arxiv:gr-qc/ v7 14 Dec 2003

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1 Propagation of light in non-inertial referene frames Vesselin Petkov Siene College, Conordia University 1455 De Maisonneuve Boulevard West Montreal, Quebe, Canada H3G 1M8 arxiv:gr-q/ v7 14 De Deember 003 Abstrat It is shown that the omplete desription of the propagation of light in a gravitational field and in non-inertial referene frames in general requires an average oordinate and an average proper veloity of light. The need for an average oordinate veloity of light in non-inertial frames is demonstrated by onsidering the propagation of two vertial light rays in the Einstein elevator in addition to the horiontal ray originally disussed by Einstein. As an average proper veloity of light is impliitly used in the Shapiro time delay as shown in the Appendix it is expliitly derived and it is shown that for a round trip of a light signal between two points in a gravitational field the Shapiro time delay not only depends on whih point it is measured at, but in the ase of a parallel gravitational field it is not always a delay effet. The propagation of light in rotating frames the Sagna effet is also disussed and an expression for the oordinate veloity of light is derived. The use of this oordinate veloity naturally explains why an observer on a rotating disk finds that two light signals emitted from a point on the rim of the disk and propagating in opposite diretions along the rim do not arrive simultaneously at the same point. 1 Introdution One of the fundamental fats of modern physis is the onstany of the speed of light. Einstein regarded it as one of the two postulates on whih speial relativity is based. So far, however, little attention has been paid to the status of this postulate when teahing speial relativity. It turns out that the onstany of the speed of light is a diret onsequene of the relativity priniple, not an independent postulate. To see this let us onsider the two postulates of speial relativity as formulated by Einstein in his 1905 paper On the eletrodynamis of moving bodies : the same laws of eletrodynamis and optis will be valid for all frames of referene for whih the equations of mehanis hold good. We will raise this onjeture the purport of whih will hereafter be alled the Priniple of Relativity to the status of a postulate, and also introdue another postulate, whih is only apparently irreonilable with the former, namely, that light is always propagated in empty spae with a definite veloity whih is independent of the state of the motion of the emitting body [1]. As the priniple of relativity states that the laws of physis are the same in all inertial referene frames and the onstany of the speed of light means that the speed of light is the same in all inertial referene frames regardless of the motion of the soure or the observer it follow that the seond postulate is indeed a onsequene of the first - the law desribing the propagation of light is the same for all inertial observers. This beomes even learer if it is taken into aount that the relativity priniple is a statement of the impossibility to detet absolute motion. Sine all inertial observers moving with onstant veloity are ompletely equivalent none is in absolute motion aording to the priniple of relativity, they all observe the same phenomena and desribe them by using the same laws of physis. Therefore it does follow that light should propagate with the same speed in all inertial frames; otherwise, if an inertial observer found 1

