arxiv: v1 [gr-qc] 13 Apr 2018

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1 Blak hole shadow in an expanding univese with a osmologial onstant axiv: v1 [g-q] 13 Ap 018 Volke Pelik, 1, Oleg Yu. Tsupko,,, 3, and Gennady S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan 1 ZARM, Univesity of Bemen, 8359 Bemen, Gemany Spae Reseah Institute of Russian Aademy of Sienes, Pofsoyuznaya 84/3, Mosow , Russia 3 National Reseah Nulea Univesity MEPhI Mosow Engineeing Physis Institute), Kashiskoe Shosse 31, Mosow , Russia Dated: Apil 16, 018) We analytially investigate the influene of a osmi expansion on the shadow of the Shwazshild blak hole. We suppose that the expansion is diven by a osmologial onstant only and use the Kottle o Shwazshild-deSitte) spaetime as a model fo a Shwazshild blak hole embedded in a desitte univese. We alulate the angula adius of the shadow fo an obseve who is omoving with the osmi expansion. It is found that the angula adius of the shadow shinks to a non-zeo finite value if the omoving obseve appoahes infinity. PACS numbes: q 98.6.Sb 98.6.Mw Jk I. INTRODUCTION In eent yeas stong evidene fo the existene of supemassive blak holes at the entes of most galaxies has been aumulated. Aoding to theoy, an obseve should see suh a blak hole as a dak disk, known as the shadow of the blak hole, in the sky against a bakdop of light soues. Attempts to atually obseving the shadow of the blak-hole andidates at the ente of ou own galaxy and at the ente of M87 ae unde way, see the homepages of the Event Hoizon Telesope and of the BlakHole- Cam Fo the simplest ase of a non-otating blak hole, the shadow is a iula disk in the sky. If the blak hole is unhaged, it is to be modelled by the Shwazshild meti. Fo a stati obseve in the spaetime of a Shwazshild blak hole, the angula adius of the shadow was alulated in a seminal pape by Synge [1]. Synge alulated what he alled the esape one of light whih is just the omplement in the sky of what we now all the shadow.) Fo a otating blak hole, the shadow is no longe iula but athe flattened on one side, as a onsequene of the dagging of lightlike geodesis by the blak hole. The shape of the shadow of a Ke blak hole fo a stationay obseve at a lage distane was fist alulated by Badeen []. Moe geneally, an analytial fomula fo the shape and the size of the shadow of a blak hole of the Plebański-Demiański lass, fo an obseve anywhee in the domain of oute ommuniation, was deived by Genzebah et al.[3, 4]. In this pape the obseve s fouveloity was assumed to be a linea ombination of t and ϕ and in the plane spanned by the two pinipal null dietions; with this esult at hand, the shadow an then be alulated fo obseves with any othe fou-veloities with the help of the standad abeation fomula, see tsupko@iki.ssi.u gkogan@iki.ssi.u Genzebah [5] fo details. Fo the ase of the Ke meti, whih is ontained as a speial ase in the wok by Genzebah et al., Tsupko [6] woked out an appoximate fomula that allows to extat the spin of the blak hole fom the shape of the shadow. In all these woks, the blak hole is assumed to be etenal, i.e, the spaetime is assumed to be time independent. Then, of ouse, a stati o stationay obseve will see a time-independent shadow. Atually, we believe that we live in an expanding univese. This gives ise to the question of how the shadow depends on time. Also, in an expanding univese the dependene of the shadow on the momentay position of the obseve will no longe be given by the fomulas fo a stati o stationay blak hole. Of ouse, fo the blak-hole andidates at the ente of ou own galaxy and at the entes of neaby galaxies the effet of the osmologial expansion is tiny. Howeve, fo galaxies at a lage distane the influene on the angula diamete of the shadow may be onsideable. In any ase, alulating this influene is an inteesting question fom a oneptual point of view. This is the pupose of the pesent pape. We estit to the simplest model of a blak hole in an expanding univese, viz. to the Kottle spaetime also known as the Shwazshild-deSitte spaetime). This spaetime, whih was found by Kottle [7] in 1918, desibes a Shwazshild-like i.e., nonotating and unhaged) blak hole embedded in a desitte univese. Moe peisely, the Kottle meti depends on two paametes, m and Λ, both of whih ae assumed to be positive with 9Λm < 1. It is a spheially symmeti solution of Einstein s field equation fo vauum with a osmologial onstant. Nea the ente the spaetime geomety is simila to a Shwazshild blak hole with mass paamete m, and fa away fom the ente it is simila to a desitte univese with osmologial onstant Λ. We admit that, aoding to the onodane model of osmology, the desitte univese is a good model only fo the late stage of ou univese, wheeas fo the pesent and ealie stages of ou univese the influene of matte annot be negleted. Nonetheless, we believe that it is instutive to onside this model beause it allows to

