arxiv: v1 [math.ct] 27 Oct 2017

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1 arxiv: v1 [math.ct] 27 Oct 2017 Notes on clans and tribes. Joyal October 30, 2017 bstract The purpose o these notes is to give a categorical presentation/analysis o homotopy type theory. The notes are incomplete as they stand (October 2017). The chapter on univalent tribes is missing. The reerences are not always connected to the text. better version is in preparation. cirget, UQÀM, 1

2 Contents Introduction 4 1 Theory o Clans Basic aspects Types, judgments, elements and contexts Sums The category o clans Generic elements The Yoneda embedding Reedy ibrant squares and cubes Spans in a clan Internal products in a clan Cartesian closed categories Locally cartesian closed categories Polynomial unctors π-clans Products in type theory Theory o Tribes nodyne maps Paths in type theory The homotopy category Mapping path objects Fibrewise homotopy Weak equivalences o tribes Truncated types π-tribes Contractibilty in a π-tribe Simplicial tribes Simplicial clans Simplicial π-clans Simplicial tribes Simplicial π-tribes ppendix on category theory Grothendieck ibrations Free and coree objects Cartesian squares Carrable objects and maps Liting properties Simplicial categories

3 6 ppendix on homotopy theory Brown ibration categories Homotopy cartesian squares

4 Introduction Few things can better illustrate the unity o mathematics than the homotopy interpretation o Martin-Lö type theory discovered by wodey-warren [W] and Voevodsky [Vo]. Homotopy type theory is the new ield o mathematics arising orm these discoveries [HoTTb]. long term goal is to develop a user-riendly computerised proo-assistant or homotopy theorists (and or all mathematicians). There are many evidences that homotopy type theory can eectively contribute to homotopy theory. For examples, a new proo o the Balkers-Massey theorem was ound by using type theoretic methods [FFLL], the theorem was generalised to an arbitrary modality in a higher topos [BFJ1] and the generalisation applied to Goodwillie s Calculus [BFJ2]. We believe that category theory can be used as a common ground between the two ields. The goal o the present notes is to contribute to this common ground. The notion o tribe presented here has emerged in discussions with Steve wodey and Michael Shulman during the Univalent Foundation Program at the IS in ; it is a categorical approximation o Martin-Lö type theory; it is closely related to the notion o ibration category introduced by Ken Brown. We hope that the theory o tribes will be useul both in homotopy theory and in type theory. The theory o tribes presented here is modular and progressive: we begin with the theory o clans, ollowed by the theory o π-clans, o tribes and π-tribes. clan is deined to be category equipped with a class o ibrations closed under composition and base changes. The theory o clans can be regarded as a categorical version o the theory o dependant types, without product and propositional equality. There is a notion o anodyne map in every clan and a clan is a tribe i every base change o an anodyne map is anodyne and every map can be actored as an anodyne map ollowed by a ibration. Every tribe has the structure o a Brown ibration category. We also introduce a notion o simplicial tribe (and o simplicial clan); it is playing an important role in the homotopy theory o tribes that will be developed in a subsequent paper. notion o semi-simplicial tribes was introduced by Kapulkin and Szimilo [KS]. The present notes are incomplete and much remains to be done. The notion o univalent tribe (a π-tribe with a universe satisying Voevodsky univalence axiom) remains to be introduced. 4

5 1 Theory o Clans 1.1 Basic aspects Recall that an object C in a category E is said to be carrable i its cartesian product C with any other object E exists. map p : C B is said to be carrable i the object (C,p) o the slice category E/B is carrable: this means that the iber product B C with any other map : B exists (see Deinition 5.4.2). B C p 1 p 2 C B p The projection p 1 : B C is called the base change o p along. We say that a class F o maps in E is closed under base changes i every map in F is carrable, and the base change o a map in F along any map in E belongs to F. Deinition I E is a category with terminal object 1, then a clan structure on E is a class o maps F E satisying the ollowing conditions: Every isomorphism belongs to F; F is closed under composition and base changes; the unique map X 1 belongs to F or every object X E. map in F is called a ibration. clan is a category with terminal object equipped with a clan structure. We shall oten picture a ibration in a clan with a two headed arrow B. Examples o clans: category with inite limits has the structure o a clan, where every map is a ibration; The category o small categories is a clan, where a ibration is an iso-ibration The category o Kan complexes is a clan, where a ibration is a Kan ibration between Kan complexes. The category o ibrant objects o a Quillen model category is a clan, where a ibration is a ibration between ibrant objects. Deinition We shall say that a category with inite products is cartesian. Proposition Every clan is a cartesian category. The cartesian product o two ibrations in a clan is a ibration. 5

6 Proo. clan E has a terminal object 1 by deinition. I and B are two objects o E, then the base change o the map B 1 along the map 1 exists, since the map B 1 is a ibration. This shows that E has inite cartesian products. Let us show that the cartesian product o two ibrations : and g : B B is a ibration. The map B is a ibration by base change, since the ollowing square is cartesian. B p 1 B B p 1 Similarly, the map g is a ibration by base change, since the ollowing square is cartesian. B p 1 B g B p 1 B g It ollows that the map g = ( g)( B ) is a ibration, since the composite o two ibrations is a ibration. Deinition I E is a cartesian category, we say that a map p : E B in E is a cartesian projection i there exists a map p : E E such that the ollowing square is cartesian. E p E (1) p B 1 In a clan, a cartesian projection p : E B is a ibration, since the map E 1 in the square (1) is a ibration. Proposition cartesian category E has the structure o a clan, where a ibration is a cartesian projection; it is the smallest clan structure on E. Proo. n isomorphism u : B is a cartesian projection, since the ollowing square is cartesian when the map u is invertible. 1 u B 1 Let us show that the composite o two cartesian projections g : E B and : B is a cartesian projection. By deinition, there exists two cartesian squares: E g E B B g (1) B 1 (2) 1 6

