Linear Methods for Prediction

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1 Chapter 5 Linear Methods for Prediction 5.1 Introduction We now revisit the classification problem and focus on linear methods. Since our prediction Ĝ(x) will always take values in the discrete set G we can always divide the input space into a collection of regions taking the same predicted values. The question is: What is the best sub-division of this space? We saw previously that the boundaries can be smooth or rough depending on the prediction function. For an important class of procedures these decision boundaries are linear, this is what we will mean by linear methods for classification. We will see that these can be quite flexible (much more than linear regression). Suppose we have K classes labeled 1,..., K. We can define a 0-1 indicator for 59

2 60 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION each class k and for each of these perform regression. We would end-up with a regression function ˆf k (x) = ˆβ 0k + ˆβ 1k x for each class k. The decision boundary between class k and l is simply ˆf k (x) = ˆf l (x) which is the set {x : ( ˆβ 0k ˆβ 0l ) + ( ˆβ 1k ˆβ 1l ) x = 0} which is on a plane. Since the same is true for any pair of classes the division of the space of inputs are piecewise planes. This regression approach is a member of a set of methods that model discriminant function δ k (x) for each class, and then classify X to the class with the largest value for its discriminant function. Methods that model the posterior probability Pr(G = k X = x) are also in this class. If this is a linear function of x then we say its linear. Furthermore if its a monotone transformation of a linear function x we will sometimes say its linear. An example is logistic regression. More on that later. Both decision boundaries shown in Figure 5.1 are linear: 5.2 Linear Regression of an Indicator Matrix Each response is coded as a vector of 0-1 entries. If G has K classes then Y k, k = 1,..., K with Y k = 1, if G = k and 0 otherwise. These are collected in a vector Y = (Y 1,..., Y K ) and the N training vectors are collected into a N K matrix we denote with Y.

3 5.2. LINEAR REGRESSION OF AN INDICATOR MATRIX 61 Figure 5.1: Two linear decision boundaries. One obtained with straight regression, the other using the quadratic terms. For example, if we have K = 5 classes On the left is the original data and the left the coded data. To fit regression to each class simultaneously we can simply use the same matrix multiplication trick. Ŷ = X(X X) 1 X Y Notice the matrix ˆB = (X X) 1 X Y has the coefficients for each regression in the columns. So for any point x we can get the prediction by

4 62 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION compute the fitted output ˆf(x) = [(1, x) ˆB], a K vector identify the largest component and classify accordingly: Ĝ(x) = arg max k G ˆf k (x) What is the rational for this approach? A formal justification is that we are trying to estimate E(Y k X = x) = Pr(G = k X = x). The real issue is: How good is the linear approximation here? Alternatively, are the ˆf k (x) good estimates of Pr(G = k X = x). We know they are not great because we know ˆf k (x) can be larger than 1 and smaller than 0. However, as we have discussed this does not necessarily matter if we get good predictions. A more conventional way of fitting this model is by defining t k as the vector with a 1 in the k entry and y i = t k if g i = k. Then the above approach is equivalent to minimizing min B N y i {(1, x i )B} 2. A new observation is classified by computing ˆf(x) and choosing the closest target arg min k ˆf(x) t k 2 Because of the rigid nature of regression, a problem arises for linear regression when K 3. Figure 5.2 shows an extreme situation. Notice that the boundaries can easily be formed by eye to perfectly discriminate the three classes. However, the regression discriminatory does not do well. Why does linear regression miss the classification in Figure 5.2? To see what is going on the ideas we learned in the last chapter are useful. Notice that the best direction to separate these data is a line going through the centroids of the data. Notice there is no information in the projection orthogonal to this one.

5 5.2. LINEAR REGRESSION OF AN INDICATOR MATRIX 63 Figure 5.2: Two linear decision boundaries. One obtained with straight regression, the other using the quadratic terms. If we then regress the Y on the transformed X we see there is barely any information about the the second class. These is clearly seen in the left side of Figure 5.2. However, by making the regression function a bit more flexible, we can do a bit better. One way to do this is to use the quadratic terms (there are 3, which are they?) In Figures 5.2 and 5.2 this linear regression version that includes the quadratic term does much better. However, if we increase the number of classes to K = 4 we would then need to start adding the cubic terms and now we are dealing with lots of variables. A Data set that we may be working on later will be the vowel sound data. Figure 5.2 contains a plot of the first 2 coordinates and the classes.

