arxiv: v2 [hep-th] 16 Mar 2017

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1 SLAC-PUB-6904 Angular Moentu Conservation Law in Light-Front Quantu Field Theory arxiv:70.07v [hep-th] 6 Mar 07 Kelly Yu-Ju Chiu and Stanley J. Brodsky SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94039, USA March 0, 07 Abstract We prove the Lorentz invariance of the angular oentu conservation law and the helicity su rule for relativistic coposite systes in the lightfront forulation. We explicitly show that j 3, the z-coponent of the angular oentu reains unchanged under Lorentz transforations generated by the light-front kineatical boost operators. The invariance of j 3 under Lorentz transforations is a feature unique to the front for. Applying the Lorentz invariance of the angular quantu nuber in the front for, we obtain a selection rule for the orbital angular oentu which can be used to eliinate certain interaction vertices in QED and QCD. We also generalize the selection rule to any renoralizable theory and show that there exists an upper bound on the change of orbital angular oentu in scattering processes at any fixed order in perturbation theory.

2 Introduction Understanding the angular oentu decoposition and helicity su rule for nucleons is of great interest in hadron physics. One of the difficulties in studying this proble is the non-uniqueness of the definition of relativistic spin [] [] [3]. To avoid this issue, nucleons are usually studied in a frae in which the nucleons ove along the z-direction such that helicity coincides with the z-projection of spin, since it is generally believed that the helicity and spin are not the sae in an arbitrary frae [4]. Since constituents in a bound state can ove in different directions, it is understood that for the Wick helicity spin states, there is no conservation law of helicity. Nonetheless, as we shall show in this paper, the z-coponent of the relativistic spin of a particle or bound state in the front for [5] is Lorentz invariant and always equal to its helicity. Furtherore, we will prove that for any coposite syste, helicity is conserved in any Lorentz frae. This is related to the fact that Lorentz transforations in the front for are generated by kineatical operators which leave the x + = 0 plane invariant, whereas boosts in the instant for are dynaical and the x 0 = 0 plane is changed under Lorentz transforations [6] [7] [8]. The invariance of spin in the front for provides selection rules for orbital angular oentu in interaction vertices and scattering processes in renoralizable theories. Exaples of the selection rules have been observed in [9] [0] []. The paper is organized as follows: In Section, we briefly reind the readers why spin in relativistic theories is nontrivial, and which are the different definitions of relativistic spin states generally used in the literature. In Section 3, we copare the dependence of the expectation value of spin operators on different choices of spin states, and show that the light-front spin choice is unique: the spin expectation value along the z-direction is always conserved under Lorentz transforations. We then give a general proof for the Lorentz invariance of angular oentu along the z-direction in the front for for both eleentary and coposite particles. In Section 4, we present a selection rule for the angular oentu in QED and QCD vertices by applying the light-front angular oentu conservation law. We also give an upper bound on the change of orbital angular oentu in scattering processes for renoralizable theories at any fixed order in perturbation theory. Conclusions are suarized in Section 5. For copleteness and clarity, we also include in Appendix (A) light-front conventions and a glossary of notations which we use, (B) derivation of lightfront spin representations, (C) relations between light-front spin operators, the covariant spin vector and the Pauli-Lubanski pseudovector.

3 Spin of Relativistic Particles In d = 3 + diensions, the Poincaré group has two Casiir operators, P = and W, where W µ = εµναβ P ν M αβ is the Pauli-Lubanski pseudovector. For a fixed oentu p µ, W µ is the generator of the little group, the axial subgroup of the Lorentz group which leaves p µ invariant. According to Wigner s theore, eleentary particles classified with and W transfor in unitary irreducible representations of the syetry group. In the following, we will construct the spin representations for both assive and assless eleentary particles, respectively. In both cases, we shall start with a standard reference frae in which the spin is unabiguously defined, and then apply Lorentz transforations to obtain the spin in any arbitrary Lorentz frae. Since the Lorentz transforation between two fraes is not unique, we then discuss the spin states defined by different choices of Lorentz transforations.. Massive eleentary particles For assive eleentary particles, the intuitive choice for the standard reference frae is the rest frae, in which the oentu is p µ [ ]. The Pauli-Lubanski pseudovector in this frae is 0 W µ = J [ ] 0 J = S i, i =,, 3, () J 3 where J i = L i + S i = ɛijk M jk are the total rotation generators in 3 diensions. S i are the spin generators, and the orbital generators L i do not contribute when particles are at rest. The Casiir W = (S i ) = s(s + ) is Poincaré invariant, and s is defined as the spin representation of a particle in a relativistic theory [] [3]. In the rest frae of a spin-s assive particle, the spin is uniquely labeled by s 3, the (s + ) eigenvalues along the z-direction, which we will use interchangeably with helicity λ: S 3 p; λ = s 3 = λ p; λ for λ = s, s +,..., 0,..., s, s. () Throughout this paper, we will reserve uppercase letters for operators, and use lowercase letters to denote the value of the operator acting on soe states. For exaple, the oentu operator on a oentu eigenstate is denoted by P µ p = p µ p. A full gloassary of sybols is given in Appendix A.. 3

4 Although the spin is well-defined in the particle s rest frae, the definition of spin for a particle in otion is convention dependent, since in fact a Lorentz transforation fro the rest frae p to a state p with oentu is not unique. Generally speaking, a particle with spin in the z-direction and s 3 = λ in its rest frae is not guaranteed to have the spin aligned in the z-direction when it is oving. Therefore, even though the helicity λ is a Lorentz invariant label of particles, it should not be identified with the z-coponent of spin for particles in otion. Nonetheless, as we will see in Section, there is a particular choice of Lorentz transforation under which, spin-projection along the z-direction is invariant, and helicity is equal to the z-coponent of spin in all Lorentz fraes. There are three popular choices of Lorentz transforations in the literature which give rise to different definitions of relativistic spin states [] [3] [4][5]:. Canonical spin Starting with the rest frae of a assive particle in which the spin is projected along the z-direction, the canonical spin states are obtained by first perforing a rotation fro the direction of p to the z-axis, followed by a boost along the z-direction to get the desired p, and finally a rotation fro the z-axis back to the 3-oentu direction p: p; λ c Λ c ( p p) p; s 3 = λ (3) = R(ẑ ˆp) B( p p 3 = p ) R (ẑ ˆp) p; s 3 = λ, (4) where R(ẑ ˆp) = e im φ e im 3θ p, φ = tan p, θ = (p ) + (p ) tan p 3 (5) and B( p p 3 = p ) = e im 03ρ p, ρ = tanh p 0. (6) Note that the action of Λ c is equivalent to a rotationless pure boost along the direction of the 3-oentu p. 4