7 The bottom square (c) o the ollowing commutative diagram is cartesian, since the square (2) above is cartesian. The square (b) is cartesian by construction. The composite (a) +(b) o the top squares o the diagram is cartesian, since the square (1) above is cartesian. E ( g,g ) B E p 2 E g B (a) p 1 B (b) 1 (c) 1 It then ollows by Lemma that the square (a) is cartesian. Hence the composite square (a)+(c) is cartesian by the same lemma, since square (c) is cartesian. This shows that the map g : E is a cartesian projection. Let us show that every cartesian projection p is carrable. By deinition, a cartesian projection p : E B is the base change o a map E 1. But the map E 1 is carrable, since every object is carrable in a cartesian category. It ollows that the map p : E B is carrable, since a base change o a carrable map is carrable. I B is an object o a clan E, we shall denote by E(B) the ull subcategory o E/B whose objects are the ibrations X B. Let us say that a morphism : (X,p) (Y,q) in E(B) is a ibration i the map : X Y is a ibration in E. X Y p q B Observe that E(1) = E/1 = E. Proposition The category E(B) has the structure o a clan with the ibrations deined above. Proo. Let to the reader Deinition We shall say that E(B) is the local clan o E at B. Recall that a unctor F : E E is said to preserve the base change o a map p : X B along a map : B i it takes the cartesian square p 2 B X X p 1 B p to a cartesian square. Deinition We say that a unctor between clans F : E E is a morphism o clans i he ollowing conditions hold: F takes ibrations to ibrations; F preserves base changes o ibrations; 7

8 F takes terminal objects to terminal objects. We shall denote by by Clan the category whose objects are small clans and whose morphisms are morphisms o clans. The category Clan has the structure o a 2-category, where a 2-cell is a natural transormation. We say that a morphism o clans is an equivalence i it is an equivalence in this 2-category. Remark I a unctor isomorphic to a morphism o clans, then it is a morphism o clans. clan is a cartesian category by Proposition Proposition morphism o clans is a cartesian unctor. Proo. The unctor F : E E preserves base changes o ibrations. Hence it takes a cartesian square B p 2 B p 1 1 to a cartesian square, F( B) F(p 2) F(B) F(p 1) F() F(1) since the map B 1 is a ibration. The result ollows, since F(1) is a terminal object. I F : E E is a morphism o clans, we shall denote by F () : E() E (F) the unctor deined by putting F () (E,p) = (FE,F(p)) or an object (E,p) E(). Proposition I F : E E is a morphism o clans, then so is the unctor induced by F or every object E. Proo. Let to the reader. F () : E() E (F) Let : B be a map in a clan E. Then the base change o a ibration p : X B along is a ibration p 1 : B X. p 2 B X X Let us put (X,p) = ( B X,p 1 ). This deines the base change unctor p 1 : E(B) E() p B. 8

9 We shall oten denote the projection p 2 : B X X by X : (X) X. I u : (X,p X ) (Y,p Y ) is a map in E(B), then (u) = de B u and the ollowing diagram commutes (X) X X (2) (u) (Y) Y u Y p X p Y B. Lemma The top square in the diagram (2) is cartesian or any map u : (X,p X ) (Y,p Y ) in E(B). Proo. The bottom square o the diagram 2 is cartesian by construction: The composite square is also cartesian by construction. Hence the top square is cartesian by Lemma Recall rom Proposition that i E is a clan, then so is the category E() or every object E. Proposition I E is a clan, then the base change unctor : E(B) E() is a morphism o clans or every map : B in E. Proo. I u : (X,p X ) (Y,p Y ) is a ibration in E(B), let us show that the map (u) : (X) (Y) is a ibration in E(). But the map (u) is the base change o the map u : X Y along the map Y : (Y) Y, since the square (2) is cartesian by Lemma Thus, (u) is a ibration, since the base change o a ibration is a ibration. The unctor preserves terminal objects, since the ollowing square is cartesian B 1 B 1 B Let usshowthat theunctor preservesbasechangesoibrations. Letg : X Y aibrationine(b) andp 1 : W Z be the base change o g along a map u : Z Y in E(B). W p 2 X (3) p 1 Z u Y g 9

10 We wish to show that the let hand ace o ollowing commutative cube is cartesian: (W) W W (X) X X (g) g (Z) (u) (Y) Z Y Z u Y The right hand ace o the cube is cartesian by hypothesis. The ront and back aces are cartesian by Lemma It then ollows rom the cube lemma that the let hand ace is cartesian. This shows that the unctor preserves base changes o ibrations. We have proved that it is a morphism o clans. Proposition I : B and g : B C are two maps in a clan E, then the composite o the base change unctors E(C) g E(B) is isomorphic to the base change unctor (g) : E(C) E() E() Proo. I X = (X,p) E(C), then we have the ollowing diagram o cartesian squares (g (X)) g (X) X B g C p The composite square is cartesian by Lemma Thus (g (X)) is canonically isomorphic to (g) (X). I is an object o a clan, we shall denote e : E E() the base change unctor along the unique map t : 1. By deinition, we have e (X) = ( X,p 1 ) or every object X E. The unctor e is a morphism o clans by Proposition Corollary I : B is a map in a clan E, then the ollowing triangle o unctors commutes up to a canonical isomorphism e B E E(B) e E() 10

11 Proo. I t : 1 and t B : B 1 are the canonical maps, then we have t B = t. The result then ollows orm Proposition , since e = t and e B = t B. Let : B be a ibration in a clan E, then (,) E(B). Lemma Let : B be a ibration in a clan E. Then E() = E(B)(,). Proo. The unctor Φ : E() E(B)(,) deined by putting Φ(E,p) = ((E,p),p) is an isomorphism o clans. E p The inverse isomorphism takes an object ((E,g),p) E(B)(,) to the object (E,p) E(). Lemma Let : B be a ibration in a clan E. Then the elementary morphism o clans coincides with the base change unctor : E(B) E(). p B e (,) : E(B) E(B)(,) Proo. The unctor e (,) takes an object (X,p) E(B) to the object ((,) B (X,p),p 1 ) = (( B X,p 1 ),p 1 ) which is identiied with the object ( B X,p 1 ) o E(). B X p 1 X B p 1.2 Types, judgments, elements and contexts We may adopt the language o type theory, by saying that an object E in a clan E is a type and write E E : Type When the category E is clear rom the context, we may write more simply E : Type (4) The expression (4) is an instance o what is called a judgment in type theory. I 1 is the terminal object o E, then a map a : 1 E is an element or a point o type E and we write E a : E or more simply a : E Remark n element a : E is oten called a term by type theorists. But this terminology is incorrect, since the notion o term is syntaxical while the notion o element is semantical. 11

