arxiv:gr-qc/ v2 24 Jul 2002

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1 Frequeny and Wavelengt of Ligt in Relativistially Rotating Frames Robert D. Klauber 11 University Manor Dr., 38B, Fairfield, IA 52556, USA July 23, 22 arxiv:gr-q/1836v2 24 Jul 22 Abstrat Non-time-ortogonal frame analysis is applied to determine te frequeny and wavelengt of ligt as observed i) in a relativistially rotating frame wen emission is from a soure fixed in te non-rotating frame, ii) in a non-rotating frame wen emission is from a soure fixed in te rotating frame, and iii) wen bot soure and observer are fixed in te rotating frame and te soure emission diretion varies wit respet to te rotating frame. Appropriate Doppler effets are demonstrated, and seond order differenes from translating (time-ortogonal) frame analysis are noted q, 4.2.Cv 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Bakground An analysis[1] [2] [3] as been arried out of te non-time-ortogonal metri (i.e., g i, time is not ortogonal to spae) obtained wen one makes a straigtforward transformation from te lab to a relativistially rotating frame. Rater tan assuming, as ave oter researers, tat it is ten neessary to transform to loally time ortogonal (i.e., time is ortogonal to spae) frames, one an proeed by onsidering te non-time-ortogonal (NTO) metri to be a pysially valid representation of te rotating frame. Wen tis is done, one finds te usual time dilation and mass-energy dependene[4] on tangential speed ωr, in full aord wit te test data from numerous ylotron experiments. One also finds resolutions of paradoxes inerent in te traditional analytial treatment of rotating frames. Furter, te analysis predits at least one experimental result[5] [6] tat, in te ontext of te traditional analysis, as eretofore been onsidered inexpliable. NTO frame analysis is in full aord wit fundamental priniples of relativity teory, and makes many of te same preditions as te traditional analysis for rotating frames. It does not onflit wit reognized analyses of time-ortogonal (TO) frames, inluding tose desribed by Lorentz, Swarzild, and Friedman metris. Just as for TO frames, te NTO line element remains invariant, and differential geometry reigns as te appropriate desriptor of non-inertial systems. However, NTO analysis does predit some beavior tat may seem strange from a traditional relativisti standpoint, toug it appears orroborated by bot gedanken and pysial experiments[7] [8] [9]. In partiular, NTO analysis finds te speifi result for te speed of ligt in te irumferential diretion for rotating (NTO) frames to be non-invariant, non-isotropi, and equal to[1] u ligt,irum = ±ωr 1 (ωr)2 / 2 = ±v (1) 1 v2 /2, were te sign before v = ωr depends on te irumferential diretion of te ligt ray at r relative to te tangential speed v. Note te irumferential ligt speed in te rotating frame varies to first order wit ωr. Tis result agrees wit Asby s resear wit te global positioning system. Asby notes.. te priniple of te onstany of annot be applied in a rotating referene frame.. [8]. He also states Now onsider a proess 1

2 in wi observers in te rotating frame attempt to use Einstein synronization [onstany of te speed of ligt]... Simple minded use of Einstein synronization in te rotating frame... tus leads to a signifiant error [7]. 1.2 Overview In te present artile NTO analysis is used to determine frequeny and wavelengt of ligt i) emitted from a soure in te lab and observed from te rotating frame, ii) emitted from a soure in te rotating frame and observed in te lab, and iii) emitted from a soure in te rotating frame tat turns relative to te rotating frame. Consisteny is evidened in tat multipliation of frequeny and wavelengt tus obtained for te rotating frame yields (1). As bakground, and as an aide for omparison, Setion 2 provides a summary of speed, frequeny, wavelengt, and Doppler sift of waves propagating troug elasti media for various observers in a Newtonian universe. Setion 3 provides a similar summary for waves propagating in vauum (i.e., non-elasti waves) for bot Newtonian and Lorentzian observers. Te transformation between te lab and te rotating frames, as well as te resulting NTO metri for te rotating frame, as derived in ited referenes, are listed