5 The 4-vector representation of Λ c is given by [ (Λ c ) µ ν ( p p) = 0 i 0 i p 0 p i p i δij + pi p j (p 0 +) ] (7) = p 0 p p + p p (p 0 +) p p 3 p p p (p 0 +) p p + p p (p 0 +) (p 0 +) p 3 p (p 0 +) p 3 p p 3 (p 0 +) p p 3 (p 0 +) p 3 p + p3 p 3 (p 0 +) (p 0 +) with p 0 = p + for particles which are on-shell. Using Eq.(8), we see that for a particle polarized along the z-direction in its rest frae with the covariant spin 4-vector s µ = [ ], after perforing the canonical choice of Lorentz transforation, the spin in general will not be aligned with the 3-oentu p. In the low-energy liit ( p ), the canonical spin defined by Λ c is the natural choice since Λ c is soothly connected to the identity, and the spin is unchanged under Galilean boosts, as expected in non-relativistic physics.. Wick helicity spin Helicity states are defined such that the spin of the oving particle is parallel or anti-parallel to the direction of the 3-oentu p. Starting with a assive particle in the rest frae, helicity states are obtained by boosting along the z-direction to obtain the desired p, followed by a rotation fro the z-axis to the direction of p :, p; λ h Λ h ( p p) p; s 3 = λ (9) (8) = R(ẑ ˆp) B( p p 3 = p ) p; s 3 = λ, (0) A detailed discussion on the covariant spin vector and its relation to the Pauli-Lubanski pseudovector can be found in Appendix C.. 5

6 where R(ẑ ˆp) and B( p p 3 = p ) are defined in Eq.(5) and (6). Unlike the canonical choice, no rotation is perfored in the rest frae in the helicity choice before boosting in the z-direction. This ensures that the rest-frae spin vector which is pointed along the z-direction will be aligned with the 3-oentu p after the helicity boost. Helicity boost is related to the canonical boost 3 by Λ h ( p p) = Λ c ( p p)r(ẑ ˆp). The 4-vector representation of Λ h is given by (Λ h ) µ ν ( p p) = p p p p 3 p p 3 p p p p 3 p p p p p p p p 0 p p 0 p p p 0 p p p 0 p 3 p, () with p = (p ) = (p ) + (p ). Using Eq.(), it is obvious that for a particle polarized along the z- direction in its rest frae with the covariant spin spin 4-vector s µ = [ ], after the helicity boost, the spin will be aligned with the 3-oentu p. 3. Light-front spin Light-front states are defined using the light-front kineatical boost generators, M + and M +, which leaves the x + = 0 plane invariant; this is in contrast to the canonical or Wick helicity boost in the instant for, where boost generators are dynaical and the x 0 = 0 plane is changed under Lorentz transforations. Note that it is constructed such that the direction of spin in the particle s rest frae coincides with 3 For eleentary particles, any two choices of Lorentz transforations are related to each other by a pure rotation, known as the generalized Melosh rotation. The reason is the following. Assue there are two boosts, Λ A and Λ B, both of which transfor a particle at rest to a state with oentu p, and p µ = (Λ A ) µ ν pν = (Λ B ) µ ν pν. It then follows that p µ = ( Λ ) µ A ν pν = ( Λ ) µ A α (Λ B) α ν pν. Since p has vanishing space coponent, in order for the equality to hold, Λ A Λ B can only be a pure spatial rotation. 6

7 the light-front direction 4 ẑ, and as we will see, this choice akes the z-coponent of spin special in Lorentz transforations. Light-front states are obtained fro the rest frae of a assive particle by first boosting in the z-direction to obtain the desired p +, followed by a light-front transverse boost fro the z-axis to obtain the desired transverse oentu p : where p; λ L Λ L ( p p) p; s 3 = λ () The 4-vector representation of Λ L is given by = e im + θ e i M+ ω p; s 3 = λ (3) θ = p, =, (4) p + e ω = p +. (5) (Λ L ) µ ν ( p p) = + + p p p + p p p + p + p + p 0 0 p 0 0. (6) In the light-front boost, the paraeters (θ, ω) have siple connections 5 to the oentu p, in contrast to the canonical or helicity boosts, where paraeters (θ, φ, ρ) are non-linear functions of the oentu as in Eq. (5) and (6). We see that the light-front states are siilar to the Wick helicity states in the sense that the spin of the oving particle will be parallel or antiparallel to the light-front 3-oentu (p +, p ). 4 Light-front conventions which we use are listed in Appendix A. 5 This siplification occurs because kineatical generators of the Poincaré group on the lightfront are isoorphic to the syetry operators of non-relativistic quantu echanics in d = + diensions[6]. 7

8 We give a graphical illustration below on how a covariant spin 4-vector appears under the different choices of Lorentz transforations. In the exaple, we consider a assive particle traveling along the x direction with p µ = [ 0 3 E p 0 0 ]. The spin is originally polarized along the z-direction in the rest frae with s µ = [ ], as shown in Fig.. The spin states corresponding to the different choices of Lorentz transforations are illustrated in Fig.. Figure : Spin in the rest frae is aligned with the z-direction (a) Canonical spin s µ c (p) = (0, 0, 0, ) (b) Helicity spin (c) (p) = (p, E, 0, 0) s µ h Light-front spin p (p) = ( E, p, 0, E ) Figure : Different definitions of spin for a assive particle oving with oentu p µ = (E, p, 0, 0); only the spatial coponents of the covariant spin 4-vector are represented in the figures. The covariant spin vector s µ (p) is written in the (0,,, 3) coordinates. Note that in Fig.c the horizontal axis is the + direction. s µ L 8