2 detemine the influene of the osmologial expansion on the shadow fo the ase that this expansion is diven by the osmologial onstant only. The Kottle meti admits a timelike Killing veto field. Obseves whose woldlines ae integal uves of this Killing veto field see a stati i.e., timeindependent) spaetime geomety. We efe to them as to the stati obseves in the Kottle spaetime. When we onside the Kottle spaetime as a model fo a blak hole embedded in an expanding univese, we ae not inteested in these stati obseves, but athe in obseves that ae omoving with the osmi expansion. Howeve, the existene of the stati obseves gives us a useful tool fo alulations: We may fist onside the shadow as it is seen by a stati obseve. This was alulated fo the Shwazshild blak hole without a osmologial onstant by Synge [1], as was aleady mentioned above, and genealized to the ase of a Kottle blak hole by Stuhlík and Hledík [8]. Fom these esults we an then alulate the angula adius of the shadow fo an obseve that is omoving with the osmi expansion by applying the standad abeation fomula. In this pape we want to onentate on the influene of the osmi expansion, as diven by the osmologial onstant, on the shadow. Theefoe, we simplify all othe aspets as fa as possible. In patiula, we onside a blak hole that is haateized by its mass only, i.e., it is nonspinning and aies no eleti, magneti, gavitomagneti,... ) hages. It is etainly possible to onside, moe geneally, a Plebański-Demiański blak hole, whih may be spinning and aying vaious kinds of hages, and to tansfom the above-mentioned esults of Genzebah et al. [3, 4] with the help of the abeation fomula to an obseve that is omoving with the osmi expansion. Then, howeve, it would be diffiult to disentangle the influene of the vaious paametes on the esult and to extat the effet of the Λ-diven expansion. Also, it would be possible to take the influene of a plasma onto the light ays into aount. The shadow in a plasma fo a stati o stationay obseve was alulated fo nonotating and otating blak holes by Pelik, Tsupko and Bisnovatyi-Kogan [9, 10], f. [11]. Again, we will not do this beause hee we want to onentate on the effet of the osmi expansion diven by a osmologial onstant. As a stating point fo ou alulations we need the equation fo lightlike geodesis in the Kottle spaetime, witten in oodinates adapted to the stati obseves. It is well known that the set of solution uves of this diffeential equation is independent of Λ, see Islam [1]. It was widely believed that, as a onsequene, Λ has no influene on the lensing featues. Howeve, it was ealized by Rindle and Ishak [13] that this is not tue: Although the oodinate epesentation of the lightlike geodesis is unaffeted by Λ, the osmologial onstant does influene the lensing featues beause it hanges the angle measuements. Theefoe it should not ome as a supise that also the angula adius of the shadow does depend on Λ. When hanging to the obseves that ae omoving with the osmi expansion we have to apply the abeation fomula. A detailed study of this fomula in the Kottle spaetime was bought fowad eently by Lebedev and Lake [14, 15] and we will omment on the elation of ou wok to theis in an appendix. The pape is oganized as follows. In Setion II we alulate the shadow in the Kottle spaetime fo a stati obseve. The esults ae not new, but we have to epeat them hee beause we want to use them late. Setion III ontains the main esults of this pape: Hee we alulate the shadow in the Kottle spaetime as it is seen by an obseve that is omoving with the osmi expansion. An appoximation fo these esults is given in Setion IV fo the ase that the obseve is fa away fom the blak hole. We onlude with a disussion of ou esults in Setion V. In an appendix we point out how ou wok is elated to the above-mentioned wok by Lebedev and Lake. Thoughout the pape, we use Einstein s summation onvention fo geek indies taking values 0,1,,3. Ou hoie of signatue is, +, +, +). II. SHADOW IN THE KOTTLER SPACETIME AS SEEN BY A STATIC OBSERVER The Kottle meti is the unique spheially symmeti solution to Einstein s vauum field equation with a osmologial onstant. In its standad fom it eads whee g µν dx µ dx ν = f) dt + d f) + dω 1) f) = 1 m Λ 3, dω = sin ϑ dϕ + dϑ. ) m is the mass paamete, m = GM 3) whee M is the mass of the ental objet and Λ is the osmologial onstant. As usual, G is Newton s gavitational onstant and is the vauum speed of light). We assume thoughout that 0 < Λ < 1 9m. 4) Then the Kottle meti has two event hoizons, given by the zeos of the funtion f), an inne one at a adius H1 and an oute one at a adius H whee m < H1 < 3m < H <. The egion between the two hoizons is alled the domain of oute ommuniation beause any two obseves in this egion may ommuniate with eah othe without being hindeed by a hoizon. In this egion the funtion f) is positive, i.e., the veto field t is timelike. As a onsequene, the integal uves of the veto field t may be intepeted as the woldlines