in Setion 4. Tat setion also inludes a summary of te differenes between te generalized oordinate omponents of vetors used in matematial analysis and te pysial omponents tat equal te values atually measured in pysial experiments. Setion 4 ten presribes te metod for onverting oordinate omponents to pysial omponents and vie versa, as well as te proedure for using su onversions to solve problems of a most general nature. Te matematial relations and metodology of Setion 4 are subsequently applied in Setion 5 to determine appropriate wave frequenies and wavelengts of ligt as seen by lab and rotating frame observers. Setion 6 addresses te ase were bot soure and observer are in te rotating frame and te ligt soure is turned relative to tat frame. 2 NEWTONIAN WAVES IN ELASTIC MEDIA Wit minimal omment we present Table 1, a rater elementary summary[11] of elasti wave propagation in Galilean frames, wi will prove of value for omparison wit te results of Setion 5. Prior to Setion 6, we treat only ases in wi motions of te observer, te soure, and te medium, if any, are along te line of sigt between te observer and soure. In Table 1 te ligt soure is to te left of te observer, te wave travels toward te rigt, v m is te speed of te wave witin te elasti medium (i.e., relative to te medium), and v is te speed of te soure toward (approaing) te observer. Positive displaement, and ene veloity, is to te rigt. Quantities in te soure frame K are unprimed, in te observer frame K are primed, and in te medium ave a subsript m. In all tables presented erein soure and observer reeding from one anoter implies v beomes v in all bloks witin a given table. Note tat in all ases multipliation of frequeny by wavelengt as seen eiter in te soure frame, or in te observer frame, results in te orret wave speed for te given frame. Note furter in Table 1 te seond order differene in Doppler effet seen by te observer wen te observer is fixed in te medium (Case 2) as opposed to wen te soure is fixed in te medium (Case 1). Table 1. Summary: Waves in Elasti Media in Galilean Frames Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Soure frame K Fixed to medium Not fixed to medium Not fixed to medium Observer K Not fixed to medium Fixed to medium Not fixed to medium Motion Soure (medium) toward observer at v Soure toward observer (medium) at v Soure, observer bot at rest. Medium at v. Wave speed V = v m V = v m v V = V = v m +v V = v m +v V = v m Wave lengt = = = = m Frequeny f = f (1+v/v m ) f f = 1 v/v m f = f = f m (1+v/v m ) Doppler sift f = f (1+v/v m ) f = f ( 1+v/v m +v 2 /vm ) None observer sees 2

3 3 WAVES WITHOUT ELASTIC MEDIA Table 2 summarizes[12] te beavior of ligt waves tat propagate troug vauum witout an underlying supporting medium for bot a Newtonian and a relativisti universe. Note tat for Lorentz frames te wavelengt appearsto te observerto avedifferent lengt tan it does in te soureframe. As for elastiwaves, in eaase multipliation of frequeny times wavelengt equals wave speed for a given frame. Te seond order dependene for te relativisti Doppler sift and ow it differs from eiter Case 1 or Case 2 in Table 1 is well known, and tereby provides a means to test speial relativity[13]. Table 2. Summary: Waves witout Media, Galilean and Lorentzian Galilean Frames Lorentz Frames Soure K No medium No medium Observer K No medium No medium Motion Soure toward observer at v Soure toward observer at v Wave speed V = V = +v V = V = 1 v/ Wave lengt = = = 1 v/ 1+v/ 1+v/ 1 v 2 / 2 1+v/ Frequeny f = f (1+v/) f = f = f 1 v/ 1 v 2 / 2 Doppler sift f = f (1+v/) f = f ( 1+v/+ 1 2 v2 / ) observer sees 4 ROTATING FRAMES 4.1 Transformation and metri We adopt notation in wi te Minkowski metri for a Lorentz frame as form η αβ = diag (-1,1,1,1). For te rotating frame analysis we employ ylindrial oordinates wit (T,R,Φ,Z) for te lab frame K and (t,r,φ,z) for te rotating frame k. Te transformation between te lab and rotating frame aving angular veloity ω in te Z diretion is In matrix form tis may be expressed as Λ α B = 1 1 ω 1 1 T = t R = r Φ = φ+ωt Z = z. Λ A β = 1 1 ω 1 1 (2), (3) wereaandb ereareupperasegreek,λ α B transformsaontravariantlabvetor[e.g.,dxb =(dt,dr,dφ,dz) T ] to te orresponding ontravariant rotating frame vetor [dx α = (dt,dr,dφ,dz) T ], and Λ A β transforms te latter bak from te rotating frame to te lab. Te following relations, wi we will use in subsequent setions, were first ampioned by Langevin[14], an be found in many soures[15], and are sown in Klauber[16] to be derivable from (2). Te rotating frame oordinate metri g αβ and its inverse g αβ are 3