9 . Massless eleentary particles Unlike the assive case, for assless particles, spin is not directly defined fro the eigenvalues of W. This is because the little group of the Poincaré group for assless particles is the non-copact isoetry group of the diensional Euclidean space ISO(), which does not adit finite-diensional unitary representations. However, particles are observed to have discrete spin quantu nubers in addition to oentu p. Thus, all non-copact generators of ISO() are neglected, and the reaining generators for a copact SO() group. For each spin-s irreducible representation of the SO() group, there are only two linearly independent polarization states with eigenvalues s and s, respectively. States corresponding to the two eigenvalues are referred to as the + and helicity states of assless particles, because the SO() generator points along the direction of p. Since spin states are labeled by the S 3 operator in the assive case, to be consistent, one defines spin in a frae in which the assless particle oves along the z-direction with oentu p µ [ 0 3 p 0 0 p ] so that the SO() group in this frae is generated by S 3. Spin states for assless particles are then labeled by S 3 p; λ = s 3 = λ p; λ for λ = ±s. (7) Now that we have defined the spin for assless particles oving along the z-direction, we can construct spin states for assless particles oving with arbitrary oentu p as we did in the assive case. However the canonical spin definition is not suitable for assless particles because it requires a rest frae fro which a pure boost is perfored and there is no rest frae for assless particles. In the following, we will discuss the reaining two choices of Lorentz transforations for assless particles.. Wick helicity spin Helicity spin states for assless particles are obtained by first boosting a state with oentu p in the z-direction to obtain the desired p, and then rotating fro the z-axis to the direction of p to have the desired the transverse oentu: p; λ h Λ h ( p p) p; s 3 = λ (8) = R(ẑ ˆp) B( p p 3 = p ) p; s 3 = λ, (9) 9

10 where R(ẑ ˆp) = e im φ e im 3θ p, φ = tan p, θ = p tan p 3 (0) and B( p p 3 = p ) = e im 03ρ, e ρ = p p. () The 4-vector representation of Λ h for assless particles is given by (Λ h ) µ ν ( p p) = p +( p) p p 0 0 p ( p ( p) ) p p p ( p ( p) ) p p p 3 ( p ( p) ) p p p p 3 p p p p 3 p p p p p p p p 0 p ( p) p p p ( p +( p) ) p p p ( p +( p) ) p p p 3 ( p +( p) ) p p. () Note that in general, p ( p) due to the non-unitarity of the boost operation. The above expression shows that after the helicity boost, the spin vector in the standard reference frae indeed transfors into a vector which points in the 3-oentu direction p.. Light-front spin Light-front spin states for assless particles are obtained by boosting p in the z-direction to obtain the desired p +, followed by a light-front transverse boost fro the z-axis to obtain the desired transverse oentu p. where p; λ L Λ L ( p p) p; s 3 = λ (3) =e im + θ e i M+ ω p; s 3 = λ (4) θ = p, =, p + (5) e ω = p p +. (6) 0

11 The 4-vector representation of Λ L for assless particles is given by (Λ L ) µ ν ( p p) = + + p + p p pp + p p p p + p + p + p p 0 0 p p 0 0. (7) Coparing Eq.(7) with Eq.(6), we see that in contrast to the helicity choice, the expressions of the light-front boost are alost identical for both assive and assless particles. The only difference is that in the assive case is replaced by p in the assless case. Reark A Using the explicit vector representation in Eq.() and (7), one finds that for assless particles, the spin vector defined by the Wick helicity boost points in the direction of the 3-oentu p, and the spin vector defined by the light-front boost points in the light-front 3-oentu (p +, p ). This is exactly what we found in the assive case. Therefore, we conclude that Λ h and Λ L can be used to define spin states for assive and assless particles for any oentu p. Reark B It is worth entioning that the assless spin- representation defined by the light-front boost preserves the light-cone gauge condition A + = 0 under Lorentz transforations 6. Thus, in contrast to other choices of Lorentz transforations where gauge conditions are generally not preserved, one can always choose the A + = 0 gauge condition in all Lorentz fraes. We also ephasize that the light-front Lorentz transforations are kineatical and leave the x + = 0 plane invariant, unlike the canonical or Wick helicity boosts. 6 The explicit light-front spin representations for spin- and spin- particles are given in Appendix B; the preservation of the A + = 0 condition is deonstrated in Eq. (4).

12 3 Conservation of Angular Moentu : A Property of the Light-front Lorentz Transforation In the last section, we have defined different choices of Lorentz transforations, which up to this point erely look like a preference of choices. However, as we will discover in this section, the light-front choice is advantageous and unique in that it provides frae-independent angular oentu conservation rules. We shall first study the action of different of Lorentz transforations on the spin. 3. Spin of particles in otion Why is light-front special? Let us start with a spin state pointed in the z-direction in a assive particle s rest frae: S i ( p) = p; λ = s3 S i p; λ = s 3 0 = λ 0, i =,, 3. (8) p; λ p; λ We then wish to find the spin of the particle when it is otion S i (p) = p; λ Si p; λ p; λ p; λ (9) C.. using different choices of Lorentz transforations. Note that S i (p) in Eq.(9) are the expectation values of spin operators on oving states. The 3-vector fored by S i (p) should not be confused with the spatial coponents of the covariant 7 spin 4-vector defined by the expectation value of the Pauli-Lubanski operator. The calculation can be done with the definitions of Lorentz transforations in Eq. (4), (0), (3) and the coutation relation ( [M αβ, M µν ] = i g αν M βµ + g βµ M αν g αµ M βν g βν M αµ). (30) Since the Lorentz algebra is representation independent, one can pick any representation to do the coputation without loss of generality. For exaple, let 7 A detailed discussion on the definition of the covariant spin vector can be found in Appendix

13 us consider the spin representation and the atrices given in Eq. (8) () and (6). We then obtain the following results 8 :. Canonical spin S i c (p) = c p; λ S i p; λ c c p; λ p; λ c = λ ( + p 0 ) p p 3 p p 3 ( + p 0 ) + p. (3) This shows the canonical spin is generally not aligned along the direction of otion, as we have already seen in Fig.a.. Wick helicity spin S i h (p) = h p; λ Si p; λ h h p; λ p; λ h = λ p p p. (3) p 3 The helicity spin points along the 3-oentu direction. For exaple, a photon oving in the x-direction has two states polarized along the x- axis; thus, S i= h (p) = ± in the helicity spin definition, as illustrated in Fig. b. Note however that S i=3 h (p) = λ p3 p λ, and therefore one cannot identify the z-coponent of spin with the helicty λ for particles in otion. 3. Light-front spin S i L (p) = L p; λ Si p; λ L L p; λ p; λ L = λ p p + p p +. (33) Reark C Note that for all three choices of Lorentz transforation, the nor of the spin expectation value for oving particles, S i (p), is not conserved, in contrast to the nonrelativistic case where spin is a 3-vector with unit nor. This is a consequence of the non-unitarity of the boost operation. Nevertheless, using the light-front definition, we find S i=3 L (p) = λ = s 3 and the spin projection along the light-front direction ẑ = ˆ3 in any Lorentz frae is always the sae as in the rest frae. Thus, s 3 is an invariant under the light-front choice of Lorentz transforation. 8 We have verified that the analogous calculation for assless particles using Eq. () and (7) yields the sae S i h (p) and S i L (p), whereas S i c (p) is well-defined only for assive particles. 3

