V`mar. amá`godm nyd narjm nona n{hcm

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1 BH m Zm {_H gìh}, ^mav dzpñwvr Ahdmc, 2017 _hmamîq mmr Am{W H nmhur, OmJ{VH {dh mg Ahdmc, 2017 Am`nrgrgrMm _yë`m H Z Ahdmc, 2015 `yezsrnrmm _mzd {dh mg Ahdmc, 2016 AmXr AÚ`mdV àh mezm Mm gmnoj nam_e amá`godm nyd narjm nona n{hcm g nyu V`mar


3 O ur F ir Published By Sau. Shobhadevi Kshirsagar K Sagar Publications Suvarna Shilpa, 444/1 Shaniwar Peth, Adjacent to Rajmachikar Flour Mill, Near Dakshinabhimukhi Maruti Temple, Pune : , Fax : customer@ksagar.com sales@ksagar.com website : K'Sagar Publications, Pune : 2013 Thoroughly Revised Twenty-second Edition : 2019 ISBN The name K'Sagar is registered under the trade marks Act, 1999 Printed at Shiva-samartha Printers Dhayari, Pune Typesetting K'Sagar Publications, Pune Cover Design K'Sagar Publications, Pune Price : 650/- K'Sagar Book Centre Appa Balwant Chowk, Pune (020) / 63 K'Sagar's House of Books Satya-ganesh Sankul, 102, Budhwar Peth, Jogeshwari Mandir Lane, Pune (020) K'Sagar's House of Books 39/1, Durga Chambers, Jogeshwari Mandir Lane, Pune (020) m s Due care has been taken to ensure that the information provided in this book is correct. However, the authors and the publishers bear no responsibility for any damage resulting from any inadvertent omission or inaccuracy in the book.

4 gz 2012 _Ü`o _hmamîq cmoh godm Am`moJmZo amá`godm _w»` narjoà`m Aä`mgH«_mV Am{U ñdê nmvhr _yc^yv åhumdov Ago ~Xc KSdyZ AmUco. nmrmonmr JVdfu Am`moJmZo amá`godm nyd narjoà`m Aä`mgH«_mVhr H mhr Amdí`H ñdê nmà`m _yc^yv gwymaum Ho ë`m. AZoH m Zm Aä`mgH«_mVrc hm ~Xc YŠH mxm`h dmqcm Agcm Var {Zanoj ÑpîQH mozmvyz nmhÿ Joco AgVm hm ~Xc {dmmanyd H Ho cocm, {dym`h d A{YH Ý`mæ` ñdê nmmmm Agë`mMo {XgyZ `ovo. nyduà`m ghm KQH m Mm g_mdoe Agcoë`m gm_mý` j_vm MmMUr `m 200 àízm À`m d 200 JwUm À`m EH mm àízn{ìho EodOr AmnUmg AmVm Amnë`m ZmJar godm H cmmo _yë`_mnz H aumè`m XmoZ nong Mm gm_zm H amdm cmjuma Amho! darcn H s nona 1 À`m Aä`mgH«_mMo {dícofu Ho co AgVm ~ìh er nydummm Aä`mgH«_ Am`moJmZo A{YH gwñnîqnuo d A{YH VH gwg JV nõvrzo _m Së`mMo Amnë`m cjmv `ovo d Ago H arv AgVmZm Am`moJmZo gd {dúmemim À`m {dúmï`mªzm `Wm`mo½` Ý`m` {Xë`mMohr àh fm Zo OmUdVo. nona 1 À`m Aä`mgH«_mV amá`, amîq d Am VaamîQ r` ÑîQrZo _hîdmà`m Mmcy KSm_moSr, _hmamîq mà`m {deof g X^m gh ^mavmmm B{Vhmg d ^mavr` ñdmv Í` Midi, _hmamîq mmm, ^mavmmm d OJmMm ^yjmoc, amá` d amîq ñvamdarc amá` g ñwm d àemgz, Am{W H Am{U gm_m{oh {dh mg, dmvmdaur` nm[apñwvrh s d O d{d{dyvm Am{U gm_mý` {dkmz Aem gmv KQH m Mm g_mdoe Amho. `m EHy UM Aä`mgH«_mÀ`m H jm IynM {dñv V AgyZ hm Aä`mgH«_ {VVH mm gimochr Amho. H Ð cmoh godm Am`moJmÀ`m nyd narjovrc n{hë`m nonaà_muom `m nona_ü`ohr AmnUmg XmoZ VmgmV 200 JwUm À`m 100 àízm Mm gm_zm H amdm cmjvmo. àñvwvmm homa nmzm Zm JdgUr KmcUmam hm J«WamO amá`godm nyd narjoà`m n{hë`m nona_yrc gmvhr KQH m Mm gimoc, ì`mnh nu Ë`mMdoir narjm{^_wi nam_e KoUmam Amho. Aä`mgH«_mZwgma Am{U Aä`mgH«_mZwgmaM amzm Ho cocm Am{U Aä`mgH«_mg n[anyu Ý`m` XoUmam hm g X^ Am`moJmZo A JrH macoë`m Zì`m ÑpîQH mozmmr Am{U Am`moJmÀ`m àízm À`m Zì`m YVuMr OmU Am{U ^mz RodyZ gmh macm Amho. `m g X^m Vrc O d{d{dyvm `m àh aummr amzm H avmzm àh mezmà`m Añ_m{XH m Zr g ñh [av Ho coë`m àm. gw. à. XmVo `m À`m "àmh {VH ^yjmoc' `m g X^m Mm VX²dVM Sm. à_mox OmoJioH a `m À`m "AmYw{ZH ^mavmvrc {dkmz-v ÌkmZ' `m J«WmMm _wšv g X^ KoVcm Amho. Ë`m Mo G U `owo ì`šv H auo _r AJË`mMo _mzvmo. `m J«WmÀ`m coizmg Am{U àh mezmg H mhrgm {dc ~ Pmcm Agcm Var XOm, JwUdÎmm d Cn`wŠVVm `m À`mer VSOmoS Z H aê`mà`m Ho 'gmjar` AÅhmgmVyZM Vmo Pmcocm Amho, ho _mpo {dúm{w {_Ì {ZpíMVM Ü`mZr KoVrc. ew^oànm gh!! Amncm, ìhr. Eg. jragmja (K Sagar)