4 g αβ = (1 r2 ω 2 r ) 2 ω 2 1 r 2 ω r 2 1 g αβ = ω 1 1 ω (1 r2 ω 2 ) 2 r 2 1. (4) Te off-diagonal terms imply tat time and spae are not ortogonal in te rotating frame. Altoug a little unusual, te rotating frame metri is not alone in tis regard, and sares tis NTO arateristi wit te spaetime metri around a massive body su as a star or blak ole tat possesses angular momentum[17]. For ompleteness, te lab metri G AB and its inverse G AB are G AB = 1 1 R 2 1 G AB == 4.2 Matematial vs. measured omponents R 2 1. (5) Wen working wit rotating frames, we need to keep two tings in mind tat are usually irrelevant for Minkowski metris in Lorentz frames, but are quite relevant for NTO frames. Bot of tese onern te relationsip between generalized omponents of four-vetors (i.e., te matematial omponents one works wit in analyses, wi are alled oordinate omponents) and pysial omponents (i.e., te omponents one would atually measure wit standard instruments in an experiment.) Contravariant/ovariant oordinate omponents of a vetor do not equal pysial omponents exept for te speial ase were te oordinate system basis is ortonormal, su as in Minkowski oordinates. 4.3 Contravariant vs. ovariant four-vetors Te first of te aforementioned onerns lies wit te ovariant or ontravariant nature of te vetor omponents.[18] Generalized oordinates (e.g., x α ) are expressed as ontravariant quantities, and generalized four-veloity u α is simply te derivative of tese oordinates wit respet to te invariant salar quantity τ p (proper time of te partile.) In te stritest and most general sense, four-veloities only represent (proper) time derivatives of te oordinates if tey are expressed in ontravariant form. For example, in an NTO frame lowering te index of u α via te metri g αβ gives omponents u α wi are not te proper time derivatives of teir respetive oordinate values. Tis is true beause g αβ is not te identity matrix. Note tat in Minkowski oordinates g αβ = η αβ, wi is, apart from te sign of te g omponent, an identity matrix. In a oordinate frame wit su a Minkowski metri te ovariant form of te four-veloity is idential to te ontravariant form exept for te sign of te timelike omponent. In NTO frames, owever, te differene is mu more signifiant, are must be taken, and one must reognize tat four-veloity is ontravariant, not ovariant, in form. Four-momentum, on te oter and, must be treated as a ovariant vetor. Tis is beause te fourmomentum is te anonial onjugate of te four-veloity. In brief, if te Lagrangian of a given system is ten te onjugate momentum is L = L(x α,u α,τ p ), (6) p α = L uα. (7) Tis is ovariant, not ontravariant in form. Hene, it is imperative in an NTO system su as a rotating frame tat one use ovariant omponents for te four-momentum. Contravariant omponents in su a system, unlike tat of a system wit Minkowski metri, will not represent te pysial quantities of energy and linear momentum. Tis is demonstrated expliitly in referene [1], setion 4.3.4, were it is sown tat p, and not p, represents te energy of a partile fixed to a rotating disk. 4

5 4.4 Relation between pysial and oordinate omponents Getting te orret ontravariant or ovariant omponents is not quite enoug, owever, in order to ompare teoretial results wit measured quantities. If a given basis vetor does not ave unit lengt, te magnitude of te orresponding omponent will not equal te pysial quantity measured. For example, a vetor wit a single non-zero omponent value of 1 in a oordinate system were te orresponding basis vetor for tat omponent as lengt 3 does not ave an absolute (pysial) lengt equal to 1, but to tree. In general, pysial omponents (tose measured wit pysial instruments in te real world) are te omponents assoiated wit unit basis vetors, and generalized oordinate basis vetors are generally not of unit lengt. As sown te Appendix A (see also, texts ited in footnote [19], Malvern[2], Misner, Torne and Weeler[21], and Klauber[22]) pysial omponents are found from generalized oordinate omponents (tose used in generalized oordinate matematial analysis) via te relations vî = g ii v i vˆ = g v vî = g ii v i vˆ = g v, (8) were arets over indies designate pysial quantities, underlining implies no summation, Roman indies ave values 1,2,3 and te negative signs arise on te RHS beause g and g are negative. 