14 Reark D In the non-relativistic regie where p, S i c (p) and S i L (p) reduces to the usual spin definition which is frae independent: S i c (p) = S i L (p) p 0 λ 0 = S i ( p). (34) Reark E On the other hand, in a reference frae where the observer oves with infinite oentu in the negative z-direction and p 3 p, the Wick helicity spin is S i h (p) p 3 p λ p p 3 p p 3. (35) Applying the usual identification of p 3 in the infinite oentu frae (IMF) with p + in the front for [6] [7], Eq. (35) becoes the sae as S i L (p) in Eq. (33). Therefore, the Wick helicity spin in the IMF is the sae as the lightfront spin, and the z-coponent of the Wick helicity spin reains invariant in the IMF. This is one of the ways that one can see the correspondence between the IMF and the front for. In suary, the light-front spin is powerful because: (i) it is applicable to both nonrelativistic and relativistic regies; (ii) one does not need the IMF to show that the spin along the z-direction is preserved. In the front for, S i=3 L (p) = λ = s 3 is true in all Lorentz fraes. The invariance of s 3 in the front for provides a great advantage for the angular oentu su rules for coposite systes, which we will explore in Section Invariance of light-front spin for eleentary particles In this section, we shall give a foral proof of the invariance of spin for eleentary particles under the light-front Lorentz transforation. Let us start by defining an operator SL 3 (p), which when acting on a lightfront state p; λ L gives s 3 the rest frae spin projection along the z-axis: Using the definition of the light-front spin state S 3 L(p) p; λ L = s 3 p; λ L. (36) p; λ L = Λ L ( p p) p; λ (37) 4

15 and one deduces where J 3 p; λ = s 3 p; λ, (38) SL(p) 3 = Λ L ( p p) J 3 Λ L ( p p). (39) Furtherore, we can express SL 3 (p) in ters of the Poincaré generators as9 SL(p) 3 = J 3 P P + M + + P P + M + (40) = J 3 P P + S+ + P P + S+ L 3 L(p), (4) L 3 L(p) = P P + L+ P P + L+, (4) and S µν and L µν are the spin and the orbital part of the Lorentz generators, respectively. We can now copute the total angular oentu for a oving particle J 3 L (p) = L p; λ J 3 p; λ L L p; λ p; λ. (43) L Rewriting Eq.(43) using Eq.(4) and (37), we have J 3 L (p) = S 3 L(p) + L p; λ P P + S + P P + S + p; λ L L p; λ p; λ L + L p; λ L3 L (p) p; λ L L p; λ p; λ L (44) We will show below that the last two ters in fact vanish, and then since J 3 L (p) = S 3 L (p) = s3, we prove the invariance of spin along the z-direction under light-front Lorentz transforations. In the second ter, the atrix p; λ S + p; λ L = p; λ Λ L ( p p) S+ Λ L ( p p) p; λ (45) = p; λ e i S+ ω S + e i S+ ω p; λ, with e ω = p + (46) = e ω p; λ S + p; λ (47) = 0. (48) 9 One can repeat the sae calculation for assless particles and obtain the sae expression. 5

16 The second line is obtained by using the definition of light-front boost in Eq. (3), along with [ S +, S +] = 0, and the fact that the spin and orbital Lorentz generators coute [ S µν, L αβ] = 0. The third line is due to the property that in the front for, the kineatical generators are invariant up to a scaling under a longitudinal boost, and e i S+ ω S + e i S+ ω = e ω S +. (49) To obtain the last line, recall that the state at rest p; λ is an eigenstate defined by the eigenvalues of J 3 as in Eq. (). Therefore the expectation values for all other Lorentz generators on p; λ vanish, and hence the last equality. The last ter can be siplified in the following way: L 3 L(p) = L p; λ L 3 L(p) p; λ L (50) = L p; λ i(p p ) p; λ p p L (5) = L p; λ L 3 p; λ L (5) L 3 L (p). (53) The second line is obtained by using the explicit for of L 3 L (p) in Eq.(4) and the fact any function of generator P µ on the oentu eigenstate satisfies f(p µ ) p = f(p µ ) p. The third equality is then obvious by noting that the oentu-space representation for the orbital angular oentu operator is L µν = i(p µ p ν ). p ν p µ Cobining Eq. (48) and (53), We obtain a siplified expression for Eq.(44): J 3 L (p) = S 3 L(p) + L 3 L (p). (54) Coparing this with usual expression for angular oentu conservation : J 3 L (p) = L p; λ J 3 p; λ L L p; λ p; λ L (55) = L p; λ ( S 3 + L 3) p; λ L L p; λ p; λ L (56) = S 3 L (p) + L 3 L (p), (57) we deduce S 3 L (p) = S 3 L(p) = s 3. (58) 6