5 1. àmmrz ^mavmmm B{Vhmg qgyy g ñh Vr O Z d ~m Õ Y_ d îud d e d n W _m ` gm_«má` JwßV gm_«má` àmmrz ^mavmvrc gm{hë` d H cm d {XH g ñh Vr ~«m U`wJ _JY gîmomm CX` ew J, gmvdmhz d Hw emu MmcwŠ`, amîq Hy Q, nëcd d Mmoc 2. _Ü``wJrZ ^mavmmm B{Vhmg {Xëcr gëvzv {do`zja d ~hm_zr gm_«má` _amrr gîmm ^pšvn W d gw\ sn W _mojc gm_«má` 3. AmYw{ZH ^mavmmm B{Vhmgç _hmamîq mà`m {deof g X^m gh ^mavmv B J«Or gîmomr ñwmnzm B ñq B {S`m H nzrmo Am{W H YmoaU 1857 Mm CRmd gm_m{oh d gm ñh {VH OmJ Vr amîq r` g^omm ñdmv Í`cTçmVrc gh^mj geñì H«m {VH mah m Mo H m` naxoemvrc H m` ^mavmmr KQZmË_H àjvr _hîdmmo JìhZ a OZac Am{U ìhmb gam ` Am{U RiH KSm_moSr ñdmv Í`moÎma ^mavmmm B{Vhmg n {SV Odmhacmc Zohê B {Xam Jm Yr amord Jm Yr nr. ìhr. Zaqghamd Sm. _Z_mohZ qgj gmo{z`m Jm Yr Za Ð _moxr JìhZ a OZac d amîq nvr

