Module 17: Bayesian Statistics for Genetics Lecture 4: Linear regression

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1 1/37 The linear regression model Module 17: Bayesian Statistics for Genetics Lecture 4: Linear regression Ken Rice Department of Biostatistics University of Washington

2 2/37 The linear regression model Outline The linear regression model

3 3/37 The linear regression model Regression models How does an outcome Y vary as a function of x = {x 1,..., x p}? ˆ What are the effect sizes? ˆ What is the effect of x 1, in observations that have the same x 2, x 3,...x p (a.k.a. keeping these covariates constant )? ˆ Can we predict Y as a function of x? These questions can be assessed via a regression model p(y x).

4 4/37 The linear regression model Regression data Parameters in a regression model can be estimated from data: y 1 x 1,1 x 1,p... y n x n,1 x n,p These data are often expressed in matrix/vector form: y = y 1. y n X = x 1. x n = x 1,1 x 1,p.. x n,1 x n,p

5 /37 FTO experiment FTO gene is hypothesized to be involved in growth and obesity. Experimental design: ˆ 10 fto + / mice ˆ 10 fto / mice ˆ Mice are sacrificed at the end of 1-5 weeks of age. ˆ Two mice in each group are sacrificed at each age.

6 6/37 The linear regression model FTO Data weight (g) fto / fto+/ age (weeks)

7 7/37 The linear regression model Data analysis ˆ y = weight ˆ x g = indicator of fto heterozygote {0, 1} = number of + alleles ˆ x a = age in weeks {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} How can we estimate p(y x g, x a)? Cell means model: genotype age / θ 0,1 θ 0,2 θ 0,3 θ 0,4 θ 0,5 +/ θ 1,1 θ 1,2 θ 1,3 θ 1,4 θ 1,5 Problem: 10 parameters only two observations per cell

8 8/37 The linear regression model Linear regression Solution: Assume smoothness as a function of age. For each group, y = α 0 + α 1x a + ɛ This is a linear regression model. Linearity means linear in the parameters, i.e. several covariates multiplied by corresponding α and added. A more complex model might assume e.g. y = α 0 + α 1x a + α 2x 2 a + α 3x 3 a + ɛ, but this is still a linear regression model, even with age 2, age 3 terms.

9 9/37 The linear regression model Multiple linear regression With enough variables, we can describe the regressions for both groups simultaneously: Y i = β 1x i,1 + β 2x i,2 + β 3x i,3 + β 4x i,4 + ɛ i, where x i,1 = 1 for each subject i x i,2 = 0 if subject i is homozygous, 1 if heterozygous x i,3 = age of subject i x i,4 = x i,2 x i,3 Note that under this model, E[Y x] = β 1 + β 3 age if x 2 = 0, and E[Y x] = (β 1 + β 2) + (β 3 + β 4) age if x 2 = 1.

10 10/37 Multiple linear regression β3 = 0 β4 = 0 β2 = 0 β4 = 0 weight β4 = 0 weight age age

11 11/37 Normal linear regression How does each Y i vary around its mean E[Y i β, x i ]? Y i = β T x i + ɛ i ɛ 1,..., ɛ n i.i.d. normal(0, σ 2 ). This assumption of Normal errors completely specifies the likelihood: p(y 1,..., y n x 1,... x n, β, σ 2 ) = n p(y i x i, β, σ 2 ) i=1 = (2πσ 2 ) n/2 exp{ 1 2σ 2 n (y i β T x i ) 2 }. Note: in larger sample sizes, analysis is robust to the Normality assumption but we are relying on the mean being linear in the x s, and on the ɛ i s variance being constant with respect to x. i=1

12 2/37 Matrix form ˆ Let y be the n-dimensional column vector (y 1,..., y n) T ; ˆ Let X be the n p matrix whose ith row is x i. Then the normal regression model is that {y X, β, σ 2 } multivariate normal (Xβ, σ 2 I), where I is the p p identity matrix and Xβ = x 1 x 2. x n β 1. β p = β 1x 1,1 + + β px 1,p. β 1x n,1 + + β px n,p = E[Y 1 β, x 1]. E[Y n β, x n].