4.5 Steps in general analysis Hene, in order to ompare teoretial omponent values wit experiment, it is neessary to use ontravariant omponents for oordinate differenes and four-veloity, ovariant omponents for four-momentum, and pysial omponents of all omponent quantities weter ovariant or ontravariant. It is important to note, owever, tat wile oordinate omponents transform as true vetors, pysial omponents do not[23]. So, wile pysial omponents are needed to ompare teory wit experiment, oordinate omponents are needed to arry out vetor/tensor analysis. Steps in NTO analysis terefore omprise i) onversion of known (measured) pysial omponents to oordinate omponents via (8), ii) appropriate vetor/tensor analysis using oordinate omponents, and iii) onversion of te oordinate omponent answer bak to pysial omponent form via (8) in order to ompare wit experiment. We note tat te speed of ligt in (1) an be derived[24] using te above steps and tat said speed is a pysial, not oordinate, value. 5 WAVES IN ROTATING FRAMES 5.1 Overview of proedure In order to transform frequenies and wavelengts of ligt from one frame to anoter we first express tose frequenies and wavelengts, via te Plank energy and DeBroglie wave relations, as energy and momentum, respetively. We use tose energy and momentum values to determine appropriate omponents of te generalized four-momentump µ. Weantensimplyapplytetransformations(3)totransformtefour-momentumfromte lab to rotating frame, and vie versa. Converting te resulting four-momentum omponents bak to frequeny and wavelengt form ten reveals Doppler and oter wave effets from rotation. 5.2 Lab emission, rotating observer Consider a poton emitted in te lab in te negative Φ diretion wile te rotating frame observer is moving in te positive Φ diretion su tat te observer is approaing te ligt soure. Te ligt wit wavelengt and frequeny f as measured in te lab frame K as four-momentum pysial omponents of PÂ =, (9) 5

6 were is Plank s onstant. From (5) and (8), te oordinate omponents are 1 G P A = 1 G = R. (1) 22 We need to raise te index in order to transform to te rotating frame k, as our transformations (3) are speifially for ontravariant vetors. Wit (5), we ave P A = G AB P B = R 2 1 R = f R. (11) Using (3) and R = r from (2) to transform to te rotating frame, we get f f 1 p α = Λ α B PB = 1 ω 1 = ( R ω + 1 r). (12) 1 Lowering tis to get te neessary ovariant form for te four-momentum yields p α = g αβ p β = (1 r2 ω 2 r ) 2 ω 2 1 r 2 ω r 2 1 f ( ω + 1 r) = r ( ) 1+ v. (13) We take pysial omponents of (13) to obtain wat an observer in te rotating frame would measure wit pysial instruments, i.e., ( ) g f 1+ v ( ) 1+ v pˆα = g 22 r = 1 v 2 / 2. (14) We ten need to express (14) in terms of te frequeny f k and wavelengt k measured by an observer in te rotating frame k. We an not simply assume te Plank and DeBrolie relations old in a rotating frame, as tere is no guarantee tat tey ave te same form in an NTO frame. Tat is, we an not presume tat pˆ = E k equals f k, nor tat pˆ2 equals / k. Instead we employ a tougt experiment and pysial world logi. We know time in te rotating frame runs more slowly tan time in te lab by te inverse of te Lorentz fator 1/γ = 1 v 2 / 2, and tis sould inrease te frequeny of ligt as seen on te rotating frame (f k ) over tat of te lab (f). Independent of tat, a rotating frame observer moving toward a lab osillator sould see tat osillator beating faster tan would an observer in te lab. At least at low speeds, tis inrease sould be by te fator (1 + v/) = (1 + ωr/), as sown in Tables 1 and 2. Based on tese pysial onsiderations, we propose a relationsip between lab and rotating frame frequenies for a given poton of ligt as ) Given (15) and te fat tat f k k = u ligt,irum of (1), it follows tat f k = f ( 1+ v (15) 1 v2 /2. k =. (16) Tus (14) beomes, in terms of rotating frame observable quantities (RHS below), 6