12 Remark The language o type theory may include maps between types : E F in addition to elements. I E(E,F), we may write : E F. In type theory, the assertion that two elements a : E and b : E are equal is written ormally as a judgment: a = b : E. Similarly, the assertion that two types E and F are equally is written ormally as a judgment E = F. Remark The equality relation a = b introduced here is said to be intentional. It should not be conused with the propositional equality relation a b introduced later with the notion o tribes. I p : E is a ibration in a clan E, then the object (E,p) E() is deining a dependant type in context. Recall that the iber o p : E at an element x : is the object E x = x (E) deined by the pullback square E x 1 E x. p This deines a amily o objects E x indexed by a variable element x :. The amily (E x x:) is said to be internal to the clan, since it is indexed by an object o the clan. In type theory, the object (E,p) E() is regarded as a type E x which depends on a variable element x :. The assertion that E x is a dependant type, depending on x :, is written as a judgement: x : E x : Type The expressionx : on the let hand side o the symbol is called the context o the judgment. The context describes the parameter space o the dependant type. The notions o ibration p : E and o dependant type (E,p) E() are equivalent. From a section s : E o a ibration p : E (ps = 1 ) we obtain a amily o elements s(x) : E(x), one or each x :. E x E s(x) 1 p x. The assertion that the element s(x) : E x depends on x : can be written as a judgement: x : s(x) : E x s map : (E,p) (F,q) in E() induces a map x = x () : E x F x or each element x :. x E x F x 1 x E F q 12

13 Hence a map : (E,p) (F,q) in E() can be regarded as a amily o maps x : E x F x indexed by a variable element x :. The assertion that x : E x F x is a map depending on x : can be written as a judgement: x : x : E x F x In type theory, most calculations involve changes o context, moving back and orth between dierent contexts. Recall that that or every map : B in a clan E, we have a base change unctor : E(B) E(). Proposition I : B is a map in a clan E, then we have E (x) = (E) x or every object E = (E,p) E(B) and every element x :. Proo. The two squares o the ollowing diagram are cartesian by construction. (E) x (E) E 1 x B p Hence the composite square is cartesian by lemma (E) x E 1 (x) B p Thus E (x) = (E) x. In type theory, the base change unctor : E(B) E() is expressed by the ollowing substitution rules or dependant types and elements: y : B E y : Type x : E (x) : Type It can include a substitution rule or dependant maps: y : B u y : E y F y y : B s(y) : E y x : s((x)) : E (x) x : u (x) : E (x) F (x) Recall that i is an object o a clan E, then the unctor e : E E() deined by putting e (E) = ( E,p 1 ) is a morphism o clans (called elementary morphism). The iber o the projection p 1 : E at x : is canonically isomorphic to E, since the ollowing square is cartesian, E x E E 1 x. p 1 13

14 Thus, e (E) x = E or every x :. In type theory, the unctor e : E E() is expressed by the ollowing weakening rules: E : Type t : E u : E F x : E : Type. x : t : E. x : u : E F Notice that e () = (,p 1 ) E(). The diagonal δ : is a section o the projection p 1 : and its value at x : is the element x o e () x =. x x 1 x p 1 δ Hence the diagonal δ : deines the element x : in context x :. The judgment is a basic axiom o type theory. x : x : 1.3 Sums I is an object o a clan E, then the orgetul unctor E() E takes a ibration p : E to its domain E. Intuitively, we have E = x:e x since the domain o a ibration p : E is the disjoint union o its ibers. The orgetul unctor E() E can be denoted as a summation operation Σ : E() E In type theory, the unctor Σ is created by the ollowing Σ-ormation rule: x : E x : Type x:e x : Type For typographical reasons, we may write Σ(x : )E x instead o x: E x. I E = (E,p) E(), then the unit o the adjunction Σ : E() E : e is given by the map η E = de (p,1 E ) : E E in E(). The map η E deines the amily o inclusions x : η x : E x E 14

15 I a : and b : E a, then the element η a (b) is denoted (a,b). In type theory, the maps η E are created by the Σ-introduction rule: a : b : E a (a,b) : x:e x The ibration p : E is the irst projection p 1 : x:e x and it is called the display map o the sum. It ollows rom the adjunction Σ e that or every object B E and every dependant map x : h x : E x B there exits a unique map h : x:e x B such h η x = h x or every element x :. By construction, h(x,y) := h x (y) or x : and y : E x. Notices that we have Σ (e (X)) = X or every object X E. Thus, X = X. In particular, x: 1 =. I : B is a ibration in a clan E, then the summation unctor is deined by putting Σ (E,p) = (E,p) or a ibration p : E. x: Σ : E() E(B). (5) Proposition Let : B be a ibration in a clan E. Then the summation unctor Σ : E() E(B) is let adjoint to the base change unctor : E(B) E(). The unctor Σ preserves ibrations and base change o ibrations. Proo. Let to the reader. Proposition I : B and g : B C are ibrations in a clan E, then Σ g = Σ g Σ. In particular, Σ = Σ B Σ. Proo. For every (E,p) E() we have Σ g (Σ (E,p)) = Σ g (E,p) = (E,gp) = Σ g (E,p). It ollowsrom Proposition1.3.2that i and B are two objects o clan E and i p 1 : B and p 2 : B B are the projections. then we have Σ B Σ p2 = Σ B = Σ Σ p1 (6) 15

16 We may denote the unctor Σ p1 by Σ B : E( B) E() and the unctor Σ p2 by Σ : E( B) E(B). With this notation, the identity (6) takes the ollowing orm: This is Fubini theorem: E x,y = y:b x: Σ B Σ = Σ B = Σ Σ B (x,y): BE x,y = x: E x,y. (7) Proposition I : B is a ibration in a clan E, then or every object (E,p) E() and every element y : B we have Σ (E) y = E x = E x. where y is the iber o at y : B. x:(y) Proo. The map p : E induces a map p : (E,p) (,) in E(B) and we have (E,p) = Σ (E,p). I y : B and x : y, then we have a commutative diagram (x)=y y:b (Σ E) y x (Σ E) y E (3) p y (2) p 1 x y (1) 1 y B. The squares (1) and (3) in this diagram are cartesian by construction. The square (2) is cartesian by Lemma Hence the composite square (1+2) is cartesian by Lemma Thus, (Σ E) y x = E x. Hence we have (Σ E) y = (Σ E) y x = E x x:(y) x:(y) 1.4 The category o clans Deinition We say that a morphism o clans F : E E relects ibrations, i the implication F() is a ibration is a ibration is true or every map : B in E. 16