13 13/37 Ordinary least squares estimation What values of β are consistent with our data y, X? Recall p(y 1,..., y n x 1,... x n, β, σ 2 ) = (2πσ 2 ) n/2 exp{ 1 2σ 2 This is big when SSR(β) = (y i β T x i ) 2 is small. n (y i β T x i ) 2 }. i=1 n SSR(β) = (y i β T x i ) 2 = (y Xβ) T (y Xβ) i=1 = y T y 2β T X T y + β T X T Xβ. What value of β makes this the smallest?

14 14/37 Calculus Recall from calculus that 1. a minimum of a function g(z) occurs at a value z such that d g(z) = 0; dz 2. the derivative of g(z) = az is a and the derivative of g(z) = bz 2 is 2bz. Therefore, d dβ SSR(β) = d ( ) y T y 2β T X T y + β T X T Xβ dβ = 2X T y + 2X T Xβ, d dβ SSR(β) = 0 2XT y + 2X T Xβ = 0 X T Xβ = X T y β = (X T X) 1 X T y. ˆβ ols = (X T X) 1 X T y is the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator of β.

15 15/37 No Calculus The calculus-free, algebra-heavy version which relies on knowing the answer in advance! Writing Π = X(X T X) 1 X T, and noting that X = Πx and Xˆβ ols = Πy; (y Xβ) T (y Xβ) = (y Πy + Πy Xβ) T (y Πy + Πy Xβ) = ((I Π)y + Π(ˆβ ols β)) T ((I Π)y + Π(ˆβ ols β)) = y T (I Π)y + (ˆβ ols β) T Π(ˆβ ols β), because all the cross terms with Π and I Π are zero. Hence the value of β that minimizes the SSR for a given set of data is ˆβ ols.

16 16/37 OLS estimation in R ### OLS estimate beta.ols<- solve( t(x)%*%x )%*%t(x)%*%y c(beta.ols) ## [1] ### using lm fit.ols<-lm(y~ X[,2] + X[,3] +X[,4] ) summary(fit.ols)$coef ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) e-01 ## X[, 2] e-01 ## X[, 3] e-06 ## X[, 4] e-02

17 17/37 OLS estimation weight age summary(fit.ols)$coef ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) e-01 ## X[, 2] e-01 ## X[, 3] e-06 ## X[, 4] e-02

18 8/37 Bayesian inference for regression models y i = β 1x i,1 + + β px i,p + ɛ i Motivation: ˆ Incorporating prior information ˆ Posterior probability statements: Pr(β j > 0 y, X) ˆ OLS tends to overfit when p is large, Bayes use of prior tends to make it more conservative. ˆ Model selection and averaging (more later)

19 9/37 Prior and posterior distribution prior β mvn(β 0, Σ 0) sampling model y mvn(xβ, σ 2 I) posterior β y, X mvn(β n, Σ n) where Notice: Σ n = Var[β y, X, σ 2 ] = (Σ X T X/σ 2 ) 1 β n = E[β y, X, σ 2 ] = (Σ X T X/σ 2 ) 1 (Σ 1 0 β 0 + X T y/σ 2 ). ˆ If Σ 1 0 X T X/σ 2, then β n ˆβ ols ˆ If Σ 1 0 X T X/σ 2, then β n β 0

20 20/37 The g-prior How to pick β 0, Σ 0? g-prior: β mvn(0, gσ 2 (X T X) 1 ) Idea: The variance of the OLS estimate ˆβ ols is Var[ˆβ ols ] = σ 2 (X T X) 1 = σ2 n (XT X/n) 1 This is roughly the uncertainty in β from n observations. Var[β] gprior = gσ 2 (X T X) 1 = σ2 n/g (XT X/n) 1 The g-prior can roughly be viewed as the uncertainty from n/g observations. For example, g = n means the prior has the same amount of info as 1 obs.

