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1 g X^ J«W gymr A) àmw{ H$ gmyzo : 1) AàH$m{eV H$m m c rz H$mJXnÌo : 1. w ~B nwam{^coimjma {d^mj, hmamîq > amá, hmo {S>nmQ> Q> (ñno.) $mb c Z. 363(5), $mb c Z Ao - Am, $mb c Z. 800 (14) Ao (14), $mb c Z. 800 (14) ~r (14), $mb c Z. 800 (74) (14), $mb c Z (5) 8 (13), $mb c Z , $mb c Z (8) B (10) (5), $mb c Z (35) IV(1), $mb c Z (109) H (5), $mb c Z (80) (5), $mb c Z (83) E (6), $mb c Z (125) A (5), $mb c Z (56) (5), $mb c Z (80), $mb c Z (112) (5), $mb c Z (41) 3 (5), $mb c Z. 78 (3), $mb c Z. 78-3(3), $mb c Z. 501 (Am ) Ao,

2 21. $mb c Z. 540 (2), $mb c Z. 78-9(1), aoh$m S> {d^mj, {Oëhm nwz dgz H$m m c, gmvmam, H$mo Zm nwz dgz Cn{d^mJ, H«$.2. 2) àh$m{ev nwñvho$ : 1. ndma O qgjamd ^md$gmho~ (g nm.), H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc (I S> EH$ Am{U XmoZ EH${ÌV), {a m nãcrho$ez, H$moëhmnya, Zdr gwym[av Amd Îmr, nmq>rc CÎm amd d lr. cms> Aßnmgmho~, H«$m {Vdra Xo. ^. ZmZm nmq>rc, Cfm àh$mez, Am Y, o$~«wdmar, ) wcmivr : 1. wcmiv : àm. S>m. Jwad ~m~wamd, Á oîr> {dmmad V, coih$ d ZmZm nmq>rc m À m M[aÌmMo Aä mgh$, (VmgJm d, {O. gm Jcr), {X. 16/11/ wcmiv : lr. KmoanS>o gmonmzamd, Á oîr> ñdmv Í g {ZH$, gmvmam {Oëhm ñdmv Í g {ZH$ g KQ>ZoMo AÜ j d ZmZm nmq>rc m Mo à{vgah$ma Yrc ghh$mar, (a{h Vnya, {O. gmvmam), {X. 20/8/ wcmiv : lr. ZmB H$dS>r ZmJZmW, gm m{oh$ H$m H$V} d ZmZm nmq>rc m Mo ñdmv Í nyd d ñdmv Í moîma H$mimVrc ghh$mar, (dmidm, {O. gm Jcr), {X. 18/11/ wcmiv : lr. {ZH$ g ^mor {XZH$aamd, Á oîr> ñdmv Í g {ZH$, (B Xmocr, {O. gmvmam), {X. 13/1/ wcmiv : lr Vr nmq>uh$a B Xÿ Vr, Á oîr> ñdmv Í g {ZH$ d gm m{oh$ H$m H$Ë m, (H$mgoJm d, {O. gm Jcr). {X. 9/10/ wcmiv : S>m. nmq>uh$a ^mav, Á oîr> {dmmad V, gm m{oh$ H$m H$V}, {dñwm{nvm Mo ZoVo d l{ H$ wº$s XcmMo AÜ j (H$mgoJm d, {O. gm Jcr), {X. 13/9/

