Goal 1: The learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry in the earth and environmental sciences

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1 Goal 1: The learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry in the earth and environmental sciences Objective Essential Questions Suggested Activities # Days What is the significance of scientific Research Design investigation? 1.01 Identify questions and problems in the earth and environmental sciences that can be answered through scientific investigations 1.02 Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer biological questions. Create testable hypotheses. Identify variables. Use a control or comparison group when appropriate. Select and use appropriate measurement tools. Collect and record data. Organize data into charts and graphs. Analyze and interpret data. Communicate findings Evaluate the uses of satellite images and imaging techniques in the earth and environmental sciences. 1.0 Apply safety procedures in the laboratory and in field studies: Recognize and avoid potential hazards. How does a scientist design and perform a scientific investigation considering controls, variables, and data analysis? What is the relationship between independent and dependent variables? What is a control in a scientific investigation? What types of biological investigations do not typically have controls? Which do have controls? When is it important to have a control? How do you distinguish between different imaging techniques? Which imaging techniques are applicable for earth and environments sciences? What are some potential hazards that can occur in a lab? Google Earth (technology integration) Embedded and Ongoing throughout the Semester Embedded and Ongoing throughout the Semester Embedded and Ongoing throughout the Semester Embedded and Ongoing throughout the Semester

2 Safely manipulate materials and equipment needed for scientific investigations Analyze reports of scientific investigations from an informed scientifically literate viewpoint including considerations of: Appropriate sample. Adequacy of experimental controls. Replication of findings. Alternative interpretations of the data Identify and evaluate a range of possible solutions to earth and environmental issues at the local, national, and global level including considerations of: Interdependent human and natural systems. Diverse perspectives. Short and long range impacts. Economic development, environmental quality and sustainability. Opportunities for and consequences of personal decisions. Risks and benefits of technological advances. What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative data? When would you use one over another? What are possible solutions to the issues presented in the report, newspaper, journal, etc? Embedded and Ongoing throughout the Semester Embedded and Ongoing throughout the Semester

3 Goal 2: The learner will build an understanding of lithospheric materials, tectonic processes, and the human and environmental impacts of natural and human-induced changes in the lithosphere. Objective Essential Questions /Extended Content Suggested Activities How are physical properties determined by the chemistry of a mineral? 2.01 Analyze the dependence of the physical properties of minerals on the arrangement and bonding of their atoms. What are the variables involved in determining mineral crystal structure? Review of physical properties Field Identification of Minerals Learning to calculate specific Gravity # Days Analyze the historical development of the theory of plate tectonics What scientific ideas and evidence led to the theory of plate tectonics? What is the relationship between the type of plate boundary and the locations of various features such as ocean trenches, mountain ranges and mid-ocean ridges? Construct molecular models of mineral families- halides, silicates, carbonates, and oxides Earthquakes and Volcanoes Lesson in ArcView or ArcVoyager (Free software-see resource page) Project: Create a mural showing significant events in history of Plate Techtonics 2.03 Investigate and analyze the processes responsible for the rock cycle: Analyze the origin, texture and What is the relationship between density of magmas and igneous rock texture and mineral composition? Create flow charts to identify rocks Density lab for 3 major rock types. 3

4 mineral composition of rocks. Trace the path of elements through the rock cycle. Relate rock formation to plate tectonics. Identify forms of energy that drive the rock cycle. Analyze the relationship between the rock cycle and processes in the atmosphere and hydrosphere. What are the characteristics of the 3 major types and how do they respond to physical and chemical forces? Enrichment: Research the presence of arsenic in well water. Investigate and report on how the issue is currently monitored. 2.0 Analyze seismic waves including velocity and refraction to: Infer Earth's internal structure. Locate earthquake epicenters. Measure earthquake magnitude. Evaluate the level of seismic activity in North Carolina. How did P and S waves help scientists theorize about the Earth's internal structure? What are the quantitative values for the Richter scale, moment magnitude scale, and the modified-mercalli Scale and what do they mean? NOVA The Day the Earth Shook NC Geological Surveysearch for NC seismic activity mon/ Be a Virtual Seismologisthttp:// seware.com/virtualeart hquake/ 2.05 Create and interpret topographic, soil and geologic maps using scale and legends What are the some of the topographic features on the local and state maps? Using the maps provided what are your finding regarding direction of water flow, elevation, steepness of slop, and patterns associated with formation and ages of rock types? Basic Mapping Compass Game Contour Mapping Enrichment: Use GPS units to focus on mapping and science activities 3

