arxiv: v1 [physics.gen-ph] 5 Jan 2018

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1 The Real Quaternion Relativity Viktor Ariel arxiv: v1 [physis.gen-ph] 5 Jan 2018 In this work, we use real quaternions and the basi onept of the final speed of light in an attempt to enhane the standard desription of speial relativity. First, we demonstrate that it is possible to introdue a quaternion time domain where a oordinate point is desribed by a quaternion time. We show that the time measurement is a funtion of the observer loation, even for stationary frames of referene. We introdue a moving observer, whih leads to the traditional Lorentz relation for the time interval. We show that the present approah an be used in stationary, moving, or rotating frames of referene, unlike the traditional speial relativity, whih applies only to the inertial moving frames. Then, we use the quaternion formulation of spae-time and mass-energy equivalene to extend the quaternion relativity to spae, mass, and energy. We demonstrate that the transition between the partile and observer referene frames is equivalent to spae inversion and an be desribed mathematially by quaternion onjugation. On the other hand, physial measurements are desribed by the quaternion norm and onsequently are independent of the quaternion onjugation, whih seems to be the quaternion formulation of the relativity priniple. I. INTRODUCTION William Rowan Hamilton, who invented quaternions [1], one famously observed how the One of Time, of Spae the Three, might in the hain of symbols girdled be [2]. It appears that he antiipated the modern fourdimensional spae-time based on his quaternion disovery. Unfortunately, the quaternion approah was not used by Einstein while developing the speial theory of relativity[3] despite apparent advantages of using quaternions over Minkowski s four-vetors [4]. Bi-quaternions were applied to speial relativity [5] and showed initial promise in developing a unified field theory [6], however bi-quaternions do not form a division algebra and onsequently lead to mathematial diffiulties. It was shown that it is possible to use the finite speed of light propagation and the Doppler effet for an alternative mathematial derivation of the relativity equations [7]. Previously, we used the real quaternions for the time and mass by a heuristi omparison between the Minkowski s and quaternion mathematial formulations [4]. In this work, we use the basi priniple of the finite speed of light propagation and the algebra of real quaternions to derive the priniple of relativity. First, we define the quaternion time domain and a stationary-lok referene system where a lok is loated at the zero-point of a three-dimensional time vetor. We introdue a stationary observer, whih an reord the lok time signals using a wath resulting in salar time interval measurements. We demonstrate that there is a time delay between the signal sent by the lok and the signal reorded by the observer due to the final speed of light propagation from the lok to the observer. While this result is expeted, we show that the real quaternions form a beautiful mathematial formalism for the desription of the underlying Thanks to: Prof. Leon Altshul for helpful disussions phenomena. Applying the above approah to a moving observer together with a quaternion definition of the veloity results in the relativisti Lorentz relation for time. We show that the experimental time measurements are expressed mathematially by the quaternion norm and onsequently are independent of the quaternion onjugation, whih seems to be the mathematial statement of the priniple of relativity. We show that the same quaternion approah an be applied to the treatment of partile mass. Finally, we extend the quaternion relativity desription to spae and energy using the quaternion spae-time and mass-energy equivalene. II. QUATERNION TIME AND SPACE-TIME EQUIVALENCE Let us onsider aquaternion time domain with a salar lok, t 0, loated at the zero-point of a three-dimensional oordinatesystem, ( x 1 /, x 2 /, x 3 /), asshowninfig.1. Here, is the speed oflight in vauum, whih we onsider a salar onstant. The quaternion notation used in this work is presented in the appendix. Sine the lok is stationary and loated at the zeropoint of the oordinate system, we all this system - the lok referene frame. Then, an arbitrary point loated in our quaternion time domain is desribed mathematially by the real quaternion oordinates, t = t 0 + x. (1) Note that one we defined the lok referene system, we introdued an asymmetry into the desription of the three-dimensional spae domain, sine now every point in spae will reeive the lok signal in the future due to the finite speed of light propagation. Also, note that x/ in (1) desribes the time of light signal propagation from the lok to the spae oordinate x, thus only at