3 3 of obseves. Sine t is a Killing veto field, these obseves see a time-independent univese. As mentioned aleady in the intodution, we will efe to them as to the stati obseves in the Kottle spaetime. Fo the following it is uial that the stati obseves exist only in the domain of oute ommuniation. =0 i + + The hoizon at = H1 onsists of a futue inne hoizon that sepaates the domain of oute ommuniation fom a blak-hole egion and of a past inne hoizon that sepaates it fom a white-hole egion. Fo liteatue on white holes see e.g. [17 19].) Similaly, the hoizon at = H onsists of a futue oute hoizon and a past oute hoizon. In this pape we ae inteested in the shadow of the blak hole. It is onstuted unde the assumption that thee ae light soues only in the domain of oute ommuniation. As the light emitted fom suh a light soue an neve eah one of the two past hoizons, the egions beyond the past hoizons will be of no elevane fo us. We will be onened only with the domain of oute ommuniation, tagged I in Fig. 1, and to the egions beyond the futue hoizons, tagged II and III in Fig. 1. We will efe to the futue inne hoizon as to the blak-hole hoizon and to the futue oute hoizon as to the futue) osmologial hoizon. Befoe intoduing moving obseves in the next setion, we will now alulate the shadow as it is momentaily seen by a stati obseve at a spaetime point t O,, ϑ O = π/, ϕ O = 0) in the domain of oute ommuniation. Beause of the symmety, it is no estition to plae the obseve in the equatoial plane and it suffies to onside lightlike geodesis in the equatoial plane. Geodesis in the equatoial plane deive fom the Lagangian Lx, ẋ) = 1 ) f) ṫ + ṙ f) + ϕ. 5) II H1 H III The t and ϕ omponents of the Eule-Lagange equation give us two onstants of motion, H1 I i H FIG. 1. COLOR ONLINE) Cate-Penose diagam of the Kottle spaetime. The pitue shows only the pat of spaetime that is of elevane to us: The domain of oute ommuniation I, the blak-hole egion II and the egion beyond the futue) osmologial hoizon III. A signal i.e., a futue-oiented ausal woldline) that stats somewhee in the domain of oute ommuniation may do one of thee things: i) It may stay inside I foeve, appoahing futue timelike infinity i + ; examples ae the iula lightlike geodesis at = 3m. ii) It may oss the blak-hole hoizon and end up in the singulaity at = 0; examples ae the ingoing adial lightlike geodesis. iii) It may oss the osmologial hoizon and go to futue null infinity I + ; examples ae the outgoing adial lightlike geodesis. The Cate-Penose diagam of the maximal) Kottle spaetime was fist detemined by Gibbons and Hawking [16]. E = f) ṫ, L = ϕ. 6) Fo lightlike geodesis we have f) ṫ + ṙ f) + ϕ = 0. 7) Solving fo ṙ / ϕ = d/dϕ) and inseting 6) yields the obit equation fo lightlike geodesis, ) d E = 4 dϕ L + Λ m ) 3. 8) We see that Λ an be absobed into a new onstant of motion C = E / L ) + Λ/3, i.e., that the set of all lightlike geodesis is independent of Λ in the hosen oodinate epesentation. This, howeve, does not mean that Λ has no influene on the lensing featues beause angle measuements do depend on Λ, see Rindle and Ishak [13]. By evaluating the equations d/dϕ = 0 and d /dϕ = 0 we find that thee is a iula lightlike geodesi at adius = 3m and that the onstants of motion fo this iula light ay satisfy E L = 1 7 m Λ 3. 9) This iula light ay is unstable in the sense that a slight petubation of the initial dietion in the equatoial plane gives a light ay that moves away fom the ile at = 3m and osses one of the two hoizons. If we take all thee spatial dimensions into aount, we find that thee is suh an unstable iula light ay in any plane though the oigin. These iula light ays fill the photon sphee at = 3m. Fo onstuting the shadow we onside all light ays that go fom the position of the stati obseve at t O,, ϑ O = π/, ϕ O = 0) into the past. They leave the obseve at an angle θ with espet to the adial line that satisfies tan θ = lim x 0 y x, 10) see Fig.. Fom the Kottle meti 1) we ead that x and y satisfy, in the desied limit,

4 4 y θ x FIG.. Definition of the angle θ. was fist alulated by Synge [1]. The wod shadow is used neithe by Synge no by Stuhlík and Hledík. They alulated what they alled the esape one of light whih is the omplement of the shadow. III. SHADOW IN THE KOTTLER SPACETIME AS SEEN BY AN OBSERVER COMOVING WITH THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE tan θ = dϕ 1 m Λ ) 1/d 3 =. 11) We will now tun to the shadow as it is seen by an obseve who is omoving with the osmi expansion. To that end we intodue on the Kottle spaetime a new oodinate system t,, ϑ = ϑ, ϕ = ϕ) whih is elated to the old oodinate system by Expessing d/dϕ with the help of the obit equation 8) esults in tan θ = By elementay tigonomety, m Λ 3 3 O E L + Λ ). 