2 that the speed of light were not in his referene frame, that observer would say that he deteted his absolute motion. That all inertial observers are equivalent is also seen from the fat that they are represented by geodesi worldlines whih in the ase of flat spaetime are straight worldlines. However, when an observer is aelerating his worldline is not geodesi not a straight worldline in flat spaetime. Therefore, aelerated motion, unlike motion with onstant veloity, is absolute - there is an absolute differene between a geodesi and a non-geodesi worldline. This means that the laws of physis in inertial and non-inertial referene frames are not the same. An immediate onsequene is that the speed of light is not onstant in non-inertial frames - a non-inertial observer an detet his aelerated motion by using light signals. It is preisely this orollary of speial relativity that reeived little attention in the ourses and books on relativity. In fat, that orollary is regularly used but sine it is done impliitly onfusions are not always avoided. For instane, an observer in Einstein s thought experiment [3] involving an aelerating elevator an disover his aelerated motion by the defletion of a light ray from its horiontal path. An observer in a rotating referene frame, a rotating disk for example, an detet the disk aelerated motion also by using light: light signals emitted from a point M in opposite diretions along the rim of the disk do not arrive at the same time at M this is the so alled Sagna effet []. It is expliitly stated in general relativity that the loal speed of light is always, whih implies that the speed of light along a finite distane is not neessarily. However, up to now no average veloity of light propagating between two points has been defined. Before introduing suh a veloity let us onsider several examples that demonstrate the need for it. Einstein s thought experiment [3] involving an elevator at rest in a parallel [4] gravitational field of strength g and an elevator aelerating with an aeleration a = g was designed to demonstrate the equivalene of the non-inertial referene frames N g elevator at rest in the gravitational field and N a elevator aelerating in spae devoid of gravity. Einstein alled this equivalene the priniple of equivalene: it is not possible by experiment to distinguish between the non-inertial frames N a and N g whih means that all physial phenomena look the same in N a and N g. Therefore if a horiontal light ray propagating in N a bends, a horiontal light ray propagating in N g should bend as well. Although even introdutory physis textbooks [5]-[8] have started to disuss Einstein s elevator experiment an obvious question has been overlooked: Are light rays propagating in an elevator in a vertial diretion parallel and anti-parallel to a or g also affeted by the aelerated motion of the elevator or its being in a gravitational field? The answer to this question requires the introdution of an average oordinate veloity of light whih turns out to be different from in the ase of vertial light rays see Figure 1 and the detailed disussion in Setion. It should be stressed that it is the average oordinate veloity of light between two points that is different from ; the loal speed of light measured at a point is always. A seond average veloity of light - an average proper veloity of light - is required for the explanation of the Shapiro time delay [9], [10]. It also turns out not to be always. The fat that it takes more time for a light signal to travel between two points P and Q in a gravitational field than between the same points in flat spaetime as determined by an observer at one of the points indiates that the average veloity of light between the two points is smaller than. As the proper time of the observer is used in measuring that veloity it seems appropriate to all it average proper veloity of light. Unlike the average oordinate veloity the average proper veloity of light between two points depends on whih point it is measured at. This fat onfirms the dependene of the Shapiro time delay on the point where it is measured and shows, as we shall see in Setion 3, that in the ase of a parallel gravitational field it is not always a delay effet in suh a field the average proper veloity of light is defined in terms of both the proper distane and proper time of an observer. A light signal will be delayed only if it is measured at a point P that is farther from the gravitating mass produing the parallel field; if it is measured at the other point Q, loser to the mass, it will take less time for the signal to travel the same distane whih shows that the average proper veloity of the signal determined at Q is greater than that measured at P and greater than. Due to the alulation of the average veloities of light in N a and N g to verify their agreement with the equivalene priniple only a parallel gravitational field will be onsidered in Setions and 3. That is why

3 the expressions for the average light veloities will be derived for this ase. Their generalied expressions for the ase of the Shwarshild metri and other metris an be easily obtained see Appendix. Setion 4 deals with the propagation of light in a rotating frame. In the ase of light signals propagating in opposite diretions along the rim of a rotating disk only the introdution of a oordinate veloity depending on the entripetal aeleration of the disk an explain why an observer on the disk disovers that the light signals do not arrive at the same time at the soure point. The introdution of the average veloities of light also sheds some light on a subtle feature of the propagation of light in the viinity of a massive body - whether or not light falls in its gravitational field. The partile aspet of light seems to entail that a photon, like any other partile, should fall in a gravitational field due to the mass orresponding to its energy; the defletion of light by a massive body appears to support suh a view. And indeed this view is sometimes impliitly or expliitly expressed in papers and books although the orret explanation is given in some books on general relativity see for instane [11]-[13]. It has been reently laimed that the issue of whether or not a harge falling in a gravitational field radiates an be resolved by assuming that the harge s eletromagneti field is also falling [14]. An eletromagneti field falling in a gravitational field, however, implies that light falls in the gravitational field as well. Even Einstein and Infeld appear to suggest that as a light beam has mass on aount of its energy it will fall in a gravitational field: A beam of light will bend in a gravitational field exatly as a body would if thrown horiontally with a veloity equal to that of light [3]. This omparison is not quite preise sine the vertial omponent of the veloity of the body will inrease as it falls whereas the veloity of the falling light beam is dereasing for a non-inertial observer supported in a gravitational field, as we shall see below. Statements suh as a beam of light will aelerate in a gravitational field, just like objets that have mass and therefore near the surfae of the earth, light will fall with an aeleration of 9.81 m/s have found their way in introdutory physis textbooks [5]. It will be shown in Setion 3 that during its fall in a gravitational field light is slowing down - a negative aeleration of 9.81 m/s is dereasing its veloity at a point P near the Earth s surfae as seen from another point above or below P. Average oordinate veloity of light Why the average veloity of light between two points in a gravitational field is not generally equal to an be most learly shown by onsidering two extra light rays parallel and anti-parallel to the gravitational aeleration g in the Einstein thought experiment involving an elevator at rest in the Earth s gravitational field Figure 1. g A r D B δ = 1 gt = gr / B r C Figure 1 - Propagation of light in the Einstein elevator at rest in a parallel gravitational field. 3