2 2 FIG. 1. Define the quaternion time domain with the lok loated at the zero-point. FIG. 3. A stationary observer in the lok referene frame. FIG. 2. Adding an observer at the zero-point of the time domain. the zero-point one an potentially measure the aurate time of the lok. Let us plae an observer at the same loation as the lok, whih is the zero-point of the lok referene system, as an be seen in Fig. 2. Sine the distane between the observer and the lok is zero, the observer an measure the salar time of the lok instantaneously resulting in the aurate salar time measurement of the lok, t = t 0. In general, any observer at the zero-point measures salar time quantities only. For example if t 01 and t 02 are two lok signals at the zero-point, the observer an measure the salar time interval, δt 0 = t 02 t 01. (2) Let us now plae a stationary observer at a quaternion loation t, while the lok remains at the zero-point, as in Fig. 3. Let us assume that the observer has a wath loated at the exatly the same loation as the observer and whih is perfetly synhronized with the zero-point lok. We hoose the diretion of vetor x aording to the diretion of light propagation from the lok to the observer. Thus, the observer looking at the zero-point lok FIG. 4. In the observer referene frame, the loation of the lok is inverted in omparison with the lok referene frame. and simultaneously heking the wath will see two different times due to the delay in light propagation from the lok to the observer. Thus, the observer has two simultaneous time measurements: a salar time image reeived from the zero-point lok, t 0, and a salar time measured on the observer wath, t, reorded when the signal t 0 arrives at the observer loation. Therefore, the observer an alulate the time interval of the light propagation from the lok to the observer. Assuming that the time quaternion at the observer is desribed by (1), while the quaternion at the lok is a salar given by t = t 0, we alulate the quaternion time interval, δt = t t 0 = t 0 + x t 0 = x, (3) whih is the time vetor of light propagation. Clearly, the measured time interval should be a salar independent ofthe diretionoflightpropagationand onlyafuntion of the distane between the lok and the observer. Therefore, we assume that the measured time interval is desribed by the salar norm of the quaternion (3), δt = t t 0 = δt δt = x 2 2 = x. (4)

3 3 Thus, we obtained a salar time differene between the lok and the wath due to the finite time of light propagation between the lok and the observer. For example, onsider a lok hanging on a kithen wall while the observer is 3m away. The measured time differene between the kithen lok and the observer s wath will be 10ns, whih an be easily reorded by a modern measuring instrument. We an introdue several synhronized loks at various distanes from the observer resulting in different time interval measurements by the observer. Therefore, it would be onvenient to introdue the observer referene frame. Let us then repeat the previous experiment in the observer frame, where the observer with a wath is loated at the zero-point, while the vetor oordinate system is the same as in the lok frame, as seen in Fig. 4. Now, theobserverlooksatthewathandseesthetime, t 0, while simultaneously looking at the lok and reording the time, t < t 0. Note that the loation of the lok is desribed by the vetor, x/, and the time on the lok is desribed by a onjugate time quaternion, t = t 0 x. (5) Note that the salar time on the observer wath, t 0, orresponds to the zero-point loation of the observer in the observer frame. This leads to a onjugate quaternion time differene, δt = t 0 x t 0 = x. (6) Again, we assume that the measured time interval is desribed by the quaternion norm of (6) giving the same experimental measurement as in the lok referene frame, δt = δt δt x 2 = δtδt = 2 = x. (7) As expeted, we measured the same time differene in both stationary frames of referene and expressed it by (4) and (7). Also note that we an use the time interval in (4) and (7) to alulate the distane between the lok and observer, x = δt. It appears from (5) and (6) that the observer referene frame introdues an asymmetry in the time domain, sine the observer always reeives the time signals from the past. To emphasize, an observer in the observer referene frame is always the last one to observe all the available lok signals from the universe. Also in our quaternion formulation, the lok and observer referene frames are not mathematially equivalent sine we need to perform spae inversion in transition from one to another. If we use regular quaternions in the lok referene frame, we need to use onjugate quaternions for the time intervals in the observer referene frame. Therefore, by introduing a lok and an observer we reated a fundamental FIG. 5. Time interval at the stationary observer loation is the same as at the zero-point. asymmetry in the time domain due to the finite speed of signal propagation. It seems possible to say that a lokobserver pair reates asymmetri quaternion arrows of time as in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. We assume that there are no additional experimental unertainties and measurement delays, whih results in the equal sign in (7) and everywhere else in this work. This is learly a very optimisti assumption and in pratie we should expet experimental time delays. Therefore, we assume that all the expressions in this work are the optimal values obtained under the ideal measurement onditions. Letusnowonsiderthe measurementofatime interval between two different time signals from the zero-point lok, δt 0 = t 02 t 01, as seen in Fig. 5. In the lok referene frame, the time signals at the observer loation are desribed by quaternions, t 1 = t 01 + x (8) t 2 = t 02 + x Notethatforastationaryobserverthetimevetorsofthe two quaternions in (8) are the same. The measurement of the quaternion time interval by the observer using (8) will result in, δt = t 02 t 01 + x x = t 02 t 01 = δt. (9) Therefore, the time interval measured by the observer is the same as the time interval at the lok due to the anellation of the light propagation delay for a stationary observer. Let us now onsider a moving observer, whih during the lok time interval, δt 0 = t 02 t 01, moved by a spae interval, δ x = x 2 x 1, as shown in Fig. 6. We an define the initial and final quaternion time values as in (8), however, the initial and final vetor times are no longer the same,