7 pˆα = ( ) 1+ v 1 v 2 / 2 = k 1 v 2 / 2 1 v 2 / 2 k. (17) From tis te Plank and DeBroglie relations for te NTO rotating disk frame are seen to be E k = f k 1 v2 / 2 p pys,irum = 1 v 2 / 2 k. (18) Similar results for te radially direted ligt are derived in Appendix B. Te frequeny and wavelengt results above are summarized in Case 1 of Table 3. In Table 3, non-subsripted quantities and veloity V refer to te lab frame K, and te subsript k designates rotating frame quantities. Note if v were in te negative Φ diretion, or if te rotating frame observer were moving away from te ligt emission soure in te lab, ten v v in (15) and trougout Table Rotating frame emission, lab observer Consider now a poton emitted from te rotating frame in te positive Φ diretion from a soure on te rotating frame tat is approaing a lab observer. We an simply reverse te steps (14) to (9) of Setion 5.2 to relate wavelengts and frequenies in te rotating and lab frames, taking are tat te sign for linear momentum anges from te earlier ase. Te reader an eiter arry out tese steps to justify te results summarized in Case 2 of Table 3, or onsider te following logi. We know from (1) tat te speed of ligt in te rotating frame in tis ase is u ligt,irum = v k = v (19) 1 v2 /2. We also know tat frequeny sould inrease by first order in v/ as seen by te lab observer beause te soure is approaing, yet it sould derease by te inverse Lorentz fator sine time runs more slowly in te rotating frame. Furter, te wavelengts in te rotating and lab frames sould be related matematially in te very same way as (16). Tus, su tat (19) olds, i.e., f k = f(1 v/) 1 v2 / 2 k =, (2) f k k = f(1 v/) 1 v2 / 2 = v 1 v2 / 2 = v k. (21) Hene, frequeny seen in te lab from emission in te rotating frame is f = f k 1 v2 / 2 = f k (1+v/ 1 (1 v/) 2 v2 / ). (22) Tese results are summarized in te rigt and olumn of Table 3. Te relation (22) ould also ave been dedued diretly from te LHS of (15) wit te realization tat anging te diretion of te poton as te same effet matematially as anging te diretion of rotation. Tat is v v in (15) yields (22). Note tat iger order Doppler sift effets for rotating frames differ from tose of bot Setions 2 and 3. Table 3. Cirumferentially Direted Waves in Relativistially Rotating Frames Case 1 Case 2 Soure Lab frame K Rotating frame k Observer Rotating frame k Lab frame K 7

8 Motion Wave speed Observer toward soure at v = ωr V = +v v k = 1 v 2 / 2 Wave lengt k = k = Frequeny Doppler sift observer sees Soure toward observer at v = ωr V = v v k = 1 v 2 / 2 1 v 2 / 2 f k = f(1+v/) f = f k 1 v 2 / 2 1 v/ f k = f ( 1+v/ 1 2 v2 / ) ( f = f k 1+v/+ 1 2 v2 / ) 6 TURNING THE LIGHT SOURCE IN THE ROTATING FRAME For ompleteness, we onsider te effet on ligt speed, frequeny and wavelengt measurements in te rotating frame wen a soure in te rotating frame is turned. Tis an be valuable for evaluation of Brillet and Hall[25] type experiments in wi test apparatus is turned witin te rotating frame of te eart. One part of te apparatus is te ligt soure; anoter part te sensing equipment. We onsider two ases: te irumferential diretion and te radial diretion. Te vertial (z) diretion parallels tat of te radial diretion. We take it as an axiom tat an observer wo is fixed relative to a soure detets no Doppler sift in frequeny from tat soure. Tis axiom appears to ave been tested to extremely ig auray by Cen and Liu[26] altoug tere are ertain aveats[27] regarding te relevane of tat test to te present artile. 6.1 Cirumferential Diretion In te irumferential diretion, ligt speed is given by (1). For observers on te rotating frame te frequeny of ligt emitted from a soure on te rotating frame is f k. Hene, te wavelengt in te irumferential diretion, determined solely by measurements on te rotating frame must be 6.2 Radial Diretion Radial Diretion Ligt Speed k,irum = u ligt,irum f k = From te rotating (NTO) frame metri of (4), te line element is ds 2 = 2 (1 r 2 ω 2 / 2 )dt 2 +dr 2 +r 2 dφ 2 +2r 2 ωdφdt+dz 2 ±v (23) f k 1 v2 /2. = g αβ dx α dx β (24) were t is oordinate time and equals tat on standard loks in te lab. Note tat te time on a standard lok at a fixed 3D loation on te rotating disk, found by taking ds 2 = 2 dτ and dr = dφ = dz =, is dτ = dˆt = 1 r 2 ω 2 / 2 dt, (25) were te aret over dt indiates pysial time (i.e., time measured wit standard loks fixed in te rotating frame.) For a radially direted ray of ligt, dφ = dz =, and ds =. Solving for dr/dt one obtains dr dt = 1 r 2 ω 2 / 2. (26) Sine g rr = 1, te pysial omponent, (measured wit standard meter stiks) for radial displaement dˆr equals te oordinate radial displaement dr. Te pysial (measured) speed of ligt in te radial diretion is terefore 8