4 Three light rays are emitted simultaneously in the elevator whih is at rest in the non-inertial referene frame N g. Two rays are emitted from points A and C towards point B and the third light ray is following the null path from D, spatially direted along onstant towards B, to B. The emission of the three rays is also simultaneous in the loal Lorent inertial frame I whih is momentarily at rest with respet to N g at the moment the light rays are emitted I and N g have a ommon instantaneous three-dimensional spae at this moment and therefore ommon simultaneity. At the next moment, as I starts to fall in the gravitational field, it will appear to an observer in I that the elevator moves upwards with an aeleration g = g. Therefore as seen from I the three light rays will arrive simultaneously not at point B, but at B sine for the time t = r/ the elevator moves from I s viewpoint at a distane δ = gt / = gr /. As the simultaneous arrival of the three rays at point B is an absolute observer-independent fat due to its being a single event, it follows that the rays arrive simultaneously at B as seen from N g as well. Sine for the same oordinate time t = r/ in N g the three light rays travel different distanes DB r, AB = r + δ, and CB = r δ before arriving simultaneously at B an observer in N g onludes to within terms [15] that the average veloity of the light ray propagating from A to B is slightly greater than g AB = r + δ t 1 + gr. The average veloity g CB of the light ray propagating from C to B is slightly smaller than g CB = r δ t 1 gr. It is easily seen that to within terms the average veloity of light between A and B is equal to that between A and B, i.e. g AB = g AB and also g CB = g CB : and g AB = r t δ/ = g CB = r t gt / = 1 gr/ 1 + gr r t + δ/ 1 gr. As the average veloities 1 and are not determined with respet to a speifi point sine the oordinate time t is involved in their alulation, it is lear that 1 and represent the average oordinate veloities of light between the points A and B and C and B, respetively. These expressions for the average oordinate veloity of light in N g an be also obtained from the oordinate veloity of light at a point in a parallel gravitational field. In suh a field proper and oordinate times do not oinide whereas proper and oordinate distanes are the same [17] as follows from the standard spaetime interval in a parallel gravitational field [18] ds = whih an be also written as [18, p. 173] 1 + g dt dx dy d ds = 1 + g dt dx dy d. 3 Note that due to the existene of a horion at = /g [18, pp. 169, ] there are onstraints on the sie of non-inertial referene frames aelerated or at rest in a parallel gravitational field whih are represented by the metri 3. If the origin of N g is hanged, say to B = 0 See Figure 1, the horion moves to = /g B. The oordinate veloity of light at a point an be obtained from 3 for ds = 0 g d dt = ± 1 + g 4 1 = ± 1 + g. 4