17 Let us discuss the interpretation of L 3 L (p) for eleentary particles without internal structure. An eleentary particle with fixed oentu is described by a plane wave which is spread all over the space and carries no orbital angular oentu around a fixed point. It has also been shown with detailed wavepacket analysis in [] and [8] that this ter is regulated and contains no infinities and only depends on the particle s otion around a fixed center; thus, this ter has no applicability to the internal spin. We can thus neglect this ter and only discuss the intrinsic spin angular oentu for eleentary particles. Thus, we find J 3 L (p) = S 3 L (p) = s 3 = λ. (59) This proves the invariance of spin for eleentary particles in any Lorentz frae obtained by a light-front Lorentz transforation fro the particle s rest frae, the expectation value of the spin-projection operator along the z- direction is the sae as in the particle s rest frae. Reark F In the literature, people often say light-front spin or lightfront helicity is invariant. The accurate stateent should be: the spin along the z-direction defined by the light-front Lorentz transforation is preserved because J 3 L (p) = s 3 for all oentu p. Furtherore, since the helicity λ is equal to s 3 by definition, spin and helicity can thus be used interchangeably in the front for. Siilarly, in the operator level, since SL 3 (p) also gives the Lorentz-invariant z-coponent of spin for particles as in Eq.(59), it is often referred to as the light-front spin operator or light-front helicity operator [8] [9] [0]. In addition to SL 3 (p), one can also define the transverse lightfront spin operators SL (p) in analogy to Eq.(36). The relation between the light-front spin operators SL i (p) and the Pauli-Lubanski vector W µ is given in Appendix C.. Reark G One ay wonder whether the invariance of the z-projection of spin also occurs in the Wick helicity boost, which is defined siilarly to the light-front boost. The answer is yes, but only in the IMF liit[7]. To see this, we first construct Sh 3 (p) for the Wick helicity boost analogous to the light-front S 3 L (p): S 3 h (p) p; λ h = λ p; λ h. (60) This Wick helicity spin operator satisfies An explicit calculation gives Sh 3 (p) = Λ h( p p) J 3 Λ h ( p p). (6) S 3 h (p) = J i P i P, (6) 7

18 which is exactly the ordinary helicity operator. Even though s 3 = λ in the standard reference frae, in general S 3 h (p) Sh 3 (p) = λ for an arbitrary oentu p. Nevertheless, in the IMF where p, p p 3 p, S 3 h (p) p 3 p J 3 + P P 3 M 3 + P P 3 M 3. (63) Identifying p 3 in the IMF with p + in the front for, Eq.(63) becoes identical to SL 3 (p) in Eq.(40). We see that in the IMF the Wick helicity spin operator Sh 3(p) is the sae as the light-front spin operator S3 L (p) in the front for. Alternatively, one ay take p, p 0 in the IMF and find Sh 3(p) J 3. p,p 0 Both ways give S 3 h (p) = S3 L(p) = λ = s 3 (64) in the IMF. This explains why the z-projection of spin is preserved in the IMF, which we have already seen in Eq.(35). 3.3 Conservation of j 3 for coposite systes in the front for In this section, we shall generalize the proof to coposite systes and show that the z-coponent of the total angular oentu is conserved for any bound state in the front for. Bound states in the front for are defined at one instant of light-front tie x + = 0. As we will see, light-front bound state wavefunctions are in fact Poincaré invariant, in contrast to instant-for wavefunctions defined at x 0 = 0. A bound state with oentu p has the following light-front Fock state decoposition [0] p; j 3 L = [dx][d k ] ψ n (x a, ka, s 3 a) n; p a ; s 3 a L, s 3 a, (65) n with the Lorentz invariant integral easure [dx] = n a= dx a xa δ( n x a ) a= [d k ] = 6π 3 n a= d k a 6π 3 δ ( n ka ). (66) a= The total angular quantu nuber j 3 can be defined in the standard reference frae in which the bound state is at rest, analogous to the case of assive 8

19 eleentary particles in Section. n; p a ; s 3 a L denotes the n-particle Fock state; a labels the n constituents; s 3 a is the z-projection of the light-front spin for each of the constituents, which we have proved to be Lorentz invariant in the previous section. The light-front 3-oentu of constituent a is given by p + a = x a p + p a = x a p + k a. (67) The light-front energy of a constituent is given by p a = (p a ) + a, where a is the ass of the constituent. For a bound state, the light-front energy is given by p = (p ) + p +, where is the ass of the bound state. Note that n p because in light-front tie-ordered perturbation theory, particles a= p a are always on their ass shell, but off the energy conservation shell. Thus, it is sufficient to specify a bound state with the total light-front 3-oentu (p +, p ) of the bound state together with the internal variables (x a, ka ). It can be readily checked that (x a, ka ) are in fact Poincaré invariant, despite that (p + a, p a ) transfor covariantly under the light-front Lorentz transforation defined in Eq.(6). Since s 3 a is Lorentz invariant, the light-front wavefunction(lfwf) ψ n (x a, ka, s 3 a), which describes the internal structure of a bound state, is indeed independent of the observer s Lorentz frae as desired. We copute the total angular oentu along z-direction for each of the n-particle Fock state n; p a ; s 3 a at arbitrary oentu p: J 3 L (p) = L n; p a ; s 3 a J 3 n; p a ; s 3 a L L n; p a ; s 3 a n; p a ; s 3 a L (68) = = n a= n a= L n; p a ; s 3 a (S 3 a + L 3 a) n; p a ; s 3 a L L n; p a ; s 3 a n; p a ; s 3 a L (69) s 3 a + L n; p a ; s 3 a L 3 a n; p a ; s 3 a L L n; p a ; s 3 a n; p a ; s 3 a L. (70) We have used conservation of spin for eleentary constituents in Eq. (58) to obtain the last equality. We shall show below that not only s 3 a is Lorentz invariant, but the orbital angular oentu along the z-direction is also independent of the observer s Lorentz frae. We rewrite the orbital ter with the total transverse oentu p of the bound state and the n independent internal transverse p + a 9

20 oentu k []: n L n; p a ; s 3 a L 3 a n; p a ; s 3 a L (7) a= n = L n; p a ; s 3 a i(p a p a ) n; p a ; s 3 a L (7) a= p a p a = L n; p a ; s 3 a i(p p p p ) n; p a; s 3 a L L n; p a ; s 3 a i(ka n + a= k a k a k a ) n; p a ; s 3 a L. (73) The first ter in Eq.(73) corresponds to the orbital angular oentu due to total oentu of the coposite syste and is thus neglected due to its irrelevance to the internal structure. The second ter depends on the fraeindependent internal transverse oentu k a, and thus it gives the Lorentz invariant internal orbital angular oentu l 3 a for the constituents. Therefore, we deduce n L n; p a ; s 3 a L 3 a n; p a ; s 3 a L = a= n a= l 3 a L n; p a ; s 3 a n; p a ; s 3 a L. (74) Inserting Eq.(74) into Eq.(70), we find that the z-projection of the total angular oentu J 3 L (p) satisfies J 3 L (p) = j 3 = n a= n s 3 a + a= l 3 a. (75) Since s 3 a and la 3 are Lorentz invariant, J 3 L (p) = j 3 ust also be Lorentz invariant. This thus copletes the proof of the Lorentz invariance of the angular oentu conservation law. In suary, we have proved that, in the front for the internal angular quantu nuber j 3 is frae independent and is deterined only by the internal structure of the coposite syste. This is an iportant consequence that boosts are kineatical in the front for[5]. Due to its Lorentz invariance, this conservation law is rigorous and can be applied to any coposite syste at all oentu scales. 0