6 64 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION Figure 5.3: Projection to best direction and regression of Y onto this projection Figure 5.4: Vowel sound data

7 5.3. LINEAR DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Linear Discriminant Analysis Decision theory for classification tells us what we need to know the class posteriors Pr(G X) for optimal classification. Suppose f k (x) is the class conditional density of X in a class G = k, and let π k be the prior probability of class k, with K k=1 π k = 1. A simple application of Bayes theorem gives us Pr(G = k X = x) = f k(x)π k K l=1 f l(x)π l. Notice that having the quantities f k (x) is almost equivalent to having the Pr(G = k X = x) that provide Bayes rule. Suppose we model each class density as a multivariate Gaussian 1 f k (x) = (2π) p/2 Σ k exp{ 1 1/2 2 (x µ k) Σ 1 k (x µ k)} Figure 5.3 shows regions that contain 95% of the data for three bivariate distributions with different means but the same covariance structure. The covariance structure makes these be ellipses instead of circles. The lines are Bayes rule. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) arises when we assume the covariance structure is the same for all classes. In this case we can see that discrimination function is simply δ k (x) = x Σ µ kσ 1 µ k + log π k Notice: if we assume π k = 1/K then the last term is not needed. In any case, notice that this is a linear function of x! In practice we do not have the means µ and the covariance structure Σ. The strategy is to use the training data to estimate these. In Figure 5.3 we see some

8 66 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION outcomes a three class simulation. The distributions used to create them where those shown in the left side of 5.3. Figure 5.5: Bivariate normal distributions, outcomes of these, and the Bayes and LDA prediction rules To estimate the parameters we simply ˆπ k = N k /N, where N k is the observed number of subjects in class k. ˆµ k = g i =k x i/n k ˆΣ = K k=1 g i =k (x i ˆµ k )(x i ˆµ k ) /(N K) Figure 5.3 also show both the Bayes rule (dashed) and the estimated LDA decision boundary. Technical Note: For two classes LDA is the same as regression. Now if we assume that each class has its own correlation structure then we no

9 5.3. LINEAR DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS 67 longer get a linear estimate. Instead we have that the decision boundary is simply: δ k (x) = 1 2 Σ k 1 2 (x µ k) Σ 1 (x µ k ) + log π k The decision boundary is now described with a quadratic function. This is therefore called quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA). QDA and LDA decision boundaries are shown in Figure 5.3 for the same data. Notice that both LDA and QDA are finding the centroid of classes and then finding the closest centroid to the new data point. However, correlation structure is taken into consideration when defining distance. Note: When the number of covariates grows the number of things to estimate in the covariance matrix gets very large. One needs to be careful. There is a method that tries to find a happy medium called Regularized Discriminant Analysis. Basically it comes down using shrunken version of the class specific covariance structures. ˆΣ k (α) = α ˆΣ k + (1 α) ˆΣ Computations for LDA Suppose we compute the eigen decomposition for each ˆΣ k = U k D k U k, where U k is p p orthonormal and D k a diagonal matrix of positive eigenvalues d kl. The ingridients for δ k (x) are (x ˆµ k ) ˆΣ 1 k log ˆΣ k = l log d kl. (x ˆµ k ) = [U k (x ˆµ k)] D 1 [U k (x ˆµ k)] k

10 68 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION Figure 5.6: QDA and LDA with quadratic terms and straight LDA

11 5.4. LOGISTIC REGRESSION 69 Notice this is much easier to compute because the D are diagonal! Given this we can now compute and interprete the LDA classifier as follows: Sphere the data with respect to the common covariance estimate ˆΣ: X = D 1 2 U X where ˆΣ = UDU k. The common covariance estimate of X will no be the identiy matrix! Classify to the closest class centroid in the transformed space, modulo the effect of the class prior probability π k. Note: Section of the book has a nice description of how LDA provides the solution as what one obtains when asking for the linear combination Z = a X that provides the biggest ration of within 5.4 Logistic Regression Assume Pr(G = 1 X = x) log Pr(G = K X = x) Pr(G = 2 X = x) log Pr(G = K X = x). Pr(G = K 1 X = x) log Pr(G = K X = x) = β 01 + β 1x = β 01 + β 2x = β 01 + β K 1x Notice g(p) = log( p ) is called the logistic link and is g : (0, 1) R 1 p When K = 2 this has a very simple form (only one set of covariates) and is a very popular model used in biostatistical applications.