5 The + and signs are for light propagating along or against +, respetively. Therefore, the oordinate veloity of light at a point is loally isotropi in the diretion. It is lear that the oordinate veloity 4 annot beome negative due to the onstraints on the sie of non-inertial frames whih ensure that < /g [18, pp. 169, 17]. As seen from 4 the oordinate veloity of light is a funtion of whih shows that we an alulate the average oordinate veloity between A and B by taking an average over the distane from A to B. As g is not only ontinuous on the interval [ A, B ] for < /g, but is also a linear funtion of, we an write g AB = 1 B g d = 1 + g B B A A + gr, 5 where we took into aount that A = B + r. When the oordinate origin is at point B B = 0 the expression 5 oinides with 1. The oordinate veloity of light g is also ontinuous on the interval [t A, t B ], but in order to alulate g AB by taking an average of the veloity of light over the time of its propagation from A to B we should find the dependene of on t. From 3 we an write for ds = 0: d = 1 + g dt. By integrating and keeping only the terms proportional to we find that = t whih shows that g is also linear in t to within terms proportional to : g t = ± 1 + gt. Therefore for the average oordinate veloity of light between points A and B we have: g AB = 1 tb t B t A = 1 t B t A g 1 dt = t A t B t A 1 + gt dt = tb t A tb t A 1 + g dt 1 + g B + gr, 6 where the magnitude of g was used and it was taken into aount that A = B + r and A = t A and B = t B. As expeted this expression oinides with 5 and for B = 0 is equal to 1. The fat that g is linear in both and t to within terms makes it possible to alulate the average oordinate veloity of light propagating between A and B See Figure 1 by using the values of g only at the end points A and B: and as A = B + r g AB = 1 g A + g B = 1 [ 1 + g A g ] B g AB = 1 + g B + gr. 7 This expression oinides with the expressions for g AB in 5 and 6. For the average oordinate veloity of light propagating between B and C we obtain g BC = 1 + g B gr sine C = B r. As noted above when the oordinate origin is at point B B = 0 the expressions 7 and 8 oinide with 1 and. 8 5

6 The average oordinate veloities 7 and 8 orretly desribe the propagation of light in N g yielding the right expression δ = gr / See Figure 1. It should be stressed that without these average oordinate veloities the fat that the light rays emitted from A and C arrive not at B, but at B annot be explained. As a oordinate veloity, the average oordinate veloity of light is not determined with respet to a speifi point and depends on the hoie of the oordinate origin. Also, it is the same for light propagating from A to B and for light travelling in the opposite diretion, i.e. g AB = g BA. Therefore, like the oordinate veloity 4 the average oordinate veloity is also isotropi. Notie, however, that the average oordinate veloity of light is isotropi in a sense that the average light veloity between two points is the same in both diretions. But as seen from 7 and 8 the average oordinate veloity of light between different pairs of points, whose points are the same distane apart, is different. As a result, as seen in Figure 1, the light ray emitted at A arrives at B before the light ray emitted at C. In an elevator at rest in the non-inertial referene frame N a aelerating with an aeleration a = a, where the metri is [18, p. 173] ds = 1 + a dt dx dy d, 9 the expressions for the average oordinate veloity of light between A and B and B and C, respetively, are a AB = 1 + a B + ar 10 and a BC = 1 + a B ar 11 in agreement with the equivalene priniple. 3 Average proper veloity of light The average oordinate veloity of light explains the propagation of light in the Einstein elevator and in non-inertial referene frames in general, but annot be used in a situation where the average light veloity between two points say a soure and an observation point is determined with respet to one of the points. Suh situations our in the Shapiro time delay. As the loal veloity of light is the average veloity of light between a soure and an observation point depends on whih of the two points is regarded as a referene point with respet to whih the average veloity is determined at the referene point the loal veloity of light is always. The dependene of the average veloity on whih point is hosen as a referene point demonstrates that that veloity is anisotropi. This anisotropi veloity an be regarded as an average proper veloity of light sine it is determined with respet to a given point and therefore its alulation involves the proper time at that point. It is also defined in terms of the proper distane as determined by an observer at the same point in the ase of a parallel gravitational field. Consider a light soure at point B See Figure 1. To alulate the average proper veloity of light originating from B and observed at A that is, as seen from A we have to determine the initial veloity of a light signal at B and its final veloity at A, both with respet to A. As the loal veloity of light is the final veloity of the light signal determined at A is obviously. Noting that in a parallel gravitational field proper and oordinate distanes are the same [17] we an determine the initial veloity of the light signal at B as seen from A g B = d B = d B dt dτ A dt dτ A where d B /dt = g B is the oordinate veloity of light 4 at B g B = 1 + g B 6

