescence efficiency (namely, a rate linked to the dissipation of the photon energy in heat) of gold nanorods increases by six orders of magnitude from bulk, thanks to the lightning rod effect [30] and in gold nanocubes reaches 10 2, about 200 times higher than that of gold nanorods [31]. Luminescence was found to be absent in 15 nm spherical nanoparticles, while it was found, and it is easily tunable, for very small gold clusters (<5 nm) [32-34]. The origin of the PL was attributed to recombination of the 50

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