21 3.4 Alternative proof of j 3 conservation using Lorentz algebra in the front for The conservation of angular oentu for a coposite syste can be understood fro another perspective using the Lorentz algebra in the front for. In the front for, the action of the set of kineatical generators (M +, P +, M ) on M + is identical to its action on P up to a scaling. To see this, we copare with e im φ M + e im φ = cosφ M + sinφ ε M + (76) e i M+ ω M + e i M+ ω = e ω M + (77) e ip + x M + e ip + x = M +, (78) e im φ P e im φ = cosφ P sinφ ε P (79) e i M+ ω P e i M+ ω = P (80) e ip + x P e ip + x = P, (8) where ε = ε =, and, =,. The relations suggest that, when evaluating J 3 L (p) for a light-front spin state p; j L, which depends on the kineatical Lorentz generators M + and M +, the action of M + on the state should be the sae as the transverse translation generator P. Since a translation does not change a particle s angular oentu and the boost in the z-direction M + coutes with J 3, we deduce that the z- projection of the angular oentu is preserved in light-front boosts, and J 3 L (p) = j 3. This result is again a reflection that boosts in the front for are kineatical, in contrast to the instant for. In fact, this stateent can be generalized to all kineatical transforations in the front for any transforation generated by the kineatical subgroup of the Poincaré group leaves j 3 invariant in the front for. 4 Selection Rule for Orbital Angular Moentu in the Front For In this section, we apply the angular oentu conservation law in the lightfront forulation derived in Section 3.3 to present an explanation for the selection rule of the orbital angular oentu observed in [9][0]: in the n-th

22 order perturbative expansion of a renoralizable theory, the change of orbital angular oentu between the initial and final states in the front for is constrained by l 3 n. Recall that in nonrelativistic quantu echanics, a state s orbital angular oentu is changed by unit when it is acted on by the transverse circular oentu operator P R P + ip and P L P ip : This is true because and In general, P R l 3 l 3 + P L l 3 l 3 (8) [P R, J 3 ] = P R [P L, J 3 ] = P L (83) J 3 P R l 3 = (l 3 + ) P R l 3 P R l 3 l 3 + (84) J 3 P L l 3 = (l 3 ) P L l 3 P L l 3 l 3. (85) (P R ) n l 3 l 3 + n (P L ) n l 3 l 3 n. (86) It follows that, an interaction H I proportional to n powers of the transverse oentu P = (P, P ) can change a state s orbital angular oentu at ost by n: p, l H I p, l = 0, for l 3 n. (87) For relativistic quantu field theories in the instant for, the angular oentu in the z-direction generally changes under Lorentz transforation, and thus the above selection rule cannot be easily applied to relativistic systes in the instant for since l 3 is not Lorentz invariant. Nonetheless, in the front for, the angular oentu conservation law j 3 = n a= n s 3 a + a= l 3 a, (88) which we derived in Eq.(75) is frae independent. The quantu nubers (s 3, l 3, j 3 ) are in fact invariant under the light-front Lorentz transforations, and only depend on the internal angular structure of particles. Therefore, we can readily apply the orbital angular oentu selection rule in Eq.(87) to constrain the change of the orbital angular quantu nuber in interactions.

23 Specifically, in all renoralizable theories, since the interaction vertex H I only contains at ost one power of P, the change of orbital angular oentu is constrained by l 3 (89) at every vertex. This selection rule can be used to eliinate certain interaction vertices in QED and QCD. For exaple, in e e γ scattering, if the incoing electron line has s 3 in =, then it is not possible to have outgoing lines with s 3 out = s 3 e + s 3 γ = + + = + 3 because l3 = 3 in this case. One can also use the spin representations given in Appendix B to explicitly verify V ( + + ) = 0. Siilarly, in QCD, the 3-gluon interaction vertex V ( ++; l 3 = ) and the 4-gluon vertices V ( + + +; l 3 = 4), V ( + +; l 3 = ) and V ( ; l 3 = ) all vanish by the sae arguent. Furtherore, in the n-th order perturbative expansion, the change of between initial and final state orbital angular oentu is constrained by l 3 n. (90) This explains the vanishing aplitude M (+, +,..., +) 0 at tree level [9] [] : In n gluon scattering, the aplitude M (+, +,..., +) = M ( +...+) has s 3 = n +. Conservation of angular oentu in the z-direction then gives l 3 = (n+). At tree level, since there are only at ost n triple gluon vertices in this process and l 3 n, M (+, +,..., +) ust then vanish due to violation of the selection rule. 5 Discussion In this paper we have proved that the z-coponent of the total angular oentu of any syste is invariant under Lorentz transforations in the front for. In particular, we have deonstrated that for a bound state, the internal angular quantu nubers (j 3, s 3, l 3 ) which appear in the light-front wavefunctions are independent of the observer s Lorentz frae. In contrast to [7] [8] [5] [9] [0], where j 3 is understood as the eigenvalue of the light-front helicity operator, which is not a charge operator of the Lorentz syetry, we showed explicitly that in fact, j 3 also corresponds to the expectation value of the actual total angular oentu operator. This provides an explanation to the conservation of j 3, which has been iplicitly assued in [9] [0] []. 0 In this convention, all oenta are assued to be outgoing. 3

24 The conservation of j 3 is an iportant consequence of the fact that the light-front boosts are kineatical, which leave the x + = 0 quantization plane invariant. These quantu nubers can be applied to particles in the interediate states which are off-shell in the light-front energy p. Moreover, j 3 is conserved for any interediate states even though they are off-shell. In addition, we have shown that the A + = 0 light-front gauge condition is preserved under Lorentz transforations in the front for. Thus, one can consistently use light-front gauge in all Lorentz fraes, avoiding the redundant gauge degrees of freedo characteristic of covariant gauges. We applied the angular oentu conservation law and found an upper bound for the change of orbital angular oentu between initial and final states in scattering processes in a renoralizable theory, l 3 at every vertex and l 3 n in the n th order perturbative expansion. We also showed explicitly that this selection rule can be used to eliinate certain interaction vertices in QED and QCD scattering processes. In order to understand the specific features of the front for, we analyzed the spin states defined by different choices of Lorentz transforations and found that: (i) in the non-relativistic liit, light-front spin is identical to the canonical spin, and (ii) in the infinite oentu frae(imf) liit, the Wick helicity spin reduces to the light-front spin, which explains the conservation of helicity in the IMF. Thus, we conclude that the light-front spin is suitable for describing the spin structure of particles at all oentu scales. Acknowledgeents The authors would like to thank Peter Lowdon, Michael Peskin, Cedric Lorce, Qin Chang, and Andrew McLeod for useful discussions. This work was supported by the US Departent of Energy under contract DE AC0 76SF