7 and dτ A = ds A / is the proper time for an observer with onstant spatial oordinates at A dτ A = 1 + g A dt. As A = B + r and g A / < 1 sine for any value of in N g there is a restrition < /g for the oordinate time dt we have to within terms dt 1 g A dτ A = 1 g B gr dτ A. Then for the initial veloity g B at B as seen from A we obtain g B = 1 + g B 1 g B gr or keeping only the terms g B = 1 gr. 1 Therefore an observer at A will determine that a light signal is emitted at B with the veloity 1 and during the time of its journey towards A away from the Earth s surfae will aelerate with an aeleration g and will arrive at A with a veloity exatly equal to. For the average proper veloity g BA = 1/g B + of light propagating from B to A as seen from A we have g BA as seen from A = 1 gr. 13 As the loal veloity of light at A measured at A is it follows that if a light signal propagates from A towards B its initial veloity at A is, its final veloity at B is 1 and therefore, as seen from A, it is subjeted to a negative aeleration g and will slow down as it falls in the Earth s gravitational field. This shows that the average proper speed g AB as seen from A of a light signal emitted at A with the initial veloity and arriving at B with the final veloity 1 will be equal to the average proper speed g BA as seen from A of a light signal propagating from B towards A. Thus, as seen from A, the bak and forth average proper speeds of light travelling between A and B are the same. Now let us determine the average proper veloity of light between B and A with respet to point B. A light signal emitted at B as seen from B will have an initial loal veloity there. The final veloity of the signal at A as seen from B will be g A = d A = d A dτ B dt dt dτ B where d A /dt = g A is the oordinate veloity of light at A g A = 1 + g A and dτ B is the proper time at B dτ B = 1 + g B dt. Then as A = B + r we obtain for the veloity of light at A as determined from B g A = 1 + gr. 14 Using 14 the average proper veloity of light propagating from B to A as determined from B beomes g BA as seen from B = 1 + gr. 15 7

8 If a light signal propagates from A to B its average proper speed g AB as seen from B will be equal to g BA as seen from B - the average proper speed of light propagating from B to A. This demonstrates that for an observer at B a light signal emitted from B with a veloity will aelerate towards A with an aeleration g and will arrive there with the final veloity 14. As determined by the B-observer a light signal emitted from A with the initial veloity 14 will be slowing down with g as it falls in the Earth s gravitational field and will arrive at B with a final veloity exatly equal to. Therefore an observer at B will agree with an observer at A that a light signal will aelerate with an aeleration g on its way from B to A and will deelerate while falling in the Earth s gravitational field during its propagation from A to B but disagree on the veloity of light at the points A and B. Comparing 13 and 15 demonstrates that the two average proper speeds between the same points A and B are not equal and depend on where they are measured from. As we expeted the fat that the loal veloity of light at the referene point is makes the average proper veloity between two points dependant on where the referene point is. An immediate onsequene from here is that the Shapiro time delay does not always mean that it takes more time for light to travel a given distane in a parallel gravitational field than the time needed in flat spaetime. In the ase of a parallel gravitational field the Shapiro time effet for a round trip of a light signal propagating between A and B determined from point A will be indeed a delay effet: τ A = r 1 gr/ t flat 1 + gr, where t flat = r/ is the time for the round trip of light between A and B in flat spaetime. However, an observer at B will determine that it takes less time for a light signal to omplete the round trip between A and B: r τ B = 1 + gr/ t flat 1 gr. However, in the Shwarshild metri the Shapiro effet is always a delay effet sine the average proper speed of light in that metri is always smaller that as shown in the Appendix. The average proper veloity of light between A and B an be also obtained by using the average oordinate veloity of light 7 between the same points: g AB r t = 1 + g B + gr Let us alulate the average proper veloity of light propagating between A and B as determined from point A. This means that we will use A s proper time τ A = 1 + g A / t: g AB as seen from A = r = r t τ A t τ A Noting that r/ t is the average oordinate veloity 7 and A = B +r we have to within terms g AB as seen from A 1 + g B + gr 1 g A 1 gr whih oinides with 13. The alulation of the average proper veloity of light propagating between A and B, but as seen from B yields the same expression as 15: g AB as seen from B = r = r t τ B t τ B 1 + g B + gr 1 g B 1 + gr. As evident from 13 and 15 the average proper veloity of light emitted from a ommon soure and determined at different points around the soure is anisotropi in N g - if the observation point is above 8