1) O m sin θ = 1 m Λ 3 E. 13) L The shadow is onstuted in the following way, see Fig. 3. We assume that thee ae light soues eveywhee in the domain of oute ommuniation but not between the obseve and the blak hole. Eah point in the obseve s sky oesponds to a light ay issuing fom the obseve position into the past. We assign dakness espetively bightness) to those dietions whih oespond to light ays that go to the hoizon at H1 espetively to the hoizon at H ). The bounday of the shadow oesponds to light ays that spial asymptotially towads iula lightlike geodesis at = 3m. Theefoe, the angula adius of the shadow is found be equating E /L to the onstant of motion that oesponds to the iula light ay at = 3m. Substituting fom 9) into 13) yields the angula adius θ stat of the shadow as it is seen by a stati obseve, 1 m Λ sin θ stat = O 3 1 7m Λ ). 14) O 3 θ stat vaies fom 0 bight sky) to π dak sky) when the obseve position vaies fom H to H1. Fo = 3m we have θ stat = π/, i.e., half of the sky is dak, see Fig. 4. Eq. 14) is equivalent to a esult found by Stuhlík and Hledík [8]. Fo Λ 0, 14) edues of ouse to the fomula fo the shadow of a Shwazshild blak hole whih e H 0 t t = t + whee = e H0 t 1 + m e H0 t ), 15) 1 + m ) 6w dw w 1 m ) H w 0 w 1 + m ) 6 16) w w 0 H 0 H 0 = Λ 3 17) and w 0 is an integation onstant that has to be hosen appopiately. If we diffeentiate 15) and 16), we find the elation between the oodinate diffeentials, ) ) d = e H0 t 1 m e H0 t 4 d + H 0 d t, 18) dt = 19) 1 m ) e H0 t d t + H 0 eh0 t 1 + m e H0 t) 6d 1 m ) e H0 t H 0 e H0 t 1 + m ) 6. e H0 t Inseting these expessions into 1) gives us the Kottle meti in the new oodinates, g µν d x µ d x ν = 1 m ) e H0 t 1 + m ) e H0 t d t + e H0 t 1 + m e H0 t ) 4d + dω ). 0) In this oodinate system, obseves on t lines see an exponentially expanding univese with a timeindependent) Hubble onstant H 0. We all them the omoving obseves, whee omoving efes to the osmi expansion. The twiddled oodinates ae known as the MVittie oodinates, efeing to 1933 wok by MVittie [0] on a moe geneal lass of spaetimes, although fo the Kottle meti Robetson [1] had used these oodinates aleady in 198. Fo H 0 0 the Kottle spaetime

5 5 FIG. 3. COLOR ONLINE) Fomation of the shadow as seen by a stati obseve in the Kottle spaetime. The Kottle meti has a blak hole event hoizon at H1 and a osmologial event hoizon at H. The obseve is at adial oodinate. Without loss of geneality, we onside light ays in the equatoial plane and we assume that the obseve is loated on the x-axis. If the obseve emits light ays into the past, some of them go towads the hoizon at H1 while othes, afte appoahing the blak hole, go towads the hoizon at H. The bodeline ases between these two lasses ae light ays whih asymptotially spial towads the photon sphee at = 3m whih is filled with unstable iula light obits. In the ase of light soues distibuted eveywhee in the domain of oute ommuniation but not between the blak hole and the obseve, the one bounded by light ays that spial towads the photon sphee will be empty, so the obseve will see the shadow as a blak disk of angula adius θ stat. We have extended the tangents to the initial dietions of these light ays in the oodinate pitue by staight dashed lines up to the plane x = 0. This dashed one has no oodinate-independent meaning, but it shows that appliation of the naive Eulidean fomula tan θ stat = 3m/ gives an angula adius of the shadow that is smalle than the oet one. Also note that the Eulidean fomula is independent of Λ wheeas the oet one, given by 14), is not. π π θ stat m m 3m 4m 5m 6m FIG. 4. COLOR ONLINE) Angula adius θ stat of the shadow plotted against the obseve position. The pitue is fo Λ/3 = H 0/ = 0.15 m 1. The dashed ed) lines mak the hoizons at = H1 and = H. in the Robetson-MVittie epesentation 0) edues to the Shwazshild spaetime in isotopi oodinates while fo m 0 it edues to the steady-state univese, i.e., to one half of the desitte spaetime in Robetson- Walke oodinates adapted to a spatially flat sliing. If solved fo the diffeentials of the twiddled oodinates, 18) and 19) an be expessed as d = 1 m d 1 m H 0 ) H 0 dt. ) This tansfomation an be equivalently ewitten in tems of the Gaussian basis veto fields as 1 m ) t = 1 m H 0 ) t +H 0 1 m, 3) = H 0 1 m H 0 ) t + 1 m. 4) We want to find the angula adius θ omov of the shadow as it is seen by a omoving obseve. We have alulated in 14) the angula adius θ stat of the shadow fo a stati obseve. The angle θ omov we ae looking fo is elated to θ stat by the standad abeation fomula sin θ omov = 1 v ) sin θ stat 1 v os θ stat ) 5) d t = dt 1 m H 0 d 1 m H 0 ), 1) whee v is the 3-veloity of the omoving obseve with espet to the stati obseve at the same obsevation event. Hee we have to be aeful when expessing os θ stat with