4 4 FIG. 6. The observer is moving relative to the stationary lok loated at the zero-point. FIG. 7. In the observer referene frame, the movement of the lok is inverted in omparison with the lok referene frame and is desribed by onjugate quaternions. t 1 = t 01 + x 1 t 2 = t 02 + x 2 (10) We an now define the quaternion time interval at the moving observer using (10), δt = t 2 t 1 = t 02 t 01 + x 2 x 1 = δt 0 + δx. (11) Let us define the average quaternion veloity of the moving observer [4] during the time interval δt as, v = δ x δt. (12) Note that in (12) we used the fat that the quaternion division is well defined in the real quaternion algebra. We an now express the observer time interval δt in the lok referene frame using (11) and (12), δx δt = δt 0 + = δt 0 + vδt. (13) Thus, we obtained a reursive quaternion relation that desribes the time interval in terms of its zero-point value together with the vetor displaement, whih is expressed in terms of the same time interval and veloity. We an onsider the vetor displaement as a orretion to the measured time interval whih is a funtion of the normalized veloity β = v/. Note that we did not make any assumptions about the diretion of the veloity, therefore, the quaternion interval in (13) seems to desribe both the translational and rotational types of motion. We an now repeat the experiment in the observer referene frame where the lok is moving, as shown in Fig. 7. As an be seen in the figure, the lok is moving in the opposite diretion from the observer. This is ertainly expeted sine a stationary lok on a train platform, as seen by an observer loated on the train, moves in the opposite diretion to the movement of the train. Therefore, we an desribe the quaternion time interval at the moving lok similar to (13) but using a onjugate quaternion time interval, δx δt = δt 0 = δt 0 vδt. (14) As usual, the result of the experiment should not depend on the referene frame and should provide the same value of the time interval in the lok and observer referene frames. Furthermore, the measurement should not depend on the vetor diretion but only on its absolute value. Therefore, we expet that the measured time interval depends on the quaternion norm only, δt 2 = δt δt = δt δx2 2 = δt v2 δt 2 2. (15) This leads to the traditional form of the Lorentz relation for the moving time interval in both the lok and observer referene frames, δt 0 δt =. (16) 1 v2 2 While the Lorentz relation (16) is similar to the result of the traditional speial relativity, we showed here that the time dilation in (16) is fundamentally related to the basi onept of the finite speed of light and an be derived using the algebra of real quaternions. While it is possible to laim, based on (16), that the time is different in different moving frames of referene, it seems more physially aurate to say the time measurement depends on the relative position and movement between the observer and the lok.

5 5 To summarize, we expressed the time by real quaternions in the lok referene frame and by onjugate quaternions in the observer referene frame. The measured time and time intervals depend on the loation and relative movement between the lok and observer but independent of the frame of referene. We use quaternions to desribe time and time intervals in the lok referene frame and we use onjugate quaternions in the observer frame. The measured time intervals are desribed by the quaternion norm and onsequently are the same in the lok and in the observer referene frames. We an formulate the quaternion priniple of relativity by saying that quaternion onjugation desribes the transition between the lok and observer referene frames, while the quaternion norm desribes the measurements, whih implies that the measurements are independent of the referene frames. We did not us the assumption of the inertial frames of referene, unlike in Einstein s relativity, therefore our quaternion approah seems suitable for the desription of relativity in arbitrary frames of referene: stationary, moving, or rotating. FIG. 8. Quaternion representation of the mass of a body in the body referene frame. III. QUATERNION SPACE-TIME AND MASS-ENERGY EQUIVALENCE Our quaternion time domain an be visualized as a map desribing how long it takes for the time signal to propagate from the lok zero-point to the urrent spae loation. We have a lear mehanism for distane interval measurements δx = δt using loks and observers from (4), (7), and (16). Therefore, we an multiply our time quaternions by the speed of light and obtain the definition of the quaternion spae in both the lok and observer referene frames, s = t = t 0 + x (17) s = t = t 0 x Thus, (17) an be viewed as a mathematial expression of the quaternion spae-time equivalene due to the fat that distanes an always be measured with loks and observers. The most ommon pratial example of this equivalene it the modern global positioning system. Let us onsider a free partile with a zero-point mass, m 0, and a vetor momentum p. Then, we an introdue a quaternion mass domain [4] using the same approah as we applied to time intervals, namely we modify the zero-point mass by a relativisti mass orretion, whih depends on the ratio of the veloity to the speed of light, m = m 0 + p = m 0 + mv m = m 0 p = m 0 mv (18) FIG. 9. Quaternion representation of mass in the observer referene frame. The result is represented in the partiles referene frame together with a moving observer in Fig. 8, while the partile is shown in the observer frame in Fig. 9. In (18), we used the quaternion definition of the partile momentum, p = mv [4]. Similar to the quaternion time, we use a regular quaternion for the mass desription in the partile frame, while we use a onjugate mass quaternion in the observer referene frame. This seems justified beause of the spae inversion and the hange in the quaternion veloity diretion in (18) between the partile and the observer frames. Note that the partile mass measured in the observer frame is equal to the zero-point mass, m 0, while it is equal to m for a moving observer. We assume that, m, is expressed by the norm of the quaternion mass and is the same in the partile and observer frames and an be alulated from, m 2 = m m = m p2 2 = m2 0 + v2 2m2. (19) The Lorentz relation for the mass of a moving partile is easily obtained from (19),

