School&of&BioSciences& Beyond&Third&Year& &MSc/Hons&Research&Project&Information& How&to&find&a&project&and&supervisor:& & &

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1 SchoolofBioSciences BeyondThirdYear MSc/HonsResearchProjectInformation The primary research-training program offered by the School of BioSciences is a two-year postgraduatedegree-themasterofscience(biosciences).thisconsistsofaresearchcomponent combined with a selection of coursework subjects that include professional development skills. TheMScdegreeprovidesapathwaytotheworkforceortoaPhD.TheSchoolalsooffersaoneyearundergraduateHonoursdegree,whichcombinesaresearchcomponentwithcoursework. Howtofindaprojectandsupervisor: You should review the research clusters and specialisations within the school and decide on an area of research that interests you. These groups are listed below - there are a number of supervisors within each group who can provide supervision. Before contacting a potential supervisor, look at the type of research they do either via the School s web pages or by looking at their recent publications on Google Scholar sname). Prior to or after the information session, approach potential supervisors in research areas that interestyouanddiscussprojectsonoffer.whenyou apotentialsupervisor,pleaseincludea transcript of your academic record (you can print out your current record from SIS). Arrange a timetomeettheminperson.mostsupervisorswithintheschoolofbiosciencestakeononlyone ortwostudentsperyear,soourintakeiscompetitiveandplacesarelimited. Take time to discuss available projects; it is important that you choose an area of research that interestsyou.onceyouhaveidentifiedprojects,filloutthemsc/honssupervisionformincluding twoorthreesupervisorsandprojectpreferencesandincludethisinyourmsc/honsapplication.if theschoolcannotplaceyouwithyourfirstchoiceofsupervisor/project,wewilltrytoplaceyou with your second or third preference. Successful applicants will be notified between the end of December and early January All applicants will be advised of the outcomes of their applications by the end of January In some cases, particularly if external partners are involved,negotiationsforprojectscancontinueandadditionalofferswillbemadeuntiltheendof February.Somesupervisorsmayalsoofferaprojectthathasamid-yearstartdate,asthisbetter suitsthefieldworkrequirementfortheresearch. MastersCoordinators2016: HonoursCoordinator2016:

2 ResearchClustersintheSchoolofBioSciences Ecology,(Evolution(and(Environmental(Sciences( Sustainableuseandmanagementofenvironmentsrequiresknowledgeoftherelationships between living organisms and their environment, what processes are fundamental to ecosystems,andhowtheseandotherfactorsaffectthepersistenceofspeciesandplant communities. ConservationandClimateChange TheConservationandClimateChangeGroupappliesecologicalandevolutionaryprinciples to the field of wildlife, conservation and applied biology across a wide range of land animals (including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, a wide range of invertebrates, and some plant groups). Particular interests include the management of native and invasive species; habitat use and ecology of mammals and reptiles; first-principles modelling of individual, population, and evolutionary dynamics; application of genomic techniques to biodiversity management; and terrestrial animals as bioindicators of environmentaldisturbance. EvolutionandBehaviour TheEvolutionandBehaviourGroupexaminesthebehaviourandevolutionoflandanimals at several levels, from genes to populations. Research on behaviour includes: visual signalling in birds, reptiles and insects; acoustic signalling in birds and amphibians; and chemical signalling in insects. Research in evolutionary biology investigates the evolutionary process that produced the diversity of life we see today. This includes the study of macro-evolutionarypatternsofphenotypicdiversity,phylogenyandtaxonomy; biogeographyandpatternsofspeciation;theorigin,structureandmaintenanceofhybrid zones;sexualselection,includingfemalechoiceandspermcompetition;theevolutionof co-operationinbirdsandinvertebrates;andinter-specificrelationships. MarineBiology MarinebiologistsintheSchoolofBioSciencesworkonadiversityoftopicsacrossmarine organisms, their conservation and management. We conduct our research in temperate andtropicalmarineenvironments,fromestuariestothedeepsea. Together,weinvestigatethe: Behaviour,ecology,evolutionandbiodiversityofmarineorganisms; Effectsofhumandisturbanceonhabitats,speciesandcommunities; Productivity of aquaculture and technologies to improve its environmental performance;and Ecologicalaspectsofmarineprotectedareasandfisheriesmanagement.