9 v ligt,radial,pys = dˆr dˆt = dr dτ = dr =. (27) 1 r2 ω 2 / 2 dt Tis an be furter justified by pysial onsiderations of te pat followed by su a ligt ray as seen in te lab frame, along wit (25) Radial Diretion Wavelengt As te apparatus ontaining te ligt soure and detetor is turned from te irumferential to radial diretion, te speed of ligt in te rotating frame anges from tat of (1) to tat of (27). Te frequeny remains unanged. Hene, te wavelengt anges to From (23) we see tat Te results of tis and te prior setion are summarized in Table 4. k,radial = f k. (28) k,irum = 1±v/ 1 v2 / 2 k,radial. (29) Table 4. Turning Ligt Soure in Relativistially Rotating Frame Case 1 Cirumferential Diretion Case 2 Radial Diretion Soure Rotating frame k Rotating frame k Observer Rotating frame k Rotating frame k Motion Soure and observer bot fixed in k Soure and observer bot fixed in k Wave speed v k,irum = ±v v k,radial = 1 v2 / 2 Wave lengt observ,irum = soure,irum = k,irum ±v k,irum = = 1±v/ f k 1 v 2 / 2 1 v 2 / 2 k,radial Frequeny f observ,irum = f soure,irum = f k,irum = Doppler sift observer sees f k None observ,radial = soure,radial = k,radial k,radial = f k f observ,radial = f soure,radial = f k,radial = f k None 6.3 Possible First Order Test Te differene in wavelengt between te radial and irumferential diretions sown above is first order in v/. Altoug tests of ligt speed per se are limited to round trip measurements, and ene must be of seond order, tere are a number of tests, su as te Young double slit experiment, tat detet differenes in wavelengt. As readily seen in (23) and (28) above, wavelengt is proportional to one way ligt speed. Tus, a test tat measures wavelengt ould be a first order test of ligt speed. Su an experiment ould be performed using te eart as te rotating frame and turning te test apparatus relative to te eart. 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Comparison of Tables 1, 2 and 3 sows tat to first order rotating frame Doppler effets are equivalent to tose of lassial and relativisti analyses. Higer order effets, owever, vary among te tree. As seen in Table 4, turning te ligt soure witin te rotating frame anges ligt speed and wavelengt, but not frequeny, 9

10 for rotating frame based observers. Multipliation of frequeny by wavelengt in all ases equals wave speed, providing orroboration for te metodology employed. APPENDIX A. PHYSICAL COMPONENTS Consider an arbitrary vetor v in a 2D spae v = v 1 e 1 +v 2 e 2 = vˆ1ê 1 +vˆ2ê 2 (3) were e i are oordinate basis vetors and ê i are unit lengt (non-oordinate) basis vetors pointing in te same respetive diretions. Tat is, ê i = e i e i = e i ei e i = e i gii. (31) were underlining implies no summation. Note tat e 1 and e 2 ere do not, in general, ave to be ortogonal. Note also, tat pysial omponents are tose assoiated wit unit lengt basis vetors and ene are represented by indies wit arets in (3). Substituting (31) into (3), one readily obtains vî = g ii v i. (32) Relation(32) between pysial and oordinate omponents is valid loally in urved, as well as flat, spaes and an be extrapolated to 4D general relativisti appliations, to iger order tensors, and to ovariant omponents. APPENDIX B. RADIAL DIRECTION: LAB VS. ROTATING FRAME We wouldbe remissifwedid not inlude an analysissimilarto tat ofsetions5.2and 5.3forte radialdiretion. We outline tis below. Poton in Lab Frame Radial Diretion Parallel to (9) troug (18), we onsider a poton emitted in te lab in te R diretion. We determine te pysial omponents of te 4 momentum vetor in te lab, onvert to oordinate omponents, raise te index, transform to te rotating frame, lower te index, and find pysial omponents. pâ = p α = p A = ωf 2 p α = pa = pˆα = We onlude tat te speed, energy and tree-momentum of a ligt ray direted radially