9 the light soure the average proper speed of light is slightly smaller than and smaller than the average proper speed as determined from an observation point below the soure. If an observer at point B See Figure 1 determines the average proper veloities of light oming from A and C he will find that they are also anisotropi - the average proper veloity of light oming from A is greater than that emitted at C and therefore the light from A will arrive at B before the light from C provided that the two light signals from A and C are emitted simultaneously in N g. However, if the observer at B See Figure 1 determines the bak and forth average proper speeds of light propagating between A and B he finds that they are the same the bak and forth average proper speeds of light between B and C are also the same. The alulation of the average proper veloities of light in an aelerating frame N a gives: a BA as seen from A = 1 ar and a BA as seen from B = 1 + ar. where a= a is the frame s proper aeleration. 4 The Sagna effet The Sagna effet an de desribed as follows. Two light signals emitted from a point M on the rim of a rotating disk and propagating along its rim in opposite diretions will not arrive simultaneously at M. There still exist people who question speial relativity and their main argument has been this effet. They laim that for an observer on the rotating disk the speed of light is not onstant - that the Galilean law of veloity addition +v and v, where v is the orbital speed at a point on the disk rim should be used by the rotating observer in order to explain the time differene in the arrival of the two light signals at M. What makes suh laims even more persistent is the lak of a lear position on the issue of the speed of light in non-inertial referene frames. What speial relativity states is that the speed of light is onstant only in inertial referene frames - this onstany follows from the impossibility to detet absolute motion more preisely, it follows from the non-existene of absolute motion. Aelerated motion an be deteted and for this reason the oordinate veloity of light in non-inertial referene frames is a funtion of the proper aeleration of the frame. The rotating disk is a non-inertial referene frame and its aeleration an be deteted by different means inluding light signals. That is why it is not surprising that the oordinate veloity of light as determined on the disk depends on the entripetal aeleration of the disk. As we shall see below the oordinate veloity of light alulated on the disk is not a manifestation of the Galilean law of veloity addition. Consider two disks whose enters oinide. One of them is stationary, the other rotates with onstant angular veloity ω. As the stationary disk an be regarded as an inertial frame its metri is the Minkowski metri: ds = dt dx dy d. 16 To write the interval ds in polar oordinates we use the transformation By substituting 16 in 17 we get t = t x = R osφ y = R sin Φ =. 17 ds = dt dr R dφ d. 18 Let an observer on the rotating disk use the oordinates t, r, ϕ, and. The transformation between the oordinates on the stationary and on the rotating disk is obviously: t = t R = r Φ = ϕ + ωt =. 19 9