3 QuantitativeandAppliedEcology The Quantitative and Applied Ecology Group work across a wide spectrum of organisms and environments. Our research focus includes; environmental decision making, ecosystem management, conservation biology, and community and population ecology. The group also forms part of larger research centres: The ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED) andthethreatenedspecieshubofthenational EnvironmentalScienceProgram(NESP). Genetics,(Genomics(and(Development( The study of gene regulation, disease and the genetics of organisms and populations is revolutionising the research fields of development, reproduction, biotechnology and medicine. PopulationandQuantitativeGenetics ThePopulationandQuantitativeGeneticsGroupinvestigatethecausesandconsequences ofgeneticvariationinnaturalpopulations.abroadrangeofstatisticaltechniquessuchas Genome-Wide Association and Genomic Selection methods are used to explore the patternandeffectofmolecularvariationatthewholegenomelevel.biologicalmodelsof interest include humans, plants and insects with an emphasis on biological questions relatedtohumanhealthandagriculture. ReproductionandDevelopment TheReproductionandDevelopmentGroupsstudytheverybeginningsoflifeandfactors thatinfluencethegrowthandhealthoftheembryo,foetusandoffspring. Basic and biomedical research of mammalian systems focuses on the genetics and molecular control of early embryo development, sexual differentiation, environmental disruptorsofdevelopment,stemcellbiology,comparativegenomicsandreproductive physiology. Reproductionisthescienceofthetransmissionoflife Cardiovascular Physiology The Cardiovascular Physiology Group studies how blood vessels are damaged in cardiovasculardiseaseandinvestigatesnewtreatmentsforvasculardysfunction.diseases ofinterestinclude;acuteheartfailure,hypertensioninpregnancyanddiabetes. DevelopmentalandCellularGenetics Thelivingcellpossessesextraordinarycapabilitiesthatallowittosenseandrespondtoits environment,metabolisenutrientsrequiredforgrowthanddivisionandundergochanges

4 incellshapeandfunction.alloftheseprocessesareunderthecontrolofthehereditary instructionsorgenesitexpresses,fromamongthethousandsinitsgenome. MicrobialGenetics Microbesarebothvitalandproblematic.Withoutthemourworldcouldn texist,butsome causeusmonumentalgrief.understandingmicrobeshelpsusmanageourenvironment, stayhealthyandlookafterourcrops,livestockandfoodsupplies.genetictoolshavegiven uspowerfulmeanstounderstandtheseinvisibleorganismsthatimpactourlivesinmyriad ways. PlantFunctionalGenomics TheRoessnerresearchgroupisinterestedinunderstandinghowAustraliancrops,suchas cereals and legumes, adapt and tolerate challenging environmental conditions including water and nutrient deficiencies, salinity, heat or cold. We apply systems biology approachessuchasgenomics,transcriptomics,lipidomicsandmetabolomicstocompare thebiochemicalresponsesofcropplantswithcontrastingtolerancelevelstoidentifynovel adaptationandtolerancemechanisms. Plant(Science( Life is dependent on plants As the only living organisms able to make their own food, theseprimaryproducersarevitaltotheworld secosystem.fromfood,medicines,clothing andtheairwebreathe,wecouldnotexistwithoutthem.researchgroupsinplantscience studyabroadrangeoftopicsincluding: Plantdiversity,classification,biogeographyandconservation Plantgrowthanddevelopment Plantcellwallbiosynthesisandcell-cellcommunication Plant nutrition and genetic engineering of crops to improve human nutrition (biofortification) Plantbreedingsystemsandselfincompatibility Plant defence against herbivory; plant secondary metabolites including cyanogenic compoundsandtheoilsofeucalypts Plantinteractionswithfungalpathogens Evolution of plant, algal and protozoan cells, e.g., evolution of endosymbionts, the malaria parasite with its remnant plant like chloroplast (organelles that convert light energyintosugars),andbio-mineralisationandbioadhesionofalgalcellwalls.

5 ConservationandClimateChange Profile: Researchinterests: Wolbachiaendosymbiontsforcontrollingmosquitoborne diseases,climatechangeadaptationinarangeof environments,managementofinvertebratepests PotentialMScprojects(inconjunctionwithother researchers): Identifyingnewendosymbiontstrainsfordiseasecontrol. Investigatingnovelgeneticapproachestoconservingthreatenedandkeystonespecies Characterizingtheroleofsummerdiapauseinadaptationtoclimateextremes. Investigatingtheimpactofagriculturalchemicalsonbeneficialnaturalenemies Profile: Researchinterests: Plantpopulationbiology,spatialandtemporalpopulation modelling,plantinvasionecology,evolutionaryecologyof invasiveplants,weeds,impactsofweeds,conservationof terrestrialcoastalecosystems PotentialMScprojects: Howloyalarepollinators:pollinationecologyoftwoinvasiveplants Populationsizeanddensityeffectsinpollination(literaturereviewproject) Genomicvariationwithinthenativerangesoftwoinvasivespecies Profile: Researchinterests: TerrestrialecologywithamajorfocusonAustraliannativemammals:wildlifeecology,wildlife management,impactsofhabitatfragmentation,wildlifediseases PotentialMScprojects: Impactsofmanagementonkoalapopulationsandtheirhabitat Factorsinfluencinghabitatqualityforsmallmammals