in te lab is idential to tat measured on te rotating disk. Tis is interesting sine tis poton as seen in te rotating frame is not moving in a purely radial diretion, but as a irumferential omponent. To prove tis we an not simply transform te four veloity for te poton sine four veloity U A = dx A /dτ p, were τ p is te proper lengt of te pat in spaetime, and for a poton dτ p =. Consider instead te displaement of te poton aving tree veloity in te radial diretion dr/dt =. Te 4D displaement vetor in time dt sown on te left side of (34) below an ten be transformed to te rotating frame and te pysial omponents determined in tat frame as follows (33) 1

11 dxâ = dx A = dt dt dxα = Λ α A dxa = dt dt ωdt dxˆα = 1 ω2 r 2 / 2 dt dt ωrdt. (34) Te pysial time of a standard lok fixed in te rotating frame[28] is dτ = 1 v 2 / 2 dt were v=ωr. Hene te pysial speeds of te poton in te rotating frame in te radial and irumferential diretions are, respetively, v ligt,pys,radial = dxˆ1 dτ = dt dτ = 1 v2 / 2, dxˆ2 v ligt,pys,irum = dτ = vdt = dτ v (35) 1 v2 /2. Poton in Rotating Frame Radial Diretion Consider, on te oter and, a poton in te lab wit a irumferential speed omponent of v = ωr. One migt expet tis to travel along a purely radial diretion in te rotating frame, and it does, as we prove at te end of tis appendix. Note tat te radial veloity omponent in te lab must be 1 v 2 / 2 in order for te poton to ave speed along its diretion of travel in te lab. Te energy and momentum in te rotating frame for tis poton may be found in parallel fasion to tat for te lab purely radial diretion poton above. Starting wit te pysial 4 momentum in te lab we find pâ = p α = 1 v2 / 2 v f 1 v2 / 2 p A = p α = 1 v2 / 2 R v (1 v 2 / 2 ) f 1 v2 / 2 vr pa = f 1 v2 / 2 1 R v pˆα = (1 v 2 / 2 ) f 1 v2 / 2 1 v2 / 2v As a ek, one an see tat p 2 = in bot frames, as it must. Te differenes in pysial values of energy and momentum between te lab and rotating frames are seond order. And toug te poton as purely radial diretion of travel in te rotating frame, it as a irumferential momentum omponent in tat frame[29]. We an ten, as before, determine te pysial 4 displaement in time dt in te lab, onvert to oordinate displaement, transform to te rotating frame, and find te pysial omponents in tat frame. dxâ = dx α = dt 1 v 2 / 2 dt vdt dt 1 v 2 / 2 dt dxa = dxˆα = dt 1 v 2 / 2 dt v R dt 1 v 2 / 2 dt 1 v 2 / 2 dt Tus, we see tat te 3 veloity in te rotating frame as only a omponent in te radial diretion v ligt,pys,irum = 1 v 2 / 2 dt dτ as asserted, and tis agrees wit te earlier result (27).. (36) (37) =, (38) 11

12 Referenes [1] Robert D. Klauber, New perspetives on te relatively rotating disk and non-time-ortogonal referene frames, Found. Pys. Lett. 11(5), (Ot 1998), gr-q/1376 [2] Robert D. Klauber, Comments regarding reent artiles on relativistially rotating frames, Am. J. Pys. 67(2), ( Feb 1999), gr-q/ [3] Robert D. Klauber, Non-time-ortogonality and tests of speial relativity, gr-q/623. [4] Ref [1], Setion 4.3, pp [5] Ref. [1], Setion 6, pp [6] Ref. [3], Setion 5. [7] Neil Asby, Relativisti Effets in te Global Positioning System, 15 t Intl. Conf. Gen. Rel. and Gravitation, Pune, India (De 15-21, 1997), available at See pp [8] Neil Asby, Relativity and te Global Positioning System, Pys. Today, May 22, See pg 44. [9] Robert D. Klauber, Non-time-ortogonal referene frames in te teory of relativity, gr-q/5121, setion II. [1] Ref. [1], pg. 425, eq. (19) modified by te time dilation fator disussed in te subsequent paragraps terein to yield pysial veloity, and pg. 43, eq. (33). [11] David Halliday and Robert Resnik, Fundamentals of Pysis (Jon Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974), p te autors employ different symbols from tose of Table 1. For example, tey use v as te wave veloity witin te medium, wereas we use v m. Tey also sow tat te wavelengt in Case 2 of Table 1 is sorter tan tat of Case 1, wereas we empasize tat in Galilean teory a wave as te same lengt for te observer and te soure frames in ea ase. [12] Ibid., pp [13] Herbert E. Ives and G. R. Stilwell, An Experimental Study of te Rate of a Moving Atomi Clok, J. Opt. So. Am. 28(7), (July 1938). An Experimental Study of te Rate of Moving Atomi Clok II, J. Opt. So. Am. B 