10 Time does not hange in this transformation sine the oordinate time on the rotating disk is given by the lok at its enter and this lok is at rest with respet to the inertial stationary disk [19]. By substituting 19 in 18 we obtain the metri on the rotating disk: ds = 1 ω r dt dr r dϕ ωr dtdϕ d. 0 As light propagates along null geodesis ds = 0 we an alulate the tangential oordinate veloity of light ϕ r dϕ/dt from 0 by taking into aount that dr = 0 and d = 0 for light propagating on the surfae of the rotating disk along its rim of radius r. First we have to determine dϕ/dt. From 0 we an write r dϕ dt dϕ + ωr dt 1 ω r = 0. The solution of this quadrati equation gives two values for dϕ/dt - one in the diretion in whih ϕ inreases +ϕ in the diretion of the rotation of the disk and the other in the opposite diretion ϕ: +ϕ dϕ = ω + dt r ; ϕ dϕ = ω dt r. Then for the tangential oordinate veloities +ϕ and ϕ we obtain and +ϕ dϕ +ϕ r = 1 ωr dt ϕ r ϕ dϕ = dt 1 + ωr 1. As seen from 1 and the tangential oordinate veloities +ϕ and ϕ are onstant for a given r whih means that 1 and also represent the average oordinate veloities of light. The oordinate speed of light propagating in the diretion of the rotation of the disk is smaller that the oordinate speed in the opposite diretion. This fat allows an observer on the rotating disk to explain why two light signals emitted from a point M on the disk rim and propagating along the rim in opposite diretions will not arrive simultaneously at M - as the oordinate speed of the light signal travelling against the disk rotation is greater that the speed of the other signal it will arrive at M first. The time it takes a light signal travelling along the rim of the disk in the diretion of its rotation to omplete one revolution is t +ϕ = πr +ϕ = πr 1 ωr/ = πr ωr. The time for the ompletion of one revolution by the light signal propagating in the opposite diretion is: t ϕ = πr ϕ = πr 1 + ωr/ = πr + ωr. The arrival of the two light signals at M is separated by the time interval: δt = t +ϕ t ϕ = 4πωr ω r. 3 The time differene 3 is aused by the different oordinate speeds of light in the +ϕ and ϕ diretions. Here it should be speifially stressed that +ϕ and ϕ are different from owing to the aelerated 10

11 motion rotation of the disk. In terms of the orbital veloity v = ωr it appears that the two tangential oordinate veloities an be written as a funtion of v +ϕ = 1 v = v; ϕ = 1 + v = + v, whih resemble the Galilean law of veloity addition. However it is ompletely lear that that resemblane is misleading - due to the entripetal normal aeleration a N = v /r the diretion of the orbital veloity onstantly hanges during the rotation of the disk whih means that +ϕ and ϕ depend on the normal aeleration of the disk: +ϕ an r = 1 4 and ϕ an r = As expeted the expressions 4 and 5 are similar to the average oordinate veloities 10 and 11 for B = 0 in a sense that all oordinate veloities depend on aeleration, not veloity. 5 Conlusions The paper revisits the question of the onstany of the speed of light by pointing out that it has two answers - the speed of light is onstant in all inertial referene frames but when determined in a non-inertial frame it depends on the frame s proper aeleration. It has been shown that the omplete desription of the propagation of light in non-inertial frames of referene requires an average oordinate and an average proper veloity of light. The need for an average oordinate veloity was demonstrated in the ase of Einstein s thought elevator experiment - to explain the fat that two light signals emitted from points A, and C in Figure 1 meet at B, not at B. It was also shown that an average proper veloity of light is impliitly used in the Shapiro time delay effet; when suh a veloity is expliitly defined it follows that in the ase of a parallel gravitational field the Shapiro effet is not always a delay effet. The Sagna effet was also revisited by defining the oordinate veloity of light in the non-inertial frame of the rotating disk. That veloity naturally explains the fat that two light signals emitted from a point on the rim of the rotating disk and propagating along its rim in opposite diretions do not arrive simultaneously at the same point. 6 Aknowledgments I would like to thank Mark Stukey for his onstrutive and helpful omments. 7 Appendix - Shapiro time delay Although it is reognied that the retardation of light the Shapiro time delay is aused by the redued speed of light in a gravitational field [1, pp. 196, 197], an expression for the average veloity of light has not been derived so far. Now we shall see that the introdution of an average proper veloity of light makes it possible for this effet to be alulated by using this veloity. It is the average proper veloity of light that is needed in the Shapiro time delay sine the time measured in this effet is the proper time at a given point. We shall onsider the treatment of the Shapiro time delay in [1, Se. 4.4]. A light in fat, a radio signal is emitted from the Earth at 1 < 0 whih propagates in the gravitational field of the Sun, is 11