12 70 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION With this probability model we can now write the log-likelihood... l(β 0, β; y) = N {y i log p i + (1 y i ) log(1 p i )} Out estimate will be the MLE: max β0,β l(β 0, β; y). In practice how do we find this maximum? We will see this later Elementary Likelihood Theory In linear model theory we found: E( ˆβ), var( ˆβ), and the asymptotic properties of ˆβ. To do this for the MLE s we need to develop some asymptotic theory. We will derive some properties that will be useful. We will give some of the main results without presenting proofs. If you are interested in the details lookup the following books: Bickel P. and Doksum K. Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Topics. (1977) Holden-Day Lehman, E. Theory of Point Estimation (1983) Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. Say Y has density function f Y (y; β) then remember f Y (y; β) dy = 1 y A here A is the range of Y. First we will assume β is 1 dimensional. We define the log-likelihood function l(β; y) = log f Y (y; β).

13 5.4. LOGISTIC REGRESSION 71 In GLM we will usually assume that the data are independent observations coming from a density determined by the parameter β. If Y is a vector having n independent components then the log-likelihood is a sum of n independent terms l(β; y) = n log f Yi (y i ; β) Notice the following We consider the log-likelihood as a function of β given the observed data y. The log-likelihood is always a real number. We allow β to move so we assume β β a parameter space, so we are actually defining a family of distributions: {f(y; β) : β β} We will specify a true distribution with a true parameter β 0. The expected value and probability measure with respect to that density will be denoted E β0 and Pr β0. For the results described in this sections to hold, the family of densities must satisfy some regularity condition. We will call the family of densities ML-regular if they satisfied these conditions. See L&C or B & D. If Y is a vector having n independent components with joint distribution that is ML-regular, then E β0 {l(β 0 ; Y)} > E β0 {l(β; Y)} lim n P β0 [l(β 0 ; Y) > l(β; Y)] = 1 for all β β 0. The first part of this result says that the value considered to be the true value of the parameter maximizes the expected log-likelihood. The second part says that

14 72 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION the chance of the log-likelihood being bigger at the true value is VERY likely for large values of n. This properties motivate the use of ML-estimation. Given the observed data we estimate the true parameter with the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) is defined as ˆβ = max l(β; y) (5.1) β B A consequence of Theorem 1 is the consistency of the MLE. Theorem 2. Define ˆβ n as the MLE of β 0 when n observations are used. Then ˆβ n converges in probability to β 0. Define the score statistic as: U(β; y) = l(β; y) β = n log f Yi (y i ; β) β Notice that, just like the log-likelihood, this is a function of β once the random variable Y is observed to be y. Why are we defining this? The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) defined by (5.1), under the regularity conditions, is equivalent to finding the β for which U(β; y) = 0. Notice that the score statistic may be considered to be a random variable since it is a function of the data. Once we obtain the data we find the value of β that has 0 score, the MLE. How good of a statistic is the score statistic? First notice that E β0 {U(β 0 ; Y)} = E β ( l(β; Y) β β=β0 ) = 0