6 6 t whee in the last equality we have used 3). The fatos N stat and N omov follow fom the nomalization ondition, = g µν U statu µ stat ν = Nstat 1 m H 0 ), 30) = g µν U omovu µ omov ν = Nomov 1 m ), 31) m m 3m 4m 5m 6m FIG. 5. COLOR ONLINE) Woldlines of the omoving obseves in the t oodinate system. As in Fig. 4, we have hosen Λ/3 = H 0/ = 0.15 m 1. The woldlines of the omoving obseves ae shown hee in the egion between the two hoizons whih ae, again, maked by dashed ed) lines. This oesponds to the egion I in Fig. 1. If extended beyond the osmologial hoizon, the woldlines of the omoving obseves fill the egions I and III in Fig. 1 and teminate at I +. the help of ou fomula 14) fo sin θ stat : We know fom the peeding setion that θ stat lies between π/ and π fo H1 < < 3m and that it lies between 0 and π/ fo 3m < < H. Theefoe, we ewite 5) as sin θ omov = 1 v ) 1 ± v sin θ stat ) 6) 1 sin θ stat whee we have to hoose the uppe sign in the domain H1 < < 3m and the lowe sign in the domain 3m < < H. The 3-veloity v has to be alulated fom the speialelativisti equation g µν U µ statu ν omov = 1 v 7) whee U stat / x µ µ is the fou-veloity veto of the stati obseve and U omov / x µ µ is the fou-veloity veto of the omoving obseve. The fome is popotional to / t while the latte is popotional to / t, N omov U µ stat x µ = N stat t, 8) U omov µ x µ = N omov t = 9) 1 m ) 1 m H 0 ) t + H 0 1 m, hene 8) and 9) yield U µ omov U µ stat x µ = 1 1 m H 0 t, 3) 1 m x µ = 1 m H 0 ) t + H 0. 33) Inseting these expessions fo U µ stat and U ν omov into 7) esults in whih is equivalent to m 1 v 1 = H 0 1 m v = H 0 1 m 34). 35) Fom 34) we ead that v tends to if one of the two hoizons is appoahed; this is lea beause on the hoizons the woldlines of the stati obseves beome lightlike. Between the two hoizons, v is deeasing fom to a loal minimum at the photon sphee and then ineasing again to, see Fig. 6. We an now alulate θ omov by inseting 14) and 35) with = into 6). Afte some elementay algeba we find 7 m sin θ omov = 1 m 1 7H 0 m 7 m H0 1 7m O 1 m ). 36) This equation makes sense fo all momentay obseve positions with H1 < <, although fo the

7 7 v m m 3m 4m 5m 6m FIG. 6. COLOR ONLINE) Thee-veloity v of a omoving obseve elative to a stati obseve at the same event, plotted as a funtion of the adius oodinate. As in the peeding pitues, we have hosen Λ/3 = H 0/ = 0.15 m 1 and the dashed ed) lines mak the hoizons. deivation it was assumed that H1 < < H. This eflets the fat that the woldlines of the omoving obseves may be analytially extended beyond the osmologial hoizon. In 36) we have to hoose the uppe sign in the domain H1 < < 3m and the lowe sign in the domain 3m < < ; fo = 3m the tem with the sign is equal to zeo. 36) gives us the angula adius of the shadow as it is seen by a omoving obseve on his way fom the inne hoizon though the oute hoizon to infinity. Reall that a omoving obseve has a onstant twiddled adius oodinate, = onstant; hene, when we expess in tems of and t O with the help of 15) we get fom 36) the angle θ omov as a funtion of the time oodinate t O. If one of the hoizons is appoahed, 1 1 m H 0. 37) Fo the inne hoizon, we have to use the uppe sign in 36). Then 37) yields sin θ omov 0 fo H1. 38) The angle θ omov itself goes to π. Fo the oute hoizon, howeve, we have to use the lowe sign in 36). Then 37) yields sin θ omov 7 H 0m 1 7 H 0 m fo H. 39) Moeove, fom 36) with the lowe sign we ead that sin θ omov 7 H 0m fo. 40) When the omoving obseve stats at the inne hoizon, the shadow oves the entie sky, θ omov = π. On his way out to infinity, the shadow monotonially shinks to a finite value given by 40), see Fig. 7. Nothing patiula happens when the obseve osses the oute hoizon. Note that the futue) osmologial hoizon is an event hoizon fo all obseves who stay foeve in the domain of oute ommuniation, in patiula fo the stati obseves, but not fo the omoving obseves. This an be lealy seen fom Fig. 1: Even afte ossing this hoizon a omoving obseve an eeive light signals fom egion I. Aoding to eq. 40) the angula adius θ omov of the shadow of vey distant blak holes is detemined by the osmologial onstant and of ouse, by the mass of the blak hole. With a value of Λ km, whih is in ageement with pesent day obsevations, 17) gives us a Hubble time of H s. Upon inseting this value into 40) we find fo a supemassive blak hole of Sola masses in the limit an angula adius of θ omov 0.1 mioaseonds. Pesent-day VLBI tehnology allows to esolve angles of a few dozen mioaseonds, so a esolution of 0.1 mioaseonds annot be ahieved at the moment but it ould ome into eah within one o two deades. Also, the existene of blak holes with masses of moe than Sola masses, fo whih the shadow would be bigge, annot be uled out. Note, howeve, that this line of agument does not neessaily imply that the shadows of vey distant blak holes will beome obsevable with VLBI instuments in a few yeas time. Fistly, we have to keep in mind that ou alulation was done in a univese whee the osmi expansion is diven by the osmologial onstant only. In a ealisti model of the univese, taking