6 Profile: Researchinterests: Evolutionaryecology;ecologicalmodelling,invasivespecies,animal behaviour,host-parasiteinteractions,reptiles,amphibians. PotentialMScprojects: Evolutiononinvasionfronts(empiricaland/ormodellingwork) Learningandprey-handlinginnorthernquolls Profile: Researchinterests: Invertebrateecology;sustainableagriculture,integratedpest management,insecticideresistance,invasionecology,biocontrol PotentialMScprojects: Insectpestsandnovelapproachesforsustainablecontrolinfoodcrops Insecticideresistance:mechanisms,modellingandmonitoring Geneticsandecologyofbeneficialinsectsinagriculturaleco-systems Profile: Researchinterests: Freshwaterbiologicalmonitoring;aquaticmacroinvertebrates;ecological impactsofaquaticpollution;dnabarcoding;applicationofnextgenerationsequencing(ngs)forenvironmentalmonitoring;molecular taxonomy;molecularecology. PotentialMScprojects(inconjunctionwithProf.AryHoffmannandMelbourneWater): UsingDNAbarcodestoinvestigatethemacroinvertebratediversityandecologyin catchments InvestigatingthemolecularecologyofmacroinvertebratespeciesintheYarraRiverusing nextgenerationsequencingtodetectenvironmentalimpacts.

7 Profile: Researchinterests: Terrestrialecology;avianecology,climatechange,ecoacoustics, monitoringofthreatenedspecies,speciesdistributions, museumcollections PotentialMScprojects: Usingmuseumrecordstodocumenttheimpactsofglobalchangeonspeciesdistributions Improvingmonitoringmethodsfornocturnalandthreatenedspeciesusingautomated soundrecognition Assessingobserverbiasesfromsoundscapespeciesinventories SoundscapeanalysisandinventoryofSulawesibirds

8 EvolutionandBehaviour Profile: Research interests: Evolutionaryecology;sexualselection/conflict;socialevolution; evolutionaryconstraints;animalsignals;selfishgenes;phenotypic plasticity;theoreticalmodels. Potential MSc projects: Measuringintragenomicconflictusingquantitativegeneticsininsects Experimentalevolutionininsects-removingselectionononesextoseehowtheotherevolves SearchingforqueenpheromonesinAustraliansocialinsects Profile: Researchinterests: Behaviouralecology;invertebratematingsystems,sexualselection, ecologicallightpollution PotentialMScprojects: Intragenomicconflictandreproductivesuccess Theimpactofartificiallightatnightonageing Profile: Researchinterests: Behaviouralecology;animalbehaviour,socialbehaviour, matingsystems,sexualselection,cooperation, communication,anthropogenicimpacts PotentialMScprojects: Ecologyandevolutionofanimalpersonalities Impactsofanthropogenicnoiseandlightonsleepandcommunication Movementecologyofurbanwildlife

9 Profile: Researchinterests: Evolutionaryecology:animalbehaviour;chemical communication;matingstrategiesundersexualconflict; socialbehaviour;signalsandinter-specificmutualisms PotentialMScprojects: Roleofchemicalsignalsinsocialandmatingsystems Trade-offsinsensorystructures Profile: Researchinterests: Evolutionarybiology;animalcoloration,sensoryecology,animal behaviour,speciation,lizards,macro-evolutionarypatterns PotentialMScprojects: Effectsofstressoncolourexpressioninlizards Variationinpigmentsgeneratingcolourvariationinlizards Geneticbasisofcolourpolymorphismanditsroleinspeciation Behaviouralbarrierstogeneflowand/orgeneticincompatibilitiesinincipientspecies Profile: Researchinterests: behaviouralecology;animalpersonality,animalcommunication, behaviouralplasticity PotentialMScprojects: Personalityandcommunicationstyles Effectsofearlydevelopmentalconditionsonsongstructure Socialnetworksandextra-pairmatingstrategies

10 Profile: Researchinterests: Macroevolution;reptiles,vertebratepaleontology, phylogenetics,diversification,comparative anatomy,climatechange,extinction,biogeography, ecomorphology PotentialMScprojects: Ecomorphologyofburrowingwormlizards(amphisbaenians)usingspeciesnichemodeling Modularevolutionofreptileskullsusinggeometricmorphometrics Growthdynamicsoffossilreptilesinresponsetopaleoclimaticchange Evolutionarypathwaysoflimblossinskinks MarineBiology Profile: Researchinterests: Quantitativemarineecologyandconservation,biogeography,population connectivity,networktheory,landscapeecologyandgeographic informationscience.weuseavarietyoftools,includingspatialdynamic modelling,spatialstatistics,networkanalysis,hpcprogramming, geographicinformationsystem(gis),andremotesensing. PotentialMScprojects: Exploringthegeographicpatternsinmarinepopulationconnectivity andtheinfluenceongeneticandbiogeographicpatterns. MetapopulationdynamicsandresilienceintherockyreefsofPortPhillipBay,Victoria. UnderstandingtherecruitmentandpersistenceinVictorianabaloneandrocklobster fisheriesusingecologicalmodellingandlocalhabitatassessment. Quantifyinganimalmovementthroughhabitatnetworksforconservationprioritisation.