3 7. wcmiv : A S². nmq>rc Y erc, A S². ìhr. EZ. nmq>rc m Mo {Ma Ord d gm m{oh$ H$m H$V} (gmvmam. {O. gmvmam) {X. 12/3/ wcmiv : àmmm S>m. nmq>rc EZ. S>r., Wmoa {dmmad V, w$co-emhÿ-am ~os>h$a m Mo Aä mgh$, a V {eju g ñwomo mor MoAa Z Am{U gm m{oh$ MidirVrc AmKmS>rMo ZoVo (H$moëhmnya, {O. H$moëhmnya) {X. 4/12/ wcmiv : A S²>. nmq>rc gw^mf, ZmZm nmq>rc m Mo ZmVy d gm m{oh$ H$m H$V} (hu Vd{S> o, {O. gm Jcr), {X.25/1/ wcmiv : lr Vr nmq>rc hm gmvmb, ZmZm nmq>rc m À m H$Ý m, Á oîr> ñdmv Í g {ZH$, gr m ct>çmvrc H$m H$Ë m (hu Vd{S> o, {O. gm Jcr) {X. 14/11/ wcmiv : H$m «os> mzo {H$aU, H$å w{zñq> {dmmad V, gm m{oh$ H$m H$V} d ZmZm nmq>rc m À m M[aÌmMo Aä mgh$ (gmvmam, {O. gmvmam) {X.9/1/ wcmiv : lr. mir Ym S>ram, Á oîr> ñdmv Í g {ZH$ ({ ao, {O. gm Jcr) {X.20/6/ wcmiv : os>o pàn> ÝÐMo J«m ñw, ZmZm nmq>rc m Mo yijmdmvrc a{hdmgr, ( os>o pàn> Ð, {O. gm Jcr) {X.20/1/ wcmiv : lr. H$moVdmc ~m~wamd, Á oîr> ñdmv Í g {ZH$ (H$amS>, {O. gmvmam), {X. 22/12/ wcmiv : lr. bms> Or. S>r., Á oîr> ñdmv Í g {ZH$, eoh$mn ZoVo, ZmZm nmq>rc m Mo ñdmv Í nyd d ñdmv Í moîma H$mimVrc ghh$mar (Hw $S>c {O, gm Jcr) {X. 23/10/

4 4) H«$m {Vqghm Mr d p³vh$ H$mJXnÌo : 1. H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>cm Mr amoo{zer (1946 Vo 1949). 2. H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>cm Mr nìo. 3. H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>cm Mo 21 gßq> ~a, 1976 Mo Üd{Z wðrv ^mfu. 5) d ÎmnÌo : 1. X. Ho$gar, {X. 5/4/ X. Ho$gar, {X. 15/8/ gm. Zd wj, gmvmam à{vgah$ma {deofm H$, {X. 12/5/ gm. Zd wj, {X. 17/4/ gm. ZdmH$mi, {X. 5/12/ gm. ZdmH$mi, {X. 9/12/ gm. ZdmH$mi, {X. 15/1/ gm. ZdmH$mi, {X. 6/2/ gm. ZdmH$mi, {X. 29/4/ gm. ZdmH$mi, {X. 20/4/ gm. ZdmH$mi, {X. 7/8/ X. amr>m, {X. 15/11/ X. amr>m, {X. 19/12/ X. amr>m, {X. 7/1/ X. amr>m, {X. 16/1/ X. amr>m, {X. 16/3/ X. amr>m, {X.11/5/ X. amr>m, {X. 1/11/ X. amr>m, {X. 1/12/

5 20. X. amr>m, {X. 2/11/ X. amr>m, {X. 9/3/ X. amr>m, {X. 12/8/ X. amr>m, {X. 17/11/ X. amr>m, {X. 9/3/ X. amr>m, {X. 31/10/ X. amr>m, {X. 11/5/ X. amr>m, {X. 12/5/ X. cmoh$e³vr, {X. 1/5/ X. gh$mi, {X. 18/4/ gm. h[aoz, {X. 26/4/ {X. qhxþñwmz Q>mB åg, {X. 8/8/ [X. qhxþñwmz Q>mB åg, {X. 9/8/1942. ~) Xþæ gmyzo : 1) AàH$m{eV gmyzo : 1. Ym JwS>o Am~mgmho~, E. { $c. emoy à~ Y, B{Vhmg {d^mj, {edmor {dúmnrr>, H$moëhmnya, "gmvmam {OëømVrc gë emoyh$ Midi', ZcmdS>o CÁÁdcm, E. { $c. emoy à~ Y, B{Vhmg {d^mj, {edmor {dúmnrr>, H$moëhmnya, "Ho$edamd {dmmao - OrdZ d H$m ', nmq>rc {XZH$a {dîuy, E. { $c., emoy à~ Y, amá emñì {d^mj, {edmor {dúmnrr> H$moëhmnya, "H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc Am{U hmamîq >mvrc eovh$è m Mo àíz ( )', auim ~o Z {XZr, nrem. S>r. emoy à~ Y, B{Vhmg {d^mj, {edmor {dúmnrr>, H$moëhmnya, "e H$aamd moao m Mo OrdZ d H$m ',