17 Recall that the category o clans has the structure o a 2-category where a 2-cell is a natural transormation. There is a notion o equivalence in any 2-category: a morphism o clans F : E E is an equivalence o clans i and only i there exists a morphism o clans G : E E together with two natural isomorphism GF Id and FG Id Proposition morphism o clans F : E E is an equivalence o clans i and only i it is an equivalence o categories and it relects ibrations. Proo. Let to the reader. Remark I F : E E is an equivalence o categories and one o the categories E or E has the structure o a clan then the other category has a unique clan structure or which the unctor F is an equivalence o clans. Deinition We say that a morphism o clans F : E E is an embedding i it is ully aithul and it relects ibrations. Deinition I E is a clan, we say that a ull sub-category L E is a sub-clan i the ollowing two conditions hold: 1. i : B and p : E B are maps in L and p is a ibration in E, then there exists a cartesian square in E with C L. 2. the subcategory L contains an object which is terminal in E; C For example, the ull subcategory { } spanned by a single terminal object o a clan E is a sub-clan o E. Proposition sub-clan L E has the structure o a clan, where a map in L is a ibration i it is a ibration in E. Moreover, the inclusion unctor L E is an embedding. Recall that a ull sub-category L E is said to be replete i every object o E which is isomorphic to an object in L belongs to L. Every ull sub-category L E is contained in a smallest replete ull sub-category its replete closure L rep E. n object X E belongs to L r i and only i X is isomorphic to an object o L. Moreover, the inclusion unctor L L rep is an equivalence o categories. Proposition ull sub-category L o a clan E is a sub-clan i and only its replete closure L rep E is a sub-clan. Proo. Let to the reader. The intersection o a amily o replete sub-clans o a clan E is a replete sub-clan. Every sub-category C E is contained in a smallest replete sub-clan C, the (replete) sub-clan generated by C. The image o a ully aithul unctor F : E E is a ull subcategory F(E) E and the induced unctor E F(E) is an equivalence o categories. I F : E E is an embedding o clans, then F(E) E is a sub-clan and the induced unctor E F(E) is an equivalence o clans. Recall that the category o small categories Cat has the structure o clan in which a ibration is an iso-ibration. We denote the category o small clans and morphisms o clans by Clan. E B p 17

18 Lemma Suppose that we have a pullback square o categories B E E U B F in which the unctors U and F are morphisms o clans. I the unctor F is an isoibration, then the category B E has the structure o a clan in which a map ( 1, 2 ) : (X 1,X 2 ) (Y 1,Y 2 ) is a ibration i the maps 1 and 2 are ibrations. Moreover, the square is a pullback in the category Clan. Proo. Let to the reader. Proposition The category o small clans Clan has the structure o a clan, where a morphism o clans is a ibration i it is an iso-ibration. The orgetul unctor Clan Cat is a morphism o clans. Proo. This ollows rom Lemma Corollary The cartesian product o two clans E 1 and E 2 has the structure o a clan, where a map ( 1, 2 ) : (X 1,X 2 ) (Y 1,Y 2 ) in E 1 E 2 is a ibration i 1 is a ibration in E 1 and 2 is a ibration in E 2. The terminal category has the structure o a clan. I E is a clan, then the cartesian product unctor : E E E is a morphism o clans. Proo. Let to the reader. Proposition I a morphism o clans F : E E is an isoibration, so is the unctor F () : E() E (F) induced by F or every object E. Proo. Let us show that the unctor F () is an isoibration. I (X,p) E() and u : (Y,q) (FX,F(p)) is an isomorphism in E (F), then there exists an isomorphism v : Z X in E such that F(v) = u, since the unctor F is an isoibration. The map v : (Z,pv) (X,p) is an isomorphism and we have F(v) = u : (Y,q) (FX,F(p)), since F(Z,pv) = (FZ,F(p)F(v)) = (Y,F(p)u) = (Y,q). 1.5 Generic elements Recall that i K is a commutative ring, then the polynomial ring K[x] is obtained by adding reely a new element x to K. The reeness o the extension i : K K[x] means that i : K R is a homomorphism o commutative rings, then or every element r R, then there exists a unique homomorphism h : K[x] R such that hi = and h(x) = r, K i K[x] In other words, the element x K[x] can take a value r R which is chosen reely. We shall say that x is generic. Let us denote by Hom (K,R) the set o pair (,r), where : K R is a homomorphism o commutative rings and r R. Then the map i : Hom(K[x],R) Hom (K,R) deined by putting i (h) = (hi,h(x)) is bijective or every commutative ring R. h R 18

19 I is an object o a clan E, then the morphism o clans e : E E() takes an object E to the object e (E) = (,p 1 ). In particular, e () = (,p 1 ) and e (1) = (,1 ) is the terminal object o the clan E(). The diagonal δ : is a section o the projection p 1 :. It thus deines an element δ : e () in E(). Lemma I p : E is a ibration in E, then the object (E,p) o E() is the iber o the ibration e (p) : e (E) e () at δ : e (). Proo. The right hand square o the ollowing diagram is cartesian by construction: E (p,1 E) E p 2 E p δ p The composite o the two squares is trivially cartesian. Hence the let hand square is cartesian by Lemma This shows that ollowing square is cartesian in E(), p 2 p (E,p) (p,1 E) e (E) (8) p (,1 ) δ e (p) e (). This proves that (E,p) is the iber at δ : e () o the ibration e (p) : e (E) e () Let be an object in a clans E. I R is a clan, let us denote by Hom(E,R) the category whose objects are the pairs (F,a), where F : E R is a morphism o clans and a : F(). map (F,a) (G,b) in this category is a natural transormation φ : F G such that φ (a) = b. We shall say that a morphism o clans e : E E is reely generated by an element x : e() i the the unctor e : Hom(E,R) Hom(E,R) (9) deined by putting e (F) = (F e,f(x )) is an equivalence o categories or every clan R. When this condition is satisied, we say that the element x : e() is generic and write that E = E[x ]. Theorem The morphism o clans e : E E() is reely generated by the element δ : e (). Proo. I R is a clan, let us show that the unctor e : Hom(E(),R) Hom(E,R) (10) deined by putting e (F) = (F e,f(δ )) is an equivalence o categories. We shall irst veriy that the unctor e is essentially surjective. Let F : E R be a morphism o clans and let a : F(). The unctor F () : E() R(F) induced by F is a morphism o clans by , hence also the unctor G = de a F (), where a : R(F()) R is the base change unctor along the map a : 1 F(). By deinition o the unctor G, we have a cartesian square G(E, p) p 2 F(E) (11) p 1 1 a F(p) F(). 19