11 Profile: Researchinterests: Fishecology,climatechangeimpactadaptation,evolutionary behaviouralecology,fisheryimpacts,riverregulation,lifehistories Potential MSc projects: Understandingtheeffectsofenvironmentalandclimaticvariation onestuarinefishes Exploringhowbehaviour,metabolismandgrowthinfluence fishingselectivity IsVenusBay srecreationalpipiharvestsustainable? Growthandrecruitmentoffreshwaterfish:howimportantistimingandcontext? Roleofnuptialcolorationinsouthernpygmyperch Understandingthedriversoflong-termbiologicalchangeinPortPhillipBay Profile: Researchinterests: marineecology;resilienceandresponsestodisturbance, recruitmentofinvertebratesandseagrasses,evolutionarybiology ofinvertebratelarvae,environmentalimpacts PotentialMScprojects: Resilienceofnearshoreecologicalcommunitiestodisturbance Detectingecologicalimpactsofpollutioninbaysandestuaries Howdoinvertebratelarvaerespondtostress? Profile: Researchinterests: MarineEcology,EvolutionofLifeHistories,Dispersal,EcologicalTraps, FishEcology PotentialMScprojects: Ecologicalconsequencesofdispersalinthesea Cleaningupurbanseasbyfarmingit Ecologicaltrapsinaquaticecosystems-dotheyoccurandaretheyimportant?

12 Profile: Researchinterests: Marineecologyandevolution;coralmicrobialsymbiosis,climatechange adaptationandacclimatisation,assistedevolutioninreef-building corals. PotentialMScprojects: Enhancedcoralstresstoleranceincoralsviamanipulationof prokaryoticsymbionts Testingthevirallysisofcoralbleachinghypothesis Understandingtheadaptivepotentialandresponsetoselectionofthedinoflagellate endosymbiontsofcorals Geneticandnon-geneticadaptationofcoralsinresponsetoelevatedtemperatureand oceanacidification Profile: Researchinterests: marineecology;fishecology,connectivity,recruitmentvariability,fishhabitatrelationships,earlylifehistoryoffish,environmentalimpacts, seagrassecology,environmentalriskassessment,biophysicalmodelling PotentialMScprojects: Effectsofsuspendedsedimentsandotherenvironmentalimpactsonmarinefishecology andbehaviour Planktonicfood-chainpathwaystolarvalfishfeedingandrecruitmentvariability EcologyofreeffishinPortPhillipBay Profile: Researchinterests: Marineevolution;evolutionarybiology,comparativegenomics, marinealgae,biodiversityscience,macroecology,bioinformatics PotentialMScprojects: Evolutionofecologicalnichesthroughgeologicaltime BiodiversitydiscoveryofmarinealgaeinAustralia Genomebiologyofenergyandnutrientphysiology Genomebiologyforrefinementofchloroplastendosymbiosistheory

13 Profile: Researchinterests: Marineecology;environmentalimpacts,animalbehaviour,host-parasite interactions,ecologicaltraps,invasionecology,aquaculture environmentinteractions,aquaculturetechnology PotentialMScprojects: Ecologicaleffectsofaquacultureinmarineecosystems Marineecosystemrehabilitationusingaquaculturetechniquesandtechnologies Understandinghost-parasiteinteractionsinaquaculturesystemstoimprovemethodsfor parasitecontrolandprevention QuantatativeandAppliedEcology Profile: Researchinterests: Ecology;ecologicalmodelling,environmentaldecisions, fireecology,imperfectdetection, PotentialMScprojects: Modelstoimproveenvironmentalmanagementdecisions Factorsdrivingimperfectdetectioninecologicalmonitoring Modellingtoimprovefiremanagementforbiodiversity Testingenvironmentaldecisiontheory Profile: Researchinterests: Invasionbiology,herpetology,biodiversitymonitoring,biosecurity,species distributionmodelling,conservationdecisionmaking PotentialMScprojects: Cost-efficiencyofenvironmentalDNAsamplinginaquaticsystems(platypus,fish,frogs, chytrid) Fightingfrogextinctionsbycreatingrefugesfromdisease UnderstandingtheimpactandspreadofexoticamphibiansinsuburbanMelbourne UsingcitizensciencedatatounderstandthebiogeographyofAustralianfungi