the matte ontent into aount, the Hubble onstant is a funtion of time; the hosen value of the Hubble time, H s is a easonably good appoximation fo the pesent time and an even bette appoximation fo late times, when the osmologial onstant dominates even moe ove matte), but at ealie times the Hubble time had diffeent values. So one would have to epeat ou alulation in a univese with a time-dependent Hubble onstant to see how the matte ontent influenes ou esult. Seondly, fo the obsevability of the shadow it is neessay not only that the angula adius of the shadow is big enough but also that thee ae suffiiently bight light soues that an seve as a bakdop against whih the shadow an be obseved. This equies alulating, fo a ealisti model of ou univese, the influene of the spaetime geomety on the sufae bightness of distant light soues. IV. SHADOW FOR OBSERVERS AT LARGE DISTANCES In the peeding setions we have alulated the shadow fo any possible obseve position, i.e. H1 < < H fo stati obseves and H1 < <

8 8 π π θ θ omov m 4m 6m 8m 10m 1m 14m 16m 18m FIG. 7. COLOR ONLINE) Angula adius θ omov of the shadow plotted against the obseve position. As befoe, we have hosen Λ/3 = H 0/ = 0.15 m 1 and the dashed ed) lines mak the hoizons. fo omoving obseves. In this setion we want to deive appoximate fomulas fo the ase that the obseve is fa away fom the blak hole, m. Physially this means that ove a lage pat of a light ay to the obseve the effet of the osmi expansion dominates ove the gavitational attation by the blak hole. Clealy, fo a stati obseve the ondition m an be satisfied only if H m. No suh estition is neessay fo omoving obseves. Theefoe, we will onside the ases of stati and omoving obseves sepaately. Stati obseve As a peliminay note, we want to disuss an impotant diffeene between the blak-hole shadow in Shwazshild and Kottle spaetimes that aises fom the fat that the fome is asymptotially flat wheeas the latte is not. In the ase of the Shwazshild meti, the angula adius of the shadow as seen by a stati obseve) an be witten as 1 m ) b Shwazshild) sin θ stat =, 41) whee b is the itial value of the impat paamete b = L/E oesponding to photons on unstable iula obits filling the photon sphee. In the Shwazshild meti the adius of the photon sphee equals 3m and O Shwazshild) b = 3 3m, 4) see 9) with Λ = 0. With ineasing distane, both the sine of the angula adius of the shadow and the angula adius itself tend to zeo. This is beause the denominato of the fation in 41) ineases while the fato in bakets in the numeato tends to unity. Theefoe, fo lage distanes the angula size of the shadow an be witten as This appoah edues the detemination of the angula size of the shadow at lage distanes to the alulation of the itial value of the impat paamete: knowing the itial impat paamete, one gets an appoximate value fo sin θ stat afte dividing by. Badeen [] has used this appoah fo the moe geneal ase of the Ke meti. In this ase the shadow is not iula; its shape fo distant obseves is detemined by two impat paametes. Aodingly, the angula adii of the shadow an be appoximately found by dividing these impat paametes by the Boye-Lindquist) adius oodinate of the obseve. This method woks fo metis that ae asymptotially flat at infinity. The Kottle spaetime, howeve, is not asymptotially flat; the meti oeffiient f) does not tend to unity fo lage. In this meti the angula adius of the shadow as seen by a stati obseve) an be witten as Kottle) sin θ stat = 1 m O Λ 3 ) b, 44) whee the itial value of the impat paamete b = L/E is given by 9), Kottle) b = 3 3m. 45) 1 9Λm ) 1/ This value of the itial impat paamete fo the Kottle meti is well known, see e.g. [, 3]. Fo Λ 0 the dependene of the shadow size on is vey diffeent fom the Shwazshild ase. With ineasing, the denominato of the fation in 44) ineases, while the fato in bakets in the numeato tends to zeo if appoahes its maximal value H. Theefoe fo the Kottle spaetime the detemination of the angula size of the shadow at lage distanes does not edue to the alulation of the itial value of the impat paamete: Kottle) sin θ stat b O, m. 46) Note that in the above agument we impliitly assume that Λ is suffiiently small suh that H m beause othewise the ondition m ould not hold fo a stati obseve. Let us now appoximate fomula 14) fo stati obseves at lage distanes, m. As this equies H m, the equation fo the oute hoizon an be appoximated by 1 m H Λ 3 H = 0 47) Shwazshild) sin θ stat b O, m. 43) 1 Λ 3 H 0, H 3 Λ. 48)