20 or every object (E,p) E(). Let us put in(e,p) := p 2. I = (,1 ) denotes the terminal object o E(), then we have G( ) = 1 and in( ) = a, since the ollowing square is cartesian. 1 a F() 1 a F() F(1 ) Let us construct a natural isomorphism φ : G e F. I X E, we have e (X) = ( X,p 1 ) and the let hand square o the ollowing diagram is cartesian, since the square (11) is cartesian, G(e (X)) in(e (X)) F( X) F(p 2) F(X) 1 F(p 1) a F() F(1). The right hand square is also cartesian, since the unctor F preserves products. Hence the composite square is cartesian by lemma But the map 1 F() F(1) is invertible, since the object F(1) is terminal. It ollows that the map φ X = de F(p 2 ) in(e (X)) : G(e (X)) FX is invertible. This deines a natural isomorphism φ : G e F. Let us show that φ (G(δ )) = a. Observe that the map in(e,p) : G(E,p) F(E) is a natural transormation between two unctors o (E,p) E(). Hence the ollowing square commutes by the naturally, G( ) G(δ ) G(e ()) in( ) in(e ()) F() F(δ ) F( ). Thus, in(e ())G(δ ) = F(δ )in( ). We saw above that in( ) = a. Thus, φ G(δ ) = F(p 2 )in(e ())G(δ ) = F(p 2 )F(δ )in( ) = F(p 2 δ )a = F(1 )a = 1 F() a = a. We have proved that the unctor e is essentially surjective. It remains to show that it is ully aithul. Let G 1,G 2 : E() R be two morphisms o clans and let α : G 1 e G 2 e be a natural transormation such that α G 1 (δ ) = G 2 (δ ), 1 1 G 1(δ ) G 1 (e ()) α G 2(δ ) G 2 (e ()). 20

21 We shall prove that there is a unique natural transormation β : G 1 G 2 such that β e = α. Consider the ollowing diagram o solid arrows: G 1 (E,p) β(e,p) G 1 (e (E)) α E. (12) G 2 (E,p) G 2 (e (E)) G 2(e (p)) 1 1 G 1(δ ) G 2(e (p)) G 1 (e ()) α G 2(δ ) G 2 (e ()) The ront ace o the box is the image o the square (8) by the unctor G 2 and the back ace is the image o the same square by G 1. Thus, both aces are cartesian, since the unctors G 1 and G 2 preserve base changes o ibrations and the square (8) is the base change square o a ibration by Lemma The bottom ace o the box commutes by the hypothesis on α. The right hand ace o the box commutes by naturality o α. It ollows that there is a unique map β(e,p) : G 1 (E,p) G 2 (E,p) such that the resulting cube (12) commutes. Let us show that β(e,p) is the unique map G 1 (E,p) G 2 (E,p) such that the ollowing square commutes, G 1 (E,p) G 1(p,1 E) G 1 (e (E)) (13) β(e,p) G 2 (E,p) G 2(p,1 E) α E G 2 (e (E)). The map G 2 (δ ) in the ront ace o cube (12) is monic, since its domain is a terminal object. It ollows that G 2 (p,1 E ) is monic, since the ront ace o the cube is cartesian. Thus, β(e,p) is the unique map or which the square (13) commutes. Let us now prove that the map β(e,p) : G 1 (E,p) G 2 (E,p) is natural in (E,p) E(). For this we have to show that the ollowing square commutes or any map : (E,p) (L,q) in E(), G 1 (E,p) β(e,p) G 2 (E,p) (14) G 1() G 1 (L,q) β(l,q) G 2() G 2 (L,q). 21

22 We shall use the ollowing cube: G 1(p,1 E) G 1 (E,p) β(e,p) G 2 (E,p) G 1() G 2(p,1 E) G 1 (e (E)) α E G 2 (e (E)) G 1(e ()). G 2() G 1 (q,1 L ) G 1 (L,q) β(l,q) G 2 (L,q) G 2(e ()) G 1 (e (L)) α L G 2 (q,1 L ) G 2 (e (L)) The ront ace commutes, since the ollowing square commutes (E,p) (L,q) (p,1 E) (q,1 L) e (E) e () e (L). Similarly, the back ace o the cube commutes. The top ace commutes by deinition o β(e,p) in the square (13). Similarly, the bottom ace commutes by deinition o β(l,q). The right hand ace o the cube commutes by naturally o α. It ollows that the let hand ace commutes, since the map G 2 (q,1 L ) is monic. The naturality o β is proved. Let us show that β e = α. For this, we have to show that β( X,p 1 ) = α X or every X E. I (E,p) = ( X,p 1 ), then e (E) = ( X,p 1 ) and (p,1 E ) = δ X. Hence the let hand square o the ollowing diagram commutes, since the square (13) commutes. G 1 ( X,p 1 ) G 1(δ X) G 1 ( X,p 1 ) G 1( p 2) G 1 ( X,p 1 ) β( X,p 1) G 2 ( X,p 1 ) α X G 2(δ X) G 2 ( X,p 1 ) G2( p2) G 2 ( X,p 1 ) α X The right hand square commutes by the naturally o α applied to the map p 2 : X X. But the composite o the horizontal arrows o this diagram are identities, since ( p 2 )(δ X) = 1 X. This shows that β( X,p 1 ) = α X. The existence o β is proved. Let us prove the uniqueness o β. Let β : G 1 G 2 a natural transormation such that β e = α. I (E,p) E(), then the ollowing square commutes by naturality o β applied to the map (p,1 E ) : (E,p) ( E,p 1 ) = e (E), G 1 (E,p) β (E,p) G 2 (E,p) G 1(p,1 E) G 2(p,1 E) G 1 (e (E)) (β e )(E) G 2 (e (E)). 22