14 Profile: Researchinterests: Conservationbiology,riskassessment,biosecurity;populationviability analysis,expertjudgement,structureddecisionmaking,plantecology PotentialMScprojects: Quantitativemethodsforaggregatingexpertjudgements Testingtheperformanceofexpertsoutsidetheirdomainofexpertise Understandinghowtoquantifyuncertaintiesinbiosecurityriskanalyses Profile: Researchinterests: Ecologicalmodelling,statisticalecology;speciesdistributionmodelling, noveltechnologiesfordatacollectionandwildlifemonitoring, demographyandpopulationdynamics,adaptivemanagement PotentialMScprojects: Evaluatingnoveltechnologiesformonitoringarborealmammals: surveyingtreekangaroosusingdrones Speciesdistributionmodels:averagingmanymethodsorfine-tuningasingleone? Profile: Researchinterests: Ecologicalmodelling,ecologicalstatistics;speciesdistributionmodelling; communitymodelling;wildlifemonitoring;imperfectdetection;optimal surveydesign; PotentialMScprojects: Evaluationofsurveymethodefficiencyanditsrelationtospeciesdetectability:distance samplingvs.quadratcounts Understandingthereliabilityofspeciesrichnessestimationmethods Multi-methodsurveystodealwithfalsepositiveandfalsenegativeerrors:optimaldesign

15 AquaticEcologyandEnvironmentalPollution (CAPIM'2'Centre'for'Aquatic'Pollution'Identification'and'Management) DrAllysonO Profile: Researchinterests: marineecology;communityecology,ecotoxicology,softsediment invertebrates,dnametabarcodingandmetabolomics,ecological modelling,environmentalimpactassessments PotentialMScprojects: Developingnewbiomarkersforpollutiondetectioninestuaries Understandingpopulation-leveleffectsofpollutantsonsoftsedimentinvertebrates UsingDNAmeta-barcodingtounderstandecologicalresilienceofmarinebenthic communities Populationgeneticsofpolychaetes collaborationwithmuseumvictoria Profile: Researchinterests: Effectsofpollutionandcontaminantsinaquaticorganisms;sub-lethal andlong-termeffectsofenvironmentalstressors;endocrinedisrupting chemicals PotentialMScprojects: Effectsofchemicalexposureonnativefishreproduction(eggproductionandeggquality, fertility,larvalsurvivalandfitness) Effectsofchemicalexposureonfishdetoxificationenzymeactivities(tissuebiomarkers) Pollutionbiomonitoring(assessmentofwildfishcapturedfromVictorianestuaries) Profile: Researchinterests: freshwaterecology;environmentalimpacts,environmental assessment,pollutionimpacts,multiplelinesofevidence, macroinvertebrateassemblages. PotentialMScprojects: Ecologicaleffectsofpollutioninfreshwaterecosystems Understandingpollutioneffectsonaquaticbiota Identifyingprimaryfactorscausingbiologicalimpairmentinfreshwaterecosystems

16 Profile: Researchinterests: AquaticPollution;benthicbiology,pollutiontracking,Landscape chemistry,wetlandquality,integratedcatchmentmanagement PotentialMScprojects: Interactionsbetweencatchmentpollutionandenvironmentalhealth ofurbanwaterways Profile: Researchinterests: Marinefreshwaterecotoxicology;understandingimpactsofhuman inducedstressors,micro-macroalgal,seagrassmangrove toxicology,aquaticplantsandalgaeinenvironmentalassessment, pesticidesinourenvironment,algaltoxins,seafoodsafetyduring harmfulalgalblooms. PotentialMScprojects: Micro-andmacro-algaeasindictorsofenvironmentalimpactsinwetlands Insitutechniquesforassessingtoxicitytophytoplankton Insightsintoseafoodsafetyduringtoxicalgalblooms Seagrassandmangrovestoxicology Developingtechniquestoassessenvironmentalimpactsusingaquaticplants