6 ñnîqrh auo 4. _hmamîq mmm B{Vhmg _hmamîq ZmdmMr ì`wënîmr g {jßv B{Vhmg B J«Om Mr amodq g `wšv _hmamîq mmr Midi g `wšv _hmamîq Am XmocZmMm ^SH m g `wšv _hmamîq g{_vr g `wšv _hmamîq dmñvdmv 5. _hmamîq mvrc g_mogwymah OJÞmW e H aeor ( ) ~miemñìr Om ^oh a ( ) XmXmo~m nm Swa J ( ) cmoh {hvdmxr ( ) Sm. ^md XmOr cms ( ) {dîuw~wdm ~«Mmar ( ) _hmë_m OmoVr~m \w co ( ) {dîuwemñìr n {SV ( ) gmd O{ZH H mh m ( ) ~m~m nx²_zor ( ) gm{dìr~mb \w co ( ) am. Jmo. ^m SmaH a ( ) Ý`m`_yVu amzso ( ) {dîuwemñìr {MniyUH a ( ) Jmo. J. AmJaH a ( ) cmoh _mý` {QiH ( ) n {SVm a_m~mb ( ) _hfu Ym Smo Ho ed H d} ( ) _hmamom g`moramd Jm`H dms ( ) Zm_Xma Jmonmi H îu JmoIco ( ) _hfu {dçc am_or qexo ( ) amofu emhÿ _hmamo ( ) ñdmv Í`dra gmdah a ( ) H _ dra ^md amd nmqrc ( ) AmMm` {dzmo~m ^mdo ( ) Sm. ~m~mgmho~ Am ~osh a ( ) Sm. {edmoramd nqdy Z ( ) Sm. n Om~amd Xoe_wI ( ) H«m {Vqgh ZmZm nmqrc ( ) ^mb _mydamd ~mjc ( )

7 a. Ym. H d} ( ) àm. J. ~m. gaxma ( ) Eg. E_. Omoer ( ) _YwH aamd Xodc ( ) AZwVmB dmk ( ) h_rx XcdmB ( ) ~m~m Am_Qo ( ) {dú_mz g_mogwymah Sm. ~m~m AmTmd AÊUm homao qgywvmb gnh mi Sm. àh me Am_Qo Sm. _ Xm{H Zr Am_Qo Sm. {dh mg Am_Qo Sm. A^` ~ J Sm. amur ~ J ñnîqrh auo 6. _hmamîq mmm ^yjmocç àmh {VH, gm_m{oh d Am{W H ^y-ñvaamzm àmh {VH amzm _ Xm hdm_mz no Ý` dzo ÑpîQjonmV _hmamîq gr_odarc amá`o àemgh s` {d^mj amá`mvrc {Oëho ñwm{zh ñdamá` g ñwm amá`mvrc ehao cmoh g»`m ñìr-nwéf à_mu ~mch m Mo à_mu ehar d J«m_rU cmoh g»`m OÝ_-_ Ë`wXa cmoh g»`omr KZVm gmjavm : 2011 Y_ {Zhm` OZJUZm : 2011 {eju : eovr : dz gd}ju : 2017 CËnÞ : Amamo½` gw{dym : 1 OmZodmar, 2018 ghh mar g ñwm : 1 E{àc, 2017 añë`m Mr cm ~r : 2017 amá`mvyz OmUmao amîq r` _hm_mj cmoh_mj : 1 E{àc, 2017 amá`mvyz OmUmao cmoh_mj _hmamîq mvrc à_wi {d_mzvi amá`mvrc ZÚm à_wi ZÚm d Ë`m Mr CJ_ñWmZo ZÚm À`m H mrm darc ñwio ZÚm d à_wi YaUo ZÚm d Ë`m À`m CnZÚm H {f-cënþ d CËnmXH àxoe \ io d g ~ {YV ñwio H {f-cënþ d à_wi OmVr amá`mvrc Oc{dÚwV àh ën amá`mvrc Am pîuh {dúwv àh ën Am VaamÁ`r` àh ën