23 But we have (β e )(E) = α E by the hypothesis on β. Hence the ollowing square commutes G 1 (E,p) G 1(p,1 E) G 1 (e (E)) β (E,p) G 2 (E,p) G 2(p,1 E) α E G 2 (e (E)). We saw above that the map G 2 (p,1 E ) is monic. It ollows that β (E,p) = β(e,p), since the square (13) commutes. The element δ : e () o the extension e : E E() is generic by theorem We shall write that E() = E[δ ]. 1.6 The Yoneda embedding Let Ê := [Eop,Set] be the category o presheaves on a small category E and let y : E Ê : be the Yoneda unctor. For every object E and every X Ê the map θ : Hom(y,X) F() deined by putting θ(α) = α(1 ) is bijective (Yoneda lemma). We shall oten regard the unctor y as an inclusion and write instead o y. We shall oten identiy a natural transormation α : y X with the element a = θ(α) and write a : X. In this notation, we have F() = Hom(y,X) = Hom(,X). Moreover, i u : B is a map in E and b X(B), then we shall denote the element F(u)(b) X() as a composite bu : X. bu u B b Similarly, a natural transormation : X Y in Ê deines a map : X() Y() or every object E; i a F(), we shall denote the element (a) F() as a composite a : Y X a a X Y Deinition map : X Y in Ê is said to be representable i the preshea b (X) = B Y X is representable b (X) B b X Y or every object B E and every map b : B Y, Proposition Let E be a small category. Then the class o representable maps in the category Ê := [Eop,Set] is closed under composition and base changes. 23

24 Proo. Let to the reader. Deinition I E is a clan, we say that a map : X Y in Ê is an extended ibration i it is representable and the map b (X) B is a ibration or every object B E and every map b : B Y. Proposition Let E be a clan. Then the class o extended ibrations in the category Ê := [Eop,Set] is closed under composition and base changes. Proo. Let to the reader. Let E be a clan. IF Ê, we shall denote by Ê(F) the ull subcategoryoê/f whose objectsare extended ibrations X F. I g : F G is a map in Ê, then the base-change unctor g : Ê/G Ê/F induces a unctor g : Ê(G) Ê(F) Proposition Let E be a clan. I F Ê, then the category Ê(F) has the structure o a clan where a map : (X,p) (Y,q) is a ibration i the map : X Y is an extended ibration. Moreover, i g : F G is a map in Ê, then the unctor g : Ê(G) Ê(F) is a morphism o clans. Proo. Let to the reader. Notice that i E, then the Yoneda unctor y : E Ê induces an equivalence o clans E() Ê(). 1.7 Reedy ibrant squares and cubes I E is a clan and K is a small category, we shall say that a natural transormation α : F G between two unctors F,G : K E is a pointwise ibration i the map α(k) : F(k) G(k) is a ibration or every object k K. The category E K o unctors K E has a the structure o a clan in which a ibration is a pointwise ibration. I E is a category and [1] is the poset {0,1}, then an object o the category E [1] is a map a : 0 1 in the category E, and a morphism : a b in E [1] is a pair o maps ( 0 ; 1 ) in a commutative square 0 0 B 0 (15) a 1 1 B 1 I E is a clan, then the pointwise ibrations give the category E [1] the structure o a clan. commutative square in a category E is a unctor X : [1] [1] E. The our sides o the square can be denoted as ollows X 0 X 00 (16) b X 10 X 0 X X 1 X 01 X 1 X 11 24

25 Deinition I the iber product X 01 X11 X 10 exists, we shall say that the map is the (cartesian) gap map o the square (16). (X 0,X 0 ) : X 00 X 01 X11 X 10 Deinition I E is a clan, we say that a commutative square X : [1] [1] E is Reedy ibrant i the maps are ibrations. X 1 : X 01 X 11, X 1 : X 10 X 11 and (X 0,X 0 ) : X 00 X 01 X11 X 10 In other words, a square X : [1] [1] E is Reedy ibrant i and only X 1, X 1 and its gap map are ibrations, The our sides o a Reedy ibrant squarex areibrations. To see this, observethat the projection p 1 in the ollowing diagram is a ibration by base change, since the map X 1 is a ibration: X 00 X 0 (X 0,X 0) p 2 X 01 X11 X 10 X 10 X 0 p 1 X 01 X 1 X 11 X 1 It ollows that X 0 : X 00 X 01 is a ibration, since X 0 = p 1 (X 0,X 0 ) and (X 0,X 0 ) is a ibration. Similarly, X 0 : X 00 X 10 is a ibration. The ollowing example o Reedy ibrant squares will be useul later. Proposition I 1 : 1 B 1 and 2 : 2 B 2 are ibrations in a clan, then the ollowing two squares are Reedy ibrant: B 1 B B 1 B 2 p B 1 p 1 p B 2 Proo. Let us show that the irst square is Reedy ibrant. Consider the ollowing diagram with a pullback square: p B 1 1 B 1 B 1 B 2 p B 1 The map 1 is a ibration by hypothesis. The projection p 1 : B 1 B 2 B 1 is a ibration by Proposition lso the map 1 2, since 2 is a ibration. This completes the proo that the irst square is Reedy ibrant. p 1 25

26 Lemma The class o Reedy ibrant squares is closed under horizontal (and vertical) composition. Ê Proo. Suppose that the squares o the ollowing diagram are Reedy ibrant: 0 0 B 0 g 0 C 0 (17) a (1) b (2) 1 1 B 1 g 1 C 1 Let us show that the composite square (1)+(2) is Reedy ibrant. The maps 1, g 1 and c are ibrations, since the squares (1) and (2) are Reedy ibrant. Hence the maps g 1 1 and c are ibrations. Let us show that the gap map o the composite square (1)+(2) is a ibration. By taking iber products and using Lemma 5.3.1, we can construct the ollowing diagram with three pullback squares: 0 0 c (a, 0) 1 B1 B 0 γ 1 C1 C 0 (3) (b,g 0) B 0 B 1 C1 C 0 g 0 C 0 (4) 1 1 B 1 g 1 C 1 The gap map o square (1) is the map (a, 0 ), the gap map o square (2) is the map (b,g 0 ) and the gap map o the composite square (1)+(2) is the γ(a, 0 ). The maps (a, 0 ) and (b,g 0 ) are ibrations, since squares (1) and (2) are Reedy ibrant. The map γ is also a ibration by base change, since square (3) is cartesian. It ollows that the map γ(a, 0 ) is a ibration. This completes the proo that the composite square (1)+(2) is Reedy ibrant. I E is a clan, we shall denote by E (1) the ull subcategory o E [1] whose objects are the ibrations a : 0 1 in E. The codomain unctor 1 : E (1) E is a Grothendieck ibration. Notice that 1 1 () = E() or every object E. morphism : a b in E (1) is 1 -cartesian i and only i the associated square is cartesian: (5) c 0 0 B 0 (18) a 1 1 B 1 By deinition, a morphism : a b is 1 -unit i the map 1 = 1 () is a unit. Every morphism : a b in E (1) b 26