21 21/37 Posterior distributions under the g-prior {β y, X, σ 2 } mvn(β n, Σ n) Σ n = Var[β y, X, σ 2 ] = β n = E[β y, X, σ 2 ] = g g + 1 σ2 (X T X) 1 g g + 1 (XT X) 1 X T y Notes: ˆ The posterior mean estimate β n is simply g g+1 ˆβ ols. ˆ The posterior variance of β is simply g Var[ˆβ g+1 ols ]. ˆ g shrinks the coefficients towards0 and can prevent overfitting to the data ˆ If g = n, then as n increases, inference approximates that using ˆβ ols.

22 22/37 Monte Carlo simulation What about the error variance σ 2? prior 1/σ 2 gamma(ν 0/2, ν 0σ0/2) 2 sampling model y mvn(xβ, σ 2 I) posterior 1/σ 2 y, X gamma([ν 0 + n]/2, [ν 0σ0 2 + SSR g ]/2) where SSR g is somewhat complicated. Simulating the joint posterior distribution: joint distribution p(σ 2, β y, X) = p(σ 2 y, X) p(β y, X, σ 2 ) simulation {σ 2, β} p(σ 2, β y, X) σ 2 p(σ 2 y, X), β p(β y, X, σ 2 ) To simulate {σ 2, β} p(σ 2, β y, X), 1. First simulate σ 2 from p(σ 2 y, X) 2. Use this σ 2 to simulate β from p(β y, X, σ 2 ) Repeat 1000 s of times to obtain MC samples: {σ 2, β} (1),..., {σ 2, β} (S).

23 23/37 FTO example Priors: 1/σ 2 gamma(1/2, 3.678/2) β σ 2 mvn(0, g σ 2 (X T X) 1 ) Posteriors: where {1/σ 2 y, X} gamma((1 + 20)/2, ( )/2) {β Y, X, σ 2 } mvn(.952 ˆβ ols,.952 σ 2 (X T X) 1 ) (X T X) 1 = ˆβ ols =

24 24/37 R-code ## data dimensions n<-dim(x)[1] ; p<-dim(x)[2] ## prior parameters nu0<-1 s20<-summary(lm(y~-1+x))$sigma^2 g<-n ## posterior calculations Hg<- (g/(g+1)) * X%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X) SSRg<- t(y)%*%( diag(1,nrow=n) - Hg ) %*%y Vbeta<- g*solve(t(x)%*%x)/(g+1) Ebeta<- Vbeta%*%t(X)%*%y ## simulate sigma^2 and beta<<-null for(s in 1:5000) {<-c(,1/rgamma(1, (nu0+n)/2, (nu0*s20+ssrg)/2 ) )<-rbind(, rmvnorm(1,ebeta,[s]*vbeta)) }

25 25/37 MC approximation to posterior[1:5] ## [1][1:5,] ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ## [1,] ## [2,] ## [3,] ## [4,] ## [5,]

26 26/37 MC approximation to posterior quantile(,probs=c(.025,.5,.975)) ## 2.5% 50% 97.5% ## quantile(sqrt(,probs=c(.025,.5,.975)) ## 2.5% 50% 97.5% ## apply(,2,quantile,probs=c(.025,.5,.975)) ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ## 2.5% ## 50% ## 97.5%

27 27/37 OLS/Bayes comparison apply(,2,mean) ## [1] apply(,2,sd) ## [1] summary(fit.ols)$coef ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## X e-01 ## Xxg e-01 ## Xxa e-06 ## X e-02

28 28/37 Posterior distributions β β 2 β 4 β 2

29 29/37 Summarizing the genetic effect Genetic effect = E[y age, +/ ] E[y age, / ] = [(β 1 + β 2) + (β 3 + β 4) age] [β 1 + β 3 age] = β 2 + β 4 age β 2 + β 4 age age