15 5.4. LOGISTIC REGRESSION 73 This shows that the score has expected value of 0 at the true β 0, which is what we want. The next thing we would like is to see how variable it is... how precise is our estimate? Look at the variance. One important property is that ( ) ( ) l(β; Y) var β0 {U(β 0 ; Y)} = var β0 2 l(β; Y) = E β0 = I β β 2 n (β) β=β0 β=β0 This last quantity is called Fisher s information quantity. It is telling us how much information about the true parameter is given by the data Asymptotic results Under regularity conditions I n (β) 1 2 U(β; yn ) N(0, 1) + O p (n 1 2 ) Example 3.1 I.I.D Normal we have distribution { 1 f Y (y n ; β 0 ) = exp 1 2πσ 2 2σ 2 with σ 2 known. } n (y i β 0 ) 2 For data y n we have log-likelihood function l(β; y n ) = n 2 log(2πσ2 ) 1 2σ 2 n (y i β) Notice that we can calculate the expected value of the log-likelihood for any β. E[2l(β; Y n )] = E[ n log(2πσ 2 ) 1 n [(y σ 2 i β 0 ) (β β 0 )] 2 ] = N [ log(2πσ 2 ) (β β ] 0) σ 2

16 74 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION Notice that the maximum occurs at β 0 as Theorem 1 implies. We can similarly show that Pr[l(β 0 ; y n ) > l(β; y n )] = Pr[2{l(β 0 ; y n ) l(β; y n )} > 0] [ Pr Ȳ β 0 > N ] 2 β β 0 1 The score statistic is U(β; y n ) = 1 σ 2 (yi β) From here it is obvious that the MLE is ˆβ n = ȳ, that E β0 [U(β 0 ; Y n )] = 0, and [ ] var β0 [U(β 0 ; Y n )] = n/σ 2 1 = E β0 = I σ 2 n (β 0 ) It is known that N( Ȳ β)/σ 2 N(0, 1) here the convergence is in distribution. Notice that this is I n (β) 1/2 U(β; y n ). What we really want to know is the asymptotic distribution of MLE not the score equation. Use usual trick... since Theorem 2 tell us that ˆβ n is close to β 0 we can use a Taylor expansion to write the MLE as a linear combination of the score equation. Notice U( ˆβ n ; y n ) = 0. U(β 0 ; y n ) U( ˆβ n ; y n ) + U(β; y n) β U(β; y n ) β [ E β= ˆβn E [ U(β; Y n ) β U(β; Y n ) β (β 0 ˆβ n ) β= ˆβn β= ˆβn β=β0 ] ] = I n (β 0 )

17 5.4. LOGISTIC REGRESSION 75 So we have U(β 0 ; y n ) I n (β 0 )(β 0 ˆβ n ) which implies I n (β 0 ) 1/2 U(β 0 ; y n ) I n (β 0 ) 1/2 ( ˆβ n β 0 ) So I n (β 0 ) 1/2 ( ˆβ n β 0 ) is approximately standard normal when n is big Algorithm for fitting GLMs We want to obtain the MLE but in general there is no way of getting it in closed form. Instead we must use some minimization procedure. For GLMs there is a nice trick that reduces the minimization procedure to a iterative re-weighted least squares procedure Say we have some data and we have specified all the necessary elements to define a GLM Let g( ) be the link function. Notice that for all i, y i should be somewhat close to µ i so we can write g(y i ) g(µ i ) + g (µ i )(y i µ i ) = η i + (y i µ i ) dη i dµ i Notice hat we have a linear model with a deterministic and random part. Letting Z i = g(y i ) and ɛ i = (Y i µ i ) dη i dµ i we have Z = Xβ + ɛ where the ɛ i s are IID with variance V (µ i ) φ w i ( dη i dµ i ) 2

18 76 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION Notice that with this regression model the MLE is obtained by minimizing the weighted least squares with quadratic weights W i = ( V (µ i ) φ ( ) ) 2 1 dηi (5.2) w i dµ i In this case the solution is (X WX) 1 X Wz. Problem the weights depend on β... In this case we may use iteratively re-weighted least squares. The procedure is as follows 1. Let β (0) be the current estimate and η (0) and µ (0) be the values derived from it. 2. Define ( ) z (0) = η (0) + (y µ (0) dη ) dµ η=η (0) 3. Define the weights W (0) i by evaluating equation (5.2) with η (0). 4. Obtain new estimates β (1) using weighted least squares. From this from new estimate η (1) and from this from z (1). 5. Iterate until z (1) z (0) is small Justification for the fitting procedure How do we know the estimate obtained from the procedure described above is equivalent to the MLE. Once we specify a model we find the MLE by maximizing the log-likelihood or equivalently