6 5. Belvatkar Ankush, Ph. D. Thesis, Department of History, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Civil Disobedience Movement in Maharashtra. 6. Bhosale Arun, Ph. D. Thesis, Department of History, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, History of Freedom Movement in Satara District ( ), Patil V. B., M. Phil. Thesis, Department of Political Science, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Political ideas and leadership of Krantisinh Nana Patil (upto 1946) ) àh$m{ev gmyzo : A) amr>r nwñvho$ : 1. qajio d. Z., gë emoyh$ H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc, gmho$v àh$mez, nwuo, A XþaH$a ìhr. Or., MUo Imdo cmoi S>mMo, cmoh$godm ghh$mar wðumc, gmocmnya, H${S> mi am. A., gë emoyh$ H$ $. Zm Xma ^mñh$aamd OmYd m Mo OrdZ d H$m, B Xÿ Vr àh$mez, nm MJmd, àw Amd Îmr, H$maoH$a. gw., H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc M[aÌ : EH$ Aä mg, {d. Am. ZdcH$a àh$mez, nwuo H$sa YZ O, hmë m OmoVramd w$co : Am À m g mo H«$m VrMo OZH$, nm ß wca àh$mez, w ~B, Hw$cH$Uu c. J. C $ YÝd Var H$mgoJm dh$a d Ú, gmvmamo à{vgah$ma : ñdmv Í ct>çmà m ñ Vr, hmamîq > amá gm{hë Am{U g ñh $Vr S>i àh$mez, àw Amd Îmr, o

7 7. Ho$VH$a Hw$ ma, H$Wm ñdmv Í mmr ( hmamîq >), hmamîq > amá nmr>çnwñvh$ {Z{ Vr d Aä mgh«$ g emoyz S>i, nwuo, àw Amd Îmr, Ho$iH$a Z. {M., cmoh$ mý {Q>iH$ m Mo M[aÌ I S> - 2, daxm ~w³g àh$mez, w ~B, H $Q>H$ ào m, gë mj«hr hmamîq >, gwc^ amîq >r J«W mcm àh$mez, nwuo, Jwad ~m~wamd, COiVr àh$meaofm ^mavr ñdmv Í Midi - {d{dy àdmh, H«$m {Vd ^d àh$mez, hu Vd{S> o, àw md Îmr, 3 Am JñQ>, JmoIco nw. nm., OmJ V gmvmam, cmoh$ godm g K àh$mez, gmvmam, JmoIco nw. nm., Zd hmamîq >mvrc {dmma àdmh - H$m±J«og nj, ogg Omoer Am{U cmoi S>o àh$mez, nwuo, MìhmU ed Vamd, H $îumh$mr> - ed Vamd MìhmU AmË M[aÌ, I S> n{hcm, àoñq>ro àh$mez, nwuo, àw Amd Îmr, 7 o$~«wdmar, AmMm OmdS>oH$a e. Xm., AmYw{ZH$ ^mav, gwc^ amîq >r J«W mcm nwîn, H$m pýq>z ÝQ>c àh$mez, nwuo-30, nmmdr Amd Îmr, R>mH$ao ~mimgmho~ (g nm.), R>mH$ao Ho$. gr., mpr OrdZJmWm, gmo æ m àh$mez, w ~B, R>moHo$ ~m.., cm g Ococo H$ dra ^md$amd nmq>rc, H$ c ~r. R>moHo$ àh$mez, gmvmam, R>moHo$ mo. {Z., l{ H$m Mm H $dmar (H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc m Mo OrdZ M[aÌ), nmai àh$mez, ~oijmd, 6 {S>g ~a, ñdmv Í g {ZH$ WmoamV g ^mor~m~m (g nm.), 1942 À m ct>çmvrc à{vgah$ma {Z m Vo, H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc, ed Vamd g ^moramd WmoamV à~moyz à{vð>mz, H$amS>, Xod E. S>r., hmamîq >mvrc H$m Xo^ JmMm B{Vhmg. 361