17 PopulationandQuantitativeGenetics Profile: Researchinterests: Whatistheroleofadaptationintheshapingvariationwithinandbetweenspecies?We focusoninsecticideresistanceasourmicroevolutionarymodel,andthecomparative genomicsofenzymesfromvariousinsectsininter-speciescomparisons.ourappliedaimis tocontrolpestswithmethodsthatdonothaveadverseimpactsonbiodiversityeg.rnaior specificenzymeinhibitors. PotentialMScprojects: CharacterizingpotentialtargetsfornovelinsecticidesusingCRISPR Pestinsectgenomics,populationgeneticsandgeneticmanipulation Insecticidemetabolismpathwaycharacterization Profile: Researchinterests: GenomicsComputationalBiology;genomicarchitectureofcomplex humandiseases;genomicpredictionofdiseasesandtraits;genomicsof eucalypts;populationgenomics;integrativeanalysisofomicsdata; developmentofstatisticalapproachesandcomputationalalgorithms PotentialMScprojects: Genomicanalysisofeucalypts Variousproblemsinhumangenomics Genomicsofproteinstructuralvariation Profile: Researchinterests: Insectgeneticsandgenomics,geneticco-adaptation,climaticadaptationand clinalvariation. PotentialMScproject: Molecularbasisofgeneticco-adaptationintheAustraliansheepblowfly(co-supervisedby ProfPhilBatterham).

18 Profile: Researchinterests: Conservationbiology;populationgenetics;ecologicalgenetics;hostparasiteinteractions;environmentalDNA. PotentialMScprojects: GeneticrescueinVictorianeasternbarredbandicoots Bioinformaticsofgeneticrescue;detectingsignaturesof inbreeding,outbreedingandlocaladaptationinthemountain pygmypossum environmentaldnaasanovelmethodforestimatingfreshwaterbiodiversity Profile: ResearchInterest: Howdoestheenvironmentshapesanddistributesthe geneticdiversityoflivingorganisms?weusepopulations sourcedfromextremeclimatesinthemodelplant Arabidopsis'thalianaandinsectDrosophila'melanogaster totesttheirresponsetoenvironmentalstress.ourgoalis topredicttheadaptiveresponseoforganismsatthe molecularlevelandevaluatetheconsequenceof environmentalchallengesforthefateofbiodiversity. PotentialMscprojects: TheprogrammingofseedgerminationinArabidopsis.Howdoesstochasticenvironmental variationintheplantmaturationprocessimpactthepatternofseedgerminationofthe offspring? Genomicpredictionofinsecticideresistance.Howtodrawagenomicatlastoanticipate futurepestmanagementbasedonresourcesfromdrosophila? (

19 ( ReproductionandDevelopment Profile: ResearchInterests: Reproductivebiology;humanIVF,preimplantationembryoculture, embryonicstemcells,diagnosisofembryoviabilityanddevelopmentof biomarkers,impactofendocrinedisruptingchemicals,epigenetics, cryobiology PotentialMScprojectsonembryos: Analysisofhowoxygenregulatespreimplantationdevelopmentthroughtime-lapse microscopy Impactofendocrinedisruptingchemicalsonembryodevelopmentandtheepigenome Regulationofembryodevelopmentandviabilitybygrowthfactorsandcytokines Aspartateand/orglucoseutilisationasBiomarkersofembryoviability PotentialMScprojectsonembryonicstemcells: Roleofantioxidantsinmaintainingthefunctionofembryonicstemcells Profile: Researchinterests: Reproductionanddevelopmentinhealthanddisease,sex determination,sexualdifferentiation,epigenetics,molecularand hormonalregulationofgonadandphallusdevelopment, embryonicdiapause,comparativegenomicsandtranscriptomics, innateimmunityindevelopingyoung,limbdevelopment. PotentialMScprojects: Regulatorymechanismsoftesticularandovariandevelopment andtheroleoflongnon-codingrnas Marsupialsamodelsfordisordersofsexualdevelopment includingsexreversalandhypospadias Earlyembryonicdevelopment Genomicimprinting

20 Profile: Researchinterests: Comparativegenomicsofdevelopmentanddisease;urogenital development,marsupialgenomics,genomeevolutionandfunction, endocrinedisruption,bioinformatics,epigenetics,developmentalbiology. PotentialMScprojects: Effectsofendocrinedisruptionongenomebiologyinmammals Developmentalbiologyandgenomicsofthefat-taileddunnart Theroleoflongnon-codingRNAsintheregulationofurethralclosureandurogenital diseases Profile: Researchinterests: Embryonicstemcells;extracellularenvironment,thelegacyofcultureon cellfunction,metabolism,mitochondria,cellsignalling,oxygenregulation, redox,endocrinedisruptingchemicals,neuraldifferentiation,epigenetics PotentialMScprojects: Definingtheimpactofcultureoninducedpluripotentstemcellquality andmetabolism. Redoxregulationofuncouplingproteinsinembryonicstemcells. Profile: Researchinterests: Reproductive biology; assisted reproductive technologies (ART), environmental endocrine disruptors, developmental origins of adult disease (DOHaD), oocyte quality, embryo development, sperm microfluidics,mitochondrialfunction,in'vitrofertilisation,phenotypeofivfchildren,health ofclonedanimals,sexratio,anti-oxidantsandreproduction. PotentialMScprojects: Determining the effects of endocrine disruptors and pollutants on embryo development andmetabolism,aswellasspermquality. Developmentofmicrofluidictechnologiestosortmotilespermforcommercialapplication inhumanfertilityandspermclinics. Quantifying telomere length in naturally conceived and cloned animals as a proxy for reproductivehealthandageing.