19 5.4. LOGISTIC REGRESSION 77 Find MLE by solving the system of equations U(β; y) = 0 or l β j = 0, for j = 1,..., p But we don t necessarily know how the log-likelihood depends on β. We are going to abuse notation for a bit and stop writing the index i: For each observation, we know how: the log-likelihood depends on θ (by the way we define the distributions) θ depends on the mean µ (from the exponential family property µ = b (θ)) µ depends on the linear predictor η (the link function specifies this) η depends on β (η is a linear combination of the components of β) To find l β j simply use the chain rule. l = l dθ dµ η β j θ dµ dη β j Lets see what each one of these pieces is... We know that For each observation l = {yθ b(θ)}/a(φ) + c(y, φ) so l θ = (y µ)/a(φ) From b (θ) = µ and b (θ) = V (µ) we derive dµ/dθ = V (µ). Finally from η = β j x j we obtain η β j = x j

20 78 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION Therefore The contribution from observation i from the j-th equation of the score statistic is y i µ i 1 dµ i x ij a(φ) V (µ i ) dη i Notice that (a(φ)v (µ i )) 1 dη i x ij is W i dη i dµ i. By adding up the contribution to the likelihood of each observation we can know write The system of equation involving the score U can be written as u j = n with W i as in equation (5.2). W i (y i µ i ) dη i dµ i x ij for j = 1,..., p Newton-Rapson s method to find the the solution to U = 0 consist on iterating using A(β (1) β (0) ) = U (0) with to obtain the next estimate of β A = 2 l β 2 β=β (0) Fisher s score method works similarly but instead uses ( ) A = E 2 l β 2 β=β (0) Takes expectations simplifies the computations for the procedure and statistically ends up being the same. Notice that in many instances 2 l/ β 2 is a constant and Fisher s method is equivalent to Newton-Rapson s

21 5.4. LOGISTIC REGRESSION 79 Notice that the j, k entry of A is ( ) ( n uj E = E β k (y i µ i ) β k { } ) dη i dη i W i x ij + W i (y i µ i ) dµ i dµ i β k Notice that the first term has expectation 0 and that the second term is n dη i µ i n W i x ij = W i x ij x ik dµ i β k So A = (X W X), with W = diag[w i ] = diag[var 1 (Z i )]. The new estimate satisfies Aβ (1) = Aβ (0) + U (0) and notice that j th entry of the vector Aβ (0) is n [Aβ (0) ] j = X jw X j β j = W i x ij η i This means that the j-th entry of n { Aβ (1) j = W i x ij η i (y i µ i ) η } i µ i So Aβ (1) = X W z (0) And the solution to this equation is the weighted regression estimate β (1) = (X W X) 1 X W z (0) Which is what the suggested procedure does Initial values One advantage of this procedure is that we can use the use the transformed data as initial values for the z. This sometimes presents a problem. For example when modeling with Poisson and we obtain a 0 then the starting value will be log(0). Problems like these need to be addressed.. Splus does it for you... more later.

22 80 CHAPTER 5. LINEAR METHODS FOR PREDICTION Summary The MLE parameter ˆβ satisfy a self-consistency relationship: they are the coefficients of a weighted least squares fit, where the responses are z i = x i ˆβ + y i ˆp i ˆp i (1 ˆp i ), and the weights are ˆp i (1 ˆp i ). This connection implies the following The weighted residuals of sum-of-squares is the familiar Pearson chi-square statistic. (y i ˆp i ) 2 ˆp i (1 ˆp i ), a quadratic approximation of the variance Asymptotic results give tell us the coefficients converge to N(β, (X WX) 1 ). Notice logistic regression provides a similar solution to LDA. The main difference is that LDA imposes a distribution assumption on X which, if a good, will result in more efficient estimates. Logistic regression is conditional methodology. We condition on X and do not specify any distribution for it. 5.5 Separating Hyperplanes Notice that the linear methods we have discussed here we divide the decision regions with lines. WE can also try to find the best division directly. We will talk more about this when we get to support vector machines.

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