27 admits a decomposition = with a 1 -unit and a 1 -cartesian morphism: 0 (a, 0) 1 B1 B 0 p 2 B 0 (19) a p B 1 Let us say that a morphism : a b in E (1) is a Reedy ibration i the associated square (18) is Reedy ibrant. More concretely, a morphism : a b is a Reedy ibration i and only i the maps 1 : 1 B 1 and (a, 0 ) : 0 1 B1 B 0 are ibrations (the map b : B 0 B 1 is a ibration since it is an object o E (1) ). Reedy ibration : a b is a pointwise ibration, since the maps 0 and 1 are ibrations in this case. Proposition I E is a clan, then the category E (1) has the structure o a clan, where a ibration is a Reedy ibration. Moreover, the inclusion unctor E (1) E [1] is a morphisms o clans. Proo. Let is proves the irst statement. I u : a b is an isomorphism in E (1) then the square 0 u 0 a B 0 1 u 1 B 1 is Reedy ibrant, since it is cartesian and the map u 1 and b are ibrations. Thus, every isomorphism in E (1) is a Reedy ibration. The composite o two Reedy ibrations is a Reedy ibration by Lemma Let us now show that the base change o a Reedy ibration g : e b along any morphism : a b in E (1) exists and is a Reedy ibration. The morphisn g : e b is a ibration in E [1], since a Reedy ibration is a pointwise ibration. Hence the base change o g : e b along : a b exists in the clan E [1]. Let us show that a b e is an object o E (1) and that the projection a b e a is a Reedy ibration. We shall use the ollowing cube in which the top and bottom aces are pullback squares: 0 B0 E 0 b E 0 g 0 b 0 0 B 0 a b c a 1 B1 E 1 e E 1 g 1 b 1 1 B 1 Let us irst consider the case where g is cartesian. The right hand ace o the cube is cartesian in this case. Hence the let hand ace o the cube is cartesian by Lemma 5.3.2, since the top, bottom and right hand aces are cartesian. Hence the map a b c : 0 B0 E 0 1 B1 E 1 is a ibration by base change, since the map a : 0 1 is a ibration. 27

28 This shows that the morphism a b e is a ibration. It is thus an object o E (1). The projection 1 B1 E 1 1 is a ibration by base change, since the map g 1 : E 1 B 1 is a ibration. It ollows that the let hand ace o the cube is a Reedy ibrant square, since it is cartesian. We have proved that the projection a b e a is a Reedy ibration in the case where g is cartesian. Let us now consider the case where g is 1 -unit. The map g 1 : E 1 B 1 is a unit in this case and we may suppose that the projection 1 B1 E 1 1 is also a unit, since the bottom ace o the cube is cartesian by construction. Hence the projection a b e a is a 1 -unit in this case. 0 B0 E 0 E 0 g B 0 a b c 1 a e B 1 b 1 1 B 1. The projection 0 B0 E 0 0 is a ibration by base change, since the map g 0 : E 0 B 0 is a ibration and the top square is cartesian. Hence the map a b c is a ibration, since a is a ibration. This shows that a b e is an object o E (1). Moreover, the projection a b e a is a Reedy ibration, since it is a 1 -unit and the map 0 B0 E 0 0 is a ibration. This completes the proo that the projection a b e a is a Reedy ibration in the case where g is a 1 -unit. In the general case, the morphism g : e b is the the composite o a 1 -unit g : e k ollowed by a cartesian morphism g : k b. The ollowing diagram o pullback squares exists by what we have proved so ar. (a b k) k e q 2 e q 1 a b k p 1 a p 2 k b g g Moreover, the morphism p 1 and q 1 are Reedy ibrations, since the morphisms g and g are Reedy ibrations. But we have a k e = (a b k) k e and p 1 q 1 is the projection a k e a, since the composite o the two squares is cartesian by Lemma This proves that the projection a k e a is a Reedy ibration, since p 1 and q 1 are Reedy ibrations. It remains to veriy that the map a is a Reedy ibration or every object a : 0 1 in E (1). But this is clear, since the ollowing square is ibrant or any ibration a, 0 a 1 28

29 This completes the proo that the Reedy ibrations give the category E (1) the structure o a clan. 1.8 Spans in a clan Recall that a span B between two objects and B o category E is a triple X = (X,u,v) where u : X and v : X B X u v B. The let leg λ X o the span (X,u,v) is the map u and its right leg ρ X is the map v. span in E is a contravariant unctor X : Sd[1] E, where Sd[1] denotes the poset o non-empty subsets o [1] = {0,1} (it is the barycentric subdivision o the simplicial interval [1]). map o spans : X Y is a natural transormation: λ X X 01 ρ X X 0 X 1 X 0 λ X X 01 ρ X X λ Y 0 Y Y 01 ρ Y Y 1 1 We shall denote the category o spans in E by E. We shall denote by : E E E the unctor deined by putting (X) = (X 0,X 1 ). I E is a cartesian category, we shall denote by Λ : E E [1] the unctor deined by putting Λ(X) = (λ X,ρ X ) : X 01 X 0 X 1. I C : E E E denotes the cartesian product unctor, then we have a pullback square o categories: E Λ E [1] (20) E E C I E is a clan, then cartesian product unctor C : E E E is a morphism o clans by Moreover, the codomain unctor 1 : E [1] E is a morphism o clans. Lemma I E is a clan, then the square (20) is cartesian in the category Clan. Proo. map o spans : X Y is a pointwise ibration i and only i the map () = ( 0, 1 ) is a ibration in E E and the map Λ() = ( 01, 0 1 ) is a (pointwise) ibration in E [1]. Hence the result ollows rom Lemma 1.4.8, since the unctor 1 is an iso-ibration. E 1 29