22 DevelopmentalandCellularGenetics Profile: Researchinterests: Usingthezebrafishmodeltounderstandgenenetworksduringvertebrate developmentwithafocusonvisualneuroscience;andpro-regenerativesignals thatdriveadultregeneration. PotentialMScprojects: Roleofgenesgoverningneuralsubtypespecificationduringdevelopment Characterisingregenerativeprocessesinmodelsofvisualdisorders Characterisingnovelgenesindevelopmentalsynexpressiongroups(cosupervisedwithDrRamialisonattheAustralianRegenerativeMedicine Institute) Profile: Researchinterests: Weusegeneticsandchemicalgeneticstounderstandsugarsignalling networksinplants.weconsiderthesepathwaysinthecontextoflight sensingandphotosynthesistodefinetheircontributiontoplant physiologyanddevelopment. Ourresearchcoverssignaltransduction,cellwallbiology,circadian biologyandplantphysiology. PotentialMScprojects: Geneticandchemicalgeneticinvestigationofplantsugarsignalling Cellwallsignallinginphotomorphogenesis Definingdynamicsugarsignallingwithcelltype-specificresolution

23 Profile: Researchinterests: UsingthemodelplantArabidopsistoidentifygenenetworks involvedincelldifferentiation;understandinghowplants respondtoabiotic/bioticstress;plantbiotechnologyandgenetic engineering. PotentialMScprojects: Characterisinggenesassociatedwithseedcoatdifferentiation Characterisinggenesthatpromotechloroplastdevelopment Developingsystemstoimprovegeneintroductionintocrops Profile: Researchinterests: Neurogenetics;nicotinicacetylcholinereceptorstructureandfunction, receptortrafficking,insectbehavior Systemsbiology;roleofmetabolicenzymesandtransportersinparticulartissuesintheresponse toinsecticides PotentialMScprojects: Analysingimpactsofsub-lethalinsecticidedosesoninsectdevelopmentandbehaviour Structure/functionstudiesonthenAChRsubunitsusingdomainswappingandCRISPR. CharacterisingaccessoryproteinscriticalfornAChRfunction Identifyingtheneuronstargetedbyinsecticides Identifyinggenesconferringhighlevelsofmulti-drugresistance RoleoftheMalpighiantubules(kidneyequivalent)ininsecticidemetabolism

24 Profile: Researchinterests: Understandingthemoleculargeneticmechanismsthatregulate cellularmorphogenesisandvirulenceinthehumanpathogen Talaromyces'marneffei. Understandingthemoleculargeneticmechanismsthatregulate developmentintheeukaryoticmodelorganismaspergillus' nidulans. PotentialMScprojects: Genomicapproachestoidentifyingandcharacterising genesimportantforinfection. Dissectingthemolecularandcellularaspectsofhostpathogeninteractions. Moleculargeneticcharacterisationoftranscriptional factors,andtheircircuits,controllingdevelopment. Profile: Researchinterests: Modellingcancermetastasisinthevinegarfly,Drosophila' melanogaster,geneticregulationofepithelialmesenchymal Transition(EMT),molecularmechanismsofepithelial polarisation. PotentialMScprojects: GeneticnetworksregulatingtheDrosophilawingeversionEMT FlymodelsofNetrin-mediatedmetastasis TraffickingofthenetrinreceptorFrazzledduringepithelialdissociationandpolarisation

25 Profile: Researchinterests: Insecticidebiology;insecticidemodeofaction, mechanismsofresistance,acuteandchronictoxicology Neurogenetics;Nicotinicacetylcholinereceptorstructure andfunction,insectbehaviour,receptortrafficking PotentialMScprojects: Analysingimpactsofsub-lethalinsecticidedosesoninsectdevelopmentandbehaviour CharacterisingproteinscriticalfornAChRfunction Identifyinggenesconferringhighlevelsofmulti-drugresistanceinanaturalpopulation Structure/functionstudiesonthenAChRsubunitsusingdomainswappingandCRISPR Profile: Researchinterests: Auditorygenetics:Ourgroupisusingacombinationofgenetics, molecular,andcellularbiologytounderstandthebasisofhearing impairmentandtoinformthedevelopmentofbetterdiagnostictools andpreventativemedicinesfordeafnessandhearingloss PotentialMScprojects: GeneDiscoveryforDeafness DefiningtheRegulationofAuditoryApoptosis PreventingtheAuditoryApoptosisthatleadstoAcquiredHearingImpairment