6 6 m = m 0 1 v2 2. (20) Therefore, the Lorentz relation in the mass domain applies to the absolute value of the partile mass similar to time intervals in the time domain (16). Let us now onsider a quaternion mass-energy equivalene and define the total energy, ǫ, of a free partile, ǫ = m 2 = m p (21) ǫ = m 2 = m 0 2 p Here, we an define the zero-point partile energy as ǫ 0 = m 0 2. The measured salar value of the quaternion energy an be alulated from the squared norm, frames of referene. By using a moving observer, we derived the traditional Lorentz relations for the time intervals and free partile mass. We demonstrated that the present approah an be used in stationary, moving, or rotating frames of referene unlike the traditional speial relativity, whih only works for the inertial frames of referene. We extended the quaternion relativisti approah to spae, mass, and energy using the onepts of quaternion spae-time and mass-energy equivalene. We demonstrated that if we use regular quaternions in the partile frame of referene, we need to use onjugate quaternions in the observer frame. Therefore, spae inversion is used in transition between the frames of referene, whih is mathematially equivalent to quaternion onjugation. On the other hand, the measured results are based on the quaternion norm and onsequently are independent of the quaternion onjugation. This appears to be the mathematial statement of the quaternion relativity priniple. ǫ 2 = m p 2 2, (22) whih we reognize as the relativisti energy-momentum dispersion relation for a free partile. Assuming relatively large zero-point energy, we an approximate the differene between the moving free partile energy and its zero-point value, δǫ = ǫ ǫ 0 = ǫ 20 + p2 2 ǫ 0 p2 2m 0, (23) whih is the lassial kineti energy of the partile. Thus, we were able to define the quaternion mass and mass-energy equivalene by using real quaternions and the basi priniple of the finite speed of light. V. APPENDIX In this work, a real quaternion, a, and its onjugate, ā, are written in terms of a salar, a 0, and an imaginary vetor, a, { a = a 0 + a = a 0 + i 1 a 1 + i 2 a 2 + i 3 a 3 ā = a 0 a = a 0 i 1 a 1 i 2 a 2 i 3 a 3 (24) The Eulidian imaginary vetor basis is defined aording to Hamilton [1] as i 2 1 = i 2 2 = i 2 3 = i 1 i 2 i 3 = 1. The Eulidean norm of a quaternion is a salar quantity defined in terms of the quaternion inner produt as, IV. CONCLUSIONS In this work, we used the basi onept of the finite speed of light propagation and the real quaternion mathematial formalism to derive an enhaned formulation of the speial relativity. We show that this approah leads to different time measurements for different loations of the lok and observer even in stationary a = a = a ā = ā a. (25) In general, we write quaternions using bold haraters and quaternion absolute values and salars as regular haraters. We use the vetor sign above vetors similar to Gibbs-Heaviside notation, however, all vetors in this work are onsidered imaginary as originally intended by Hamilton. [1] W.R. Hamilton, On a new speies of Imaginary Quantities onneted with the Theory of Quaternions, Pro. Roy. Irish Aad. 2, 424 (1843). [2] Quoted in R. P. Graves, Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, (1882). [3] A. Einstein, Zur elektrodynamik bewegter Krper, Annalen der Physik 322 (10), 891 (1905). [4] V. Ariel, arxiv: [physis.gen-ph], (2017). [5] L. Silberstein, Quaternioni form of relativity, Phil. Mag.24, 790 (1912). [6] V. Gsponer, J-P. Hurni, arxiv:math-ph/ , (2009). [7] M. Morioni, Speial theory of relativity through the Doppler effet, European Journal of Physis, Volume 27, Number 6 (2006).

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