8 20. Y m {YH$mar ^mcmð {dîuwn V, H«$m {Vdra ZmJZmW (AÊUm) Zm H$dS>r, H«$m {Vdra ZmJZmW (AÊUm) Zm H$dS>r Jm ad g{ Vr, dmidm àh$mez, àw Amd Îmr, 15 Owc, ZcmdS>o CÁÁdcm, gë emoyh$mmr g {jßv JmWm, {dmmao $m g² àm. {c. àh$mez g ñwm, R>mUo, ZmB H$ Vw. ~m., N>ÌnVr amofu emhÿ hmamo, w{zìhg c nãcrho$ez, H$moëhmnya, àh$meh$ - g{md, hmamîq > amá gm{hë Am{U g ñh $Vr S>i, w~b, cmoh$ hfu ^md$gmho~ S>m. n Om~amd Xoe wi Jm ad J«W, {S>g ~a, àymz J. à., AmJaH$a coig J«h, gm{hë AH$mX r àh$mez, Zdr {Xëbr, àymz J. à., ñdmv Í g J«m mmo hm^mav, gmyzm àog d gmyzm àh$mez, e{zdma nor>, nwuo, {ÛVr Amd Îmr, 1 Am JñQ>, ndma O qgjamd, (g nm.), amofu emhÿ ñ mah$ J«W, hmaï > B{Vhmg àh$mez, H$moëhmnya, {ÛVr Amd Îmr, ndma ~m. J., H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc - à[vgah$mamm amo m MH$mar B{Vhmg, mv ^y r àh$mez, nwuo, nmq>uh$a ^mav, H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc AI S> H«$m {VH$maH$, {H$emoa OYmd, H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc AH$mX r àh$mez, nmq>uh$a ^mav, hmamîq >mmo {eënh$ma - ZmZm nmq>rc. 30. nm[ai JmodY Z, ^mavr amîq >dmxmmo {eënh$ma ~mi J JmYa {Q>iH$, {edmor {dúmnrr>mà m cmoh$ mý {Q>iH$ ñ mah$ ì m» mz mcov }$ {Xcocr ì m» mzo, m O àh$mezj h, w ~B -4,

9 31. nmq>rc am. Vw., H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc Or{dV H$m d VÎdkmZ, gpý Ì àh$mez, H$moëhmnya, nmq>rc am. Vw., H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc - EH$ ñd ^y J«m ru H«$m {VH$maH$, nais> àh$mez, VS>ga, {O. gm Jcr, {Vgar Amd Îmr, 1 o, nmq>rc am. Vw., gm Jcr-gmVmè mmo amoh$mau, nais> àh$mez, VS>ga, {O. gm Jcr, àw Amd Îmr, Zmoìh ~a, nmq>rc am. Vw., ñdmv Í gozmzr lr. ñdm r am mz X ^mavr, nais> àh$mez, VS>ga, {O. gm Jcr, àw Amd Îmr, nmq>rc CÎm amd, H«$m {Vnd, hmamîq > amá gm{hë Am{U g ñh $Vr S>i, Ìmc, w ~B -32 àh$mez, àw Amd Îmr, o nmq>rc n T>arZmW grvmam, hmë m OmoVramd w$co, àw Amd Îmr, Owc nmq>rc {dcmg, H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc, H«$m {Vd ^d àh$mez, hu Vd{S> o, V Vr Amd Îmr, Am ³Q>mo~a, nmq>rc {dídmg, H«$m {Vgy - H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc m À m OrdZmdarc AmoOñdr H$mX ~ar, gpý Ì àh$mez, H$moëhmnya, àw Amd Îmr, nmq>rc A{OV, H$ dram U (nx²^yfu S>m. H$ dra ^md$amd nmq>rc) 40. n Q>a B³~mc gæ X, ho H$O { $Q>c åhum, H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc à{vîr>mz, nmq>moxm, Vm. nmq>moxm, {O. ~rs>, àw Amd Îmr, 3 Am JñQ>, n S>go bmbor, hmamîq >mmo hm WZ, gm{hë ghh$ma g K àh$mez, w ~B 14, nmovxma dg V, h Ðm~mX ñdmv Í g J«m, dg V nmovxma àh$mez, AmîQ>m (H$mgma), Vm. C ajm, {O. Cñ mzm~mx, {ÛVr Amd Îmr, n {S>V Z{cZr, OmVrdmX Am{U dj dmx, cmoh$dml²> J h, à^mxodr, w ~B,