25 Appendix A Notation A. Glossary of sybols Throughout the paper, we use uppercase letters to denote operators, and lowercase letters to denote the value of the operator acting on soe states. The SU() spin operators are S i, for i =,, 3. The average spin s i of a particle at rest is s S s i = s = s 3 s si S s i. (9) S 3 The average spin of a particle in otion is denoted by S i (p) = p; λ Si p; λ. (9) p; λ p; λ A relativistic spin state p; λ defined by a Lorentz transforation Λ fro the standard reference fraes in which spin is labeled along the z-direction by λ = s 3. For assive particles, the standard reference frae is the rest frae, and p; λ Λ( p p) p; s 3 = λ. (93) For assless particles, the standard reference frae is in which the particle oves along the z-direction so that the helicity coincides with the z-coponent of the spin p; λ Λ( p p) p; s 3 = λ. (94) There are three choices of Lorentz transforations in general use: canonical Λ c, helicity Λ h and light-front Λ L. Light-front spin operator or light-front helicity operators SL 3 (p) are defined by SL(p) 3 p; λ L = s 3 p; λ L, (95) such that the action of SL 3 (p) on a light-front spin state gives the rest-frae spin projection along the z-direction. As we have shown in Section 3, in fact SL 3 (p) = S3 L (p) = s 3, and the z-coponent of spin is conserved under Lorentz transforations. 5

26 A. LF conventions Light-front coordinates are defined by the light-front tie x + = x 0 + x 3 (96) and the corresponding longitudinal spacelike coordinate x = x 0 x 3. (97) The transverse coponents x and x are unchanged in the light-front coordinates, often denoted by x. Note that by putting c back into the expressions, in the non-relativistic regie when c, the light-front tie x + = x 0 + x3 c x0 is reduced to the ordinary tie. The etric tensor is g µν = , g µν = (98) For any 4 vecor v µ, in the light-front coordinates v µ = [ + v + v v v ], v µ = [ + v v + v v ]. (99) Lorentz invariant scalar product is p x = p x+ + p+ x p x p x. (00) p is defined as the light-front Hailtonian as it is ultiplied by x + the lightfront tie, p + is called the light-front longitudinal oentu for siilar reason, and p is the light-front transverse oentu vector. For particles on their ass shell, p = (p ) + p +. (0) Lorentz invariant integral easure is d p dp + (π) 3 p + = d 4 p (π) 4 θ(p+ ) (π)δ (p ) (0) 6

27 Poincaré generators can be classified into the kineatical subgroup which leaves the quantization plane at one instant of tie invariant, and the dynaical subgroup which involves evolution in tie and depends on interactions. In the instant for, the 6 kineatical generators which leave x 0 = 0 invariant are the translation generators P i and the rotation generators J i. In the front for, there are 7 kineatical generators under which x + = 0: translation: P +, P, =, (03) rotation in the x y plane: M (04) longitudinal boost: M + = M 03 (05) transverse boost: M + = M 0 + M 3, =, (06) The reaining 3 dynaical generators in the front for are Hailtonian: P (07) transverse rotation: M = M 0 M 3, =, (08) Note that as we have shown in Section 3, any transforation generated by the kineatical generators in the front for preserves j 3, the angular oentu in the z-direction. This is in contrast to the instant for, where j 3 generally even changes under rotations generated by the kineatical operators J i. Appendix B for Spin Representation in the Front In this section, we derive the front for representations for spin- and spin- particles. Due to Wigner s theore, under a Lorentz transforation Λ, a generic field φ s (x) with spin s transfors in the unitary irreducible representation Λ s : φ s (x) φ s(x) = Λ φ s (x) Λ (09) = Λ s φ s (Λ x). (0) The light-front ode expansion for φ s (x) reads: φ s (x) = d p dp + [ (π) 3 R s,λ (p)b λ (p)e ip x + R ] s,λ (p)d (p)eip x λ p + λ. () λ is as defined in Eq.() and (7) for assive and assless particles respectively. d λ (p) is the creation operator for particles and b λ(p) is the annihilation 7

28 operator for anti-particles. R s,λ (p) and R s,λ represent the spin dependence for the field. For exaple, R 0 (p) = for scalar particles, R,± (p) = ε µ ± (p) for assless photons, R,±(p) = u ±(p) for Dirac spinors, etc. Under Lorentz transforation in Eq.(0), d p dp + (π) 3 p + [ Λ s R s,λ (p)b λ (p)e i(λp) x + Λ s Rs,λ (p)d λ (p)ei(λp) x ], φ s(x) = λ () where we have used p (Λ x) = (Λp) x. For a state p; λ = (π) 3 p + b λ (p) 0 in the second quantized for, it has the corresponding first-quantized wavefunction given by 0 φ s (x) p; λ = R s,λ (p)e ip x. (3) Then, under a Lorentz transforation p Λ p = Λp, On the other hand, 0 φ s (x) Λp; λ = R s,λ (Λp)e i(λp) x. (4) 0 φ s (x)λ p; λ = 0 Λ φ s (x)λ p; λ (5) = 0 φ s(x) p; λ (6) = Λ s R s,λ (p)e i(λp) x. (7) The first equality is true by assuing the vacuu is Lorentz invariant and Λ 0 = 0. The second and third line are obtained using Eq.(09) and (). Equating Eq. (4) and (7), we derive the Lorentz transforation rule for the spin representation: R s,λ (Λp) = Λ s R s,λ (p). (8) In the following, we shall start with the spin representations in the standard reference frae, and apply this rule to obtain light-front spin representations for any oentu p. B. Spin- with 0 A assive spin- field has the ode expansion B µ (x) = d p dp + [ ] (π) 3 ε µ p + λ (p)a λ(p)e ip x + ε µ λ (p)a (p)eip x λ. λ=,0, 8 (9)