30 30/37 What if the model s wrong? Different types of violation in decreasing order of how much they typically matter in practice ˆ Just have the wrong data (!) i.e. not the data you claim to have ˆ Observations are not independent, e.g. repeated measures on same mouse over time ˆ Mean model is incorrect ˆ Error terms do not have constant variance ˆ Error terms are not Normally distributed

31 31/37 Dependent observations ˆ Observations from the same mouse are more likely to be similar than those from different mice (even if they have same age and genotype) ˆ SBP from subjects (even with same age, genotype etc) in the same family are more likely to be similar than those in different familes perhaps unmeasured common diet? ˆ Spatial and temporal relationships also tend to induce correlation If the pattern of relationship is known, can allow for it typically in random effects modes see later session. If not, treat results with caution! Precision is likely over-stated.

32 32/37 Wrong mean model Even when the scientific background is highly informative about the variables of interest (e.g. we want to know about the association of Y with x 1, adjusting for x 2, x 3...) there is rarely strong information about the form of the model ˆ Does mean weight increase with age? age 2? age 3? ˆ Could the effect of genotype also change non-linearly with age? Including quadratic terms is a common approach but quadratics are sensitive to the tails. Instead, including spline representations of covariates allows the model to capture many patterns. Including interaction terms (as we did with x i,2 x i,3 ) lets one covariate s effect vary with another. (Deciding which covariates to use is addressed in the Model Choice session.)

33 33/37 Non-constant variance This is plausible in many situations; perhaps e.g. young mice are harder to measure, i.e. more variables. Or perhaps the FTO variant affects weight regulation again, more variance. ˆ Having different variances at different covariate values is known as heteroskedasticity ˆ Unaddressed, it can result in over- or under-statement of precision The most obvious approach is to model the variance, i.e. Y i = β T x i + ɛ i, ɛ i Normal(0, σ 2 i ), where σ i depends on covariates, e.g. σ homozy and σ heterozy for the two genotypes. Of course, these parameters need priors. Constraining variances to be positive also makes choosing a model difficult in practice.

34 34/37 Robust standard errors (in Bayes) In linear regression, some robustness to model-misspecification and/or non-constant variance is available but it relies on interest in linear trends. Formally, we can define parameter θ = argmine y,x [ (Ey [y x] x t θ ) 2 ], i.e. the straight line that best-captures random-sampling, in a least-squares sense. ˆ This trend can capture important features in how the mean y varies at different x ˆ Fitting extremely flexible Bayesian models, we get a posterior for θ ˆ The posterior mean approaches ˆβ ols, in large samples ˆ The posterior variance approaches the robust sandwich estimate, in large samples (details in Szpiro et al, 2011)

35 5/37 Robust standard errors The OLS estimator can be written as ˆβ ols = (X T X) 1 X T y = n i=1 c iy i, for appropriate c i. True variance Var[ ˆβ ] = n i=1 c2 i Var[ Y i ] Robust estimate VarR [ ˆβ ] = n i=1 c2 i ei 2 Model-based estimate VarM [ ˆβ ] = Mean(e 2 i ) n i=1 c2 i, where e i = y i x T i ˆβ ols, the residuals from fitting a linear model. Non-Bayesian sandwich estimates are available through R s sandwich package much quicker than Bayes with a very-flexible model. For correlated outcomes, see the GEE package for generalizations.

36 36/37 This is not a big problem for learning about population parameters; ˆ The variance statements/estimates we just saw don t rely on Normality ˆ The central limit theorem means that ˆβ ends up Normal anyway, in large samples ˆ In small samples, expect to have limited power to detect non-normality ˆ... except, perhaps, for extreme outliers (data errors?) For prediction where we assume that outcomes do follow a Normal distibution this assumption is more important.

37 37/37 Summary ˆ Linear regressions are of great applied interest ˆ Corresponding models are easy to fit, particularly with judicious prior choices ˆ Assumptions are made but a well-chosen linear regression usually tells us something of interest, even if the assumptions are (mildly) incorrect

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