5 2.06 Investigate and analyze the importance and impact of the economic development of earth's finite rock, mineral, soil, fossil fuel and other natural resources to society and our daily lives: What is the association between natural resources, plate tectonics, and rock formations? How would you explain sustainable use of natural resources? Investigate the history of mining in NC and specifically, western NC? Cookie Mining Activity -5 Availability. Geographic distribution. Conservation/Stewardship. Recycling. Environmental impact. Challenge of rehabilitation of disturbed lands. What are some examples of conservation and stewardship practices regarding agriculture, land use patterns, transportation, wildlife, forestry, mining, fisheries, and marine environments? 2.07 Analyze the sources and impacts of society's use of energy. Renewable and non-renewable sources. The impact of human choices on Earth and its systems. What are some sources and consequences of climate change, smog, and thermal pollution? What are some advantages and disadvantages of various traditional and alternative sources of energy in this country? Power Shift video -5

6 Goal 3: The learner will build an understanding of the origin and evolution of the earth system Objective Content Differentiation/ Essential Questions Suggested Activities # Days 12 What are the differences in absolute and relative age? Assess evidence to interpret the order and impact of events in the geologic past: Relative and absolute dating techniques. Statistical models of radioactive decay. Fossil evidence of past life. Uniformitarianism. Stratigraphic principles. Divisions of Geologic Time Origin of the earth system. Origin of life. How do you determine the relative age of rock formations? What are some of major earth events that can be related to geologic changes? What are the main types of unconformities and their characteristics? What are some of the hypotheses of the origin of life and what evidence supports these hypotheses? Wet and Cold - a lab about radioactive decay Radioactive Decay Project: Geologic Calendar Have students construct a geologic time calendar and investigate geologic time. lawa/gly337/types.htm - Website that discusses types of fossils Evaluate the geologic history of North Carolina What theory of the earth's origin would explain the current formations of the ocean and atmosphere? Geologically speaking, how was NC formed? 6

7 Goal : The learner will build an understanding of the hydrosphere and its interactions and influences on the lithosphere, the atmosphere, and environmental quality. Objective Essential Questions/Extended Content Suggested Activities # Days 21 What are the effects of sedimentation on water quality?.01 Evaluate erosion and depositional processes: Formation of stream channels with respect to the work being done by the stream (i.e. downcutting, lateral erosion, and transportation). Nature and characteristics of sediments. Effects on water quality Effect of human choices on the rate of erosion. What are some human activites that influence the rates of sedimentation in streams and rivers? Using the water quality terms how would you evaluate water quality? Project: Collect and analyze data for a local stream over time. Have students communicate their findings-such as PowerPoint Presentations..02 Analyze mechanisms for generating ocean currents and upwelling: How is the density of ocean water affected by temperature and how does it affect ocean currents? Classroom Activities on Oceanography- Temperature. Coriolis Effect. Climatic influence. How does the Coriolis Effect influence the ocean? How are ocean currents related to atmospheric circulation? What causes upwelling and how does that influence biotic communities? ation/activities.html How is ocean data obtained with regard to

8 waves, currents, sea surface temperatures, primary productivity, etc.?.03 Analyze the mechanisms that produce the various types of shorelines and their resultant landforms: Nature of underlying geology. Long and short term sea-level history. Formation and breaking of waves on adjacent topography. Human impact..0 Evaluate water resources: Storage and movement of groundwater. Ecological services provided by the ocean Environmental impacts of a growing human population. Causes of natural and manmade contamination. How does underlying geology affect shorelines and landforms? What is isostatic adjustment? How do barrier islands form and change over time? What are the effects of human efforts to stabilize the shoreline? How do humans and natural forces such as storms impact shore lines? How does groundwater move? What are the ecological services provided by the ocean? How does population growth affect the amount and quality of usable water? What are water contaminants and how are their sources determined? Give students photographs of a beach before and after the construction of jetties or other structures, and have them describe and explain the differences they see. ducation.html USGS water resource page 5 What is the global water cycle, it's components, and how is it all interrelated?.05 Investigate and analyze environmental issues and solutions for North Carolina's river basins, What are possible clean up options for water quality issues in NC rivers?

9 wetlands, and tidal environments: Water quality. Shoreline changes. Habitat preservation. How does coastal development affect shoreline change? What is non-point water pollution and what are its effects on water quality, specifically in the area of storm water runoff and sedimentation caused by forestry, farming, and housing developments in NC? What are riparian buffers and of what value are they? What are the economic and ecological costs and benefits of groins, jetties, and sea walls?