8 AUw{dÚwV àh ën Am Úmo{JH {dh mgmer g ~ {YV g ñwm CÚmoJY Xo d g ~ {YV ñwio amá`mvrc ckwcúmoj I{ZOo d à_wi CËnmXH joìo W S hdomr {RH muo gmjavq amá`mvrc {H ëco AîQ{dZm`H ñwmzo Jw \ m _ {Xao Á`mo{V{cªJm Mr ñwmzo amá`mvrc dzo A^`maÊ`o amîq r` CÚmZo amá`mvrc {eiao à_wi KmQ amá`mvrc à_wi {dúmnrro _hîdmà`m g ñwm _hmamîq mvrc à_wi ehao 7. ^mavmmm ^yjmocç àmh {VH, gm_m{oh d Am{W H àmñvm{dh ^mav àmh {VH amzm ^mav ^y-ñvaamzm ^mav-_ Xm ^mav ZXràUmcr {h_mc`rz d ÛrnH ënr` ZÚm VwcZm ^mav-hdm_mz CÝhmim nmdgmim {hdmim ^mav dzo dzm Mo àh ma JdVmi àxoe dzm Mo n`m daur` _hîd dz{dh mg - H mhr à_wi Qßno dzg YmaU àm{ug YmaU ^mavmvrc amîq r` CÚmZo ^mavmmr cmoh g»`m D Om àh ën H {f-cënmxzo ^mavmvrc I{ZOo Am Úmo{JH ^mav _hîdmà`m g ñwm ^mav aoëdo d añvo H mhr _hîdmmr ehao _hîdmmr ~ Xao ^mav g H su ñnîqrh auo ñnîqrhauo

9 8. OJmMm ^yjmocç àmh {VH, gm_m{oh d Am{W H n Ïdr _hîdmà`m Zm Xr D Om gmyzm Mo OmJ{VH {dvau H {fì`dgm`mmm {dh mg H frda AmYm[aV CÚmoJY Xo I S I Sr` na_moàm OJmVrc gdmªv cm ~ ZÚm OJmVrc _hmgmja Am{U g_wð OJmMo Z g{j H {d^mj D Om gmyzo eovrmr CËnÎmr d {dh mg OJmVrc _w»` eovràh ma OmJ{VH AÞg_ñ`m n Ïdrdarc na_moàm OJmVrc C M {eiao OJmVrc gdmªv _morr ~oqo OJmVrc gamodao 9. ^mavr` amá`kqzm VÎdkmZ, d {eîqço d Jm^m ^mavr` amá`kqzm H Ðr` H m` H mar _ Si ^mavmmo amîq nvr H Ðr` H m`xo_ Si cmoh g^m g gxomo A{YH ma d H m_o Ý`m`ì`dñWm gdm}àm Ý`m`mc` gdm}àm Ý`m`mc`mMo A{YH majoì ^mavr` g KamÁ`mMo ñdê n g KamÁ` nõvrmr d {eîqço ^mavr` g KamÁ`mMr AmJir d {eîqço KQH amá`m Mr emgzì`dñwm KQH amá`mmo H m` H mar _ Si KQH amá`mmo H m`xo_ Si _hîdmà`m KQZmXþéñË`m _yc^yv hšh n VàYmZ amá`g^m _w»`_ Ìr ñnîqrh auo

10 10. n Mm`VamO d ZmJar ñwm{zh ñdamá` g ñwm n Mm`VamO ì`dñwm n Mm`VamO àjvrmo Qßno J«m_n Mm`V J«m_n Mm`VrMr H m_o J«m_n Mm`V g{md n Mm`V g{_vr gan M g{_vr n Mm`V g{_vrmo A{YH ma d H m`} n Mm`V g{_vrmo {dgo Z AÜ`j d CnmÜ`j n[afxoà`m g^m {Oëhm n[afxomr H m_o _hmë_m Jm Yr V Qm_wŠVr A{^`mZ J«m_g^m J«m_{ZYr gan M A XmOnÌH, {heo~vnmgur g^mnvr d Cng^mnVr JQ{dH mg A{YH mar n Mm`V g{_vrmo A XmOnÌH {Oëhm n[afx {Oëhm n[afxoà`m {df` g{_ë`m A XmOnÌH _w»` H m` H mar A{YH mar ZmJar ñwm{zh ñdamá` g ñwm _hmzjanm{ch m ZJan[afXm 11. _wch s d nmocrg àemgz àemgh s` g amzm H movdmc VhgrcXma amá`mvrc nmocrg ` ÌUm nmocrg nmqrc VcmRr {Oëhm{YH mar 12. Am{W H Am{U gm_m{oh {dh mg gm_m{oh Am{W H {dh mgmmo {ZX}eH OmJ{VH {dh mg {ZX}eH, 2017 _mzd {dh mg Ahdmc, 2016 {dh gzerc AW ì`dñwm ^mavr` AW ì`dñwm {dh mgmh So dmqmmc ^mavr` AW ì`dñwomr d {eîqço