29 The standard reference frae for assive particles is the particle s rest frae defined in Eq.() with p µ = [ ]. The polarization vectors in this frae correspond to the eigenvectors of the little group SO(3) with λ = ±, 0: ε µ + ( p) = i εµ ( p) = i εµ 0 ( p) = (0) in the light-front coordinates. Applying the vector representation of the lightfront boost (Λ L ) µ ν ( p p) in Eq.(6), we find ε µ + (p) = + 0 p R p + i ε µ (p) = + 0 p L p + i ε µ 0 (p) = + p + p + p p (), where p R p +ip and p L p ip. ε µ + (p) and εµ (p) are soeties referred to as the right-handed and left-handed circular polarization respectively. B. Spin- with = 0 A assless spin- field has the ode expansion A µ (x) = λ=± d p dp + (π) 3 p + [ ε µ λ (p)a λ(p)e ip x + ε µ λ (p)a λ (p)eip x ]. () The standard reference frae for assless particles is defined in Eq.(7), in which a particle oves along the z-direction with p µ = [ + p ]. The polarization vectors in this frae are the eigenvectors of the little group 9

30 SO() with λ = ±: ε µ + ( p) = i ε µ ( p) = i (3) in the light-front coordinates. Applying the vector representation of the lightfront boost (Λ L ) µ ν ( p p) in Eq.(7), we find ε µ + (p) = + 0 p R p + i ε µ (p) = + 0 p L p + i (4) The above expressions are consistent with the transverse polarizations ɛ µ ± (p) obtained for assive particles in Eq.(). Note that the + coponent of the polarization vectors vanishes for all oentu p. Therefore, the light-front gauge condition A + = 0 is preserved under the light-front Lorentz transforation Λ L. This is in contrast to other choices of Lorentz transforations, under which a gauge condition is generally not preserved. B.3 Spin- Dirac spinors A Dirac spin- ψ(x) = λ=± ferion has the ode expension d p dp + (π) 3 p + [ u λ (p)b λ (p)e ip x + v λ (p)d λ (p)eip x ]. (5) Since both assive and assless Dirac ferions have two polarizations, the spin representations ust be consistent in both cases. We shall work with the assive case and obtain the expression for assless Dirac spinors by taking 0. In a assive Dirac ferion s rest frae, solutions to the Dirac equation correspond to eigenvectors of the SO(3) rotation group with λ =,, labeled 30

31 by and respectively: u ( p) = 0 0 u ( p) = v ( p) = The spinors are defined in the Dirac representation, where [ ] [ ] [ ] γ 0 0 = γ i 0 σ i = 0 σ i γ 5 0 = 0 0 v ( p) = (6) (7) The Lorentz transforations for spin- are generated by S µν = i 4 [γµ, γ ν ] = σµν. In the Dirac representation, the light-front boost generators are [ ] S + 0 σ 3 = i σ 3 S + = [ σ iσ ] 0 iσ σ S + = [ σ iσ ] iσ σ (8) Applying to the light-front boost in Eq.(3), we obtain the spin- representation p + + p L p + p L p R p + + p R p + + Λ L, ( p p) = 4p +, (9) p + p L p + + p L p R p + + p R p + + where p R = p + ip and p L = p ip. The light-front spinors at any oentu are thus given by [3] p + + p L p u (p) = R p p + p + u (p) = + + p + p L p R p + + (30) v (p) = p + p L p + p L p + v (p) = p + p + p R p + +. (3) p R 3

32 It is interesting that the light-front spinors are exactly what have been used in the field of scattering aplitudes []. Appendix C and Spin Pauli-Lubanski pseudovectors In this section, we derive the relations between the Pauli-Lubanski pseudovector and various relativistic expressions of spin. C. Covariant spin sector s µ (p) In nonrelativistic physics, for spin-s particles, the three coponents of a spin vector s i is defined as the expectation value of the the spin generators S i : s S s i = s = s 3 s si S s i. (3) S 3 In the ain text, we have chosen to label spin in the z-direction and set s = s = 0. But labeling spin with the other two axes will not affect the discussion as long as all the operators are redefined accordingly. The definition of a spin vector can be extended to relativistic systes via the Pauli-Lubanski pseudovector W µ = εµναβ P ν M αβ. (33) For a particle oving with oentu p, a relativistic spin vector s µ (p) is defined as s µ (p) = s p; s i W µ p; s i p; s i p; s i. (34) It is easy to check that the s µ (p) is consistent with the nonrelativistic spin vector s i by going to a assive particle s rest frae. In the rest frae, W µ is proportional to the SO(3) rotation generators as in Eq.(), and s µ ( p) = [ 0 0 i s si ]. (35) 3

33 Furtherore, s µ (p) transfors covariantly under Lorentz transforations: Under a Lorentz transforation Λ, Λ P µ Λ = (Λ) µ ν P ν and p Λ p = Λp. Since W µ satisfies W P = 0, W µ ust also transfor as a 4 vector: Then, the spin vector Λ W µ Λ = (Λ) µ ν W ν. (36) s µ (p) s µ (Λp) = s = s Λp; s i W µ Λp; s i Λp; s i Λp; s i p; s i (Λ) µ ν W ν p; s i Λp; s i Λp; s i (37) (38) = Λ µ ν s ν (p). (39) The last line is true because the state noralization is Lorentz invariant and Λp; s i Λp; s i = p; s i p; s i = p + (π) 3 δ 3 (0). We can thus obtain the spin vector in any frae by transforing it as a vector fro the rest frae. In the instant for, the covariant spin vector is naturally defined with the canonical choice of Lorentz transforation in Eq.(8) as it is soothly connected to identity in the nonrelativistic regie, and s µ c (p) = [ 0 p j s j i s i + pj s j p 0 + pi ] s (40) In the front for, the spin vector is defined with the light-front boost in Eq.(6), and s µ L (p) = + p + s 3 p s 3 + p s p + p + s + s 3 p C. Light-front spin operator S i L (p) s. (4) In addition to the light-front spin operator SL 3 (p) in the z-direction in Eq.( 36), one can also define transverse light-front spin operators SL (p) analogously such that they give s, the angular oentu projection along the transverse direction defined in the standard reference frae. We then have S i L(p) p; j i L = j i p; j i L (4) with SL(p) i = Λ L ( p p) J i Λ L ( p p), i =,, 3. (43) 33

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