26 MicrobialGenetics Profile: Researchinterests: Fungalbiology;host-pathogeninteractions,plantpathology, medicalmycology,mating-typedetermination,evolution,gene regulation PotentialMScprojects: IdentificationofvirulencefactorsinLeptosphaeria'maculansor Cryptococcus'neoformans Geneticsofballistosporeformationandreleaseinbasidiomycete fungi Genemanipulationsinskin-associatedMalasseziaspecies Characterisationofgenesessentialforfungalviability Profile: Researchinterests: Plantpathogenicfungi,fungalsecondarymetabolitesandnatural products PotentialMScprojects: Determiningtherolesofsecondarymetabolitesmadebyfungithatinfectcanola Unravellingtherolesofkeyfungalgenesduringinfectionofcanolabycreatingand studyingoverexpressionordeletionmutants Studyingtheinteractionbetweenplantdiseaseresistancegenesandfungaleffectorsusing themodelplantnicotiana'benthemiana

27 PlantFunctionalGenomics Profile: Researchinterests: Abioticstressadaptationandtoleranceincerealcrops;functionalgenomics, metabolomics,analyticalbiochemistry,rootfunctions,wateruseefficiency, nutrientuseefficiency PotentialMScprojects: DefinethemolecularbasisofRoot Soil Microbeinteractions Understandingtheimportanceofplasmamembranecompositionsofrootsunderadverse environments Definethebiochemicalbasisofsignallingnetworksbetweenrootsandshoots Profile: Researchinterests: Plantscience;biochemistry;genetics;cropbiology;analytical chemistry;plantphysiology;genomics;metabolomics PotentialMScprojects: Studyofrootphysiologyandmolecularresponsestoabiotic stress(salinity,drought,cold)inbarleyandwheat Metaboliteanalysisofplantssubjectedtoenvironmentalstress Applicationofimagingmassspectrometrymethodstodetectsmallmoleculesinplant tissueusingmaldi-ft-icr-ims Multidisciplinaryfunctionalgenomicsapproachestostudyabioticstressincereals Profile: Researchinterests: ImagingMassSpectrometry(IMS);massspectrometry(MS), matrixassistedlaserdesorptionionisation(maldi),ultra-high massresolutionfouriertransformioncyclotronresonancems, spatialmetabolomics,metabolomics,eco-metabolomics,hostparasiteinteractions,plantsecondarymetabolites,bio-organic chemistry. PotentialMScprojects: DevelopmentofnovelmatricesforImagingMassSpectrometry

28 Spatialmeasurementofplantmetabolites Understandinghost-parasiteinteractionsin'situ'usingimagingmassspectrometry PlantBiology Profile:clickhere Researchinterests: Pollenbiology,plantcellwallsynthesis,plantbreedingsystems, self-incompatibility PotentialMScprojects: Cellwallsynthesisinpollentubes Self-incompatibilityinwildradish Profile: Researchinterests: Plantcellbiology;plantcellwalls,proteintrafficking, cytoskeleton,howplantsproducecellulose PotentialMScprojects: Howdoplantsmaintaintheirgrowthonsalinesoil? Howdothecellmembraneandthecytoskeletoninteract? Canwepredictproteinsthatpartakeintheproductionof cellulose? Howdoplantsconstructtheirvasculartissue?

29 Profile: Researchinterests: Plantbiochemistry;cellwalls,massspectrometry,proteomics, bioinformatics,membranetransport,subcellularpartitioning,metabolism, endomembrane,golgiapparatus PotentialMScprojects: AnalysisofGolgitransportersdeliveringsubstratesforplantcellwall biosynthesis Applicationoforganelleisolationandcharacterizationbytandemmassspectrometry Bioinformaticanalysisanddatavisualizationofplantproteindata Characterizationofproteinglycosylationbytandemmassspectrometry Targetedanalysisofmetabolitesandenzymesinvolvedinplantcellwallbiosynthesis Profile: Researchinterests: Plantcellbiology,cellwalls,intracellulartrafficking,secretion,recycling,cellwall integritysignalling,organelleidentity,electronmicroscopy,livecellimaging, protein-proteininteractions. PotentialMScprojects: Determiningevolutionarilyconservedprotein-proteininteractionsincellwallsynthesis. Geneticscreenusingautomatedfluorescencemicroscopyforcellwallsignallingmutants. Trackingcellwallsynthesisenzymesusinglivecellimagingandelectronmicroscopy. Profile: Researchinterests: Plantcellwalls,cellshapeinplants,highthroughputimaging,computationalimageanalysis, chemicalbiologyanddrugdiscovery PotentialMScprojects: Characteriseandelucidatemoleculartargetsofnovelchemicalswithbioactivityinplants.

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