11 ^mavmmr cmoh g»`m ^`mdh cmoh g»`mdmt cmoh g»`m{df`h YmoaU Ðm[aÐç d ~oamoojmar ^mavmvrc Xm[aÐç J«m_rU {dh mg ^mavr` cmoh g»`omr d {eîqço ^mavmvrc ~oamoojmar J«m_rU {dh mgmmo à`ëz J«m_rU {dh mg Am{U amoojma `m À`mer g ~ {YV `moozm/h m` H«_ Am{U A{^`mZ gwym[av 20 H c_r H m` H«_ {d{dy H ë`muh mar `moozm/h m` H«_ Am{U A{^`mZ amá`mvrc H mhr `moozm/h m` H«_ ñnîqrh auo 13. n`m dau O d{d{dyvm Am{U hdm_mz ~Xc dmvmdau : {dñvma Am{U KQZm dmvmdau hdm d hdm_mz _ XoMr {Z{_ Vr Am{U ñdê n _ Xm _ Xm Mo djuh au, Yyn d g dy Z _ XoMo djuh au n[ag ñwm dmvmdaummo JwUY_ _ XoVrc O {dh KQH n[ag ñwomr amzm n[ag ñwomr H m`} Ord-^y-amgm`{ZH MH«dZñnVrç djuh au, {dvau Am{U cm^ dzñnvtmo djuh au d {dvau

12 àm{uordz Am{U àm{u{dvau àm{uordz àdmi H sqh m Mo {dvau nm[apñw{vh s Ag VwcZ {Zd jrh au hdm_mz ~Xc h[avj h n[aum_ àxÿfu àm{u{dvau OmJ{VH Vmn_mZdmT dmvmdau àxÿfu ñ_m J AWdm YwaHo Amåcdfm dm`y àxÿfu Oc àxÿfu ^y-àxÿfu Üd{ZàXÿfU gmjar nmê`mmo àxÿfu àxÿfu {Z` ÌUmMo H m`xo d A _c~omdur àxÿfu {Z` ÌU _ Sio ZXr g aju `moozm O d{d{dyvm àmw{_h _m{hvr O d{d{dyvomo àh ma O d{d{dyvm g dy ZmÀ`m nõvr O d{d{dyvomo hm Qñnm Q²g O d{d{dyvomo g aju d g dy Z O d{d{dyvm g dy ZmMo Am VaamîQ r` à`ëz O d{d{dyvm g dy Z Am{U ^mav dý`ord dzg nxm dzmànm{xv joìmà`m èhmgmmr H mauo dz{df`h H m`xo Am{U dzymoau dzymoaummr _mj Xe H VÎdo dzg nxm g dy ZmMo H m` H«_ dudm à{v~ YH Cnm``moOZm dzrh aumà`m `moozm dmid QrH au nmuwi ^y-àxoe OrdmdaU g aju n[ajoì amîq r` CÚmZo Am{U A^`maÊ`o

13 ì`mk«àh ën d hîmr àh ën ^mavr` n[ag ñwm {dh mg H m` H«_ O {dh {d{dyvm Am{U n`m dau{df`h g ñwm 14. gm_mý` {dkmz gm_mý` {dkmzmvrc gm_mý` _m{hvr _hîdmmr _m{hvr àmmrz ^mavr` emñìk Adm MrZ ^mavr` emñìk agm`zemñì d ^m {VH emñì _hîdmmr _m{hvr _mnz {dúwv²_mnz- n[a_mu d CnH auo àm{uemñì d dzñn{vemñì _hîdmmr _m{hvr eara Amamo½`emñÌ gm_mý` _m{hvr ñnîqrh auo 15. amá`godm nyd narjm : nona n{hcm...983

Printed at Shiva-samartha Printers Dhayari, Pune

Printed at Shiva-samartha Printers Dhayari, Pune Published By Sau. Shobhadevi Kshirsagar K Sagar Publications Suvarna Shilpa, 444/1 Shaniwar Peth, Adjacent to Rajmachikar Flour Mill, Near Dakshinabhimukhi Maruti Temple, Pune - 411 030 : (020) 24450125,

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