10 44. n {S>V Z{cZr, hmamîq >mvrc amîq >dmxmmm {dh$mg, m S>Z ~wh$ S>onmo àh$mez, n{hcr Amd Îmr, n V Aßnm, ê$nm Va n V Z{cZr, EH$ àdmg EH$ emoy, {à m AmS>maH$a Amo[aE Q> cm O Z {c. w ~B àh$mez, àw Amd Îmr, $S>Ho$. {X., {dgmì m evh$mvrc hmamîq >, I S> n{hcm ( ), Ho$. gmja npãcho$eýg, {ÛVr Amd Îmr, $S>Ho$. {X., {dgmì m evh$mvrc hmamîq >, I S> Xþgam ( ), Ho$. gmja npãcho$eýg, {ÛVr Amd Îmr, $S>Ho$. {X., {dgmì m evh$mvrc hmamîq >, I S> Mm Wm ( ), Ho$. gmja npãcho$eýg, {ÛVr Amd Îmr, $S>Ho$. {X., {dgmì m evh$mvrc hmamîq >, I S> nmmdm ( ), lr {dúm àh$mez, nwuo, àw Amd Îmr, $S>Ho$. {X., {dgmì m evh$mvrc hmamîq >, I S> gmvdm, m O àh$mez J h, w ~B, $S>Urg OJZ, eoh$mn - eovh$ar H$m Jma njmmo amoh$mau, AO~ àh$mez, H$moëhmnya, ~mjc mydamd I S>oamd (g nm.), gë emoyh$ {hah$ hmoëgd J«W 1933, àxrn Jm H$dmS>, g Vm g {ZH$ Xc, ZmJnya, nwz wðu, {~dch$a lr. am., ZmZm nmq>rc M[aÌ, Xoe wi Am{U H $nzr àh$mez, nwuo. 54. ~os>oh$a {X. Ho$., g w³v hmamîq >, {MÌemim àog àh$mez, nwuo, ^mjdv H$ c, H«$m {Vqgh H$m± «os> ZmZm nmq>rc, ^mavr H$å w{zñq> njmà m hmamîq > amá H$m pýgcmo àh$mez, àw Amd Îmr, 26 OmZodmar, ^mogco X. Vm., ñdmv Í dra gmdah$a, m O àh$mezj h, w ~B -4, àw Amd Îmr,

11 57. hmozr h. am., g w³v hmamîq > g{ Vr, T>dio àh$mez, mq>o Jmo. am., Agm KS>cm {Oëhm gmvmam. 59. moao e H$aamd, eovh$ar H$m Jma nj - AmT>mdm d AmamIS>m, nwuo, moao e H$aamd, ZdOrdZ g KQ>ZoMo Jm S>~ Jmc, moao e H$aamd, mpr H$ { $ V (qexo E. ~r. g nm{xv), lrnvamd ~m Ðo àh$mez, H$moëhmnya, cms> Or. S>r., noq>coco nmav Í d Yw gvo ñdmv Í, ^mavr {dúmnrr> àh$mez, nwuo, àw Amd Îmr, 9 Am JñQ>, dmqi~o {d. g., gmdah$a, OoñQ>rH$ ~wh$ ñq>m c, w ~B, d Ú à^mh$a, hmë m w$co Am{U Ë m Mr na nam, cmoh$dml²> J h àm. {c. àh$mez, {JaJm d, w ~B, àw Amd Îmr, qexo Am~mgmho~, gmvmamo à{vgah$ma, Cfm àh$mez, H$moëhmnya, àw Amd Îmr, qexo Am~mgmho~, gmvmamo à{vgah$ma : àg J Am{U ì ³Vr, Cfm àh$mez, H$moëhmnya, {edurh$a amkd, gmvmamm qgh H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc g J«M[aÌ, Eg². E ². AYmQ>o, npãcho$ez, àw Amd Îmr, 15 Am JñQ>, gmd V {edmor d {edurh$a amkd, H«$m {Vqghm Mr JmdamZ ~mocr, AZw~ Y àh$mez, nwuo, àw Amd Îmr, o, gmiw Io nr. ~r., amofu emhÿ Jm ad J«W, amofu ~W goýq>ozar H$m o raoez, w ~B, gmiw Io E. ~r. (g nm.), Xoe^³V VwierXmg OmYd Jm ad J«W, ìhmb Q> hmd$g àh$mez, nwuo, àw Amd Îmr, 25 OmZodmar,