9 9 Combining 48) with the ondition that H m, we obtain a estition on the value of Λ: Λm 1. 49) With m and 49), eq. 14) fo the angula size of the shadow fo stati obseves an be simplified to sin θ stat 7m O 1 Λ ) 3 fo m. 50) Comoving obseve In the ase of omoving obseves, the ondition m does not equie any estition on H beause suh obseves an exist both inside and outside the osmologial hoizon. Fo m, eq. 36) fo the angula size of the shadow fo omoving obseves is simplified to sin θ omov 7 m 1 7H 0 m + H 0 ). 51) Hee we have to hoose the + sign in 36) beause the ondition m implies that > 3m. Fo we eove, of ouse, 40). If we want to apply the appoximation fomula 51) fo omoving obseves nea H we need to assume that H m. As we aleady know, this equies 48) and 49) whih ead, in tems of H 0, H H 0, H 0 m 1. 5) Then we obtain fom 51) the appoximate fomula sin θ omov 7 H 0m V. CONCLUSIONS fo H m. 53) In this pape we have alulated the angula adius of the shadow fo an obseve that is omoving with the osmi expansion in Kottle Shwazshild-deSitte) spaetime. As fa as we know, the shadow fo a omoving obseve in an expanding univese was not alulated befoe. The esulting expession is pesented in fomula 36). Quite geneally, the osmi expansion has a magnifying effet on the shadow. This is in ageement with the wellknown fat that the image of an objet is magnified by abeation if the obseve moves away fom the objet. Moeove, it is found that the shadow shinks to a finite value if the omoving obseve appoahes infinity, see fomula 40). As a onsequene, even the most distant blak holes have a shadow whose angula adius is bigge than the bound given by 40). The magnifiation effet aused by a osmologial onstant of Λ km is athe stong: fo a blak hole of Sola masses we found that even in the limit the angula adius of the shadow is not smalle than θ omov 0.1 mioaseonds. This is only two odes of magnitude beyond the esolvability of pesentday VLBI tehnology. Howeve, thee ae two aveats. Fistly, ou alulations whee done in the Kottle spaetime in whih the osmi expansion is diven by the osmologial onstant only. It has to be heked how ou esults ae to be modified in a moe ealisti spaetime model, taking the matte ontent of the univese into aount. Seondly, the shadow an be obseved only if thee is a bakdop of suffiiently bight light soues against whih the shadow an be seen as a dak disk. Theefoe, when doing the alulations in a ealisti model of ou univese one would also have to estimate the influene of the spaetime geomety on the sufae bightness of light soues. Note that a omoving obseve in the Kottle spaetime an exist behind the osmologial event hoizon, in ontast to a stati obseve, and that he an see the shadow until he ends up at futue null infinity. Simplified appoximative fomulas fo distant obseves, both stati and omoving, ae pesented in Setion IV. In an Appendix we demonstate that ou esults fo the angula size of the shadow an be also obtained by using fomulas fo the defletion angle in Kottle spaetime deived by Lebedev and Lake [14, 15]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS O. Yu. T. is gateful to Dmiti Lebedev fo useful onvesations. O. Yu. T. and G. S. B.-K. expess thei gatitude to C. Lämmezahl and his goup fo wam hospitality duing thei visit of ZARM, Univesity of Bemen. The wok of O. Yu. T. and G. S. B.-K. was patially suppoted by the Russian Foundation fo Basi Reseah Gant No V. P. gatefully aknowledges suppot fom the DFG within the Reseah Taining Goup 160 Models of Gavity. APPENDIX: DERIVATION OF THE ANGULAR SIZE OF THE SHADOW USING RESULTS OF LEBEDEV AND LAKE Hee we show how to obtain fomulas 6), 36) and 51) using esults fom Lebedev and Lake [14] f. [15]) on the defletion of light in the Kottle ShwazshilddeSitte) spaetime. i) Fomula 18) fom [14] is:

10 osα adial ) = f0) f) 0 + f0) 0 f0) 0 + f0) U f) f0) 0 f) ) f) U f) ) U 1 + U f) f) ) U 1 + U f) f) 10 ). 54) U f) Hee α adial is the angle, as measued by a adially moving obseve in the Kottle spaetime, between a adial light ay and a light ay with 0 as adial oodinate of the point of losest appoah. The obseve s adial oodinate is and the obseve s fou-veloity is U = U t, U, 0, 0). In this appendix we follow Lebedev and Lake and hoose units suh that = 1. Then the funtion f) is f) = 1 m H 0. 55) Note that in ou notation the obseve s adial oodinate is denoted whih should not be onfused with the 0 of Lebedev and Lake. To edeive the fomula fo the sine of the angula adius of the shadow, sin θ omov, we have to hoose the minimal oodinate distane as 0 = 3m, the obseve s position as =, and the obseve s fou-veloity as U = H 0, see 33). With these substitutions α adial in 54) gives us θ omov. To ewite 54) in a moe ompat way, we use the equation U t 1 = 1 + U fo ) f ), 56) and we intodue the notation w 1 1 h 3m) h ), w t f ) U t, w Hee the funtion h) is defined by h ) = U fo ). 57) f) = 1 m, 58) H 0 simila to ou pevious wok [9]. The quantities w 1, w t, w ae intodued fo onveniene only and have no speifi physial meaning. In patiula, they ae not the ovaiant omponents of any fou-veto. Note that the expession h 3m)/h ) oinides with sin θ stat fom fomula 14). With this notation the expession 54) takes the following fom ompae with eq. 19) of [14]): os θ omov = w w 1 )w w w t ) w t w 1 w )w t w ) Fom U µ U µ = 1 we find that w t w = 1, hene. 59) w t w 1 w )w t w ) = w 1 )w w w t ). 