30 Let us say that a span X = (X,λ X,ρ X ) in clan E is ibrant i the map (λ X,ρ X ) : X 01 X 0 X 1 is a ibration. We shall denote by E ( ) the ull subcategory o E whose objects are ibrant spans. The unctor Λ : E E [1] induces a unctor Λ : E ( ) E (1) and we have a pullback square o categories E ( ) Λ E (1) (21) inc inc E Λ E [1] We say that a map between ibrant spans : X Y is a Reedy ibration i () = ( 0, 1 ) is a ibration in E E and the map Λ() : Λ(X) Λ(Y) is s Reedy ibration in E (1) In other words, : X Y is a Reedy ibration i 0 and 1 are ibrations and the square X Y 01 (22) (λ X, ρ X) X 0 X Y 0 Y 1 (λ Y, ρ Y ) is Reedy ibrant. In which case the map 01 is also a ibration. The squares (21) and (20) can be composed vertically, Their composite is a pullback square o categories: E ( ) Λ E (1) (23) E E C E 1 where the unctor : E ( ) E E is induced by the unctor : E E E. Proposition The Reedy ibrations gives the category E ( ) the structure o a clan. The square (21) is a pullback in the category o clans and the inclusion unctor E ( ) E is a morphism o clans. Proo. By deinition, a map between ibrant spans : X Y is a Reedy ibration i and only i () = ( 0, 1 ) is a ibration in E E and Λ() is a (Reedy) ibration in E (1). Hence the square (21) is a pullback in the category Clan by Lemma 1.4.8, since the inclusion E (1) E [1] is an isoibration and a morphism o clans. The square (21) is cartesian in the category Clan since it is a composite o two cartesian squares in this category. I (λ X,ρ X ) : X 01 X 0 X 1 is a ibrant span, then the map λ X = p 1 (λ X,ρ X ) is a ibration, since the projection p 1 : X 0 X 1 X 0 is a ibration. This deines a unctor λ : E ( ) E (1). Similarly, we have a unctor ρ : E ( ) E (1). Proposition The leg unctors λ,ρ : E ( ) E (1) are morphisms o clans. Proo. I : X Y is ibration in E ( ), let us show that morphism λ() : λ(x) λ(y) is a ibration in E (1). The 30

31 top square o the ollowing diagram is Reedy ibrant, since is a (Reedy) ibration. X Y 01 (λ X,ρ X) X 0 X Y 0 Y 1 (λ Y,ρ Y ) X 0 0 Y 0 The maps 0 : X 0 Y 0 and 1 : X 1 Y 1 are also ibrations since is a (Reedy) ibration. Hence the bottom square o the diagram is Reedy ibrant by Lemma It ollows by Lemma that the composite square is Reedy ibrant: X Y 01 λ X X 0 0 Y 0 This shows that the morphism λ() : λ(x) λ(y) is a ibration in E (1). It remains to show that the unctor λ : E ( ) E (1) preserves base changes o ibrations and terminal objects. We shall use the ollowing the ollowing commutative square o unctors, where the unctor λ : E E [1] is deined like λ, E ( ) λ λ Y E (1) i 1 i 2 E λ E [1] It is easy to veriy that the unctor L : E [1] E deined by putting L(a) = (a,1 0 ) : or an object a : 0 1 in E [1] is let adjoint to the unctor λ. Hence the unctor λ preserves base changes o ibrations and terminal objects, since it preserves all limits. The inclusion unctors i 2 : E (1) E [1] preserves base changes o ibrations and terminal objects by Proposition Moreover, i 2 is conservative, since it is ully aithul. It ollows that λ preserves base changes o ibrations and terminal objects, since this is true o the unctor λ. The composite Y B X o two (ibrant) spans X : B and Y : B C is the span X B Y : C deined by the ollowing diagram with a pullback square: λ p 1 X B Y p 2 X Y λ X ρ X λ Y ρ Y B C Proposition The composite o Y B X : C o two ibrant spans X : B and Y : B C is ibrant. ρ 31

32 Proo. It is easy to veriy that the ollowing square is cartesian, X B Y (λ,p 2) Y (24) (p 1,ρ) X C (λ Y,ρ Y ) (λ X,ρ X) C B C The map (λ X,ρ X ) C is a ibration, since (λ X,ρ X ) is a ibration. Similarly, the map (λ Y,ρ Y ) is a ibration. Thus, X B Y isthecartesianproductotwoobjectsothe categorye( B C). Hencethe diagonald : X B Y B C o the square (24) is a ibration It ollows that the map (λ,ρ) : X B Y X Y is a ibration, since the projection (pr 1,pr 3 ) : B C C is a ibration and we have (λ,ρ) = (pr 1,pr 3 )d. 32

33 2 Internal products in a clan 2.1 Cartesian closed categories Recall that i is a carrable object in a category E, then the product unctor ( ) : E E can be deined. Deinition Let be a carrable object in a category E. The exponential o an object B E by the object is an object B E equipped with a map ǫ : B B which is coree with respect to the unctor ( ) : E E. The map ǫ : B B is called the the evaluation. The exponential B is also called the internal hom and denoted [,B]. The map ǫ : [,B] B is also called the application. Classically, ǫ(,x) = (x) or : [,B] and x :. By deinition, or every object C E and every map : C B there exists a unique map g : C [,B] such that ǫ(g ) =. C g [,B] We shall denote the map g by λ (). Then the ollowing identities hold ǫ B. ǫ(λ () ) = and λ (ǫ(g )) = g or : C B and g : C [,B]. The irst equality is called the β-conversion rule and the second equality the η-conversion rule. I : B, then := λ () : 1 [,B] is an element o type [,B]. Deinition We say that a carrable object in a cartesian category E is exponentiable i the unctor ( ) : E E has a right adjoint [, ] : E E. We say that a cartesian category E is cartesian closed i every object E is exponentiable. For examples, the category o sets Set and the category o small categories Cat are cartesian closed. Proposition The category o presheaves Ĉ = [Cop,Set] on a small category C is cartesian closed. Proo. I F,G Ĉ, let [F,G] : Cop Set be the preshea deined by putting [F,G](C) = Hom(F yc,g) or every object C C, where y : C Ĉ is the Yoneda unctor. Let ǫ : [F,G] F G be the natural transormation deined by putting ǫ C (α,x) = α C (x,1 C ) or every C C, where α : F yc G is a natural transormation and x F(C). The proo that ǫ is coree with respect to the unctor ( ) F is let to the reader. Let F : E E be a cartesian unctor between cartesian closed categories. I,B E, then the unctor F takes the evaluation ǫ : [,B] B to a map F(ǫ) : F[,B] F FB. The map ψ,b = λ F (F(ǫ)) : F[,B] [F,FB] is called the comparaison map. Deinition Let E and E be cartesian closed categories. We say that a unctor F : E E is cartesian closed i it preserves inite products and the comparaison map ψ,b : F[,B] [F,FB] is an isomorphism or every pair o objects,b E. 33

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