12 ~) B J«Or nwñvho$ : 1. Azad Maulana Abul Kalam, India Win s Freedom : An Autobiographical Naretive, Orieng Laungman Publication, Calcutta, Phadake Y. D., Politics and Language, Himalaya Prakashan, Mumbai, Tarachand, History of the Freedom Movement in India, Vol. II, Board Costing Gov. of India, New Delhi. 4. Zaidi and Zaidi, The Encyclopaedia of the Indian National Congress, Vol. IV, S. Chand and Co. New Delhi, H$) Jm ad A H$ : 1. H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc A V hmoëgd gëh$ma g{ Vr, H$moëhmnya, (g nm.) H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc Jm ad A H$, amofu emhÿ qàq>tj àog, H$moëhmnya, {H$gZ dra gëh$ma g{ Vr (g nm.), H«$m {Vdra {H$gZ dra OrdZ Xe Z, ^mj 4, {H$gZ dra gëh$ma g{ Vr àh$mez, gmvmam, JwOa O d V (g nm.), gë emoyh$ g mo à~moyz n{ìh$m, Jê$S> em Vmam (g nm.), à~moyz àh$me Á movr, df - AH$amdo, A H$ - gmvdm, Owc Jm H$dmS> Ama. S>r. (g nm.), H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc {deofm H$, a V {eju g ñwomr a V {eju n{ìh$m, nmq>rc gw^mf ^JdmZamd (g nm.), H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc ñ a{uh$m, H«$m {Vqgh ZmZm nmq>rc nwvim g{ Vr, {dq>m, {O. gm Jcr. 7. nmch$a dg V (g nm.), H«$m {Vdra mydamd OmYd OrdZ Xe Z nwpñvh$m, dra mydamd OmYd gëh$ma g{ Vr àh$mez,

13 S>) BVa : 1. hmamîq > amá J Po{Q>Aa, gmvmam {Oëhm. 2. amr>r {d^mj, N>ÌnVr {edmor H$m coo, gmvmam Ûmam, {dúmnrr> AZwXmZ Am moj, {Xëcr m $V, g emoyz àh$ën, gmvmam {OëømVrc cmoh$gm{hë d cmoh$g ñh $VrMm Aä mg. 3. {ZdS>H$ emoy{z~ Y g J«h, {edmor {dúmnrr> B{Vhmg n[afx H$moëhmnya àh$mez, o$~«wdmar, {ZdS>H$ emoy{z~ Y g J«h, {edmor {dúmnrr> B{Vhmg n[afx H$moëhmnya àh$mez, o$~«wdmar, g emoyz, emoy{z~ Y g J«h, gmvmam B{Vhmg g emoyz S>i gmvmam àh$mez, Am ³Q>mo~a, cmoh$amá m{gh$, ñdmv Í {XZ {deofm H$, nmq>uo g ^moramd, "AqO³ ', 66 do A{Ic ^mavr amr>r gm{hë g ocz gmvmam. 8. Edited by the Board of Editors, The Cyclopedia of India (Biographical, Historical, Administrative and Commercial), Vol. III, Published by Oriented Publication, Published in 1992, New Delhi

ASSIGNMENT-1 M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY (Second Year) HINDI Linguistics and History of Hindi Language

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