12 refleted by a target planet at > 0, and travels bak to Earth. The path of the light signal parallel to the axis is approximated by a straight line [1, pp. 196]. The distane between this line and the Sun along the x axis is b. The total proper time from the emission of the light signal to its arrival bak on Earth is [1, pp. 197, 198]: τ = 1 GM 1 + b GM 3 ln + b b 1. 6 As the approximated distane between the Earth at 1 < 0 and the target planet at > 0 is + 1 we an define the average proper veloity of a light signal travelling that distane as determined on Earth: g 1 as seen from Earth = + 1 = + 1 τ Earth t t τ Earth = g 1 1, 7 1 GM 1 +b where g 1 = + 1 / t is the average oordinate veloity of light and it was taken into aount that τ Earth = 1 GM 1 + b is the proper time as measured on Earth and obtained from the Shwarshild metri the effet of the Earth s gravitational field is negleted. We have seen in Setion that the average oordinate veloity g 1 an be alulated either as an average over time or over distane, so g 1 1 = d, where = 1 GM + b is the oordinate veloity of light at a point in the ase of the Shwarshild metri. Then g 1 = = = t 1 GM d + b + 1 GM ln GM + 1 ln + b b 1 + b b 1 By substituting this expression for the average oordinate veloity of light in 7 we an obtain the average proper veloity of light in the Shwarshild metri: g GM 1 as seen from Earth = 1 1 GM + 1 ln + b b 1 1 +b. 1

13 or g 1 as seen from Earth For the total proper time τ = 1 + GM 1 + b GM + 1 ln + 1 g 1 as seen from Earth from the emission of the light signal to its arrival bak on Earth we have τ = GM 1 +b 1 GM + 1 ln +b + 1 +b 1 1 GM 1 + b GM 3 ln + b b 1 + b b 1 and 6 is reovered. The total proper time an be also written to within terms proportional to 3 as + 1 τ GM GM b 3 ln + b b 1 Referenes [1] H. A. Lorent, A. Einstein, H. Minkowski, and H. Weyl, The Priniple of Relativity, Dover, New York, 195, pp [] A whole volume has been reently devoted to the study of relativity in rotating frames: G. Rii and M. L. Ruggiero eds Relativity in a Rotating Frame, Kluwer, Dordreht, 003. [3] A. Einstein, L. Infeld, The Evolution of Physis, Simon and Shuster, New York, 1966, p. 1. [4] For the issues disussed in this paper it is suffiient to assume that the gravitational field in an elevator at rest on the Earth s surfae is a good approximation of a parallel gravitational field. [5] P. A. Tipler, Physis, Vol. 3, 4th ed. Freeman, New York, 1999, p. 17. [6] R. L. Reese, University Physis, Vol., Brooks/Cole, New York, 000, p [7] R. A. Serway, Physis, Vol., 4th ed. Saunders, Chiago, 1996, p [8] P. M. Fishbane, S. Gasiorowi, S. T. Thornton, Physis, Prentie Hall, New Jersey, 1993, p [9] I. I. Shapiro, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, [10] I. I. Shapiro, Phys. Rev. 141, [11] E. F. Taylor, J. A. Wheeler, Exploring Blak Holes: Introdution to General Relativity, Addison Wesley Longman, San Franiso, 000, p. E-1. [1] H. Ohanian and R. Ruffini, Gravitation and Spaetime, nd ed., W. W. Norton, New York, London, 1994, p [13] W. Rindler, Relativity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 001, p

14 [14] A. Harpa and N. Soker, Gen. Rel. Grav. 30, ; see also physis/ [15] The aeleration g of N g i.e. of the elevator is the third omponent a 3 of the frame s proper aeleration as measured in the instantaneous rest frame I. An observer in N g will feel the same aeleration g [13, p. 71]. More preisely, the aeleration will be exatly g only for an observer loated at the origin = 0 of N g. The omponents of the aeleration of stationary observers in N g are [16]: a 3 = Γ 3 00 dt/dτ = g/1 + g/ g 1 g/. It is easily seen that the dependene of a 3 on will appear in all expressions derived in this paper only in terms proportional to 4. As suh terms are negleted, throughout the paper g is onsidered onstant in N g with respet to the spatial and temporal oordinates. [16] J. B. Hartle, Gravity: An Introdution of Einstein s General Relativity, Addison Wesley, San Franiso, 003, p [17] W. Rindler, Am. J. Phys. 36, [18] C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne and J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman, San Franiso, 1973, p [19] R. A. Mould, Basi Relativity, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, p

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