10 Goal 5: The learner will build an understanding of the dynamics and composition of the atmosphere and its local and global processes influencing climate and air quality Objective Essential Questions/Extended Content Suggested Activities # Days Analyze air masses and the life cycle of weather systems: Planetary wind belts. Air masses. Frontal systems. Cyclonic systems. What are the factors that affect air density and how is that related to winds, air masses, fronts and storm systems? How is weather influenced by geography and the earth-sun relationship? Jetstream an online weather school NOAA: gov/jetstream/global/gl obal_intro.htm 5.02 Evaluate meteorological observing, analysis, and prediction: Worldwide observing systems. Meteorological data depiction 5.03 Analyze global atmospheric changes including changes in CO2, CH, and stratospheric O3 and the consequences of these changes: Climate change. Changes in weather patterns. Increasing ultraviolet radiation. What are technological resources for observing, analyzing, and predicting weather? What is the importance of water vapor and its influence on weather (clouds, relative humidity, dew point, precipitation)? How would you interpret and analyze weather maps and relative humidity charts? What interrelationship exists between the atmosphere and lithosphere? What are some of the atmospheric composition changes and how might this information be used to predict potential changes in the future? What are the human impacts on the Use weather instruments to collect weather data, analyze, and present findings. Send data to GLOBE or to The Ceres S'cool Project OOL/ or to some other agency Investigate the relationship between industry and changes in atmospheric chemistry. Research and present different theories regarding the formation of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. 5

11 Sea level changes. atmosphere and air quality? How is climate determined? Power Shift Video

12 Goal 6: The learner will acquire an understanding of the earth in the solar system and its position in the universe. Objective Essential Questions/Extended Content Suggested Activities # Days 20 What are: the big Bang theory, The Steady State theory, and Inflation theory? 6.01 Analyze the theories of the formation of the universe and solar system Project: Modeling the Universe and Scale Model of the Solar System rum/mtu/ Have students model the universe and explain their model to the class. A primer on the formation of the universe. y.edu/education/iup/bi g_bang_primer.html Activities from Cosmic Questions-See Resource Guide 6.02 Analyze planetary motion and the physical laws that explain that motion: Rotation. Revolution. Apparent diurnal motions of the stars, sun and moon. How do Newton and Kepler's laws of motion work? How do you compare and contrast rotation and revolution? How would the earth's tilt be used to Plot changes in angle and length of shadow over time. The Universe at Your Fingertips - A resource notebook of activities

13 Effects of the tilt of the earth's axis. describe world climate? published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. om/books/earth_science /terc/content/visualizati ons/es008/es008page 01.cfm?chaper_no=visu alizations An applet of the Earth's Revolution 6.03 Examine the sources of stellar energies. Life cycle of stars. Hertzsprung - Russell Diagram. How does a star form? How is an H-R Diagram created, interpreted and analyzed? Enrichment: du/grace/education/acti vities/pdf/what_if_kep ler.pdf- A lab about Kepler's laws using graphing calculators. Plot stars - create the H- R Diagram using 60 randomly selected stars. Activities on Stellar Evolution from NASAhttp://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/teachers/lifec ycles/imagine2.pdf 3 Stellar Evolutionhttp://Chandra.harvard. edu/edu/formal/stellar_ ev/ 6.0 Assess the spectra generated by stars and our sun as indicators of Using the phenomenon of the Doppler Effect, ho could red/blue shift illustrate celestial Show H-R diagram using Starry Night. edu/cyberia/bima/dop

14 motion and composition (the Doppler effect). movement? pler.html Applets on the Doppler Effect - u/physics/2000/applets/ Doppler.html u/physics/2000/applets/ doppler2.html Red shift/blue shifthttp:// ys05/cspectrum/default. htm 6.05 Evaluate astronomers' use of various technologies to extend their senses: Optical telescopes. Cameras. Radio telescopes. Spectroscope How might one compare and contrast the different types of telescopes and their technological advances including spectroscopes? Have students construct a telescope. Why we need more than one type of telescopehttp://science.nasa. gov/newhome/head lines/features/ast20 apr99_1.htm 5 tk.edu/guidry/viole nce/spectroscopy.ht ml Build class sets of spectroscopes

15 activities/cots.html Enrichment: Electromagnetic Spectrum Activity- Students use different shapes o pasta to make an electromagnetic spectrum and explain their design to the class. ard.edu/graphics/ed u/formal/pasta/task 1.pdf


Important Note: The current 2004 SCOS will continue to be the operational standards in the and school years

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