60) This allows us to ewite 59) as os θ omov = w 1 + z w 1 + z w, z w 1 + w 1 )w w w t ). As a onsequene, 61) sin θ omov = 1 w 1 + z w ) 1 + z w ) = 1 + z w w1 w 1 z w 1 + z w ) = 1 w 1)w t w ) 1 w1 1 + z w ) = w t w 1 w ). 6) Note that the numeato 1 w1 oinides with sin θ stat fom fomula 14). Fom these esults we an e-obtain a fomula fo the shadow in the fom of 6) in the following way. We substitute U = H 0 into 56) and 57) and obtain: w t = 1, w v =. 63) 1 v 1 v Hee we have intodued fo ompatness the vaiable v in the same way as in 34) and 35). With these expessions, we an tansfom fomula 6) to 6) with v given by 35). Lebedev and Lake assume that the adial oodinate of the obseve is bigge than the adial oodinate of the point of the losest appoah of the light ay. In ou poblem this means that > 3m. Theefoe we get fom thei appoah eq. 6) only with the minus sign in the denominato. If H1 < < 3m we have to use eq. 6) with the plus sign beause os θ stat < 0 in this ase. ii) If we want to obtain a fomula fo the shadow in the fom of 36), we an pefom the following tansfomation: sin θ omov = sin θ stat = sin θ statw t w 1 w ) w t ± w 1 w wt w1 = w = sin θ statw t w 1 w ) 1 + w sin θ stat. 64) By substituting U = H 0 into 56) and 57) we eove 36). iii) Ou appoximative fomula 51) fo the size of the shadow as seen by a distant obseve an also be deived using fomula 13) fom [14]: osα omoving ) = f0) fm=0) 0 f0) f0) 0 0 f0) 0 fm=0) Λ 3 Λ 3, 65)

11 11 whee f m=0 ) = 1 Λ 3. 66) Then the fou-veloity of a omoving obseve in stati oodinates is ) U µ omoving = 1 Λ f m=0 ),, 0, 0. 67) 3 Substituting 0 = 3m, = and Λ 3 = H 0 we ewite 65) in ou notation as whee os θ omov = w 1 H 0 1 w 1 H 0, 68) w 1 = 1 9m f m=0 ) O f3m). 69) By applying the tansfomation 1 w sin θ omov = 1 1 H 0 O = 70) 1 w 1 H 0 1 w = 1 1 H 0 O 1 + w 1H 0 ) 1 w1 H 0 and simplifying sin θ omov with m, we eove 51). [1] J. L. Synge, The esape of photons fom gavitationally intense stas, Mon. Not. R. Aston. So. 131, ). [] J. M. Badeen, Timelike and null geodesis in the Ke meti, in Blak Holes, ed. by C. DeWitt and B. DeWitt Godon and Beah, New Yok, 1973), p. 15. [3] A. Genzebah, V. Pelik, and C. Lämmezahl, Photon egions and shadows of Ke-Newman-NUT blak holes with a osmologial onstant, Phys. Rev. D 89, ). [4] A. Genzebah, V. Pelik, and C. Lämmezahl, Photon egions and shadows of aeleated blak holes. Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 4, ). [5] A. Genzebah, Abeational effets fo shadows of blak holes, in E quations of Motion in Relativisti Gavity, ed. by D. Puetzfeld, C. Lämmezahl, and B. Shutz Spinge, Heidelbeg, 015), pp. 83. [6] O. Yu. Tsupko, Analytial alulation of blak hole spin using defomation of the shadow, Phys. Rev. D 95, ). [7] F. Kottle, Übe die physikalishen Gundlagen de Einsteinshen Gavitationstheoie, Ann. Phys. Belin) 361, ). [8] Z. Stuhlík and S. Hledík, Some popeties of the Shwazshild-de Sitte and Shwazshild-anti-de Sitte spaetimes, Phys. Rev. D 60, ) [9] V. Pelik, O. Yu. Tsupko, and G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Influene of a plasma on the shadow of a spheially symmeti blak hole, Phys. Rev. D 9, ). [10] V. Pelik and O. Yu. Tsupko, Light popagation in a plasma on Ke spaetime: Sepaation of the Hamilton- Jaobi equation and alulation of the shadow, Phys. Rev. D 95, ). [11] G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan and O. Tsupko, Gavitational lensing in pesene of plasma: Stong lens systems, blak hole lensing and shadow, Univese 3, ) [1] J. N. Islam, The osmologial onstant and lassial tests of geneal elativity, Phys. Lett. A 97, ). [13] W. Rindle and M. Ishak, Contibution of the osmologial onstant to the elativisti bending of light evisited, Phys. Rev. D 76, ). [14] D. Lebedev and K. Lake, On the influene of the osmologial onstant on tajetoies of light and assoiated measuements in Shwazshild de Sitte spae, epint axiv: ). [15] D. Lebedev and K. Lake, Relativisti abeation and the osmologial onstant in gavitational lensing I: Intodution, epint axiv: ). [16] G. W. Gibbons and S. W. Hawking, Cosmologial event hoizons, themodynamis, and patile eation, Phys. Rev. D 15, ) [17] I. D. Novikov, Delayed explosion of a pat of the Fiedman univese and quasas, Soviet Astonomy 8, ). [18] Yu. Ne eman, Expansion as an enegy soue in quasistella adio soues, Astophys. J. 141, ). [19] K. Lake, White holes, Natue 7, ). [0] G. C. MVittie, The mass-patile in an expanding univese, Mon. Not. Roy. Aston. So. 93, ) [1] H. P. Robetson, On elativisti osmology, Philos. Mag. J. Si., Seies 7, 5, ) [] K. Lake and R. C. Roede, Effets of a nonvanishing osmologial onstant on the spheially symmeti vauum manifold, Phys. Rev. D 15, ). [3] Z. Stuhlík, The motion of test patiles in blak-hole bakgounds with non-zeo osmologial onstant, Bull. Ast. Inst. Czeh. 34, ).

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