31, (May 1941). [14] Paul Langevin, Relativité Sur l experiene de Sagna, Aademie des sienes omptes rendus des seanes., Vol. 25, (2 Aug 1937.) [15] Ref [7], for one. [16] Ref. [1], Setion 4.1, pp [17] Carles W. Misner, Kip S. Torne, and Jon Aribald Weeler, Gravitation (W. H. Freeman and Co., New York, 1973), Cap. 19, p [18] Robert D. Klauber, Generalized Tensor Analysis Metod and te Wilson and Wilson Experiment, grq/1735 (21). See Setion 2.1 and Appendix A terein for more detailed presentation of te pysial relevane of ontravariant and ovariant omponents in non-ortonormal oordinates. [19] Te texts listed below are among tose tat disuss pysial vetor and tensor omponents (te values one measures in experiment) and te relationsip between tem and oordinate omponents (te matematial values tat depend on te generalized oordinate system being used.) For a vetor tis relationsip is is uˆµ = g µµ u µ were te aret overte index indiates a pysial vetoromponent and underlining implies no summation. See I.S. Sokolnikoff, Tensor Analysis, (Wiley & Sons, 1951) pp. 8, , 25; G.E. Hay, Vetor and Tensor Analysis, (Dover, 1953) pp ; A. J. MConnell, Appliation of Tensor Analysis, (Dover, 1947) pp ; Carl E. Pearson, Handbook of Applied Matematis, (Van Nostrand Reinold, nd ed.), pp ; Murry R. Spiegel, Saum s Outline of Vetor Analysis, (Saum) pg. 172; Robert C. Wrede, Introdution to Vetor and Tensor Analysis, (Dover 1972), pp

13 [2] L. E. Malvern, Introdution to te Meanis of a Continuous Medium (Prentie-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1969), Appendix I, Se. 5, p [21] Ref. [17]. Pysial omponents are introdued on pg. 37, and used in many plaes trougout te text, e.g. pp Note, owever, tat te autors onfine teir explanation and use of pysial omponents to te speial ase of time ortogonal systems. As noted on page 66 in Ref.[2], te definitions presented in te present artile are appliable to any oordinate system, ortogonal or non-ortogonal, and redue to tose of Ref. [17] for ortogonal oordinates. [22] Robert D. Klauber, Pysial Components, Coordinate Components, and te Speed of Ligt, grq/1571, (21). [23] Y. C. Fung, Foundations of Solid Meanis (Prentie-Hall, In., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1965), p.53. [24] Ref. [1], Setions and 5.1, and Ref. [9], Setion 5. [25] A. Brillet and J. L. Hall, Improved laser test of te isotropy of spae, Pys. Rev. Lett., 42(9), (1979). [26] Saoguang Cen and Baoeng Liu, A New Metod for Inspet Spatial Isotropy, Peking University, ttp:// Experimental Test of te Isotropy of Two-way Speed of Ligt, Peking University, ttp:// 97e59.tml. Te web sites ited ontain only abstrats. Te full reports may only be publised in te Cinese language. Te autors note experimental verifiation of isotropy of ligt frequeny for f/f of 1X1 18. [27] Te Cen and Liu tests were for two way ligt transmission, wereas te present artile addresses one way transmission from soure to observer. It is also not apparent weter te test apparatus rotated relative to te eart fixed referene frame or te eart frame rotation was used to rotate te apparatus relative to te eavens. Tis is relevant as NTO analysis predits te effets desribed erein only for true rotating frames (in wi angular veloity and entrifugal aeleration may be sensed) su as te eart fixed frame. NTO analysis predits no differene from traditional time-ortogonal relativity teory for gravitational orbits (in wi neiter angular orbital veloity nor entrifugal aeleration may be sensed.) See ref. [1], setion 6. [28] See ref. [1] Setions 3.3.3, 4.3.1, and 5.1. [29] Te two ases evaluated in Appendix B suggest tat momentum in te inertial lab frame as, to first order, a ertain absolute quality to it wit respet to rotating frames. Tis as a parallel in non-relativisti meanis were te angular momentum of a rotating body (integral of (ωr x r)dm) alulated in te lab is also te angular momentum seen in te rotating frame of te body itself. Tis implies linear momentum ωrdm is te same non-relativistially in bot frames as well. Tis agrees wit findings of ref. [1], setion for a massive partile fixed to te disk. Te analysis erein terefore appears onsistent in te low veloity limit wit lassial dynamis. 13

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